The "True" Story about R Scott Clark, the Founders Ministry Trailer and Federal Vision (Allegedly)

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Ever wonder how the twitter mob and Professor Clark found out about the Founders Board thinking on the true spiritual identity of Rachel Denhollender? Ever wonder how he knows so much about Federal Vision? Here is the true (allegedly) story of how how conducted his research. (This video is for entertainment purposes only and contains no actual facts)


I used to do a lot of videos like this where I would splice up clips from movies and stuff like that.
I actually did, one of my favorites was one I did with Ghostbusters, and in honor of the new trailer that came out,
I don't trust Hollywood at all, but it looks like it could be pretty decent. I wanted to do another one today.
This is the true story, allegedly, allegedly. I was told by someone on Twitter that I needed to do my homework on this issue of the theory that Founders Ministries literally thinks that Rachel Denhollander is a demon, a spiritual entity, a fallen angel, in human form, of course, manifested in flesh.
Someone told me to do my homework, so I did, and I found out that there is a good reason why
Professor Clark from Westminster West, Escondido, he thinks this.
He didn't just come up with this out of thin air. I found the true story, I got the deets, and he had an informant.
This is the true story of the informant, who's an actual ex -Founders
Ministries board member, allegedly, allegedly, named Vince Clortho.
I hope you enjoy this, this is the true story, allegedly, of the informant regarding the spiritual identity of Rachel Denhollander.
Also, The Federal Vision, hope you enjoy. I am
Vince, Vince Clortho. One day, on a very common looking street, in a very uncommon and wicked town,
Moscow, Idaho. Thus, Vince revealed himself as a
Founders Ministries board member. Wait for the sign, and our prisoners will be released.
You will perish in flames! Meanwhile, at the
Heidelblog Lab and Research Facility. Dropping off or picking up?
Dropping off. Just a moment. The professor comes to meet his informant.
Here goes, Buster. Yes? We picked up this guy, and now we don't know what to do with him. Bellevue doesn't want him, and I'm afraid to put him in the lock -up, and I know you guys are into this stuff, so I figured we'd check with you.
Alright. Thanks for coming. So you do work for Founders Ministries? Are you the gatekeeper?
You better bring him inside. The professor's friends heartily approve. You are so kind to take care of that man.
You know, you are a real humanitarian. I don't think he's human. The professor is going to need all of his skills, tools, and equipment to figure this one out.
So you work for Founders Ministries on the Synodoc, right? What did you say your name was? Vince Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer.
According to this, his name's Louis Tully. Lives on Central Park West. The team was on the case, and close to the truth.
They could smell it. Is it true that you have intimate knowledge of the Founders Ministry thought process going into the making of their movie,
By What Standard the Synodoc? Do I? Yes, have some. Yes, have some. Vince, you said before that you and the
Founders Ministry people believe that Rachel Dee is a spiritual being. Which specific spiritual being are you referring to?
Gozer, the traveler. He will come in one of the pre -chosen forms. During the rectification of the Valdrani, the traveler came as a large and moving torb.
Then, during the third rectification... It was all beginning to make sense to him. The professor knew before, but now he had proof.
Out of a giant slore. Many shubs and zools knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the slore that day,
I can tell you. The professor had what he needed. Irrefutable, uncontrovertable proof from a very, very reliable sounding source that the
Founders Ministry people did, in fact, believe Rachel Dee to be a demon.
But the questioning wasn't over yet. What else did Vince Clortho know? What else? So he asked him about the federal vision.
What he reported back to his team members. Let's say this
Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York... Moscow, Idaho area.
According to this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie... 35 feet long, weighing approximately 600 pounds.
That's a big Twinkie. We could be on the verge of a four -fold cross -rip. A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions.
We just had a visit from the... Ideas Protection Agency. How's the grid holding up? Not good.
Tell them about the Twinkie. What about the Twinkie? Professor Clark, are you really serious about this demon stuff and Founders people?
I'm always serious. Nah, come on. Really? I'm always serious.