Sunday Morning Worship Service June 7, 2020


Sunday Morning Worship Service from Faith Baptist Church


All right, good morning, good to see you out here on this beautiful, beautiful late spring day.
Perfect weather again this week for an outdoor service. And it seems like maybe the gnats have subsided a little bit today,
I don't know. Either that, you know, I was concerned when I put this shirt on this morning that maybe it would attract the gnats.
Maybe it's repelled them, I don't know. Anyway, glad you're here today. On your handout that you picked up when you came in, just a couple of announcements.
This Wednesday, we will continue the online midweek service, but it probably will be the last time.
We'll probably go to on -site midweek services in a couple of weeks.
And we'll say more about that next Lord's Day. But this Wednesday night, seven o 'clock, seven to 7 .30, we'll do the online.
Anybody that would like to come and sit during that time and maybe have a little bit of fellowship, that'd be fine, you could do that.
Then two weeks from today, June 21st, Gordon Taylor's gonna be here and we'll have just that morning service on that day.
Chris and I are gonna finally get a little bit of a getaway for a few days, but we'll be back for Sunday.
But look forward to Gordon Taylor being with us for that Lord's Day.
Well, last evening, we had a graduation open house for one of our young people who graduated or actually gets her diploma this week from Sterling High School.
And she's sitting all the way in the back, so she gets a long way to come to come up and get a gift from the church.
Justin, Allison McCann. So come on ahead, Allison. And Justin, Justin Hemmon also, he's not here, is he?
Okay, well, Kevin, come and get this for Justin. Would you come on ahead? We appreciate these young people and how
God has blessed our church with them. And it's been a blessing to watch them grow and develop through the years.
And especially, I was looking at Allison's display last night at the different pictures and the one that I remember from about 17 years ago so a lot has changed in the last 17 and 10 months.
So Allison, God bless you. And you wanna take this for Justin? Justin is out in the work world and has to work a lot of Sundays.
So, all right, we wanna begin this morning with Psalm 104 and verses 31 through 33 say, may the glory of the
Lord endure forever. May the Lord rejoice in his works who looks on the earth and it trembles, who touches the mountains and they smoke.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will sing praise to my God while I have being.
We recognize that our God is a God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Today the service is going to have a lot to do with the ministry of the Holy Spirit because we're looking at Acts chapter two.
So we'll be singing first hymn this morning, Come Thou Almighty King, is a song that recognizes the
Trinity. So Jim, come please and lead us in that opening song. Come Thou Almighty King.
All four verses together. ♪ Come Thou Almighty King ♪ ♪
Come Thou Almighty King ♪ Usually have one of our men come and lead us in prayer. Dan, would you please come and open our service in prayer this morning?
Appreciate, appreciate Dan serving as one of our deacons. Dan, let's pray.
Father, we do thank you for the beautiful day you've given to us to come to worship you, to lift up our voices to you,
Father. We thank you for our health. We thank you for our country.
We thank you for your goodness to each and every one of us, Father. Now, as we come today, help us, oh
Father, to hear your word and apply it to our hearts and our lives. We pray these things in Jesus' name, amen.
For our psalm reading this morning, we'll be looking at Psalm 143. Read verses seven through 12.
Psalm 143, verses seven through 12. It's a song of David and he writes,
Hear me speedily, O Lord. My spirit faileth. Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein
I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies.
I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my
God. Thy spirit is good. Lead me into the land of uprightness.
Quicken me, O Lord, for thy name's sake. For thy righteousness' sake, bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy mercy, cut off mine enemies and destroy all of them that afflict my soul, for I am thy servant.
Lord, add his blessing to the reading of this psalm. The next song that we're gonna sing on your song sheet is, the text is new to us, old text, old hymn text.
I think you'll recognize the tune. The tune is a much more familiar one. But just to make sure,
I'm gonna have Kelly play that tune for us, and then Jim will come and lead us in that next hymn.
That in our minds, let's sing it all together, all four verses.
As we pray together this week, our missionary of the week is Jim Stroop. Jim leads the
Law and Grace Ministries Regional Director for that jail ministry and like churches that have not been able to meet for the last almost three months until recently, likewise
Jim has not been able to get into the jails to do his work of holding services and Bible studies and so forth, but I understand that's changing this week, is that right?
So pray for Jim as he and the chaplains are able to get back into the jails and to minister to those that they've missed for quite some time.
Hopefully a lot of them have been, have done their time, been released and yet pray for that ministry.
And then also pray for the Shedders, Larry and Emily and their family have been serving in Bolivia and you remember, maybe you remember they've been trying to get back to the states.
Larry had this stroke a year and a half ago or so and just not able to continue the demands of that ministry in Bolivia, so they had all these plans set to come back to the states and really just leave the field, find a new avenue and then the pandemic hit and so they ended up getting stuck in Bolivia for the last three months and trying to get out.
Well, they just found out a few days ago that a repatriation flight is leaving this
Tuesday from Bolivia coming to the states and they have, they have a booking on that flight.
They've already traveled to Santa Cruz, the city from which they need to fly.
So they asked us to pray, number one, that the flight actually does occur, they said things change all the time and so pray that they are actually able to get that flight and then they, so they leave, supposed to leave
Santa Cruz on Tuesday and end up arriving in Chicago on Wednesday. They also asked us to pray for just the stress and the emotions of this whole situation.
I don't think any of us can really appreciate what they're going through and having to leave the field and the circumstances under which they have to leave it and everything else.
So pray for them, pray for their family, their children. Some of their kids were born on the field and this is their life, this is their home, so a challenging thing for them.
Then continue to pray for Bob and Jerry as Bob waits test results on this biopsy.
So let's look to the Lord in prayer, shall we? So our
Father and our God, we are thankful today for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is, in your word, called the
Comforter or the Encourager or the Exhorter. He convicts, but He also comforts.
He exhorts, but He also calms. He gives life and He brings the conviction of sin to bring about the glorious regeneration of the sinner.
We thank you for the work of the Spirit and that the Holy Spirit who dwells within us is here in our midst together today.
And we pray that He would do His work in our hearts, in our lives, in our minds.
He would open our eyes to see the truth of your word, open our hearts to receive it, open our wills to obey it.
Father, we do pray also for these folks who are in need today. We think of Larry and Emily and their family as they anticipate leaving the field of Bolivia on Tuesday.
We pray that the details would all fall into place. It would please you that they would make that flight and get back to the
States. Father, I pray that you'd comfort their hearts. They're surely, surely grieving over this situation.
Those are leaving behind also are grieving their departure. I pray for their children that they may be struggling with confusion and uncertainty and undoubtedly questions about the future.
I just pray that you'd give them a peace of mind that only you can give. And I pray for your
Spirit to give comfort to their hearts. I pray for Jim as he and the chaplains resume jail ministry this week.
Pray that you would give them great wisdom and give them the words to speak to those that they come in contact with.
May it be a productive week in Law and Grace ministry this week. Also pray for Bob and Jerry.
Continue to comfort their hearts and give grace and sustaining grace, especially as they wait, patience as they wait for the outcome of this biopsy.
Father, for those who can't be here today because of physical affliction and infirmity, think of those who are shut in for Sue Cherry, for Jerry Sailors, for Jeannie Ludwig, for Dean Kinnaman, and then also for Bob and just pray that those who can't get out to any kind of service and think of Sue Cherry as well who's not able to get out.
I just pray that you would give them grace and sustain them as they are undoubtedly feeling a sense of loneliness in these days without being able to have visitors.
Just give them grace for these days. Father, thank you for the freedom that we have today to assemble together.
Thank you for the beautiful day that it is. We can rejoice in your glory even as we are surrounded by the glory of the sunlight and the warmth of the sun reminds us also of the warmth of your love.
We thank you for these gifts that you give to us. Bless the remainder of our service today, we pray.
We commit it to you in Jesus' name. Amen. All right. We have scripture reading.
I'm sorry, I didn't bring my cheat sheet with me that you have in front of you, the next song, the next hymn we're going to sing.
Another hymn of the Holy Spirit, more recently written, that is a blessing to us. Jim, please.
That's on the back of your packet there, Holy Spirit. The title, and we'll sing all three verses together.
Holy Spirit. So if you have your
Bibles, turn to Acts chapter 2 for our scripture reading this morning.
Acts chapter 2. I want to read verses 1 to 13.
Luke is writing, recording the events on the day of Pentecost, and he writes, when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Good timing on that breeze coming through, isn't it? And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
And when this was noise abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak
Galileans? How here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born.
Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judea, and in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews, and proselytes,
Cretes, and Arabians. We do hear them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.
And they were all amazed. And they were all amazed and were in doubt, saying one to another,
What does this mean? Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Brief prayer together. Our Father and our God, I pray as we look at this fulfillment of a period of waiting, that we would be blessed and encouraged by the work and ministry of the gift that you've given, the
Holy Spirit. This we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Well, it was in 1967, and my mom and dad had promised us about a month beforehand that we were going to go on another camping trip.
Now, in previous years, we'd done some camping, but it was in these pop -up campers.
Those are cool. Those are fun to camp in. But they told us this was going to be special. We were going to get a real camping trailer.
Not one of the pop -up things. We weren't going to sleep in tents. And it was going to be a self -camp.
You know what a camping trailer is. Now, a nine -year -old boy, my younger brother, my older brother, we were pretty excited about the possibility of going camping again, looking forward to this promise of this trip, and the anticipation, looking for it, waiting for it.
The day is getting closer, and we're getting things together, all the camping gear, and getting our stuff packed and ready for that day.
Our folks just bought a brand -new 1967 Buick LeSabre.
Beautiful car, maroon with a white hard top, burgundy interior.
And this car had a lot of muscle. It was going to be plenty of muscle to tow this trailer.
So the day before we were to go on the trip, my dad took the brand -new car to the camp, the facility where we rented the trailer, from which we rented the trailer, got a hitch put on the back of that thing, of the car, and hitched up the camper and brought it home.
And that night we loaded up the camper. The next morning we put all the last -minute stuff in the trunk and in the camper, and we're ready to go.
And, boy, the excitement. You could just taste it, right? The excitement. The promise was finally being fulfilled.
The waiting was about to be over. And we all piled in the car with great enthusiasm and excitement and didn't even get a chance to start fighting in the backseat of the car.
Didn't even have a chance to do that yet. And pulled out of the driveway of our house, and as the back of the car and the camper went over the little hill of the drive to go out into the street, the weight of the camper on that bumper and the hitch on that bumper literally tore that bumper right off the back of that brand -new car.
So we pulled out onto Herrick Avenue, just dragging the bumper and the trailer behind us, pulled out onto Herrick Avenue in Wellington, Ohio, and parked the car off to the side.
And Dad gets out and looks at it to assess the situation, and he says, well, no camping trip this year.
And that was the end of it, just like that. I don't remember much that happened after that. I just remember the waiting, the anticipation, and when the waiting was finally over, terrible disappointment.
Well, in Acts 1, verse 4, the Lord Jesus told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of God, the promise of the
Spirit that he would give. And he says it's not going to be very many days from now.
He didn't know how long it was going to be. Jesus didn't specify to them, just said it's not going to be very long, so go and wait.
So here they are in this period of waiting. They went and waited. And can you imagine the pent -up anticipation?
What is this going to be like? What is this disappointment? There is no letdown.
Instead, the Lord God gives his Spirit, and powerful, amazing impact results.
Notice here in verse 1 how the Lord went to heaven, and he had told them to go back to Jerusalem and to wait.
We read back in chapter 1 that that's exactly what they did, that in verse 12 they returned to Jerusalem, and then it says who all was together, and in verse 14 it says these all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.
So that unity that existed right after the ascension, when they got together in this place, it continued day after day after day.
And here on the day of Pentecost, 10 days later, the unity still is holding the people together, these followers of Jesus together, and they wait patiently, and they are promises that have no specific fulfillment date in mind.
So what we do in the meantime, we wait patiently to wait as one, together as God's people with those two.
There are three different festivals at the day of Pentecost.
Leviticus 23 verse 5, on the 14th day of the first month is the
Lord's Passover. Now that should cause you to perk up a little bit.
Passover, wait a minute, Passover hasn't been too long ago, has it? When was
Jesus crucified? After the Passover meal, remember that? His disciples, they had the last supper, the last supper was a
Passover meal. Now there was actually two different ways that Passover was celebrated.
The Galilean Jews celebrated it on one day, and the
Jews from Jerusalem and Judea celebrated it the next day. That's why the crucifixion took place also on Passover day.
But anyway, the point is that on Passover, Jesus was crucified.
And I would remind you that Paul tells us that Christ is our Passover lamb.
He says in 1 Corinthians 5 -7 that Christ, our Passover, is sacrificed for us.
So the death of Christ on that crucifixion day was the death of the ultimate
Passover lamb. Alright, now look at verse 6 in Leviticus 23, verse 6. The next feast is the feast of unleavened bread.
And this was held on the Passover, the day after Passover Sabbath.
And in the Jewish calendar and practice, that occurred on Sunday after Passover every year until A .D.
70. The feast of unleavened bread held on the
Sunday after Passover. Christ was crucified as our
Passover lamb. What happened on the Sunday after Passover, the feast of unleavened bread day?
What happened? Up from the grave, he arose, he arose.
Now if you look at verse 10, the last part of verse 10 tells us that this feast of unleavened bread involved the offering of the first fruits of a grain offering.
He says, when you come into the land which I give you, you shall reap the harvest thereof, and then shall you bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest unto the priest.
So on this feast of unleavened bread, they were supposed to bring the first fruits of the harvest. Christ, I remind you, is the first fruits of them that slept, 1
Corinthians 15, 20 tells us. Christ is our Passover lamb, celebration or feast number one.
Christ is the first fruits of them that slept, celebration number two, feast number two.
But then down in verses 15 and 16, it says, and you shall count unto you from the morrow after the
Sabbath from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, that is that feast of unleavened bread, you shall count seven
Sabbaths shall be complete. Even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number 50 days, and you shall offer a new meal or food offering unto the
Lord. That 50 days later is the feast of Pentecost, which takes us to Acts chapter two.
So you see, I want you to see how in the Lord establishing and God establishing these feasts in Leviticus chapter 23, he was creating a picture, a timetable.
Now it wasn't a timetable that was understood by the disciples while they were waiting.
In other words, when the Lord ascended and he said, wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit to come, not many days hence, they didn't put it all together and say, okay, well, we've had
Passover and we've had the feast of unleavened bread, so the gift is going to come on the day of Pentecost.
No. But when the day of Pentecost was fully come, that third festival, the feast of Pentecost, on that day, the gift of the
Holy Spirit was given. Now did you notice in Leviticus 23 when we read about that day, that Pentecost festival, that there was also to be offered another firstfruits offering?
Right? What does that have to do with the Holy Spirit? I just remind you that Paul tells us in Romans 8 .23
that the Holy Spirit is the firstfruits of our inheritance.
We have received the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit. So there is, on this day when the waiting is finally over, there is a fulfillment, there is an accomplishment of the divine sovereign
Lord fulfilling His promise according to His divine timetable.
The point of this is that God sent His Spirit according to the
Leviticus 23 pattern, according to His design, to His plan, and not because of any activity of man.
God, the sovereign gift giver, finally fulfills His promise on the day that the waiting is over.
And He fulfills this promise to His people in verse 1, but He does so to powerfully equip
His people for service. And this comes out in verses 2 through 4. And He does so by sending some very graphic powerful indicators of that equipping for service.
So in verse 2 we read that suddenly, Acts 2 verse 2, suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
So God in His giving of this gift of the Spirit sends with Him an overwhelming sound of wind.
There is significance to that because throughout the Scriptures, wind represents the
Spirit of God. The word wind itself is the word spirit or pneuma, from which we get the word
Holy Spirit. The wind represents the Spirit of God, and we see this all the way back in the beginning of the
Bible in the book of Genesis. Chapter 1, second verse. The Spirit of God hovered over the face of the earth.
And that word spirit is the Hebrew word for wind or breath. The Spirit of God hovered over the creation in that raw power as creation is coming together.
But the Spirit of God as wind also communicates powerful life -giving qualities.
You remember the vision that Ezekiel had in Ezekiel 37?
The vision of the valley of dry bones. Remember that? Ezekiel was taken to this valley, and he looks out over this valley and he just sees thousands and thousands of bones.
Human bones, skeletal bones, scattered abroad. And he says, what is the significance of this?
The Lord says, do you see what the significance of this is? He says, no. What is this all about? He says, speak.
Speak to the bones. Ezekiel preaches to the bones. And as he speaks, the bones start rattling.
And they start coming together. And that's the basis of that Negro spiritual.
Where the ankle bone is connected to that one. Remember that one?
The shin bone is connected to the knee bone. Okay, so those bones, the muscles are reattached to the bones, and the flesh is put on these, as these bones all come together and form people again, and the flesh is put back on these skeletons, but they're still all lifeless.
And then God says to Ezekiel, preach to them again.
And as he speaks, the wind, the breath of God, the spirit of God comes into these lifeless bodies, corpses, and gives life to these lifeless bodies.
So when we see this picture here, this imagery here in Acts chapter 2 of God fulfilling his promise, the wait is finally over, and this great overwhelming, rushing wind comes in the accompaniment of this gift.
The wind itself communicates the nature of the gift that is given. It is indeed the spirit of God.
So he sends this overwhelming sound of wind, but then he also sends in verses 3 and 4 an overpowering sign of tongues.
And notice there are two different kinds of tongues here. One is an image, and one is a verbal expression.
There are the fiery tongues in verse 3. It says, Once again, like the wind representing the spirit of God, the gift that has been given, these fiery tongues that descend and sit upon each of the disciples also represents the spirit of God in several different facets of the spirit's work and ministry.
One of those facets is the spirit's purifying work. Remember Isaiah's vision in Isaiah chapter 6, in his calling, you saw the
Lord high and lifted up on his throne, and the angelic beings are declaring,
Holy, Holy, Holy, and then it just causes Isaiah to tremble and recognize his own unholiness, his own sinfulness.
And he says, And then what he says is, And then you know what happens?
What happens next? One of the angels goes and takes coal from off of the fire, the fire, and takes that coal and touches it to the lips of Isaiah, the prophet, purifying his unclean lips.
So here the Holy Spirit of God comes as tongues of fire upon each of these disciples, these followers of Christ, signifying the purifying work that the
Holy Spirit does. And those tongues came and sat upon them. That indicates the abiding presence of the
Holy Spirit. Do you know Jesus as your Savior? You've trusted Christ as your
Savior. Well that moment that you trusted Christ, and you came to faith in Christ, you were immediately indwelt by the
Holy Spirit, and here's the thing, you have been ever since. The Holy Spirit came and sat upon you, indwelt you, and he has been indwelling you ever since.
That's one of the works and ministries of the Holy Spirit. And then it says, it says at the beginning of verse 4, they were all filled with the
Holy Spirit. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. This indicates the controlling power of the
Spirit of God. There's a distinction between the filling of the Spirit and the baptism of the
Spirit. You understand that? Right? The baptism of the Spirit is a one -time occurrence.
The baptism of the Spirit is what happens to you when you come to faith in Christ. You are baptized by the
Spirit of God into the body of Christ. You can read of that in 1 Corinthians 12, verse 13.
We are all, every person who is a true believer in Christ, we are all baptized by one
Spirit into the body of Christ, into one body. That's the baptism of the
Spirit. The filling of the Spirit has more to do with the controlling work of the
Spirit of God which ebbs and flows if you will. It's His control in your life.
In the book of Acts, the filling of the Spirit is also almost always accompanied with some particular act of service related to the proclamation of the
Gospel. For example, in chapter 4, verse 8, it occurs a couple times in chapter 4, in verse 8 we read, it says, then
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, you rulers of the people and elders of Israel, and he goes on to speak.
And in verse 31, Acts 4, 31, it says, and when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the
Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, and they spake the word of God with boldness. And so when you read about the filling of the
Spirit, think about the fact that what's going on, even like we read in Ephesians chapter 4, be filled with the
Spirit, be controlled by the Spirit. It has to do with the controlling work of the
Spirit of God. And then in the last part of verse 4, it says, they were filled with the
Spirit of God and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
So the fiery tongues speak of the Holy Spirit's ministry of equipping
God's people for service. The Spirit of God comes in the form of these cloven tongues and they began to speak.
They began to speak. So God sends the overpowering sign of the fiery tongues in verses 3 and 4, and then
He also sends the overpowering sign of the verbal tongues of the last part of verse 4 and following.
The verbal tongues. It says they spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Now, this verbal tongues that occurs here in Acts 2 occurs three times of significance.
Here, in Acts 2, and in each time, it's connected to the preaching of the gospel.
Here, the disciples who have had this, whose wait has been fulfilled, waiting has been over, the promise has come.
The Spirit comes upon them, they speak with these other tongues proclaiming the gospel to Jews in Jerusalem.
We read of this again, speaking of tongues in Acts 10, verse 46, where the gospel has come to Gentiles in Israel.
Remember, that's related to the conversion of Cornelius, the
Gentile, a Gentile in Israel. But then in chapter 19, verse 6, again, they speak in tongues, but now the speaking in tongues is to proclaim the gospel that is global, beyond Israel.
The point is this, that the Spirit of God uses this gift, gives this gift of the speaking in tongues in these three different occasions to express the communication of the gospel in further expansive ways.
First to the Jews in Jerusalem, then to Gentiles in Israel, and then to all the world the gospel is to be proclaimed.
Now one thing we should note about these tongues that occur here, and in chapter 10 as well as in chapter 16, is that they are known languages.
They're foreign to the speaker, but they're known to the hearer. Let me show you this, look at verse 6.
It says, when there was noise abroad, the multitude came together, and they were confounded. They were, like, scratching their heads.
What in the world is going on here? Because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
It's also in verse 8. They asked the question, how do we hear every man in our own language wherein we were born?
So it's as if, okay, here we are, English -speaking people, and most of us are probably not bilingual.
Definitely not fluently bilingual. Most of us. I'm not.
I know, I know ein bisschen Deutsch and poquito
Español. Even less Español than Deutsch. But this gift, if it had been given to me this morning, and there were 20 % of the people here today were
Hispanic people, and it would be as if I got up here, and I started to speak, and I have my notes all written in English, and I have my
Bible written in English, but as I'm reading my Bible, and as I'm communicating my notes, I'm thinking
English, and it's coming out Español. That's this gift that's going on here.
The Holy Spirit gives them. They're known languages. And the target, the focus of this gift that the
Spirit of God gives, the focus, the target of this gift is unconverted individuals, and especially
Israel. We know this because of what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 14, 21, that tongues are not given as a gift or assigned to believers, but to unbelievers, and they are especially assigned to Israel, to the
Jewish people. They target unbelievers. And here's another fascinating thing about this gift of tongues as it's given on this day of Pentecost, the gift of the
Holy Spirit. It actually symbolizes a reversal of the curse.
Here's what I mean by that. In Genesis chapter 10, we are given a catalog of the nations, if you will.
It's a list of all the different kinds, all the different I don't want to say nationalities, because they weren't nations, but all the different people groups in Genesis chapter 10.
And what comes next in Genesis 11, do you remember? It's the story of the Tower of Babel.
And you remember that story, right? These people from all these different people groups, all who descended from Adam and Eve, and then from Noah and his wife and sons, but you had all these different people groups throughout this time, and they all spoke one language.
They all came together and said, let's build us a tower up to heaven. We can get to heaven ourselves. We don't need
God. We'll make a name for ourselves. And they were all one. And what was the result of that? God sent the curse of scattered people and divided languages.
The people couldn't communicate with each other anymore. And off they went in their people groups that could speak the same language together, and they went and built their own individual civilizations, and then that's the way the world ended up being populated.
And it still is this way today where there are peoples all over the world, different languages and so on and so forth. So what happened in Acts chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost?
God the Spirit comes and he gives these gifts to the disciples as they preach, and as they preach the gospel, as they speak the word, everyone is hearing the word in their own language, and the word is uniting all of these disparate languages, these disparate people groups.
There's a message in that, and the message is that the gospel, the gospel is for the whole world, and it is only the gospel that can unify those of all different disparate people groups, different languages, and all the rest of that.
That's another important thing to keep in mind in this crazy confused time in which we're living, isn't it?
Terrible division. Terrible division. You see the division going on in the streets of our cities where you have the law enforcement officers on one side, and you have the protesters on the other side.
There is that kind of division, especially when things get out of hand.
But here's another fascinating thing about that division. Look within the cluster of the protester groups, right?
There's not even unanimity in the protester groups. You've got some that are wanting to overthrow, and want anarchy, and they want to destroy and tear down, but you've got others that want to kind of bring things together and build up, and it is never going to work.
Why? Because the unity is not centered in the gospel.
The unity is centered in the works, the efforts of man, and it never comes to fruition.
It can never bring man, will never be able to bring the unity and the peace by himself that he wants to bring.
It is an interesting thing about the church, the nature of the church. When the church is what the church ought to be, the people of God are what the people of God ought to be.
There is in the church neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, rich, poor, young, old, male, female, none of those divisions when the church is what the church ought to be.
So God, in His grace, when the waiting is finally over, He gives this gift that empowers people for service, and what that empowerment does in verses 5 through 13 is then boldly confronts the sinner with the truth of the gospel.
We have a summary of what was communicated in verse 11 when they say, We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
The wonderful works of God. So what can we see in this confrontation with the various people groups that are gathered together on this day of Pentecost and they're hearing these messages of the wonderful works of God?
Well, one of the things we can discover is that you need the gospel regardless of your piety. Regardless of your piety.
So in verse 5 we read about that there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews who were devout men out of every nation under heaven.
At the end of verse 10, among those groups were Jews and proselytes. These would be
Gentiles that wanted to follow Judaism and adhere to the one true God, Yahweh.
But they needed the gospel. They needed to hear what the disciples were proclaiming on this particular day.
They're God fearing people who need the gospel. This reminds me of what
I heard Terence Floyd say the other day when he was criticizing the violence of the rioters in the name of his brother.
And he was saying, you need to stop, basically he was saying, you need to stop this. He's trying to encourage them, please stop the violence.
Stop the violence. This is not what my brother was about. And then he said this. We're God fearing people.
We Floyds are God fearing people. I would not necessarily read into that that they were converted.
I don't know. That's not my place to know. But what I do know is that even
God fearing people need the gospel. God fearing people received it on the day of Pentecost.
You need the gospel regardless of your piety. You need the gospel regardless of your nationality.
Verses 9 -11, you have these Jews who are transplanted in other nations and they all, places, and they all came together.
They were there in Jerusalem. But the point I think is, that regardless of the language you speak, regardless of the color of your skin, regardless of the country that you would call your ancestral homeland, whatever the case, you need the gospel.
The gospel of Christ is not a white man's religion. It's not a
European man's religion. The gospel of Christ is a
God given gift to humanity of every stripe, of every nation.
You need the gospel regardless of your nationality. And you need the gospel regardless of how you initially respond to what you hear when the gospel is proclaimed.
So in verse 6, when these hearers in their own language first hear, they initially respond with confusion and they're confounded by what they hear.
They were startled and they were perplexed that they still needed the gospel.
There are others in verses 7 and 8 who are disturbed by the messengers themselves. It says, they were all amazed, they marveled, saying one to another, wait a minute, these men are
Galileans. They're Galileans. What's the significance of that?
Well, in the culture of the time, the Galileans were educated, unsophisticated people.
Can I say this here out in western Illinois, farm country? This is the way
I lived there for a while, so I know what I'm talking about. This is the way some of the elites and sophisticated people in the
Chicago area suburbs refer to anybody outside of the greater
Chicagoland area. You bunch of down state. And then they got all kinds of fun words.
So it would be like somebody from Sterling or Rock Falls coming into the middle of the
Magnificent Mile. A bunch of us from here going into the
Magnificent Mile with all of the glitz and the glitter and the expensive stores and all the rest of that stuff.
And all of a sudden the Spirit of God descends upon us and we begin speaking the Gospel.
And all these people with their Gucci handbags and their, you know, say who are these people?
What are they having to say to us? Who do they think they are? Disturbed by the messengers.
And then in verse 12, there are those who are perplexed by the message itself. They were all amazed and were in doubt saying to one another, what does this mean?
Perplexed by the message. And then finally in verse 13 there were still others who were dismissive of the significance of it all.
These men are a bunch of drunks. They just had too much to drink already this morning. Now however these different people responded, in verses 14 to 40
Peter gets up and preaches his first Gospel sermon.
The point is, you need the Gospel regardless of how you initially respond to the message or the messengers.
And this is what, this is what the waiting served to fulfill.
The fulfillment of that waiting served to give the power of the Holy Spirit so that sinners could be boldly confronted with the truth of the
Gospel. So here it is on this day when the wait is finally over.
The Lord Jesus demonstrates that he will fulfill his promises in his time.
Hey, let's rejoice and thank God for those promises that have been fulfilled.
And then let's patiently wait for those that are yet to come. But he also powerfully equips us by his
Spirit to serve him and to carry out the work of ministry that he's given us to do.
Let's trust him to use us wherever we may find ourselves in the spectrum of the work of the ministry as God's people in this world.
Let's trust him to use us. And then by his grace he takes that Gospel message and he boldly confronts the sinner as Christ's followers faithfully proclaim that Gospel.
Let us then declare that good news of the Gospel of Christ to those who are so desperately in need.
And if you, if you yourself, find yourself the confronted sinner today, the one who needs
Christ, well listen, I don't care how you respond to me as an individual, and if the message itself perplexes you and so forth, go beyond that.
Listen to the truth of the Gospel. Christ came to save you from your sins.
Christ died as your Passover Lamb, sacrificing himself to save you from your sins.
Turn from your sin and trust him today. Let's pray. So our
Father and our God, we thank you for the gift of your Spirit. We thank you for his presence within every believer.
We thank you for his power that equips us for service, that attends to the
Gospel, that gives life to dead sinners. May your Spirit work.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. So let's close this morning with the song on your song sheet.
It's printed out for you on the very front. Just a couple stanzas of the song
Only Trust Him. Come every soul by sin oppressed.
There's mercy with the worst.
Him only will save you.
He will save you. He will save you.
Now may the peace of God that passes all understanding. May it guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus in whose name we pray.