Joel Webbon and I Have Super Powers - Comments on the Rise Of Anti-Semitism in the Church
- 00:00
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- 00:11
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- 00:17
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- 00:29
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- 00:36
- All right, everybody. Breaking news. It is Monday, November 4th, the day before the election, 12 33 p .m.
- 00:43
- and reports are flying in from all of the witches out there that their spells that they're trying to cast against Donald Trump aren't working.
- 01:02
- That's right. They've been they've been hard at work with their incantations and their candles and whatever it is that they do.
- 01:11
- But they they've been claiming that there's some kind of hedge of protection around President Trump and their spells cannot penetrate it.
- 01:19
- They're very worried. They're very worried. And I, for one, could not be happier. Yeah, I plan to vote for Donald Trump tomorrow.
- 01:25
- I'll be there. I'll be there. You know, I got the text from Trump just the other day. He says he needs me in New Hampshire.
- 01:31
- So, I mean, Donald Trump needs me. I'm there. Simple as that. And, yeah,
- 01:36
- I mean, I think, you know, obviously, we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. A lot of people are feeling very good about it.
- 01:43
- And I'm feeling pretty good about it. I think Trump's going to win big. I do. But if he doesn't, while that would be very sad and it would not be good for the country and for us, you know,
- 01:56
- I don't black pill. You know what I mean? I'm not the kind of guy that says we're going to be loaded into, you know, trucks and trains to go into some kind of Christian internment camp.
- 02:07
- You know what I mean? I don't have any weird kind of, you know, kind of kinky visions of any boots being on my neck.
- 02:14
- Like, I don't think that way. So, you know, it's going to be fine. We're going to be fine. You know,
- 02:19
- I've got a lot of confidence in the future. I've got a lot of positivity and optimism for the future.
- 02:25
- But if Trump loses, it would be definitely a downer. No question about it. No question about it. But I don't think it's going to happen.
- 02:31
- I don't think it's going to happen. I think he's going to win big. I think he's going to win big. He may even win New Hampshire. So I'll be out there doing my part.
- 02:36
- You know what I mean? In any case, let's jump into a couple things.
- 02:42
- And I want to start today talking about my superpowers.
- 02:48
- I've got some superpowers. And you know what? My friend Joel Webben, also of Right Response Ministries, he's of course the leader of Right Response Ministries.
- 02:55
- He's the talking head of Right Response Ministries. But I'm on the board.
- 03:01
- You know what I mean? And we've got some advantages over at Right Response Ministries. And both of us just have superpowers.
- 03:08
- And you might think that sounds arrogant. You know, you don't like that kind of thing. Well, I mean, tough.
- 03:14
- It is what it is. I mean, arrogance, you know, if I was arrogant, I would say all kinds of things about me that weren't true.
- 03:21
- But in this case, it's totally true. It's a complete humility that I talk about our superpowers.
- 03:27
- And they are superpowers. Let me reveal to you our superpowers, right?
- 03:34
- I'll start with Joel. I'll start with Joel. Here's the trick when it comes to Joel Webben, right?
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- He's been fielding all kinds of accusations. And this has been going on for years, you know. He's a racist.
- 03:47
- You know, he's a misogynist. You know, and now the latest version of this is he's an anti -Semite and all of this kind of rhetoric.
- 03:56
- He's been fielding all of these clobber words, you know, to be sure.
- 04:03
- And somehow he escapes every single time, you know. You think it's going to finally sink
- 04:09
- Right Response Ministries, and then it doesn't. And the reason is he has superpowers. You ready for this?
- 04:15
- Here's his superpower. He doesn't hate blacks. He doesn't hate
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- Jews. And he doesn't hate women. I mean, what can you say?
- 04:25
- It's a superpower. You know, he can field all the accusations. You could say anything. And the thing is, because he actually doesn't, you know, hate
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- Jews and blacks and women, none of it sticks. And the thing is, you know, he's also got some shrewdness.
- 04:40
- You know, he's recorded some phone calls. He's kind of done this and that. And, of course, that helps, but it only helps because he also has this superpower.
- 04:50
- So it's amazing. You're going to continue to see people that ran with all of the narratives and stuff like that.
- 04:58
- They ran with it. They took it and ran with it. And you're going to continue to see people, you know, kind of say this and all of that.
- 05:05
- But it's never going to work because Joel Webben has a superpower.
- 05:11
- And that superpower is he doesn't hate Jews. He doesn't hate blacks. And he doesn't hate women.
- 05:17
- So there you go. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. Now, your boy
- 05:23
- AD has a superpower, too, because, you know, what you're going to hear in the future, you've already heard a lot of this.
- 05:30
- This is nothing new. This is something that people have said about me for a long time. You're going to hear that I'm an instigator.
- 05:38
- You know what I mean? I'm a scoffer. I'm a mocker. And all of this. I'm a brawler.
- 05:43
- Stuff like that. You're going to hear all that kind of stuff about me. And again, none of this is new. People have been saying this about me for years, for years.
- 05:52
- But it never sticks. And why doesn't it stick? Well, it's because I have my own superpowers.
- 05:58
- I do. You see, here's my superpower. My superpower is I don't start fights with friends.
- 06:05
- I don't. I don't start fights with friends. I don't signal against friends. I don't.
- 06:11
- I don't use extreme rhetoric against friends, at least to begin in the beginning.
- 06:17
- I don't start fights. But I do finish fights. I do finish fights. And I do participate in fights.
- 06:22
- I don't start them, though. And so you'll even see, even with this Eschatology Matters stuff, the very first content
- 06:28
- I ever put out about this Eschatology Matters stuff, I could not have known this was going to blow up the way it has.
- 06:34
- But it has. And I'm here for it. You know, I'm ready to go. The very first piece of content,
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- I said things like, hey, I'm not saying you shouldn't listen to Tobias forever. I'm not saying that Eschatology Matters is bad, that you shouldn't listen to him.
- 06:48
- I'm not saying that. And how many times, my friends, how many times on this channel have I said things while I'm criticizing something?
- 06:55
- Maybe James White said, a friend. Maybe Doug Wilson said, a friend. How many times have
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- I said, I'm not saying you should disregard these guys. I'm not saying they have nothing good to say. In fact,
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- I agree with them on many things, and I think they're very valuable, and all this kind of stuff. See, here's the thing about me, that you can't, unfortunately, you can't attack me that way.
- 07:16
- Well, I mean, you could attack me that way, but it's not going to stick. It's because while I will fight you,
- 07:23
- I don't want to fight you. And I don't start fights. And I don't signal against Doug Wilson or James White.
- 07:30
- I don't do it. Now, I will criticize certain things that they say, because that's, of course, allowable, and I always do it from a friendly perspective.
- 07:39
- But I don't try to destroy the reputations and the ministries of Dr. James White, or Apologia Radio, or, you know,
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- Fight, Laugh, Feast, or anyone in Moscow. I don't do that kind of thing. That's not the way
- 07:51
- I operate. And so while you can say, oh, he's a scoffer, he's a brawler, all this kind of stuff, the facts of the case, and everybody sees this, are that while I am willing to fight,
- 08:04
- I don't want to fight. It's as simple as that. And I take this into my personal life as well.
- 08:11
- I don't want to fight, but I will fight. I don't want to fight. And this is even included in physical altercations, right?
- 08:19
- I'm ready to go if it's time to go. And I'll fight, and I'll do whatever
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- I have to do to win that fight, a physical fight I'm talking about. But I'll also try to avoid the fights.
- 08:30
- I don't want to fight. I'm never going to be the guy that throws a quick fist. Now I will throw the most powerful punch that I'm capable of if somebody attacks me, but I'm not going to throw a quick fist.
- 08:42
- I'm going to try to avoid the fight. This has happened in my life numerous times.
- 08:47
- I've been in a few physical altercations before. I've never once started one.
- 08:54
- Now, you might see me take an aggressive posture. This is funny. This actually happened at the
- 09:00
- Fight Left Feast, not the Fight Left Feast conference, at one of Joel Webbin's conferences. He can tell you the story. There was a wacko that came into the conference, and I don't even remember what he was saying.
- 09:11
- He was saying some kind of craziness. Who knows? Who knows what he was saying? But he got a little heated, and I remember
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- I stood up from my chair. You know, that's a posture of, I'm ready if it's time.
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- And I told him, I forget what I told him. It was something like, hey, or something like, maybe it's time for you to leave, or something like that.
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- You know what I mean? I said, maybe it's time for you to leave, as I stood up. Now that's, you could take that as an aggressive posture, which it was,
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- I think. And I took an aggressive posture in this Tobias incident.
- 09:46
- But you're not going to find me starting stuff with friends. Now, I'll start stuff with enemies. That's different.
- 09:53
- That's different. But when it comes to friends, I don't start stuff, but I will do whatever
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- I can to come out on top if someone's going to start stuff with me. And I think that this is where you need to be pretty much all the time.
- 10:10
- And whether it's a physical fight, or some other kind of fight, you need to be ready to go at all times.
- 10:17
- And I am ready to go. I am prepared. And I will go as far as is appropriate at any given time.
- 10:26
- But the thing is, you're not going to be able to stick anything to me when you say, oh, he's just a scoffer.
- 10:33
- Oh, he's just a brawler. Oh, he's just a mocker. You're just not going to be able to make it stick, because it's never happened.
- 10:41
- I don't start stuff with friends. In any case, that was the first thing
- 10:47
- I wanted to talk about today. It's superpowers, man. These are superpowers. And I would suggest that you use these superpowers to your advantage whenever you can.
- 10:56
- It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. Now I saw a tweet, a post from James White where he seems to indicate a little bit of a pivot, a little bit of a shift.
- 11:09
- He responded to one of his followers, and this is a lot of his followers started believing this, saying, oh,
- 11:16
- I'm so grateful for you, James, for exposing Joel Webbin for being a kinist, anti -Semite, and all this kind of stuff.
- 11:23
- And a lot of his followers were influenced by him against Joel Webbin.
- 11:29
- And to James' credit, he said, I don't believe Joel Webbin is a kinist or an anti -Semite.
- 11:37
- And he didn't say much more than that. There's a lot more work to do there. I'm not satisfied with that.
- 11:44
- And, you know, I haven't confirmed with Joel whether or not he's satisfied with that, but I highly doubt it because here's the reality.
- 11:52
- The reality is that big names, big names, it wasn't just James. I'm just talking about his post.
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- But big names through their reputations and their influence in an effort to discredit
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- Joel Webbin as an anti -Semite. And it worked. And a lot of damage was done because of the cachet and the influence that is well -earned from some of these names.
- 12:22
- It worked exactly as intended. Their dutiful followers all heard the message and said, oh, man,
- 12:30
- Joel is dangerous. And so now, as it turns out, he's not an anti -Semite or a kinist.
- 12:39
- And so a lot of effort is going to need to be coming from the big names that decided to throw their weight behind these accusations.
- 12:48
- A lot of effort is required to try to undo a lot of the damage that you did.
- 12:53
- Now, it's not possible to undo all of the damage you did. It's out there and now people are going to believe it no matter what.
- 13:02
- So I'm not saying, you know, Dr. White, you need to undo all the damage you did to Joel Webbin.
- 13:08
- That's not possible. It's not realistic. But a lot of effort is going to have to be displayed to undo as much of that damage as you possibly can.
- 13:19
- It's as simple as that. That is what is required. That is your duty to Joel Webbin after lending your credibility to try to destroy him, which is what happened.
- 13:34
- So more to come. I can't wait to see how this all works out.
- 13:41
- Now, the next piece of this video, I was thinking this weekend and I put a lot of effort into thinking this through.
- 13:50
- And I thought to myself, why is it that so many people who have their heads on straight for the most part, you know, they understood that back during Woke Wars 1, you know, there wasn't, there wasn't like rampant racism out there.
- 14:05
- That was all a fantasy. That was all something that people just said to try to beat you over the head, but they knew it wasn't real.
- 14:13
- There wasn't a racist under every rock. That was obviously not correct. There weren't racists worming their way into conservative churches in record numbers like that wasn't real.
- 14:23
- None of that was real. And all of these guys knew that that wasn't real. I knew it wasn't real. And a lot of these guys knew it wasn't real either.
- 14:30
- How is it? I'm thinking to myself, how is it that they don't see the same thing with the antisemitism?
- 14:38
- Because the antisemitism thing is the same thing. It's not real for the most part.
- 14:44
- There's not a rampant rise of antisemitism in the reformed church. In fact, there's so little of it that you have to invent it in order to make it a big deal.
- 14:54
- You have to say, Oh, Joe Webben might be one of the key figures in antisemitism in the church.
- 14:59
- Like you have to start making stuff up in order to make it seem real. So it's so fake. It's so obviously fake that you have to invent antisemitism.
- 15:08
- The same thing they did with Woke Wars 1. You have to invent racism to make it seem like it's on the rise when it obviously wasn't.
- 15:14
- So I thought to myself, why is it that these smart people, people that have their heads on straight, are being fooled this time?
- 15:24
- You know, it's not the blacks. It's the antisemites. All right.
- 15:29
- All right. And I think I have a theory, a working theory here, and I want to know what you guys think about this.
- 15:36
- Now, here's my theory, right? Here's my theory. My theory is that they've perceived an increase in antisemitism that isn't real because Twitter in particular used to be heavily censored.
- 15:55
- Now Twitter is or X is still censored. So it's not like a haven for free speech or anything like that.
- 16:02
- I'm not trying to say that, but it's a way everyone would have to agree. It's way less censored than it used to be.
- 16:08
- And so what's happened is a lot of people that are used to a certain level of antisemitism, which essentially is none.
- 16:17
- And again, I'm using antisemitism in the most generous way I possibly can. I'm not arguing about the definition.
- 16:24
- I'm just giving them the definition. So I'm talking about what they call antisemitism. Right. So don't hear me saying that I'm trying.
- 16:32
- I'm not trying to quibble with the definition. I'm just saying what you would say, what you would hear James White call antisemitism, or even
- 16:39
- Tobias to some degree, Tobias, what he would call antisemitism. I'm talking about that. They're used to seeing none of that on Twitter.
- 16:47
- None of it. Because Twitter used to be heavily censored. Now Twitter is not censored as much as it used to be.
- 16:55
- And some of these kinds of statements, which they would call antisemitic, are now visible.
- 17:02
- They're visible on the timeline. And so from their perception of things, wow, look at this groundswell of antisemitism.
- 17:12
- It's the same thing the left does. You know, they, well, man, X is an antisemitic website because, well, well, it's just because they allow people to express certain opinions.
- 17:21
- It's not really that X is an antisemitic website. It's just that they allow people to share certain opinions.
- 17:29
- So they see this on X and they see a lot more than they used to see. And from their perception, that's a rise of antisemitism in the church.
- 17:38
- It's rampant. It's everywhere. It's on the upswing. I don't think that's true.
- 17:46
- I think it's just visible on Twitter now. That's basically what I, that's my perspective. It's visible now.
- 17:52
- It's not censored as much as it used to be. And it's not rising. It's just visible.
- 17:58
- Whereas before it was invisible. That's what
- 18:03
- I think is going on, basically. That's what I think is going on. That's why I think someone like me doesn't see a rise of antisemitism, because I've been in other parts of the internet that weren't censored.
- 18:14
- And I've always seen people with these kinds of opinions. You know what I mean? I've seen a lot of them. So they've always kind of been there and it's a small number.
- 18:23
- It's always kind of been there. But now it's visible on Twitter or on X.
- 18:32
- Let me know what you think about that. Let me know what you think about that. I believe that the rise of antisemitism is just as real as the rise of anti -black hatred, which is to say it's basically not real at all.
- 18:45
- And again, this is the thing. Back in Woke Wars 1, people would say, are you saying there's no people who hate black people?
- 18:52
- And obviously, I'm not saying that. But I know there are some people that hate black people. So likewise, there are some people that hate
- 19:00
- Jews. But there's not this groundswell in the church of, oh, we're going to be anti -Semites and we're going to.
- 19:08
- It's not it's not real. It's just not real. And the thing is, with with black racism, too,
- 19:14
- I mean, the definition of racism back in the day we used to talk about all the time, it was essentially meaningless. It was essentially meaningless.
- 19:21
- Like, you know, Doug Wilson didn't think slavery was as bad as you learned about it in high school. And so he's a racist because of that.
- 19:29
- It's not racism. It's I mean, it just isn't. It just isn't. Very analogously, like it's almost a perfect analogy.
- 19:39
- Someone doesn't think the Holocaust was as bad as we learned about it in high school. That's an anti -Semite.
- 19:44
- I mean, these these definitions are essentially meaningless. That's not antisemitism, obviously. And then
- 19:51
- I see K -Dub get on there. Well, I don't I don't know how you could deny the Holocaust without being an anti -Semite.
- 19:57
- It's like I've heard the same thing. I've heard people say, I don't know how you could say slavery wasn't so bad without hating black people.
- 20:03
- It's like it's the same thing. You just replace the historical event with the with the race and it's the same thing.
- 20:10
- It's the same thing. That's my position.
- 20:16
- That's my position. My position is woke wars, too, is the exact same war.
- 20:22
- You just replace certain things with certain other things. But it's the same. Everything. It's the same arguments.
- 20:27
- It's the same. Everything. It's the same. Everything. And I could easily say, how could you have someone in your church who doesn't believe slavery was as bad as I learned in high school?
- 20:37
- How could you commune with them? It's the same thing. It's the same exact thing.
- 20:47
- And we all get it. We all get it. Well, at least on my channel, most of us get it. I know there are some people who watch me that really do believe in the rise of anti -Semitism.
- 20:56
- Again, I really don't think that that there is one. I think it's I think it's fake. I think it's fugazi, just like I thought the rise of racism was fugazi.
- 21:05
- And for the same reasons and for the same reasons. There are certain things here, too, that I think are are more like like almost more obvious to me about this one being fake, like the kinds of things that get labeled anti -Semitic are so obviously full of theological implications, whereas the black and white stuff, there weren't quite as obvious theological implications like like like, you know,
- 21:34
- Christ is King becomes this anti -Semitic slur and and saying that that Judaism is an enemy of the faith in a very real and a very subversive and a very pernicious kind of way.
- 21:46
- Like there's obvious theological content there that wasn't quite as obvious with Woke Wars One, although there was theological content there as well.
- 21:54
- This one just seems so much more obvious to me. This seems so the Woke Wars Two seems more obvious to me.
- 22:03
- They're both obvious, but this one's like really obvious. Let me know what you think.
- 22:10
- Let me know what you think. That's all that I have for today. I wanted to just talk about Trump, you know, hope the guy gets in there, the big guy.
- 22:19
- Hope he gets in there. You know, I look at voting like I said this on a show the other day, the
- 22:24
- The Herald, the Paul Harrell, the new show, you know, I look at voting like like choosing a neighborhood, a neighborhood to live in.
- 22:33
- Like I'm not looking for like if I'm if I'm out there, you know, shopping for a PC, you know,
- 22:38
- I'm looking for certain specifications. And when I get the certain specifications for the price that I want,
- 22:43
- I get it and I expect the computer that I receive to have those exact specifications. Right. It's a it's an exact science.
- 22:50
- It's it's mathematically correct. I got the exact PC that I wanted to get. But when
- 22:56
- I'm shopping for a neighborhood, it's really not like that, it's not an exact science because every neighborhood or every town has pluses and minuses.
- 23:04
- You know what I mean? It has a lot of pluses, has maybe a few minuses, maybe has a lot of minuses, but some big pluses that are a big deal.
- 23:10
- And I want my family to thrive. Right. And so, for example, let's say my my my parents lived in a town that had a lot of negatives.
- 23:19
- Right. But my parents live there and and my parents being there will be will be helpful as far as my family thriving.
- 23:26
- You know, my my kids get to spend time with their with their grandparents and they can they can they can get to know them a lot and help in the family and stuff like that.
- 23:35
- Like like it's not a perfect situation. But I'm thinking what I'm thinking about is the the the whole of thriving as a family.
- 23:44
- Right. And so when I'm looking for a neighborhood, I'm looking for an opportunity to thrive. It's not going to be perfect.
- 23:50
- There's always going to be pluses and minuses. But I'm looking for how can I thrive in this environment?
- 23:55
- That's how I look at voting for president. It's like what president would be helpful as far as my family thriving, as far as my people thriving, the church thriving.
- 24:08
- I'm looking for the right neighborhood and there's going to be negatives. It's always tradeoffs. Right. That's how it is when you're voting for president, just like a neighborhood.
- 24:16
- There's always tradeoffs. But I'm looking I'm looking at the big picture. How can I thrive?
- 24:22
- Right. That's that's how I look at voting. I don't look at it like shopping for a PC where I need my exact specifications.
- 24:27
- And if it doesn't meet those specifications, the PC is worthless. That's how
- 24:32
- I see it. And so I think Trump is the obvious choice. We've been blessed in this election with such an obvious choice.
- 24:40
- And I remember back, you know, a few years ago, I was saying it was a sin to vote Democrat. And I was one of the few people saying that now there's tons of people saying that.
- 24:49
- And I am just praise God for that, that he's given us such a much easier choice this time around.
- 24:54
- I thought the last one was easy, but whatever. This choice is much easier. And many are saying how it's an abject sin to vote for Kamala Harris.
- 25:04
- And then that guy, that gay guy that she's running with. What's his name? The guy with the he does a little kicks in the weird ways.
- 25:10
- And he walks around like this, like, man, forget his name. Who cares?
- 25:17
- Who cares? It's an obvious choice. My friends, you should vote for Trump tomorrow.
- 25:22
- I know some of my friends aren't going to vote for Trump. They've got their reasons and I'm not trying to convince them. I'm just saying
- 25:28
- I'm voting for Trump. I think you should too. And I think the choice is obvious.
- 25:34
- Never been easier, my friends. It's never been easier in any case. I hope you found this video helpful.