Costi Hinn is Appalled and Probably Troubled!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


You want us to listen to your heartfelt concerns about the finer points of covenant theology? Maybe try re-attaching your spine and somehow finding your balls....maybe then we'll care.


Yeah, I know you're lying, but you sound excited. And you know that I know that you're lying.
Oh, girl, I'm going to keep on lying to you until you think it's the truth.
Now, girl, I know you're fibbing, but you know you can't help it.
Oh, man. What a weekend, guys. I hope you had a great weekend, a good
Lord's Day, and all that kind of thing. I had a great Lord's Day. I really did. Pastor preached a sermon on Hebrews, which was wonderful.
Then I had the chance to lead a psalm sing with him at the end of the service. And we sang, I think it was
Psalm 136, or was it 136, or 137, I don't know. Whichever one is all about the steadfast love of the
Lord enduring forever, it's a good one, because it's like a call and response, and it repeats that line. You know, the steadfast love of the
Lord endures. The steadfast love of the Lord endures, which is good for the kids, because they can remember that one line and just keep belting it out.
And they were just screaming. They were louder than the adults. It was wonderful, just such a blessing. What a great experience that was.
But that's not all that happened this weekend. You may or may not know, I went apple picking on Saturday, too.
It was wonderful, very crisp autumn morning. It was chilly, nice and cold. Picked some apples, had some hot apple cider, stuff like that.
I was a little chilly, but I forgot my coat, and I didn't think it would be that cold, but it was cold.
And so I was a little chilly apple picking. But luckily, that's not all that happened, because on that Saturday, something happened on Twitter that just warmed my little heart right up.
It was wonderful. Kosty Hin, Kosty, Kosty, Kosty, yeah. Famous because he came out,
I guess he's Benny Hin's nephew. And he's come out of that kind of whole thing, and he's like a legitimate pastor.
I've always liked him. I still like him. I think Kosty's a good guy, or Kosty, however you pronounce it.
You know, I've got family members that are kind of involved in some of the crazier elements of charismatic stuff.
And so Kosty's stuff is very helpful in that way, I think. And I seem to remember, though, him being kind of woke -ish.
Not totally woke, not woke, but just saying some questionable things about race and racism in the country and stuff like that.
I seem to remember doing some content where I didn't, it wasn't a very positive mention of him. I don't think the whole video is about him, but in any case.
I've always liked him. I still do. But he decided, oh, it was just such a, it was such a blessing to see this.
It really was, it made my weekend that much funnier. The memes were good. Kosty decided to throw some shade
Doug Wilson's way, which I guess, you know, for those of you that are in Big Eva circles, it's probably in the contract.
You just have to throw some shade Doug's way, like every six months or so, in order to keep your
Big Eva card, your membership in good standing, I guess. Oh man, it was just so funny.
But he got lit up, and understandably so, because people that like Kosty and like Doug, they were very troubled by this.
And you know, you got to get used to this. This is something that happens, right? Like, again, it's in the contract.
You got to throw shade Doug's way. That's just part of the gig in Big or Little Eva, whatever.
But yeah, if you're gonna get conference speaking gigs, you got to throw shade Doug's way. You just have to, it's part of the thing.
You can't get a book deal without throwing some shade Doug's way. But in any case, so yeah, some people were very troubled by this, because they like Kosty, they like Doug, and they're just like,
Kosty, what are you doing? What are you doing, Kosty? And so Kosty decided to say that he, he's done his research, and they were like, well, what's the research,
Kosty? Show us. And he showed us Examining Moscow. Oh my goodness.
If you know Examining Moscow, Examining Moscow is a website written by a handful of psychopathic women.
It's like a coven. It's like a coven of women, and they love R. Scott Clarke, and they write these ridiculous, it's got the aesthetic of the typical,
I don't want to disparage conspiracy theorists, because I like conspiracy theorists, but the typical way that conspiracy theorists are portrayed in the media, where they're a little crazy, and they've got diagrams, and charts, and flashy colors, and weird bolding, and stuff like that, weird text.
What's it called? Oh my goodness, fonts. It's got that kind of aesthetic, and it makes sense, because when you read the writing, it's just the ravings of some crazy women, is really what it is.
And so Kosty got lit up, and they're like, Kosty, this is not a reliable source.
And so Kosty was like, well, well, well, I've got some more reliable sources, and I don't know,
Kosty, you probably should've led with the reliable sources, but you chose to lead with the coven, so I don't know.
You don't really get take backsies on the internet, so people were lighting him up, and just saying, Kosty, come on, man.
This is ridiculous. He even used the word. Like, did you see, this is where this gif came up. He used the word, he said that Doug is problematic.
I mean, can you get any gayer than that? I don't know. I'm just asking, I'm just asking.
I'm not saying he's gay, I'm just saying, can you get any gayer than that? I don't know. Doug is problematic, he's a very problematic guy, in any case.
So yeah, Kosty got lit up. And again, I don't wanna throw shade Kosty's way. I think he's a good guy.
If you're the kind of person that follows people on Twitter, he's a good follow, you know, and he's got a lot of good things to say, but Kosty does have a problem.
We're gonna talk about that in a minute, because I was just gonna laugh about this and let it go. But a lot of people reached out to me offline, and even some online, that said, you know, hey, like, what is the deal?
Like, why do so many people just feel the need to just attack
Doug in the most ridiculous of ways? Like, Kosty, in every other circumstance, would know that a coven of witches is not a good citation to show why you don't like something.
Like, he would have known that maybe you shouldn't cite a crazy website. I'm just joking, I don't know that they're witches, but it's just a funny image in my mind.
But he would have known not to cite a coven, at least first, even if he did get his information from them.
Like, you don't get publicly proud of that. Like, the way he said it, it was like he had done this vast research, and here it is, and it's like this coven of witches, in any case.
So like, what's the deal? People get concerned about this, right? Because they see people that they love, and they love
Doug too, and they're like, I don't really see the issues, but Kosty really seems to think it's a problem. And so they ask me, what is it?
Is it jealousy? Are they jealous with Doug's success? And I want to talk about what
I think it is. And this is my opinion, of course. But, and I don't think for Kosty it's jealousy with Doug's success, right?
Like, a guy like R. Scott Clark, I think there's a little jealousy, for sure. Like, because he'll even lament, you know, hey, why is it that young men are so attracted to Doug's ministry, right?
Like, he laments the fact that Doug's, you know, stuff, his content is appealing to young men.
Because for the effeminate branch of evangelicalism, like the effeminate men who, you know, they just, they're so lovely, and they just have the right tone on everything, and everyone gets along, and the
Atlantic will call them up if they need an article, and NBC will never write a, they'll never write a hit piece on you.
They just call you when they need the official evangelical lovely opinion on something. They're like Matt Chandler, you know,
Vice calls him. They know he's not gonna say anything that controversial. They just call him to, you know, justify Christians voting
Democrat, right? Like, that kind of thing. So, so like, those guys, like, to them, the young male demographic is a mystery.
Like, they do so poorly with the young male demographic. Like, young men generally aren't attracted to the gospel coalition types.
Like, the wounded puppy, you know, I, and it's like, that's a big, they're jealous of that.
They wish they had that, right? So I think that with some guys, it's jealousy of the ministry. But I don't think that's what it is for most people.
And I think, like, for most people, there is a jealousy, but it's not about ministry success. It's about something more, more fundamental.
I think when a lot of guys look at Doug Wilson, they see a, they see a freedom that they wish they had.
You know what I mean? That they wish they had. They don't feel like they have the same kind of freedom that Doug Wilson has.
And sometimes I think they're right. Sometimes I think that they're wrong. I think they do have that freedom. They just don't use it.
But so many men in evangelical leadership have chosen the path of respectability, right?
Their respectability matters a great deal to them. And so anytime something threatens how people outside perceive how respectable they are and how intelligent they are, they lash out.
Anything that threatens that respectability, they're slaves to it.
They want to hold on to that. That's like their bread and butter. Like, if they're not respectable, the Atlantic's not going to call for a think piece next month or I'm not going to get the speaking gig that I want to get.
And so they lash out. And I think that's kind of what we saw with Al Mohler, right, because Al Mohler, you know, it appeared that Al Mohler was teaming up with Doug Wilson and that's a threat to his respectability.
So he lashed out and he said a vicious lie about Canon Press. And I think that's kind of what you saw with Al Mohler.
There's a freedom that Al doesn't have, or at least he doesn't perceive that he has it, that Doug does, and they hate that.
And the thing is, for some of us, that freedom is attractive and we want some of that freedom too.
Let me give you an example of what I mean, right? Like Doug appears, and Doug's not a perfect person, so obviously this is not something that I think is definitely true about Doug, but from the outside, it appears that Doug just simply doesn't give a rip about what
NBC says about them, about what Examining Moscow says about them, about what the pagans think about how respectable he is and things like that.
You can even see how some of the people attack him. He didn't even go to seminary. It's like that degree really means a lot to you because that gives you, that degree on that wall gives you a respectability in certain circles that that's very meaningful to some people, but it's not meaningful at all to Doug, and there's a freedom there.
Let me give you an example of what I mean. So I actually tried to record this video once before when I was fishing, and when
I was fishing, by the way, the reason why I didn't use it is because the wind picked up and it was unusable, the volume, the audio, but also
I went on a long tangent about the firmament, and I'm gonna talk to you about the firmament right now. Like here's an example, right?
Like Doug reads the firmament in the creation story, right? And we hear how God created the firmament and he separated the waters above the firmament from the waters below the firmament.
And so Doug, it doesn't really occur to him, at least this is how it appears on the outside, it doesn't really occur to him that he has to somehow make that fit his modern understanding of respectable cosmology.
And so he can say, look, when God created the world, there was water up there. You see up there, up in the sky, there's a firmament, and then there was water, and then during the flood, what
God did was the way he flooded the earth was the springs from below the earth opened up and the water came from below, but also
God, it says in the Bible, God opened up the windows of heaven. So he opened up the firmament and let all the water that was up there come down, and that's how he flooded the earth.
And so he just reads that and he's like, yeah, I'm okay with just believing that. I'm okay.
And there's no respectability there. Like if you think that, and I believe this too, I believe that the waters, there was water up there.
I'm not talking about the water cycle, and I'm not talking about the water that's contained in the clouds. When God created the world, he created the firmament that was like a canopy over the world, and then there was water up there, and then in the flood, that water came down.
That's what it says in the Bible, the windows of heaven open. It's not talking about rain. I think it's talking about the waters that were up there came down here, and that's how he flooded the world.
God promised never to do that again. We get that, right? We get that. But there's a freedom that people see in Doug.
He just says it. He just says it, and he doesn't worry that like that cosmologist down the street is gonna think you're stupid.
He might even call you a racist. Like that's the thing. It's like he just doesn't seem to care about that, and there's two ways to look at that freedom, right?
There's two ways to look at that freedom. You can look at Doug's freedom to just literally not give a rip what the pagans think about him, and you can say, man, that looks pretty good.
I want some of that. I want some of that freedom. Brothers, you can have that freedom right now. Like I just told you,
I believe in the firm in the waters above. I also believe in dragons because the Bible speaks about them. I also believe in giants.
Like when Israel's spies went to the land to see if they could take it, and they came back and they said, there's giants, and we're like grasshoppers to the giants.
I actually think they were real giants. Like I don't think they were talking about guys that look like Hakeem Olajuwon, right?
I think they were talking about giants that made them look like grasshoppers to them, like giant giants, because the
Bible talks about them. I believe in that. You know what I mean? I believe in that, and I don't care that a lot of you who listen to the channel will think
I'm stupid for believing that. I don't. I really don't care, and it's like, I feel like I owe a lot of that freedom that I feel like I have just to say what
I believe the Bible teaches, clearly, because some of these things are not like the hard parts of the Bible either. These are like the easy parts.
The water above is an easy part of the Bible, right? I think I owe a lot of that to Doug's influence.
I don't talk to Doug, right? Like I don't talk to Doug about this stuff, but his influence and the way he presents himself, just not giving a rip.
I have a story about Doug that I can't tell because it involves, it's a personal story about somebody else and his interaction with Doug, and I don't want that somebody else to think
I'm like talking behind their back, but suffice it to say that this story, it really shows you that behind the scenes,
Doug is like exactly the same as he is in like normal life. You know what
I mean? And it's funny because I have every reason to believe it because the person that told the story was actually anti -Doug, and he thought this story made
Doug look bad, and I remember hearing the story and thinking, that seems like, dude,
Doug seems like a standup guy. You know what I mean? Like that's what, so it's an interesting story, but it's like what you see is what you get with Doug.
That's the impression. It's like there's a freedom there. Man, God talks about dragons? Like I believe in dragons.
You know what I mean? I believe in dragons. And it's like there's a freedom there, and it's very attractive to some people, so you can look at it that way and get some of that freedom for yourself.
You guys, I'm giving you permission. You can literally just believe the Bible. You can just do it, and you don't have to apologize for it, and that's it.
You know, the next time somebody says, do you believe that homosexuality is a sin, you can just say, yeah, not only is it a sin, but it should also be a crime because that's what the scripture says, right?
That's not my opinion. If it was up to me, maybe I wouldn't do it, but this is what, what other choice do I have?
This is what God says, right? You can just say it. You can just say it. Some people don't look at it that way.
Some people don't look at it that way. Some people, because they're not willing to take that freedom, they prefer to be a slave to others.
They prefer to be a slave to people. They've made themselves a eunuch.
They've castrated themselves. They prefer that, and they feel like there's no way they can have that freedom that Doug has, so what they do is they attack it and say it's somehow wrong, what he's saying.
It's somehow wrong to not abide by Big Eva's rules of decorum and conduct and winsomeness.
It's a sin now because in your mind, it is a sin because you've made yourself a slave to this phony baloney system, and you've convinced yourself that getting the best book deal and the best speaking gig and the most prestigious college and the most prestigious conferences, like you've convinced yourself that that's the measure of a man, that's a measure of your faithfulness, and it's not, and that's the thing, and they see the freedom that Doug has, and instead of saying, man,
I want some of that freedom, what they say is, man, that Doug is not playing by the rules. He's not playing by the rules that we've set up.
We're the guild, and you hate it, and so you have to attack, and it doesn't even matter how reliable your sources are.
You can now cite a coven against Doug Wilson because he's just doing things.
He's just free. He doesn't care what the coven thinks, and it's like, yeah, that's right. That's right.
You can have that freedom, too. You can have that. Listen, listen. You don't have to abide by the whims of hysterical women.
You don't. You don't. Listen, so many men have taken a command that's like honor your father and mother, love your wife, and all this stuff, and they turn it into this feel good, you just have to be a lovely man.
You have to be a lovely, it's not enough to just love your wife. You have to be a lovely man, and it's like every time hysterical witches say, ah, and they screech at you, you cave instantly because that's what a
Christian does. They're the weaker vessel. You gotta listen to them. It's like, no, you actually don't.
You actually don't. You have to love your wife, but you know what? You're in charge of the household. You're the king of the home.
It's just that simple, and so sometimes, I'm not saying you do this, we just run roughshod all over your wife, but sometimes you gotta do stuff that your wife is not cool with.
That's it. That's it. You see so many evangelical leaders not only don't believe that about your own wife, but also you have to listen to all the women around you too.
And so there are certain men that they see Doug's freedom, and they see him laughing when this coven of witches writes these evil things about him, and he doesn't bend to them.
He doesn't cave. He doesn't give them an inch. And because they've decided to be slaves to this, they've decided to be slaves to these fake rules of respectability and decorum.
I mean, let's just face it. A lot of these rules come from similar covens around the world, right?
Because these are not the ideas of someone who would just read the
Bible, what it says, and say, oh, well, you have to be so winsome and lovely. The Bible doesn't say that, right?
The Bible doesn't say that. You wouldn't get that from the Bible. You're getting that from somewhere else. And so there's a lot of guys out there,
I think, that they're jealous of Doug's freedom. And instead of getting in on that, getting some of that freedom from themselves, they attack.
They go into attack mode. And it doesn't matter. This is why you see, with Kosti, it's like, if you don't like Doug's theology, you're like, okay, okay, fine.
You know what I mean? And just the other day, I was talking about federal vision and how I don't care.
I just don't care anymore. And it's like the boy who cried wolf. So many times I've heard literal Bible verses get called federal vision.
Just quoting the verse, right? And it's like, not even in context. It's like, you just quote the verse and you don't put the citation.
You just put what the verse says and people say, federal vision, you're a heretic. It's like, I've seen that too many times. I don't care. And then this one guy, this
PCA minister, Aldo, who seems like a good guy too, hates Doug though. He comes to me and says, look, if you want to talk privately about this, feel free,
I'll call you anytime. And Aldo, thanks for the offer. And it's not an offense to you.
You seem like a good guy. But no, I don't. I don't want to do that. You know what I mean? It's okay.
I just don't really care. You know what I mean? I really don't care. The point, though, is that you can be against the theology if you want.
And I'm not upset with you. You want to be against Doug's theology, fine. But it's just so obvious that so many of the ways that Doug is attacked, it's just lashing out.
It's just flailing. It's just like any kind of, it's like you're in a fight with someone that you can't beat.
And so your only hope is just to flail at him, you know? And hopefully you'll connect with something. I've been in fights like that before where I was scared and the guy was bigger than me and I just swing with all my might just hoping it'll connect.
I've been in fights like that before. And it's like, it's not a fun place to be. And from the outside, everyone's looking at you like, man, what are you doing?
You know what I mean? And that's kind of how I look at Kosti. It's like, dude, if you think he's so problematic,
I mean, first of all, that's kind of gay, but whatever. You think he's so problematic, fine. But just attack him like you would anybody else.
Why are you citing this coven of witches? It doesn't make any sense. And it just looks like flailing.
That's why I think there's just an unreasonable, irrational jealousy.
And personally, I believe it's because they wish they were free like that, but they've chosen a different path.
They've chosen a different, but guys, you can get in on this freedom. You can fight him against his theology.
There are certain things that I disagree with that Doug has said. And you know what? I fight it the way
I would fight anybody. I talk about how I disagree with it and that's it. And we're still buddies. You know, we're still friends. Again, like I said,
I've never talked to him, but you see what I'm trying to say. You see what I'm trying to say. But no, instead people just, they cave.
And again, I don't know what this is, but frankly, it's often they cave to effeminate men and women and they just cave to them instantly.
And they're not used to someone just saying no in the face of a woman. I'll give you two examples.
Now, I've never had an article written completely about me, but I've been lied about in the media by women in the most vicious of ways, right?
And one of them was, I was talking to someone about how the Bible is not, it doesn't ban slavery.
You know, it puts regulations on it. So it doesn't blanket condemn slavery. And this woman took it upon herself to tell, you know, all her little followers, this was an up and coming like author, like, you know, sex abuse survivor type.
That kind of thing. She told everyone that loves her content, everyone in Big Eva that, personally me,
A .D. Robles is for sex trafficking. He was for human trafficking. And the reason she said that was because I said that the
Bible doesn't blanket condemn slavery. But the thing is, in the same breath, I also said that kidnapping was punishable by the death penalty and rape was punishable by the death penalty.
So she left those two things out and instead started to tell people that I was pro sex trafficking. Now, I could cave instantly to this woman and say, oh,
I didn't mean it like that. I know you're abused and all this. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
But no, like I had Doug's example and I wasn't jealous of it. I just wanted a copy. And I said, you know, actually what
I said was that the Bible doesn't condemn slavery, but as far as rape and actual sex trafficking,
I guarantee you, I'm more against it than you are because I think it's a death penalty offense, what say you? And people aren't used to seeing that.
It's like, and it shut her up because she was right. I mean, I was right. I was against rape more than she was because she didn't think it was a death penalty offense.
And I did because the Bible said so. It shut her up. People are not used to that. People are not used to that.
The other example was a woman who wrote an article about me and said that I was for, this is what she said.
She said, I was for the death penalty for rape victims is what she said.
I think that rape victims should get the death penalty. That's what she wrote in an article in a national publication,
A .D. Robles. That's what she said. Of course it was a lie. What I actually said was that in the scripture, if you, if a false accuser rises up and makes an accusation against someone and it's found out that they actually were a false accuser, they made it up, what
I said was the Bible says that whatever would have happened to the person now happens to the false accuser and that's justice.
And this article said that I actually didn't say that. I said, rape victims should be given the death penalty. And the way
I responded to that was I laughed about it. And I said, well, I appreciate you drawing attention to God's word. Are you trying to say that the person in this story was a false accuser?
Because that's the only way that would fit. They're not used to that. What they're used to you is, oh,
I'm so sorry. Believe all women. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said it that way.
It was my tone. And that's what they're used to. They're used to people castrating themselves and Doug doesn't.
And so there's two ways to look at that. You could look at that with jealousy and want to destroy that freedom because you're not free.
Everyone needs to be a slave to your ridiculous Big Eva system just like you. Everyone has to be a slave to the coven of witches.
Everyone has to just do everything women say, right? Obviously. Obviously. Or you can get in on that freedom.
And guys, every one of you can. It's fun over here. It's fun to read the Bible and to read about the waters above and to just understand it the way it was written and the way it was intended to be understood and just be like,
I don't care what you say, NASA. You don't think that it makes sense that there was waters above back then?
Okay. I'm okay with that. How's that diversity initiative going over at NASA? Oh man.
Anyway, that's what I think is really going on with a lot of the people that criticize Doug Wilson. I think it's a jealousy over a freedom that they perceive he has that they don't.
But really that's just a matter of perception. They do have that freedom. It's available to you. You don't have to castrate yourself when you're dealing with the court of public opinion.
You don't. You simply don't have to do it. You can do things too. You can do it. Even you can do stuff.
When the government says to shut down your church, even you can have the psalm sing and refuse to put your mask on and get arrested.
You can do that too. You've got that freedom. You don't have to say, yes, anything you say,
Gretchen Whitmer, of course, you are the queen. I am just the slowly servant.
You actually don't. When the women at your church are afraid of COVID and they think you should shut down because there's a lot of churches that I know about where it was primarily women and their husbands that kind of like, you know, they don't wear the pants in the family that shut down a lot of churches out of fear because they wanted to respect
Gretchen Whitmer. A lot of churches caved to that. You didn't have to, but you did.
You don't have to do it. You can just be free, man. You can just be free.
You don't have to be a castrated Christian anymore. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful.