The Digestive System with Bill Morgan


Apologist and Mechanical Engineer and returning CFS favorite Bill Morgan goes though the Human Digestive System


Okay, now this is my normal speaking voice. Can you guys hear me or should I shout a little bit? No, it'll be fine, but I'm gonna go ahead and do a little disclaimer and also welcome you.
So here we go, let's get started. So the disclaimer is, as a reminder, if you're here in Zoom, please keep your camera off and your microphone off.
However, for people in Zoom and even for people on Facebook, I just wanna mention that our speaker tonight loves interaction.
So those of you in Zoom, keep your finger near your button for the microphone so that you can turn your microphone on to answer his questions when you have them.
If you're following along on Facebook, feel free to type answers into the chat, even if we don't read them right away, it'll make you feel like you're participating, which is always fun.
So, okay, with that, I'm Terri Camerizal and I'm here with Creation Fellowship Santee.
We're a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account as told in Genesis is a true depiction of how
God created the universe and all life from nothing in just six days a few thousand years ago.
We've been meeting most Thursday nights right here on Zoom since June of 2020.
In fact, tonight's speaker was our very first speaker, Bill Morgan. We've been blessed with presentations by pastors, teachers, doctors, cartoonists, scientists, apologists, prophecy speakers, and all around smarty pants people who love the
Lord and have a message to share. You can find most of our past videos by searching Creation Fellowship Santee, that's
S -A -N -T -E -E on YouTube. You can also find us on Rumble at CFS 2020 and BitChute at Creation Fellowship.
You can like and follow our Creation Fellowship Facebook page so that you get notified when we go live.
And you can also email CreationFellowshipSantee at gmail .com so you get invitations to our upcoming speakers.
Tonight, we're pleased to have back for his fourth visit with us.
He gets a trophy or something for that. Our very first speaker, Bill Morgan. He's a longtime friend of our ministry.
He's been a mechanical engineer for 37 years. His work includes design work on nuclear submarines.
He was raised going to church, but became an atheist when his biology teacher told him that he was a descendant of ape men.
He truly thought Christians were anti -science morons, sadly. Science led him back to Christ, and he's debated over 40 atheists, and he goes street witnessing three to four times a week, telling lost sheep about truth, hope, peace, and eternal life.
And you can find his YouTube channel by searching for Bill Morgan Channel on YouTube, and you can call him at 714 -898 -8331 if you so desire.
And with that, I'm happy to turn it over to you, Bill. Well, thank you very much. And is the level of my voice okay for everybody?
It's perfect. Okay, and I love participation. I think it makes for a better lesson.
Like she said, I'm a very old engineer. Yeah. The difference between me and you regarding this topic is
I've done a few hours of research. Bill? But it was fun research, and we are going to, well,
I'm gonna try to share the screen. Oh, I would love to share the screen. But I have a question for you.
Sure. Okay. If you sat up higher in your chair, would the level of your voice be higher?
What's the sound of one hand clapping? I don't know what the question means. Do you want me to talk louder? No, no,
I was being obnoxious, that's all. I was saying, you said, is the level of my voice okay?
And I said, if you sat up in your chair, would it be higher? Okay, you're killing my timing.
I'm just kidding. Go ahead. I'm gonna get the bouncer to throw you. I'm just kidding.
Actually, I'm in my studio, which is my bed. I just go back to years ago where I would drive to Santee after working a nine hour day, and man, are we getting soft and easy, amen?
Okay, well, I would love questions and comments. I am certain some of you know more about the digestive system and certain things that I do.
And I'm not an expert in Zoom. Is it possible to go back and forth from the beginning on the slides?
Or we can see faces on the side, right? If people wanna see. Yeah, Bill, on your side, you can adjust how you see it.
So like, I can slide the shared screen over so that I can see, but honestly, like we have our cameras turned off.
I can keep mine on if you'd like me to. It's up to you guys. Okay. It's totally up to you. But anyways,
I'm in charge of a creation ministry in Garden Grove, California. We meet once a month.
And I have found out that my favorite age level to speak to is about fifth grade.
The adults like it. They bring their kids. We get lots of kids who come now. And I do not enjoy creation lessons where the guy is 600 miles over my head that I don't understand it and I can't use it.
So everything in this lesson, I think a third grader would be able to understand and still learn a lot and be awed by God and his greatness.
So as you can see, the lesson says the human digestive system. And if anybody ever wants to interject, please feel free to do so.
And you wanna be done by eight, correct? By 7 .50, so we have time for questions.
Okay. All right. There once was a pastor in Alaska.
And unfortunately for him, he loved golf, which was a hard thing to do in Alaska. So one
Sunday morning, he wakes up in the summer and it's 70 degrees with a little bit of breeze.
The sun is out and he goes, oh man, I can't go preach today.
I gotta go golfing. So he feels really, really guilty. He calls in sick and he drives about a hundred miles away.
So nobody will notice he's golfing on the Sabbath. So he gets to the first hole, hits his drive and it rolls and it rolls and it rolls, hole in one.
Second hole, he hits it, it rolls and it rolls another hole in one. Third hole, par three, it's an iron, hole in one.
So St. Peter finds God and says, hey God, you see what's going on here in Alaska? And God goes,
I'm fully aware of it. I'm in charge of it. And St. Peter goes, why are you doing that?
He said, who is he gonna tell? Okay, I don't know if you guys got it or not.
But anyways, it is nice to tell fantastic, exciting news, to proclaim great news.
And this lesson proclaims the greatness of God in things we take for granted, like our digestive system.
Truly, the only time we think about it is when something's not working too good, amen? But we should be grateful right now of our digestive system, what's going on.
So what is the definition of digestion? Does anybody wanna pop in a quick guess?
Breaking down of an organic substance. Very, very good. You probably know this stuff better than me.
Not likely. Digestion is where when food breaks down to become either energy or the materials to repair and build new tissue.
Everything that you are originated from your food. So food can turn into energy and repair tissue.
Now, if you're an atheist, that alone should convince you. And when I teach lessons like this,
I say, if you come in as an atheist and leave an atheist, science is not your issue.
Something else is keeping you in your atheism. I believe this lesson proclaims the greatness of God and his design.
So what does digestion do? Breaks down into nutrition to feed your body and your muscles.
Oh, was that a question or? Well, the pictures show that that's the food.
Digestion breaks down the food. Digestion is demolition. It's the demolition of the food and the things that our bodies can utilize.
There's two ways your body breaks down this food. And little details like this just fascinate me.
One way that your body breaks down food is mechanically, like with your teeth and with your grinding stomach.
And the other way is what? Chemically. God gave us all kinds of enzymes and other chemicals to break down the food.
So the food is broken down by different means. Neither one of them could have evolved by a step -by -step process.
Both of them had to be designed in place at the beginning. And my slides are available if any of you want them.
I would be thrilled and honored if you ever turned my slides into a lesson at your church. And they can easily be obtained.
So, and I have a cheat sheet that I can email you after the lesson with notes. Oh, that'd be great.
And then I can disseminate that through our email chain. Yes, I would love to send it.
And oh, God is so great. When we eat proteins, they're broken down into amino acids.
When we eat fat, it's broken into fatty acids and glycerol. And the carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars.
Then we have something called metabolism. Guess what metabolism does?
The metabolism for our body's needs, the amino acids become proteins. The fatty acids become fats and the simple sugars become carbohydrates.
Isn't God a God of creativity and genius, everybody? Indeed. Who would like to read this first?
I would like someone to read this first. For the Lord, your God is the God of gods and the
Lord of lords, the great, the mighty and the awesome God, Deuteronomy. Yes, he is.
Today, ladies and gentlemen, we're gonna talk about the journey of an apple. Where do apples grow?
Anybody can answer. It's not a trick question. On trees. Yep. Apples grow on apple trees.
This is my third to fifth grade level, but I'm gonna be making a point. Now, how does the apple tree reproduce?
By seeds? Yep. It reproduces by seeds. The apple falls and it's got seeds inside of it.
Now, there could be a big problem. If that apple tree had the seed fall straight down, where does that tree wanna, where was that seed gonna germinate?
Right underneath the tree, right? But we have a God of genius beyond proportion.
So God invented, God solved this problem. How? With poop.
Exactly. Birds say, yummy, an apple on the ground. I'm gonna eat it.
They eat the seeds. They fly a mile away or so. Then they go to the bathroom and you've got apple seeds germinating all over the place.
Isn't that beautiful? Can I say about that? Apple seeds are actually very good for you.
I know they have, people say they have arsenic in them, but if you don't eat too many of them, it's actually very good for you.
And it also, it fights cancer. And now I'll mute. Nice. Good.
Well, this bird is gonna not die of cancer then, that's for sure, right? But just simple things like that, like an oak tree, they couldn't reproduce without the birds eating and depositing the waste a distance away.
Trivia time. Anyone can answer. For what part of your body does digestion start?
Your mouth. Saliva. Good answer, but not the answer that I have.
Really? That's what I would've said. Before the saliva, what happens? Oh, chewing? Nope, even before that.
Your eyes, when you see what you wanna eat. There's a hint. Brain.
Exactly. If you see that, your body's gonna start thinking what?
Yummy, yummy, yummy. What a creative, beautiful God. Look at the colors, the shapes, the sizes.
Digestion begins with our eyes. The apple was pleasing to Eve's eyes, remember?
Well, the fruit, the fruit, not the apple. But I believe digestion starts with our eyes and gets our brain and our body thinking about it.
When you see something delicious, your body can start what? Producing what?
Digestive enzymes. Right, right, right. Your body can start the digestive enzymes and the saliva.
So just look at that for a second, guys. We take it for granted. Is God an artist when he creates food for us?
I would say. That's a lot of color. Absolutely. Different colors, different shapes, different tastes.
He provided us with so many options. Just imagine if the whole world was nothing but bananas.
But nope, that's not how our God operates. I think right now it is kind of bananas, but okay.
I'm sorry, what? I was having a commentary on bananas. I said, I think the world has gone bananas.
Let's just focus on the Lord. I like to tell people just focus on thankfulness and the
Lord and don't worry about Afghanistan. We can't do anything about that, right? Except pray.
But besides beauty, taste, nutrition, most fruits and vegetables are sized for one serving.
Now, suppose God made bananas that big. There'd be a lot of wasted food, right? But he makes them a serving size.
Have you guys ever thought about that before? Well, it kind of depends on who you ask because some people will tell you that half a banana is a serving size.
True. And the huge watermelons we have is from selective breeding. But probably back in the original state, they weren't that big, but he doesn't waste.
That would be a waste of food if it was that big. Who would like to read this verse?
Anybody can chime in. I'll read it. Ecclesiastes 3 .11 says, he has made everything beautiful in its time.
Next time you guys go to the supermarket, I hope you embrace the beauty of God's food.
Amen. I do that at the farmer's market. Oh, what is that?
Oh, star fruit. Star fruit or kiwano? Yeah, that's actually in the supermarket
I went to. Just a little example of God's creativity and beauty. That looks like one of those
World War II contact mines, doesn't it? But just look at the symmetry of the seeds. What a fantastic God.
The seeds look like watermelon seeds. Like it's related to a watermelon.
Yeah. Here's another example. I just Googled beautiful fruit.
Look at that. That jackfruit, has anybody ever tasted that? Where in, when I lived in California, my aesthetic, the lady who did my nails, aesthetician, she's from Vietnam.
And they would, once a week, bring in a big jackfruit and cut it up. And I ate it to be polite, but I didn't like it.
Well, I once read that our body has all kinds of bacteria. And if you eat a certain food, you'll develop more of a certain type of bacteria and actually develop tastes for things.
Isn't that something? So if you ate a lot of jackfruit, you would probably develop a taste for it.
So just some more examples of just having fun with Google, but just glorifying the
God. What a great God. He spoke all of this into existence. That's salmonberry.
I hope that's not a GMO. Okay, I need a volunteer for something real easy.
Who would like to volunteer? Shout out your name. I volunteer, Jim. Okay, Jim. You're the judge of a beauty contest,
Jim. Which one is most beautiful? Oh, I like number two. Okay, there's no bad answer.
The point being, fruit is beautiful, from a beautiful God. So after our eyes, what is the second part of your body digestion starts with?
Anybody? Well, I'm going to guess the enzymes because like we talked about with the eyes, the eyes cause the saliva and the enzymes to get going.
Okay. And don't lose sight of more goofball than anything else, guys.
Hint, what could be the second thing that starts our digestive system? Anybody?
Chewing. I believe the sense of smell. Just think, if God created ugly fruit that smelled terrible but was very nutritious, nobody would what?
Eat it. Right. God made food beautiful and God gave it beautiful aroma so that we would take it.
Nutrition wise, it doesn't have to be beautiful and smell good, but God knows what he's doing.
How about an amen? Amen. And also, isn't there some type of connection between the sense of smell affecting the taste as well?
I think there's a strong connection there. I am absolutely going to touch on that, Luke. Thank you for sharing that.
Oops, sorry. No, no, I'm glad you did. I love participation. Please don't apologize. Like I said,
I love participation. So, oh, and doesn't food smell better when we're hungry?
So, if apples were ugly and smelled awful, nobody would eat them. So now,
Terry, now you can give your answer. Your vision and sense of smell now produce what?
Digestive enzymes, saliva. Yes, let's talk about Dobermans.
Now we're going to talk about saliva. Is saliva a design or is saliva the result of change?
What do you guys think? I think it was a design to torture parents and dog owners.
Well, you may never look at saliva the same after this meeting, and I can email you all this stuff on saliva later.
It just blows me away. Is it simple or complex? It's very, very complex.
Let's have two people play over and under. One person guessed the number and the next person says over or under.
So, Terry, I'm going to ask you to volunteer someone to guess the number of proteins in saliva. I am going to volunteer
Jeff. Okay, Jeff. 4 ,000. How many?
4 ,000. Okay, now I would like you to volunteer someone to say over or under,
Terry. I'm going to volunteer Bill. Under. Bill is correct, but Jeff, you came up with a great number.
2 ,300 different proteins are in saliva. If evolution were true, did one evolve and then a second one evolve?
You see what I mean? And third? No, God designed them all at once. Does that make sense, guys?
And Terry needs to call in someone to name all 2 ,300 proteins. How would you like to have the job of counting and discovering proteins in saliva?
I named Robin to do that. Well, we're only going to touch on four proteins.
Now, as you know, enzymes are proteins. Well, probably do. Cellulase breaks down plants, amylase, carbohydrates, proteins.
You guys get the point. The different proteins are there ready to start breaking down different parts of food, but they do other things than just break down food.
Here is my favorite list of the meeting. I would love to hear from you smart people, some of the things that you think saliva does besides break down food.
It lubricates your gums. I'm sorry, what? So your teeth and your gums won't dry out.
Cause that will cause breakdown of your teeth. Guess what number one on my list was?
Right there. Saliva keeps our gums healthy and our teeth by neutralizing acids from bacteria.
Just today I went to the dentist and he said cavities are often caused by bacteria producing acids that can destroy our enamel.
So saliva kills acid from bacteria. Okay, what's another one?
And there's no bad answers. Saliva makes a great cleaning solution for eyeglass lenses.
Absolutely. Saliva makes stamps stick to envelopes if they're old fashioned.
Yeah, for the old school people, right? They don't even, my son's girlfriend said she'd never wrote a letter in her life.
She's 17. You know, she's a very smart girl, but she'd never written a letter in an envelope.
But any other guesses? Imagine if you didn't have saliva, what couldn't you do?
Swallow. You couldn't swallow, right? What else? I was gonna also say that saliva is an early warning system for people when they're gonna throw up.
Yeah, we're gonna talk about barfing later. Anyone else? And that's actually number nine on my list.
What are we doing right now? Talking. Could we talk if we didn't have saliva?
It would be hard because our lips would be sticking together. When you wake up with cotton mouth, try to talk.
It's very, very difficult. So I'll go through my list of 10 and I'll ask for a volunteer to pick the number one most awesome one.
Saliva forms layers on our teeth that attracts calcium to protect our teeth.
It protects our teeth from losing minerals. We have antibiotics in our saliva that fight infections.
Saliva helps with clotting. Sadly, we get mouth wounds quite often. You know, we bite our lips or our cheeks.
Well, God designed saliva to help with the clotting and the healing. Thank you, Lord. We could not talk if we didn't have saliva.
Food would rip us up and tear us apart if we didn't have saliva, amen. Saliva tells us that we're thirsty.
Robin touched on this. Before we throw up, it lubricates to enable the matter to be discharged.
And saliva has a painkiller. How many more times powerful than morphine? Six times.
Six times. Let's talk about the pain. Oh, who wants to pick? Terry, could you randomly pick someone and they can pick their favorite one?
I choose Luke. I think the pain one's my favorite one because I don't know if anyone's ever actually done this, but sometimes when
I get a mosquito bite, I'll like lick my finger and put it on there and it kind of helps mitigate.
I've done that. Wow. I've even licked them. Wow, interesting.
Well, I'm gonna talk about the painkiller because that just fascinates me too, Luke. Opio, if I'm mispronouncing it, you can shoot me.
Opiorphan, whatever. I knew it a month ago when I gave the lesson. I saw this on the internet.
In 2007, they said they discovered this enzyme in our saliva.
And at the time the journals said it had no known purpose. Now I'm not being arrogant, but I knew it had to have had a purpose.
Why is that? Anybody can answer. Why did I know if it's in our saliva, it has a purpose? It doesn't create without purpose.
Right. Amen. So in a 2019 article, they found out what it's for.
2019, a study determined there was more opiorphan in the mouths of people with dental pain.
So think about this. If we have an owie in our mouth, our body produces more painkiller.
Isn't God great? And people are researching this enzyme for painkillers, like after surgery and things like that.
Because as you know, morphine is very, very addictive. They're optimistic that God's painkillers will kill the pain six times more effectively and not be addictive.
Any comments on that? Yes. Next time at work, if someone says they have a headache, I'm gonna offer to lick their head.
Okay. Can you get rich selling your saliva? You can get rich if you can find a market for anything.
Who would like to read that verse? They better start saving it. Oh, Bill, why don't you go ahead and read the verse?
Be still and know that I am God. I met the other Bill. Oh, I'm sorry. Bill, could you read it?
Be still and know that I am God. Amen. Amen.
So is the production of saliva simple or complex? Anybody? Complex.
I would say with 2300 proteins, it would probably be a little complex. Complex. My knees buckle when
I look at the design, the engineering, the chemistry, fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics.
What do you got? Just anybody awestruck and just wanna share what's on your mind when you see something like this?
How would you make that stuff in an organic chemistry lab? How would you manufacture that molecule?
It's unbelievable. The production of saliva is incredibly complex.
And there's different glands that make different types of saliva. And because I like to stay in the third or fifth grade level,
I can't get much deeper than this. But how many people in this room would say,
I couldn't even come close to drawing that? I have a hard time looking at it because it's kind of gross and I get real queasy.
Because what? I get queasy. I don't look at the pictures in the doctor's office.
Oh, okay. That's okay. I'm looking away. I can't even draw that. Draw what?
Go ahead, what? Draw what? Draw what? The glands, the teeth, the tongue, the muscles.
I mean, we're looking at a two -dimensional drawing and we're blown away. But God, every design starts with what?
A designer or a blueprint. Starts with a designer. And what does a designer do first?
Conceptualize the idea. You have to have the idea first. So God had the idea.
We'll just talk about humans, that humans needed saliva. So then God has to do what?
Make a recipe. Design it. And then he has to build it. Your house started with an idea, then a design and then built it.
So God had to think, how am I gonna produce saliva for humans?
Hey, I'll make all these different glands and all these different ducts. Isn't he awesome? And then he had to build it.
And people talk about intelligent design. Of course, I love it. I think intelligent construction is more difficult than intelligent design.
What do you guys think? I'm an engineer. I've done some designs where I basically drew a box and said, put this unit here.
Someone had to build it. Any comments on that? Design and the intelligent construction.
Well, I'm an infrastructure engineer and I have a lot of clients that come up with these ideas.
And when I tell them that's not possible, they're like, why? Well, you're not designing this.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You have no idea how this can't be done. But then we end up having to do it anyways.
Yep. It's like the Aesop's fable where the cats or the mice got together and said, hey,
I got a great idea. Yeah, what is it? Let's put a bell around the neck of the cat so we can hear it coming.
Hey, it's a great design, but what's the problem? How are you gonna get that bell on the neck of the cat?
Right? Yeah, you gotta get close to the cat to do it. Right. So design is one thing, building it is another.
And I say this humbly, I worked construction and the construction guys that I worked with that never went to college were just as smart as the engineers.
They just had different skill sets. Would you guys agree? Yes. Absolutely.
Absolutely. There are geniuses out there. I love them. So I'm just zooming in a little bit more for your pleasure.
But every little muscle and gland, God had to think about it before he designed it. And I humbly say, if someone's an atheist, they're either been brainwashed like I was and didn't think about it, or they're so emotionally mad at God, they will never believe in him.
So what we gotta do is reach the innocent people that have been brainwashed and they will turn away from atheism.
But some people never will, but some will. What household item uses the same three enzymes that we find in saliva?
Anybody? Permit cleanser.
Pardon me? Permit cleanser. Laundry detergent.
So then Robin could lick her clothes clean? Robin, if she spits enough, can
Clay save a lot of money on laundry detergent? But just saying, if you were working for Tide and you wanted food stains to be broken down, what could you look at?
You can't tell me that nobody on this call has never licked their shirt after dropping something on it in attempt to clean it out.
And it can work. It breaks down. I've never done that, but I'm just saying.
Sure we do. And it works. So Tide has the same enzymes that we have in our saliva.
But still don't need the Tide. Good engineering is often just copying something else and God did the greatest enzyme breaking down.
So why not copy him? Amen? Isn't that called biomimicry? Yep. Yes.
And we all do it. So after your eyes and the brain decide you want that apple, here's a hint right here.
What happens next? You pay for it. Yes, hopefully. Yes. Except if you're
Johnny Appleseed. Well, here's another thing we take for granted. Our teeth. Is every tooth identical?
No. No, God designed the right teeth at the right location. Also on dogs.
The front teeth are beautiful for tearing and chewing. And the dog, the fangs are great for holding and ripping.
And then you got these beautiful molars for crushing. If evolution were true, how in the world did each tooth go in the right location, the right place, et cetera?
It's silliness. Any comments on teeth? Well, yeah.
Jeff, you should say, I'll bite. Agreed. We could do a whole lesson perhaps just on the design of the tooth.
You need your blood vessels, your enamel, which is the hardest surface in the human body, et cetera.
Oh, years ago in my creation group, there was a structural engineer who went to a dentist and he didn't do a good job.
So he did a very detailed structural analysis on teeth on what's the best, a bridge, an implant, et cetera.
And he said, the closer we go back to God's original design, which would be an implant, the better.
USC, University of Southern California saw it and liked his article. But in the preface, he says,
I write this in glory of God and his design. And USC said, we like your article, but could you take that out?
And he refused to take it out and USC wouldn't accept it. Wow. It was an engineer looking at teeth and compression and -
And did he decide that implant was the best? Because I'm facing this. Yes, don't go with the bridge.
Go as close to as the original of individual teeth as you can. God designed popcorn and I love popcorn and popcorn is not good for your teeth.
No, I love popcorn too. Yes. What do you think that's an image of?
That wisdom teeth. That's a child's mouth. The adult teeth are coming on in and the baby teeth.
It looks like chaos, right? Yeah. Oh my goodness. Isn't that shocking? Oh, no idea.
That's really gross. Alpha Rat, could you share more on your thoughts of this amazing picture?
Jeff? All I can say is, wow. Yeah. It looks like absolute chaos and confusion.
And that is an actual skull of someone who passed away. But we just take it for granted when we have children like, oh, the baby teeth are falling out.
The big teeth are coming in. But it looks like a traffic jam and everybody's trying to get off at one exit.
Doesn't it? Yeah. Volunteer reader, please.
God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14, 33. Amen. After we chew, we see proof that God loves us.
So we're done with the chewing. How are these two pictures proof that God loves us?
You don't have to eat the stuff in the second picture. Oh, I was gonna say he'll still talk to us after we eat them onions.
Onions and taste buds. I was gonna say that's a tongue over there on the right side.
Yep, those are taste buds. We take it for granted. My mom sadly died of cancer years ago and chemotherapy wiped out her taste buds and we don't realize how much we miss them.
Amen. COVID is wiping it out for many people. My wife had COVID and she lost her taste buds and is miserable.
So that's what a taste bud looks up close. And here comes your next quiz.
Terri, could you pick a happy, willing volunteer? Yes, I pick
Jim. How many taste buds do you have, Jim? Many thousands, tens of thousands.
Very good, 10 ,000. 10 ,000 taste buds.
Did you count them, Bill? Jim, since you're online, where are your taste buds located? In the area where food would be most acceptable to me.
So in the area of my taste, my mouth, I would say. Are taste buds true or false?
Taste buds are only on our tongue. Tongue, okay. No, true or false? I would say that that would be false.
Can you guys, I love doing lessons like this because I never would have learned this doing my little research.
Our tongue and the roof of our mouth and the back of our throat have taste buds on them.
Yes. How many people here did not know that? I sure didn't know that until I did this. No, I didn't know that.
Yeah, what a great God. I didn't know it, but I'm not surprised. Yeah, I agree with Terri.
Yeah, his wonders. So God made it smell good, look good, and taste good.
We should be so thankful and telling so many people about his greatness. When you are sick, why does your food not taste as good as when you're healthy?
Because you can't smell. Because you can't smell it. Just these alone, if an atheist were open -minded, he would abandon his blind faith.
They're called olfactory receptors. And there's a nice drawing of it.
Once again, I couldn't even make the drawing. But in our sinuses, we have these incredibly complex receptors that send electric signals to our brain.
And then our brain interprets what the smell is. Can you guys comprehend that?
All our brain gets is electrical signals, but some of those signals are for the taste. I love it.
I just love creation so much. And when we get sick, the olfactory receptors get blocked and food doesn't taste so good.
It's absolutely disgusting and sad that people believe in this atheism nonsense.
Any comments on my comment? Oh, well, yeah, I think we're all here creationists.
And I always wonder how they think that. I mean, just looking at our body to think that it came together randomly.
Well, the haters of God will always be a denier because of emotional pain they went through. And their goal is to influence the neutral ones.
We got to reach these neutral ones. Like Richard Dawkins, you could talk to him for 600 million years.
He's never gonna change his mind. But the high school kids will. Any comments on that?
Yeah, we have conversations with people on a pretty regular basis because I help work at the
Creation Art History Museum in Santee. And the people that want to have a conversation will earnestly ask questions.
And they'll come in and search and kind of have a longing for an answer. But other people that don't have an actual question, they'll be really confrontational.
And they've already decided in their heart and in their mind what their answer is. And they won't, whatever proof you give them, they won't believe it.
Right. And you might disagree. I almost say it's a waste of time. Just deal with the open -minded ones.
Because we could talk to, and some of them love to talk forever about it, but let's reach the low -hanging fruit, those that have an open mind.
But good, keep planting seeds, Luke. Luke, are you at the Creation Museum in Santee?
Yeah, yeah, I work with Glenn over there, yeah. Oh, okay, so you know Glenn, yeah. Because we used to meet there.
We were meeting there for, I think, almost 10 years. Oh, well, thank you for joining us.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm glad you're here, Luke. Okay, let's do another over and under. Terry, could you pick someone to answer this and then someone to say over and under?
Yes, I pick Robin to make a guess, and I pick Jeff to say over or under. I say all of it, 100%.
So, Jeff, do you want to go over 100 %? That would have said 90.
80%. Oh, man, I'm wrong. That's okay, that's okay. How did you get a picture of that animal that only has one nostril?
The beloved internet. I believe it's an aardvark. True story.
They went to all of these wine, and there's the reference on the bottom. They went to all these wine experts and they gave them red wine and white wine, and they said, please describe the wines.
So they smelled the wine, they drank the wine, and then they gave it descriptions of that you would typically give to a red or a white wine.
The same people came back a month later and they had two glasses of white wine, but in one of the glasses they put in red dye.
Guess what the overwhelming majority of the people said about the red wine? That it tasted different?
That it tasted like white wine? No, that it tasted like red wine. Yeah. The thing is our eyes will often override our taste and smell.
And it was very embarrassing for these wine experts, but it's a good article. If you guys wanna look it up,
I can send you the link, realclearscience .com, or you can just do wine study, red and white, it's very interesting study, but our eyes will often deceive us, just like with sin, amen?
Yes. Okay, who would like to read this? Jim, why don't you go ahead and read that one?
Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
You see in Ephesians 5, one and two. Yep, so I chose that because of the fragrance.
So these people saw red and they were expecting red tastes, but some of them did not, some of them saw through it.
Okay, time to swallow. We got a lot more digestion going on that kid's swallowing his apple. This is one of my favorite designs in the entire universe.
Everybody in this chat has one mouth and we eat food and we breathe air with that mouth.
The food goes to the stomach, the air goes to the lungs. How did
God design us for that to happen? I'm open for your answers. Why doesn't our food go to the lungs and our air go to the stomach?
Because there's a valve in between there. Absolutely, there is an amazing design.
So the apple goes to the stomach and not the lungs because of the epiglottis.
There's no shame. How many people have never heard of the epiglottis? Yes. I have heard of it because there's a yodeling song from Toy Story 2 and Jessie yodels and she's called the queen of that.
She's the epiglottis goddess because of her yodeling skills. Yeah, I like that.
Well, we use it maybe 10 ,000 times a day, maybe more. That's what it looks like.
God thought about the epiglottis, God designed it and then he built it.
This is how it works. That green stuff is food. Now, when you are not swallowing, when you swallow the epiglottis, the yellow thing closes.
And when it closes, it blocks the airway. Can you guys see my mouse?
Yes. When you're not swallowing food, the epiglottis is an open door to the lungs.
But if you swallow spit or saliva, the epiglottis closes over the trachea.
You see that? This just blows me away almost at the speed of light.
When you swallow food or air, the epiglottis door to the trachea closes and the food's only choice is to go to the stomach.
Any comments on that? Does that look like a design to you guys? It does, but I have a question. I'm aspirated food.
Yeah, so once in a while, including last night, I wake up in the middle of the night, not breathing because saliva has gone down the wrong place.
And I jump out of bed and start coughing crazy because I have to catch my breath.
That's the epiglottis. If we laugh while we eat, that could keep the epiglottis in the wrong position as an open and the food or the saliva could go to our lungs.
Does that make sense to you, Robin or Terry? So does my epiglottis go to sleep sometimes?
I do not have any idea on that. You might wanna sleep elevated a little bit.
Sorry, it could also be weekend because I have sleep apnea and a lot of that is included like the epiglottis strength and things like that.
There's, I don't know, a lot of stuff I didn't understand that the doctor told me. So epiglottis strength, does that mean that you can strengthen your epiglottis by yodeling?
Yes. I could not tell you. I think Jeff has an answer.
Jeff, were you gonna answer something about the epiglottis? Oh, I was just gonna say, I think you're laughing in your sleep.
Maybe you're yodeling in your sleep, but here's the zoomed in.
But I think one thing about this lesson is I think health -wise we can all benefit too to figure out what's going on.
But for some reason your epiglottis is letting liquid go into your lungs at night,
Terry. Yeah, I'm realizing that too.
I'm just wondering why. And the thing about the internet, you could research this and learn quite a bit.
I love to say this, we'll never be as smart as a doctor. Suppose they're at 100%, but we can get to 80 % and we can really, really learn about our bodies when we talk to doctors.
And a lot of them respect it when we do. So research your epiglottis, Terry, and see what's out there.
Bill, this is Bill. Can I ask a quick question, please? Yes. Is the epiglottis a muscle or is it moved by muscles?
I would be guessing. Would anybody like to check that on their cell phone and let us know?
I would bet a penny it's not a muscle. I would say it's a gland. But could someone in this room go on their cell phone and look that up?
That's a great question. Yeah, I'd check. Oh, okay, Luke, do it, you do it. You're probably better on your phone than I am.
While he looks, I'll tell a funny story. I was doing research for this creation lesson and I started, of course, with sight and smell, taste buds.
And then I go, oh my goodness, I'm not even halfway through the digestive system. I've already got two hours of stuff.
All right, I got the answer. Good. It says, just a quick Google search.
It says, when you swallow, there are muscles that are connected to the epiglottis.
They're called the ariaepiglottic and syroepiglottic muscles that pull down on the epiglottis to close the entry.
Wow. Yeah, but so based on what he said and also from what
I'm reading, it sounds like it in itself is not a muscle, but it is controlled by muscles.
All right. Okay, good. It seems to me it's a piece of cartilage. Yes. Isn't it beautiful too?
Oh, great. All right, who would like to read this wonderful verse from our Lord? I'll read it. Psalm 8 .1,
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. You who have displayed your splendor above the heavens.
Amen, he is majestic. Okay, so the apple passes the epiglottis.
What's this pink thing called next? Trachea. No. Or esophagus, sorry.
It's okay, it's okay. It's called the esophagus. Now, when I taught my lesson,
I had a little kid get up there and I had some stockings. They weren't mine, they were my wife's and I put a tennis ball in one end and the kid would squeeze it.
The only way to get that tennis ball down there was by mechanical force and pushing it. That's the same way our esophagus works.
It's not by gravity. You could digest food standing on your head. And ah, it's just so beautiful, his designs.
But we do not recommend that you digest food standing on your head. The creation science group of Santee takes no part in this lesson, right?
Yes. Do not try that at home. Now, one of my, it's not a trick because I tell people, when
I put fancy words up there, I'll put it down here so I know how to pronounce it. Peristalsis.
But not only is it like a tennis ball and stockings, there's gates called sphincters.
You see these sphincters? Now, why would our digestive system have gates?
Because stomach acid is corrosive. That's one very, very good reason. That is a true reason.
And so it wouldn't come back up. I mean, it'd be really awful to have your apple pop back into your mouth. That's another great reason.
It's almost like locks in a ship in a canal where the gates close and the water level changes.
Yeah, sometimes do they help stop things that shouldn't go down? I'm not sure about that.
But sometimes when you're in a certain section, your body's got a little bit of work to do on it, right? So the gates close and it gets to work and then it passes, the gates open and pass on.
Keeps fake ships from going down. How many people are even more humbled by God's greatness when you hear about things like this?
Amen. Amen. So we got all these different gates for different digestion.
Could someone explain to me how this evolved? How do you evolve an esophagus, sphincter muscles?
Because if there's no sphincter muscles, it could go straight down into your stomach. Well, you see, it starts with a toxic sludge.
I'm just kidding. Exactly. Millions and millions of years ago, right? Time, when you add enough time to anything, not oregano and not paprika, but time.
I like that. I like that. And not time. Oh no, you have to add time too, right?
To get the enzymes? Well, yeah, that'd be a common answer. So we're finally getting to the stomach.
The stomach makes digestive juices and I don't wanna be negative, but the stomach gets too much credit with digestion.
The stomach's very important, but it really digests like crazy and then it blends it all up.
So the stomach is huge. Sphincter muscles keep the food in the stomach.
It can't go up, it can't go down until the stomach is done with it. Now, our stomach needs to digest meat.
How does our stomach digest meat? I'll take any answer, go. Enzymes.
Your stomach has hydrochloric acid with the pH of 1 .5.
Your hydrochloric acid could dissolve metal. Because of time, I'm gonna just speed up a little bit.
Why doesn't this acid digest your own stomach? I always ask that question.
Special lining. Yeah, I'm gonna say because the lining has something that has a high, a strong base.
We have a special lining that produces a mucus. These are cells on the surface of your stomach.
We would be dead without these cells because they make like a toothpaste that lines our stomach to keep the acid off of our stomach.
So a question for the haters of God. What evolved first?
The cells that make the acid so we can digest meat or the cells that make the mucus?
Which one evolved first? They happened at the same time. You would be dead if one of them wasn't working.
You either couldn't digest your food or you would burn holes in your stomach. Instant creation is the only answer.
Am I wrong? Does that look like coffee beans with cobwebs? You're wrong.
Those are lima beans, pinto beans. Here's a great verse that people might overlook something.
Who would like to read that? Terry, could you call on someone, please? Yes, Rob, I see that you're unmuted. Can you go ahead and read it?
I think, Rob, you can, okay. There is no God. No, the fool has said in his heart, there is no
God. Real quick, the fool doesn't say in his brain, in his heart.
The broken hearted atheists are emotional atheists. Richard Dawkins is an emotional wreck.
There's no scientific justification for his stuff. So there's Richard Dawkins.
He admitted in writing that he was abused by a school teacher and he says,
I'm not gonna whine about it, but he might've called out to God and say, please have this abuse stop.
Now he's a hardcore atheist. So Richard Dawkins, in my opinion, is not, well, he's very good with science, of course, but he's a broken hearted, broken person and emotionally mad at God.
Any comments on that? I have found most atheists to be kind of angry.
I jokingly said, I'm gonna write a book called Really, Really Happy Atheists, but I can't find anyone. We shouldn't be smug.
We should have sympathy for them and love them. Right. Okay, so here's the cat.
The cat's gonna ask you guys a question. Okay, so you got all these acids in your stomach.
Your stomach's protected because of the mucus, but that liquid is gonna leave the stomach.
Why doesn't it tear up the rest of our digestive system? Anybody? It gets neutralized.
Genius. You're a genius, Jeff. The pancreas is right after the stomach and it neutralizes the digestive juices leaving the stomach.
Can I get an amen? Amen. This is just one quote of many
I saw during my research. Your body is designed to handle normal levels of stomach acid.
So it doesn't cause you any illness or health complications. This was just a neutral article on how the digestive system works, but what's that D word right there?
Designed. Doesn't it make you want to go find the author and ask him if he understands what he wrote? Yeah, he could lose his career.
But how sad, there's so many articles that have design in it if you just search it. But it's just sad that we've been taken over.
Years ago - I think it's aliens that have designed it, isn't it? That's what a lot of them think, that aliens designed it.
I haven't met too many. Many years ago, after church, we went to McDonald's and somebody prayed and they said, dear
Lord, please bless this food for the nourishment of our bodies. Now I love
McDonald's, but I said, I don't even know if God could do that with this food. But anyways, there's a picture of Ronald McDonald praying that you'll enjoy his food.
Uh -oh, sometimes when we eat, things don't work out so good, right? What is a gross part of digestion?
I'm gonna speed it up because of time. That young lady is vomiting.
How many people here think vomiting is an incredibly brilliant design?
Well, I avoid it at all costs, I won't. Yeah, I have a policy against it.
Yeah, me too. Go ahead. She's bowing to the porcelain goddess.
Yep, it's not a good thing to do because all those stomach acids are coming up your esophagus and your mouth and your teeth, but it's a design beyond belief.
Our body thinks it's being poisoned and it orders the stomach to get rid of that poison.
Being drunk, intoxicated is blood poisoning. Our body often says, no, no, no, there's too much alcohol.
We're being poisoned, I gotta get it out. Our stomach, I'll go fast because of time, has chemoreceptors.
These amazingly designed cells think or they detect chemicals and they react.
It's like an air conditioner, a furnace and a thermostat. The thermostat is saying, okay, okay, turn off, turn on.
We have cells that can instigate vomiting. So we could talk about Las Vegas later.
It sends a signal to the vagus nerve, an amazing nerve that goes to all of our organs.
There is our vagus nerve, Viva Las Vegas. And we have a vomiting center in our brain.
Did you guys know that? No. No. What a great God, he thought of everything.
We have a vomiting center. I'm gonna have that removed. Even though we're getting short on time, I'll take a couple answers.
For us to vomit successfully, what does a vomiting center have to have our body do?
Have to open up all those gates. Yep. Gates have to open up, what else?
The saliva, making the extra saliva like we talked about earlier. You got it. The saliva increases like crazy.
What else? Your stomach kind of heaves, yes, yes.
And Bill - Magical fairies don't move it. Bill, as for time, normally we're considerate of our speakers because they're usually on the
East Coast. If you wanna go to eight, that's fine. And if people need to drop off, they can. Okay.
And interaction is fine as we go along. So when we vomit, we create more saliva.
The vomiting center says, hey, epiglottis, you gotta open up, let it out. You guys talked about the gates.
The sphincters have to open and close. You don't want that vomit going back in, amen? The nervous system, the muscles, the diaphragm are all engaged and it's even way more complex than that.
So we get angry at God perhaps when we're vomiting, but it's our body protecting ourselves from what it sees to be a poison.
I absolutely hate throwing up. I'm sure nobody enjoys it, but I have a complete aversion to it.
I would think everybody hates it. Yeah, it makes me sick just thinking about it. It can save your life.
Yep, yep. Yeah, if anyone's ever, when I was growing up, used to have in a first aid kit, used to get a little bottle of what they call
Ipecac syrup or syrup of Ipecac. And that is something that they got from a plant that they noticed that it stimulates those chemical receptors in the stomach to cause vomiting.
Wow. Yeah, Ipecac, yeah, yeah, nasty stuff. Incredible. Since I have experienced what
I did, I told the doctor about it and he told me to stay away from certain kinds of vitamins, the strength of them.
But in the past, I would take vitamins and it felt like it was raining in my mouth.
I was just, I can't tell you. My saliva was just coming all over the place in my mouth, just like it was raining.
And I was feeling like I was very sick and that I wanted to get rid of what was in my stomach.
And that was from vitamins? That was from vitamins, too strong. And maybe on an empty stomach, because I've made that mistake.
Yeah. Amen. You ever take zinc on an empty stomach?
I'm a huge fan of zinc. As soon as I feel a cold coming on, I blast zinc.
But if you take it on an empty stomach, you're almost suicidal. It makes you feel so rotten.
So you gotta have a full stomach when you take your zinc. Thank you. Pardon me?
Thank you very much. I did not know that. Oh, everyone in this room, as soon as you feel that little tickle and you feel tired in your throat, get a bunch of bread, take two big pills of zinc.
And I swear by it, it just kills the bacteria from multiplying and you'll be fine.
I use the Zycam nasal swabs. Good, good. Who would like to read this one?
It depends on the kind of zinc that you take. I take a chewable tablet and they're a lot easier than the dried pill form.
Jeff, why don't you go ahead and read the verse since you're unmuted? Okay. Great is the
Lord and most worthy of praise. His greatness, no one can fathom. We don't feel like thanking him when we vomit, but it could save our lives.
So, as I said, so many miracles, so little time. We could spend years on the digestive system.
Now, I love this. I never knew this. Where does most absorption of nutrients in our body occur?
The lower intestine. The small intestine. It's almost like the stomach has a press agent that gets all the publicity where the small intestine really does most of the work.
What is the surface area of the small intestine? Five miles.
Oh no, half a mile. Wow. 2700 square feet, which is a tennis court, including the doubles alleys.
Now, how in the world does a little tube like the small intestine have that much surface area?
It's got to have needles coming up from the bed of the intestine that increase the surface.
Absolutely. You guys are really intelligent. First, we got these little things that look like the letter
Y, and then on top of the letter Y are little villi. I might be mispronouncing that.
The surface area gets to be enormous by this design upon design. See that?
Isn't that great? Unbelievable. 22 feet long is the small intestine, but we got these villi to make the surface area.
And that's where we absorb our nutrients. The large intestine primarily absorbs water.
It does other things, of course, but when we go to the bathroom, we don't want to lose tons of water.
We could dehydrate. So our large intestine absorbs water. Here's one of my favorite slides.
You guys can shout out the answer. What four -inch long pouch sits at the end of the small intestine and beginning of the large intestine?
Yuck. I can't remember the name of it right now. I shouted out my answer.
Appendix. Yes, the appendix. This is so amazing.
Here's the direction that the food goes. Whoops. And here's our little appendix.
All of us have been told, oh, it's an evolutionary leftover. We don't need it. It's a vestigial organ.
Yes. How many people know the truth? It's for immunity, isn't it?
Yes. Look at the location. It's amazing how God designed it.
I'll describe it. Not to be disgusting, but if we get really violent diarrhea, we could rush and flush our entire system of everything.
Bad bacteria and good bacteria. Okay? So our system could be flushed clean.
But guess what sits in that appendix? Bacteria. Good bacteria to replenish our digestive system.
So here's some cool fluid dynamics. Suppose you got diarrhea and all this pressure liquid and solid is going like this.
It's gonna push this down, but it's gonna flush all this away. You follow me?
If the appendix was up here more, it might suck it out.
But after the diarrhea is done, all the good bacteria can come back and replenish our digestive system.
Can't really live without an appendix. What problems are there when people get their appendix taken out?
You do not have the good bacteria in your digestive system after your massive diarrhea.
And you could have a little illness. I don't think fatal, but you could feel sick because the bad bacteria might be in charge for a while.
I wouldn't say it's fatal, but you're much better off with it. Amen? Your body has to build that good bacteria back up.
So you have to eat. It's almost a race you could say, right? Yeah. Instead of a headstart for the good bacteria, it might be a race.
So if you have your appendix removed, should you automatically take probiotics?
Is that in it? Wow. I'm not a doctor, but it sure makes sense to me.
Yeah, I've had mine removed, but I don't take probiotics on a regular basis. Now I know I might, maybe that's a good idea.
Wow. Yeah. I'm being blessed by this lesson. If it helps your life, I love it. Yeah. I still have my appendix, but I do still use probiotics.
Our food today does not have the ability to give us the probiotics that we need.
And all the junk that we eat, it chases out a lot of the good bacteria in your small and large intestine.
So probiotics, I'm very pro probiotics. Good. And prebiotics too.
And one of our watchers on Facebook says they take it out with cancer surgery. They take out the appendix with cancer surgery?
Interesting. Why? Let's not wait for the answer.
We'll see if she gives it, but it could take a couple of minutes, so. Okay. So this isn't just old
Bill with the gray beard saying it. Duke University did a study and there's the reference.
If you type in Duke University appendix, you can read the whole article.
Okay. So time to get rid of our apple. Is digestion done yet to the small intestine or the large intestine?
No, we got to talk about poop, everybody. That's why you came, right? Well, I know that's why
I'm here. Well, it's a very important part and a great design by God. Why does it smell?
I'm not here to disgust anybody, but the reason it stinks, because of all the bacteria that's helping to digest it.
We eat a lot of food that our body just simply can't digest and it smells rotten. And food that have a lot of sulfur in it often have the smell.
Does anybody know why it's usually brown? There might be another reason for the stink.
That's to keep people away so that you don't get contaminated. Very, very, very good answer.
And also to attract flies who will add stuff to help break it down.
Yeah. Is the color from the bile? Yes. The color is from the bile and dead red blood cells.
Oh, yeah. We make 3 million red blood cells per second because 3 million red blood cells are dying every second and they're exited from our body and our waist.
And so, you know, not to get disgusting, that's why it's brown. Well, Carolyn's a nurse.
So she kind of had a leg up on that. Good. Good. It also makes sense that if you have internal bleeding, sometimes your stool is darker.
Yeah, that's true, yeah. I was going to say iron for the color, but I didn't realize it was red blood cells.
That's interesting. Well, there's iron in your red blood cells. So you could have been right. Yeah, the hemoglobin.
I went to NASA and saw they had a poop display, like a whole poop program.
And you could go around and sniff. Exactly, it shows all processes.
Or sniff different animals. And the animals that ate a lot of fruits, it didn't smell so bad.
And animals like the tiger and the lion, because they eat a lot of protein, it smells really bad.
And that was my story. Awesome. But part of the design. I ate a lot of protein,
I'll leave it at that. Well, you know what you could - Don't forget, you guys who are unmuting yourselves, don't forget that if you don't remute yourself, we can hear your chatter.
I thought somebody was going to describe. Nevermind.
Exactly, when's this guy going to end, right? Well, here's our last part of the design. My knees buckle at the greatness of the design.
And I'd love to say this. I am willing to say that in the history of the
Christian church, from the early church fathers until today, that's the church I go to,
Calvary Chapel, West Grove. No church has ever talked about what I'm about to talk about in the thousands of years of Christian thought.
You guys ready for this? I did a demonstration at our creation meeting.
How many people love cranberry sauce? I do. I love it.
It's my favorite part of Thanksgiving. I love it. My job is to get it out of the can. You know what
I'm talking about? Where you shake it and you shake it and it just won't come out. Anybody amen to that? And it goes, oh, yeah.
On YouTube, they give you a little tips on how to get it out. But we can push and push.
And that cranberry sauce just won't come out because of the back pressure.
It's trying to be sucked back in because there's no venting. What does this have to do with digestion?
When we exit our waste, sorry everybody, this is our anus, a drawing of the anus.
God designed it with ridges and little canyons and rises. This is an amazing design so that our waste does not have any back pressure.
It ventilates so that the waste can come out. When we do the can, it's too tight.
The liquid makes it too tight. It doesn't want to come out. I would love to hear any comments on that.
Go. You don't want my comment. Go to somebody else. Can anybody say praise the
Lord for ridges on our anus? Didn't think I would say that tonight, but yeah.
Isn't it amazing guys? God thought of every detail. In the can, all you do is just take a sharp object and just poke it in the bottom of the can and it'll all come out.
But this is a lot better what God has designed. Amen.
And it's kind of gross and disgusting, but what a loving, wonderful creator. Is he not?
Jim is the master with the cranberries. So next
Thanksgiving, you'll remember this lesson, right? I will, for sure.
Yeah. But again, it's something we don't like to think about, but he thought of everything from the sight of the food to the exit.
So easy to be humble to a God like that. Amen. Amen. Okay, last volunteer.
Reading. All right. Jeff, why don't you... Oh, you read the last one.
How about Luke? Why don't you go ahead and read this last verse? Yours, oh
Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty. Indeed, everything that is in the heavens and the earth, yours is the dominion, oh
Lord, and you exalt yourself as head over all. 1 Chronicles 29, 11. Thank you for reading that.
And that beautiful picture to the right, every little cell in our digestive system, tremendous design.
We couldn't design one cell of that. So all glory to God. And everybody said?
Amen. Amen. Do we have time for any questions?
Yeah, yeah, go ahead. If Bill Morgan doesn't mind staying, then we have time for some questions.
I don't mind one bit. Okay. One question I have is when we were early on that talk, we were talking about construction.
God had to think about these things and design it. And, but God didn't use tools,
I don't think. He spoke everything into being, right? He spoke it. That makes it over the top awesome.
There's not a word to try to even explain that. Well, actually for the creation of man, he got his hands dirty and formed this out of the dust, which
I think that makes us a special creation. He did speak many, many things into existence.
Everything but us. Good point. Now, little fun trivia.
There's a digestive system. When you were a one cell being in your mother, how do you go from a one cell being to that?
It's a complicated process, but you know, there's a really good video on YouTube.
It's called How to Build a Worm. I highly recommend it.
It talks about cell division from a single cell. And what happens is as the cells divide, over a period of time, certain genes are switched off.
And those genes being switched off governs what the next generation of cells is gonna be.
How to build a worm? Yeah. Sounds good. I forget who produced that, but it's along the creation scientists.
Oh, good. Well, when you were one cell in your mom, all the information was in place to build your digestive system, your reproductive system, your skeletal system.
So it's not like a guy with a hammer grabbing stuff and putting it together. It's from information in one cell.
Yeah. That video explains how that information is used and the process that they used to discover how that works.
And it's a creation video? It's on YouTube. It's called
How to Build a Worm. It's not that long a video. It's maybe 20 minutes long, something like that.
And it's a creation video? Yes. Wonderful. Good. Good, Jeff. We're gonna have to raise your grade point average.
It's actually more like, it's more what they call intelligent design.
It's done by people who are, if we talk about intelligent design, they don't go as heavily into Christ and the
Bible, but they do talk about intelligent design. Sometimes if people say they don't believe in intelligent design,
I say, well, do you believe in stupid design? That's a joke. Any more questions?
The, Bill, the vestigial organs, one was the tassel and the other is the appendix.
That usually gets taken out when you have appendicitis. The doctors just cut it right out because they don't think too much of it.
But after listening to you, it has new meaning. What do you think?
What about the tassels? My tassels were taken out. I don't have any more.
Yeah. Yeah, the tassels also play a part in immunity.
And now they don't take the tassels out like they used to. Oh boy. Both my sister and my brother had their tassels removed.
They're six and seven years older than I am. And I was always sick and they wouldn't take my tassels out.
And also your coccyx, your tailbone, they think that that's a vestigial, not an organ, but something left behind from when we were monkeys, which of course we,
I know we were not. The tailbone, you couldn't sit down and walk or anything else without your tailbone.
Yeah, so anybody that tells you that it's a vestigial organ tell them to get it removed and then get back to you.
Well, I stole something from Kent Hogan. I love to go to high schools for two weeks.
The first week is just a 15 minute lesson. The next week is question and answer. So it was
Marina High School here in Huntington Beach. I went back the second week and this teacher is putting a sheet of paper on everybody's chairs.
And it was his paper said, the reasons evolution is great, basically. So the kids were there and I said, sir, do you believe evolution is great and true?
He goes, yes. And I said, let's have a public debate in front of the whole school. And he said, no way.
And I said, sir, you're a smart man. And he said, why? I said, I'd never defend that either in front of other people.
You're smart for not defending it. But one of the questions that he was passing out was that our tailbone is an evolutionary leftover.
So one of the kids, bless his heart, raised his hand and he goes, isn't the tailbone an evolutionary leftover?
I said, what do you mean by that? The poor kid had no idea. And I have slides on it.
I said, well, you're thinking about the coccyx. And I had a slide on it. I showed the coccyx. I said, do you think you need your coccyx?
And the poor kid goes, no. And I said, I'll say in front of this whole Bible study,
I will pay you $3 ,000 cash if you get yours removed. Do you want $3 ,000 worth of cash?
And he said, no. I said, if you removed it, first off, a doctor would never do it. You couldn't, muscles attached to your coccyx.
If you remove it, you can't control your bowels, your urination, and you'll never have sex again.
So I said, if you remove your coccyx, you're gonna spend that $3 ,000 on diapers in about a year.
It's not an evolutionary leftover. It's an anchoring point for muscles. Oh, wow.
Diapers are a colostomy bag. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So what happens if a person breaks their neck bone?
Like if they fall or something, can they repair it? My dad injured his when he was tobogganing as a young man.
Me too. You too? Oh yeah, no, I actually broke it.
And June, who usually attends, her grandson just recently broke his as well. So I know how real the coccyx is and how important.
And it super hurts when you crack it. Yes. But you still have the muscles attached to it that are vital for all those fun...
And your guts are held up by muscles that are attached to the coccyx. So if you want a colostomy bag, like I think
James said, and you dribble urine all day, and you won't be able to reproduce, have it removed.
But it's a gut purpose. Any more questions?
Should we pray, Terry, and shut off live stream and... Yeah, I think we're ready to be done.
So let's do it in this order. Bill, how about you pray, and then we'll both tell everybody how they can find us again, and then we'll turn everything off.
Great. Be an honor. Dear Lord, thank you so much for your digestive system.
It proves your love. It proves your brilliance and greatness. And we pray to reach open -minded, fertile ground, and glorify you in their lives so that their lives can have peace of mind and joy in a world of chaos and stress.
Thank you for this creation group. I pray that you use them and that you're glorified through them. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Bill, go ahead and... I'm gonna go ahead and stop your sharing so that we can see your whole face while you tell everybody how they can find you.
Okay. I have a YouTube channel called Bill Morgan Channel. This lesson is on it.
My phone number, as you said earlier, 714 -898 -8331.
I'm old. I still have Hotmail. It works for me. I don't know why.
I just like my Hotmail better. Billyjack1 at hotmail .com.
And feel free... Oh, I'm gonna mail you my PowerPoint. Yes. And feel free to use it in lessons.
Kids like stuff like this, I think. If you send it to our creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com,
that way Robin can go ahead and forward it out to our email list. And if you're not on our...
Anybody here watching live on Zoom or on Facebook or watching after the fact, if you're not on our email list but you would like that PowerPoint, then you can either contact him or email creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com
and we'll send that to you. Are there any Facebook questions that people have? No, I think
Facebook, we're good. Could you repeat the phone number again, please? 714 -898 -8331.
And then just to remind everybody how they can find us. We're free. Call anytime it's a landline and I'll give you my cell phone if you call me.
We're creationfellowshipsantee. That's S -A -N -T -E -E. And you can find us on YouTube.
Most of our videos are there. And on Rumble, we're CFS 2020. And on BitChute Creation Fellowship, our
Facebook is creationfellowshipsantee and our email creationfellowshipsantee at gmail .com.
And so with that, we're gonna thank you, Bill. We're gonna go ahead and turn off our recording and live stream and then we'll just...