Daystar – A Lesson in Biblical Separation (Ray Comfort, Jack Hibbs, David Jeremiah, Michael Youssef)
In my recent video we looked at the poll %95 thought these more dependable teachers should not be on Daystar, turns out it goes way beyond that, they all sat down with false teachers and lend their credibility by going on their programs on Daystar run by hyper charismatic Joni Lamb.
Ray Comfort on the Joyce Meyer Show -
Jack Hibbs on the Joni Lamb Table talk Show -
Micael Youseff on Table Talk -
David Jeremiah on the Jim Bakker Show -
Jimmy Evans
Marcus Rodgers
Suzy Lamb
Jonathan Lamb
Kirk Cameron
Way of the Master
John MacArthur
- 00:00
- Hello and thank you for watching. We're going to be talking about the biblical doctrine of separation or the lack thereof
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- I want to start by saying the teachers that I'm going to be discussing Ray Comfort, Jack Hibbs, David Jeremiah.
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- I'm not telling anyone. Hey, don't listen to these men You need to test and discern and make decisions for yourself, but this is a good teaching opportunity concerning the biblical doctrine of Separation so your homework is to after the video is done go and read 2nd
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- Corinthians 6 on your own But in my recent video most people agreed 95 % agreed that some of these more sound teachers like Jack Hibbs and Ray Comfort Most agreed that they should not be on Daystar However, there were a few people about 5 % who didn't have a problem with that Well, what about this what about this because being on Daystar is one thing sitting down with Joyce Meyer and Joni Lamb and greeting them and being friendly and seeming, you know to have fellowship with them.
- 01:05
- That's something That's a whole step beyond just being on the Daystar Network So a few people reached out to me and let me know that this all goes much much deeper
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- They told me about Ray Comfort Going on the Joyce Meyer program where they appeared to have friendly fellowship
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- We're not saying that Ray Comfort is in fellowship with Joyce Meyer But this is the appearance right avoid all appearances of evil
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- They certainly appeared to have friendly fellowship Also, Kirk Cameron teamed up with Joni Lamb I was reminded how
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- David Jeremiah went on Jim Baker's program Jim Baker is one of the worst of the worst they both
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- Jack Hibbs and Michael Youssef went on Joni Lamb's TV show and They were excited about it.
- 02:00
- I mean Jack Hibbs was honored to sit down with this false prophetess watch
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- And he's here to share how God opened the door to a bigger destiny in his life. Please welcome pastor
- 02:12
- Jack Hibbs Thank you Welcome back to the table.
- 02:20
- Thank you. It's great to be here. It's always good to have our, California pastor here in Texas I'm honored.
- 02:26
- Okay, so this certainly looks like open fellowship with false teachers Again, I'm not saying
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- Jack Hibbs or Michael Youssef I really like most of what Michael Youssef has to say, but I'm not saying that Jack Hibbs or these guys are
- 02:41
- False teachers, but you know based on Jack Hibbs response to all this in my recent video.
- 02:47
- We talked about that It doesn't look like Jack Hibbs is you know, thinking that Daystar is ungodly, but he's just there to bring truth
- 02:55
- No, he said he's honored to sit down with Joni Lamb And here's what
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- I'm trying to do in this video these people seem to be ignoring just flat -out seem to be ignoring the biblical doctrine of Separation that's because I believe my thesis if you will in the 20th century
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- You know Billy Graham sort of set the example and Ever since then it's just for most of our lives.
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- This stuff has been normal that's why we need to address this and course -correct look let's look at what the
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- Bible says, but They seem to be many people many famous pastors and local pastors.
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- I mean this this is everywhere it just seems to be normal that people are ignoring the biblical doctrine of Separation so here's what
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- I'm saying. I believe what we're looking at here. This is wrong Fellowshipping or going on their program being friendly sitting down with Joni Lamb I believe this is wrong.
- 03:55
- Why because this is what the Bible says 2nd Thessalonians whole whole list of verses start with 2nd
- 04:02
- Thessalonians 3 6 Paul says But we command you notice. He doesn't suggest it
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- He says we command you Brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw from every brother who walks
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- Disorderly and not according to the tradition which he received from us
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- So that would include Joyce Meyer So the biblical command is to withdraw from her not go on her show and give her a friendly greeting
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- Why because 2nd John 9 through 11 says if anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine
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- That is the true doctrine of Christ. Do not receive him into your house Don't even greet him for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds and that's very clear
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- Titus 3 10 a Man or woman who is a heretic after the first and second admonition?
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- reject them Romans 16 17 and 18 Paul writes now. I urge you brethren
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- Note, those are mark them who cause Divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them so mark and avoid why?
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- Because those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly see
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- Paul is saying they're not serving God They're serving themselves in the mansions and the private jets and how they got all this money by swindling
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- And lying to the poor and the sick and the elderly. Yes, these people are not serving God. They're serving themselves
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- But Paul says by smooth words and flattering speech These false teachers are able to deceive the hearts of the simple -minded or the naive
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- Ephesians 5 11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them
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- Jesus said in Matthew 7 15 beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing
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- But inwardly they are ravenous wolves. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. They say they're
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- Christians They talk sometimes like they're Christians, but they're wolves. They're false teachers
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- So Jesus says beware of these false prophets He doesn't say go on their show and give them a friendly greeting and have a nice chat with them
- 06:18
- Which all gives the appearance that you're having fellowship Jack Hibbs and his ministry responded to this and in the previous video and They said not only will they continue to be on Daystar Jack Hibbs said he will be on any network and use any platform to get the word out
- 06:37
- Okay, but the question is is that biblical would Jesus and the answers? No, we just saw that but would
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- Jesus or The Apostles use any platform to get the word out I'll address that in one moment.
- 06:52
- But again being on the Daystar Network is one thing Going on their programs and greeting them and you know being friendly with Joyce Meyer and all of this
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- This is something this is a step beyond that so We are told to be separate that's the bottom line all of these verses that are they're all saying
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- The same thing now if someone went on Daystar, I don't think a person should do this but let's say somebody went on Daystar and You know
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- Jack Hibbs. I'm gonna go on Joni Lamb's program and I'm gonna confront her with the truth and I'm gonna you know
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- Reprove her Well, I mean that would be one thing if he did that I still don't think you should because the command is to be separate don't go on their platform here's why you don't want to do that because Joni Lamb could first of all
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- Jack Hibbs did not reprove her But even if he did she could just edit that part out, right? If you go on their show if you go into their world their environment
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- They control it and they can manipulate the situation Even if you did have the right motives, they can make it seem like it's the opposite You know
- 08:05
- I I talked about this in a previous podcast where there was a Bible Church in our area The pastor and the elders accepted an invitation to take part in an interfaith service and I told them you like you shouldn't do this
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- Here's what the Bible says and all the rest But they did it anyway, and even though they were in disagreement with the theology of all these universalist churches the
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- Universalists the way they characterized it when they promoted the event. They made it sound like this
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- Baptist Church was just in joint cooperation. They were all of one mind They were just another interfaith community just like everybody else
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- So these people again, even if you had good motives, I'm gonna go on Daystar I'm gonna go on their program to to correct them and reprove them.
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- I Still don't think you should do that because well again God tells us to be separate
- 09:01
- That's the bottom line really all these arguments nothing else matters except what the
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- Bible says Jesus and his apostles were very very clear The scriptural command is to be holy for I am holy and holy means separate or set apart so doctrine matters theology shapes practice
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- So once a church starts to neglect the biblical teaching of separation again 2nd
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- Corinthians 6 Then it eventually will come out in their practice and we're seeing some bad practice right here before our eyes
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- And again, I want to be clear. I'm not calling these Teachers like Jack Hibbs or Michael Yousef or David Jeremiah.
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- I'm not calling them false But I am calling Joni Lamb and Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer.
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- I mean these people are definitely false teachers and As I said in the last video
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- Pretty much every pastor. I know would agree with that. So why would you go on their program?
- 10:03
- Okay, so back to that question Would Jesus or the Apostles use just any platform to get the word out?
- 10:11
- No Along with the verses we read there are zero examples of that happening in Scripture even when that Demon -possessed girl was following Paul around and she was shouting out these men proclaim the truth
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- Paul didn't want anything to do with that. So he dealt with that situation clear clear examples of Separation we just we don't want any association with the unfruitful works of darkness
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- We're gonna if anything we're gonna expose them. So there are zero examples of Jesus and the
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- Apostles just using other people's platform to get the word out Again every time in the
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- Bible when we see Jesus or the Apostles Encountering false teachers they either rebuke them and or they told others to stay far far away.
- 11:05
- So We need Reformation in conclusion. We need Reformation in the modern church before the ecumenical movement
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- I know all of this it almost seems normal and that's the danger right? But this is new this is new to the 20th century before the ecumenical movement started
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- This type of thing really was not happening in the church the doctrine of biblical separation if you look at it, it really started to get neglected and rejected in the middle of the 20th century when men like Billy Graham set the example and Started fellowshipping
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- Billy Graham started fellowshipping with the Pope and theological liberals. So most pastors today
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- I mean this has been going on their whole life. So this is the environment This is the only thing they've ever known.
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- So yeah, it seems normal. That's why it's so Dangerous. So you see the famous pastors doing it that sets the example for everybody else
- 12:04
- So I'm just here to say number one. This is wrong. This is clearly not biblical number two
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- We need to you know, not just pray about it. We need to speak up and number three
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- We need to do something. We need to course -correct all scripture is profitable for reproof and correction,
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- I know when people try to bring Correction, even though the Bible tells us to do this, you know, sometimes people get upset
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- But I would just ask you we read the verses go back and read them yourself This is not hard to figure out it's just it goes against the grain and People when someone like me or someone else disagrees with a famous pastor
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- Billy Graham or David Jeremiah you know us little guys when we Bring the
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- Bible before Billy Graham or David Jeremiah and say hey, I don't think this is right. I don't agree this
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- I don't this is wrong You know people are just like how dare you who are you to disagree with Billy Graham and it becomes
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- A type of pastor worship, whatever the famous guys do It's okay. It's biblical because they do it even if the
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- Bible says the opposite So I'm simply saying I'm not calling any of those men David Jeremiah Jack Hibbs.
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- I'm not calling any of those men false. I'm not saying that at all I'm just saying they're wrong and we saw that clearly in the
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- Bible. So Leave your comments below pray about it If you have a chance to speak up, you know do it do it respectfully if your pastor promotes
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- Joyce Meyer if your pastor thinks Joseph Prince is amazing or you know
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- Your pastor is watching Joni Lamb, and you know, you just need to go to him and respectfully show him these verses share this video, but Let's speak up.
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- Let's course -correct and let's be biblical in all things. Amen. Amen Thanks for watching and until next time may the