Jesus: The Old Testament Fulfiller (Matthew 5:17-20 Tim Robinson)

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Sermon Notes: Jesus: The Old Testament Fulfiller


Good morning. We're glad you're here. We're glad to see you on this beautiful day. And we're going to get started with our service.
Thank you all for being here. The last couple times I had to do announcements, I was really enjoying talking about Psalm 119.
And when I did so, actually something came to remembrance from what we did a while ago.
It was a series from Desiring God, John Piper's ministry.
But the series was actually called When I Don't Desire God. Because sometimes we can get in that frame of mind where it's just maybe we're overwhelmed.
Maybe things aren't going right. And Piper in that series brought out several things, one of which
I remember distinctly. He said, preach the gospel to yourself every day. Remind yourself of what
Jesus has done, who God is, that your sins are forgiven. The fact that you can just sit there and understand that you are cleansed and wiped clean.
You are forgiven before the Lord, and you're going to be with him forever. And that was great advice.
And sometimes we need that really every day. We need to remind ourselves of those things.
But one of the things he also said is sometimes memorizing scripture is hard, so maybe a little help is useful.
And he had something called the IOUs. So the IOUs is an acronym for four verses of scripture that he found very encouraging.
I was inclined my heart to thy testimonies and not to sorted gain.
That's Psalm 119, verse 36. O is open my eyes,
Lord, that I may behold wondrous things from your law. That's Psalm 119, verse 18.
That's why I'm thinking of this because it's Psalm 119 again. But you is a little different.
You is Psalm 86, 11, where it says, teach me thy ways,
O Lord. I will walk in thy truth. Unite, that's the you. Unite my heart to fear your name.
And the last one, Psalm 90, verse 14, which is, O satisfy us in the morning with your loving kindness that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days.
The S was satisfy in that one. So just little hints and not tricks necessarily, but to encourage us to memorize
God's word and just to be encouraged by it. So that was beautiful,
I thought. We love that series that Piper did. So we have some announcements today. We will be meeting for prayer tonight at six o 'clock.
And after prayer meeting, we are going to have a young adults time. So if you are a young adult and you would like to be part of a class
Tim's going to have or a time to get together with the young adults, please come probably around seven o 'clock, maybe a little after that.
And come for prayer before that, by the way, at six o 'clock, because we'll be here for prayer. We'll sing some hymns too.
Tomorrow night, the men are meeting, but I believe it is an off night for the ladies, preset, okay, got that on the calendar.
Okay, so it's an off night for ladies tomorrow night. But the ladies Tuesday morning study is back on tomorrow or this week at nine 30 in the morning.
And that's right here at the church. The agape group, which means Wednesday night here at the church is on this week.
That's at six 30 at night. And then youth group on Friday night, seven o 'clock. Also last week, if you were here or you heard the streaming last week, you heard that marriage matters.
And we know it does. We have another opportunity as a body of believers to have a class that the
Beatles are hosting to have married couples come and renew basically their relationship with each other, but also the relationship to the
Lord. So if you grow closer to the Lord and to each other, they still have some openings. And if you're interested in that, that is going to be
Tuesday nights in the fall, starting September 13th, there's going to be 13 weeks of that.
They're going to go through Gary Chapman's series on that and Tuesday from seven to eight 30 at their house.
So if you're interested in that, you can join up using the church app and notify them, or you can see one of us and we can direct you to the
Beatles. So thank you very much. And that's a, I almost did it again.
I've wanted, I've wanted to pray. I really did. And I gave it to Michael before, but let's pray.
Let's come before the Lord. Father, we owe you everything or we can't do a thing without you. And for this, this service, even these announcements father that I stumble and bumble over sometimes, but Lord, you are good.
And we are so grateful we can come in your name today. Father, we're so grateful for our brother, Tim, who will bring us the word of God today.
And we pray for him as he talks about fulfilled prophecies in the beauty of what you have done in just foretelling, and just giving us the picture and the types of Messiah, as you portray
Jesus Christ in the old Testament, through the old covenant, and Jesus fulfilled all those things,
Lord, beautiful. We pray now as we're going to worship you in song, that you would be with us,
Lord, and you would be just exalted in our presence, Father, because we lift up your holy name.
We thank you for the worship team. We thank you for this day. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. Will you stand with me?
I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from every fear.
Those who look on him are radiant.
They'll never be ashamed. They'll never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the
Lord heard me, and saved me from my enemies.
The Son of God surrounds his saints.
He'll deliver them. He will deliver them.
Magnify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name together.
Glorify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name forever.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, blessed is he who guides in him.
Oh, fear the Lord. Oh, all you saints, he'll give you everything.
He'll give you everything. Magnify the
Lord with me. Come, exalt his name.
Together, glorify the
Lord with me. Come, exalt his name forever.
Let us bless the
Lord every day and night.
Never -ending praise. May our voices rise.
Let us bless the Lord every day and night.
Never -ending praise. May our voices rise.
Let us bless the Lord every day and night.
Never -ending praise. May our voices rise.
Magnify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name together.
Glorify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name forever.
Magnify, magnify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name together.
Glorify the Lord with me.
Come, exalt his name forever. Amen.
In Hebrews 13, 8, it says, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And we can hold on to that truth. You know, we stand here as believers, but there have been so many in the past, from generation to generation, who have brought us the faith every step of the way.
We have God's Word every generation, but it's the building blocks of what
God's Word is about, is sharing the gospel from generation to generation.
That's what we do as we sing, and as we learn more about God's Word. And sometimes life is difficult, but we know that we can hold our faith.
We can hold to what God has called to be true in his Word. Let's sing together.
I believe you gave sight to the blind.
I believe that the dead came to life. I believe there are wonders and signs, and you're still the same.
I believe every word that you said. I believe there are scars in your hands, that your goodness is good without end, and you'll never change.
I will tell of your wonders, sing of your grace.
The God of creation knows me by name. The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
Your mercy is mighty age after age.
All generations will bow down in praise. The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
I believe you will come in the clouds. I believe you are here even now.
I'm your presence. I know there is power, power to save.
I will tell of your wonders, sing of your grace.
The God of creation knows me by name. The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
Your mercy is mighty age after age.
All generations are faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
You were, you are, you always will be
God. You were, you are, you always will be
God. Yes, you always will be God.
I will tell of your wonders, sing of your grace.
The God of creation knows me by name. The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
Your mercy is mighty age after age. All generations will bow down in praise.
The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always, always.
You were, you are, you always will be
God. You were, you are, you always will be
God. Yes, you always will be God.
Your mercy is mighty age after age. All generations will bow down in praise.
The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always.
Let's sing that chorus again. Your mercy. Your mercy is mighty age after age.
All generations will bow down in praise. The Lord is faithful yesterday, now, and always.
Amen. Hebrews 4 .16 says, let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of trouble.
What love could remember no wrongs we have done?
Omniscient, all -knowing, he counts not their sum thrown into a sea without bottom or shore.
Our sins, they are many. His mercy is more.
What patience would wait as we constantly roam?
What father so tender is calling us home? He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor.
Our sins, they are many. His mercy is more. Praise the
Lord. His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness, new every morning. Our sins, they are many.
His mercy is more. What riches of kindness he lavished on us.
His blood was the payment. His life was the cost. We stood neath the debt we could never afford.
Our sins, they are many. His mercy is more.
Praise the Lord. His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness, new every morning. Our sins, they are many.
His mercy is more. Praise the Lord. His mercy is more.
Stronger than darkness, new every morning. Our sins, they are many.
His mercy is more. You may be seated.
All right. Good morning, everyone. Let's pray. Father God, thank you for your mercy.
It is so much. Thank you for showing kindness and mercy and love to sinners like us.
I pray that we can read your word and know who you are, know more of who you are.
I pray that those of us who walked in here today would leave loving you even more than when we walked in, with an increase of faith.
I pray that we can look through the scriptures and see that the scriptures bear witness about you.
And I pray that we all do come to you so that we may have life, life in your son,
Jesus Christ's name. And we ask that you would bless our time together. In Jesus' name, amen.
All right. So last time I preached a couple of weeks ago, I preached from the
Sermon on the Mound. So I'm going to continue with the Sermon on the Mound so you can open up to chapter,
Matthew chapter 5, the fifth chapter of Matthew. And we're going to be in verse 17 to 20.
So the last time we talked about the Sermon on the Mound, I said that the
Sermon on the Mound is probably the most famous sermon ever preached. And I also said that it was preached by the most famous preacher to ever preach,
Jesus Christ. Jesus was so famous that he had crowds following him everywhere he went.
A lot of people weren't genuine believers, but he was doing so many miracles and signs that people were following him.
He was the most famous man to ever live. But not only the most famous preacher or the most famous man, he was also the best human being to ever live.
He was the best preacher, but also the best human being to ever live.
Jesus kept the law perfectly. The Old Testament law, Jesus was the only one to keep it.
So when we look at the law and the prophets, the law, when we look at the law as Christians, we see it like a mirror.
And when we look at the law, we see how ugly we really are. We see that we do not meet the standards of the
Old Testament law. We don't meet God's law at all. But Jesus, when he looks at it, he sees that he's perfect.
Jesus is the only one to keep the entire law and fulfill the whole Old Testament. When we look in a mirror, we look and when we see something wrong, we fix it, right?
You know, girls, you put makeup on. Guys, you do your hair. You know, Michael, he puts a lot of hair product in his hair.
Phil, you don't have to worry about that. Just kidding. But when we look at the law, we see that there's something wrong with us.
When we look in a mirror, we change it. When we see something wrong, we want to fix it. When we look at the law, we broke it.
There's nothing we can do. We need a Savior. Jesus is that Savior who fulfilled the law, kept the law that we couldn't keep, and lived that perfect life that we couldn't live.
And then he came and died on the cross because that was his mission. But Jesus, when you read the story of the gospel,
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, you learn very quickly that Jesus is better than you, or at least you should.
So if you think when you read the gospel, like, wow, I think Jesus is better than me. You're right. Jesus is better than you. Jesus is better than me.
He's better than anyone who has ever lived. And Jesus, even reading the character of Jesus, you can't help but fall in love with the guy.
He's so awesome. He's in control the entire time. When he preaches, he preaches like no one's ever preached.
He preached with authority. He knew what he was talking about. He preached with authority. He had the authority from God.
I can confidently say things, but I'm only confident when it's in the Word of God already. Jesus knew things from the
Word of God, but he also was God himself, God in flesh. So I think he knew a lot more than us.
But he is the ultimate protagonist. He is the ultimate superhero. Like, you know,
Superman is cool. Batman's cool. Spider -Man is cool. But Jesus is better than all those guys.
And all those guys are make -believe. Jesus is real. It's the reality that he is the greatest superhero that you can think of.
And he rescued us. He is a hero. So Jesus is also the best king to ever live.
He's the best priest to ever live. And he is also the best sacrifice and the best prophet to ever live.
Jesus was a true prophet because Jesus made predictions that came true. Jesus predicted his death, burial, and resurrection, and it came true.
That's a hard thing to predict, and then for it to come true, right? Jesus predicted it, that he was going to die and be lifted up and come back, and it actually happened.
Jesus rose himself from the dead. Death could not hold him. He rose. So the scripture that I want to look at is
Matthew 5, verse 17. Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.
I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished.
Therefore, whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
But whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the
Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. So the
Torah was the law, and then the law and the prophets, that made up the
Hebrew Bible. Jesus comes, and he fulfilled the law. He kept the law perfectly. Some laws we don't keep anymore because Jesus fulfilled them.
The dietary laws, the sacrificial laws, the, what are they called?
Ceremonial laws. Jesus fulfilled those. Jesus came. There's no need for a priest or a sacrifice anymore because Jesus was the priest that came and made the final sacrifice, spilling his own blood.
So he sacrificed himself, or the father sacrificed him. So there's things in the law that some people might not be aware of.
Like maybe there's an older person that thinks like you shouldn't get tattoos, and maybe you shouldn't get tattoos, but the law says in Leviticus 19 .28
not to get tattoos. But that's a ceremonial law that has been fulfilled. It was for Israel to stand out among the people.
That's a law that, it's mosaic law. We don't need to follow it anymore. But, you know, in that same section it talks about how you shouldn't blend certain fabrics together and wear it.
So usually if an older person is like, you know, you can't get tattoos, you could say, well, you know, grandma, is that a polyester blend?
You know, so if, you know, I'm sinning with the tattoo, I have no tattoos. But if I'm sinning with that tattoo, then anyone who's wearing, you know, different fabrics is sinning according to that scripture.
So I don't get tattoos because I feel like I probably would be less humble with tattoos. But there's other reasons maybe not to get them, but it isn't against the law anymore.
So the sacrificial laws, the ceremonial laws, the dietary laws are not meant to be kept anymore, but there is a moral law of God.
And there's a will of God out there that God controls things and he's sovereign. There's a sovereign will that he has, but there's also a will for his people to keep his moral law.
And the law is now written on our hearts, that we know the law in our hearts. Our conscience bears us witness.
The Holy Spirit bears us witness. We know the law, yet we still do foul, but that's okay.
We have an advocate now, Jesus Christ, who helps us, but we still are meant to stand out in the world by loving
God and loving others. So I wanted to look not just how
Jesus fulfills the law by being perfect, but I wanted to look at some of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled just by being born, just by his life.
There's over 300 prophecies in the Hebrew Bible, specifically about Christ, and Christ comes and he fulfills them all.
It's quite amazing. I have a book that I've been reading about prophecies and about how it's really just been strengthening my faith.
I just want to recommend it to you guys. It's called Faith Is Not Blind, and it's by Jeffrey Clewer.
So I've been reading it. Jeff told me about this book a while ago. When I first met him, he hadn't published it yet, so I was waiting for it to come out.
It came out, maybe a couple years ago now. But I purchased it and I read it, and it has increased my faith a lot.
But a lot of the increase in faith I had was looking at the prophecies in the Old Testament and seeing that they came true.
Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible. So the first one
I want to look at today is Genesis chapter 3.
So you can turn to Genesis 3 if you want, or listen in. So in Genesis 3,
Adam and Eve were just tempted by the serpent, and they were tested by God, and they fell.
Eve ate the fruit and then gave it to her husband, and he ate, because they were able to eat any of the fruit in the garden, but for some reason they wanted to eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because Satan tempted him and tempted
Eve, and then Adam there was just watching her wife eat, or his wife eat.
And so when they ate the fruit, they became transgressors.
They doomed all of human history. So on the way here today, for whatever reason,
I don't know why, I picked up my fiancee, we came here, and she, I don't know why, she pulled out an apple out of nowhere, and she bit it.
And then, cute as can be, looks at me, and I'm like thinking, like, what, why are you doing this?
But I'm just like, I've seen this before. I know this story, I've seen this story before, no thanks.
I'm allergic to apples anyway, so I didn't want it. But had I been in Adam's position,
I would have eaten the fruit too, and I would have became a transgressor, and I would have doomed human history too. So Adam sinned and fouled, and I sinned and fouled, and every human that's ever lived has sinned and fouled, and that led to death.
So Jesus comes, and he cures us from death. But the promise is given, the first gospel is given to us in Genesis chapter 3, verse 15.
So this is known as the Proto -Evangelium, which means first gospel. So all the way back in Genesis.
And because they ate the fruit, God now gives a curse to the serpent, then to the woman, then to the man.
So he curses the devil, but when he curses the devil, he's preaching the gospel,
I think for the first time. So he says, I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.
He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. So this is the first gospel, because this is the first hope that's given.
They just transgressed against God, the penalty is death, but God is giving them hope.
And he says that a seed from the woman is going to be given, and it's going to have enmity against the devil's seed.
So the seed from the woman is talking about the virgin birth, because every single seed, all of us come from a man, but Jesus Christ has no earthly father.
He is from a virgin born woman. So this prophecy has to come from the seed of a woman. The only person
I know that's ever lived that comes from a seed of a woman is Jesus Christ. Jesus fulfills this prophecy, and it talks about how he, singular, shall bruise your head, the devil's head.
And he does that when he dies on the cross. It looks like the devil won, right?
It looks like he got him a little bit, especially in the heel, nailing him to the cross.
But really what Jesus was doing was stomping on the devil's head. He came to reverse the curse, and he killed the devil and crushed on his head by dying on the cross for our sins, and conquering death by rising from the dead.
So this is known as the Protoevangelium, the first gospel. So this is something that we should know as Christians, that the gospel was actually preached in Genesis 3 .15.
So this is good news for us. Bad news for Satan, but very good news for us. So then, continuing in Genesis, there's a guy named
Abraham who's called by God to leave his family, and God wants to build a nation around Abraham.
And he says that through Abraham's seed, all of the nation, or Abraham's offspring, all the nation will be blessed through him.
So now Genesis is tracing this seed through Abraham. So Abraham has two sons.
Abraham has his first son, which is Ishmael, and his second son, which is
Isaac. Now, typically in Jewish thought, the older son was looked at as,
I guess, more valuable than the younger son, because the older son usually got the blessing, got a bigger inheritance, and that was just their custom.
But not in this case. The older son wasn't chosen by God. It was the younger son. Now, if you're Muslim, for some reason you think that Ishmael was really chosen, but that's a lie, and I feel bad.
It breaks my heart. They're wrong. It was actually Isaac that was chosen by God to continue on in the blessing, because he is the son of the promise, not
Ishmael. Isaac was the son of the promise. God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child, and they laughed, because Sarah was 90 years old.
What? I'm not going to have a kid this time next year. But God said, no, you're going to have a kid, and they laughed, but, and then
God called him out and said, you know, you did laugh, and Sarah knew that, but Isaac was chosen, and then
Isaac had two sons. He had Esau and Jacob.
Esau was older. You would think it would go to Esau, but no, he sold that to Jacob, and Jacob stole the blessing, but also, he was chosen by God, Jacob was, and then
Jacob had 12 sons, so the chosen one among the 12 sons, which are the 12 tribes of Israel, Jacob's name was chained to Israel, that's why we have the 12 tribes of Israel, you would think it would be
Joseph, because it seems like Joseph was living a way better life, a far better life than the rest of his brothers, but at the end of Israel's life, the end of Jacob's life, he has all his sons around his deathbed, and he gives the blessing, and he starts with the oldest son,
Reuben, and Reuben's probably sitting there waiting for the blessing, and he thinks, oh, I'm going to get the blessing.
No, he actually didn't get the blessing, because he defiled his own dad's bed, so Reuben is out.
The next one is Simeon and Levi, but they're out, because out of anger, they killed many, many people, and they became murderers, so they're out.
The next one is Judah. Judah is chosen, and in Genesis 49 10, it reads, the scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him, and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.
So Judah's line is the line of the king, so Judah, great -great -great -great -grandson, turns out to be this guy named
Jesse, who had eight sons, and then it was prophesied by Samuel that David, his youngest son, would be the king, so David the king comes from the tribe of Judah, and we know that Jesus Christ comes from the line of David, so Jesus Christ is this king, and the scepter shall not depart from Judah, so all of the tribes of Israel, you narrow it down to just Judah, and then you narrow it down to just David, and then you narrow it down to so many other prophecies, but it had to be that, and Jesus was that.
Jesus was from the line of Judah. He was from the line of David, and Jewish people kept a very detailed genealogy, so that's where we get it.
In Matthew's gospel, there's a genealogy. In Luke's gospel, there's a genealogy of where Jesus comes from, so it was also prophesied that Jesus' kingdom will have no end.
What is also prophesied by King David is that Jesus would be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek, so you say, how can this be, because Jesus needs to be a king and a priest, but the kings come from the tribe of Judah, and the priest comes from the tribe of Levi, but Jesus is not of Levi.
He's a priest in the order of Melchizedek, so if you look in Genesis 14, verse 18, we have a foreshadowing of Jesus at the very minimum, maybe even
Jesus himself, but this man Melchizedek appears on the scene, and he says, and Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine.
The man brought out bread and wine. Do we know anyone else that brings out bread and wine? He was priest of God most high, and he blessed him and said, blessed be
Abram by God most high, possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed be
God most high, who has delivered your enemies into your hand. So this was prophesied in Psalm 110, and then this was
Genesis 14, but Melchizedek blessed Abraham, so the family of Abraham came to Levites, but Melchizedek has his own priesthood that trumps
Abraham's line, because Abraham blessed the lesser.
The greater always blesses the lesser, so Melchizedek is actually greater than Abraham, and Jesus is from the line of Melchizedek, according to the scriptures.
Jesus also fulfilled the entire sacrificial system, because evening and morning, evening and morning, evening and morning, there needed to be sacrifices for sin.
Now, it was animal sacrifices. These sacrifices didn't take away sin, but they temporarily covered up sin, but even these sacrifices looked forward to a greater sacrifice.
Jesus comes, and he sacrifices himself, and spills the most righteous blood to where it was a one -time sacrifice, good for all people everywhere who believe.
Now, another prophecy comes from Exodus chapter 3.
In Exodus chapter 3, Moses is called by God. Moses meets God at the burning bush, and God is calling
Moses to free his people, and Moses is a little scared.
He's, you know, he's not good with his words, but he says, you know, what if the people ask your name? What do I tell them?
And God says, I am who I am. I am what I am. I am.
Tell them that the great I am sent you. So, Moses knows that God says his name is
I am. So, there's Muslims out there, for some reason, it's like they're trained to do it, but a lot of Muslims that I met, they're like, where does it say in your
Bible that Jesus says, I am God, worship me? Well, it doesn't say word for word,
I am God, worship me, but it's pretty close, because God says his name is I am, and then
Jesus comes, and he gives seven I am statements. He claims to be God. That's why the
Jewish people had Jesus killed. He was clearly claiming to be God. That's not a debate.
So, he claims to be, I am the bread of life. I am the light of the world.
I am the door. I am the good shepherd. I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the true vine. All of these are claiming to be
God when Jesus says these things. Jesus clearly was claiming to be God. That's not a debate. Jesus was truly
God, and still is truly God. So, another prophecy that I want to go to is a foreshadowing of, in Genesis chapter 22.
Now, bear with me, because it's a lot of similarities. It might get a little boring for you guys.
It excites me, but I hope it's not too boring. But, this foreshadowing comes in Genesis chapter 22, when
God calls Abraham to sacrifice his own son. So, this is a strange thing
God asked Abraham to do, but it's a picture of what God is actually going to do centuries later on.
So, Isaac's birth was prophesied in Genesis 17, 16, and Isaac was a miracle birth.
He was born to people very old, 90 and 100 years old,
Isaac was born. So, he was a miracle birth. Jesus' birth was also prophesied in Isaiah 7, 14, that he would be born of a virgin.
So, that's also a miraculous birth. Isaac and Jesus both had miraculous births.
Genesis 22 calls Isaac's son eight times, and even calls him the only son two times, even though he really had another brother, but he's the only son of the promise.
Jesus, we know, is the only begotten son of God. Isaac arrived to the sacrificial mountain that Abraham was taking him on, on a donkey.
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, knowing that he was coming to Jerusalem to die on a donkey.
Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice. Jesus carried the cross for his own sacrifice, a wooden cross.
Isaac willingly submitted to Abraham to be the sacrifice. We know this because we know
Abraham was very old when he gave birth, when Sarah gave birth to Isaac.
So, Abraham was probably 117 or 127, something like that, when he was going to sacrifice
Isaac. Isaac was 17, maybe 27, something like that. I say this because I thought it was 17 and 117, but I met a
Jew and he was yelling at me, saying that Abraham was 127 and Isaac was 27.
But this makes my case even more, because however old Isaac was, he probably was in better shape than Abraham, meaning he had to lay down his life.
So, a 27 -year -old or a 17 -year -old, I think they're going to win in a fight against a very old man, most of the time.
So, Isaac was bound to a wooden altar and Jesus was bound to a wooden cross.
And right when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, God called him to stop and there was a ram caught in the thicket and the ram became the substitutionary sacrifice.
Now, Jesus himself is the substitute for our sins. He died on the cross for us.
He's substituted for us. And Mount Moriah, where Abraham was sacrificing Isaac, we believe could very well be the same mountain that we call
Mount Calvary, where Jesus died on. Isaac was dead for three days to Abraham, and Jesus was surely dead for three days.
On the third day, he rose from the dead. So, Abraham, knowing that he had to kill
Isaac, was considering him to be dead. But Isaac got new life when the ram came and they sacrificed the ram instead.
Jesus, when he died for three days, got new life as well. He came back from the dead. Isaac was given new life and Jesus took his own life up again.
He had the power to do so. Now, Jeff was actually the one that taught me this when
I was a young believer and it really increased my faith because I was like, wow, centuries beforehand, there was a foreshadow of something that happened with Christ.
This is amazing. This is a son, a father sacrificing the son. This is the gospel. So, I was shaking when he told me this because I was like, wow, this is really real.
Now, I was excited about this and I was telling people about this. I have a cousin who married a pastor. So, at a family party,
I guess he's my cousin -in -law, I went up to him and I was like, hey, like,
I just heard about this foreshadowing in Genesis. Like, this is amazing. I'm telling him all the similarities and he's kind of sitting there like, you know, looking very wise and he's like, if you think that's cool, if you think
Abraham and Isaac are cool, wait till you get to Moses. And I was like, what? So, really, there's even a greater...
And then Drew told me, I think I knew, but I'm not aware of all of them, but even Joseph has a similar thing about him where he foreshadows
Christ. But Moses, I think, is the ultimate person who is like Christ because there's a scripture in Deuteronomy 18 .15.
It's one of my favorite verses because it talks about how Moses says that there's a prophet like me that's going to come from you guys and you guys must listen to him.
So, he says there's a prophet coming that's better than him, but is like him that's coming. So, who is this prophet?
Israel is waiting for this prophet to come that's like Moses. Well, Jesus fits the bill very well.
You tell me, Moses was a prophet and considered the greatest prophet of the
Old Testament. Jesus was the greatest prophet to ever live and the greatest prophet in the
New Testament. Moses was a lawgiver mediating the Old Covenant.
Jesus was a lawgiver mediating the New Covenant. Moses escaped a ruler bent on killing newborn babies.
Jesus escaped a king, King Herod, who had every boy two years old or younger killed.
So, they both narrowly escaped and they both narrowly escaped to Egypt. Jesus fled to Egypt and Moses was put in a basket and rode down the
Nile River and the Pharaoh's daughter picked him up. So, Moses was adopted son of a ruler.
Jesus, son of the most high God. Moses spent 40 years as a shepherd.
Jesus is the good shepherd. Moses fasted for 40 days. Jesus fasted for 40 days.
Moses was known for his meekness. Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth when he was living, but there was one meeker to come.
Jesus Christ was the meekest. Moses left his kingdom on high. Well, left his earthly kingdom to rescue his people, but his own people rejected him.
Jesus left his heavenly kingdom, came to us, and he came to his own people and his own people didn't recognize him.
I had a friend that I work with and he asked me, and he's Jewish, he's like, well, why didn't the Jews accept Jesus? I said, he came to the
Jews and the Jews didn't recognize him. They didn't. He came to his own people first and they didn't recognize him.
They had him killed. They had him killed for claiming to be God. So, Jesus, like Moses, both did miracles.
Moses, his very first miracle, the 10 plagues of Egypt, he turned water into blood.
He turned the whole Nile River into blood. God did through Moses. And then Jesus, his first miracle that he gave in Cana, in John chapter 2, was turning water into wine.
Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea. Jesus walked on the water. They both showed compassion to a woman at a well.
Moses brought water out of a rock. When he got mad, he hit the rock and water came out of it.
Jesus, when he died on the cross, they stabbed him to make sure he was fully dead and water came from his side.
And the rock that Moses stabbed was a rock that followed the Israelites. And Corinthians says that the rock really was
Christ. So, Moses also sent out 12 spies. Jesus sent out 12 disciples.
Moses appointed 70 men for a mission. Jesus appointed 70 men for a mission.
Moses, God through Moses, gave the people in the wilderness bread, manna.
Jesus fed the 5 ,000 out of creation, out of his own hands. And after Jesus fed the 5 ,000, the people even said, surely this is the prophet who is to come into the world.
So, they're waiting for this prophet and they recognize that Jesus is this prophet that they were waiting for.
Moses also had a special relationship with God because Moses talked with God face -to -face as a friend talks to a friend.
Jesus, of course, is part of the Trinity and has a very special relationship with his own father. Moses, when he talked with God, he got a heavenly glow.
He had to veil it with his face because it was so glorious. Jesus, at the transfiguration, his face shone like the sun.
This is like Moses. Moses was an intercessor for Israel. And Jesus, right now, is an intercessor for us, advocating for us at the father's right hand.
Moses was willing to lay down his life. He even said to God, blot me out of your book.
Blot my name out of your book in order that the Israelites might be saved. Jesus laid down his life for us and there's no greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends.
That's what Moses and Jesus did. They both showed great love. Moses led his people to the promised land and Jesus led his people to the promised land.
But Moses also rescued his people from slavery, physical slavery.
But Jesus, he rescues his people from spiritual slavery, spiritual death.
Jesus is like Moses. He is the prophet that Israel was waiting for.
Some of the Jews didn't recognize him but there were some Jews that did recognize him and they started something called the
Way, Christianity. Now, there's many other prophecies.
Time would fail us. We can be here for weeks and months and years talking about what prophecies that Jesus fulfilled.
But I just gave you guys some so that you guys might have faith, faith in his name. But there's one more prophecy that I want to talk about and it comes from Numbers 21, verse 5 to 8, verse 6.
Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people so that many people of Israel died.
And the people came to Moses and said, we have sinned for we have spoken against the
Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord that he take away the serpents from us.
So Moses prayed for the people and the Lord said to Moses, make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole and everyone who is bitten when he sees it shall live.
So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole and if a serpent bit anyone he would look at the bronze serpent and live.
So Moses lifted up this bronze serpent in the wilderness and anyone who got bit by the serpent, anyone who looked at it, lived.
It wasn't those who can withstand the bites, those who were strong enough to withstand the bites, or those who were smart enough to figure out to look at the bronze serpent.
It was those who believed God at his word and by faith looked at the bronze serpent and were saved.
Those people lived. Anyone who did not do that, died. In the same way, Jesus is lifted up on the cross and it's not those who are smart enough to figure it out, those are enough people who think they're good enough without him, they don't make it.
People who know that they've been bitten by sin, just like the snakes bit the Israelites, know that they need a savior and they look and believe
God at his word and they look to Jesus as the perfect savior and they put their faith in him and they are saved.
Anyone who does not look at Jesus and see him for who he is, God, the
Son of God, the highest king, the prophet, who Jesus claimed to be, the savior of the world, anyone who looks at him and does not believe that, will not see life.
Only those that look at Christ and believe that he really did come, die on the cross for our sin, and rise from the dead.
Because Jesus talks about this in John 3 and then that's where we get the famous verse,
John 3 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that all who believe in him should not perish, even though we deserve, should not perish, but are given eternal life.
So, in closing, I just want you guys, all of us in the room, to appreciate
Jesus for who he is and to have an increase of faith as we study his word and look at the prophecies that he fulfilled.
He is a great, great man. He's the greatest man to ever live, but he's also the savior of the world. So, if you haven't put your faith in Jesus Christ, do it immediately.
It's the best decision you've ever made. God had made Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin so that we might become the very righteousness of God.
So, that is the greatest deal that you can ever make. Your sinful life on Jesus, Jesus gives us his righteous life.
No matter whatever deal you've made in your entire life, no matter how good it is, it doesn't compare to that one.
Jesus is who he claimed to be, the son of God, who takes away the sins of the world, the lamb of God.
Amen? Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for fulfilling all the prophecies.
Thank you for keeping your promises. Thank you for revealing them to us. Thank you for making us alive.
And for those of us who don't know you or skeptics, I pray that we would see these prophecies and that we would come to you by faith, that we would search these scriptures for eternal life, and that we would see that these very scriptures bear witness to you.
And I pray that we would all come to you, Jesus, that we may have life. Because I know you want us to have life and life more abundantly.
Pray that we can take this gospel to our neighbors, to our friends, to our co -workers.
All that would hear and believe, Lord, we want to see people come to faith. You are so great.
In Jesus' name, amen. Will you stand with me?
Your grace that leads the sinner home from death to life forever and sings the song of righteousness by blood and not by merit.
Your grace that reaches far and wide to every tribe and nation has called my heart to enter in the joy of your salvation.
By grace I am redeemed. By grace
I am restored. And now I freely walk into the arms of Christ, my
Lord. Your grace that I cannot explain, not by my earthly wisdom.
The prince of life without a sting was traded for this sin.
By grace I am redeemed. By grace
I am restored. And now I freely walk into the arms of Christ, my
Lord. Let praise rise up and overflow.
My song resound forever. For grace will see me welcomed home to walk beside my
Savior. By grace I am redeemed.
By grace I am restored. And now
I freely walk into the arms of Christ, my Lord. By grace
I am redeemed. By grace I am restored.
And now I freely walk into the arms of Christ, my
Lord. By grace I am redeemed.
By grace I am restored. And now
I freely walk into the arms of Christ, my
Lord. Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations according to the command of the eternal
God to bring about the obedience of faith to the only wise
God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ. Amen.