Pastor Jeff Responds to Roe Overthrow

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June 24, 2022 is a day for Christians to celebrate. And let this day spark a revival in America, perhaps beginning in New Jersey.


This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it
God has given us a great victory. He has given Opportunity to live to these precious children in the womb.
They're celebrated there there are babies worshiping in the womb right now because God like John the
Baptist who celebrated and Worshipped in the womb in the presence of the Lord Jesus Now this overthrow of Roe versus Wade has given
Babies all across this land an opportunity to live many that would otherwise have been killed
This is the vindication from the Lord Isaiah 54 verse 17 No weapon formed against us shall prosper and it has been a battle
I think about being out at the gates of hell Which is what we call the murder mill and Cherry Hill at the
Cherry Hill Women's Center Standing out there we sing because we know that our king of kings already has the victory
Psalm 2 Why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain? We know that the king in heaven laughs at their supposed power
We know that the king in heaven is not threatened by them But we sing because he's king of kings now that doesn't mean that our efforts aren't important God uses us to restrain the evil of this world
We're like salt and like light in the world and we're even used of God to restrain the wickedness of man
Which is what happened today. Just think about the alternative to Christians being active in politics if we had not strongly advocated for the righteousness of the
Word of God in terms of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness in areas of economics and race and sexuality in 2016 instead of having
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Barrett Hillary Clinton would have given us three more like Kagan and Sotomayor and Katonji Brown.
What is a woman Jackson and The whole Supreme Court would be making opposite decisions of what they are now in fact
Think of some of the decisions that they would be making the Equality Act to silence Christians from saying what the
Bible says That would be on the table would probably be approved at this time if The if the left knew that they had the votes to do that Things of that nature our guns our ability to defend our families and protect ourselves
The Second Amendment would be taken away But rather just the day before this victorious day
There was a big decision up in New York Which will have implications for the rest of the nation that concealed carry is protected by the
Second Amendment You can't just arbitrarily consider somebody a threat So that will provide greater safety to our churches and to our homes and to our neighborhoods
Praise God for that great decision It matters the work that we do matters.
We are to be the salt and light So I just wanted to celebrate this You know what? They're gonna call us all manner of names.
They're gonna rage There'll be another summer of riots or by God's grace. Maybe that will be restrained.
But that spirit is there that that rioting Rebellious spirit against the sovereignty of God and against life and against Liberty It's just fascinating.
It's horrible that people would celebrate and would Just demand the right to kill a
Child a baby as Joe Biden himself called the baby a baby because that's what it is
What he or she is? In the womb. Well, praise God. This is a great day.
I just wanted to check in with you guys I'm on vacation, but I couldn't help but just touch base a little bit and you know what
I'm thinking this nation has been under judgment Ever since the sexual revolution and then
Roe vs. Wade in 1973 for the killing of innocent children now with this decision
It doesn't put an end to the killing it might reduce it by 25 % 30 % as half of the states
Make it much harder to have an abortion and some will outlaw it Outright that murder would be called murder in those states
And God will use that to restrain a number of the abortions So but it won't this won't stop the killing outright
But what it might do and hey Christian, this is what it should do for us It might encourage the
Christian warrior to fight stronger than ever It might remind us that our God wins and in the end we already read the end
We know he wins but to get this victory to taste this victory Gives us the encouragement we need how about if June 24th?
2022 was the was the start of a revival in the United States of America and Of all places that no one would ever expect
What if it started in New Jersey? What if Christians in New Jersey were so encouraged by this that we showed up all the more to preach the gospel
Not only at the gates of hell at the abortion mill But in the parks and at the schools at the the universities where we often go to preach
Christ what if all of us began to share the gospel because that's where true change happens in the hearts of men and women and children as people hear the good news about Jesus Christ and repent and believe the good news and Then begin to live by Christian ethics not to just go on living as before but to be conformed in the likeness of Christ to beginning to to begin to think like Christ and To do things that accord with righteousness
You know when we were out at the gates of hell We were standing on the curb preaching and praying and singing and we looked at just the last second to see a van had swerved off of The road and there's a huge shoulder on on the
Kings Highway Larger than a lane But this car had not only come over the line
But was fully in the shoulder of the road and less than a foot from the curb Driving 20 -30 miles an hour you we turned just in time to see him coming at us his face was enraged because we were standing and praying in front of the the murder mill and We looked to see and then just at the last second
He veered off to the left Turned and and missed hitting us and then laid on the horn and you know obscenities as so many passerbys give
Which shows where their heart is. It's it's a hateful murderous spirit That spirit will be cut loose at least tonight
So we need to pray for restraint that the Lord would restrain the wickedness of men
But you know what? It shows when you see that kind of hatred they know that The king is on the throne they're rebelling against him and because the king is giving righteous decrees and He has his people
They're enraged because they know That we've already won so praise
God it's it's written on their faces and You know what if you are one listening to this and maybe you're enraged by this decision maybe you think that there should be a right to kill a license to kill listen
God made all People in the image of God from conception.
It says in Psalm 139. He knits us together in our mother's womb he creates life and he values every life and just because you don't doesn't mean that God doesn't value every life and He's the one that matters in the universe and he's the one with whom you have to do
It's not too late for you right now If you're hearing this to repent of your sin and believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ He died to take the death penalty that we deserve if you're here listening to this
It means that your mother did not kill you in the womb but God mercifully spared your life gave you life gave you every breath you've ever taken and Now he's giving you ears to hear
I pray that you would be able to not only listen to these words But hear them that Jesus is the
Christ and that he died on the cross But he rose again on the third day and he gives life everlasting life to those who will call upon his name in faith turning from a life of sin and Death and turning to the
Lord Jesus Christ Let's give him all the praise today for this great victory in his name in Jesus name.