Children & the Gospel of the Kingdom
Rusty Thomas preaches on Matthew 19:13-15.
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- 01:33
- Good morning, church. Well, actually, good afternoon, church. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona, not
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- Florida. Praise God. It was, uh, a breath of fresh air to get away with the men up in Prescott, Arizona, out in the brisk air and nature, javelina pigs, deer, all kinds of things going on there.
- 02:01
- But I had a tremendous time with the men of this church, and I was grateful for the opportunity to be with you.
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- It's also obviously an honor to be behind this pulpit. I believe the last time
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- I was here is when I stepped down as national director of Operation Save America.
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- I was here. We passed the mantle onto other leaders and apologia was our host and graciously covered us through that transition, and it's just good to be back with you guys.
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- While we were in Prescott, Arizona, for the man's camp, I covered three messages to really kind of hammer home the importance of manhood and fatherhood when it comes to the advancement of God's kingdom.
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- And there is a truth, brothers and sisters, that whoever gets the men owns the future.
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- Whoever gets the men owns the future, whether the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of God.
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- Amen. In other words, if men come into the right relationship with God, do their duties and responsibilities before God, how many know that's an automatic blessing to wives and the
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- Children? Amen. And so getting back in divine order, fulfilling our roles and functions as you know, women and wives and mothers and husbands and fathers and men, how many know that's where the heaven comes to Earth?
- 03:43
- Amen. And there's a blessing in the world. But for today, I want to speak on the importance of Children as it pertains to the advancement of the kingdom of God.
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- Now, I know most of us believe, as evangelicals, that one of the ways that God surely advances his kingdom is through conversion.
- 04:06
- Amen. The ministry of the gospel as we preach the gospel fact on the way home.
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- We pulled over at the gas station, and I gotta probably I don't know. Luke was there by 15 20 minute conversation with a young lady, and she was like a sponge just sucking up the gospel.
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- Amen. And like and people were trying to interrupt us, and she wouldn't go away, you know. But the point being that that is definitely one of the ways the gospel of the kingdom is advanced is through the preaching of the gospel, the
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- Holy Spirit convicting men's souls and birthing them into the kingdom and adding them to the church.
- 04:45
- But what I didn't understand young in the ministry, and I'll be honest with you, to come to this revelation,
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- God had to do a couple of things. Number one, he had to change my eschatology. I was raised stone cold, dispensational, like to the max.
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- Like when I went to bed at night, I was ready for the trumpet to sound. Like I was freaking out, man, going, today's the day, you know.
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- And I was a young man, like, you know, I didn't want to fly away. I wanted to get married. I want to have kids, you know. I want to do something with my life, you know.
- 05:19
- But man, I'm telling you, back in my day when I was growing up, you talk about rapture fever. Oh my gosh.
- 05:24
- Oh my gosh. Like it was terrifying. It really was. People doing strange things, too.
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- Like they were charging up their credit card to leave it to the Antichrist. Literally.
- 05:38
- Seriously. People were moving to the mountains so they wanted to be closer to Jesus when he came back. I mean, a lot of weird stuff, you know, was going on.
- 05:47
- And that's how I was raised. And God, in his mercy, and it was really through the revelation of his word and his
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- Holy Spirit that he convicted me about covenant kingdom theology.
- 06:01
- I was, I was literally going to sleep and I had my, I had the, always had the
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- Bible playing for my children at night. So the word of God was constantly going forth, either consciously or subconsciously in my kids' brains, you know.
- 06:17
- And I remembered I was in that zone. I was like half awake and half asleep. And all of a sudden, that passage from Luke 22, where Jesus says, with great desire,
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- I desire to have this meal with you. And he said, I'm not going to eat of this again.
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- I'm not going to drink of this again until the kingdom of God has come and all is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
- 06:43
- And I'm listening to those words. And I remember, I'm like, I am like sold out on dispensationalism.
- 06:49
- I think that's orthodoxy. Okay? Like, if you're not there, you're like a heretic, right?
- 06:54
- And I'm listening to these words from the scripture and I'm lying there and it hits me and I just shoot up.
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- And scriptures like machine gun bullets kept coming to me, how Jesus ate and drank with the apostles after he was raised from the dead.
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- And I'm thinking, what's the implications? Yes. The kingdom came with the king.
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- The kingdom is here. Amen. I'm not going to wait until the future, you know, where, you know, he cracks the sky and, you know, the kingdom is up there.
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- Some kind of like city like Star Trap is going to come down. And, you know, it just opened my heart, opened my eyes to the understanding that when
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- Christ came, he came with his kingdom. And once that kingdom starts, it is destined to conquer all the other kingdoms of men.
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- And that kingdom, which he starts, will never be destroyed. Amen.
- 07:59
- Can I get an amen with that? Well, so honestly, God had to change my eschatology before he called me into the battle against the abortion holocaust, because quite frankly, if you're raised dispensational, your mentality is why polished brass on a sinking ship?
- 08:22
- Why rearrange furniture in a burning house? And quite frankly, if God didn't change my mind about the future,
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- I don't know if I would have responded in obedience to the call to enter this fray.
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- And honestly, brothers and sisters, it was through the abortion battle that God not only broke my heart and opened my eyes to the plight of these little ones made in his image, but you know,
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- I was a young minister. I was newly married. I thought I was a spiritual giant until I got married.
- 08:58
- And how many know that's a reality check, right? I actually thought I knew what love was.
- 09:04
- Yeah, right. Snap out of it, right? But it was it was through getting married.
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- And I'll be honest with you, brothers and sisters, Children really didn't enter into my mind as something worthwhile or something to actually pursue.
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- If I thought about it early in the ministry when I got married, maybe one or two, you know, my my son and my daughter so we can have our little picture.
- 09:41
- You know, the book ends. Um, that is about as far as my understanding of Children.
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- I think I was a lot like most pagans and most Christians. I think
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- I adopted the view that Children were burdensome, that they were expensive and that, quite frankly, they're gonna interfere with my desire to change the world with the gospel.
- 10:08
- Imagine that, right? How many know? I probably didn't have a biblical understanding of Children, but it was through pursuing this battle trying to interpose and intervene to save the lives of these image bearers of Christ that God opened my eyes to the importance of Children.
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- And one of the things that God did to convict me was this. It was sort of like, son, here you are thinking you're gonna defeat the
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- American Holocaust. And how are you gonna do that when you have the same world view as Planned Parenthood, the same view they have about Children?
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- You have the same view about Children. And with that, you think you're gonna defeat the altars of Moloch and bail and set these captives free?
- 11:08
- How many know that's a wake up call? All right, and it was through that conviction
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- I began to study the word of God to try to get an understanding how
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- God views marriage. How does he view family? How does he view
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- Children? And one of the passages if you have you go to your scriptures is
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- Psalm 1 27. We read it in the psalm reading today, but I want to go through it again in verse three of Psalm 1 27.
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- The word of the Lord comes unto us, saying, Behold, Children are a heritage from the
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- Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward. I remember going to a church and preaching a message.
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- Children, the least favorite blessing of the church for some strange reason,
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- I was never invited back. And let me tell you guys, raising 13
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- Children on the front lines of the battle when I walked into a church with our family, let's just say it didn't go over very well.
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- Like when I walked in, especially when they invited me to preach, and I had 13 kids in tow like we would walk in the church, and I know there was some humor behind this, but there was something else behind this, like the pastor would put his hand over the wife to make sure whatever we had she did not catch.
- 12:52
- Some pastors did this stuff to me to ward off our large family to make sure it never infected him or his church.
- 13:05
- Isn't that kind of weird? That's kind of weird, right? Um, but it was a shock that we had 13
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- Children. And why did I have 13 Children? A because I believe the kingdom of God is here and now, and it needs to be advanced and then be understanding that Children, according to the word of God, are a blessing.
- 13:34
- They are gifts. They are a reward. Amen. But how many know it's hard to view that in that light?
- 13:41
- It is because the reality listen, raising 13 kids on the front line of the battles. Let me tell you something, man, we were poor as church mice.
- 13:54
- I mean, I felt like Elijah going to the cupboard. Are we gonna have food today? It was not easy, brothers and sisters.
- 14:03
- I get it. Listen, understand to have a family to have a lot of Children. You just can't sit there and eat bomb bombs and watch soap operas and call its homeschool, right?
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- It takes a lot of strength. It takes a lot of stamina. It takes a lot of effort to raise
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- Children to advance the kingdom of God. Amen. And it's not something that you can be reactionary about.
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- It's something that you have to be proactive. You've got to have the vision. You've got to have the mission for large families.
- 14:39
- And so he's saying, you know, this is a reward from God. He says, like arrows in the hand of a warrior.
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- So are Children of one's youth. Everybody say youth because you're gonna find that same word when it comes to marriage.
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- You know, the wife of your youth, Children of your youth, brothers and sisters, let me tell you, you sons and daughters, you know that you have, and I don't know how old you are and how long you've been married.
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- But let me tell you something. God promotes youthful marriage.
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- He promotes youthful marriage. How many know America does not promote youthful marriages anymore? We don't do that.
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- You know, we gotta get our careers done first. We gotta get our college done first, right? And so we're not getting married until, like, in the thirties.
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- And how many know by that time you have limited the window of opportunity to have Children. And besides that, brothers, sisters, listen to me.
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- It takes strength. It takes youthful energy to build a kingdom family.
- 15:45
- Amen. How many know as we get older, we're weakened in the way trying to keep up with little wascals, right?
- 15:52
- It takes strength. It takes energy. It takes determination. It takes grit. It takes faith to raise a kingdom family where you're pouring into your
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- Children, where you're discipling, you're mentoring them. Amen. You're training them in the ways of righteousness, according to the word of God.
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- Amen. And that takes effort. That takes energy, and it helps when you're young.
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- It gets much more difficult as we age. So how many know God is the wise master builder?
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- He knows how this works, right? So encourage your sons and your daughters. Train them.
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- I had a young man. He's dealing with his hormones, and he's, like, full of them in vigor, like,
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- What do I do, Rusty? Well, son, start working. Start serving.
- 16:41
- Start preparing, you know, you know, that you're gonna be able to provide for a wife and for a family.
- 16:48
- You know, you know, I talked about marry or burn, right? For a lot of people, that's how they approach marriage.
- 16:54
- Marry or burn, right? That was my extent of my theology when I got married.
- 17:00
- I'm burning, and the solution is marriage. Really? Is that right?
- 17:05
- Let me tell you, gentlemen, if you got a lust problem before marriage, marriage is not going to solve your lust problem.
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- It's only going to compound it, okay? Just understand that, all right?
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- It was, and it was that mentality of marriage that I went into that really
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- God used in marriage to really open my eyes and my understanding of what family was all about, marriage was all about, children was all about, what love was all about.
- 17:38
- Amen? So he goes on to say, like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are children's of one's youth.
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- Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. They shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gates.
- 18:00
- So in this passage of scripture, what does God compare children to?
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- You can shout it out. Arrows. Mom, dad, when you had that first baby cherubim, and you held that baby in your arms, did the first thought that come to your mind, awesome, arrow, or did you go, like this, would anybody in their right minds when they had of a baby, that they would look at that baby, go, dude,
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- I got an arrow. Most of us would not make that comparison, but God does.
- 18:52
- But God does. You know, I challenge men all along these lines. Gentlemen, if you're in a war zone, and it's hot, and you got bullets flying by your head, how many bullets do you want in the war?
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- How many bullets you want in the battle? Do you want one? Do you want two?
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- Are you going to be brave? Three? How many bullets do you want, gentlemen?
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- As many as you can get a hold of. Blessed is the man who has his quiver full of them.
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- Now, understand, children is part of God's plan to advance his kingdom in the earth.
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- But understand, for you as parents, this is a part of your authority, your dominion in the earth.
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- See, most people view children as a liability, right?
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- They don't see them as assets anymore. And how many know we don't have this right? Even a lot of Christians to this day, they go, the world is crazy.
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- Like, I couldn't dream of bringing a child into this world. How many has ever heard that, right? And what they don't understand, what they think is bad about having children, this is
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- God's solution to secure a future and hope for this planet.
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- Amen? Because he's saying children are kingdom ammunition.
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- And so our responsibility as family in the church is we are to get these arrows in the bow of the church and family, and we are to shoot them forth to fulfill the vision and mission and future of the kingdom of God.
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- They hit the bullseye for their life. But what has happened in these days, how many know the enemy has captured our arrows and he's putting it in his bow.
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- And what is he doing? He's taking out the church. He's taking out our nation. How many see this?
- 21:10
- All right. And a lot of it, brothers and sisters, I'm just telling you is that a lot of Christians in the church do not have a biblical worldview of Children.
- 21:23
- They don't. They are influenced by their philosophy, their education, their parents, whatever it may be, but it's other sources than the word of God.
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- And one of the things that I challenge our church with. I know you guys have your different thoughts.
- 21:42
- You have your different opinions. You have your different beliefs. You have your different behaviors.
- 21:48
- But church, if I can show you from the word of God what God thinks about things, what he believes about things, will you be humble enough to realign your life to reflect the truth of Almighty God in this world?
- 22:07
- And how many know what I'm talking about takes a lot of humility. It takes a lot of courage, guys.
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- You know, like sometimes I ministered the word who's afraid of the big bad baby.
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- There's a lot of people extremely afraid of the big bad baby.
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- What is this gonna do to my life? If you do it right, what's gonna do to your life is you're gonna learn how to sacrificially love other people like Christ does his church.
- 22:42
- Amen. So we know that Children are kingdom ammunition.
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- We know that God wants a godly seed in the earth. We see this in Genesis 3 15.
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- Remember the fall right after the fall? What does God promise? He promises a battle.
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- He promises a war, right? There's gonna be enmity between you and the woman right between her seed and your seed, and you're gonna bruise his heel, and he's gonna crush your head.
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- And so for God to bring deliverance, to bring the champion, the promised one, the
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- Messiah, how many know he needed a seed line? He needed a seed line to bring him forth.
- 23:27
- And so you go from Genesis there. Then you go to Abraham, right? And so God taps
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- Abraham. How many has heard sermons on the blessings of Abraham?
- 23:39
- Anybody heard sermons on the blessings of Abraham? In my circles, it was big, right?
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- But they always emphasize like the wealth of Abraham, you know, the influence of Abraham, you know, the expansion of Abraham.
- 23:54
- And I was always puzzled. They left out to like critical parts of the
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- Abrahamic blessing, which is it takes descendants. It takes seed right to fulfill
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- God's promise that he is gonna bless all the families of the earth and all the nations of the earth.
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- And how many know that seed is Christ? Amen. And the other part of the
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- Abrahamic blessing is that you will possess the gates of your enemies.
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- Remember Psalm 127, the quiver full, these
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- Children, these arrows. What's the purpose? It says to speak with the enemy at the gates.
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- Some translations talk about subduing the enemy at the gates.
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- And when you studied the Old Testament, you know, understanding of gates, that was the seat of political authority.
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- That was the seat of judicial authority. That was the seat of commerce. Amen. And so it's not a coincidence when
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- Jesus said, I'm gonna build my church and the gates, plural of hell, will not prevail against them.
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- Amen. And so here we're seeing this incredible connection between Christ, his kingdom, and descendants, and children, and seed.
- 25:24
- Like, this is a huge part of God's plan for the future and hope of this planet.
- 25:33
- Amen. Go to Malachi chapter 2.
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- We're gonna see again this desire by God to having a godly seed in the earth.
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- Look at verse 14. Yet you say, for what reason?
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- Because the Lord has been witness between you, here we go, and the wife of your youth with whom you have dealt treacherously.
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- I don't want to go down that road right now, but let me tell you, men with midlife crisis, beware.
- 26:26
- Don't you dare trade the old one for a new one. Don't do it.
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- Don't do that to the wife of your youth and the Children who depend upon you.
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- Don't you dare do that. It is wrong. It is sin, and it will not end well for you.
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- I promise you she is your companion and your wife by covenant.
- 26:59
- But did he not make them one having remnant of a spirit? And why one?
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- He seeks godly offspring. Therefore, take heed to your spirit.
- 27:13
- And so he's he's kind of like connecting back to Genesis, connecting back to Abraham, that God desires a godly seed in this world, brothers and sisters.
- 27:26
- And I get marriage. You know, I know the intimacy between a man and a woman.
- 27:34
- How many know there are recreational benefits of being married and and having intimacy, right?
- 27:40
- They are. It's a It's a an incredible way for a man and his wife to connect and commune and, you know, join together physically and mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
- 27:52
- I mean, it's a powerful connection, right? And there's nothing wrong with that. Brothers and sisters, the marriage bed is undefiled.
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- And once you're married, God says, Go for it. Enjoy. Amen. But the other thing we must understand, there's also procreational aspects of the marriage covenant.
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- And I think for a lot of us were were missing that aspect of it.
- 28:20
- Now I get it. We're living in times of inflation.
- 28:27
- We're busy. We got a lot of stuff going on. But if we're talking about being a gospel of the kingdom people that we truly desire to see the kingdom of Christ advancing this earth, demolishing all idols of man and setting the captives free, brothers and sisters, we cannot neglect this aspect of how the kingdom of Christ rose in the world.
- 29:04
- It is through marriage. It is through family. It is through parents raising their
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- Children in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. Amen. Raising up these arrows.
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- Amen. In a godly way. All right. So once we shoot them out, they're fulfilling the vision and mission.
- 29:25
- Amen. And so here here God again tells us he's seeking a godly seed.
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- Now, in light of that, how many know we deal with an enemy? We deal with an enemy who's come to kill, steal and to destroy.
- 29:48
- So when you think about what I just said, why birth control?
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- Why abortion? Why the homosexual agenda?
- 30:05
- Why the transgendered movement? Why did the gazillionaire, the elites want to depopulate this planet?
- 30:13
- Brothers, sisters, what's behind that? What's behind that? Okay. In other words, what does the enemy know that the church maybe is ignorant of?
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- If you have your bibles turned to Matthew chapter 13.
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- Excuse me, 19. Hope you don't mind.
- 30:42
- I always hated when the preacher got the drink and I didn't. These the scriptures that I'm giving to you, brothers and sisters, these were some of the scriptures that God really convicted me about once he opened my eye, my eyes to abortion.
- 31:04
- And my it was really wonderful because he convicted me at the same time he convicted my wife and we both repented because I'll be honest with you.
- 31:19
- In a sense, I was saying to the Lord, hey, hey, you could have this draw of my life.
- 31:26
- You could have this closet on my life. But when it comes to reproduction, we got this covered.
- 31:33
- Lord, we got the science. We got the pill. You need not apply.
- 31:38
- You need not go into this room. Okay, because we got wisdom.
- 31:43
- Now we know how to take care of things like this. So you don't need to really talk to us about this.
- 31:52
- And of course, it kind of comes back to me.
- 31:58
- What part of Lord you not getting son? What part of Lord you not getting?
- 32:07
- And it really convicted me that this was not a reproduction issue. This was a lordship issue.
- 32:16
- And and so we repented. And then what the Lord did is he turned the life switch on and then he broke it.
- 32:25
- Like he just kept it on. And then 13 kids later, like every picture of my wife is she's pregnant.
- 32:36
- But it was scriptures like these that opened my eyes to reveal this truth.
- 32:45
- And so here's Matthew 19. We're gonna start in verse 13.
- 32:51
- Then little Children were brought to him that he might put his hands on them and pray.
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- But the disciples rebuke them. This kind of angered the
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- Lord, by the way. But Jesus said, let the
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- Children come to me and do not forbid them for of such is what go ahead and say it.
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- So in God's divine mind, Children equals what
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- Children equals the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
- 33:36
- Okay, so here we get to understand why the enemy goes after the seed of man because whenever this enemy raises his ugly head, he goes after the seed of man.
- 33:54
- We've seen that in the time of Moses. We saw it at the time of Christ. Okay, and then both times when he raised his ugly head to go after the seed,
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- God was in the midst of raising up a deliverance to visit this Earth. Now.
- 34:09
- I don't know what God has planned for this generation, but I know one thing this enemy has gone after the seed of man in this generation, like no other generation before us.
- 34:22
- So there has to be something significant of God's kingdom that the enemy is afraid of.
- 34:30
- Because I understand this guys, you know, when we say Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy.
- 34:35
- Yeah, we know that's a biblical teaching. But why, why, why kill, steal and destroy?
- 34:43
- What is this guy get jollies over busted bodies and blood and gore?
- 34:49
- What, why, why, why go after the seed of man?
- 34:55
- Why hate him? Why destroy him? Why go after these children in the womb? Why massacre them?
- 35:02
- What does he know? Listen, brothers and sisters, we're up against an enemy that is a real being, a real person.
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- And you know what all living beings have in common? Self -preservation is a mighty motivation.
- 35:19
- Self -preservation is a mighty motivation. And he understands one thing, okay, that the gospel of the kingdom through conversion, through children.
- 35:31
- All right, that's, that's how the kingdom advances. And the more the kingdom advances, that is the toll of his demise.
- 35:41
- So his mentality, please hear me on this. I either destroy the seed of man or I get dispossessed in the earth.
- 35:51
- That is what we're up against. And the number one attack of the evil one to stop the spreading of the gospel of the kingdom is to destroy marriage, destroy family and destroy children.
- 36:06
- And that's why we are seeing this unprecedented attack, especially in our own nation, how this nation has been a war against Christ, the church, and the family.
- 36:17
- And we got to understand what's behind this, brothers and sisters. And what is the antidote? What do we do to counteract this attack against the kingdom of Christ?
- 36:31
- And what's really important? Let me tell you something, brothers and sisters. I started off saying, he who gets the men owns the future.
- 36:49
- He who grows up, he who gets married, he who stays faithful to his spouse, he who submits their reproduction unto
- 37:07
- God and trust him. How many know God opens the womb and closes the womb? How many believe that's what the
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- Bible teaches? And guys, I'm not telling you to be irresponsible.
- 37:20
- I'm not telling you to, you know, bite off more than you can chew. I understand reality of life, but I'm just saying that if you trust
- 37:31
- God with your family, with your children, if you stay faithful to that, brothers and sisters,
- 37:40
- I'm telling you, those are the folks that own the future. Because how many know the wicked are cutting themselves off?
- 37:49
- How many know? Like, I remember going to an abortion mill in Hebron, that was, that was the abortion mill name.
- 37:57
- It was in Charlotte, North Carolina. And we showed up, I was with OSA and all
- 38:06
- OSA families, we all have 15 passenger vans and a lot of kids, right?
- 38:12
- So we're showing up at the gates of hell and here comes the pro -aborts and their little hybrid electric cars, right?
- 38:19
- You know, and they disembarked from that car in two seconds.
- 38:26
- When we went to our van, it was like the circus was in town. You know how all the clowns come out of the van, like they just kept coming, right?
- 38:34
- So it took him two seconds to disembark, to set up at the death death mill. We're opening the door of our vans and it's taking like five minutes to get all of our kids out of the van, right?
- 38:48
- And then we're on one side and they're on the other side. And before we cross over,
- 38:54
- I said, hold on guys. This is a visual aid and we're going to use this to preach the gospel to them.
- 39:01
- So there was a bunch of lesbian pro -aborts out there, of course, mocking us, blaspheming
- 39:07
- God. And I got in the middle of the road. I said, excuse me. I noticed it took you two seconds to disembark and get set up.
- 39:17
- It took us a lot of time to get out of here. I said, you do realize that my one family alone outnumbers your whole group, my family.
- 39:31
- You're, you're sitting here guarding this death camp. You're probably lesbians and you're not going to have children and you're going to die alone.
- 39:39
- And not only is that your sad, pathetic state, but you're actually trying to defend a place that's going to do the same to other women.
- 39:49
- Now, I ask you, who do you think owns the future guys?
- 39:58
- You are cutting your cells off and you can laugh and you can mock and you can give that smug smile all you want.
- 40:08
- But the fact of the matter is it is Christians who obey the commandments of God.
- 40:15
- They own the future. Can I get an amen? All right, so brothers and sisters,
- 40:22
- I do want to encourage you with my final remarks.
- 40:33
- We homeschooled all 13 of our children. We got our last one.
- 40:39
- We're in our last semester with our youngest. And that's quite an accomplishment.
- 40:45
- I'll tell you, but one of the things where the
- 40:51
- Lord convicted us, not just to have a lot of children, but to train them and homeschool them.
- 40:59
- And one of the scriptures that God really convicted us about was in Deuteronomy chapter 6.
- 41:05
- You're very familiar with that. The Shema of the scriptures, right here.
- 41:10
- Oh Israel, the Lord thy God is one Lord and you ought to love this Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.
- 41:17
- And you're to teach your kiddos, right? You're when you wake up in the morning and you go to bed at night and, you know, put it on your doorpost, put it on the gate, you know, train, train your children in the scriptures, train them in the commandments of God, right?
- 41:31
- And so here we find brothers and sisters that the greatest commandment of all is to love
- 41:40
- God. Amen. But what is the greatest application of that commandment parents teach and educate your kiddos?
- 41:55
- You know, I challenge the men at the men's meeting. That they are not allowed to hire the church and the state to replace their responsibilities when it comes to their family, their wives and their children.
- 42:09
- And I tell this to my men all the time in the church. I love you guys. I'll give my life to support you.
- 42:17
- I'll try to equip you, disciple you, mentor you. But I can't replace you.
- 42:23
- I can't replace you. You're the one that's supposed to wash your wife with the water of the word, not the pastor, not the elder.
- 42:31
- That's your responsibility, husband. That's your responsible, father, right?
- 42:37
- In the Bible even says if a wife had a theological question, was she's to give an appointment to see the pastor or the elder or was she supposed to go home and ask her husband?
- 42:48
- Do we do that? Do we do that? Men, are you equipped to do that?
- 42:55
- Are you the in -house theologian? Are you the in -house historian? Educating your children in the ways of the
- 43:03
- Lord? You think about that, right? And then in Deuteronomy 32,
- 43:11
- God is repeating the same command to Moses and to Joshua and he's reminding them again, teach your children.
- 43:21
- Listen, teach your children my commandments. And he says this, it's incredible.
- 43:27
- He says two things. He said, this is not a vain thing. Listen, this is your life.
- 43:37
- Anybody ever asked you what the meaning of life is? In the Bible, the meaning of life?
- 43:45
- His parents get married, stay faithful to your spouse, have kiddos, raise them up in the fear and the admonition of the
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- Lord. This is not a vain thing. This is your life. And the enemy knows this.
- 44:04
- And that's why he attacks marriage and the family and kids and brothers and sisters, if we're ever going to be successful in advancing the kingdom of Christ in this poor fallen world, we must repent of our anti -child mentality that never came from Christ, never came from the word of God.
- 44:30
- It's come from this American culture. That has produced a culture of death. And how many besides me, we want to see
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- God to rise up and change it into a culture of life once again. Amen.
- 44:43
- That begins with you and I, God bless you church. And thank you for having me here this afternoon.
- 44:50
- Well, gracious father, I thank you for this awesome time to be with the saints here in Arizona.
- 44:59
- Lord God, I want to thank you for opening that precious door Lord to be with the men of this church and father to fellowship with them and father just discuss and just banter back and forth
- 45:13
- Lord and enjoy that time. I thank you for this opportunity Lord to deliver your word.
- 45:19
- And I know that you're a God that watches over your word to perform it. And I do pray
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- Lord that no matter where we're at in life Lord, whether older or younger
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- Lord married or single. I do pray father that some vision and mission of your kingdom
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- Lord was imparted father. And I do pray Lord, whatever part of our souls and minds has been influenced
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- Lord by the spirit of the age father. I pray God that you would remove that Lord God.
- 45:54
- And I just pray Lord that again, what we always talk about that will love what you love and hate with your hate
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- Lord and that we would submit Lord our bodies, our minds
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- Lord unto you father God, knowing that you know best father God and we can trust you father
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- God. Lord, I don't know how I raised 13 children Lord. I didn't have no money.
- 46:19
- I had no salary, but Lord you were faithful, you were faithful and you are a faithful God Lord.
- 46:26
- We never go wrong obeying you Lord. We never go wrong serving you God Lord, you make a way and we trust you for that Lord Jesus.
- 46:35
- So father, please bless this congregation Lord with fruitfulness
- 46:40
- Lord that they'll have natural babies and spiritual babies that they can raise father and disciple and mentor and that this work will continue to grow and blossom and Lord not only impact this area but all over the world.