Ephesians 5:1-14 | Love Is Pure and Live Like Light

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Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach through the book of Ephesians. You can join live on Wednesdays at noon.


Yes, all right rich, would you mind opening us in a word of prayer brother? Dear Abba father
We love you, and we love Jesus. We just want to see you glorified and always say
The little guy just thank you so much for Pastor Jeff I pray that you bless this church with protection for him and for John and for bang
Or protect this church from the heretics that seek to creep in Lord God Thank you that Jeff teaches the word faithfully
Please there and knowing him now God with wisdom to instruct us in the word
We'll give you all the praise and glory and thanks in Jesus precious name Amen This week we study from Ephesians 5 and if you recall last week
We did verses 1 to 7 however bad news the video camera did not work So the recording was lost however.
That's okay because I'm going to spend the first 10 or 15 minutes Reviewing that lesson and then we'll go into today's lesson and in total loss
We'll still have all of the passages from 1 to 14 If you'll recall last week we spoke about Andy Stanley Only bringing him up because he influences millions of people one of his
Twitter videos now has 2 million views and it is him saying the following a
Gay person who still wants to attend church after the way they've been treated I'm telling you they have more faith than I do
They have more faith than a lot of you a gay person who knows you know what
I might not be except accepted But I'm going to try it anyway, and as a straight person have you ever where do you go that?
You're not sure you're going to be accepted over and over and over so what Andy Stanley is saying here
Is that there is such an identity as? being a gay Christian a gay person who goes to church
And he's allowing that one's identity can be that of a gay man or woman
A gay man or women who grew up in church and the gay men and women who've come to faith in Christ as adults
Who want to participate in our church rod? I asked you to share just what you heard about what happened in Philadelphia Yes So I'm watching a video today on YouTube you can go see it, and it's about her
Cameron he put a new book out and It's called to grow and it's for little children and what he's doing is he put this book out to help children grow in a grace knowledge of God and Foundationality for God and for the country our country to put the book at me notified a lot of a lot of libraries
He'll come in and do a reading a book study with little kids He was rejected all over the place
Because that's too offensive, but he but the guy who's presenting this thing back for Cameron said he's doing this to help and yet Dry cleans are allowed except to overplace any and the guy and you go online look at this in YouTube I just saw this morning, and he was shown all these dry cleans in different places
And he said and this is okay, they're teaching little kids are dressed up these unbelievable outfits, so he showed one
He said this is one He's not gonna show it to you It's a man dressed in a woman's outfit with all these foreigners stick down his head make up like the weirdest looking thing you've ever seen in Philadelphia and he showed it and the name of this drag queen is
A -M -M -I -E Annie Christ So this is how far it goes they got a lot they got a lot of Letters over here from it probably from believers and people who thought this is this is way of over wine
But the fact that it's permeating our whole culture Just concludes the truth of God's Word When God says that in Romans chapter 1 he gives him over to their own lusts
And then he abandoned them and let them become who they are and every time But whether it was at Babylon, Median Persia, Greece, Rome, it doesn't matter once the culture does this
It dissipates and God abandons it and we're seeing our country collapsing around us
And I'm not afraid of it more than anything because I should be excited knowing that our
God gave us warnings And Jesus Christ said they hate you They're going to hate that they hated me
They're going to hate you also and the persecution against even Kirk Adam and other people we have to expect that to happen to us
And be glad about it. Yes, our redemption draweth nigh. So Jesus said that as in the days of Noah So it will be before the rapture now in the days of Noah the thoughts of men's hearts were wickedness all the time
Continual wickedness so in the apostasy which according to 2nd Thessalonians Precedes the second coming of Christ.
There is a great falling away What you have there is those who once identified as Christians Now being given over or falling away from that profession
So what's particularly concerning is not only in a public library but in a church an
Evangelical Church of Andy Stanley you get him saying I know first Corinthians 6.
I know Leviticus I know Romans 1 So interesting to talk about all that stuff
So he dismisses it. It's so interesting But just oh my goodness a gay man or woman who wants to worship their
Heavenly Father Who did not answer the cry of their heart when they were 12 and 13 and 14 and 15?
God said no, and they still love God. So he's turned everything upside down Now God is the one who's to blame for sexual perversion and This person is the victim of God in Andy Stanley's worldview.
It's Isaiah 520 darkness for light Right is exchange for wrong sweet for bitter
Everything is inverted. And so this is the reasoning sadly of an evangelical pastor that holds influence across our country
Well, let's turn to Ephesians 5 And again, we're just reviewing for 10 minutes and then we'll get into the primary section but one to seven reads this way, therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love
Now what is love? Well, here's a perfect picture of it as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and Sacrifice to God verses 1 & 2 is a picture of genuine love
It is pure love and it is to be like Christ in the sacrificing of ourselves
For Christ and for the gospel and for one another So when
Paul is stoned and left for dead in Lystra, he's not in that moment consumed with lust
He's preoccupied with advancing the gospel and his body is being beaten Mercilessly even unto death seems like there's a resurrection that takes place there
Three times I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times. I was shipwrecked a night in a day
I was adrift at sea This is a picture of love. He's going out for the sake of the name
He's occupied with the gospel. His mind is being refined and conformed into the image of Christ He's being transformed and renewed day by day after the image of the
Lord This is a genuine picture of love now the rest of this passage verses 3 to 7 refute the counterfeit and It culminates with false teachers who are trying to push these counterfeits off as the genuine love so it says in verse 3, but sexual immorality and all impurity or Covetousness must not even be named among you as is proper among the
Saints That means there's no place for it whatsoever It's not to be named in the congregation.
There's no such thing as a gay Christian now the expression love is love is
Meant to obfuscate what they're really saying because they speak as a tautology, right?
Love is love Who can argue with that it's it's simply one thing is one thing, but what they mean by love is sexual attraction aberrant to the
Word of God so whether it be a man attracted to a man or a woman to a woman or a man to a boy or a man to an animal
Or whatever other group of people who are attracted to the group polyamory and polygamy and things like this
All of these are meant to be described as love, but that's not love that's a counterfeit version
Which is aptly called sexual immorality sexual immorality and covetousness
Impurity covetousness is an interesting word to bring up at this point because it refers to the condition of the heart
One can covet without ever stealing outwardly But the theft already occurred in the heart
One can practice sexual immorality in the heart Even if they never act upon it
So the revoice conference with Sam Albury and others who promote that sadly even in our denomination
Rebecca McLaughlin and Vaughn Roberts these teachers who have taught that as long as a person
Doesn't practice sexual perversion They're okay to identify as a gay
Christian that teaching is against this teaching Because it says even the covetousness must not be named
There's no place even for that now that would imply that God in his gospel is able to change hearts
And he is the gospel is powerful not only for the remission of sin as in the penalty the propitiation of God's wrath but also
Deliverance from the power of the evil. Yes, there is power in the gospel to change the way a person thinks now
The world says that never happens, but we could line up hundreds upon thousands of people who once were
Homosexual in their orientation, but they were delivered in their mind was restored In fact,
Paul says as much in first Corinthians 6, which Andy Stanley says, oh, I know I know we could quibble about that But This quote -unquote clobber passage as Andy Stanley calls it is not a clobber passage
It's the hope of the gospel first Corinthians 6 11 In the previous two verses he refers to the malachoi and the arsonic oite
Which is language derived from Leviticus 18 20 It refers to the the one who who go to bed together and one being the active and the other the passive partner in a homosexual
Relationship, which is translated the ESV as men who practice homosexuality
There is both the arsonic oite and The malachoi which is effeminate the one who's the passive person.
So it's it's described that way but look at the hope of the gospel 6 11 and Such were past tense some of you
But you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit Well, he's
I don't think he cares much because he says oh I know so interesting to talk about Listen, the scripture isn't just interesting to talk about It is the authoritative
Word of God and it is powerful for the deliverance of sinners unto godliness so then in Ephesians 5
We said in verse 4 let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking which are out of place
But instead let there be Thanksgiving Even our speech needs to be reverent we talked about how the
The filthiness or foolish talk is like the joking of a sailor, you know or a construction worker, you know as the stereotype goes and the
The word here for crude joking Conveys the idea of like a late -night talk show host who can turn everything into a sexual innuendo.
It's more clever but it's still crude and Even that is something that we should be turning the
TV off It says instead Let there be Thanksgiving our mouths should be used to give thanks to God Rod you were sharing that you raised your kids that every meal you would eat you would have each of them say a word
Of Thanksgiving to God and that's why I think you have eight grandkids in the church. Praise God That's it.
It's a that's the fruit of that the speech bless blessing the Lord That is and it's it's the sovereignty of God you owe the credit to the to God's grace
Verse 5 for you may be sure of this That everyone who is sexually immoral or impure or who is covetous?
So here again, it could even just be at the level of the heart That is an idolater
Has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God And in Revelation 22, we'll hear outside of the dogs and the sexually immoral
Now does this mean that any Christian who practices any sexual sin or has a sexually sinful thought
Has lost their salvation There's differently committed practice practice is key there.
It's owning it as an identity becoming a pattern of life It's not a cart blog for Christians to just sin and then repent it's saying that the
Christian Yes, the Christian might stumble into sin, but they're not going to own it and live there they're going to turn back in confession and repentance before God and This is what first John 1 9 says the blood of Christ will cleanse from all unrighteousness the problem here is that it's describing a person who is covetous and immoral and Sexually immoral so that that sexual identity of a gay
Christian would by definition make that their identity they're identifying That way and as such they're demonstrating they're naming themselves as being outside the kingdom of God yeah, yes, and how often as the scripture tell us in many settings not just sexual morality to flee from the flea yeah and How important it is because once you give in to something even if it's not you don't think it's that bad
It becomes a habit and hard to walk away from it and the Lord tells us that that's why Joseph Did what he did and yes the consequences for being faithful to God Does the
Bible say struggle against porn? No, it says flea
Pornia all forms of sexual morality. We can't allow this Oh, I'm in this struggle and it's going to be this pattern from my whole life.
I'm just a struggler It's the wrong way to think we discussed this in the renewing of the mind in Ephesians 4 you are to consider and reckon yourself dead to sin doesn't mean you're perfect or will be perfect, but you are to reckon yourself as dead to sin and Consider that those works of the past are in the past.
I'm not struggling against porn or struggling against sexual immorality I flee it. I have no pardon
I don't walk as close to the line as pot flee it you run in the opposite direction in your mind
You consider yourself consecrated to Christ and knew What verse is that 2nd
Corinthians 5 17 all things are gone To flee
Flee yeah, that's the right way to approach it Yes flee
So it says no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God now, honestly
Paul loves people for saying this this this is loving exhortation.
That's a loving warning what Andy Stanley is doing here in coddling and The quote
I read is hateful It's a hateful lie That leaves people in the bondage of their sin, but Paul here is loving let no one deceive you
And here's why we brought up Andy Stanley again Because the thrust here of the passage is the false teacher
Who's going to say that and especially in the last days when this is now rampant through all the churches?
Apart from the faithful Bible churches you have an apostasy that are saying this very thing
Let no one deceive you with empty words For because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience
Therefore do not become partners with them Okay, so now let's get a reader to read let's just read it through 8 through 14, and I'll say this
I'm glad that we lost that recording because a short summation of it does does the point and because I want
Today's message to be seen as an analogy For last week's lesson namely for the lesson.
I just retaught the analogy to light is Meant to intensify and give an image to underscore what he's already saying
Light here represents this purity and darkness represents sexual immorality impurity and Covetousness so he's not going to say something different He's going to give an analogy to light that carries on what was said would somebody mind reading
Ephesians 5 8 to 14 Thank you
Okay For the fruit flight to assist and all goodness and righteousness and truth
Trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord Do not participate in any unfruitful deeds of darkness
But instead even expose them for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret
But all things become visible When they are exposed by the light for everything that becomes visible is light for this reason
It says awake sleeper and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you
Amen the injunction to walk in purity and to avoid sexual immorality and covetousness
This is now illustrated by the analogy of light and the idea here is
The one is darkness and the other is light your entire existence
Can be described as walking in the light and that is over against walking in the darkness now
Obviously that is meant to illustrate a stark Contrast in fact we still use the expression.
It's like night and day right I Named my daughter
Day for this reason Her middle name Abigail dead
And it comes from from Thessalonians where Paul says you are children of the day you're in the light
Isaiah John especially and then also Paul here in Thessalonians Use this metaphor of marvelous light coming out of darkness into marvelous light
Peter uses that as well This expression is all through the scriptures the picture of a Christian the analogy of a
Christian life is one who walks in the light Light makes all things visible, so let's look at it a little bit more carefully in verse 8 for at one time you were darkness by identifying the unbeliever prior to conversion the believer prior to conversion or the unbelievers still in the state as Darkness indicates, it's ontological.
It's their very nature. It's who they are it is a picture of the unconverted person they are darkness and Therefore the verse here is about conversion and the difference that conversion makes its regeneration
You you change states entirely Darkness to light but now and we've emphasized in our teaching over and over again the importance of that phrase, but now
It's there in Romans 3 verse 21 as the transition hinge point of that book.
It's so important in Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 4 after describing those who are dead world flesh in the devil
But God or but now here again this expression, but now it's
God's interposing and Changing everything and here the transition is from darkness to light your very nature changes now you are
Light in the Lord, that's how we should think of ourselves as being light in the
Lord next expression next sentence walk It's children of light so Conversion was a radical change from counterfeit love to genuine when we were darkness all we could do is covet and Break the law and be enslaved to sexual immorality and all kinds of impurity
Now that we are light we can walk a different way and that is pictured.
That's a picture of genuine love Sacrificing in the church love genuine love in the church is a pure hug
It's a motive for the good of a person not to exploit them for their body
It is a genuine love that is expressed in the body of Christ that is what it means to walk in The light walk as children of light now verse 9
Says for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true
When the Bible speaks of fruit What is it referring to? Behavior attitude
Works yeah now is fruit what saves you No fruit is the evidence of being saved and so this is how you know that you actually are light
What happens to a plant? When it's healthy and exposed to the Sun It grows and produces fruit right my raspberry bush flowers in June Late in June and that produces the raspberries the fruit comes out of the raspberry of course
It only flowers for two weeks when we happen to be in Florida Our one harvest each year
But you know it produces because it's the light that brings life into it. So here we're told the fruit of light the fruit of light
Light produces fruit and it as in nature So it is in the
Christian life because this is the analogy to the Christian life in the Christian life. What fruit comes from light?
Three things where are they? Well, that's nine things but just here in verse nine, yeah, it would be similar to that Yeah It produces what is good and right and true all that is good and right and true
This is the fruit or the evidence of genuinely being regenerate
Somebody read for me verse 10 And try to discern what is pleasing to the
Lord, okay, so if light Here is a metaphor for purity right because we've been talking about sexual morality versus pure genuine love
There is a second analogy to light that characterizes and it really flows out of that word true right and good and true and That is light is a metaphor not only for purity and morality
But it is also a metaphor for truth You walk in the light as he is in the light
John will use this metaphor regularly Some of you could probably quote the prologue right to John's gospel
The beginning was the word the word is with God when you get to verse 5 and said 5 through 7 the analogy is to light
That Jesus the Word of God in him is light and that light is the life
Of men though that life is the light of men. So the analogy is light
Well, it is the truth is revealed in him that's why he is the Word of God it's the logic of God the the
Revelation of God is in the Sun as in Hebrews 1.
He's the radiance of God's glory What's that and wisdom and so that's where we're going with this.
So now the Christian who has Come to saving faith and is walking in the light
Their mind has been renewed It's like the light switch has been turned on and now they see things differently.
They've come to the truth They know things but look what it says there in verse 10 try to discern
What is pleasing to the Lord why do we have to try if we already know everything maybe we don't know everything
So our eyes have been open to discern truth and we recognize it as we read it, but it doesn't mean we have the
Bible memorized And it doesn't mean that just by a magical gift of discernment we'll always get it, right
So we must grow in grace and knowledge of the truth the prayer that Paul had for the
Philippians in chapter 1 verse 11 Is that their knowledge their discernment would increase as well as their love?
But they would grow in knowledge and in love so here what Paul said the reason he says try is because having come into the light now you're able to see and We must train our discernment the way the author to Hebrews puts it in chapter 5 verse 14 is
That you should train the powers of your discernment to distinguish right from wrong
Take some effort, right? How did the Bereans make an effort to discern what's true?
They compared what was being said when a teacher today. I'm the teacher. I'm teaching the Word of God Your job as a
Berean is to compare everything that I say to what's written in the Word And that's how the power that's why you have to try if you don't come sit in a
Bible study You're not going to be grown right unless you're sitting there opening the Bible yourself and and reading yeah
Yes Yes In Ephesians 411 it says that he gave some to be apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastor teachers pastors and teachers it's
Kurt doesn't have the definite article in both cases which connects pastor and teacher does have the
Chi the end So that pastor and teacher is referring to the same person the apostolic office has ceased because the last apostle died and John being the last
There's some question about what's meant by a prophecy and it seems like evangelists still exists in the body, but all agreed that Pastor teachers are a gift from God.
The person is a gift God puts pastors into the role of a pastor teacher in a local church and John Morrow was pointing out.
He thinks that that's the star of Revelation 2 and 3 to the messenger of the church to the angel of the church
I don't think so there but I think it actually referring to the spiritual angel because of how Angola's is used through the book of Revelation.
It's always an angel but the point being that there are pastors that God puts in churches to help us understand the
Word of God and That doesn't diminish the responsibility of every individual Christian to try to discern
Because there's a lot of false teaching. I Just heard one today. It was a guy down in Georgia leading the so -called
North Georgia revival and The title of his sermon was prayer Semicolon no colon prayer colon.
God is limited God is limited
Well, he took it from Genesis 1 and he teaches that taking dominion over the earth is
Not so much related to the animals and man Tending and keeping the earth but man having the stewardship and God is essentially a deist
God Where he's separate and he only interposes sometime but he's not responsible for the earthquakes and the atrocities and the wars he has nothing to do with it, but that's because man is the steward and Man Has the control and God really can't do anything.
He can kind of whisper and prompt you along these things It is it is a form of days.
Yeah. Yeah deism Yes, so that pastor's name is Todd Smith and he's leading this revival kind of gaining
Gaining steam in North Georgia. It's classic Pentecostal theology as you read from the word that faith movement.
Yeah Yeah, just a few planets on television. He was just a few planets teaches the same thing He said he was told they're saying that God created the animals don't put them there and then
Adam he said add me name and Adam said, oh, this is a horse. God what? Yeah, he never knew until man gave the name horse it's such a small view of sovereignty and it's really a dismissal of Psalm 33 and Yeah, many passages that directly teach
God not only is Sovereign in knowledge and power, but this teacher says that he he has the capacity but then he doesn't have a decree or he doesn't have a plan or a purpose over these things as the author in that sense, so Yeah, it's it's a false teaching and you see it in the word faith movement.
It's very prominent there Jesse Duplantis, I've heard Benny Hinn teach it. I've heard many others.
Yeah Yeah, and in fact the only logical way to approach that is to just become an open theist
Open theists actually don't believe he knows the end from the beginning. They've rejected Omniscience that he's sort of learning process theology.
These things are unfolding because man's will can't be determined And so therefore
God is subject to that and he learns as things unfold and he makes the best of it kind of But remember in Genesis 50 20
Yes, there was a real Responsible will in the brothers who sold their brother into slavery and they meant it for evil
Using the same construction in the Hebrew God meant it for good Meaning God had a purpose in the action itself
God had a plan for that. He holds man responsible for sin. And yet he is the one who actively
Mentioned the Bible says for good So do you see that this is what's called compatibilism that God's decree that these things would happen including sin including the crucifixion of Jesus He's not the author of sin
He holds the one responsible who does it the brothers who throw their their brother into slavery
But God is still purposeful in everything that happens. It was his plan and his purpose his decree according to Psalm 33 and Daniel 4 100 % more gifts
Lord takes away. How do you get around that? That's exactly what it teaches. So The scripture is clear and our part is to discern and that's what's the idea of light here.
The metaphor is Growth in in the truth we should be growing and being challenged to think through these things and To grow deeper and deeper in the
Lord as it said here try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord So part of our actions toward one another come from our discernment
How we think about what we should be doing. How should we spend our day? Should I go to this place or to that place?
Where should I be this evening? All of these things are a matter of discerning truth and walking in the light making good decisions that impact people in a way that's
Yeah Yes absolutely, so Sandy would you mind reading the next verse verse 11?
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness But instead even expose them good so again, do you see the connection with last week's lesson?
Light is a metaphor for what we were already talking about Don't don't participate but even expose them.
So there is a sense in which we have to talk about it, right? Because we have to expose things to protect the sheep
We have to do that and all through the New Testament 26 of the 27 books talk about warnings against false teachers
Paul will actually name people by name which is why we would name Andy Stanley when he begins to teach false doctrine, right?
It's not because we don't love him. It's because we don't want people to listen to him and be led astray It's because you love him.
Yeah, you want Andy Stanley himself to repent. Amen But notice the very next verse so we are told we are to expose them
Yeah, it's sad with Charles but verse 12 says for it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret
We have to be careful not to go into detail, you know, you'll hear preachers who are drawing an audience because they're so detailed in description of sexual sin and They use that as a way of like seeker sensitive.
Oh, they're just relevant to the culture No in speaking of these matters, we need to have a level of discretion
It's shameful even to speak that you don't need details. You don't need to go in to all all manner of sin and describe
That's that's error itself We have to understand that what God has created in genuine love in marriage the marriage bed undefiled and pure Hebrews 13 is
An honored and a cherished thing that we hold in respect We don't just speak flippantly and And crassly and jokingly
Even if you're you're telling the truth you you you need a level of modesty so remember when
Mark Driscoll was famous for this back in the 2010s very famous preacher and then his whole empire kind of crumbled out of Seattle well, he was famous for this just constantly talking graphically and It was meant to I think attract the the younger generation
Right, but what does it say here? Yeah, it's shameful even to speak
Shameful even to speak of the things That they do in secret. Yeah And the importance of the church that would push back on it and are telling us, you know
That's church. You have no right to say anything and yet as As as that as important as the
Peter was in Galatians Paul confirmed him in front of them all Yeah, because of what his sin was.
Yeah Yeah, there was a public teaching that was implicit in the fact that Peter would only eat with the
Jewish people when they were around and he treated the Gentiles as lesser Christians And therefore he was chopping up the body of Christ like a pizza
And so Paul Publicly said something because Peter was a pillar of the church and it was affecting the whole body of Christ It was a public issue.
So there's a there's a time for a Matthew 18 rebuke Which is one -on -one alone with the brother, but with regard to public teaching that affects the whole church
There is a time for a public rebuke which is why I wrote the book woke free church and named names because These are people who have been teaching the whole body of Christ their postings are online
Watched by thousands upon thousands That's a public dispute just like when Charles Spurgeon had these same kind of disputes when higher criticism came into England the downgrade
Controversy he would write publicly in the sword in the trowel because he's refuting public teachers
He's not naming somebody in his congregation for a private sin that he's not exposing people
No, this is a public theological Controversy that needed to be addressed publicly and that's how
I would take relations to between Peter and Paul it's public and it's theological and Many people are affected by it.
And so even if Paul had gone to Peter privately and Peter repented and stopped doing it.
That wouldn't have been enough Because all those people who had seen it for all those years wouldn't even know
They wouldn't know that he ever changed or why he changed or what's right or what's wrong These are very important matters in the church
Has started we had been in a church after we left they started this
I'm not sure what you'd call it, but people would profess their sin in front of everyone and was
Explicit on their sin. It wasn't just oh I had bad thoughts It was telling what the thoughts were.
Yeah, and so now the big thing was over we have to love them and okay
But is that that's exactly what I think this is addressing I think it would be shameful even to speak about the details of those things
Have you ever noticed that a testimony people often delight in the first part?
And that might go on for 10 minutes if I used to do this and I used to do that and then Jesus saved me
Amen You know, I think it should be exactly the opposite with discretion to you know
I was in the world that I did many of these worldly things But God and now let me tell you what difference that's made in my life
Let me tell you what it's been like to raise Godly children and and to have a godly spouse and you know all of these glorious things that exalt
Christ and his work Don't exalt the thing and delight in the past So yeah,
I think you're right on a testimony should delight in conversion Yes, the experience of how
Christ enlightened you, you know Someone gave me this track and I didn't even think anything of it I threw in my van
But then I picked it up and and I read it and that's good because now you're seeing how people come to faith Right, and I pulled over to the side of the road and right there.
I accepted the Lord That's edifying because now it makes me want to hand out more tracks But boy if you spend 10 minutes describing sexual sin that everybody's mind is picturing that That's not helpful to anybody
Just just be honest with every one of us who are believers is I can honestly say that This is
I commit that lest their flesh lest the eye in the prime life That was who I was in darkness before that started here because we were all there.
Yeah, it's a given that we all have dirty laundry Yeah, exactly Part of our growth is to have accountability to our brother, but that brotherhood is one -to -one
Yeah, that's got to be very careful and discreet And you need to go to a mature brother where because if there's warnings there be careful when when someone's stumbling that you don't fall
Into exactly. Yeah But when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible
The idea there is that when we're speaking true words an analogy to light or we live with pure actions the analogy again is light our
Pure lives are pure words. So these two aspects of what light represents
Exposes the opposite The best way that you can live and lead your neighbors to Christ is for them to see you living out a
Godly life if they have a chance to come into your home and see how well -ordered and how respectful your children are when you're at the barber and and they see your child and he's so respectful and they're just like How is he like this that the barber will say that right or like?
well, you know how teenagers are and they're blah blah blah, but if you're if your daughter's not doing that and they're like What do you mean?
She doesn't throw these fits and No, it's different That light is what makes things visible exposes the opposite and it makes people desire to come into the light
Now there's still people hiding from the light. So it's it's a war. It's a struggle but light
Exposes and makes everything visible. And then lastly for anything that becomes visible is light in a sense
That's interesting scientifically, isn't it? I'm not actually Seeing Rick if it was all dark
He would be invisible to me but light bounces off of Rick and comes through my eye game and The light is what
I'm seeing that's bouncing off of Rick. That's the analogy scientifically here anything that becomes visible is light
But the analogy here is therefore it says awake o sleeper arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you
It's a picture of conversion coming awake Believing the truth and coming into his light and then that light is a reflection off of Rick and I see
Christ in Rick That light the purity so the whole analogy today is light and it really is how we should think about our lives
I Love a bright day. I Love a bright day.
We've had two or three in a row I just want to get home at some point during that day and go for a run
Just be outdoor in the Sun and feel the Sun's light and Whenever you're outdoors and you see bright light
I want you to think of this analogy that that was given to Christians that was given to you for the rest of your life
To remind you of this that you are like you're a child of the day.
We belong to the day We're not children of the night We are in the light and so that helps us
Identify With Christ, we don't identify insane sexual morality or covetousness or impurity.
We identify as children of the day We name our children This is this is good
This is how we should think and that analogy is one of the best ways to to think about yourself your identity in Christ So let's pray
Yes And in your notes,
I have a list of that one and a number of references to light in John and Paul and In an
Isaiah because we didn't get into the Isaiah passages, but there's seven or eight important ones there
Would someone mind who hasn't had a chance Rick Richard? So Ivan, would you mind closing us? Sure.
Thank you, brother Father, thank you so much for your sovereignty Thank you so much for your truth and for your gift of this salvation and grace that has been given to us.
Thank you Ephesians thank you for our brother Jeff here who has taught us today
Lord Let us carry this throughout for the rest of this week Lord Let us know by in your light
Lord that they can see the image of Jesus Christ through us Lord He has all this in our name's name