What If They Come For Your Kids?
We are very excited to have our good friend and favorite constitutional lawyer, Bradley Pierce, back on the show. We will be discussing our new partnership with Heritage Defense and why every Christian homeschooling family needs to be signed up with them.
You can visit them at heritagedefense.org and use coupon code “APOLOGIA” to get your first month free!
-Get the NAD treatment Jeff is on, go to ionlayer.com and put "APOLOGIA" into the coupon code and get $100 off your order!
-You can get Presip Coffee at... https://shop.apologiastudios.com/products/hebrews-beans
-Check out The Ezra Institute at... https://www.ezrainstitute.com/
-Check out our store at https://shop.apologiastudios.com/
- 00:00
- When the scribes and Pharisees asked our Lord about the greatest commandment, He replied, You shall love the
- 00:05
- Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.
- 00:10
- So, why do we hear some of today's most prominent pastors saying things like this? It had everything to do with how we talk about the
- 00:19
- Bible. And specifically, or along with that, what we point to as the foundation of faith, which for most
- 00:25
- Christians, unfortunately, is the Bible. We need to do better.
- 00:31
- We need to love God with all our hearts, and stand unashamedly on the rock of His Word. We need to love the
- 00:37
- Lord with all of our souls, and respond to the worldview issues of our day with the wisdom and discernment that comes only from Him.
- 00:44
- We need to love the Lord with our minds, and understand the calling of God's people in every area of life in God's world.
- 00:51
- We need to love the Lord our God with all our strength, and face the work of building a life -giving, God -honouring culture.
- 00:58
- Join us for 10 days at the Runner Academy for Cultural Leadership, as we consider how the gospel influences all of life and culture, and the role that we have to play in applying foundational
- 01:09
- Christian thinking to every area of life. Non -rockabotists must stop.
- 01:23
- I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it! Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?
- 01:31
- You're being delusional. Delusional? Yeah. Delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal.
- 01:37
- You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional. So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay.
- 01:44
- It doesn't really hurt. She hung up on me! What?!
- 01:50
- What? What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
- 01:57
- The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.
- 02:05
- Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives. Right. Don't go into the world and make homies.
- 02:12
- Right. Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle neck. That's a joke,
- 02:19
- Pastor. When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
- 02:26
- Take an amazing journey to a place that will glow your world, so you will never be the same again.
- 02:42
- When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe. But when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil.
- 02:56
- That is from Luke 11 verses 21 to 22. Welcome everyone back to another episode of Apology Radio.
- 03:04
- I am very excited for this show. Yes, same here. To my left, you just heard his voice. We got the old
- 03:11
- DOC. I'll take it. Director of Communications for Unabortion Now, Mr.
- 03:17
- Zachary Conover. Yes, sir. Great to be here with you again. So Jeffrey is...
- 03:28
- Jeffrey? Wow, you're going with the full name today. Yes, Jeffrey Durbin. I just mess up the music, sir. I was getting ready to announce that it is officially
- 03:38
- Christmas season here at Apology. Yes. Yes, it begins early around these parts. Some of us earlier than November 1st, but my family, it's
- 03:47
- November 1st. Yeah, some of us earlier than mid -October. It just depends on which family.
- 03:52
- Exactly. But Jeff is in Wisconsin. Again, going back and forth between the baby girls.
- 04:00
- Please continue to pray for him. It's a lot of travel going on and they're both doing very well.
- 04:05
- So praise God for that, but before I get into the topic of discussion today,
- 04:13
- I just want to give a couple shoutouts here to some of our sponsors that we're very excited about.
- 04:20
- Oh, I know what to say besides Christmas. Hey Gabe, can you go ahead and pull my screen up here?
- 04:28
- So Christmas is very close. We're less than two months away now.
- 04:33
- I'll be here before you know it. So that's a good opportunity for you to get Christmas gifts.
- 04:39
- Yeah, do some Christmas shopping. Where might they go? You can go to shop .apologyastudios .com.
- 04:45
- That's a great place to go Christmas shopping. What kind of products might they find on that site?
- 04:51
- For instance, we sell coffee now. I mentioned this last week, so I hope my page is up.
- 04:56
- I can't tell. But we are partnering with Landmark Grocers out of California.
- 05:03
- We have this awesome pre -sip blend. The best part of waking up is pre -sipping your cup.
- 05:12
- And if you buy some, you will get a personal call from Luke to sing that jingle. Over the phone.
- 05:18
- We should figure that out. But also, I'm very excited because we have a bunch of new t -shirts, one of which
- 05:26
- I'm wearing. Apology of Church Cultivating the Desert since 2010. Did you design that?
- 05:33
- Yes. Not from scratch. I got a bunch of templates, but yes,
- 05:38
- I did. So we have a bunch of new gear up. I'm pretty excited about. This is one of them here that I'm wearing.
- 05:45
- So some really cool stuff. If you're looking for some good Christmas presents for your family members and check out all the new shirts.
- 05:53
- There's a ton of them. I think I put up like 10 or 15 new shirt designs. Pretty excited about all those.
- 06:00
- Anyways. Awesome. I also want to thank IonLayer .com.
- 06:06
- You can go to IonLayer .com to get your nifty. I got it on again. Did you get yours? Did you get that figured out?
- 06:13
- I'm working on it. He's working on it. You can go to IonLayer .com and put in coupon code
- 06:18
- APOLOGEO and get a sweet discount on your first order. We love them.
- 06:24
- It's great and we're all feeling pretty awesome with this
- 06:30
- NAD treatment from them. And that brings me to the other sponsor that I'm very excited about, which is we mentioned last week or two weeks ago,
- 06:39
- I think. Heritage Defense and I have that site pulled up here as well.
- 06:44
- You can go to HeritageDefense .org and put in APOLOGEO in the coupon code there and get your first month free.
- 06:51
- So that brings me to our special guest, Bradley Pierce, who's our very good friend and our favorite constitutional lawyer and the best constitutional lawyer that ever existed in the history of man.
- 07:02
- Yeah, on planet Earth. On planet Earth. Yeah. Well, I hope there's not some in other planets. But true, true.
- 07:10
- Brad, we love the death. So, Brad, welcome back to APOLOGEO Radio, brother. Hey, thank you.
- 07:15
- It's great to be with you. So, so, yeah, we've been kind of talking about heritage and just literally been like, if you're a
- 07:25
- Christian homeschooling family, you need to have Heritage Defense and sign up now. Like, don't even wait till the end of this episode.
- 07:33
- But could you please tell everyone what Heritage does and why it's needed?
- 07:40
- Yeah, so we can obviously get into more details here, but just the quick version is that, you know, parental rights are under attack in our country.
- 07:49
- They have been for a long time, more and more so. Thirty seven percent of children in our country, according to studies, will be part of a
- 07:57
- CPS investigation before they turn 18. Wow. According to the Federal Department of Health and Human Services, in one year, more than four percent of children in the
- 08:06
- U .S. are part of a CPS investigation. And so, you know, that sounds high,
- 08:12
- I think, to a lot of people. But that's because most people don't like to go around talking about these things. They don't go around sharing on social media.
- 08:18
- Hey, guess what? I just got accused of, right? Sure. But a lot of families find themselves with a social worker knocking on their door because some kind of report's been made about them by somebody.
- 08:31
- And now they now they're staring at a government agent who wants to come into their home, wants to interview their children, wants to go through their personal life and interrogate them.
- 08:41
- And so we created Heritage Defense in 2010, nonprofit legal advocacy organization, just so that Christian homeschooling families have someone to call to, you know, no matter why the social worker's at the door, right, for any kind of, you know, attack on your parental rights, any kind of false allegation of abuse or neglect.
- 09:03
- You can pick up the phone 24 -7, call us, get connected with one of our experienced
- 09:08
- Christian attorneys. We'll help you not just with the social worker at the door, but however far the case needs to go.
- 09:14
- You know, you need to go to court, you need to have interviews, you need to have meetings. We have not only a 24 -7 attorney that you get in contact with, but we'll then hire an attorney for you locally there in your area to be with you.
- 09:27
- Personal, present, every step of the way for that. So that's why we created Heritage Defense.
- 09:32
- And we can get into more details, but that's basically what we do. Man, I'm so grateful. It's amazing that this is the day and age we live in, where Christian families in particular have to even worry about this.
- 09:45
- Yeah. Like this is a very real thing, facing Christian parents. Like you mentioned homeschooling families.
- 09:52
- But we're, I mean, we're talking about more broadly speaking, just parents that believe the Bible and teach their children to do the same and obey it, right?
- 10:01
- I mean, we're talking about aspects of how parents relate to their children, how they teach them, how they bring them up in a
- 10:09
- Christian enculturation, what kind of values they're instilling, how they discipline their children.
- 10:15
- All of these things have brought state censure to the doorsteps of families, as we're going to talk about.
- 10:23
- And this case that's going on right now that just seems like something out of a different country, not the
- 10:29
- United States. Like surely this could not happen here or come here, but this is exactly what we're facing right now.
- 10:36
- And it's just, we can't stick our heads in the sand and pretend like it's not happening or that it doesn't exist.
- 10:41
- Like there is an assault going on on the family unit as a whole. And so I'm just incredibly thankful to have this layer of protection, really, that there's
- 10:52
- Christian men, advocacy, representation, willing to go to bat for believers who want to raise their kids and know that the family is that central institution in society, really.
- 11:05
- Yeah, thanks. That's a great point, man. It's I mean,
- 11:10
- I'll decide the reason that this this partnership even came up is
- 11:15
- I had we've had two two instances in the last six months at our church, even where parents had
- 11:21
- CBS called on and and it was like neither of them had heritage.
- 11:29
- And I was like, I called Brad. I was like, hey, I need some input on how to help these families. And I told them both, like, you guys, you should have signed up with heritage.
- 11:37
- And they both went immediately signed up that day. But it was like it was just two inches. And, you know, one of them was more serious than the other.
- 11:44
- And one of them was a neighbor calling and reporting on something that was just, you know, fallacious.
- 11:50
- But like and so I was like, OK, Brad, how do we partner together?
- 11:56
- Because I all the world needs to get signed up. All the Christian families need to be under under heritage.
- 12:02
- Like this is so important. And just for the record, what I'm about to say, and I'll let Brad speak to this, but like I'm not trying to like bash the homeschool legal defense fund here, but they're limited in what they can do.
- 12:16
- And that's one thing that we've learned. One of these families I mentioned, they were signed up with with them and called them and they're like, there's nothing we can do.
- 12:23
- It's not related directly to homeschooling. And they were like kind of just like, now what do we do? You know, and so like this is this is much more comprehensive and covers much more of a broad arrangement of things.
- 12:39
- So so, Brad, can you speak to that a little bit? Why? Why is this different than homeschool legal defense fund?
- 12:46
- And yeah, yeah, yeah. So homeschool Legal Defense Association, HSLDA, first of all, we're super big fans of them.
- 12:55
- Yeah, yeah, for sure. We're good. We're good friends of them. They've been around for a long time. I was homeschooled starting in like nineteen eighty nine,
- 13:03
- I think. And that's the year I was born, Brad. OK, there you go. Not to age you there.
- 13:11
- Trying to date me there. And, you know, we we we were members.
- 13:16
- I'm I'm still a member. You know, my family were members today. In fact, all of our attorneys or all of the folks have families that are staffed here to defense.
- 13:25
- We're all members HSLDA as well. Grateful for them. You know, they defend your Christian rights of homeschool.
- 13:31
- And they do a lot of stuff that we don't do. You know, they they they they advocate for homeschooling and legislator legislatures and good laws and lobby there, you know, help you navigate the homeschool laws in your state.
- 13:45
- Lots of great forms. And, you know, and then and just lots of great material about about homeschooling in general, not just the legal side.
- 13:55
- And they do a lot more. I'm I'm barely touching on it. So most members of Heritage Fence are actually members of both organizations to kind of cover all their bases.
- 14:04
- Yeah, that's why, you know, because a lot of people have experienced what you what you found, and that is, you know, if they're investigated for something that, you know, that that's that's homeschooling.
- 14:14
- Right. They're investigated because they're homeschooling. Right. HSLDA has done a great job of defending people's right to homeschool for, you know, many, many years.
- 14:22
- But what if it's about something else? And what if it's about a medical decision or a discipline decision or some kind of false report from some kind of neighbor or disgruntled family member or something like that?
- 14:33
- It's not about homeschooling. It's about one of these other issues. Well, there was a gap there.
- 14:39
- So we actually went met with the president of HSLDA back in 2008. You know, let him know, hey, this is what we're wanting to do.
- 14:47
- Kind of fill this gap. You know, he said, hey, more power to you. And so that's we launched this organization in 2010 to really kind of pick up where they leave off and say, all right, we're going to we're going to defend all these other parental rights beyond just your right to educate your child as you see fit.
- 15:03
- But all these other parental rights as they come under attack. So that's really the distinction between the two organizations and why a lot of people decide, you know what?
- 15:11
- I need to be a part of both of these. Yes. Can I ask, Brad, maybe just to bring people more into this, how this actually works and how it looks practically.
- 15:18
- So you have heritage, you have a membership, you have, you know, representation for you on standby essentially to help you in the in the event of something like this happens.
- 15:28
- So, you know, you're at home, there's a knock on the door and you open up and it's, you know, some of the works with the state or an agency or something.
- 15:37
- And, you know, they say something like we've received reports that, you know, you were X, Y, Z and that your child is involved in this way.
- 15:47
- And being put in that situation, I think most people caught off guard would be keen to maybe not do the right thing in the moment.
- 15:58
- You know, there are mistakes that can be made. And so what is having access to this representation?
- 16:06
- What does that look like in that moment? Like what does a family do right away when someone's at their doorstep?
- 16:12
- And what do they need to avoid doing? And where do you come in that process? Yeah, well, a lot of people have seen, you know, criminal
- 16:21
- TV shows or or criminal reality shows, cops or something like that, you know, where where they see somebody gets, you know, grabbed by the cops, slammed up against the car and then they start reading on their rights.
- 16:33
- Right. You know, you have the right to remain silent. You have a right to an attorney. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
- 16:40
- People understand that whole concept in the in the in the course of kind of criminal allegations.
- 16:46
- But all the same things that the police officers, law enforcement reads called
- 16:52
- Miranda rights to criminal defendants are also true here that that you have the right to remain silent.
- 16:59
- You have the right to an attorney. Anything you say can and will be used against you. So that's why it's it's it's in your best interest to just shut up, really just put it bluntly and let your attorney advocate for you after you had a chance to discuss what's going on, what the allegations are and and get some good legal advice.
- 17:21
- So that's, you know, but a lot of times families just start, you know, they're caught in the moment and they start talking and and asking questions and they end up a lot of times, you know, sometimes you have great social workers who are super reasonable.
- 17:36
- Sometimes you have people who already have it out for you from the beginning and they're just looking for stuff and anything you say can and will be used against you.
- 17:45
- And you don't know who you're dealing with when they come to that door. And so that's why you need an advocate there.
- 17:52
- And so that's what, you know, when our members, you know, answer the door, we have basically some instructions.
- 17:59
- We just tell them, hey, if they say, you know what you just said, someone comes to the door, hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
- 18:06
- Right. Yeah. The scariest words in the English language, right? And, you know, we've received some kind of report about you abusing or neglecting your children.
- 18:16
- You know, we we advise our members to just say, you know, be nice. We just say, excuse me one moment while I get my attorney on the phone.
- 18:24
- Step back in the house, close the door and call our number where you can get connected with an attorney 24 seven.
- 18:31
- And then, you know, tell us what's going on. And then a lot of times we'll say,
- 18:36
- OK, you know, step back outside and put on speakerphone and let me talk to him. And that's huge.
- 18:43
- And then, you know, we take it from there. So that that's that's really what your membership that that's kind of the beginning of what it gets you.
- 18:51
- But then, like I said, it's it's not just there at the door. It's however far that case needs to go.
- 18:57
- That's what we're there for. I love that when you sign up the first, you guys send like a magnet with the number.
- 19:02
- Actually, I was just thinking what I should just put that in my phone. Anyway, the card card, too. Yeah, yeah. So it's on my fridge.
- 19:08
- So if we ever needed it, yeah, I'm thinking of cops. I used to love watching cops.
- 19:13
- Are you old enough to remember? Yeah. Yeah, of course. Bad boys. What? I'm like thinking that's an episode
- 19:20
- I never saw is like DC has come into a door and it's right, you know, for someone's kids and then the dad like loses his mind and pulls a gun or something like that.
- 19:30
- I've never seen that on cops, but that would make a good episode. Nope. You don't have to do that, though.
- 19:35
- There won't be necessary if you're signed up with her. Correct. You won't be found on cop.
- 19:41
- Yes. You have an advocate that speak for you. Oh, that's funny.
- 19:47
- Do you have do you have any cases or examples that you can talk about,
- 19:53
- Brad? Yeah, I mean, I've got lots of them. Give us some good words. Where do we begin?
- 19:58
- We've handled hundreds of cases. Um, you know, I'd say some of the good ones to talk about or I mean, not good for these three of them, but good as far as, you know, illustrative for people to understand what's going on.
- 20:14
- You know, the number of the top three sources of reports to child protective services are law enforcement, of course, because they're running into lots of people who really are abusing their children and lots of other problems where they just say, hey, we're going to report
- 20:30
- CPS school personnel. That's that's their kind of number one and number two.
- 20:36
- The number three is medical community doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, folks like that.
- 20:43
- So, you know, the homeschool community typically isn't having too many run ins with, you know, the cops or too many run ins with with obviously school personnel.
- 20:53
- So for the homeschool community, the medical the medical personnel is really number one source of reports. And I believe the number one source of false reports.
- 21:02
- Because the medical community actually they are mandatory reporters in all 50 states.
- 21:09
- And so a lot of them either, you know, you have well -meaning doctors that just feel like they need to cover themselves and when in doubt, you know, report just to make sure you don't lose your license or you're liable for something or you have doctors who are just, you know, egotistical and they report people because they don't you know, they disagree with parents and they want to override their decisions.
- 21:34
- You kind of have a whole range. So, you know, that that's probably the number one source where things come from.
- 21:40
- We've got a host of cases. One of those that kind of just to my right now, we actually had a case where parents that's kind of stomach bug that went through the family, but their nine year old daughter, she wasn't getting well very quickly.
- 21:56
- And she really was not eating at all. And finally, they felt like we need to take her into the hospital.
- 22:02
- So they take her to the hospital. Hospital evaluates her for a little while, really for over a week.
- 22:08
- And they're not exactly sure what's going on. She stops really walking. Wow. And they're like, we don't know what's going on.
- 22:15
- The hospital talks and they decide that this is all in the girl's head. You know, and maybe it's just a that she's just afraid to eat because every time she ate, you know, have bad consequences.
- 22:28
- Yeah. So there so the hospital decides, well, here's what we're going to do for her treatment for this nine year old homeschooled girl.
- 22:35
- They say, you know, parents, we want to do inpatient intensive psychotherapy.
- 22:43
- And the parents are like, you know what? We really think we need to get our daughter home. Oh, yeah.
- 22:50
- And because this is just traumatizing her more. So the hospital is OK. Well, you can take your daughter home, but you know, over the weekend, but you need to bring her back.
- 23:01
- Starting Monday morning at a .m. every day for seven hours. Oh, my goodness.
- 23:07
- Intensive psychotherapy. And the parents are like, whoa, man, that's a that's a lot.
- 23:14
- Well, I mean, we can be there with her, right? They're like, no. Oh, my goodness.
- 23:20
- No, you can't, sir. It's like, well, it's well, I mean, if this is all related to trauma, then, you know, this nine year old girl is homeschooled.
- 23:30
- Yeah. Yeah. Being away from her parents in some place under intense psychotherapy, seven hours a day, five days a week.
- 23:35
- I mean, isn't this just going to traumatize her more? Right. And the hospital said, well, we'll help her cope with that.
- 23:43
- And so the parents, you know, got home. And then they called us.
- 23:49
- Yeah. And they said. And again, this isn't really even a CPS case. I talked about some of some of those, but this was one that could have been.
- 23:56
- Yeah. And would have been. So the parents called us and we advised them how to navigate that situation.
- 24:04
- And but but Monday morning, they got a call from from the hospital, said, if your daughter's not here in one hour or something like that, then we're calling
- 24:15
- Child Protective Services. Oh, my goodness. We're calling CPS on you. And so we thankfully had helped them arrange some things that had some other medical providers that actually called the hospital on their behalf and said, hey, back off.
- 24:29
- Yeah, basically, like we're taking this girl's she's well taken care of. She's not being neglected.
- 24:35
- And we've got it from here. And so they ended up getting getting the care they needed.
- 24:40
- And she got better. And and everything went went on. But this hospital was very quickly.
- 24:47
- That's crazy. Willing to use CPS as a tool to, you know, to get this family to bring their daughter in.
- 24:54
- And not to scare anyone. But I mean, this is the reality of a situation. How easily could that have been anyone from our church?
- 25:00
- Yeah. Or anywhere else? Just a family that is concerned, took their child into the hospital because that's where you take people that are sick that need help.
- 25:08
- And next thing you know, you're facing an ultimatum. Yeah. As if this place owns your child.
- 25:14
- Yeah. Won't even let you supervise what they're going to do to her in the first place and then gives you a threat of coercion.
- 25:21
- It says if you don't do what we say, we're going to send the state after you. Yeah. I mean, that is just next level brazenness.
- 25:29
- Yeah, that's so I just curious. We're talking about the medical stuff. You know,
- 25:34
- I don't want to get this feed shut down. But have you had a lot of cookie related cases, if you know what
- 25:42
- I'm saying? Yeah, I've been following you long enough. I know what you're talking about. So what
- 25:49
- I will say is that thankfully, we've only had one case that specifically arose just because someone refused their child getting a cookie.
- 26:03
- Yeah. OK, but that said. Continuing the continue, the euphemism here cookies come up in almost every case, because what happens is a family gets reported for one thing and then the questions that the
- 26:20
- CPS social worker wants to ask in every single case, they always want to ask, are all of your children of course on their cookies?
- 26:30
- Yeah. And and if the answer is not 100 percent, yes, absolutely.
- 26:38
- Then that's something that will be used against that family for the rest of that case. You know, if you have to go in front of a judge, which we sometimes do, then that'll be definitely, you know, mentioned to the judge, even if it had nothing to do with the allegations of the case.
- 26:51
- You know, the CPS will go ahead and throw out. Oh, and by the way, judge, this family doesn't do cookies.
- 26:57
- Yeah. Oh, and so that's that's something that comes up in almost every case, but thankfully it has not.
- 27:06
- You know, it's it hasn't been a big problem that that's like the reason someone gets gets a CPS case. But it does come up in every case.
- 27:13
- That's important to know. It's used as a cherry on top. It sounds like. Oh, yes. And also, by the way, they don't submit to.
- 27:20
- Yeah. Clearly, they're neglecting their children. Right. Just curious. Is there does there happen to be like a top three states that you have these cases in or is it kind of all over?
- 27:35
- You know, it kind of fluctuates. You know, some of it's just where we have more members than other states, but some of the
- 27:44
- I mean, I say Colorado and Washington are two of our worst states. I would actually say
- 27:50
- Texas is one of our worst. Really? Well, which I know goes against a lot of people's assumptions.
- 27:56
- Yeah. But but this is the issue of CPS is a very interesting one that you're going to see people from both sides of the aisle on both sides of this issue.
- 28:08
- In fact, there are people I know we call ourselves like on the issue of abortion. You know, I'm an abolitionist.
- 28:14
- We've talked about that on other occasions. There are actually people who call themselves abolitionists on the issue of CPS who are who want to abolish
- 28:24
- CPS and and people who want to abolish CPS, who also want to abolish the police and are extremely left wing.
- 28:33
- And so there's a lot there. There's kind of strange bedfellows, so to speak, on this issue of people who want to reform and even some who want to abolish
- 28:43
- CPS because of the abuses that happen within CPS and the
- 28:50
- CPS causes. So that said, kind of we see some of the worst states.
- 28:56
- Yeah, some of the blue states are really bad. But some of the red states are also really bad because red states, you know, we have a very law and order.
- 29:06
- You know, we hate child abuse and child abusers, as we should, as we should. But really an overreach, right?
- 29:13
- And kind of a presumption of guilt of people kind of treating everybody like, hey, we need to prove that you're not abusing your children.
- 29:20
- Exactly. Yeah. And so we see that in red states as well. I think that's a great segue to what we were going to talk about today with this case out of Indiana.
- 29:30
- But I think what you said, that is so foundational right there. This assumption that in the
- 29:36
- United States, with our great heritage, pun intended, behind us of, you know, our rights and our liberties and this idea that we are, that we ought to be treated innocent until we are proven guilty.
- 29:51
- Yes. We've taken that and flipped it on its head. Now, when you travel by airplane, what are you treated as before you even get on the plane to fly?
- 30:02
- That you're a terrorist. You're treated as guilty and you're going to be patted down and surged and made to take off your belt and your shoes.
- 30:09
- Unless, of course, you pay us a certain amount of money, then you can bypass that. But, I mean, even in a case like this subject, what we're talking about, families being treated as if they're just guilty right off the bat, that they've done something wrong.
- 30:22
- And now I'm here to verify whether or not you're innocent. Where, as in, the assumption should be the other way around.
- 30:30
- But, I mean, segueing to this case in Indiana, maybe as we talk about this, like Indiana is a traditionally conservative state.
- 30:39
- If I'm not mistaken. Grew up here. And now we have cases like this happening here.
- 30:45
- So, maybe we can delve into what's going on there. Yeah, no, it's perfect. I was going to say, I mean, here we live in Arizona.
- 30:51
- It's one of the more conservative states in the Union. And I have seen this happen to two different families at Apologia, where DCS comes in like they own the world, act as God, and just been absolutely awful to families.
- 31:06
- And that's exactly what we're talking about, where they treated people guilty and then, you know, tried to, didn't even try to prove their innocence.
- 31:13
- They just tried to prove them guilty, you know. So it was like, it was like innocence wasn't even an option on the menu.
- 31:20
- Yeah. Right. You just, you put your finger on it. What you just said is at the heart of it, is they have assumed the role of divinity.
- 31:29
- Yeah. You know, they, the state is claiming ownership of your children in a sense, even if it's just for a temporary period of time.
- 31:38
- For the purposes and the remainder of this investigation, your children no longer belong to you. They belong to us.
- 31:43
- Exactly right. There are trusts at this moment. There are wards. And if we decide that you are sufficiently innocent, we'll return their care over to you as we see fit.
- 31:53
- Yeah. I mean, it is, it is unbelievable. So before we get into this case, we're talking about,
- 31:59
- Brad, did you say you might have a good, again, good as relative, DCS story or CPS, whatever state you're in?
- 32:09
- Um, yeah, I got, I got another, like I said, I could go, I could go all day with this. Um, you know, it's, it's surprising that, you know, like I said, the medical community,
- 32:19
- I could list tons of cases and maybe real one, one other real kind of quick thing on the medical community is that a lot of hospitals and doctors actually have policies in place that even if they don't believe that a parents are abusing, or even if they don't have any suspicion at all, that parents have abused and neglected their children.
- 32:36
- A lot of them have policies in place that they report anyways. Um, you know, like if it's, if it's a, if a child has a spiral fracture or oblique fracture, it's like an automatic report.
- 32:46
- If a child has more than one recent injury, it's an automatic report at most hospitals and doctors. Or if a child, if a child under two years old has any kind of suspected head injury, it's an automatic report.
- 32:58
- And so even again, even if there's zero reason to believe any kind of foul play, uh, they report again, that's cause that's what their lawyers are telling them to do because they're all mandatory reporters, which is another problem, you know, that the government is mandating, you know, speech really, right.
- 33:15
- And mandating these reports. Um, that's a whole other issue of itself, but it goes, it gets so absurd that we've, we had one case where a mom, she's at the park, she's carrying their,
- 33:25
- I forget, you know, six, seven month old baby. And she's with her other children.
- 33:31
- And they're walking down the little path, little gravel path. And she, the mom slips and falls and like a good mom, right.
- 33:39
- She cradles and you know, she takes the full force of the fall, you know, protects the baby, but she's not sure whether the baby hit his head on the ground or not.
- 33:48
- So again, good mom, let's go make sure. So she goes to the hospital hospital, checks them out, you know, does some scans, says,
- 33:57
- Hey, no, he looks great. Um, no, no head injury. Everything looks great. By the way, we're reporting this to child protective services.
- 34:05
- Mom's like, wait, what? And, uh, I mean, you don't think I'd, no, no, no, we don't, we don't think you hurt your child.
- 34:12
- We just have a policy that if a child under two has a suspected head injury, then we report it to CVS.
- 34:18
- It's like, yeah, but you, my child doesn't have a head injury. It's like, yeah, but it was a suspected head injury.
- 34:26
- And so, I mean, again, that's the kind of absurdity that you see, um, again, from the medical community. But we, we also see even cases from, we definitely see a fair number of disgruntled family members.
- 34:38
- Um, you know, maybe grandparents aren't getting as much access as they would like, or maybe they disagree with, maybe they're not
- 34:44
- Christians. Maybe they disagree with how, you know, grandchildren are being raised. Uh, we even get folks within the same church reporting one another we've, we've had people even go up and ask for a prayer request, like,
- 34:56
- Hey, we're really hard off financially. And the someone on the prayer team at this church reports them.
- 35:03
- And in this case, it was actually this person on the prayer team thought, Oh, well I'll help them get government services by reporting them to CVS.
- 35:10
- Oh my goodness. I don't even know what to say to that. That was a major fail.
- 35:16
- Uh, we, we had another one where we had to go to court on this one where, uh, actually I've got a couple of these.
- 35:23
- Where, uh, actually we had one not too long ago where an ex member of the church left and again, kind of deconstructed, apotheosized and didn't like, you know, this conservative church and ended up reporting the entire church to child protective services for how, you know, that, that, that they spanked their kids basically.
- 35:47
- And, um, and this whole church got investigated. Oh man. And we had a couple of members within the church that were members of heritage defense.
- 35:55
- And I think now almost all members now, but a couple of were members.
- 36:01
- And, uh, one of them, we had to go all the way to court on it. Uh, cause CPS, they, they wanted to come in the home.
- 36:07
- They wanted to interview all the kids. They want to kind of turn their lives upside down. We said no. And they said, well, we're going to go to the judge.
- 36:13
- And we said, we'll see, we'll meet you there. Yeah. Uh, so we went to the court, went to the court and, and one, and the judge said,
- 36:20
- CPS, you leave this family alone. Yeah. Uh, we'll just leave them alone. And so that, you know, that, that's what we do.
- 36:27
- Um, yeah, that's good. That's what we do. I know I keep teasing those court cases. I got another question.
- 36:32
- Um, it's Luke on story hour here. Well, well, I mean, but these are all really helpful.
- 36:38
- This is stuff that everyone needs to know. Yeah. I mean, we've had several families that were doing foster care or even adoption.
- 36:47
- And of course DCS gets involved. Um, are you guys able to defend?
- 36:53
- Cause I know when you get in the foster care system, it gets very tricky. Even with spanking kids and all that. Um, is that, is that an area where you guys are able to come in and defend families as well?
- 37:03
- So not while families are fostering, maybe fully support parents, rescuing kids.
- 37:08
- That's great. That's great. Um, but while a family is actively fostering, um, they're not eligible for us to help them.
- 37:16
- Um, so, but you know, once they've adopted that child, that child's their child, then they can definitely join at that point.
- 37:22
- Okay. But while that's going on, because it's, it's kind of a, you know, you're, you've kind of given jurisdiction, right?
- 37:31
- Whenever you're, whenever you've brought that child into your home and that is kind of CPS as child in a sense, whether that child should be in CPS jurisdiction or not, they are.
- 37:42
- And so, you know, it's also another thing that if you want to continue to rate to care for that child, last thing you want to do is lawyer up, you know, in most, in most scenarios, because then
- 37:54
- CPS is just going to take that child away. I see that fast in, in most cases. I mean, there's times where you should, but generally speaking, lawyering up is not the way to go when you're a foster parent.
- 38:06
- Yeah. And I keep, I've been saying this for a while. When, when we end abortion, the next thing we're going to end is the foster care system.
- 38:12
- Cause it is awful. Which I mean, just get the state out of adoption. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can go murder your child in the womb for 400 bucks, but if you want to adopt a child, it's 40 grand.
- 38:24
- Right. I mean, there's something, something wrong with that. And again, I keep teasing this.
- 38:29
- We'll get to the court case. I promise. But I'm just sitting here thinking everything we're talking about here, there's a root issue, right?
- 38:37
- One it's because we've allowed the state to play God and, you know, we all grew up in trusting the state and the state's got our best interests in mind.
- 38:49
- And there may have been a period of time years ago where that was true, or at least the appearance, or at least the appearance.
- 38:57
- You know, things have changed and we've given the state as close to supreme power as we can.
- 39:04
- You know, thankfully we had some really brilliant and wise founding fathers that did their best to protect us against that.
- 39:12
- But my point being is that's kind of the root issue. And then you have just the justice system is no longer just, it's no longer founded on biblical principles and a biblical standard of justice.
- 39:28
- And you know, so everything we're talking about with the, with the hospitals and stuff, the reason that they do that is because they're covering their rear ends and they're covering their rear ends because justice is flipped on its head.
- 39:40
- And so anybody can sue anyone for any reason whatsoever, whether or not it's a good reason.
- 39:46
- And so they have to act that way in order to protect themselves. And it's, it's a shame that it's become what it is.
- 39:53
- Um, and so I'm, I'm thankful for that. I'm glad you brought that up, right? It's a great conversation because, you know, you said earlier, we're not trying to scare parents.
- 40:01
- Well, I kind of am in a way in a real, like I want, like I am scaring you.
- 40:07
- So I'll go sign up with her. But I want you to be protected. I want our families to know what, what is out there, what's going on and what could actually happen.
- 40:16
- If you're going to take your kid in because he's sick, you need to be aware. Like this, the hospitals now are so scared of being sued that your best interests aren't necessarily in mind their best.
- 40:30
- Well, here's, here's another route. Here's another root issue. And then I got a couple more stories. We're going to get more to the forefront here.
- 40:36
- I could, I could, I could, I mean, this is, this is what I do is I could do this all day. Um, but you know, one of the other root issues is not really even
- 40:46
- CPS's fault, although it's, you know, we've given them all this power, but it's also that people are so quick to report one another.
- 40:55
- Um, you know, instead of like doing our own investigate, you know, if you, if you pass by a situation or if you see a situation among folks in your church or neighbors or things like that, you know, back in the old days, so to speak, you would investigate it.
- 41:10
- You'd be like, Hey, you know, go talk to your neighbor. Hey, what's, what's going on? I see this situation. You'd learn more about it.
- 41:15
- People don't talk to their neighbors now. No. Yeah. A lot of times people just assume the worst and just like, let's call the government, let them handle it.
- 41:22
- Um, cause I don't want to, I don't want to, you know, stir it up with my neighbors. So I'll just call people with guns who could take their kids to come to their house instead.
- 41:33
- Um, so there's so many cases like, like I said, people within their own church are actually a very common source of reports.
- 41:41
- We've had several Sunday school or Bible study teachers that we had one.
- 41:47
- Okay. That a girl said girls in her Sunday school class, like a four year old little girl.
- 41:53
- And she said something like, um, Oh my daddy, he, he put his hand on my mouth and I couldn't breathe.
- 42:03
- And the Sunday school teacher's like, what? You know, with, did you feel like you were suffocating?
- 42:09
- And she doesn't even know what that word doesn't know what that word means. But she's like, you know, like loving the drama and attention.
- 42:17
- She's like, yes. And so instead of, you know, going to this family saying like,
- 42:24
- Hey, your daughter said, blah, blah, blah. What's the story? Backstory on that. Um, you know, it's just like, well, I got a report that, you know, makes report.
- 42:32
- It turns out that the real story, the rest of the story is that, you know, a few nights before this little girl, all the other family, all the other children were asleep.
- 42:42
- This little four year old had gotten up and she's like singing at the top of her lungs outside of the other children's rooms.
- 42:49
- And the dad just came in. He was just like, Hey, right. Just like added her mouth.
- 42:54
- Right. Added it. But four -year -old being who they are, that turned into like he covered her mouth and was keeping her from breathing.
- 43:03
- And, um, and then next thing you know, you got CPS, you know, wanting to come in, you know, come in your home and talk to your children.
- 43:11
- And that's the thing with a lot of these cases, people say, Oh, well, yeah. I mean, these children are removed, you know, but the thing is it's not just about removal.
- 43:19
- Right. Um, all of these cases, actually, a lot of people don't know by their own statistics.
- 43:25
- I think there's numbers really higher, but by their own statistics, over 90 % of reports made to CPS are unfounded.
- 43:33
- Like CPS investigates them or the ones CPS investigates, they find that they're unfounded.
- 43:39
- Uh, 83 % of the ones they go and actually investigate, right. They actually show up at somebody's door or call them up and they follow through with that.
- 43:47
- 83 % are unfounded. So that means, you know, normally when you see someone getting arrested for a crime, you know,
- 43:54
- I mean, yeah, we have presumption of innocence, but a lot of us it's kind of our human nature to say, I mean, they probably did it right.
- 44:02
- That's statistically, they probably did. Wow. But when it comes to this issue, it's actually the opposite.
- 44:12
- Oh yeah. Go ahead. I mean, there's so many directions you can go with this, but when
- 44:18
- I hear churches reporting on one another, I think of, I mean, first Corinthians six, when
- 44:25
- Paul is talking to the church and he says, when one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to the law before the unrighteous instead of the saints?
- 44:32
- Yeah. Like, do you not know that the saints are to judge the world? Like if we can't handle our own matters in house, we have no business, you know, going anywhere else.
- 44:41
- I mean, that's just a tremendous failure. It sounds like to me, but even beyond that, Brad, it sounds like a solution that you're offering to this whole problem.
- 44:49
- If 90 % of the calls that CPS gets are completely unfounded, how much could we eliminate just by being good neighbors and adopting a policy of localism in our communities?
- 45:02
- In other words, taking responsibility for our neighbors and doing that ourselves.
- 45:10
- Yeah. Ultimately, it's about self -government, right? And again, if we were all, if we were kind of policing ourselves, there'd be no need for, you know, like official police in most circumstances where we would actually be caring for and protecting one another.
- 45:25
- And that's what we should do here. And again, you know, the government has a role, right?
- 45:32
- They're there to, to administer justice. And there's a place for that. And there's people who really do, you know, harm their children that we really do need to be making reports to the government, for the government to step in and exercise its proper jurisdiction.
- 45:47
- But that's not what we're talking about in these cases, right? These are cases where, you know, it's stuff well within parents' rights.
- 45:55
- People may have had differences of opinion, but you know, the children are not being harmed here. You know, the people, these people aren't committing crimes against these children.
- 46:05
- Yeah. We, I was just thinking we, with my son, he's two and a half. He, his speech was a little bit delayed.
- 46:12
- It wasn't anything crazy, but we had a, a family friend that's a speech therapist saying,
- 46:17
- Hey, you should get them. You should get them checked out. Just get them evaluated. Make sure everything's okay. You guys are yours.
- 46:23
- Checked all that. He's, he's fine. But like, we're like, okay, so you know, the state will do that for free, which we're like,
- 46:29
- I don't want, I don't know if I want the state in my home. And like, but we're at the same time we're like, I want to make sure he's okay.
- 46:36
- You know, like, yeah. And so my wife, my wife called them and, and you before she ever set anything up, she was like, like if you guys come and say he needs therapy and we decide not to do it, then why are you going to call
- 46:52
- DCS? It's like, that was legit. Like what my wife was a great question. Right. And I'm like, this is crazy that I even have to think like this.
- 46:59
- And I'll tell you from cases that we've handled, sometimes the answer is yes. Yeah. That's insane.
- 47:05
- We've handled those cases. Yeah. Thankfully it was not an issue, but anytime you invite the state into your house, you're, you're asking for potentially potentially.
- 47:18
- Okay. So we're getting low on time. Let me bring up this this case here. So this was in Indiana. And I'll let
- 47:25
- Brad kind of lay it out cause he's very, not very familiar. He's more familiar with it than we are, but essentially there was
- 47:30
- Christian parents and it has to do with a child and gendering themselves and all that.
- 47:38
- And again, as a Christian family, they had the child removed from the home. This was in 21.
- 47:45
- And so it went to a court and it was in Indiana, I believe. And now it's going to the
- 47:51
- Supreme court. So I'll let Brad go ahead and kind of talk about this case and why this is important.
- 47:57
- Yeah. So this family, it's right now it's just the MC and JC family, just to protect everyone's identity.
- 48:04
- MC and JC versus Indiana department of child services. It just got a pill to the
- 48:10
- U S Supreme court. They're requesting the U S Supreme court to agree to hear it.
- 48:16
- That's kind of where things are right now. Excuse me. You had a little pickle in my throat here.
- 48:25
- He's got the, he's got the vid where it has happened to me.
- 48:32
- This is like a, I mean, if you've seen me, don't you love, we're just sitting here laughing at you. Hey, I get it bro.
- 48:37
- We're all day in Arizona. I don't remember the last time it rained. We were just talking about this. It has been so stinking dry and we get that too.
- 48:45
- We'll just be talking. I call it feather throat. You're like talking also and it feels like someone shoves a feather down your throat. You're just like, sir, like can't breathe and cough.
- 48:52
- And then it's gone. You're like, what was that? Like, it's the dry calm. You got, you got that Texas climate.
- 48:58
- Sorry. Exactly. No, I appreciate it. Thanks for the, for the break. So yeah.
- 49:07
- So yeah, this family that has a child that, you know, wants to go by a name of the opposite sex that wants to be called pronouns of the opposite sex.
- 49:17
- And the parents say, no, you know, we think that's lying. We think that's, um, not what's in your best interest.
- 49:24
- We don't think we can do that before God. And we don't think that's healthy, you know, for you mentally.
- 49:30
- We don't think that's what's best for you. Uh, so the child ends up, someone makes a report, um, and you know, child protective services gets involved.
- 49:39
- Uh, ultimately child protective services, you know, basically says,
- 49:45
- Hey, these are fit parents, which means they're not, you know, they're not harming their child.
- 49:50
- Uh, they're not doing anything, you know, otherwise wrong, but they are because they are, you know, misgendering their child, so to speak.
- 49:59
- Um, then that's causing the child to be at higher risk of self harm.
- 50:06
- Um, and so we're going to remove the child from, from the parents, you know, uh, custody.
- 50:12
- And so that's, that's now, you know, on its, on its way to the Supreme court.
- 50:18
- Uh, so hopefully the Supreme court will hear that. Uh, we're actually through our, our, uh,
- 50:23
- C3 arm heritage fits foundation. We're going to be submitting a brief in that case.
- 50:29
- Um, but that's, you know, that's a, and, and there's now laws in California and in Washington, which allow for similar, you know, sorts of accusations to be made and for children to be removed for the similar reasons.
- 50:40
- So that's, this is kind of as if we needed another reason to be concerned about child protective services.
- 50:48
- Uh, this is the latest and greatest, um, and the biggest and ugliest one, um, that, that they could try to step in and say,
- 50:55
- Hey, if you don't call your boy a girl, then you lose them.
- 51:01
- Yeah. I think Christians, many Christians just didn't think that this would happen here.
- 51:07
- I think, I mean, I, along with them at some point would have been like, there's no way, not here, you know?
- 51:15
- And now here we are. I mean, if you just read some of the statements in this article, you know, the
- 51:22
- Indiana department of child services investigated their home because the parents would not refer to their child, a biological male, using a cross gender name and pronouns that would not generally affirm their child's self -identification as a girl.
- 51:35
- And then moving down, they remove the child from the parent's home and never returned the child to their custody.
- 51:41
- Even after DCS voluntarily dismissed all allegations of neglect and abuse against them, including false allegations.
- 51:49
- And then the trial court barred the parents from speaking to their own child about the entire topic of sex and gender while placing the child in a home with specific qualification that the home must verbally affirm the child's self -identification as a girl, contrary to the parent's religious beliefs and best judgment.
- 52:07
- The parents were also limited to a few hours of visitation with their child one day a week.
- 52:14
- The trial court never returned the child to their home and he aged out of the foster care system while out of their custody.
- 52:20
- Yeah. I was literally about to read that paragraph. It's. I mean, yeah.
- 52:25
- What can you say? What can you say at this point? When you allow the state to be God, you know, they, then they, essentially, you know, there's the four spheres of government.
- 52:36
- They are no longer the civil jurisdiction. Yeah. They are the God jurisdiction and they can overstep the family jurisdiction whenever they want because they think they own your child.
- 52:48
- And in God's law, the family receives the highest order of protection. Yeah. It's God's basic institution building block for all of society.
- 52:55
- And now you have the state, which is just man writ large, seeking to usurp the authority of the household and the family.
- 53:03
- And as you said, attribute to itself the status of divine father, we will be father, you know, and if you, and if you refuse to engage in this fiction, if you refuse to parrot the lie, then we are going to equate that with harm.
- 53:21
- You're harming this child because you won't go along with the lie. That's harm, right?
- 53:27
- Like that's where we are. Exactly. Right. And it's all intentional. Yeah. Don't, don't think, don't think for a moment is this is an all intentional.
- 53:34
- One of my favorite quotes from Toby Sumter, uh, he was, it was like cross politic years ago.
- 53:40
- He said, uh, when, when we stop allowing, uh, when we stop having
- 53:46
- God be our father, the state becomes our mother. And I was like, Ooh, like that one, that was years ago.
- 53:52
- And then it's just only, like, that's, it was like a prophetic, right? It's only just like unfolded in front of us. Um, and yeah,
- 53:59
- I mean this, uh, like you mentioned, like this sort of stuff happens in like Canada all the time or other countries.
- 54:05
- Like I, or so we thought. Yeah. I, I have, uh, some dear friends up in, in Canada, a
- 54:10
- Christian family. And they had, they had a daughter that was a bit of a trouble, troubled child and got a lot of, a lot of stuff.
- 54:17
- And, uh, this, they told me this one time that, uh, she had come home.
- 54:23
- She was like addicted to drugs and stuff and come home, locked herself in her room. And, um, she was 16 at the time and they called the police because she wouldn't, like, she had barred herself in her room.
- 54:38
- And the police was like, there's nothing we can do. She's 16. They're like, sorry. They're like, yeah, she's 16.
- 54:44
- There's no, you can't do anything. And then in Canada, when you become 16, it's like you've turned 18 here. And they were like, we can't do anything.
- 54:50
- And there, and it was their own home sort of thing. And they're like, um, unbelievable. That was years ago, you know? But my point is like, that's what, that's what's coming
- 54:58
- South of the border into our country. Um, so yeah, it's just crazy. Everyone needs to read that book by the way, too.
- 55:05
- There's a great book. Um, irreversible, irreversible damage, the transgender craze, um, seducing our daughters,
- 55:12
- I think is the tagline for it. Abigail Schreier, everyone needs to get that. But the, essentially she talks about the foundations of this, how it's destroying the family, undermining families, tearing them apart.
- 55:26
- And then with what we're talking about, you get the state wrapped up in that. And now the state has a vested interest in furthering their dogma, which is the autonomous individual.
- 55:36
- They can decide their reality. They don't need the instruction or wisdom or enculturation of their parents.
- 55:41
- And as a matter of fact, we're militantly opposed to, uh, any Christian influence or element altogether.
- 55:48
- And so the, again, the, the state, the, the, the government, you know, they're, they're not friends in that regard.
- 55:54
- Like they're completely hostile towards the Christian faith. And I think these cases are serving to demonstrate that more clearly.
- 56:02
- It's not a live and let live or go along to get along situation. They believe that they actually own your children and they are going to oppose your ability to educate them, to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
- 56:15
- Lord or the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And, um, you know, if you won't go along with the fiction, then you're going to be penalized for it.
- 56:23
- Like that's, that's what we're facing. Yeah. And, uh, um, I was just thinking, you know, talking about other countries and stuff like we were just in Germany in which
- 56:33
- Brad's been talking to some of our friends over in Germany. I'm excited that he's been able to help them. But, um, like homeschooling is illegal in Germany.
- 56:42
- And the point I'm getting to is like we as Christian families need to be fighting to, to keep these rights that we have here in our nation.
- 56:50
- It's illegal to homeschool your kids in Germany. If you remember a few years ago, there was a Christian family that homeschooled and they had their kids taken away from them.
- 56:57
- Um, and it just, I had my, my daughter with him. He came when I was there. She just turned 13, but it was,
- 57:03
- I had a cool moment as a dad because, uh, you know, we Jeff and I spoke and stuff.
- 57:09
- And then as you know, after that, then everyone comes up asking questions and stuff. And at one point
- 57:14
- I was like, I should probably check on Evie and make sure she's okay. You know, so I just kind of like turned around to check on her and she was like surrounded by all these young moms and they were just peppering her with questions about homeschooling.
- 57:27
- And he was my 13 year old daughter, just holding court with all these German moms. I was so proud of her. But, um, but like, don't take, don't take it or take advantage of that or take it for, take it for granted.
- 57:38
- Don't take it for granted. Like, like we need to be fighting for these things. So we're almost out of time here, Brad. So I just want to ask you this.
- 57:44
- Um, if this family we are talking, we're talking about in Indiana had been signed up with heritage, how would you guys have been able to help them?
- 57:53
- Yeah, well they would have had an attorney from the very beginning, right? They could have the very first, uh, whiff of any possible case.
- 58:00
- They could have called us and we could have been there from the very beginning. And on a lot of these cases, topics are, and this is the reason we started here to defense because you know, generally homeschool families or every homeschool families by nature do it yourself or right.
- 58:15
- And most homeschooling families are also very frugal. So a lot of times we saw, we saw cases that we handled, where families contacted us at the very beginning, we're able to get resolved pretty quickly.
- 58:25
- And then we saw other families or families would try to handle it on their own and then call us later. And then you're just kind of doing damage control.
- 58:32
- So that's why we started this organization so people can have someone to call from the get go. Um, so that way, you know, as we say in Texas, keep the horse from getting out of the barn.
- 58:42
- You know, once he gets out of the barn, now it's hard. Now it's a lot harder. Um, so, you know, it's easier to keep the toothpaste in the tube, but it's, uh, yeah.
- 58:53
- So that's why, you know, people call us right off the bat. So that's what this family could have had. Uh, you know, again, if they were homeschool family, they could have called us and had an attorney right from the very beginning.
- 59:02
- Again, we can't guarantee, you know, what the outcome would be. Sure. Uh, but, but you know, by the grace of God, I give all the glory to God.
- 59:11
- You know, there's a reason that a lot of people haven't heard of heritage defense and that's because by God's grace, we've been very successful and we haven't really had, you know, a case that turned into national news.
- 59:22
- Um, but I mean that, that, that's our job, right? We want to keep you out of the headline and get things resolved for you.
- 59:30
- Just curious. Do you know off the top of your head, how many cases you've had in the last 13 years? Uh, several hundred.
- 59:37
- Okay. Okay. There you go. Um, so I'm going to,
- 59:43
- I'm going to tell you, let you tell people how to get signed up. It's trust people. It's very reasonable.
- 59:49
- It's not, we're not talking about like it's going to cost you an arm and a leg. It's a very, very reasonable. So how do people go get signed up?
- 59:55
- Are there requirements like explain that process to our listeners? Yeah. So again, it's for Christian homeschooling families right now, families who are homeschooling all their kids at home that you don't have to have a school age child, right?
- 01:00:09
- You don't have to be literally, you know, homeschooling. I like to say homeschooling begins at conception, but uh, you know, as long as you have children and we even have people that join before their first child while they're just pregnant.
- 01:00:21
- Yeah. Right. Cause we've even had cases with babies born premature or babies underweight or things like that.
- 01:00:28
- Um, with, with babies. So definitely, you know, don't wait until you're breaking out school books. You know, if any child at all, uh, you've got parental rights, you know, from, from the moment of fertilization,
- 01:00:39
- I would say. Yeah. Uh, so that's, that, that's the time to join. And, uh, it's, it's $19 a month or if you want to do the whole year, it's one 90 a year, uh, right now.
- 01:00:50
- And you can just go on our website, heritage defense .org and check it out there. I would say that's the best
- 01:00:55
- Christmas present you can buy your children. Well, and you say that there's actually grandparents who actually literally do.
- 01:01:04
- In fact, I was on a amen for those grandparents. I was on another podcast with a lady who's a grandmother, um, who she, she's buying all of her children memberships to heritage defense.
- 01:01:17
- That's amazing. And that way that's, I'd like to give that grandma a hug. Yeah. She is doing the most.
- 01:01:23
- Yeah. Awesome brother. Well, we're, we literally just hit zero. So that was perfect timing. Um, if you guys want to stick around, uh,
- 01:01:30
- Oh, actually, I think there's a Gabe, can you put up those? I think there was a super chat in there. I think
- 01:01:35
- I saw. Um, we're going to, Brad's going to stick around. We're going to go to the Afro show here in a few minutes and kind of continue this conversation.
- 01:01:43
- Um, so I don't know, Gabe, was there, if there was any or not, um, nothing this week. Oh, no super chat.
- 01:01:48
- Sorry. I thought I saw something. Um, so thank you again, everyone for, um, just blessing us and allowing us to keep doing this.
- 01:01:58
- Um, um, hopefully very soon we'll actually be moving into a new studio space.
- 01:02:04
- I think we've mentioned that that's a long story. Um, but we are trying to move studio spaces and, uh, so we might be having some different sets and stuff like that, but you guys keep the lights on.
- 01:02:14
- Uh, thank you for all your support for inter abortion now. Um, and, uh, I don't want to get too far in this, but Zach and I got invited to a, um, turning point
- 01:02:26
- USA turning point faith, uh, event yesterday, lunch pastors luncheon.
- 01:02:31
- And there was, you know, it was about 150 people there. Not all pastors, probably about half.
- 01:02:37
- Cause a lot of them have their wives. There were a lot from around Arizona. And I'll just say that, uh, we've got our work cut out for us.
- 01:02:45
- Zach got to ask a question and it had to do with equal protection. And I was very much shocked.
- 01:02:55
- Not so much by Charlie's response. I kind of expected Charlie's response, but by the crowd, the Carl's response.
- 01:03:01
- And I was like, okay, well we know what we got to do. Yeah. That was for sure. Um, a lot of, a lot of pastors thinking that, uh, women aren't guilty of murdering their children in the womb.
- 01:03:12
- Um, but all that to say, we are currently looking at around, it looks like 18 States, which could be growing.
- 01:03:19
- Yeah. Um, and, and 24 18 States. It's amazing. Yeah. Praise God. When we started this,
- 01:03:25
- I think we had like three, maybe probably Texas and Oklahoma. It was probably about it.
- 01:03:30
- Uh, which Brad's been involved with in that fight for instrumental instrumental on that fight.
- 01:03:36
- All those, all those bills, those 18 States, Bradley's your author. Just, you know, he's a busy man.
- 01:03:43
- Um, he's not only defending. Well, okay. Most of them. All right.
- 01:03:51
- We'll be fair. Most of them. Um, the majority of them Bradley has written and we'll be writing.
- 01:03:57
- And, uh, so not only is he protecting your homeschool families, he is also, uh, writing constitutional bills to end abortion.
- 01:04:04
- So, um, thank you for your support. Uh, we got the year in coming. That's always big for us, uh, to help us keep doing this.
- 01:04:12
- So, uh, actually Brad's got Jeff. I don't know. I don't think Jeff's, he's probably coming tomorrow.
- 01:04:17
- I think, uh, Bradley's got his big, uh, dinner is annual dinner, uh, in Texas there this weekend.
- 01:04:24
- Jeff's going to be speaking. And, uh, anyways, thank you, Brad. We love you, man. We appreciate everything you're doing.
- 01:04:30
- And, uh, Zachary, you just got one super check coming out. One super check coming in. Where's that?
- 01:04:37
- Uh, pristine auto, auto dealing, uh, detailing, uh, for $10. Oh, there it is. Thank you. Pristine, pristine auto detailing.
- 01:04:45
- I almost said that like it was somebody's name. Hey, pristine, come here. Uh, so what else they're calling
- 01:04:51
- Christine or assistant Christine, Christine, Christine. Um, thank you so much. We appreciate it.
- 01:04:57
- Uh, all access members. Uh, thank you. And please stick around. We'll be back with the, uh, after show here in a few minutes.