Epic: Pastor Confronts Lawmakers
Watch this newest video from Apologia Studios. Pastor Jeff Durbin testified in Colorado before the Legislature. Watch as he confronts them with the truth and calls them to repent and establish justice. Help us to spread this message by sharing it with your pages and platforms.
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- 00:06
- Thank you, Madam Chair, Representatives, members of the Council, again, I'm Reverend Jeff Durbin. I am the head of EAN and Abortion Now.
- 00:13
- We have these bills of equal protection for all humans from conception happening across the country right now, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, Arizona, all over the country right now.
- 00:22
- The church is rising up and people are being more consistent in the pro -life establishment. I'm speaking on behalf of over 60 million human beings unjustly executed in the wombs of their mothers.
- 00:32
- This is a simple bill. It's a simple bill. It just says what science says. Everything you heard as testimony that this is unscientific is, if it wasn't so serious, it'd be laughable.
- 00:42
- The science is incontrovertible. We are human, fully human from the moment of conception.
- 00:48
- That is an incontrovertible fact. And friends, we've been here before in our history. We have been here before.
- 00:53
- We have common grounds. They used to say, I know it's technically a human.
- 00:59
- I know it looks like a person. It's not a person. It's a black man. I know it's technically human. It looks like a person.
- 01:04
- It's not a person. It's a Jew. Humanity is filled with this evil and this tyranny where we draw circles around ourselves and we dehumanize and butcher and tyrannize other human beings.
- 01:16
- This is a simple bill. Human from the moment of fertilization. That's a fact. Equal protection for all humans in the womb and outside of the womb.
- 01:24
- We all agree with the injustice of a white man killing a black man unjustly.
- 01:30
- But the pro -choice position is essentially saying we don't have a problem with that as long as it's in the womb.
- 01:37
- That's the truth of where we're at and that's the position. It's incontrovertible. Establish justice for these pre -born children in Jesus' name.
- 01:44
- This is a moral issue. It's not a biological one, as is clear from the panel today. It is a moral issue, not a biological one.
- 01:51
- History will look back on the decision that you make today. And more importantly, members, I mean this with respect and humility to you.
- 01:57
- There is a day of judgment where you will stand before the bar of God's justice and all of these children will have their day in court.
- 02:05
- You will answer for this. The call is to repent and to believe. Establish justice. Thank you, Mr. Durbin.