1 Corinthians 1 Exposition. 03-15-10

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Mike continues his exposition of 1 Corinthians 1.


"Free willy" (Part 2)

No Compromise Radio Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author,
Dr. Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the Scriptures, verse by verse with no compromise.
Do you hate what God hates? And if God hates factiousness and one who spreads strife,
I wonder what he must love. One who does what? Promotes unity. Turn with me to Psalm chapter 133.
I was going to wait until next week for this, but I have to read it now because it's just an excellent passage.
God hates strife among the brethren, factiousness, splits, schisms, fractures.
But what does he love? He loves unity. It's God's church. It's God's bride.
He wants unity there and if he hates one thing, he loves the opposite. And so what do we have here in Psalm 133?
Oh, it's a wonderful passage. It's a passage that makes you think, I want to strive towards this very thing.
I don't want to gossip. I don't want to be a whisperer. I don't want to be a quarrelsome man. By the way,
Proverbs 18 says when somebody gossips, we like to hear it. It calls it a dainty morsel.
I remember we had some kind of lemon cream pie for Thanksgiving and there's only one piece left and I wanted that last piece so bad.
I could taste it, but I had in polite company to go around and ask everybody else if they really wanted it.
But I just thought, that's this dainty morsel. I just can't wait to taste it. I can have my mouth kind of pucker up with that lemon that's in there, just this condensed lemon.
It's just, oh, I could just taste it. When people begin to gossip, the response of an immature, sinful person who's not walking in the spirit is what?
That's exactly right. The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels and they go down into the innermost parts of the body.
We're just built that way because of our sin inherited from Adam and our own responsibility to that.
But you say, I don't want to be that kind of person, especially in a local church. I want to have unity. So what does
Psalm 133 say? This is so good. If God hates factiousness, he delights in unity and concord, concord.
Behold, Psalm 133, how good and how pleasant it is to memorize scripture.
Well, that would be true, but that's not what the verse says. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.
That's the opposite. If God hates disunity, he loves this. It's like a precious oil upon the head coming down upon the beard, even
Aaron's beard coming down upon the edge of his robes. You can just imagine taking some kind of anointing oil and putting it on the head of a guy who had a bunch of hair and had a big, huge beard.
And that oil would get first down on the head and then it would begin to permeate down to the skull and then down the skull to the face, to the beard and just the oil.
And it would be good oil. It would be fabulous oil. We would want to just quick wipe that oil off, you know, and be thinking about complexion and all that.
They would think, here's this mark of blessing. It's like the best blessing you could think of. It's like,
I don't know why I'm referring back to pie all the time at Thanksgiving. It's like some pumpkin pie. It's just good.
So what was good for them back there? It was this oil, this anointing oil poured on the head, down Aaron, just the blessings of God.
It's like the dew, verse three, of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion. For there, the
Lord commanded the blessing, life forever. If you're like me, you say,
I hate these other things because God hates them. But it rarely comes into my radar to say,
I want to hate disunity and factiousness because God hates it. When was the last time you said that to yourself?
Oh, I hate that. So let's turn to 1 Corinthians chapter one. I told you it was a long introduction.
1 Corinthians chapter one, two, three, and four have to do with unity in the local church.
How would you react to a report of divisions in a local church? I got here 13 years ago.
And just imagine, I was here for two years, Bob Bowman gets a report,
Abendroth's now at the church, and there's factiousness going on.
There's divisiveness. What do you think Bob Bowman would do as he, the pastor before me, or two pastors before me, who loves the people who've been there, and he writes a letter?
Would you rebuke? Would you scold? Would you spank? How would you react if you were
Bob Bowman? Well, Paul was here for 18 months. He preached the gospel to these people. And now he writes back in such a way that's very odd to me.
He appeals. He comes alongside and uses family language. Last week, we looked at appeals to keep the church here unified.
We don't have a problem of division in the church, but we want to make sure we don't. And so, look at chapter one, verse 10.
This is the language of Paul when he hears the report. It's a language of affection. Now, I exhort you, brethren.
That's why the first appeal to unity we saw last week was, you should agree that we're all one family, and if you do, unity must be essential.
It's essential in a family with a husband and wife. It's got to be essential in a local church. Appeal to unity number two, we saw that we're all slaves of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Do you see it in verse 10? Now, I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says, don't forget who you are, who owns you, who's purchased you, who's died on the cross for you, who's been raised in resurrected victory for you.
And if you're not your own, don't run around trying to treat the church like it's yours.
Appeal to unity number three, we ought to have unity here because we have the same doctrine.
You see it later in verse 10, that you all agree there'd be no divisions among you, but that you'd be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.
You speak the same things about God and his word. You have the same agreement. You don't want to have people running around saying, well, this is my own idea.
This is my own interpretation. Well, to me, these verses mean such and such. Paul says, you speak the same thing
I've taught you. I've taught you about doctrine. I've taught you about who God is, what sin is, who
Jesus the Savior is, who the Holy Spirit is. You may disagree on certain things in life, but the essential truths of the
Christian faith, you agree upon those things. And that's important because we're different people, different background, male, female, black, white, everything in between.
17th century writer, Rupert Meldenes says this, in necessary things, unity.
In non -essential things, mutual toleration. And in all things, love.
And now we move to number four. Appeal to unity number four. Recognize that divisions in Christ's bride are sinful.
What was implicitly stated before, I'll make explicit. Take a look at verse 10, that there be no divisions, schismata, tears or cracks.
I think of the Andreas fault line is what I'm thinking, living in California for such a long time.
I don't want a rip or a tear in the church. John 7 .43
uses the language here, there arose a division in the multitudes because of Jesus.
Now, it's one thing to have believers and unbelievers divided on who Jesus is.
It's another thing to have a church who would say they're all Christians to be divided on who
Jesus is. We're to speak the same things even though we don't agree on every little iota.
True or false? The elders are required to help keep the unity of the local church here.
True or false? You are required as a member to keep the local unity here at the church.
So, that's just the elder's job. I do what I want. I'm looking for dainty morsels anytime I can get them and it's their job.
They'll clean up the mess. Turn with me if you would to Romans chapter 16 and I want to encourage you.
I'm not here to scold anyone. I'm not here to try to somehow preach a message differently than Paul would.
Paul appealed. Paul tried to preach in such a way that he came alongside of them and exhorted.
It wasn't a scolding kind of letter. Romans chapter 16 has similar language,
Romans chapter 16. And I love the book of Romans. I know you love the book of Romans.
Same author, 1 Corinthians, same author, Romans. And here's this great book of Romans talking about the righteousness of God and how chapter 1, 2, and 3, we need
God's righteousness but we don't have it. Chapter 3, 4, and 5, how God declares us righteous before God based on the work of Christ's life and by Christ's death and by his resurrection.
Chapter 6 and 7, how do you live a Christian life? Are you going to make it to the end? Chapter 8, security.
How about the sovereignty of God with Israel and humans? Chapter 9, 10, and 11, how do I function in church?
Chapter 12 to 15. And then in chapter 16, he has some greetings. I think he greets 26 people.
Eight ladies he greets, he greets a bunch of men. And you think he's going to end the book.
There's an ending. Look at verse 16 of chapter 16. 16, 16, greet so -and -so, greet so -and -so, greet so -and -so, greet so -and -so, this is kind of nice.
He's going to wrap it all up, Romans. It's really wonderful. Verse 16, greet one another with a holy kiss.
All the churches of Christ greet you. Wouldn't that be a nice way to end the book? So nice, so polite, so uplifting.
Oh, there went my watch. I just broke my watch. Can you believe that? Sorry. Wow, it must be a cheap watch.
I wanted to make an exclamation because that's what 17 is. It's a watch -breaking verse.
If I've ever seen one. This is a watch -breaker. It's unexpected. It's so sharp.
Some commentators say, this isn't Paul. Add it later. This is
Paul. This is Paul probably saying, I'm dictating the letter to my scribe. And now scribe, you put that pen down.
I'm going to pick up that pen. Even though I don't see well, I will write this with my own hands. It's that kind of language.
Unexpected. And the unexpected thing is the warning. Greet one another, love one another, kiss one another.
Now I urge you. By the way, the exact same Greek word from 1
Corinthians 1, verse 10. I appeal to you. I urge you. Exact same word.
Perikalo, from where we get the Holy Spirit who comes alongside. I appeal to you, the ESV says.
I appeal to you. Brethren, doesn't it sound like 1 Corinthians to you? I appeal to you, brethren.
That's exactly from 1 Corinthians. Same kind of language. The same apostle who says, greet and love and kiss and go for unity, now says,
I've got to warn you about something. And he says, keep your eye, number one, on those who cause divisions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned.
Is this a pastoral epistle? Only written to the elders? Who is he talking to? The church people at Rome.
Everyone, you all watch him. Here's a Greek word for you. A scope. You scope them out.
It's word from telescope, microscope, laparoscopic surgery. There's the word scope in there.
And scope means what? When I was a kid, we'd spy on adults. You gotta kind of scope them out.
And scoping isn't just a quick look. Scope is a look that kind of wants to see through someone. And I look at someone, and I'm looking at Prue right now, and I just kind of look through him.
And I look at him for so much, he has to put his eyes down because he says, okay, now he's resolved, he's resolute, he's not gonna do that.
You're looking at them, and you have to be watching. You just go and go, well, you know, they'll never be here.
The elders will watch out, and good doctrine keeps them out. This is the kind of thing where you go, eyes out, up, watch out.
You keep your eyes open, wide open, mark them, observe attentively.
And he doesn't say, you watch these people, and by the way, you go kiss them, kill them with kindness.
Love them, greet them. Here it means I want you to examine someone with careful scrutiny.
And you watch out for people, what does the text say? Who cause divisions, they have parties, they're factious.
They cause scandals, scandalon, traps. They love to set a little trap in a church.
It's like a bear trap, you can't quite see it until it's too late, and these people know what to do. They know how to ask a question to an unsuspecting person in such a way that it seems like they're godly, but really they plant that seed of doubt in the other person, and now that person doubts the integrity of the elders, doubts the integrity of other people, doubts different things.
Paul says you've got to watch out for these folks. Why, because God loves unity.
And what does he say? First, scope them out, second of all, dialogue with them. Is that what the text says?
And dialogue with them, have a conversation. Have them come over to your house, get your pipes and smoke by the fire, and just talk about these things in an academic atmosphere, and kind of a nice debate.
We wanna love and dialogue. That's exactly what they want, by the way. They want, as Schreiner said, friendly dialogue.
Let's just get together and talk about these things. And Paul says you scope them out, and then what do you do?
Give them a wide berth. Present imperative, keep on avoiding them. Do not follow them, do not regard them.
Barnes said, this would be an admirable rule if always followed. Let those who seek to promote alienations and contentions be avoided.
Someone that's always speaking down, always trying to cause factions. You just see them in the hallway, you see them in the donut room, and you're just like, whoop.
It's exactly the kind of language here. MacArthur said, such people are not to be debated, but denounced.
What's the big deal? Verse 18, here's the reason to turn.
Who writes like this? Who says things like this? Who preaches this way?
I'm so glad I get to preach to you because most of you will be back next week. This is your first time here, you're thinking, wow.
I do hope you say this, though, if it's your first time. I hope you say, those people want to know the Bible.
Those people here want the Bible. Those people want to love what God loves and hate what God hates. For such men, the divisive ones, the factious ones, are slaves.
But they're not slaves of Jesus. Look what the text says. Not of our Lord Christ, but of their own, as the
King James says, what? Bellies, their own lusts.
And look at how Paul talks. Kiss, greet, kind, and then he says with some kind of, almost a disdain, such people, those kind of people over there, folks of that ilk, such people, they serve their own lusts, their own bellies, their own appetites, their own private interests.
They want people following them, not the Lord. Show me a slave of Jesus Christ and I'll show you someone who says,
I am nothing, I boast in nothing but the cross of Christ. I'm a sinner saved by grace, and can it be that I should gain an interest in my
Savior's love? Don't look at me, don't worship me, don't follow me, look to the Savior.
Won't a person do that? And if everybody was doing that in a local church, there would be great unity. These other people though, they love dominion, they're self -focused, probably for financial gain, probably for power.
Jude calls them clouds without water, doubly dead. And what do they do? They're smart.
They can act nice, they can dress nicely, they talk well with what? Smooth words.
Oh, they're sincere. Oh, they love orthodoxy on the outside. Oh, they're so humble and fair speeches, eulogy.
Oh, they flatter, give you a special attention. Well, the elders don't pay much attention to me, but this other person, they really do.
Fine words, they speak well, probably have verses memorized. But what do they do?
Look at the text. They deceive the hearts of the mature? No, because the mature can spot those kind of people a mile off.
They deceive the hearts of the simple, are unsuspecting, are those without guile.
They trick them. Paul says, don't buy into that. I don't think you'll soon forget this quote from Adam Clark.
The church of God has ever been troubled with such pretend pastors. Men who feed themselves, not the flock.
Men who are too proud to beg and too lazy to work. Who have neither grace nor gifts to plant the standard of the cross on the devil's territories.
And by the power of Christ, make inroads upon his kingdom. On the contrary, by sowing the seeds of dissension, by means of doubtful disputations, and propagation of scandals, by glaring and insinuating speeches, they affect elegance and good breeding.
They rend Christian congregations, form a party for themselves, and thus live on the spoils of the church of God.
See, that's not very loving. Friends, you can love the Lord and still stand up for the unity that he loves?
Yes, Paul says in Philippians, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.
So now I turn the tables and ask you, before God, are you known as a uniter at Bethlehem Bible Church?
Or maybe you're visiting your home church? Or are you known as a person who is always desiring, as Pastor Dave says, to just walk out of step with the leadership?
You ever watch people in a band? I used to be in a marching band and I played the sousaphone. So I had an excuse for not walking in step because I couldn't see my steps.
Here's this big, huge thing. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just playing this instrument and walking around in marching band. I was glad when
I finally made the football team and didn't have to do marching band stuff anymore. I'm sure it's a fine thing to do.
It just wasn't up my alley. I'm walking around and I was always out of step because I can't dance,
I can't march either. Are you a person that says,
I don't agree with everything, but submission doesn't mean agree with everything. It means going along even if I disagree.
That's what husbands want their wives to do. Why don't those same husbands then want to do that in the leadership?
I would say for the most part, we have a church who says, here's the way the leadership is marching.
Let's march along with. You know how you kind of ever have to march with somebody and for a second, I'm gonna hate to do this in front of everybody, but I just broke my watch, so what do
I care? You're kind of walking and you can't quite get in step, so you have to do one of those things to kind of get right where the people are.
Well, maybe you haven't done it. Do they march here in New England in the snow? Here's what the
Lord wants. He wants you to love what he loves. And if he loves the bride and had his son lay down his life for the bride, the local church, then we ought to do everything we can to promote the unity of the bride because that all focuses the attention to the
Lord. And so you ask yourself the question, I ask you, are you one of the kind of people that just says,
I wanna do my best to promote what God loves, that is unity, and I'll just get in line and I'll just go.
But there are some people who say, whatever way the elders are marching, I think it's just kind of in my nature and I gotta keep them honest.
I gotta make sure, you know, I'm the one who doesn't just, you know, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And I'm just gonna go the opposite way. So I'm gonna, if it's left foot forward, then right foot, I'm gonna do right foot. I just look at these passages and say,
Paul gets word. He gets a whiff of what was going on in Corinth and it breaks his heart.
It breaks his proverbial heart to think there are people that he has taught, that he has trained, that he has taught the
Old Testament to and says, you wanna know what God loves? He loves unity. And you've got these rents, these tares, these factions, and you want to be put back together again because you believe the same thing.
This is not some kind of, well, there's some Arminians and there's some Calvinists. There's some Pelagians and some
Augustinians. They've been taught the same thing. They're all, they've all been taught by Paul. They're all been taught the same thing.
They believe the same thing, but for power, they split up. One day when I'm older,
I look forward to the time where I'm not preaching. I mean, I really want to preach my whole life, but when
I'm a member of a church just doing pulpit supply in the area and there's some young pastor who's 30, 35 years old who stands in the pulpit and the sheep are like, well, you know, he's not like my last pastor and he doesn't do all these things that I kind of want him to do, but he's faithful to preach the word.
I can't wait to be the guy on the front row who says I'm going to back that guy to the nth degree.
I'm going to stand behind him. Oh, if he's disqualified because of sin, I'll be the first to try to kick him out, but it's funny what people laugh at when that was not meant to be funny, but short of that,
I want to be there behind the leadership, not because I'll probably even agree with everything he thinks or does, but because it's for a higher purpose.
The church is not about us. The church is not about you. The church is not about me.
This is the Lord's church and he wants unity. He loves it. So I can't wait to sit in the front row and say until this guy, you know, unless this guy disqualifies himself,
I am here till death do me part for God is my witness to support the local leadership.
Now, I have to say this. I think we have this church support. I think the support can always get better.
This is not one of those, I'm gonna get him with these verses. Remember what I said the last six weeks in a row? We aren't
Corinth and I don't wanna treat you like you've got the problems that Corinth has had.
I want to say though, lest anything come in here and spoil, we're gonna preach the truth about unity so we can be armed and ready preventative maintenance, yes?
How many people here have ever gone through a church split in their life? Raise your hand. You would be the first to say,
I hate that. I hate the fractures. I hate the division. I hate the quarreling. I hate the
I am of Paul and I am of Apollos. I hate that. I want unity. I'm going to do everything I can because Jesus is my
Lord to focus on unity. I urge you brethren by the name of the
Lord that there be no factiousness, there be no divisions, but that you be united for not my sake, not the elder's sake, but for the king's sake.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
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