Jeff Durbin Confronts The Woke Church (Full Sermon)
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- Well, good afternoon. Are you guys ready to fight? I like this room.
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- Rowdy Christians, lots of post -millennialists and theonomists. We're in good company. Amen. If you would, open your
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- Bibles to Colossians. Colossians chapter 2. Now, everybody in this room might be aware of my sins in the area of time.
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- And I just want to say, it's not my fault we started 10 minutes late. And Gabe either thinks very highly of my abilities, or he hates me, because he gave me a topic that would take usually three or four months for me to cover.
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- He wants me to do it in an hour. So I hope you guys are ready for this. Colossians chapter 2, we're talking today about Vantillian kill shots against BLM, LGBT, and the abortion issue.
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- And I think you can summarize that in terms of saying biblical response, the response of the word of God to these issues in a biblical methodology to unpack the problems within.
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- So I thought a good place to start is Colossians chapter 2. Colossians chapter 2, hear now the word of the living and the true
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- God. For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not seen me face to face, that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is
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- Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
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- I say this in order that no one may delude you with plausible arguments. For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
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- Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
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- See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to the human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
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- As far as the reading of God's holy and inspired word, let's pray together. Father, I pray that you would use,
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- Lord, the time we have together to glorify yourself, to challenge us, convict us, to embolden your church, your bride, to proclaim the voice of the bridegroom into the world.
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- I pray, Lord God, you would cut us with your word. You would challenge us with your truth. And Lord, I pray that you would get me out of the way.
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- Let everyone forget me and remember you and what they've learned here. I pray that your truth, Lord, would be rooted within us.
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- We would treasure it up within us so we can use it to fight. In Jesus' name, amen.
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- I have a lot to go over. I cannot give a full message today on the Vantillian method, transcendental argumentation.
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- What I want to say to you, and remember these two words, I want you to repeat them with me. Pretend for a moment like most of you are Baptists, OK?
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- Reed Bonson. What? Reed Bonson. One more time. Reed Bonson. Reed Bonson.
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- That'll help you after today's lecture. So a summary of Vantill.
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- Cornelius Vantill, one of the greatest Christian philosophers in the history of the entire Christian church, helped to communicate and systematize a biblical approach to philosophy, epistemology, how you know what you know, and Christian apologetics.
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- I thought I could do this at least as a punch. One solid quote that I thought expresses sort of the essence of what
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- Vantill was getting at. And when I say what Vantill was getting at, we're talking about a reformed epistemology, a reformed apologetic, a reformed perspective of the word of God in conflict with the world and knowledge.
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- Vantill says this, quote, without the interpretation of the universe by man to the glory of God, the whole world would be meaningless.
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- Stop and think for a moment. I'll read it again. I want you to really embrace it and think about it, consider it. Without the interpretation of the universe by man to the glory of God, the whole world would be meaningless.
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- What's that saying? That's saying that all of our knowledge, all of our claims to certainty, all of our understanding, all of our claims to wisdom have to be rooted first in the triune
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- God of scripture and his revelation. Fact of the matter is, and again, I'd love to go long on this, but I can't.
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- We can't truly know anything apart from Jesus Christ. Without God's revelation, we have no starting point, no coherent starting point to make claims about logical consistency, meaning, virtue, ethics, truth, beauty, goodness, mathematics.
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- Without the word of God, God's revelation, all of the universe is ultimately meaningless.
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- And you don't need to listen to Jeff Durbin, the pastor who loves to debate atheists on the street and do public debates, says, no,
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- I'm trying to misrepresent the atheistic position. You can listen to Dr. Will Provine. He's a dead atheist, now a creationist.
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- Professor of biology at Cornell University, very honest atheist. He says, there are no goal -directed forces in the universe.
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- There is no meaning. There's nothing that's absolutely true. He says, you live, you die, and you're gone.
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- You're absolutely gone when you die, Dr. Will Provine. You can listen to Dr. Richard Dawkins in his book,
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- River Out of Eden. There is no good. There is no evil.
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- There is only blind and pitiless indifference. You can listen to Dr.
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- Carl Sagan in terms of the essence of what is humanity, what is this universe, this experience we're having.
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- And he'll tell you, we are stardust. That's it. You're all matter in motion.
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- And when you have a fundamental commitment to a worldview that is devoid of God's revelation as a starting point, you descend into chaos.
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- Truly, the debate of all of life is between Christ or chaos.
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- And that's it. And we're seeing that in our streets today. Amen? It's Christ or chaos.
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- What we're talking about when we talk about Vantillian epistemology, Vantillian apologetics, we're talking about a revelational epistemology, a revelational epistemology.
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- Now watch here. I know that it's been a long day. And you guys have been here for a while. But some of you guys might be saying,
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- I don't know what epistemology is. I don't know why I should care. You should care. It has to do with knowledge claims. People make them all the time.
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- When people watch the Biden -Trump debate, people make knowledge claims.
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- That's not true. We know that's not true. This is wrong. This is false.
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- Or people make assessments as to the ethical nature of the debaters, rightly so. What's the right standard we apply?
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- People make knowledge claims all the time. How do you know what you know? Christians have a revelational epistemology.
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- We do not ultimately say that we know what we know because it's reasonable. We're not ultimately rationalists, although Christians do employ reason.
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- We think reason is absolutely necessary. But we do not have as the foundation of our epistemology reason.
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- Reason, blindly, without God, without His revelation, gets us to certain things where we can claim certainty or we can get to knowledge of God.
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- Rationalism isn't fundamentally Christian as a bottom of epistemology and how you know what you know.
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- Neither are we empiricists. We do not say that you gain ultimate knowledge based upon evidence and gathering evidences and facts and just observation.
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- We think empiricism is a good thing. As a matter of fact, Christianity gave the world science, so you're welcome.
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- So we do believe that you need to look at evidence, gather evidence. But those are Christian things.
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- But devoid of the biblical worldview and the biblical revelation, empiricism is ultimately meaningless.
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- It can't give you a coherent claim to certainty, no ultimate meaning. We have a revelational epistemology.
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- We believe we know what we know and we can claim it with certainty because, are you ready for this?
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- Very philosophically rigorous, very intense, because, ready? God said. You afraid of that?
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- You shouldn't be. That's our problem today with all the woke evangelical pastors. They're afraid to say because God says.
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- That's why. Psalm 14 .1 says this, the fool says in his heart, there is no
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- God. Now I often say this, I often quote this particular verse and I often say it's important to communicate that when the
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- Bible uses the terminology like fool, we're not using it in the way we normally think in terms of just trying to give somebody a slam or a jab.
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- When God uses the term fool against the unbeliever in scripture, it's a moral indictment as well as intellectual.
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- It's not merely intellectual, it is moral. The fool says in his heart, there is no
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- God. When you say there is no God, you are reduced to foolishness according to scripture.
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- Colossians chapter 2, I just read at the beginning, claims about Jesus that Christ is the very foundation of knowledge in whom
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- Jesus are hidden, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. They're in Jesus Christ.
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- Paul warns the church early on about people who ultimately were making claims to knowledge.
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- The problems of Gnosticism were plaguing the church early on in our history. He says, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
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- So here's the thing. There is a philosophy, a perspective of the world and knowledge that is not according to Christ, which means there is one that is according to Christ.
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- Believers have all of our knowledge wrapped up in Jesus Christ. I know what I know because God says.
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- You think about this, it's kind of funny actually when you think about these claims because we're living in a world of image bearers of God. Everybody knows
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- God, Paul says. Romans 1, the problem isn't a lack of evidence or a lack of light, it's suppression of truth.
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- They know God, Paul says in Romans 1, but they suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness.
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- They don't want God in their knowledge. They don't want to know him. So the problem is they switch
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- God for idols, we have a world of image bearers of God who have to constantly borrow capital from God to live in his world in a coherent way.
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- So we just take it for granted as Christians that we can say it is a certainty, it is absolutely certain that you ought to love your neighbor rather than eat them.
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- Stop and think about that. It's an amazing thing, right? Simple, we think, well everyone believes that, correct?
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- Well Christians can make a meaningful claim to that knowledge claim. We can say it is absolute, it is objective, it is true whether I like it or not, it is true whether my culture likes it or not, that you ought to love your neighbor and not eat your neighbor.
- 12:10
- Recently I had a little bit of a radio discussion with an atheist who wanted to come on one of our programs called
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- Provoked. And on this program he was supposed to come on and debate the issue of pro -choice. He was a pro -choice atheist, he listened to the show, he said,
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- I think I could take you guys down. And so he said, well come on the show, let's have a conversation. Well shortly after the conversation ensued, it was very, very clear this guy was an atheist and a materialist, he believes all that exists is matter, it's just matter in motion.
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- So I started challenging him on his positions. Well what are you complaining about, about any ethical needs, desires, claims?
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- As a materialist, you don't have a basis for morality to begin with, so why would you complain about pro -choice versus pro -life?
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- Why are you here debating? So I challenged him and challenged him on this point. His position gives him no reason, no right, meaningful, coherent right to complain against cannibalism.
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- And so I challenged him more and more, you can listen to it, and ultimately what he admits to on the radio program as an atheist, is that yeah, it isn't ultimately wrong to kill, dispatch, and eat another human being.
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- I mean if you're with a culture that says it's right, I guess it's okay, and he said ultimately, I guess the most important thing is that you clean your plate.
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- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to atheism. Welcome to the fool's world. Welcome to the image bearer of God that can't live in God's world without borrowing from him.
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- Because this man in God's image knows that it's sinful and wrong and evil to eat another human being, but when pushed to consistency in his knowledge claims, he has to confess, yeah, the only reason
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- I think we shouldn't eat humans is because, well, it's kind of icky. My culture doesn't agree with it.
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- If you're in a culture that does, I guess it's not immoral, I guess, you know, clean your plates, don't waste anything.
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- That's what he says. You see, we have to understand as Christians in terms of the Vantillian method and what
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- Vantill was pointing to in terms of a revelational epistemology and how we approach the world and knowledge claims is there is no neutrality.
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- Neutrality is a myth. Neutrality is a myth. The Lord Jesus taught us in Matthew 12, 30.
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- He said, whoever is not with me is against me. You believe that? Do you really?
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- Do you believe it in science? Mathematics? Logic? Politics?
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- The abortion debate? Black Lives Matter? LGBT? Just consider it for a moment.
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- The Lord Jesus says with him, there is no neutrality. You are either with me or you are against me.
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- That one verse undermines the vast majority of the pro -life industry where they pretend neutrality and say, we are professedly not
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- Christians in our approach to ending abortion and we wonder why there's 65 million dead babies because we haven't made it about Christ.
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- We haven't made it about the gospel. There is no neutrality. Neutrality is a myth.
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- God says in his word, Romans one, everybody knows him. The knowledge of God, according to Romans one, the apostle
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- Paul through inspiration, the knowledge of God gets through to every image bearer of God.
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- The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
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- For that which is known about God is evident within them for God has shown it to them.
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- Think about it for a moment now. If God, the eternal God, the all -powerful God, the all -knowing God, if he sends the message of himself through to an image bearer, does it get through?
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- Yes, it gets through. The problem is not light or evidence. It is suppression of the truth.
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- There is no neutrality. Now, I'm gonna do this quickly. It's the quickest way I can do this to get to taking down BLM and LGBT and the abortion industry.
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- So I think one of my favorite things to do in talking about worldview and ultimate commitments is to talk about it in terms of what you're standing on.
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- The atheist has a worldview. He's standing on claims about reality, about ethics, about metaphysics, ontology.
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- He's making claims about epistemology. And what does he say? He's standing on a foundation.
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- Let's hope this holds. He's standing on a foundation, claims about reality.
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- He says, we're African apes, we're stardust. The universe is time and chance acting on matter.
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- There are no goal -directed forces in the universe, meaning no purpose, no intention.
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- It's just stuff happening in a cosmos that doesn't care about us. There is no good, there is no evil, there is only blind and pitiless indifference.
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- That's what they say in terms of a view of the world and what they're standing on. Now, the Christian also makes claims.
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- The Christian makes claims about God, the triune God of Scripture. The Christian makes claims about truth.
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- Where do we get those claims from? Revelation. God spoke. We know that God speaks through the natural world.
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- The heavens declare the glory of God, amen, yes? And that message gets through. But we also have the special revelation of God's son in history, here in this air and in this dirt, in the real world in history.
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- But we also have the benefit of God's revelation delivered to us in Scripture. This is our claim to certainty.
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- So what are we standing on? We're standing on God's revelation. When Christians make claims about logic, that doesn't make sense.
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- That's not consistent. Why does it bother us? Because we have a God who does not change.
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- We have a God who cannot lie. He cannot engage in logical contradiction. We have a
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- God that tells us one person's case sounds true until another one comes to examine them. There's truth out there.
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- And we need to wade through those claims to find out what is the truth. Test all things. Hold fast to that which is true.
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- Christians have a basis for the laws of logic. Question, real fast, in terms of a metaphysic, an ontology.
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- Have you ever tasted a law of logic? Felt one, smelled one. How much does it weigh?
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- What color is a law of non -contradiction? We don't know, do we? Because laws of logic and math are immaterial, universal, unchanging truths that reflect the thinking of God.
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- They are fixed. They are unchallengeable. They are true right now here. Where are we at now?
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- Nashville? No, Franklin. And they're true in Iceland. Because this universe reflects the order that God imposes upon it.
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- So Christians have a basis with God's revelation to say things must be logical. Truth is important.
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- It's necessary. Christians have a basis to say you ought to love your neighbor rather than eat your neighbor.
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- Christians have a basis to say this is right and this is wrong. Someone says, how do you know that? Answer, God said, because God has spoken.
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- Christians have a basis for science. It's why the world got it from us and got such a big pop in science, because we have a basis to say that the universe is orderly.
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- We have a basis for the principle of induction, that the future will be like the past, that we can actually gather evidence and look at the universe and study it in a meaningful way.
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- So we give the world logic and science and ethics because we have the revelation of God underneath us.
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- However, the fool, the fool stands on a different perspective of reality.
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- The fool says there is no God. They say there's no meaning, no good, no purpose, no order.
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- They stand there and they reject God, and then they live in this world. And the atheist has someone kick down their door, run in their house, punch their wife, grab their
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- TV, and run out the door. And the atheist goes, hey, hey, you can't steal from me.
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- And then the Christian goes, excuse me, you're borrowing. And they go, no, there's no good. There's no meaning. There's no purpose.
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- There's no order. It's just chaos. We're stardust, African apes. It doesn't mean anything, ultimately.
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- The atheist stands in front of a television set with a news report of the school shooting and sheds a tear.
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- Why? Not because of his claims about the world, but because he knows
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- God, because he's in God's image. And so we have to consider there is no neutrality.
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- The unbeliever pretends neutrality. Christian, I'm challenging you to stop. Stop pretending neutrality.
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- The big failure, I believe, of the evangelical church in the West today is that problem of the myth of neutrality, pretended neutrality.
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- The unbeliever pretends neutrality, pretends like they don't know God, pretends like they don't know his truth, his justice, his righteousness.
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- And Christians step into the conversation pretending neutrality right along with them. The answer is this.
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- Whoever is not with me is against me. Two words, Reed Bonson.
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- Say it. Reed Bonson. You need to read Bonson. I think Van Tell is glorious, but if you want the person who is a master at distilling that thought and systematizing it, read
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- Bonson. So we need to consider also just in terms of how Jesus had fights.
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- In Matthew chapter 15, the Lord Jesus, of course, is God in the flesh. Amen, yes? If you don't believe that, you don't belong here.
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- In Matthew chapter 15, the Lord Jesus has a fight. Now, he could, as the incarnate one, appeal to his own inherent self -attesting authority.
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- He's God. However, the God man, when he was in conflict in his day with people who had a standard over here that they treated as though it were divine other than the scriptures, when
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- Jesus was in a fight with people who said, no, this is the way. This is the truth.
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- You must obey this. This is the methodology. You must do these things. Jesus, Matthew 15, dwindled it down to this.
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- Listen very closely and remember this. The incarnate one said about their tradition.
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- He said, you say, and he quotes their tradition. He says, but Moses says.
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- And then he says this. Listen closely. Hear it now. Thus, you invalidate the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
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- So he condemns them. The incarnate one condemns them for the tradition they had running alongside the
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- Bible that they said was divine in origin. They were certain about it. And he said, you have to do this.
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- They were binding this tradition upon people. And Jesus says, you say,
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- God says. And thus, you invalidate the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
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- Put Jesus in a fight. And he says, the word of God is the standard. Thy word is what?
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- Truth. Thy word is truth. It's the thing by which you measure whether that wall is right.
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- It's the plumb line. It is the thing, the standard, the reference point. Thy word is truth.
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- And for Jesus, that's how he appealed. No other standard would Jesus allow. Ultimately, in terms of God's word as the central reference point, please hear this.
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- First conflict, Matthew 15, divine tradition alongside the word of God. He says, you invalidate the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
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- Another example is Luke 16. It's the story of the rich man and Lazarus. You're familiar with this, yes?
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- There's a potent point Jesus makes in this story. In Luke 16, it's a very powerful point.
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- In the story in Luke 16, verse 2, it says this. The rich man also died and was buried.
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- And in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.
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- And he called out, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.
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- But Abraham said, child, remember that you and your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things.
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- But now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you, a great chasm has been fixed in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.
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- And he said, then I beg you, Father, to send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them lest they also come into this place of torment.
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- But Abraham said, listen closely, they have Moses and the prophets.
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- Let them hear them. And he said, no, Father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.
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- He said to them, if they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.
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- Did you ever stop and think about that point? Stop and think about it. And the story just sends some kind of miracle to convince these people, sends some means to open their eyes, like somebody rising from the dead, some kind of miracle, gives some kind of criteria where they can look at the criteria, examine it and say, okay, on the basis of that criteria, okay, now
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- I'll really believe this. And what's the word? If they don't believe Moses and the prophets, they're not believing on that other basis.
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- The word of God is the foundation. It is the reference point. And put Jesus in a fight, and that's what he teaches us.
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- There is no other standard. The word of God is the reference point. In 1 Peter 3 .15,
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- last point on this, we are told to set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts.
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- It's the famous, of course, charter verse of Christian apologetics. It's been quoted for a long, long time by Christians throughout history.
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- We are commanded to always be ready to give to everyone who asks of us a reasoned defense for the hope that's within us, yet to do it with gentleness and with reverence.
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- But that starts with the apostle under inspiration saying this, set Christ apart as Lord, always being ready.
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- With first Christ set apart as Lord, there is no coherent or meaningful or faithful defense of the biblical faith apart from a submission to Christ's Lordship.
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- There is no neutrality. You are either with me or you are against me.
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- Here's the deal, listen closely. We need to say what the prophets said and do what they did.
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- Let me say it one more time and I'm gonna ask you guys if you are willing to commit to that and agree to it. We need to say what the prophets said and do what they did, agreed?
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- Agreed? We're gonna test that later. Now, in terms of going into the world and having conflict, whatever the issue, whatever the claim is,
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- I wanna just say quickly, there is the twofold apologetic methodology. I don't have time to go into the full description today or explanation.
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- I'll give it to you to do your homework later. The twofold apologetic methodology. How do we do this?
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- How do we reason? We should go to the word of God to ask that question. Amen, yes? We should ask what does
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- God say in his wisdom? How do we reason with people? How do we answer the fool? Proverbs 26, four through five, twofold apologetic methodology.
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- Seems like contradictions, they are not. They are two different methodologies of dealing with the fool.
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- And it says, don't answer the fool according to his folly or you'll be like him.
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- Don't answer the fool according to his folly or you'll be like him. If what he or she is saying is foolish, don't adopt their principles.
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- Don't adopt their criteria for knowledge. Don't go their direction. If they pretend neutrality, we don't.
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- If you adopt their principles, you'll be like them, a fool. And the second part of the biblical apologetic methodology is to answer the fool according to their folly lest they be wise in their own conceits.
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- That's to say, step into their position for a minute. Step into it. Show them that they're in a sinking ship.
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- Step into their worldview. Stand on it for a minute and show them the collapse of their system apart from Jesus Christ.
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- Don't answer the fool according to their folly and then answer the fool according to their folly. Two -fold apologetic methodology.
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- All right, how we doing on time? Doesn't matter. All right, so let's do this.
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- We said BLM, LGBT and the abortion issue. I'd love to spend two hours on BLM and it probably would benefit us greatly right now.
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- But let's just talk about worldview issues in terms of black lives matter. Black lives matter.
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- It's amazing when you hear that being shouted in the streets, the average Christian seeing the flames and the cocktails being thrown, hears black lives matter and goes,
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- I like that. Because I think they do. Because I have a worldview that makes sense about that claim, black lives mattering.
- 30:28
- I like that. Makes sense in the biblical worldview. I don't know why they're saying it and maybe they're saying it in a different way than I would mean it because of their worldview.
- 30:38
- And it actually is the case. Many of you guys are aware of the fact, just go to the official website of Black Lives Matter.
- 30:46
- They confess and rejoice over the fact that they are trained Marxists.
- 30:53
- Trained Marxists talking about black lives matter. Now, if you know the history of Marxism and you hear them talking about anything, you should be a little squinty -eyed.
- 31:03
- Trained Marxists, they rejoice in this, that they are not just Marxists, but trained Marxists.
- 31:09
- It makes sense as to why we're seeing, well, we're seeing, by the way, if you know the history of Marxism, you say, okay, now
- 31:14
- I'm starting to understand a little bit better. You see, trained Marxists understand that they bring about their revolution.
- 31:22
- And by the way, revolution for the Marxist isn't getting back to the foundation, something that is true or objectively true, we're getting back to that point, as many early on in the
- 31:32
- War for Independence would have said, there's truth out there, there's justice out there, we need to get back to that foundation.
- 31:38
- Revolutionaries, in the Marxist sense, are trying to get away from the foundation objective truth.
- 31:44
- They're trying to create disorder. And so, of course, trained Marxists in history have all been all about class conflict.
- 31:54
- Class conflict. Now, if you know the history of Marxism, you'll know that as they tried to get it into America early on, they did what they did before, and they tried to have it, the rich versus the poor.
- 32:07
- The rich versus the poor. One problem, though, in a capitalistic society that's benefited from the
- 32:12
- Christian worldview, when you have people that are benefiting from the free market and private property, and they're actually able to eat, it's hard to pit rich versus poor, so it didn't work out so well, so more class conflict is instituted.
- 32:28
- So what do we have in American history? Well, the Marxists get here and they say, let's create class conflict, rich versus poor.
- 32:35
- All right, let's also create the class conflict, gay versus straight. You know, by the way, that they've stated this plainly in their materials.
- 32:42
- You can read it. Read Saul Alinsky and all the rest. You'll see that this has been planned for the longest time.
- 32:48
- What you're seeing is the result of labor and work and consistency with their worldview, and shame on us for not fighting back sooner.
- 33:01
- Why is it they don't even know Jesus? They believe that all they are is matter and motion, and they're willing to die for what they believe.
- 33:07
- What are we doing? What are we doing? Shame on us. But they believe in a worldview called dialectical materialism.
- 33:15
- I cannot even begin to unpack this absurdity before you today, but they believe in dialectical materialism.
- 33:22
- What you need to understand at the bottom of this is their worldview claims the claims of essentially evolution, matter and motion.
- 33:32
- Dialectical materialism for the trained Marxist in Black Lives Matter is they believe in a materialist view of reality.
- 33:41
- It's matter and motion. It's stuff moving around. No God, no purpose, no order.
- 33:47
- You are matter. That's their position. And in terms of the dialectical part, don't get lost in this.
- 33:55
- I know all this is stupid. Don't get lost in this. But I know in terms of the dialectical, we say, what does that mean?
- 34:02
- I'm gonna read to you Engels, a quote from Engels. So you get an idea, and I want you to consider the answer the fool according to their folly.
- 34:10
- They say, we need to do this. These lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter.
- 34:17
- No justice, no peace. Well, that's interesting for matter and motion to be making claims like that.
- 34:24
- Engels said, quote, for dialectical philosophy, nothing is final, absolute, sacred.
- 34:35
- I'm gonna give you just five seconds to think about that. Do you hear it?
- 34:41
- Answer the fool according to their folly. Engels says about dialectical philosophy, nothing is final, absolute, or sacred.
- 34:54
- Is that absolutely true? Is that final?
- 35:00
- But notice the sacred part. Nothing is final, nothing is absolute, nothing is sacred.
- 35:09
- For dialectical materialists, there are no absolutes, and nothing is sacred.
- 35:14
- So, let's test it. Black lives matter? Nothing is final, nothing is absolute, nothing is sacred.
- 35:25
- We're trained Marxists. Black lives matter. No, they don't. Not according to your position.
- 35:33
- Not according to a position that says nothing is final, nothing is absolute, nothing is sacred. Also, bigger question here, we need to ask the
- 35:41
- Black Lives Matter crowd, why does matter matter?
- 35:50
- Why does matter matter? You see, where's the borrowed capital here?
- 35:56
- We can say to the Black Lives Matter Marxist, you're not supposed to believe that that black man's in the image of God.
- 36:05
- You're not supposed to believe that he has value and purpose and that black people are sacred.
- 36:11
- That's my worldview. I get to say that black people are sacred.
- 36:17
- I get to say that they're valuable because I have Christ. You have matter in motion, dialectical materialism.
- 36:26
- Matter doesn't matter in your worldview. It's borrowed capital.
- 36:33
- No creator -creation distinction in dialectical materialism. Humans are cosmic accidents.
- 36:42
- And what happens in this indifferent universe to people with black skin is irrelevant in their worldview and their perspective.
- 36:52
- What are they doing? They're sneaking over that foot, borrowing from Jesus in order to make coherent claims about their worldview, but they can't make it coherent.
- 37:05
- Here's the claim, anything mattering is mine.
- 37:12
- Why? Because I have Jesus. I have a foundation to make sense of a world where I can say anything matters at all, or that human beings are valuable at all.
- 37:24
- You see, in my worldview, and this has been said before, but please hear it, there is one creator, God, one race, human, one blood, red, one problem, sin, and one solution,
- 37:40
- Jesus Christ. And I think a potent question to ask the
- 37:50
- Black Lives Matter Marxist, all black lives matter?
- 37:56
- All black lives matter? What about those black lives in the womb? The most unsafe place for black lives isn't the back of a police cruiser.
- 38:08
- It isn't even in Chicago. The most unsafe place for black lives is in the wombs of black mothers.
- 38:20
- Is that the truth? Then you need to say it like the prophets say it, and do what the prophets do.
- 38:29
- We need to be heralding the truth of the biblical worldview in the midst of this conversation, and we need to stop pulling punches.
- 38:36
- Tell the truth. All right, LGBT. How am
- 38:42
- I doing on time? Doesn't matter. LGBT, we're talking about the alphabet, people.
- 38:51
- What's your pal, Shay, the people that took half of the alphabet for themselves? All we can really do in dealing with this in one session like this in a few moments is deal with the slogans, mostly with the slogans.
- 39:05
- LGBT. And by the way, we need to add all the other letters on the top of that, of course, but they'll make claims like, love is love.
- 39:17
- Love is love. That's a fundamental claim and slogan of the
- 39:22
- LGBT movement. So we need to challenge that. We need to challenge it. We need to challenge it beyond the emotional appeal that's so often put together and packaged with it.
- 39:31
- Love is love. Just say, okay, I have questions. Love is love.
- 39:38
- How about those maps? You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?
- 39:44
- Not talking about Dora. Maps. You haven't heard of this?
- 39:50
- Well, it's gaining popularity. You'll be hearing more about it. Minor attracted persons.
- 39:58
- And people who call themselves maps today are adding their particular letter from the alphabet to the
- 40:04
- LGBT saying, this is just a sexual preference. There's nothing wrong with it.
- 40:09
- I am just a minor attracted person. Love is love.
- 40:15
- How do you challenge the map when your slogan is love is love?
- 40:24
- Without the word of God, you can have no objective sexual ethic. Another question to ask the
- 40:30
- LGBT community with love and grace, but like a prophet, can you build a world without borrowing from mine?
- 40:39
- If your life choices are so pure and righteous and just and lovely and holy and good and true, can you get on an island and propagate your ideas and your species?
- 40:54
- The answer, no. They can't build their world without borrowing from God.
- 41:01
- I'm getting ads in my, I don't know how I'm getting them, but I'm getting ads in my Facebook feed for gay men to participate in businesses where they'll help them through surrogacy to have a child.
- 41:15
- Why is that? Because their sexual ethic doesn't work. Not only do the parts not fit, but their sexual ethic doesn't work.
- 41:26
- It doesn't build a world. It doesn't expand humanity. The unbeliever who's adopted the
- 41:32
- LGBT lifestyle and commitments needs Jesus, amen? And they cannot help but borrowing from God.
- 41:40
- They say, this is lovely. Love is love. This is true. This is good. This is righteous.
- 41:45
- This is holy. God is fine with this. And if they continued that dedication to that sexual ethic, one generation would be all it would take for their lives to be over and everything to be over for them.
- 42:01
- So what do they have to do to continue the human species and the human race? What do they have to do? They have to stick their foot over into God's world and operate the way that God's world was created.
- 42:14
- Here's the deal also. They can't build their world without government schools. Stop and think about it.
- 42:23
- The LGBT community can't build their world without government schools. How is this such a problem in terms of what our thinking is in our culture today?
- 42:32
- Here's the truth. We gave our children to the government. They trained them. They taught them a worldview and a sexual ethic.
- 42:39
- We wonder why so many kids yield to this today. So many people believe in this today. We say, where'd all this come from?
- 42:45
- You gave them to them. They can't build their world without government schools. They make claims about their sexual ethic.
- 42:54
- They say, I should be able to do what I want with my body. This is my choice. I can't help it. Love is love.
- 42:59
- I was made this way. I was born this way. And so we need to challenge it at the bottom and say, so no sexual choices should ever be punished?
- 43:09
- Because love is love? Because you just feel like you were born this way? What if the rapist makes the claim?
- 43:17
- The molester makes the claim? Do we challenge people who engage in rape or molestation or incest or bestiality?
- 43:25
- You see, the LGBT claims about born this way and these are my sexual choices, love is love, have no coherent response to those other choices.
- 43:37
- What does the person who is committed to the LGBT lifestyle have to do to complain about any sexual perversion?
- 43:45
- They have to put their foot back into God's world, stand on his revelation ultimately about what's right and what's wrong to complain about any sexual choices, whatever.
- 43:59
- You see, the person who's committed to the LGBT lifestyle is in the image of God, amen? They need
- 44:04
- Jesus. They need salvation just like me. I'm just as broken sexually, just as guilty sexually, but it doesn't change the truth of God.
- 44:14
- They're in the image of God. They know that there's an objective standard. They know that there's an objective sexual ethic.
- 44:20
- This is why we have hand in hand with our homosexual neighbor or lesbian neighbor at the trial of the rapist, because we agree this is evil, this is wrong, but their commitments and their slogans make nothing sexually wrong or immoral or evil.
- 44:40
- They can't know any objective sexual ethic apart from God.
- 44:47
- Here's another slogan, love wins. That was popular, wasn't it popular years ago?
- 44:52
- My goodness, that was everywhere. I even saw it on evangelical churches, love wins.
- 44:58
- The love wins slogan. Well, my Christian response to that is this. I'm all for love winning, but we aren't to love the things
- 45:05
- Jesus died for. Yeah, last night, I was sitting down praying over what
- 45:14
- I wanted to say to you, angry with Gabe for doing this to me, putting all this in one sermon,
- 45:20
- I'm just joking. I was sitting down and I was literally getting to the bullet points, trying to shave things off for you guys to make it where it wasn't overwhelming for you.
- 45:29
- And I'm in the abortion section. I'm like, well, I'll do this and I'll cut that out and I'll make sure that they know this. This is an important element.
- 45:35
- I want my brothers and sisters to know this. And all of a sudden it was like, I guess it was like 1030 at night and my phone rang and it was some number
- 45:41
- I didn't know. And I said, same thing you would say, how dare you? It's 1030 at night.
- 45:46
- Who's calling me at 1030 at night that I don't even know? And then I was like, oh wait, it's probably still in Arizona time.
- 45:52
- Okay, it's 830 there, no problem. So then I answered and I'm right in the midst of the abortion section. And this woman says, hi,
- 45:59
- I'm Jane from the Democratic National Convention. And I said, you have my attention.
- 46:09
- And she said, I just wanna know if you're gonna be voting for Biden in the next election. And I said, absolutely not.
- 46:17
- And she said, may I ask why? And I said, I can't vote for a candidate that supports the murder of the unborn in the womb.
- 46:28
- Now, she sat there from, by the way, I'm not beholden to the Republican Party. I'm not like that.
- 46:34
- I'm a Christian who believes that Jesus is King and everybody must obey him. That's my party, baby.
- 46:43
- But, so she says, well, I don't believe that it's murder. And I said, oh,
- 46:48
- I'm so glad you called. And so we spent about 10 minutes and she stayed on with me.
- 46:55
- I was waiting for her to hang up. She kept staying on with me. So I'm challenging her worldview. I'm challenging her position.
- 47:01
- And I said, well, all biological science says that from the moment of conception, it's human. And she says, well,
- 47:06
- I don't think it's a person. I said, that's the same argument that plantation owners used. I said, you'd have done well with them.
- 47:14
- And she's like, what do you mean? I said, well, they would say, you know, I know it looks like a human. It's not a human. It's a black person.
- 47:21
- I said, so that was the kind of argument they use. Very, very similar. And she said, well, no, it can't breathe on its own.
- 47:28
- And I said, well, let me ask you a question. If I went to any of the hospitals right now where human beings are on ventilators because they can't breathe on their own and I cut their throats, what would happen to me?
- 47:37
- She said, you'd go to jail. I said, right. Do you have another argument? And so this went on for a little while.
- 47:47
- I was so grateful. So I was calling her, you know, to repentance and all the rest. And then she says, well, so are you saying that you're gonna base the whole election off of one issue, the abortion issue?
- 48:04
- And I said, oh, I didn't know how much time you had. If you wanna talk about the theft of income tax, property taxes, and the wickedness of government education, we can do that next.
- 48:17
- She said, have a nice night, sir. By the way,
- 48:30
- Gabe, was this water for me? Or did somebody else drink this? Rona? All right.
- 48:38
- All right, quickly on the abortion issue, go to End Abortion Now's booth over there, our other booth over there with Red State Reform focusing on the legislative side of things.
- 48:45
- The legislative stuff is all over there. Make sure you check it out later. We have tons of stuff of this online. Let me just do this simply, abortion.
- 48:52
- God says that he's creator. He's the creator. We're his creatures. That's the biblical worldview.
- 48:58
- Bible says that God knits us together in our mother's wombs. Bible says that all humans are made in the imago dei, in the image of God.
- 49:06
- So we are human. We are image of God from conception. We have a worldview that says
- 49:13
- God creates human life. He knits us together in our mother's womb. God's word says, you shall not murder.
- 49:23
- What is murder in scripture? It's the unjustified killing of an image bearer of God. So according to the biblical worldview, what is abortion?
- 49:32
- Murder. Say it loud, guys. Murder. The reason we have so many dead children in our world today,
- 49:38
- I believe, is through the church advocating our duties, not telling the truth here about the issue of abortion.
- 49:46
- We need to call it what it is. This is murder and demand immediate end to the injustice.
- 49:52
- No more regulation. We want it to be over. That's what we've been working for. End abortion now, raising up churches to save lives at the abortion mill, preaching the gospel, telling the truth, offering help, offering anything they need.
- 50:07
- Thousands and thousands of children are alive this very moment because Christians just like you went to where they're killing them to preach the gospel, offer hope and help, and now they're alive because Christians got off their butts and went to preach the gospel to save these children.
- 50:28
- They're alive today. You should join us. We've also spoken prophetically to our legislature because we happen to believe
- 50:39
- Psalm chapter two, that the kings of the earth are commanded to obey God's son. We believe
- 50:45
- Matthew 28, 18 through 20, that Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth here today, and that everybody must obey
- 50:55
- Jesus. The call of the Great Commission is to go win the nations, disciple them, and teach them to obey
- 51:01
- Jesus. That's the goal. I don't care what your eschatology is. I happen to believe it's gonna happen, but even if you don't, you're supposed to be about the work of actually winning the nations and teaching them to obey
- 51:14
- Jesus. I'm not ashamed of the fact that Donald Trump is called to obey Jesus Christ and his law.
- 51:20
- I'm not ashamed of the fact that my governor and my legislature and my state is commanded to obey
- 51:26
- Jesus Christ and to obey his law, and when we go to the legislature, we go as Christians calling them to repentance and demanding immediate justice.
- 51:35
- That is very different from the pro -life industry. You need to know that. You need to know that. Now, in terms of their definition, standing on their worldview, biologically speaking, it cannot be denied.
- 51:47
- You win this argument. It cannot be denied to the degree that today pro -aborts actually say,
- 51:54
- I know it's human from conception. I know that's true. I still think a mother has a right to kill her own child.
- 52:01
- They confess it now. There's no denying it now. Roe versus Wade is a terrible court opinion, not law, and it says what's in the womb is potential human life.
- 52:13
- We know that is fallacious according to God's holy word and all biological science.
- 52:19
- It is not potential human life. It is human life from conception, and we need to demand immediate justice, but what is the definition, even according to their own standards, of what's happening in abortion?
- 52:36
- Well, what is the unjustified killing of a human being with malice of forethought? Murder. So according to their own definitions, it is murder.
- 52:47
- If it's human and it's an unjustified killing of a human with malice of forethought, it is murder.
- 52:54
- Push them to consistency on that point. Biblically, it's murder. Scientifically, it's murder because it's human, from conception.
- 53:03
- If we use science to define what's there, it's human from conception. We need to get away from the personhood arguments.
- 53:10
- They have been a losing battle. Why? Because you get with the secularists who's pretending neutrality.
- 53:16
- You're pretending neutrality. You're saying, well, maybe if it's hard as beating, it's a person, and someone says, well,
- 53:21
- I don't think that's really a person. Well, maybe if it can breathe on its own, it's a person, and the debates rage on and on and on.
- 53:28
- Where's the winning shot? Is it human? From conception.
- 53:34
- They cannot even sustain an argument against that. It is human from conception. And the moment you look at humans that you say are not persons, you're engaged in the same problem we had in slavery in America and in the
- 53:48
- Holocaust. I know it looks like a person. It's not a person. It's a Jew. Human.
- 53:56
- Think about this for a moment. Black Lives Matter. What are they saying? Justice for everybody, right? We're all the same.
- 54:02
- We're all equal. On what basis? We're human. Fantastic. Thank you for that pro -life argument.
- 54:11
- The only difference between what's in the womb and where we're all at today, it's a very good argument, is size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependence.
- 54:22
- Stepping into their own position. It's human from conception. The only difference is size.
- 54:28
- If we can kill human beings because of their size, my wife is in trouble. Level of development is not fully developed.
- 54:36
- Well, neither is my nine -month -old or my 12 -month -old. Trust me. Environment, it's in the mother.
- 54:44
- Since when do we kill other human beings based upon where they're located at the moment? Or degree of dependence.
- 54:50
- I love this one. They'll say, well, it's dependent upon the mother. Yeah, and so is my nine -month -old and my 12 -month -old.
- 54:59
- Do we kill children because they're dependent upon their parents? They'd be in a lot of trouble otherwise.
- 55:06
- The arguments, I'll just do one because I think it's a powerful one. Rape, incest, life in the mother. You need to know this. Weak emotional argumentation only account for less than 2 % of all abortions.
- 55:17
- Abortions are done at will in this country because they want to. Less than 2 % are because of rape, incest, life in the mother.
- 55:25
- I'll do it quickly. Rape. Ask the person, what's wrong with rape? I know what's wrong with rape according to a
- 55:32
- Christian worldview because I have the word of God and objective standards to say that rape deserves the death penalty. I happen to believe that God's standard of justice is the rapist deserves the death penalty.
- 55:43
- That's how seriously Christians take rape. I believe that the rapist deserves the death penalty.
- 55:50
- What do you believe? And they'll say, they'll tend to say this. I don't believe in the death penalty. Oh no, you do.
- 55:56
- You believe in the death penalty for the innocent child. You think that children should be punished for the crimes of the father.
- 56:05
- I don't. Rape. They'll say, well, rape is wrong.
- 56:11
- I'll say, what's wrong with rape? And they'll say things like, what do you mean? What's wrong with rape, Jeff? Are you crazy? What's wrong with rape?
- 56:17
- Do I need to describe this to you? I'll say, please do. Come on, tell me. By the way,
- 56:22
- Van Til would say, let the unbeliever talk and keep talking and eventually they'll hang themselves.
- 56:29
- So what's wrong with rape? Yes, please tell me. And they'll say, well, rape is the violation of another person's body.
- 56:36
- It's doing things to somebody's body without their permission. And you say, thank you for that very pro -life argument.
- 56:44
- On your own grounds, you should abandon such a wicked worldview.
- 56:50
- I wanted to say this quickly. I don't have time to unpack it. Go online to watch our stuff on this. The pro -life industry says from the top that they are approaching the issue of fighting against abortion with neutrality.
- 57:07
- They are not fighting against it as Christians with the gospel. Whoever's not with me, what?
- 57:16
- Is against me. The pro -life industry has been compromised, stopped giving them money.
- 57:31
- Give it to your churches to send out missionaries to the abortion mills and to the legislature.
- 57:40
- It is the word of God that's gonna end the issue of abortion in our nation. We have in Arizona right now,
- 57:46
- God has given us the ear of legislators in closed meetings, private rooms. We have legislators right now in our state because we have confronted them with the word of God and the truth of the gospel.
- 57:57
- They are committed this next session to criminalizing abortion in the state of Arizona. We know it's gonna be a fight, but you know what happened?
- 58:05
- We didn't go in there with neutrality. We went in there with a firm commitment to this is what God's word says. This is murder.
- 58:11
- We want justice now. You're commanded to obey God. And they said, you're right, it is murder. We're gonna end it.
- 58:26
- What time is it? Doesn't matter. I'm almost done,
- 58:33
- Gabe. Just quickly in terms of answer the fool according to their folly, the pro -life industry says, well, we need to obey the law in our country.
- 58:42
- Roe versus Wade, we gotta fix that court situation. Do you know it was Republican Supreme Court justices that gave us
- 58:49
- Roe? You think the Supreme Court's gonna save you? And they say, we need to obey the law.
- 58:55
- Fantastic, show me the federal law on abortion. There isn't one. And if we talk about the federal law, if we talk about obeying the law, fantastic.
- 59:02
- What's the law of our nation? It's called the Constitution. And what does it say? It says that Congress creates law, not the
- 59:11
- Supreme Court. The Supreme Court interprets, gives decisions, but they cannot create legislation.
- 59:19
- Roe versus Wade is not law. Ignore it.
- 59:26
- The states have the ability to reject fallacious court opinions that are not in accordance with the
- 59:33
- Constitution. And we all know they have the courage to do it. They're doing it today. You all know how, right?
- 59:42
- It's called marijuana. California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, you name, is it here too,
- 59:50
- Tennessee? No, anybody know? Can you smoke up in Tennessee? Is it real close?
- 59:56
- I don't know if you're showing me a joint, or if you were saying, okay. Now these states say,
- 01:00:03
- I understand there's federal law about the issue of marijuana and the federal government can pound sand.
- 01:00:09
- I'm gonna do what's right for my constituents and my people. And they reject the federal government's court opinions or laws, and they flex their state sovereignty.
- 01:00:18
- We're willing to do it for marijuana, but not for these fatherless children. And Christians, if the world can be brave enough to resist the federal beast to smoke up, then what are we doing with these fatherless children?
- 01:00:37
- We need to say what the prophets said and do what the prophets did. I wanna be very careful about what I'm about to do, because I want you to understand why.
- 01:00:46
- Say what the prophets said and do what the prophets did. The rules in my house, you can ask my children, the rules in my house, a foul mouth is punished severely.
- 01:01:01
- My children never grew up in a house with a father with a foul mouth that was loose with his lips. If I was to curse in front of my children, my children would be shocked.
- 01:01:11
- And I praise God for that, because before God saved me, I had a terrible, terrible mouth, came from a wicked heart.
- 01:01:20
- It was constant, and God redeemed me. And one of the first things he did is he changed the way that I spoke. You can ask for references from my family or my church body, but we have to understand that there are different speed limits and different locations for a reason.
- 01:01:40
- One of the things, one of my heroes, Doug Wilson says, is that there's a speed limit for the highway and a speed limit for the sidewalk.
- 01:01:46
- They're not the same for a reason. You have to be more aggressive in the one lane. Jesus shows us this as well.
- 01:01:55
- We know that Jesus was known as a friend of sinners. He loved tax collectors and prostitutes. People knew it.
- 01:02:01
- He hung out with them to the degree that he was slandered. People were calling him a drunkard and a glutton.
- 01:02:08
- But put Jesus into a fight, and Jesus, when dealing with spiritually dangerous things,
- 01:02:15
- Jesus tells the truth in hard ways. He uses a serrated edge. Jesus calls people sons of hell.
- 01:02:23
- Jesus talks about people as whitewashed tombs, people full of dead, rotting corpses.
- 01:02:30
- You are dead. Jesus confronted people and warned them about hell.
- 01:02:36
- Jesus always told the truth. And when put Jesus into a fight, read
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- Matthew 23, the meek and mild, sweet Jesus isn't there.
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- He is confronting people who are endangering people's souls. I'll give you another example of how the prophets say things and how they do things.
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- If you don't know this, I encourage you to get to know it. I think our evangelific culture has lost sight of this.
- 01:03:03
- But this is how Ezekiel speaks about God's harlot wife. He says,
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- Ezekiel 16, 23, and after all your wickedness, woe, woe to you, declares the
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- Lord God, you built yourself a vaulted chamber. This is who he's talking to, his people. And made yourself a lofty place in every square.
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- At the head of every street, you built your lofty place and made your beauty an abomination, offering yourself to any passerby and multiplying your whoring.
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- You also played the whore with the Egyptians, your lustful neighbors, multiplying your whoring to provoke me to anger.
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- Behold, therefore, I stretched out my hand against you and diminished your allotted portion and delivered you to the greed of your enemies.
- 01:03:49
- How sick, God says in verse 30, is your heart, declares the Lord God, because you did all these things, the deeds of a brazen prostitute, building your vaulted chamber at the head of every street and making your lofty place in every square.
- 01:04:04
- Yet you were not like a prostitute because you scorned payment. Did you catch that? He says you're different than other whores because you didn't even want to get paid.
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- Adulterous wife who receives strangers instead of her husband. Men give gifts to all prostitutes, but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from every side with your whorings.
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- So you were different from other women in your whorings. No one solicited you to play the whore and you gave payment while no payment was given to you.
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- Therefore, you were different. Serrated edge,
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- God telling the truth about a bribe. who goes and offers herself to all the pagan nations, but doesn't even receive a payment back.
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- She's just multiplying her whorings, going out to all the pagan nations. So in light of these issues,
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- BLM, LGBT, and the abortion issue, Evangelifish woke pastors, you say homo -lust is not a sin.
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- Even though Jesus said, sin begins in the heart. You say, we aren't under law, we're under grace.
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- We don't need God's stipulated standards of justice. Yet you throw up your
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- Marxist communist fists shouting, no justice, no peace.
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- You've swallowed the member of the Marxist denying what God says about our unity and identity in the
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- Messiah. And you teach people that our identity is in our color. Shame on you.
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- You deny God's own word, accusing people of guilt for the sinful color of their ancestors.
- 01:06:03
- Thus, you invalidate the word of God for the sake of your woke bullshit. I could do this, by the way, more
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- Pauline, if you like. You invalidate it for the sake of your scubula.
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- Or I think if I wanna be faithful and I wanna say what the prophets say and do what they did, I need to be more like Ezekiel.
- 01:06:26
- The woke evangelical whore is a slut who lies down in the middle of the street in the middle of a burning city, spreading her legs to the rioters and looters, spreading her legs to Marx, Engels, Zelinsky, and Soros.
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- Only she knows the history, Marxism and communism plunges nations into poverty.
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- There's no money in this for her, but she wasn't looking for payment anyways. The evangelical woke slut is a slut whose behavior makes
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- Cardi B's wop look like performance art for preschoolers. Pray that God removes these pimps from the pulpit and fills it with prophets who will keep his bride pure and faithful.
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- Let's pray. Father, use us for your glory.
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- Put your gospel on our lips. Let your words be fire in our mouths and let the world be wood in Jesus' name.