Answer a Fool: Doesn't the Bible Teach That An Ox Is of More Value Than a Woman?

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Why do so many atheists suffer from reading comprehension problems? Is it too much Television? What is a bride price? And why would the Law prescribe it? We will answer these questions and more on this episode of Bible Bashed --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies Sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white nights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix, but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies Your discretion is advised Of heaven the issue is that humanity is insane and the wrath of almighty
God is Hanging over our head.
They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions.
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this midweek installment of answering a fool as pastor
Tim Answers a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes in these shorter episodes pastor
Tim answers objections from internet trolls in an effort to help them go home and rethink their lives
Troll hunting is hard work, but hey, someone's got to do it now without further ado
Here's pastor Tim on this episode of answer a fool We will be answering the question does the Bible teach that an ox is of more value than a woman?
Now whatever a Christian seeks to speak to a moral issue. You'll will have any number of Atheists with their superior intellect and their vast knowledge of the scriptures deign to Come and and impart upon us ignorant plebeian
Christians Informations in the scriptures that we believe that we have fundamentally never considered before that fundamentally under do everything that we have believed and try to Advocate and so an example of this would be an example that we recently received on our podcast
We received a couple of comments of individuals essentially saying that we should ignore whatever the Bible has to say about a particular topic because the
Bible teaches that an ox is a more valued than a woman and and the assumption is well aren't we so more much more advanced and the people during that time and and basically with their superstitious and patriarchal backwards kind of beliefs and and and Basically anything that the
Bible says is basically a product of its own time and we know better now and everything else and so Now what are we to make of this kind of argument?
Does the Bible teach that an ox is of more value than a woman? What does the Bible say as it relates to the this subject?
And now the passages that were appealed to by these atheists were two passages as 2nd Samuel 24 21 through 24 and Deuteronomy 22 28 through 29
One atheist basically was making the argument that the Bible teaches that an ox is of more value than the woman and another atheist
Corrected the first atheist and essentially said that the Bible is not teaching that an ox is of more value than the woman
But that an ox and a threshing floor combined is of the same value as a woman but either way, it's you know superstitious and silly and backwards and We should ignore anything
The Bible has to say because it's so ridiculous now one of the things that I tried to point out to these atheists is that in the text in 2nd
Samuel 24 21 through 24 The the text says that David bought the threshing floor and oxen for 50
Shekels of silver and oxen is actually the plural of ox and so it seems like that Even the careful atheist failed at basic reading comprehension and was unable to see that David was able to purchase multiple oxen for 50 shekels of Silver plus the threshing floor.
So there's that but the part of the problem here is that what's actually happening in this passage is that There is an assumption being made that When you read
Deuteronomy 22 28 through 29 there's an assumption here that the bride price that is paid for a bride is essentially the equivalent of a father selling his daughter to a man as a piece of property in this kind of assumption basically is
It essentially reveals that the atheist has little to no understanding of how these customs actually
Formed and what the purpose was behind these customs and why these things would happen. It basically just makes a hash of customs that are unfamiliar with us and We don't understand the purpose behind them and so one of the things we want to do is go ahead and read
Deuteronomy 22 28 through 29 and actually discuss what the purpose of a bride price actually was and why it was not the moral equivalent of a father selling his
Daughter as a piece of property to a man In marriage so Deuteronomy 22 28 through 29 says if a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed and Seizes her and lies with her and they are found
Then the man who lay with her shall give to her father to give to the father of the young woman 50 shekels of silver
And she shall be his wife because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all of his days So at this point this 50 shekels of silver is the bride price that the man would pay in order to marry
The daughter now this bride price was a custom that as I've said, we're unfamiliar with we
In to our modern ears when you hear price and then attached to a woman
One of the things one bad assumption you might make is that this is the moral equivalent of slavery when in fact
It's really nothing of the kind now the reason why that there was such a thing as a bride price in the
Bible is because If from from if you think about things from a biblical worldview
One of the things to realize is that today if you compare and contrast the worldview we have today with the worldview that they had in the
Bible one of the things to realize is that we We don't value women at all
So we we think it's a fairly trivial thing in order to get married to a woman
We we basically conceive because we don't value women and then we have no parental responsibility
That we've taken upon ourself to protect a daughter one of the things to realize is that we're living in the kind of society that basically makes
Marriage about as easy as it possibly can be made and so marriage today doesn't show honor and respect to women
Like the easy marriages that we enter into actually show contempt for women and this is this kind of contempt that we actually show for women is evidenced by the fact that they're the that a woman can basically enter into a marriage with a man and and be filled with all sorts of promises from a man a man can it can
As as men have been known to do basically Make a lot of promises to a woman and and just Persuade her and convince her to marry him and then basically be very different than the kind of man that he
Described himself to be and so when you're in a situation right now where men where there is basically no social contractual
Obligations associated with marriage whatsoever that marriage is essentially just you know a simple decision that's made with no
With very little societal Contractual arrangements that attach to that with very little parental involvement
Attached to that one of the things to realize is that there's many a woman who could enter into marriage and be deceived
Fundamentally by a man who's filled her head with all sorts of promises that he met no Intention of delivering upon whatsoever.
And so one of the things that have I mean it has happened One of the things that happened in a biblical worldview as it relates to this bride price is that this bride price was a
Typically a few years worth of labor that a man would pay to a father as security for the daughter
For the daughter's hand and so that had a variety of purposes that was attached to it So a man would pay that bride price to show that he's a serious person who's trying to enter into a serious agreement
Like this bride price was a barrier That would that would help differentiate
The type of man who has no ability to provide whatsoever for a wife with the type of man who is a hard worker as evidenced by the fact that he is going to save up a few years worth of labor in order to Put up a bride price for a wife
He had to work a few years to show that he's a serious person that he's a hard -working person that he has character that he's able to have delayed gratification all of that that that working is going to establish him as a person who has character and not just And if you compare that kind of arrangement with the kind of arrangement we have today
I mean you can have you can be a man who basically just fills a woman's head full of you know dreams and and basically just Persuades her that you're you know
Some wonderful person and then you marry her and you basically take her and you just you're still living in your parents basement
And have no intention of actually providing for her and you basically deceived her about the nature of the kind of man that you actually
Are but then this was a social contract. It was a protection for the wife and it was a protection against poor marriages that could happen as far as that goes and then it also formed as a
Security in the case that the husband actually died now there is this few years worth of wages that is laid up for the woman in order to help her to be
To take care of her basic needs in the case that the husband would die through war or something along those lines and so far from like belittling a woman the idea of a bride price was essentially a a kind of Safety net that that the father would engage in in order to essentially
Separate the men from the boys as it relates to who's going to marry a daughter so far from being some kind of thing that Objectified women or turned them into a piece of property it was actually a form of safety for women and and anyone who's going to look at a bride price and think of it as Equating women with a piece of property really doesn't have any idea what the purpose of a bride price actually bless this has been another installment of answering a fool with Bible bashed as Always if you would like to be included in one of our answering a fool episodes
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