Andy Stanley Redefines Sin / Rejects Biblical Definition in 1 John 3:4
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What is sin? The Bible says in 1 John 3:4 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."
Clip from sermon # 3 of his new series titled The Fundamental List preached at Northpoint Community Church in Alpharetta GA
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- Hello, in this video I just want to cover Andy Stanley's new sermon where he now has a new interesting definition of what sin is.
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- Watch. When Jesus showed up, it was the temple model and the message of the temple model was this.
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- When you sin, you break God's law. The Jesus model sounded like this.
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- When you sin, you break yourself and others, which breaks
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- God's heart. Okay, so the Bible says in 1
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- John 3, verse 4, that sin is the transgression of the law. So, breaking God's law, that is how the
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- Bible defines sin. And that's the New Testament definition. But somehow, Andy, after 2 ,000 years, has come up with a completely new explanation.
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- Why? Well, I would argue the reason is because he now affirms sin at his church.
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- North Point Community Church just baptized an open, unrepentant, transgender person.
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- So, the Bible clearly lists that, and a lot of other things, as sin. So, if Andy is going to affirm what the
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- Bible calls sin, he clearly can't go by the Bible. He has to come up with his own definition. And that's what he's doing.
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- In this new sermon series, titled The Fundamental List, which is a play on words, because Andy Stanley thinks fundamentalists are ridiculous.
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- You know, they just go by the Bible. I mean, how absurd is that? But Andy Stanley has already indicated that the
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- Christian teaching of hell or eternal punishment is something that should be discarded. You can watch my recent video about that, that I posted yesterday.
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- But really, the bigger issue, I think the biggest issue is that Andy is, let's face it, he's denying the authority of God's Word.
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- He's already taught that Christians should unhitch from the Old Testament. Now, since he's denying the
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- New Testament definition of sin, it looks like he wants to unhitch the New Testament as well.
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- In his last sermon from this series, he indicated that really only the four Gospels matter.
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- They matter more than all the other, like the epistles of Paul. So, that's the most obvious problem.
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- Andy is not preaching the Bible. The Bible gets to define what sin is.
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- Why? Because God gets to define that. Andy Stanley does not get to just make up whatever he wants and reinvent the
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- Christian faith. A pastor's job, according to 2 Timothy 4, is to preach the Word.
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- Andy is clearly not doing that. He is preaching his own opinions. And again and again, he is discouraging people from going back to the
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- Bible as the authority. So, that's the real danger, that he's a pastor who's not preaching the
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- Bible. You shouldn't listen to pastors who don't preach the Bible. So, his new definition of sin is exactly that.
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- It's a new definition. That is not how the Bible defines sin. So, this is very dangerous, and I suspect with this and seeming denial of hell, how we should get rid of that.