Mark 14:26-42, Are You Awake?

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Mark 14:26-42 Are You Awake?


If you open your bibles with me, please do mark chapter 14 if you haven't already mark chapter 14 be reading from verses 26 to 42
Hear the word of the lord And when they had sung a hymn they went out to the mount of olives and jesus said to them
You will all fall away for it is written. I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered
But after I am raised up, I will go before you to galilee peter said to him Even though they all fall away.
I will not And jesus said to him truly I tell you this very night before the rooster crows twice
You will deny me three times But he said emphatically if I must die with you,
I will not deny you And they all said the same And they went to a place called
Gethsemane and he said to his disciples sit here while I pray And he took with him peter and james and john and began to be greatly distressed and troubled and he said to them
My soul is very sorrowful even to death Remain here and watch
And going a little farther He fell on the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him and he said abba father
All things are possible for you Remove this cup from me yet. Not what I will but what you will
And he came and found them sleeping and he said to peter simon Are you asleep?
Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation
The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak And again, he went and prayed and saying the same words and again
He came and found them sleeping for their eyes were very heavy and they did not know what to answer him
And he came the third time and said to them. Are you still sleeping and taking your rest?
It is enough The hour has come The son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners rise
Let us be going see My betrayer is at hand May the lord add his blessings the reading of his holy word.
Well, are you awake? Maybe right now after you've been standing to sing but in about 30 minutes as I drone on and on Will you still be awake?
You know, I understand it's easy to get lulled into sleep, especially if you're a little sleep deprived, you know after switching to daylight savings time
And your body now is suddenly still And it's easy your mind now is tempted to follow your body into sleep
But you should stay awake so you'll be aware of what's going on If you're not awake, you might be in for a rude awakening
If you're not awake, you're not aware You don't know what is going on around you you're you're missing reality a little over a year ago
We were in new york city for mike and nancy's hearing and we had to go get up early from our hotel
Which is near central park and travel by subway to the court Which was down in the south south of manhattan near where the world trade center site used to be.
I waited out in a lobby And where there were the people from all kinds of countries because it was immigration court.
So there's all kinds of exotic Nationalities there interesting I thought but you know I've seen that before I saw a little sleep deprived
I got drowsy I closed my eyes And slumped down in my seat on the verge of sleep unaware totally now of my surroundings but suddenly
Mary is leaning down over me And says it's over. They got their green card and I linked
And it took me a few seconds for that to register And I just said you mean I don't have to testify
That really wasn't Such a rude awakening. That was a okay awakening. Sometimes the awakenings though are a lot ruder
I remember the way plane travel used to be in the 90s and before airports were open if you
Wanted to go right to the gate to see off a friend or to greet someone when they arrived you could
You didn't have to have a ticket or an id just breeze right in sure There was some kind of security screening put stuff through an x if you have a backpack or something put it through an x -ray
But it wasn't a hassle. It was all it was almost like a bus station except nicer Uh, that's the way it used to be
That's the way it was when I flew across the pacific and the in the country About a dozen times that we breezed in and out of airports at least american ones
And we noticed the foreign ones were different They were much secure much secure but in america, it was like the attitude was
Nothing to worry about then on september 11th 2001 We suffered the rudest of awakenings.
It wasn't as though anything had changed There was terrorism before We just were asleep to it
It wasn't as though something new had happened had dawned that no one else knew about We just didn't know about it.
The threat had always been there only now We we americans were awake to it
Wakefulness Is to be aware of reality aware of what's going on of the threats of the dangers the vulnerabilities the weaknesses
Maybe aware of the future. Hope the good things that are to come That others are asleep to that.
They are unaware of you you think maybe some think you're secure Everything's taken care of You have a good job guaranteeing pitching you think so you can spin freely now you have sound close relationships
So you think you can rest assured life is easy And you're just coasting along sleepwalking through life that way, but then there are rude awakenings company goes bankrupt
And then you have no job or pension it turns out you thought they were solid But they weren't
The spouse proves unfaithful you look back on it and you wonder how did you miss all the signs of the problems
They seem obvious now There were red flags, but you didn't see them at the time. How could you have been so unaware?
Like you were daydreaming Some want to be sure that that will never happen to them So they recruit god
To to watch over them. It's what they do religion for to to watch their money or watch their family as if They think if they say the right prayers they go to the right services if they do the right stuff
They listen to the right things that will keep disaster away Oh, it it might
If it wakes them up to reality if if what they hear or maybe from the bible from preachers if it exposes their sins and it it teaches you to To not try to serve god in money
If it convicts and confronts and transforms sinful behavior So that your marriages and families really are like what the bible describes
And if you really do follow jesus with all your heart and it's not just a tactic That you pursue
To have more money or to have a happier marriage god's word might keep you safe If you follow it you actually do it
But if you just think just by listening to it You know putting it on plaques on your wall Having it on your radio as you drive having devotionals every morning saying you believe it
But not doing it If you somehow think that that earns god's protection just by that You know like paying the premiums on your insurance that earns you coverage
You know if that's what you think You're in for a rude awakening It must wake you up and change you
As someone said wakefulness is the way to life the fool sleeps
As if you were already dead But the master is awake And he lives forever
I think that's true. Although be careful. Is there something in there?
I find about I find this about doctrinal errors or behavior problems all the time people are just asleep to the implications
Maybe of some doctrine that they don't quite understand some hidden agenda and some saying or in some behavior
When there's something wrong with a popular teacher or movement The crowds that follow them are often asleep to the problem
Sometimes i've looked at statements of faith some new particularly when they make up their own statements of faith and you can see they miss something or they phrase something in such a way that some heretic can come along and And reinterpret it and they don't understand it because they don't know because they're asleep to what the potential problem is
If you're not a Awake, you're not aware Uh to what a little error or little unfaithfulness
Shows, you know, jesus said he was faithful in a little is will be faithful in much and the reverse is true, too
You're unfaithful in a little thing You'd be unfaithful in a big thing if you're not conscious of what little signs show
Maybe like in dating You know, what's a show a little too assertive? about what to eat or What you know what to watch on tv that's just a little thing you let it slide
But if you're not awake You might be in for a rude awakening When that little issue becomes a big one
Are you awake? By the way Were you aware of the implications of that quote?
earlier about Wakefulness an odd term wakefulness. I like it in a way.
It's a trendy new term in america You're hearing sometimes in schools they talk about teaching the kids the kids to for wakefulness
Sounds great You know where it comes from? Are you aware where that quote comes from?
That was buddha That that's buddhism That wakefulness buddhism, by the way for all its talk of being awake isn't
Awake, they're completely asleep to to god to sin To to salvation
Here the lord jesus is awake and he tells us to wake up and we see that in two major parts first the warning versus the swagger
Then the wakefulness the wakefulness versus the willfulness Well, jesus has just represented the passover as the lord's supper as a way to remember him and then they sang a hymn probably from psalm 118
They sang him by the way you calvinist out there There are any here just so you know we see here jesus sang
Okay, it wasn't all doctrinal lectures from him. Jesus sang Just so you know, but anyway, they sang him probably from psalm 118
Oh give thanks to the lord for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever. What a thing to sing
When he knows what's coming in just the next 24 hours Amazing thing to sing, isn't it?
So they go from praise but quickly to practicality. Jesus says to the disciples you will all fall away
He's already said that one of them will betray him Now he says and he's probably on their way to get simony as they're walking together.
He says that the rest of them Will be too frightened so they'll all fall away
The greek word is offended scandalized stumbling over their fear
Of of getting for themselves what jesus is getting That that will offend them
And they'll stumble So they'll run for cover and he knows this because zechariah chapter 13 verse 7 says
I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered interesting That verse begins awake oh sword against my shepherd
The sword the authority to kill is roused against the shepherd himself
The apostles Like us are sheep. He warns them that they are soon about to come to a to a stumbling stone
It's a warning. You know, you're supposed to put out warnings if someone might stumble like someone, you know They mopping on a hard floor like this you put out a sign slippery when wet so people are careful
Of the danger so they'll step carefully Or maybe like a watch your step sign. There's a sudden step down or up so you don't trip and fall
And jesus here gives them fair warning You know watch out you're gonna you'll stumble of course notice, you know lack his prediction of betrayal
I looked at last time that he also knows that They will they will still
Stumble it's not like be careful or or you will stumble he knows you're gonna stumble
Even though they are put on notice. They still don't take it seriously enough To be on the alert to be to be ready to steal their courage so they don't fall away and flee but so they stay loyal to him when the
When when he gets tough The warning is not enough to wake them up That's because of their swagger
Peter really had swagger. I mean, here's a guy with swagger. He knew he was a tough guy
I mean jesus had even nicknamed him peter, which means rock So he's he's he's mr.
Rock. He saw as a rock. He thinks yeah So there's no way He he's hearing this talk about falling away
Now even though they all these other disciples you're their wimps those other guys
Even though they all fall away. I will not They might be weak.
They might be unstable. They might be easily intimidated and not me I'm as immovable as a boulder you can count on me jesus
Peter's sure of himself and that gives him boldness He declares his loyalty with bravado
I will not be offended Sometimes it's the ones who don't know themselves
Who are the loudest to talk? Peter wasn't aware of his weaknesses of what he was really like Of how how quickly and how easily?
He would fold He's not just promising Although he is promising, but he's not just doing that.
He's he's boasting Now there's nothing wrong with making promises vows commitments
Just make sure you're going to keep them peter. Was it wrong to prop to promise?
Not to fall away. He wasn't wrong. That was a good thing to do. He was wrong and that he was asleep He was totally unaware of how weak he really was that doesn't excuse his sin.
He definitely sinned He made a commitment and he should have kept it when the pressure was on The very reason we make commitments is so that we'll keep them
When it's hard, you know, the reason why we say wedding vows at our wedding is not because they just sound good in a wedding
Oh such beautiful words It's so that when years down the road When that other woman
Is looking pretty good, you know the one in the office the one you work with or that neighbor. Ah When you're tempted to think man, she'll really appreciate me.
I like this lousy something i'm married to When he has cancer and he's vomiting because of the chemo
It's not much fun to be around him When he's made a decision and you don't like and you think if you cry enough you can get your way
That's Why we make wedding vows so that we'll forsake all others in sickness and in health
That will be submissive and supportive when you're not getting your way We make commitments when we feel like making them
So that we'll keep them When we don't feel like keeping them Our church has some commitments of our members they're spelled out clearly in our church covenant now it may surprise you
I don't think that we ask any more of our members than other churches ask of theirs, especially baptist churches
Because you know many baptist churches have mostly almost exactly the same covenant that we do
We tweaked it a little bit, but it's mostly the same So we don't ask more of our members than other churches ask of theirs
What we ask more is that you be aware of your commitments that you be awake
I'll be conscious of what you committed to so that when you feel like doing something else When someone is pressuring you to do something else when you're just not feeling that thrill anymore about being reformed or biblical then
You look at that commitment And it wakes you up It might be a rude awakening
But you'll realize you've been straying or maybe tempted to stray When I do a wedding
I like to go through the wedding vows with a couple so that they Know what they're committing to the vows aren't just verbal decorations
Just like you know the poetry of a couple in love. I use mostly the same traditional vows as anyone else
What I ask is that the couple be especially aware Of those vows of what they mean be awake to them
And we should all be Awake to what we've committed to that might mean be aware of your own personal weaknesses
Be aware of what could make you stumble now like peter here who was totally asleep to it
You know people mock vice president pence when he said that he would not meet alone with a woman. I thought it was wise
I thought that shows he's awake He's aware of his weaknesses of the potential problems So if seeing some r -rated for you seeing some r -rated movies some images in them will cause you to stumble and make you
Depending on why it's r -rated, of course will make you plunge into pornography be aware of that Be awake to your weaknesses if just hanging out with certain people will give you ideas you shouldn't have
Know that Don't just have swagger Well, i'm so strong.
I'm so mature. I'm so enlightened. I don't have to be so prudish so restrained
I don't have to deny myself this or that wake up to who you really are of how weak you really are
Now peter here. He's asleep Even before he got into the garden and literally fell asleep.
He was already asleep He thinks he's the tough guy who won't be intimidated by anything But in just a few hours it all it will take is a little servant girl to have him trembling in his sandals
Jesus said to him truly Again stating with certainty what's going to happen in the future truly
Peter you can count on this Against all your bravado against all your swagger. I tell you this very night before the rooster crows twice
You will deny me three times Now that should be a rude awakening Right there.
That's that should get his attention That should be enough to to knock the swagger out of him and get him to face the reality of who he really is
So he can repent so he can change so he could get the grace of god to be strong and to stay loyal to jesus
But but it doesn't Pride is the most deceptive sin
It hides itself often in virtues Here like boast of loyalty
You know, which loyalty is normally a virtue, isn't it? Then exclaiming your loyalty.
Is that a good thing? When when you experience other sins, maybe like lust or hatred it might tempt you but you know, it's there
It's out in the open it's clear but pride is stealthy It slithers into the carcasses of dead virtues
Boasting of what I can do maybe maybe of good things what I will do who
I am I have a degree from a bible college I will love you till death do us part
I will take up my cross and Walk together in christian love with this church
If I must die with you, I will not deny you peter said Sounds like loyalty
Sounds like discipleship Peter even said it he says Emphatically, he said it vehemently said it with passion.
He said it louder and stronger than when he vowed it the first time Wouldn't it sound like music to your ears?
If someone pledged such loyalty to you, can you imagine man? That guy's on my side.
He's got my back He's with me Except it's really just swagger How do you wake some someone up like that from their pride from their real weaknesses
What they are what they are really made of Words may not do it The bubble of their pride will have to be pierced with the reality of of who they are of seeing what they're really made of Seeing how weak they really are
So it wasn't just jesus's words That broke peter's pride
Although it should have been He should have believed jesus's words and and sought grace
Then humbled himself then and sought god's grace, but it wasn't the words that broke him It was his spectacular failure
If you've had swagger let the words break you first before the failure does
You thought you are somebody spiritually you're tough you think you won't stumble over temptation
You think you you keep your commitments? You won't be swayed by a servant girl or anyone else intimidating you from doing what you resolve to do what you promise you think
But then you'll see how strong you really are Then after you've fallen
After you've been swayed and scared away from doing What you had committed to do after the rude awakening
Maybe after you've cried some repent And come back.
Are you awake? Do you notice did you notice amongst among all that that jesus said to peter and to the rest of them
What jesus promised in there? While while telling them that they were all going to fall away.
Did you notice something? They all probably missed it the disciples all probably just missed it because they're just unaware
Their pride was so offended by being told that they're going to fall away that they just didn't hear Something else jesus said jesus told them
After you've stumbled after you all desert me and You've finally been awoken to how weak you really are then in verse 28
But after you've stumbled Your swagger has shown to be empty but despite your stumbling and denials after I am raised up jesus says
I will go before you to galilee We'll regroup there You might stumble especially if you've let pride lull you to sleep
But don't be afraid He's the shepherd after all
And he'll regroup us We're not just supposed to be
Awake to our weaknesses to our vulnerabilities to the fact that all it will take is a little servant girl to You know asking us questions to get us
To make a stumble to get us to deny christ All it would take is a little emotional manipulation a tearful accusation
You don't care about me if if you really are stay true or a little intimidation You're not one of those bigots and haters are you?
You know the ones that believe the bible you're not one of those are you? That's all it takes to make us stumble
Don't just be awake to how? Weak you really are Although be awake to that but not just that Be awake to the promise.
He makes he will rise and shepherd us for us he has risen and is
Shepherding us and the good shepherd will lose not one of his sheep Be awake to that Next is the struggle of wakefulness versus willfulness
The lord jesus leads them to get semini where they've been many times to pray and he leaves many of his disciples behind While he takes peter james and john with him a little further into the garden and they are facing death in verse 34
It says he was greatly distressed and troubled So this was not a stoic, you know, peaceful Emotionally calm just resolved
Walking into my fate into death. I'm, you know, like like he doesn't care
Like the way the philosopher socrates just calmly drank the hemlock that he was ordered to drink to kill himself or even
Probably just a few months after this stephen and axe who being pelted with rocks Looked up to heaven and saw jesus and prayed for his murderers
Or about a century later the early christian leader polycarp who being given the choice by the roman governor to deny christ
Or face death by being burned confessed 86 years have
I served him and he has never done me injury How can I then blaspheme my king and my savior others throughout christian history like john husk
Saying while he's tied up the wood is piled around him about to be burned to death That god will raise up another reformer who they will not be able to burn
With others many went to resolutely to their deaths rather than cave into pressure Like hugh latimer and nicholas ridley two puritan preachers in england who who were tied to the same stake together to be burned together
To death and latimer turned to ridley and said play the man master ridley
We shall this day light such a candle by god's grace as I trust shall never be put out man
All of these were inspired by christ to face their deaths with courage and hope
But then why here? Is christ himself? greatly distressed and troubled
He even confesses in verse 34 my soul is very sorrowful deeply grieved
In other words the weight of the the mental stress is so great. He says Even to death he said that he could he could die right here
But this weight of grief out of anxiety this crushing load on him on his psyche
So great that alone could kill him Why is he so distressed At the face of death when others and particularly people
He inspired Were made brave by him Why?
Because he wasn't just facing death the loss of physical life He was facing sure.
He was facing the most agonizing humiliating death of the cross, but he was also facing the wrath of god
Stephen polycarp puss latimer ridley and many others could come to death knowing that if they
Were made absent in the body. They were present with christ They would be they would be with god that god would be with them through it all
Here though christ faces the bitterness of being forsaken by the father the the sinless one
Becoming sin for us And that is greatly distressing
Troubling grievous to the point of death So he goes on a little farther into the garden
Just by himself He falls to the ground And he prays, you know, this is not like this poised just kind of grace, you know hands gently clasped together
Looking up into heaven. He's on face down in the dirt Passionate praying that if it were possible
If there's any other way that this hour This time when he becomes the true passover lamb
When when the weight of the sins of his people is put on him When he has to pray in just a few hours my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?
That this might pass From him if there's any other way at all That was his will
That's what he wanted That it passed that he not have to do this And so he prays abba father all things
Are possible for you Now surely he's saying father you you can make another way
Surely you you can save your people another way without me having to bear the sins of the people on the cross
Is there another way? Way Well here that's not really the point some kind of theoretical question whether this happened because there was no other possible way
What's the point is that this was the father's will? jesus's will
Is that there be another way? The the father's will Is that he do this?
This is what the father chooses Jesus wants out If people can be saved, you know, maybe he's asking can be maybe they can be saved by a new law
Give them a new law or maybe you can just excuse their sin They don't need to sacrifice if there's another way then do that anything other than this but the father's will is for this
And here in the garden we have this struggle between jesus's will and the father's will
Now the first human sin the sin of adam It was also in the garden And he had a choice between his will
And god's will and he knew god's will don't eat of this particular fruit
He was offered You know, he had all kinds of all the other fruits he could eat up. He had all his needs taken care of But this one thing
Don't do this and he knew that law But then his wife gave him another choice, you know
Another fruit that fruit to eat that he's not supposed to take and it looked good Maybe when
I eat it, he thought when I exercise my will when I impose my choice I assert
What I want then i'll become like god I'll be the one whose will is in control
And there in the garden adam chose his will And the essence of sin
Is willfulness I will do what I will do That's the heart of sin
It's the declaration of independence from god that I can choose anything. I want and no one not even god can tell me otherwise
So the first adam sinned when he chose willfulness and that totally twisted his
Nature and all our natures from him and ever since we've been asleep even dead
In sin unaware unconscious of god of righteousness Sin is putting our will in place of god's
The little toddler is told clearly Don't touch that But he touches it.
Anyway He's willful That's sin The older child is told by the teacher
Don't talk in class But he talks anyway It's not just misbehavior that you can manage
It's willfulness. It's depravity It's sin The young adult is told not to succumb to sex out of marriage, but he or she does anyway
It's not just immorality. Just not just lust. It's willfulness. It's I will do what
I feel like doing The bride bristles at the old wedding vows to love honor and dreaded word obey because it offends her willfulness
Or maybe she doesn't care About the words because yeah words who cares vows commitments can all be ignored
So she says she says them but then she refuses to actually do them To submit to her husband.
Oh, we excuse it. That's just her Expressing her feelings. She's emotional. No, it's willfulness
It's the essence of sin and now she'll try to lead her husband into sin To to affirm her in that choice
She's made to be willful And if he is like adam choosing his will over god's will if he's not awake to god's will
Expressed in his word if he's weak like the disciples here asleep in his pride unaware of his need
Of his weakness Unaware of his need to listen to others to tell him what god's word says then he'll fall for it.
He'll stumble Are you awake The struggle in the garden
Is whether the last adam will choose to be willful like the first adam was its wakefulness to god's will to the weaknesses of our flesh versus willfulness
And and think what the father is is asking jesus to do here endure the cross
I Didn't think what he asked us He wills us to abstain from immorality to speak the truth
Submit to a husband or don't surrender to a spouse who is not submitting to god and yet we're so weak
We find that Hard We still often choose willfulness
But jesus is being told To take up his cross the literal one of her
And horrendous execution and the spiritual one of enduring the punishment from god for our sins and he prays that the father
Removes your father take this away from me removes this bitter cup from him
That's definitely what he wants He wants not to suffer He wants to avoid tasting alienation from god
To he doesn't want to bear our sins if he's like us If he doesn't want to bear our sins if it if it takes all this this alienation from god this torment
If he's like us asleep in our pride in our in our weaknesses if he's willful
He has the attitude, you know, no one's going to tell me what to do Is this attitude just making excuses for our willfulness?
Oh, it's just a little child discovering his boundaries Other just youth exploring their sexuality.
Oh, she's just emotional. We got to be patient With her besides can't fight every battle
So might as well give on this one Adam thought I guess maybe that's why I was going through his mind.
I'll give on this one this fruit thing And whatever she digs her heels in and assists on If jesus is like us
He'll choose his will And we'll have no sin bearer And we we will all be damned
But instead he prays the end of verse 34 And here's where our salvation is one
Oh, he still has to go through with it through the beatings and the lashings and the scourging and the crown of thorns pressed down on his scalp and being nailed
To a cross and mocked and stabbed through the heart. He still has to die But after after this this point here in the garden after this struggle between willfulness and wakefulness he prays
Yet not what I will But what you will So from this from this choice to reject willfulness
Comes our salvation jesus won the struggle Against willfulness and so won our salvation
But in the struggle between willfulness and wakefulness The disciples are losing jesus finds them asleep
And he particularly wakes up peter you notice that he singles out peter The one who has had so much swagger before who had boasted so loudly so emotionally about how he had never abandoned jesus, of course
It's precisely that pride That is causing him to sleep You know
Since he believes he's so rock solid What do you got what he got to watch for what
I got to pray about? I got it So he's thinking of himself You know,
I got this jesus You know, don't worry about it I can relax
I can I can even sleep because i'm solid i'm a rock But jesus asked in verse 37
Doesn't say hey rock wake up. No, he says simon Not not rocky simon
Could you not watch? one hour the irony of pride
He can't Because he's sure he can And jesus warns him in verse 38
Watch and pray that you not enter into temptation. What are you watching? for your own weaknesses
What are you praying? That god gives you the grace to not be tempted by them
But if pride has lulled you to sleep You don't see the point of watching or praying
You don't have you don't have any weaknesses At least they're not strong enough. The weaknesses aren't aren't serious enough that you have to worry about them
You don't really need grace Because you can handle them yourself So you don't need to pray about it
That's what pride Tells you to do So might as well Might as well get your rest drift off to sleep
The spirit indeed is willing But the flesh full of pride Is weak
You know what's right? You've been told You you've said you wanted to do it you've made the commitments you've taken the vows you pledged to the covenant watch and pray
Abstain from immorality submit lead take up your cross, but you find it so hard Because you're so weak and you're so Asleep to your weaknesses
You're not awake enough To know how weak you are And this happens twice more jesus goes back to pray
Choosing god's will over his own Fully awake to what god wills And what would mean if he chose his own will if he were willful
Like us like adam But the disciples are too asleep spiritually To stay awake physically a second time than a third
Three strikes you're out And they didn't know what to say In verse 40 notice that jesus they didn't know how to answer
They didn't know how to explain their inability to choose wakefulness over willfulness
They didn't know what to say because they weren't awake to their weaknesses They weren't awake enough to know what was really going on Like you can't explain what happened around you while you're asleep.
They can't explain because they're spiritually asleep So jesus asked are you still sleeping and taking your rest?
Even while the greatest crisis in history is right upon them But they didn't know that they didn't know that because they were asleep even when their eyes were wide open
So the lord jesus declares in the middle of verse 41 It is enough He was greatly distressed before And in anguish when he came to the garden to fight willfulness
But now he's fought it And he's chosen submission What was settled in prayer?
Was then carried out in the next few hours Everything is settled. It's enough now.
He says it's done It's settled. It's over The hour has come
He says he's ready for it Because he chose god's will not his willfulness
The son of man the one who brings in god's kingdom god's rule god's will on earth is betrayed into the hands of sinners
Into the willful perhaps they could see the torches now of a mob of men marching first at a distance marching closer and closer
No more does it say? Notice here notice the sort of the tone of his words It's an it's enough the hour has come son of man is betrayed to the hands of sinners
No more does it say he's greatly distressed and troubled His words now sound calm
No more very sorrowful Instead of panic. He says rise
Let's be going see my betrayers at hand Not trying to hide behind trees not trying to run for cover.
He's going to go greet them now Having resolved not to be willful but to surrender to the father's will
He is just as courageous and as calm as the greatest saint as stephen or polycarp or huss or latimer and ridley
Now he's the one Who inspires them and many others to face their death to play the man?
Because now in the garden he chose the father's will Are you awake still?
yet Are you aware of how weak and sinful you really are are you conscious of the fact
That you don't just need to be awakened to some Principles, you know not just enlightened by some truths like in buddhism.
You need more than just that awareness of of some theology
Like that life is more than pleasure and money and good times on a saturday night, but you need a savior.
He has that fact Woken you up rudely or not
You need a passover lamb to take away your sins Are you aware of that? Has it opened your eyes
Has it do you realize that ever since that first adam in that first garden chose willfulness over god's will
That we are so infected and twisted by sin That even even when we kind of outwardly choose to do the right things
We do it Because we choose to do it because of our own willfulness
So even in them There is this still the the essence of sin even driving us to do the right things
Is that more than? Than just a doctrine that you kind of sort of drowsily remember.
Oh, yeah, that's total depravity Are you aware That we need a perfect man born of a virgin
Not a son of adam But a last adam to make a new choice for us to choose submission to god for us instead of willfulness and to take our sins and then to rise
And be our good shepherd Has that roused you finally from the from sleepwalking through life stirred you
Shaken you you know just just shocked you shock made you alert like if someone threw a glass of cold water in your face
Don't sleepwalk through life anymore It's not just enough To to agree to kind of groggily nap nod in agreement.
Okay while you nod off Don't let it be a spectacular failure
That finally gets your attention Your spirit may be willing But your flesh is weak
Your flesh wants to stay asleep Unaware of god's will and your willfulness