Daily Devotional – Sept 18, 2020


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


All right, here we are at the end of the week. It's Friday. Are you thankful that it's Friday? I'm thankful.
It's Friday it's just a couple days till the Lord's Day we get to gather together again and Worship the
Lord and fellowship with one another so I always look forward to Fridays in that regard also marks the end of a work week and You can kind of let down a little bit.
I hope Get some rest and refreshment over the weekend. Well, it is
Friday Many many many years ago Been 1980.
I guess it would have been Shortly after my wife and I got married the guy who was the best man in our wedding was also a pilot
And he had his pilot's license. He could fly Cessnas and things of that nature and one very nice Sunday evening had a friend of his that was flying from somewhere into the
Atlanta Airport and This friend of mine he wanted to he volunteered to Fly a
Cessna from Greenville, South Carolina down to Atlanta To pick up this friend of his and fly him back to Greenville Otherwise He would have had to drive a car down to you know
Pick him up and so forth and he just thought it'd be you know He could he can fly and take just you know Our or something like that to fly down to Atlanta if that and pick him up and fly back so takes off beautiful evening
Not, you know just light winds clear skies Everything was going great in this flight and he's just enjoying the hum of the engine and the beauty of the lights as the
Sun had set and and He's approaching the city and all the rest, you know, the city lights and so forth.
So everything's going great until all of a sudden the engine started to sputter and then it just stopped and My friend is panicking looking for a place to deal with this to deal with the plane to land this plane because he was still
Several miles away from the airport and he looks around and the only thing he sees
It's probably about 11 o 'clock at night. The only thing he sees is a Highway a four -lane highway that is hardly used
So he makes his way toward that highway and ends up landing on that highway
But it was a crash landing literally, I saw pictures of the the plane after the fact and the only thing that was really recognizable was the pilot seat and it's like the plane just Disintegrated around him and he was sitting up on this strap still strapped in to his seat the pilot seat
And it's a marvel a wonder that he survived But in investigation of the cause of the crash the conclusion was
He ran out of gas He ran out of gas that's like the
Cardinal sin Whatever you do you don't run out of gas But he did ran out of gas the engine sputtered and died and he crashed
Well, here's what I want you to think about Is there enough gas in the engine to get your soul to heaven enough gas in your?
Salvation engine to get your soul to heaven well, if you're thinking that It depends on how much you're putting into the tank.
That is depends on how much you read the Bible How often you pray?
How faithful you are and going to church how much money you give to the church? How successfully you avoid the sin traps how you feel or you don't feel?
Spiritually in other words if you're thinking that it depends on you
To have enough gas in the tank to get your soul to heaven Then you're gonna crash land somewhere along the way
It isn't gonna make it you aren't gonna make it But listen to Hebrews 7 23 to 25
The writer begins in verse 23 Referring back to Old Testament priests.
There were a lot of them and here's what he said He said the former priests were many in number.
He's thinking of the high priest particularly They were many in number because they were prevented by death from continuing in office
So just bear with me here a thing and think back the first high priest if you will was
Aaron Brother of Moses, so when God on Mount Sinai established the priesthood
Aaron Moses's brother Was the first high priest? well
Aaron died and Then another high priest had to take his place and then another priest and then because because they just kept dying so those high priests were many in number because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, but Jesus Christ See Jesus Christ holds his priesthood
Permanently because he continues ever. All right. So Jesus is the
He's the fulfillment of the entire Old Testament priestly system.
He is the The ultimate high priest and It's a permanent priesthood that Jesus holds.
All right now with that in mind the writer goes on to say Consequently because Jesus Christ holds a permanent priesthood and continues forever
Consequently he Jesus our high priest is able to save to the uttermost
Those who draw near to God through him Since he always lives to make intercession for them.
He's able to save to the uttermost save to completion save to Comprehensively he is able to save Totally those who come to God by him.
Oh With that passage in mind Dane Ortlund writes Our presence in God's good favor and family will never sputter and die
Like an engine running out of gas That's what uttermost means the engine will never run out of gas
He says it this way. He says God's forgiving redeeming restoring touch
Reaches down into the darkest crevices of our souls those places where we are most ashamed
Most defeated the heart of Christ willingly goes there He knows us to the uttermost and he saves us to the uttermost
Because his heart is drawn out to us to the uttermost We cannot sin our way out of his tender care
He saves us to the uttermost again
Our presence in God's good favor and family will never sputter and die
Like an engine running out of gas So my friend if you've come to faith in Jesus Christ if you have seen
Yourself as a sinner that needs to be saved to the uttermost, you know, what's in those deep dark crevices of your soul?
And you've realized that you cannot do that do anything about that yourself That you will sputter and die the engine will run out of gas you can't get there yourself and You have come to faith come by faith to Jesus and you've called upon him
The one who died to take the penalty of your sins You've come to him by faith and you've called upon him to save you then he will save to the uttermost and that means your
Your favor and your presence in God's family is settled it is secure
It'll never be like an engine running out of gas where you just crash land falling to the ground
Let's rejoice in that Security that the true believer in Christ has you'll never run out of gas
Your engine will take you to heaven it's the engine fueled by the saving grace of the
Lord Jesus Christ who saves to the uttermost and So our Father and our
God we are thankful for our great high priest the Lord Jesus who continues forever he ever makes intercession for us and consequently he saves to the uttermost
Thank you for this glorious blessing Privilege security that is ours in him and we pray this in Jesus name.
Amen All right, we'll have a good rest of your Friday and a wonderful weekend and I encourage if you can make it to the
Lord's Day to on the Lord's Day to To church and join with us as we worship the
Lord together if you can't do that join us on by live stream and We'll share the message of God's Word in that way, but hope you will have a good
Lord's Day in the meantime Finish your day. Well today rest through the weekend and be refreshed and restored