Andy Stanley Redefines Sin / Rejects Biblical Definition in 1 John 3:4

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What is sin? The Bible says in 1 John 3:4 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." Clip from sermon # 3 of his new series titled The Fundamental List preached at Northpoint Community Church in Alpharetta GA


Hello, in this video I just want to cover Andy Stanley's new sermon where he now has a new interesting definition of what sin is.
Watch. When Jesus showed up, it was the temple model and the message of the temple model was this.
When you sin, you break God's law. The Jesus model sounded like this.
When you sin, you break yourself and others, which breaks
God's heart. Okay, so the Bible says in 1
John 3, verse 4, that sin is the transgression of the law. So, breaking God's law, that is how the
Bible defines sin. And that's the New Testament definition. But somehow, Andy, after 2 ,000 years, has come up with a completely new explanation.
Why? Well, I would argue the reason is because he now affirms sin at his church.
North Point Community Church just baptized an open, unrepentant, transgender person.
So, the Bible clearly lists that, and a lot of other things, as sin. So, if Andy is going to affirm what the
Bible calls sin, he clearly can't go by the Bible. He has to come up with his own definition. And that's what he's doing.
In this new sermon series, titled The Fundamental List, which is a play on words, because Andy Stanley thinks fundamentalists are ridiculous.
You know, they just go by the Bible. I mean, how absurd is that? But Andy Stanley has already indicated that the
Christian teaching of hell or eternal punishment is something that should be discarded. You can watch my recent video about that, that I posted yesterday.
But really, the bigger issue, I think the biggest issue is that Andy is, let's face it, he's denying the authority of God's Word.
He's already taught that Christians should unhitch from the Old Testament. Now, since he's denying the
New Testament definition of sin, it looks like he wants to unhitch the New Testament as well.
In his last sermon from this series, he indicated that really only the four Gospels matter.
They matter more than all the other, like the epistles of Paul. So, that's the most obvious problem.
Andy is not preaching the Bible. The Bible gets to define what sin is.
Why? Because God gets to define that. Andy Stanley does not get to just make up whatever he wants and reinvent the
Christian faith. A pastor's job, according to 2 Timothy 4, is to preach the Word.
Andy is clearly not doing that. He is preaching his own opinions. And again and again, he is discouraging people from going back to the
Bible as the authority. So, that's the real danger, that he's a pastor who's not preaching the
Bible. You shouldn't listen to pastors who don't preach the Bible. So, his new definition of sin is exactly that.
It's a new definition. That is not how the Bible defines sin. So, this is very dangerous, and I suspect with this and seeming denial of hell, how we should get rid of that.