More Problems at Passion 2013 - Judah Smith - Jesus Culture


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith ( takes a discerning look at Judah Smith's teaching re: community at Passion 2013 and examines the claims of direct encounters with Jesus by Kim Walker-Smith of Jesus Culture


It's time for another edition of Fighting for the
Faith, Thursday, January 3rd, 2013. So far, every bill that I've paid,
I've got the year right when I wrote the check. I'm so excited.
Small things like that make me happy. Usually my brain isn't that sharp, just saying.
Was afraid I'd be writing 2012 into like March, you know? Thank you for tuning in.
You're listening to Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the program that dishes up a daily dose of biblical discernment, the goal of which is to help you to think biblically, help you to think critically, and help you compare what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now, something that I want to kind of start the program off with this idea, this concept, and that's this, is that sound doctrine and the need for it and the dangers of false doctrine is not my pet peeve.
Now, from time to time, I get accused of it being my pet peeve, but it's really not my pet peeve. It just happens to be my focus of my apologetics emphasis at the moment because of what
I do for a living, but it's not my pet peeve, but I will say this, that based upon what
Scripture says about the importance of sound doctrine and the dangers of false doctrine and false teachers and false prophets,
I think it would be a safe way to describe it as this is one of God's pet peeves because over and again, especially as you read through the
New Testament, you find over and again, warning after warning, after warning, after warning about false teachers and false prophets and those who come in Jesus's name, bringing a different message, those who tamper with God's Word and, um, and, or they teach their dreams or their vision.
And this is not just a New Testament theme as well. I would point you to something like Jeremiah chapter 23 or 22.
Take a look at that. Or look at Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah, or you look at the, you know, look at the Pentateuch Moses warning about false prophets.
Okay. These aren't men warning about false prophets and false teachers.
This is God warning about them because keep in mind the same author, okay, there, there is a human agent and there is a divine author behind every book of the
Bible. So when we read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, or, you know, numbers, um, you know, most of those are called, you know, the books of Moses.
Yes. Moses wrote those down. Correct. Okay. But Moses wrote those down as he was carried along and inspired by God, the
Holy Spirit. So God, the Holy Spirit is the author, really the author of note of the
Torah. Okay. So at the same time, then when we get into the new Testament, the epistles of Paul, yes,
Paul is the one who wrote those epistles, but he wrote them, they are new stuff. That means God breathed.
And therefore, since they were God breathed in God, the Holy Spirit was the one carrying the apostle Paul along as he wrote these things down.
God, the Holy Spirit is responsible for the writings of Paul the same way that he's responsible for the writings of well,
Moses and other biblical authors. So when we point you to the fact that scripture, scripture, um, is very, very, um, uh, let's say uptight.
Okay. About the importance of sound doctrine and the dangers of false doctrine.
I'm not just saying that scripture is uptight about it. In reality, what I'm saying is that God is uptight about it.
He really is uptight about it and he doesn't turn a blind eye to it. In fact, over and again, he warns us to be on guard for false teachers, false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, those who wouldn't spare the flock, ravenous wolves and things like that.
These are, these are warnings given to us by none other than God himself. So sound theology, sound doctrine, rightly handling
God's word is not something that is well unimportant or can be relegated to that bucket of, well, that's just no big deal.
It really is a big deal. It truly really is a big deal. And the reason why is because, well, we all have a real enemy and his, he's the devil.
You get what I'm saying here? And he's not going to rest until your carcass is in a grave.
At least he's not going to leave you alone until that day. And that being the case, if you bear the name of Christ, if you confess that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day bodily for your justification, if you are baptized in his name, the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and you are proclaiming Christ and him crucified to your neighbors and to your friends, well, there's a word for you.
We call you a target. Just goes with the territory. You know, it's one of those things.
And Satan, he's a deceiver. He is a liar. And what he really is going to try to do is to get you off topic or get you believing a lie.
And the way he does that is by tempting you or sending your way people who you believe to be people or men of God or nowadays women of God.
That should alert you to something there that they probably aren't that, you know, who are claiming direct revelations or dreams or vision or catch the latest thing or whatever.
And you know, OK, yeah, even though they're coming to you in the name of Christ. You must, must, must do the work of a
Berean. The scriptures tell us that the Bereans were of a more noble character than the
Thessalonians because when the Apostle Paul, we're talking about the Apostle Paul here. I mean,
I don't know about you, but me personally, OK, if, if, you know,
I have like the utmost respect for the apostles and the prophets, OK, it's it's the respect along these lines that is that God called them to a specific task and put them in a particular office, the office of prophet or the apostle, the office of apostle.
God is the one who who put them there. And that these are men who through their lifetime ran their course and died in the faith.
Right. OK. These are not somebody that you just kind of, you know, they're like they're nobodies.
They're actually kind of somebodies, but they're not somebodies because there's somebody in themselves. But there's somebody because God made them somebody. Does that make sense?
And so the Apostle Paul, who started off as the murderer and persecutor of Christianity, Saul, this is a guy who was abnormally born as an apostle, as 1
Corinthians 15 tells us, that he was abnormally born because he's an eyewitness of the resurrection of Jesus long after Jesus had ascended into heaven.
And he is an eyewitness of the resurrection because Jesus personally appeared to him while he was on the road to Damascus to round up Christians and have them arrested.
OK, Jesus appeared to him, you know, and, you know, the proverbial saying is knocked him off of his horse, blinded him.
And then he became the Apostle Paul, the one who brought the message of Christ and him crucified and raised again on the third day to the
Gentiles. He was the apostle to the Gentiles. This is a man who planted churches and would preach Christ anywhere he had a hearing to preach
Christ at. The open marketplace up on Mars Hill, you know, just wherever he could preach
Christ, he would preach Christ, right? So, I mean, this is somebody who, you know, just in respect for the office of apostle,
I mean, there's some authority that goes with that. But the scriptures tell us that the Bereans tested the gospel that they heard from Paul.
They looked in the scriptures to see if what he was saying was true. And rather than being rebuked by God, you know, how dare it's enough that he's the apostle
Paul, just believe him. That's not the position that scripture takes, or I should say
God takes. No, the position that God takes through scripture is that he calls the
Bereans those of noble character. They had a more noble character than the Thessalonians because they tested.
So we live in treacherous days and understand this, that when you look at the prophecies in scripture regarding the imminent return of Jesus Christ, one of the major prophecies given by Jesus Christ, as well as the apostle
Paul, is that the church, that in the visible church, there would be great apostasy, a falling away and a rebellion against sound doctrine and against what
God has revealed in his word, that there would be false teachers and false prophets, some of them performing signs and wonders to, as according to Christ, to mislead if possible, even the elect.
You see, this is not this is not an agenda that Rosebrook concocted and cooked up on his own.
No, the fighting for the faith, well, teases out a very important agenda in scripture, the need for the preaching and proclamation of Christ and him crucified and the preaching and proclamation of sound doctrine, of rightly handling
God's word, of not tampering with it and correctly teaching it so that sinners like me and like you can hear the gospel and hear the forgiveness of sins won by Christ on the cross, be confronted with our sins and daily be brought to repentance and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins so that we can bear fruit with that message, because truly that is the good news, the gospel that is the hope of the world, the hope that the only hope that will get us through the soon to be occurring day of God's judgment and wrath when all men will be called before the throne of Christ to give an accounting of their life.
And if you are not in Christ and your name is not written in the book of life and you do not believe in him and trust him for the forgiveness of your sins, then according to scriptures, you will perish eternally.
That's what's at stake. Now, in the grand scheme of things, that to me seems to rise to the top of our priority list.
So that's what guides and, you know, and puts wind in the sail, if you would, of Pirate Christian Radio fighting for the faith.
So I just want to lead off with that thought. Now, let's talk about what we're going to do on today's edition of Fighting for the
Faith. It's going to be a long edition. That's it. Yesterday was almost three hours.
Today's going to be close to that. Okay. I apologize. That's just the way it is.
We took the pirate ship out of dry dock and found ourselves immediately in a skirmish.
I mean, you know, you read the the gospel of Mark, Youthus, you know, this is a this a
Greek word that that Mark uses constantly. It's immediately and then immediately, Jesus, and immediately and immediately.
No sooner did we take out the the pirate ship out of dry dock than we went that Youthus immediately.
We were involved in a. Yeah, well, that's how it's going. So here's what we're going to do today. We're going to dedicate, you know, what's left of this hour and on into the early parts of the second hour to unpacking some of the stuff that's been going on at Passion 2013.
We're going to take a look, take a listen to a a testimony from the lead singer for Jesus Culture, which is one of the featured bands at Passion 2013, so that you can hear for yourself who's been invited to lead worship over at Passion 2013.
Then we're going to take some time and listen to Judah Smith. I've I listened to his session today and I got to tell you, that was absolutely seductive and false teaching that he gave us.
And not only that, it falls back into the category of dangerous for other reasons.
And I'll explain later, but his he ended up giving a lecture on community and being a seeker driven guy and somebody who's closely associated with the
Dracarites. When you hear a Dracarite talking about community, you need to know what's going on there. So we're going to unpack some of the things that Judah Smith said today.
And then when we get to our sermon review time somewhere in hour number two, literally we're going to be listening to an entire sermon.
No joke. An entire sermon based upon a prophetic dream that a pastor claims to have received for how the church is to position itself for the year 2013.
I don't know if we've ever quite done a sermon review like this, but then again, we may have. It's just that, you know, being getting older and my brain creeping into creeping decrepitude, you know,
I just may have forgotten about it. But anyway, so we've got a lot of ground to cover. I strongly recommend that you make yourself comfortable because of some of the stuff that you're about to hear.
I strongly advise that you take all of the proper precautions. In fact, here's our standard warning.
And if you end up hurting yourself while listening to this edition of Fighting for the Faith, we're not responsible because, well, we warned you.
Here we go. Warning, fighting for the faith can be dangerous to your health. Listening with caution is strongly urged while doing any of the following activities operating heavy, deadly equipment, playing
Farmville or any time wasting, brain numbing activity for sudden awakening at the sound of a particularly stupid eschatological statement could cause neck strain, drinking liquids, drinking hot liquids, having liquids too nearby, not having any liquids nearby.
The following medical conditions have been known to occur while listening to Fighting for the Faith. Cranial keyboard embedment syndrome, sinew nasal liquid spewment disorder, steering wheel pounding, clenched fist strain, continual gaping, dry mouth atosis and frustrative disbelief brain explosion.
Please take proper precautions. Drinking straws, padding and duct tape are recommended. Yeah, this is normally our
Bill Johnson update music whenever we do an update for Bill Johnson from Bethel in Redding, California.
Yeah, because the truth is out there somewhere, but it's not definitely not in Bethel. The reason why we're using this update music now is because we're going to be listening to, well, a personal testimony given by Kim Walker Smith of Jesus Culture.
This would be the praise and worship band, one of the praise and worship bands featured at Passion 2013 this past week.
And, well, Jesus Culture, they come out of Bethel in Redding and they basically believe and buy into the heresies and ideas of Bill Johnson.
So that's why we're playing this music. So let's go ahead and kill the, yeah, there we go. I didn't particularly like that rendition of it anyway.
But so without any further ado, here is Kim Walker Smith and her, well, encounter with Jesus Christ.
I'll let her explain. Here we go. And all of a sudden, and let me just remind you again,
OK, this is not a normal thing for me to just have these. Just so you know, this was from the
Awakening 2011 conference. But I have one and I just live off of that until the next one.
So I had this encounter. All of a sudden I see Jesus standing in front of me and he's reaching for me like this, like he wants me to come to him.
And I was terrified. I, I felt like I couldn't go to where he was.
I felt, I felt ashamed. I felt scared. I felt like I didn't deserve to be close to him.
I couldn't even look him in the face. And Jesus is completely irresistible.
I always say that there are three things in my life that are completely irresistible to me. One is, of course,
Jesus. Number two is my husband. And number three is chocolate.
Completely irresistible. So glad that Jesus is right up there with chocolate. Anyways. So irresistible,
I go to Jesus, I fall in his arms and as I'm laying in his arms,
I'm still feeling kind of afraid to really even look at him. All of a sudden, this thought comes into my mind and I know this is not my thoughts.
I would never, ever, ever in a million trillion years think this. And I think I need to ask him two questions.
I need to ask him, how much do you love me and what were you thinking when you created me?
Really? OK, so you've fallen into his arms and you're going to just go ahead.
How much do you love me, Jesus? And what were you thinking when you created me? Uh -huh, OK. And as this thought comes into my mind, is anyone else just going, yeah, no, this is not
Jesus who she was cuddling with and thinking, no way,
I am not asking those questions. Now, here's what you need to know. As if about me and why
I was so afraid to ask those questions, one is when I was a little girl,
I had heard someone say something and long story short, I got it in my head somehow that I was a mistake.
I thought that I was supposed to be born a boy, but I was born a girl and God made a really big mistake.
And now here I am, just this big mistake. And I literally believed that my entire life.
And to ask God, what were you thinking when you created me? I really believed that he would say to me, well,
I made a mistake and I was trying to make a boy and came out a girl.
And now I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation. I know it sounds ridiculous.
That's really what I believed. It's crazy. And then to ask him, how much do. Now, trust me, the thing that's really crazy is that you believe that you really had this encounter with Jesus.
That's kind of the crazy thing. Love me. I felt like he'd say, well, you're a mistake.
So how much could I love you? I mean, I think you're OK. I mean, this is what's going through my head. I know this sounds crazy, but these are the kind of lies
I was believing. And all of a sudden, out loud in the natural, outside of my vision,
OK, over the microphone. I mean, immediately the question that comes to my mind as I'm listening to this is, did the folks at 20 at Passion 2013 not have a doctrinal vetting process to make sure that those who were they were featuring there?
Because here's the deal, you know, you give the stage to somebody like Kim Walker -Smith at Passion 2013, you know, in front of 60 ,000 young, young adults.
And there's probably more of them going to go, man, I like the music. I better go find out more about Jesus culture, maybe get an album or two, maybe find out more about what they believe.
And you see what I'm saying here? You know, why would you want to feature such a band who's obviously theologically into the wingnut category?
And that, by the way, that is no insult on wingnuts out there. I just want to let you know that. But let me continue. Anthony Skinner says you need to ask
God two questions and my heart starts pounding. What? You need to ask
God, how much do you love me? And what were you thinking when you created me?
What? So now, now
I feel like the little kid that just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. That's how
I feel. I feel completely exposed. I felt so angry, like, Anthony, you just said it out loud in front of everybody.
Now everybody knows and he probably hurt you. Now I have to ask.
I was so upset. And finally, I'm just, I'm trembling and I can see myself in Jesus arms, just, just trembling and shaking.
I can't even look at him. And finally I get the courage and let me tell you, my courage was about this big, but thank the
Lord that is all you need. You just need that much courage, okay? I finally say, how much do you love me?
I'm kind of scared. And all of a sudden, Jesus puts me down and he starts stretching out his arms.
Okay. They're each going out each way and it looks like stretch
Armstrong. And a lot of times I say stretch Armstrong and some of the younger people don't know who
I'm talking about. Okay. He was a superhero. And by the way, that makes me feel old and I am not old.
Okay. So if you don't know who stretch Armstrong is, you need to Google him, but he was like a superhero and his arms and legs and stuff could like stretch out like spaghetti noodles, like forever.
And you're like falling off a cliff and he'd be like, like save you. Okay. So Jesus, okay.
His arms are like stretching out forever and ever. And I'm looking and looking and I can't, yeah, this is a woman who definitely is a disciple of Bill Johnson.
Not of the scriptures though. Um, yeah, I, this
Jesus she's talking about the stretch Armstrong, Jesus, that ain't the biblical
Jesus. That's a different Jesus. It's a false Jesus. The ends. I can't see where it's ending.
And he starts laughing. He goes, I love you this much. And he's laughing.
Sounds like a demon to me. And then I start laughing.
I'm cracking up. I'm, I'm suddenly like, I'm, I'm becoming like so full of joy and I'm just like, what?
You love me that much? I can't even see the ends. It's going on forever and ever and ever.
Oh my goodness. I can't, you love me that much. This, this crazy happiness is like welling up inside me.
side of me and I'm laughing with him and and in the end of it I'm like you know what
I'm good I don't need to ask that other question nah hey
I'm good hey we made some great progress today this has been wonderful we should do this again sometime thank you
Jesus thank you like this is how I am okay and a few months later who's she really teaching about Jesus or herself go with herself she's not teaching us anything about Jesus few months
I'm at the prayer house and it's like really early in the morning
I liked to go there when the Sun was coming up and I just sit and pray and watch the
Sun come up which by the way that is a miracle in itself because I am not a morning person there's like this period of time in my life where I don't know it's just the
Lord but anyway so I'm there and nothing is going on you know out of the ordinary
I'm just sitting and reading the Bible and all I have my my back to the door and all of a sudden
I feel the presence of the Lord literally walk into the room and I just I mean
I I suddenly felt this almost like the fear of the Lord this this trembling inside of me and I can feel him walking towards me close to me and I suddenly had this revelation he has come for that question and I am freaking out and there is nowhere to go there is only one door and it is on the other side of him and I am stuck and I feel him just come right up to me his presence is so strong I can't even turn
I'm just sitting there like this and just my heart is pounding and I feel him saying
Kim please ask me that question and I'm like oh hello
Jesus good morning I'm great I don't need to ask that question
I'm doing so good have you seen how good I'm doing lately the nervous laugh and Jesus is like I get in the question why would
Jesus culture and she's their lead singer why would they be invited to lead worship at passion 2013 it's clear that the
Jesus she believes in ain't the biblical Jesus and she's got all kinds of theological problems here they are well too much to number at the moment clearly she falls outside of Orthodox Christianity she is somebody who is deceived who believes in a false
Jesus I wouldn't be surprised if she believes in a false gospel to a false spirit why would they be featured at passion 2013 we continue though I mean she's regaling us with this interesting experience which by the way this isn't the biblical
Jesus she's actually talking with please please ask me that question ah you know
I'm good I'm good Jesus hey hey you know what it's alright it's alright it's all cool we're cool we're cool
Jesus and I feel I'm again please please ask me that question and again he is completely irresistible and I fall on the floor
I start sobbing like I do in his presence and I finally say to him
Jesus what were you thinking when you created me and suddenly
I'm standing with Jesus and just in front of me is
God the Father and he's got a table in front of him and so now she's having a direct revelation of Jesus and God the
Father that's weird because scripture says that no one has seen he reaches into his heart and he rips this chunk off of his heart so God reaches into his heart and rips a chunk out of his heart you mean like well it sounds a lot like hmm hang on by the way this is
Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom all right enough of that if you haven't seen the movie they ripped a guy's heart out it's disgusting anyway we continue he throws it on the table and it's suddenly like clay or play -doh and he starts molding it and shaping it and I'm like Jesus what is he doing what's he making what is he making and all of a sudden
I see he makes me I'm there on the table and he reaches over and he grabs this box and brings it over and he sets me inside the box and you know those little jewelry boxes that little girls have where you open it up and it plays music and the little ballerina like twirls hello do you know are you sure this wasn't a nightmare no do they not make those anymore my goodness
I'm not old okay and um it was a box like that and he shuts the box and he gets in front of it and he's like really excited he kind of looks around and he opens the box real fast like that and when he does inside I start twirling and dancing and singing to him and worshiping him and he goes like runs around he runs around he comes back and he closes the box he's like and he throws it open again he's like and he starts running around in circles again he comes back over he closes it again and every
I mean this is going on and on and on and on and it's so crazy he gets so excited every single time yeah crazy is the right word here it reminded me of those little kids with the jack -in -the -box and they're like shocked every single time it pops up as if they don't know it's gonna do that right it was like that it's like it's like he was so surprised and so happy every single time and I'm standing with Jesus watching this going what is happening what is what is this why why is he so happy and all of a sudden he reaches in the box and he picks me up and he puts me in the palm of his hand and I go from being there watching with Jesus to being in the palm of the
Father's hand and he's bringing me close to him like this and I'm watching like what's happening what's going on I'm getting like closer and closer okay enough enough this is a biblical
Christianity that's not Christianity she didn't really actually meet Jesus nor God the
Father this is well demonic because it takes our eyes off the biblical
Jesus puts our eyes squarely on Kim Walker Smith oh yeah this is the woman who's met
Jesus and who was in the palm of the Father's hands and you know this kind of stuff and none of this is
Christianity this is a huge satanic deception which then leads back to the question that I was asking just not too long ago and that's um did they not have a theological doctrinal vetting process out there to passion 2013 why would they feature somebody like her and Jesus culture to lead worship
I'm not sure what Jesus they were worshipping you know but ain't the biblical
Jesus that's for sure all right we're up on our first break if you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith you can do so my email address is talk back at fighting for the faith calm or you can subscribe on Facebook facebook .com
forward slash pirate Christian click on the subscribe button or follow me on Twitter my name there is at pirate
Christian we'll take a quick break and then we're gonna be listening to part of Judah Smith's lecture today from passion 2013 dangerous deadly stuff you'll find out why on the other side of the break stay tuned we don't need to rethink
Christianity we need to rediscover it you're listening to fighting for the faith you're listening to pirate
Christian radio we'll be taking your false doctrine hello and greetings to the
Wallace Tapley show I'm your host Wallace Tapley and my official title is the only mostly accurate prophet of the end times some of my competitors call me the second and two -tenths weasel of the apocalypse but I do my best to ignore their comments of hate and derision
I do have an update this week I yes my direct revelations from God this week had told me something very very special it should be coming in right about now this is a goodie it reads this blessing is for a certain person who's currently living in Italy and is the owner of a bistro it says that you'll be receiving 1 million euros make that five hundred thousand ten thousand five oh yes you're receiving five euros today heaven be praised oh it seems that I'm getting another download
I do believe that it's the results of next year's
Super Bowl this could turn out to be very profitable indeed it says the winner of the next year's
Super Bowl will be the Chicago Cubs I mean the
LA Lakers no that's not right either I do apologize folks my computer suffers from Plato's tenfold error of syndrome from time to time oh here we go it says handshake error that's all the time we have for today folks see you next time on the
Wallace Tapley show goodbye you can register now for the 10th annual
Branson worldview weekend in beautiful Branson Missouri Friday night April 26
Saturday April 27th and Sunday morning April 28th 2013 full details are at worldview weekend .com
forward slash Branson that's worldview weekend .com forward slash Branson speakers this year will include
Ken Ham of answers in Genesis will also have speaking with us for the first time his son -in -law Bodie Hodge along with Pastor Jesse Johnson a regular guest here on worldview weekend radio will also be joined by Chris Pinto with a brand new presentation
Mike Gendron will also bring a new presentation as will Dr. Jimmy DeYoung will also be joined this year for the first time at a
Branson worldview weekend by Jason Carlson and Jared Carlson will also be joined for the first time in a conference setting by Carl Teichrib full details at worldview weekend .com
we have a family rate and group rate you can go ahead and purchase your tickets now receive priority up front seating when you purchase your tickets now at worldview weekend .com
forward slash Branson and join us April 26 27 and 28 in Branson Missouri the spring and summer travel seasons are just around the corner and the last thing you want to do is pay more for your airfare hotel and rental car than you need to that's why pirate
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Fishers Indiana zip code 4 6 0 3 8 ok we're gonna now gonna do an extended section here we're gonna take a look at the things that Judah Smith said today at passion 2013
I found this plenary by Judah Smith to be fascinating okay and for many reasons now
I don't have time to do a full -blown explanation of this so I'm going to piggyback on a teaching that I did in May of last year in fact if you go to the archives of fighting for the faith fighting for the faith calm go to May I think it's the
May 11th episode of fighting for the faith and it's entitled resistance is futile you will be assimilated into the community resistance is futile you will be assimilated into the community if you have not heard this lecture yet you need to hear it okay and you can do it either before you listen to this segment of fighting for the faith if you're a podcaster so if you're a podcaster go in and listen again
I think what I'll do make a note to myself here I think what I'll do is I will I will put it at the top of the podcast so if you are a top with this episode so that you can listen to it if you haven't already listened to it again it's resistance is futile you will be assimilated into the community you need to listen to it because some of what you're hearing it ties into that lecture now that being the case what
Judah gave us was a primer but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spend time at looking at what he said and showing you how his argument for community because that's the big thing that he did was talk about community why his arguments regarding community actually don't jive with any of the biblical text that he was reading from but before I do that now
I'm gonna I'm gonna front load this and I don't want to seem petty but I'm gonna ask a question okay and and I'm not gonna say it because I think it's wrong to do so but when did the phrase
OMG become appropriate for a pastor to use especially when he's teaching other people like 60 ,000 young adults okay when did the term
OMG become okay the reason I asked the question is because as I was listening to Judah Smith earlier today
I noted the fact that he didn't say OMG once he said it several times and so what
I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start off with with the couple of instances in Judah Smith's plenary regarding community and and let you hear his
OMGs and basically ask the question when did this become appropriate for a pastor to do am
I just so out of the out of touch with reality and what's going on that pastors can do this and no one cares because it sure did bother me and I think it would bother you too but here this is like like two minutes into his plenary and he was talking about shark week you know on the
Discovery Channel and and how they were yelling yeah they yell at you in volume and get your attention so he's gonna you're gonna hear him say well this got my attention you know you know something to that effect you know
I was engaged he will engage what he wasn't talking about getting engaged like in marriage he was engaged like he was glued to the television set but listen to what he says here
I'm not again this isn't a cheap shot I think this is a valid question to ask but here's the first instance listen in I like volume
I have to admit I like volume and I'm like oh my god this is amazing so they um yeah okay we back that up again so he was watching television shark week
I have to admit I like volume and I'm like oh my god this is amazing okay so my question is when did this become okay for pastors to be doing because you know listen you know the way
I was brought up that's actually blasphemy it's a taking of God's name in vain it's a form of it now granted it's not the most serious form the most serious form is when somebody twists
God's Word or says things regarding God that aren't true that's the most serious form of it but this was enough to get my attention and go what's going on with these young leaders that they would do this and it would be okay so and now here's the second part of it okay this is him talking about you know a hypothetical situation of yet one of the young teenagers coming to the
Georgia Dome and seeing a rock and their reaction to seeing a rock because it was dealing with something a point that he was making but here listen in to this next litany there's a lot of rocks that you walked by this morning on your way into this dome there is like not one person here this morning walked in from your hotel or wherever you were staying and you saw a pebble or a bit of a larger rock and you stop like oh my god that's one there it is again that was the third instance in just like 30 seconds times three times
OMG OMG OMG when did this become okay
I'm not okay with it you know I think that this arguably is more than just problematic you know rather than laughing at him these kids should have been upset and disgusted by what he was doing but that's just kind of the tip of the iceberg so I just wanted to front load that you know that that was for lack of a better way of putting it
I mean this is the tip of the iceberg this is the lesser of offenses the greater offenses in his
Bible twisting and with that what we're gonna do is let me kind of set this up for you he begins by reading for us 1st
Peter chapter 2 verses 1 through 10 ish and I say ten ish because I wasn't I'm not convinced that he actually finished verse 10 okay and then launches into talking about shark week and how you know he was watching shark week and how single prey has no chance of surviving against great white sharks but if prey you know stays together in a group in a community then then you know sharks you can't get them and they're protected that was his point so he sees he reads 1st
Peter chapter 2 verses 1 through 10 ish and he sees in this text apparently a command or imperative from God regarding our need to be part of a community now let me read the passage for you so you can at least hear it from a good translation and then understand where he goes from there because after the shark week metaphor he then goes into discussing
Genesis chapter 1 and you know where God says let us make man in our own image and gives one of the classic arguments misused by the
Druckerites again you need to listen to my lecture resistance is futile you will be assimilated by the community this is a twisting of God's Word and a complete botching of a biblical teaching and I'll explain it as we go does
Genesis 1 where God says let us make man in our image prove that God wants us in community because God is a
Trinity does that mean that we must exist in a community is that what this passage is saying by the end of this episode you're gonna realize that ain't what this passage is saying at all in fact he's engaging in in biblical bamboozling and and then from there what we're gonna do is we're going to fast forward a little bit to talk you know listen to some of the things he says about the the imperative of how we need to reflect the image of God and and we will listen to a couple of segments and then go to the end during his prayer because his prayer again if you're not sure what he's talking about the prayer is always the set the close of the sale and you'll find out what it is the points that he was making and what he thought was important in his plenary so grab your
Bible and roll up your sleeves grab a pencil or in pad of paper or something to write with because you're gonna need it and again if you haven't listened to the lecture resistance is futile you'll be assimilated in the community you need to listen to that because it will help you understand some of the stuff that's rattling behind in the background with this primer on community that's actually based on a twisting of Scripture so to get started let's first take a look at first Peter chapter 2
I'll start at verse 1 let's read it and then we'll get to Judah Smith here's what it says so put away all malice and all the seed and hypocrisy and envy and all slander like newborn infants long for the pure spiritual milk that by it you may grow into salvation or grow up into salvation if indeed you have tasted that the
Lord is good as you come to him a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ for it stands in Scripture behold
I am laying in Zion a stone a cornerstone chosen and precious and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame so so the honor is for you who believe but for those who do not believe the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone and a stone of stumbling in a rock of offense they stumble because they disobey the word as they were destined to do but as but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation of people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light once you were not a people but now you are
God's people once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy now just so you know that's the text that he started by reading okay and when he didn't really actually teach on this text when he came back to it he talked about the fact that were that were stones that were building materials okay but it was all part of a lecture regarding community so with that now that now that you've got the text
I mean did you notice any by the way did you notice any admonitions here of how you need to become a community or anything like that no it was just talking about Christ and then implications is how it pertains to us but there was no imperatives telling us that we need to embrace community or anything like that so with that in mind let me tell you again what happened he went from reading that to having a quick short prayer then talking about shark week and then trying to argue from Genesis chapter 1 regarding community this is where we spend our first amount of time so with that here is
Judah Smith here we go look I don't I don't think it's by chance I don't think it's strange that even in nature were pointed to the power and significance of community all you got to do is turn on the
Discovery Channel before long you see some indicator some arrow pointing us to the power significance and validity of of community have you ever read like can you remember the first time you read your
Bible can you remember back that far some of you've been you know safe forever some of you just recently but but I remember
I really can remember about eight nine years old I really started reading my Bible more like when I was 16 but I can remember when
I was like eight or nine I grew up a pastor's kid to be honest I'm the as far as we could tell
I'm the seventh generation preacher in our family so no don't clap pray for the
Smiths we got issues okay but that's all that means but I remember reading
Genesis 1 for the first time y 'all ever read Genesis 1 and and God is well he's talking to himself and he says um
Genesis 126 I think it is he goes uh let us make man in our image now for those of you that are not scholars you're wondering what
I wondered wait a minute who's us and who's our our image
I mean it's like hello anybody there God I know this is awkward but who are you talking to I mean you're
God I suppose you can talk to yourself and if you want an alter ego you could create it I suppose but who are you talking to let let us make man in our image now for those of you that are so scholarly and you've been around church for so long you're like clearly that is a reference to the triune
Godhead okay for the rest of us that like watch NFL games and live real life it's a bit like if you ever catch me by myself referring to myself as us and are and we get me to the doctor as fast as you can but obviously it's true the scholarly amongst us are right what
God is referencing is himself for we serve a
God who is one God but three persons I don't mean to lose you right off the bat here this morning but but I know you're me okay
I'm gonna point something out he's correct this is actually a correct explanation of the doctrine of the
Trinity now if you've spent time in a seeker driven community or a seeker driven church you've probably heard this argument now if I when
I try to track back this argument I keep coming up with Jürgen Moltmann the liberal the liberal theologian from Tübingen who's a
Hegelian as as being kind of the the place where the seeker driven and the emergent folks learn this argument from but it's a spurious argument and I'll explain why in a minute the argument basically goes because God's a
Trinity God exists in a community and were created in the image of God therefore were created for community you thinking well that sounds pretty solid to me
Chris are you sure you that's that's that's not correct I'll explain why it's not in a minute but I want
Judah to kind of play out the argument just a little bit more and then we'll explain what's wrong with it there's something seriously wrong with the argument and I'll show you here in a second we serve a
God who is singular in character and nature but plural in person we serve
God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit this is our
God this is the God we sing to this is the God we preach about this is the God we pray to this is the
God we we just think about often our mind goes to this is God the
Father the Son the Holy Spirit he is beautifully three in one distinguishable but but indivisible let us
Father Son Holy Spirit make man in our Father Son Holy Spirit image how important is community to God well wait a minute
God is a community in and of himself how important is okay now
I'm gonna stop there for a second here and just do a little bit of corrective work is
God a community now the reason I'm asking the question is because although this sounds right words have meaning okay so if you were go to Miriam Webster comm for instance and type in the word community here's here's the definitions a community a unified body of individuals as a state or a
Commonwealth or a unified body of individuals as the people with common interests living in a particular area broadly the area itself okay a unified body of individuals as an interacting population of various kinds of individuals as species in a common location a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society a group linked by a common policy a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social economic and political interest you see what
I'm saying here if we were to just look at the definition of the word community the definition doesn't actually apply to God although it sounds right upon further review and closer scrutiny to say that God is a community actually is doing violence to the doctrine of the
Trinity and is not ever anywhere in Scripture said that God is a community the
Bible doesn't say it and to equate God with a community is well to not pay attention to the meanings of words so I threw a flag on the play and I say no nowhere in Scripture does it say that God is a community and just because God is a
Trinity does not equate him with a community because when you look at the definition of the word community it doesn't fit okay that's strike one let me back this up just a little bit and we'll continue wait a minute
God is a community in and of himself how important is community to God well
God is a community while we're on the subject so that brings us back to the passage
I just quoted in Genesis or the verse I just quoted let us make man in our image so we are made in the image of who our
God we are made in the image of our God our God who within himself is a community distinguishable indivisible singular in nature and character but plural in person our
God who is a community we are created in his image now notice what he did there okay he pulled a fast one no
God is not a community by definition he is not and then he says that were created in the image of God and kept reiterating and God is a community and God is a community and were created in the image of God okay you get what's going on here we continue we are community beings designed for community you are not an isolated individual living in close proximity to others you are interconnected interdependent being intended for relationship and intimacy okay now weird okay coming back to this remember
I read to you 1st Peter chapter 2 verses 1 through 10 ish and nowhere was this an imperative that you need to exist in community and talk about our interdependence and all that kind of stuff this has nothing to do with 1st
Peter chapter 2 he then makes an allusion to Genesis chapter 1 let us make man in our image talks about God being a
Trinity and then says that that's a equivalence being a community no it's not oh and by the way here's the other part of it yes we are created in the image of God but you got to understand a few things regarding the attributes of God for instance okay since I can make an argument that from Scripture that shows us that God is eternal okay that he has no beginning of days and no end of days there's scriptures that say this that God is eternal he is not bound by time and space
I can also show you from Scripture passages that clearly teach that God is omnipresent okay and I can also show you scriptures that show that God is omniscient that he's he knows everything okay that there's nothing that's hidden from God in fact the psalmist says that there's no place that he could go to hide from God you know whether there's as deep as she all or up to the highest heaven he could not be where God ain't okay scriptures are clear on this okay so if you're now watch how the argument goes then okay using his argument therefore since God is eternal
God is omniscient and God is omnipresent therefore since you're created in the image of God therefore you need to be eternal omniscient and omnipresent why aren't you embracing these attributes of God you were created in his image right and you're going wait wait hmm you see on the one hand the syllogism sounds tight doesn't it you're created in the
God God is omniscient he's eternal and omnipresent therefore since you're created in the image of God you are therefore eternal omniscient and omnipresent mm -hmm what's wrong with this puzzle well here's the problem okay just because we're made in the image of God does not mean that every one of the attributes of God has been communicated to us or been imparted to us as part of that image okay we are not
God we are not eternal we are not omniscient we are not omnipresent in fact we're local and we are not you know you get what
I'm saying that I can list other attributes about God that we are not okay yet there are certain attributes of God that have been communicated to us for instance
God is love we as his creatures have been given the capacity to love to feel to have wrath to you get what
I'm saying and so yes there are certain ways in which we reflect the image of God but that doesn't mean that we have all of the attributes of God now let's come back to the nature of God himself
God in his essence in his being is one God and three persons there are not three gods there's only one
God there are not three eternals there's one eternal does that make sense and God is Father Son and Holy Spirit and these three persons are the one
God the God the Father is not the Son and God the Son is not the Holy Spirit yet there are not three gods there's only one
God this is what Scripture teaches okay now God's you know
God's essence as a triune being has not been communicated to us we individual human beings as we are are we have one person to one being not three persons to one being but one person to one being so we are not a
Trinity this aspect of God this attribute of God regarding his very nature in essence not been given to us so here
Judah Smith has two strikes against him number one it is not correct to say that the
Trinity is a community I'm sorry it is just not okay if words have meanings that is a strained theological category at best or definition at best and number two even if God were a community it does not necessarily follow that therefore we are to live in community where did this philosophy and ideology come from because it's clear when you take time to examine the scripture this is not what the scripture is teaching this isn't what first Peter 2 teaches this is not what
Genesis 1 teaches where does this come from again I keep putting the plug in here you need to listen to my lecture entitled resistance is futile you will be assimilated into the community when you hear that lecture you will understand the the
Genesis and starting point of this ideology this is not a theology this is an ideology and it's foreign to scripture and this is not what the
Bible teaches but we continue with the Judah Smith's waxing eloquent if you would regarding Adam and Eve in the community and all that kind of stuff
Bible says in Proverbs the man who isolates himself seeks his own desires and rages against all wise judgment he rages
God has intended each and every one of us to live within community
I can prove to you how important relationship and community is and of course when we speak of this concept of community that is the essence of the church this term we throw around now and have for centuries this this word church it really is a community that is all centered and around Jesus and so when we say church we say community when we say community we we say church yeah again
I don't necessarily think that church is perfectly synonymous with the term community there's a lot of community churches out there and if that if the church and community were synonymous then that would be a statement from the
Department of Redundancy Department you get what I'm saying that's like saying that we're the we're the church church now
I see again there's something screwy going on with this we're not exactly hearing
Christian theology we're hearing stuff that is basically made to look like it has its origin in God's Word but upon closer review you know if you watch football you know they have those you know the the refs get under you know get under the hood and they look at they look at the instant replay and upon further review yeah no this is not what these passages are saying at all what is this now
I'm not again I'm not gonna play the whole thing here I'm gonna fast forward a little bit now and I want you to listen a little bit as he he now talks about well selecting the image of God and certain things that well yeah you got to hear it for yourself here's more
Judah Smith what is man's oh yes he's talking about what is the this cosmic question what is man's all that's what all all all is well brings us back to Genesis man's all is very simple it is to reflect the image of its creator so man's all the big cosmic question what is man's all is to reflect the image of his creator which means community listen this is mankind's all sounds like by the few claps we've heard there are there is a remnant in this place that agrees with my premise what is man's all to reflect the image of our
God this is our passion what's the image of our
God by the way this is again this is bad theology because the image of God in human in humanity has been broken by our fall into sin it's a basically obliterated image if we we poorly reflect
God's image as sinful human beings so this is this is not tied to good sound exegesis this is yeah this something really going wrong here this is where we find our greatest fulfillment this is where we find our truest meaning when we reflect the image of our creator creation all of creation and even even creations centerpiece which is mankind all of creation finds its proper place and meaning and positioning and purpose when it accurately reflects the image of the
Creator okay and how do we do that this is our passion now having established that and having just a few moments ago established that we serve the great three -in -one we must conclude my brothers and sisters that it is impossible to fulfill man's all alone can't do it alone apparently you can't you can't fulfill man's all the cosmic question what is man's all can't do it alone because you got to reflect the community
God for God within himself is father son and spirit so if mankind is going to reflect the
Creator in an accurate majestic in the truest sense we possibly can we then that would mean we're sinless right that's how we would do it the sinless
Holy Creator let me back this up watch where he's taken us it would be the way that humanity is to reflect the image of God the
Creator in an accurate majestic in the truest sense we possibly can we must conclude today here in Atlanta Georgia that it is impossible to fulfill our ultimate purpose and plan in this life alone the fact is
I need you as awkward as it is to admit some of you
I don't like you you Falcon fans but don't cheer but I I need you this is my favorite part you need me yeah my
Seahawk love and self you need me we need each other I ask you a simple question this morning what is more important than the world seeing
God what is more important than the world seeing the beauty and the majesty and the sufficiency of our
Savior what is more important than that there is nothing more important and if that is of the highest importance then what urgency does that place on our interconnectedness and our commitment to community and relationship and our commitment to community this is not what first Peter 2 is saying this isn't what
Genesis 1 teaches what is this again you need to listen to my lecture resistance is futile you'll be assimilated into the community it will help you love and respect and honor one to another friends simply put without community our world will not see
God okay let me play that again listen again to this but without community our world will not see
God what is this without community our world will not see
God without community our world will not see
God this isn't a biblical teaching this is something very very different and the reality is is that this is a very seductive ideology very seductive ideology and it has a historical referent and you in order to find out what that historical referent is you need to listen to my lecture resistance is futile you'll be assimilated into the community have
I plugged that enough you you need to if you haven't heard it you need to listen to it okay now
I want to play a couple more things here in the lecture I'm gonna fast -forward listen to this little bit about trusting leadership you know there's there's some things in this lecture that is the standard seeker driven vision casting litany of things you need to do including trusting leadership you're gonna hear this come up again during the prayer but listen to it where he mentions it the first time when we get together and let's be honest getting together it's not always easy trusting leadership faulty leaders that are not perfect yeah in community we getting together in a community is not easy trusting leadership what is this going to a local place being with people who know your name who know where you live doing life together studying the
Bible together challenging one another people who call you when you're not seen or heard from from some time sometimes being connected is flat annoying leave me alone you don't know me before long we want to do our own thing friends what does this have to do with what's tied in first Peter chapter 2 answer absolutely nothing he then goes on to explain how to do community talks about how
Jesus is building something in fact let me play the Jesus is building something bit and then we'll pray the listen to his prayer
Jesus is building something on this planet community apparently he's not just here to individually say people did you hear that listen again
Jesus is building something on this planet he's not just here to individually say people not just here to individually save people yeah
I pointed this out before okay this is a odd statement and odd statement a weird statement
I think back to Catherine Jeffords shories speech of a few years ago where she talked about the great
Western heresy of individual salvation now just so you know he does he does say he does affirm individual salvation but listen to the statement again in context
Jesus is building something and it's well Jesus is building something on this planet he's not just here to individually say people and of course he is but those individuals are to be added to a collection that makes up his portrait and his picture on the planet so this is teaching an ideology a collectivist ideology that emphasizes the community that's what's really going on in this plenary delivered today by Judah Smith again when you take a look biblically at what he's teaching to see if it squares with what the scripture really says in context you find that you can't find this teaching in scripture because the
Bible doesn't actually teach it in context this is a foreign agent this is a philosophical ideology masquerading as a biblical teaching now so that you kind of get the idea of what it is that he was pushing for let's go fast forward to his prayer because you know the prayer is the sale the close of the sale in evangelicalism so here he is closing the sale during his prayer and listen to the things he wants people to be praying about so you know
Judah I've been a bit isolated then a little bit resistant to relationship and community oh man so at the end of it the sappy music is playing to create the emotional manipulative feeling that God the
Holy Spirit has now come to do business and he Judah Smith is saying yeah if you're here today and you're saying oh
Judah oh you know I've been resistant to community what what listen again if you're here today you say you know
Judah I've been a bit isolated been a little bit resistant to relationship and community and fellowship and maybe it's in your local church or maybe it's been sometimes that you've been a part of a community in a church so you need to repent of your lack of community first Peter 2 doesn't teach this
Genesis 1 doesn't teach this maybe God's wise Holy Spirit just prompting you right now just talking to you just so God the
Holy Spirit is prompting me that I need to repent of my lack of community nudging you talking to you son talking to you daughter may we value what
God values he values his son and the community that he founded if you're here today and you said
Judah I think God's talking to me I think I need just the help of the Holy Spirit to just yeah
I've got the Holy Spirit is talking to anybody he's telling them to run out of the building quickly don't look back kind of like you know
Solomon Gamora style commit to community in this life to commit to live life with other commit to community what on earth is this now
I keep asking the question but I know the answer you need to listen to my lecture resistance is futile you'll be assimilated into the community there is an ideology in play here and it has an origin and you need to know what it is believers if that you just lift up your hand real quick so that God's talking to me father you see these hands and most importantly cities hearts help us
Lord by the power of your Holy Spirit help us yeah help us to commit to community yeah yeah yeah what an absolute train wreck so that was
Judah Smith's you know lecture session today at passion 2013 and as you just heard something seriously is wrong and off with it and yes there's something seriously wrong and off with it and it's extremely dangerous and it's a philosophical ideology with a historical referent that you'd really need to stand up and have the courage to pay attention to and find out what it is again the lecture resistance is futile you'll be assimilated in the community it's the
May 11th 2012 episode of fighting for the faith you need to take a listen all right we are up on our second break if you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith you do so my email address is talk back at fighting for the faith comm or you can subscribe on facebook facebook .com
forward slash pirate Christian or follow me on Twitter my name there at pirate Christian we get back we're gonna be doing a sermon review entire sermon based upon a prophetic vision for what's happening in the days ahead in 2013 don't want to miss it we'll be right back because all the letters of the
Bible are red letters you're listening to fighting for the faith pirate Christian radio theater presents death of a salesman are you a salesman why yes
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