AD Live! Responding to Some Comments RE: Al Mohler's Nonsense

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right. So, I just decided to go live just for a moment.
People really didn't like the Al Mohler video. That's not true. I shouldn't say that. I shouldn't say that. A lot of people did really like it, but a lot of people thought it was unfair, and so I just figured
I'd get here and maybe respond to some of the negative comments a little bit because some of them were interesting, and I felt like I needed more.
Here's one from about an hour ago. This guy says, good grief. Talk about elitism.
Find a mirror, friend. Pulling stuff out of entire bias, bias, biasness.
I don't know what that means. You're not going to get access to Fortune 500 CEOs, nor will you garner one -on -one meetings with John MacArthur.
As if you have access to their meetings, that would be a good thing for Christians. You've managed to garner a group of Big Eva in a cultish format.
Social media gives rise to this sort of self -elitism, and guys like Al Mohler know the dangers of social media.
Well, I got to say, I don't really quite understand this. It seems like there's some missing words here and some missing context, but I wasn't trying to say that the fact that I didn't have access to Al Mohler was a bad thing.
In fact, in the video, I said, I'm not saying I should have access to Al Mohler, but the thing is, though, if you're trying to set the standard for serious conversations as being in the meeting room, so to speak, being a mover and shaker, but then you also likewise don't have access to guys like you and stuff like that, that's elitist, because what you're actually saying is the way normies communicate online and stuff like that, that's actually not real conversation.
When you do that, that's when you become elitist, because the normies are on Twitter and social media and in our own meetings and out there kind of thing.
They're not in the meeting room like you. And so it's not the fact that I don't have access to Al Mohler, I actually probably wouldn't meet with Al Mohler most likely, because I know he tried to do the
Jedi mind trick on me. And let's just be honest, I might be susceptible to something like that. I don't know.
I've never actually met a Jedi, so I probably wouldn't take a meeting with Al Mohler.
But the thing is, that's not what the elitist part is. The elitist part is saying, this is the only way to have a serious conversation.
In fact, you can even see the quotation that I pulled here, commenter. Here's what he says.
He says, Southern Baptists are much better in person than we are on Twitter and much better than we are outside of the room.
What he's saying is like outside of the rooms where things get done, where the rooms of power, you know what
I mean? That's where Southern Baptists aren't that good out there. But they're really good in the rooms of power, you know, where the offices, the back alleys and stuff like that.
And the reason why I know that's what he's saying is because that's what the context says. Here's the context of that. He says the convening authority of the president.
So so we're talking the upper echelons of power here, guys. The authority of the president says, look,
I can at least make sure that people are in a room and I can at least make sure that these issues are getting discussed and I can do everything possible to make sure they're discussed in a way that is most, most healthy and most respectful.
And so what he's talking about is his roundtable. And he's saying that that roundtable where the president's there, he's holding court and all of his capos are there talking about whatever it is they talk.
Trust them, though. Trust them. They're talking about it in a healthy and respectful way. You can't have access to it.
You can't have a video into it. You can't have the audio or the minutes or anything. But trust them. It's healthy and respectful.
He's saying that that those Southern Baptists are much better. The Twitter and the ones that are outside of that room that that that that where he's holding court, they're not as good.
That's the elitism. It's not the fact that I can't meet with Al Mohler. I probably wouldn't meet with Al Mohler.
That's not the point. The point is, he's saying that that that war room where the president's there with his capos, that's the real serious discussion.
And then the fake kind of bogus discussion is on Twitter and outside of that room.
And so that's the elitism. And I don't really understand why that wouldn't be elitism.
And the point is not that I can't have access to him. The point is that he's kind of setting up this dichotomy. But and then the point of like the social media is dangerous.
OK, Al, if it's so dangerous, you get off social media, because I happen to I happen to think that I can control social media.
But if you think it's the most dangerous thing since sliced bread, why don't you get off social media and go like that?
See, this is the thing. It's not dangerous for him and his buddies. It's not dangerous for me and the capos, you know, it's dangerous for the people that are challenging the capos.
That's the issue. That's the problem anyway. But I appreciate the comment. Thanks for watching. Here's a comment says a ridiculous number of ads.
Well, thank you for that comment, by the way, because that's actually very helpful to me because I have my my my ads automated.
And sometimes there's just a ridiculous number of ads like after I got this comment, there was like 10 ads on this 30 minute video.
That's ridiculous. But if you let me know, I can go back and I can kind of manually adjust all that kind of stuff and all that.
And it's better. So thank you for letting me know. If you ever see that there's a ton of ads on a video, let me know so I can change it.
All right. Let's take a look at the next one. This guy says he was saying that when people are face to face, they can get to a common understanding.
But when we are apart, we don't have any incentive to come together. I don't he's he's he's saying that that I misrepresented him.
And so he's saying that. But actually, I don't know. I mean, OK, but I don't agree with that at all. I mean, like I said in the video, like there are tons of people that somehow manage to have online interactions and interactions outside of Al Mohler's war room.
That's apparently the only place to have a serious discussion, I guess. There are plenty of people that have online interactions that are totally respectful and they come together and they interact and everything's fine like that happens all the time.
So, OK, he's he's saying that you can get a common understanding when you're apart, but you can't get a common understanding online.
That's not true. That's bogus. That's a lie. That's not correct. So I guess, you know,
I can I can clear that up a little bit for you. That helps. Here's a very, very respectful comment.
This must be one of those social media guys that Al's talking about. He said that it's very disrespectful online.
Mark Mark says this. He says this could quite possibly be 80s dumbest video. Common sense tells us you can reach common ground better in person, face to face than on Twitter.
And so I responded. I feel like I should respond to this, but I have no assurance that you're a real person because this is social media.
Oh, man. But actually, that's not what he was saying, though. He wasn't saying that you just you reach common ground better in person than on Twitter.
What he was saying was get off Twitter. Like, that's the thing. Like, we don't have to take his words like in isolation.
Like, why would you do that? Like, take his whole presentation on Twitter and and let's talk about the whole presentation.
Like he was saying, OK, my war room, the president's war room is the best place. That's where Southern Baptists are the best.
And Al Mueller's war room where his capos are there and they're all, you know, shooting, shooting the breeze kind of thing.
That's where the Southern Baptists are elite. And then on Twitter and then outside of the war room, even even if you're in person, if you're outside of the war room, you're not as good.
That's what he was saying. So you can't reach common ground face to face. No, you have to reach common ground face to face in his inner circle.
In his inner circle, then you can reach common ground. That's what he was saying, Mark. And so I'm sorry.
I mean, I'm not going to argue. Maybe the video was dumb. I'm not going to argue with that. But you're actually misrepresenting what he was saying.
He wasn't saying that. He was saying that in the inner circle, his Al Mueller's inner circle, that's where you get serious engagement, serious conversation about critical race theory.
And he's already ruled there is no leftward drift in the SBC. That's preposterous. There's no critical race theory.
In the SBC, how could you think such a thing? Meanwhile, there's critical race theory in his seminary, and that's what he doesn't like.
He doesn't like anyone challenging his authority on anything. He just doesn't he cannot countenance that.
And the problem with Twitter is that you can do it whenever you can be nobody. You could be anybody. You could even be a bot and challenge his authority.
And that's just that's not going to sit well with a guy like Al Mueller. So that's the thing, guys.
I appreciate you getting Al Mueller's back. A lot of you guys really like Al Mueller.
I totally understand that. And I'm not going to argue with you that the video was dumb.
It very well could have been dumb. But you're saying I'm missing the point. No, I think you're missing the point.
He's not saying that Twitter's just like, you know, maybe maybe third in line and goodness.
No, he's saying get off Twitter. He's telling you get off Twitter. Southern Baptists need to get off Twitter and just listen to Al Mueller and his capos.
We're not going to do that, man. Why would we do that? And so I understand getting his back. I'm not I'm glad that you're commenting here and you watch my video.
I can't say that. I'm glad you think my video is dumb. That's kind of hurtful. But no,
I do appreciate the comment, but I think you're missing it, Mark. I don't think I'm the one missing it. I think you're the one missing it.
But besides, I don't know why you would think I would seriously engage you. You're you might you might even be a Twitter bot or I guess a
YouTube bot. How do I even know you're a real person, Mark? I can't even talk to you. This this this conversation is so disrespectful and it's so discouraging.
Just kidding, I'm not Al Mueller. I think social media is great. All right, let's read some comments here. All righty, so we got live chat going on here.
So this guy said Big Eva is worried about an Arab spring, as it were. Yeah, I agree with that. I agree with that. Big Eva is very worried about their their power structures crumbling.
Good comment. He says, hey, bro, I appreciate your work blessings. Yeah, God bless you as well. I'm glad you find it helpful.
Does Big Eva and Al have lost the truth? Pride and cowardice have taken over. Pray for the true believers to see through this nonsense.
Yeah, I agree with that. And listen, here's what I'm saying. I'm not saying that there's not true believers in Big Eva. There definitely are.
But I think that just the way that that Big Eva engages, it's just not becoming of a
Christian, like they operate like like the mafia. That's why people call them the Latte Mafia. You know, I think who came up with that?
Was that J .D. Hall who came up with that? I don't know. Somebody came up with the Latte Mafia. And and that's that's that's how they operate.
They operate like a scarf wearing, you know, big frame glasses, soy latte sipping mafia.
That's how it is. And it's like that's why you get this elitist stuff on Mueller's like, well, the office of the president, he can make sure it happens.
Respectful. Trust him. Trust him. It's respectful. I know that that guy, Russell Fuller, said that I I ripped him a new one in my office, but that didn't happen.
Trust me. I'm the capo here. Russell Moore, Russell, Russell Moore, Russell Fuller.
I mean, we're expected to believe he's just a liar. That never happened because Al Mueller can guarantee that these conversations will happen in a very respectful way.
Well, we don't care about your guarantees. Your guarantee was probably worth something years ago, but it's not worth anything anymore.
You're trusted for truth. Guarantee is meaningless these days. So there you go. But yes,
I'm not saying that they're unbelievers. I'm just saying that, you know, the way the way that they operate is unbecoming of a
Christian. Let's just say it that way. All right. The 80s, the ad thing is crazy. The ad thing is crazy.
Yeah. With the amount of ads. I think that's what this person's talking about. Yeah, that was totally crazy. The person the person commented that there was so many ads.
And I was like, oh, what is it going to be like for? There was like 10 ads. It was absolutely insane. And normally that doesn't happen.
I just don't understand why why it happens sometimes. Some people were saying it was a conspiracy, like if it's a really good video, they put a lot of ads to bother people.
I don't know about that, but I did fix it. So hopefully it'll be better now. All right.
Did it? Let's see. Mark says 80 slapping us with ads to get that drip and then stacks.
Yeah, that's true. I was actually writing my so I'm working on my book. It's it's it's it's getting there.
It's going to be done pretty soon. And I was writing a chapter about that reparation sermon from from Eric Mason.
Man, that was a doozy. I was thinking about all that stuff, man, and I'm trying to this is the. This would be the same with me if somebody was trying to do a transcript of what
I say, it'd be very difficult. But trying to do a transcript of what Eric Mason says because of all the slang he uses and stuff like that, it is nigh impossible.
All right. He says that. We all got to do our local part and keep it and trust
God and persevere. Yeah, that's right. Look, we got to keep it local. I completely agree. And that's not to say that that national institution type stuff, that's like all bad.
That's not bad. Like, I don't have a problem with institutions. Like the the problem I have with big Eva is not that it's an institution, not that it's big.
The problem is the way that they operate. I don't like that. And I think that they also they also put they also are wrong on a lot of things.
That's what I don't like. Anyway, here we go. Nicholas here is making fun of my usage of the word countenance.
That's, I agree. It's one of my favorite words. AD is just a bye.
Yeah, that's right. Southern Baptist lost the Baptist. Get off Twitter.
Yeah, maybe I should get off Twitter. I've been thinking about it, but now that Al Moller's told me to get off Twitter, now I have to stay.
People are recommending Parler and Miui. I have a Parler, but I don't use it. And Miui, I don't have one of those.
Sarah recommends YouTube Premium. She says, no ads, just AD. Well, thank you.
Yes, I don't have YouTube Premium. I can't necessarily recommend it or not, but hey, there's definitely some people that watch me on YouTube Premium.
I see in the analytics, that's good. All right, here's someone that says, I think the issue is that they beat around the bush so much that a lot of what they say becomes meaningless.
Yeah, I completely agree. You can, I was talking to someone in the chat about this the other day.
You can listen to a Tim Keller video about a very specific issue, and he'll talk for five minutes, and you're like, okay, but what's your position though?
Like, what's the real position? Someone sent me a video he did about female elders, and does the
Bible allow female elders? And like, he talked about it for five minutes, and it's like, yeah, but you didn't answer the question though.
Like, that's just so annoying. That is the big problem. All right, here's someone says,
YouTube can be super random. Sometimes they don't put any midstream ads, and other times they insert 20 ads. Yeah, I don't understand that.
It doesn't make any sense. It just seems to be totally random. And I've played with the settings to see if it works, but it's just random.
It's like, sometimes it works, and then sometimes you get 20 ads in a 10 -minute video. It's just preposterous. I completely agree.
Here's Mark Deaver says, we out here. We out here, that's right, we are out here. All right, there's a fine line between criticism and hyper -criticism, and how do you know when you've crossed that line?
Yeah, that's a good question. And I think sometimes it's very difficult for you to know when you've crossed that line.
And so my recommendation for you is to get people in your life that you can trust to tell you that you've crossed the line when you've crossed the line.
Like, you don't wanna have a bunch of yes -men around you. You don't wanna have people that, you know, like are against all, you know, fighting, because that's not gonna be helpful to you either.
You need someone that's good at fighting and is willing to fight the good fight, but is also willing to stand up to you.
So like, it's very difficult. At least I find it difficult. I'll speak for myself. I find it difficult to know when
I've crossed the line myself, but I've got my biological brother who's willing to call me out.
My pastor is willing to call me out. And there are other guys online that I know fight that are also, you know, kind of watching over my back.
And that's what I would recommend. I'd recommend you find some men that you can trust for that exact thing.
All right, let's see. I'm gonna probably jump off in just a minute, but someone asked me if I'm really a bot, a
Ukrainian bot. I don't, I mean, that would be some bot, because, you know,
I'm live before you right now. All right. Ambiguity is the name of the game for the
Big Eva. But yeah, I completely agree. Yeah, so the next question is, do I listen to Mike Winger at all?
You're not the first person to ask me that, and I don't. I don't even really know who he is. But, you know, since you're not, a few people have asked me about Mike Winger.
I'm gonna have to check him out. I don't know anything about him. All right, untouchable. Al Mohler's Big Eva's Elliot Ness, untouchable.
Yeah, I agree. People really don't like it when I talk about Al Mohler. Even a lot of my friends, people that I consider friends are really big into Al Mohler so they think
I give them a hard time too much. But that's just how it's gonna be. All right. How about a short video on sphere sovereignty?
Yeah, man, I've done that before. Jamie, thanks for the comment. I've definitely done that before, but yeah,
I could do it again. That's something I should definitely do. And Jamie, that's something that I cover in my book as well, the sphere sovereignty thing at a very kind of foundational level.
All right. Female, yeah, Tim Keller's churches are planting EPC churches. Right, yeah.
Female elders, but not female preachers. Yep. Yeah, he's big on that. And he's also big on, yeah, he has like, he calls them, what does he call them?
Like non -ordained elders or something like that? Yeah, it's just ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous.
When am I gonna finish that wall? Good question. I don't know, man. It's actually, that part that's not finished there, that's where the door is gonna go.
So the wall is actually, you know, all up. We just need to put up the door and then finish the walls, of course, but cool.
A couple more here. Let's see. Mike Winger's a very careful teacher and he's very responsible and honest.
Good. Yeah, definitely have to check him out. That's good. So here's the, so a plurality of church elders and submitting to their authority would be recommended.
Yes, definitely. But you have to make sure. So elders, you know, church elders are people you should definitely submit to.
But if you're gonna be doing commentary or you're critiquing people, you definitely need to find elders that are willing to fight the good fight, that understand criticism is totally legit, but also willing to stand up to you.
There's a lot of elders out there that are missing one of those two things. And if you find one of those, it's not gonna work.
You need to find someone who's, you gotta find someone who's a man, right? Who's willing to stand up to you, but also knows you have to fight sometimes.
All right, cool. Yeah, so by the way, this is my first live stream where I'm reading comments and I don't have like a plan really.
And so let me know what you think about this. If you'd like to see more of this kind of format, this is, I just kind of wanted to try it out.
And yeah, so anyway. See, you consider how the chickens, the chickens are good, man.
The chickens are doing really good. It was like 12 degrees out last night. And so I was a little worried about them, but they're fine.
All right. Unfinished doorways bring character into the room. Yeah, I agree. Am I considering getting the new
COVID -19 vaccine? No, definitely not. And the more they wanna push it, the less
I'll likely get it is that kind of thing. And I'm not an anti -vaxxer, but I'm definitely not getting that.
All right, thank you for the answers. Yeah, you're welcome. No plan is okay yet. I appreciate that.
What dome polish do you use? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Well, that's funny because I actually do have,
I actually do have a, I used to use something called, what was it?
Head blade. It was like a lotion from a company called Head Blade. And they had two options.
They had a matte finish and then a glossy finish. And I used to always get the glossy. Why wouldn't you go glossy? I don't know.
Why would you get a matte finish for a lotion for your head? Ha ha ha, that doesn't make any sense.
But yeah, I used to use it. It was called Head Blade with the company. I don't know what the lotion was called, but it was good.
All right. Dun, dun, dun, dun, that's my video. Yeah, man.
It's good to be talking with you guys. Good to be talking with you guys. All right, well, I only planned on doing this for 20 minutes but yeah,
I'll take a couple more questions. Am I gonna plant a church? Nope, I don't have any plans to do that. And then glossy, yeah, the lighting's a little bit bright here.
I have to mess with the lighting too, that's for sure. But all right, guys, so that'll be all for now.
But let me know in the comments if you think this was good and if I should do it some more. And I hope you found it helpful.