Midweek Review #11 (1 John 5:6-9)

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The Spirit, the water, and the blood testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.


The blood refers to the death of Christ. We're told in 1st
Corinthians that the message of the cross is the power of God. Oh Lord, help me to represent this.
The blood is the death of Jesus on the cross. The proclaiming of that message, according to Galatians 3, depicts and portrays
Christ as crucified. Here's where faith comes from.
The message of the cross. We have the testimony of the scripture, the spirit bearing witness.
We have the water as others stand up and bear witness, but it is this gospel message that changes a heart.
There has never been a love like the love of Jesus Christ. Yes, we follow a leader who claims to be the truth and there is no other, but this leader was willing to go to Calvary and lay down on a wooden cross and be killed.
Knowing that there was no other way for our sins to be forgiven. Hear this, greater love has no one than this.
The one who lays down his life for his friends. Hear that message.
Let it be confirmed to your heart. While we are yet sinners,
Christ died for us. The righteous for the unrighteous to bring us to God.
The innocent for the guilty to take away our guilt. The Holy Son of God laying down on that wooden cross and his blood speaks a better message than the message of Abel's blood.
Cain killed his brother Abel and his blood poured out on the ground calls to God for justice, avenge me from my killer.
But the blood of Jesus that dripped from his body, torn on that cross and fell to the ground, that blood speaks a better message.
It says, Father forgive them, they know not what they do. This blood speaks mercy over us.
The blood cries out from the ground, Father forgive them. And so all who come to him find cleansing by water and by blood.
When his side was pierced as he hung on that tree, dead, water and blood poured out and that's the cleansing that we need.
Not just the washing of water, baptism itself cannot save, but the washing of blood.
To believe that he is the crucified Son of God, that his sacrifice atones for your sin and that he rose again.