Why Do We Try To Refuse God His Glory? - Abolishing Abortion

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, alright, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I definitely did.
A great Lord's Day yesterday. My pastor was back in the pulpit yesterday, and I just appreciate it so much.
I mean, he's had quite a week. He had some travel issues, you know, canceled flights, illnesses, stuff like that.
But in any case, yesterday he preached on the glory of Christ.
And just like, sometimes it's worth, you know, just stopping and thinking about just how awesome, just how far above, just how powerful the
Lord is. And it's just like, when you think of glory, right, you've got to think of like a heaviness, a weight, like a gravitas,
I don't want to say gravity, but like a gravitas. It's like, when he speaks, he speaks with ultimate authority, with ultimate power.
And honestly, when he speaks, we should just instantly obey, and yet for some reason we don't.
And it's just, it's amazing to think that even those of us who are believers, we've got a new heart, that we ever disobey this
King. And my pastor was making the point, it's like, the scripture says that Christ is your friend, and that's true.
I mean, we don't want to deny that for sure, but it's not like a friend like that, you know, that you would have just sort of on the side, you know, where you're kind of making, you know, you kind of work together to figure out what the right thing to do is, and you give him advice on what to do, and you kind of talk it out, and you weigh the pros and the cons.
Like, it's not that kind of a friend, right? He's the King, he's the Emperor, he's the ultimate sovereign, and he's decided to condescend and to come down to us and to be our friend.
It's like, the King is your friend, but he's still the King, right? And so it's a very good thing to have the
King as your friend. I don't think anyone would deny that. If you had, you know, the King of the world on your side, that you could just call up and ask for something, and all this, like, that would be awesome.
And as Christians, that's exactly what we have. We have the ear of the King, and we can speak to this
King, and we can ask this King for help or for mercy or for favor, and he's glad to do it.
He's on our side, and he's our friend, but that weight, that glory is his, and he is the
King. And so it's just important sometimes to take a step back and just to think that through, because I don't think that in my life—I'll speak for myself—that
I always act as if that's the case. And so, you know, it was just a great Sunday, you know, to be with the people of God, just such a blessing.
Even Sunday school, we did the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Just another amazing time all together.
Kind of on that topic of glory and weight—oh, before I move on to that, my son and I had a really good talk, and, you know, my son's a believer, and he had, like, an attitude problem, you know, he had a very negative attitude, and we were talking about it, and he was very upset with something that I told him about how he couldn't play a certain thing he wanted to play with because of his attitude.
And he's weeping, he's crying, and, you know, some of it is kind of selfish crying, but some of it is legitimate.
And he said to me, Dad, I don't know why I did that. I know I shouldn't do it. I don't know why
I did that. And a tear came to my eye, you know, and I told him,
I was like, look, your dad sometimes wonders the same thing. It's like he knows that God commands him to do a certain thing, and he does something else, and he's like, why?
Why do I do that? You know what I mean? And I told him, you know, this is when you pray. This is when you pray to God for help and for mercy, and you thank him for his mercy, and he loves you anyway, even though you've done this, and you shouldn't have done it, and you knew ahead of time you shouldn't have done it, and you did it.
It was just a great moment. It's just a wonderful, wonderful thing to be a dad. In any case, let's move on, because I want to talk about this concept of weight, kind of leading into what
I'm going to be doing this week. So I am going to do the abortion debate this week, and, you know, honestly,
I've been thinking about this concept of weight, you know, the glory of Christ versus our glory, and I just think this—we betray
Christ so often, and sometimes we do it with our words, but sometimes we do it with our deeds, and we just have to refuse to be embarrassed of God's commands in word or deed.
Like, I just want to emphasize that going into this abortion debate, because the reality—and this is a hustle, right?
This is a hustle that a lot of modern—this is a modern man's hustle. I don't know if you have any Atmosphere fans out there.
The modern man's hustle. It's a different kind of hustle. I'm talking about a swindle here, but this idea that God's words need our assistance almost.
They need us to frame it the right way. They need us to soften it or to come up or to inject our ideas into this as well, because the abortion debate is very simple, right?
Like, whether or not, you know, you want to define pro -life a certain way or this way, I don't care about any of that, because the scripture just says this.
You shall not murder, and that's it. It doesn't need to be softened.
It doesn't need to be qualified to death. Now, in fairness, the scripture does qualify different types of killing, and so there's, there's manslaughter, there's murder, there's various types of things, but with abortion, we're talking a pre -planned, premeditated killing of an innocent, right?
Killing of an innocent, and so the Bible says you shall not murder. Murder should be outlawed, according to scripture, and the just penalty for the murderer should be the death penalty.
It is very simple for a Christian to say that, because God says it so clearly.
He says it in his law, but he even says it before the law is given. He says it in the book of Genesis before he even gives the people the law, that that's, it's a death penalty offense to kill, and let's just face it, like, abortion is such an atrocity.
It's worse than the Holocaust. It's worse than what the Nazis did, both in number, because the sheer number of babies that are killed is just absolutely astronomical.
I can't even believe that, when I look at the numbers, and I don't even have it off the top of my head, I didn't do it,
I didn't plan before this to talk about that, but when you look at the numbers, it's sometimes hard to even fathom, right?
It's sometimes hard to even fathom, just throughout the world, the number of babies that are killed, so it's worse than the Holocaust in terms of numbers, but also in terms of what it actually is, because here's the thing, guys, like, the
Holocaust was bad, don't get me wrong, I mean, obviously there was people that were killed that shouldn't have been killed, and we get that, right, but at least the people that were killed that shouldn't have been killed in the
Holocaust, they had been born, they had the opportunity to be, to do something deserving of death, they had a fighting chance to escape, to hide themselves, to run away, to fight off the attackers, they had a shot,
I mean, I'm not saying they had a good shot, but they had a shot, the baby in the womb is exactly where it's supposed to be, and has nowhere to run, and it's never done anything, good or bad,
I'm not saying it wasn't born in sin, or conceived in sin, because the scripture talks about that, I'm not talking about,
I'm saying it couldn't have possibly done anything worthy of death, because it hasn't even been born yet, and it has nowhere to run, there's no sporting chance at all to hide yourself, to fight off your attacker, none, you're just in the place, you're as vulnerable as you could possibly be, and we have it totally legal to kill that baby, it's an atrocity, the likes of which has not been done on this earth, and God thinks it's abominable,
God totally bans it, it should be not only banned, but it's the ultimate penalty if you're caught doing it, it's just that simple, death penalty for those who procure abortions, death penalty for those who provide the service of abortion, because it's killing a baby with malice aforethought, for whatever reason,
I don't care what the reason is, there's all kinds of reasons women give for doing this, but the reality is that none of them are a good reason.
And so it's very simple, the fact that this is a debate that people consider within Christian circles, this is an internal in -house debate, it completely betrays the fact that we do not give
God his true glory, we don't give him the glory that he is due, God has spoken, and he has spoken definitively, and he has spoken clearly, this is not one of those debatable kinds of issues, this is a clear spoken word from the
King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and we don't exalt him enough to just accept it.
Completely abolished, abortion should be completely abolished, it's a very simple thing. But here's the truth, so many people, including people that are right about the abortion issue, that think it's abominable, they think we need to help it along, we need to help
God's word along, no, no, that's too fundy, that's too mean, what we need to do is we need to limit the amount of abortions that happen, but we don't want to necessarily abolish it, or make it a criminal offense, or, you know, we can't punish women, because after all, women are victims too, and who knows if even women can sin, and it's like, we've got all this stuff, and then we've got witches, just demons, that are like, oh no, we can't really be pro -life unless we steal from people and support
LGBT, and it's like, they want to attach all this stuff, and all of this is done, by the way, to slow down progress, to abolish abortion, and in fact, some of these people are open, they don't want to abolish abortion, they don't think that that's just, they don't think that that's moral, to abolish abortion completely, and make it punishable, make it a criminal offense, and I'm not even talking death penalty, because that's not even on the table for most people, death penalty, or what are you, psycho?
No, no, that's what the king of kings says, I'm just an emissary, I'm not psycho, I'm just the emissary of the king,
I don't get to make up what he says, he tells me what to say, and I say it, because he has the glory, and I don't, and I know that makes me look like a fundamentalist,
I know that makes me, you're going to call me a pharisee, you're going to call me fundamentalist, you're going to call me a cultist, you're going to call me a radical, you know, whatever, heretic, you're going to call me all kinds of names, and I'm not going to have a seat at the good boy's table with the pagans, right,
I get that, nobody's going to like it, what other choice do
I have though, I don't get, it's not my glory, it's his, he's the one who tells us what to do, but so many people on our side, they don't even want to criminalize it, and again,
I'm not saying death penalty, I'm saying a fine, or a prison sentence, or something like that, like not even, they don't even want to do that, it's like, no, no, no, no, no, that, see, that's a bridge too far, like we just, we just need to come up with a plan to limit abortions, look,
God did not tell us to limit abortions, God did not say, make up a law, whatever you guys want, to limit the amount of murders that happen, he didn't say that, what he said was, if someone murders, death penalty, that's the penalty, and by the way, that does limit murders, because obviously, it's a deterrent, and even if it wasn't a deterrent, even if it didn't limit abortions at all, it's still justice, and it's still what
God requires a godly nation to do, and yet, we understand, we're not a godly nation,
I mean, nobody has any illusions that we are, I'm sorry, delusions that we are, but the thing is, we're not even aiming for justice, we're not even aiming for the right thing, even
Christians, even Christians don't aim for the right things, so what hope do the pagans have for figuring out justice, when
Christians are like, well, hold on, God, I know what you said, but, you know, that's not going to ever work, plus,
I'm not going to have a seat at the Washington Post, they're not going to give me a column, if I say it's a death penalty offense, so be it, if you don't get your stupid column, which doesn't do any good anyway, so be it, who's going to turn to Christ at AD, who's going to turn to Christ, if God looks like a monster, and he's going to, he wants you to execute people who get abortions, hey, that's not my problem, listen,
I'm not the king, he's the king, he's told us what justice is, he's told us what the message is, repent or perish, that's the message, if you're not teaching the message of repent or perish, then you're not giving
God the glory he's due, if you're teaching a different message, God has a wonderful plan for your life, yeah, by the way, you know, you're never going to convert any
LGBT people by preaching against LBG, God whispers about that stuff, you guys are not giving
God the glory he's due, because he did not whisper about that stuff, he spoke authoritatively, he spoke with command, and with zeal, and you need to do the same thing if you're his emissary, but the thing is, we've got so many people that want to pretend like they're
Christ's emissary, but they actually are editing the message along the way, God sends them out to the people to give them this message, he says, and they're like, sure thing,
God, and along the way, they're rewriting it, rewording it to make it more palatable for these pagans, and that's not our job.
And so I'm going to watch this abortion debate, but I just, I cannot even, I can't be,
I can't lie to you, I think that most likely both sides of this debate are not going to make it as simple as it actually is.
Now, I've heard a lot of good things about Scott Klusendorf, right? I vaguely remember listening to something on, what was it, it was an apologist show with Greg Kolko, I think, that Scott Klusendorf did.
I used to listen to that all the time. I don't remember what it was called, was it Reasonable Faith? No, that's William Lane Craig. What is his called?
I don't know. I don't know what his is called. But so I have a positive outlook on Scott Klusendorf, right?
But I just know that so many people, they're embarrassed, they've bought the modern man's hustle.
And the modern man's hustle is that, you know what, really, we know better than God.
And even if they don't say that we know better than God, some people just say it, we know better than God, right? That book is from goat herders and the
Bronze Age and all that. We know better, right? So there's some people that just come out and say it. Most people, most Christians don't just come out and say it.
Most Christians don't say we know better than God, but their every action, the things they support, the things they don't support, the things that make them clutch their pearls betrays that indeed, indeed, not indeed, in deed, in works, they're embarrassed of the word of God.
And God is not your friend to just decide if you take his advice or not.
Like, see, that's the difference. Like, I have friends that they'll give me advice, and sometimes they take it. And it's like, oh, that's really good advice.
I never thought of it that way. And I've got friends that, you know, sometimes they give me advice, and I don't take it. I'm like, yeah, thanks for the advice.
I see what you're saying, but I don't agree. And so I'm going to do something different. That's not the kind of friend that Christ is, though.
You know what I mean? Christ is your friend, and he's on your side, but he is your sovereign.
He is your king, and you don't get to decide which ones to pick and choose or which ones to emphasize or which ones to pretend that he's whispering about.
And by the way, if Christ whispers, it doesn't matter. It's just as authoritative as if he spoke it with a loud voice.
So don't let these charlatans lie to you that are obviously embarrassed by what the scripture says.
Don't let them rub off on you, man. Be zealous. Have confidence.
Have conviction. That's the reality. So I'm not expecting this abortion debate to be all that great.
I'm expecting to probably agree with Clusendorf on a lot more than I agreed with Sean DeMarzon then, but I just have a feeling that the premise of this debate is not going to be where it needs to be.
It's not going to be as simple. It's not going to have simplicity. God's words are so often way more simple than Big Eva will pretend that it is.
And they do it because ultimately, they don't give Christ the weight of glory that he's owed, and they think that his words need help.
In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. Oh, by the way, I wanted to say this.
A couple things. I'm not in a bad mood, by the way. I'm ready to go, man. I'm ready to go fighting that modern man's hustle.
The modern man's hustle. I did get a shuffle. All right. Just be careful out there.
I've got a fan page, and he's made his handle on Twitter such that people could be tricked by it.
So this is me here, Rise and Fall of Gospel Coalition. You see my face there. 80
Robles Media is my handle. And this is the fan page, the Rise and Fall of 80 Robles.
Very clever. Very clever indeed. He's got the same picture, and instead of 80
Robles Media, it's 80 Robles Maniac. Now, I recommend you follow this guy. It's actually quite funny.
But the thing is, if you do follow him, just be careful because he's trying to appear...
He's responding to people as if he's me, and he's saying a lot of crazy stuff like, here's something that I would never say ever.
He says, if only they'd let me talk. I'll never disappoint you, Rodney. I mean, obviously, I would never say such a thing.
There was another lady that asked why I hadn't seen American Gospel yet, and he said something about how I'm smarter than everybody.
Things I would never say, but because the handle looks so good, people could get the wrong idea. But what
I find hilarious about this... Again, I recommend you follow this guy. Here's his page, 80 Robles Maniac, the
Rise and Fall of 80 Robles. Says he's from New Hampshire. Of course, he's not. Some of it is funny, and some of it's very cringy.
The website is Iamthebest .com. What I find funny about this is that this is in response to my content about Sean DeMars, most likely.
It could be someone else, but I'm pretty sure it's about the American Gospel stuff and my critique of winsomeness.
What's so funny about this is that this is the winsome response to my critique of winsomeness, is to make us a site to try to trick people into thinking
I say things that I haven't and call it 80 Robles Maniac. Slander enthusiast, extreme narcissist, attention needy like a teenage girl.
So there you go. That's winsomeness on display. In any case,
I would follow it, but I'm not following anybody except for woke preacher clips right now, and I don't really want to make this my number two.
So in any case, God bless you. I hope you had a great Lord's Day again. I hope this video was helpful. God bless.