Did Todd White Truly Repent?


Watch this new clip from Apologia Radio. We talk about the recent news and play a clip from Todd White's message on his "repentance". Did Todd White truly repent? Let's talk about it. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/apologiastudios?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


So he's a really nice guy, however, I know that there's a lot that is troubling about his praxis, about his theology, about the things that he engages in.
I think there's a lot of stuff that he's done, I've seen on video, that's straight charlatan in terms of, I'm not trying to judge the man's heart, but when you talk about the whole illusion of extending legs and all that stuff, you have to know how to manipulate that so it looks like you've extended somebody's leg.
That's a trick. It's a trick that you learn, and charlatans do it. And so Todd White, I've seen engage in that sort of a thing before, and so I don't know the man's heart, but I'm telling you right now, you can go learn to do that.
It's a trick. It's been a trick for a long, long time. People learn how to do it, and they do it, and it's something charlatans do.
And so there's a lot troubling about Todd White. However, Todd White preached a message or gave a lecture, sermon, two weeks ago, two
Sundays ago, and of course it was all the rage and everybody's gone essentially two different directions with it.
One is, well, praise God, this is good news, let's be hopeful. And then of course there were others that were just full on like, he repented, it's all good now.
And then there was of course the other side saying, no, he didn't, and I'm not confident of this. So I'm going to play you just a part of,
I guess, the encouraging aspect of this message. He talked about like, have you guys ever read
Spurgeon and Whitfield? And it's like every Reformed person goes, what's that?
Good, that's wonderful. Whitfield and Spurgeon, those are some of our heroes, and if you haven't read them, you should read them.
And Spurgeon, he's solid. Yeah, I was like, oh, I know your people. So like, yeah, that's what you did. Yeah, Reformed people sort of had that code.
Like early Christians were like drawing the, they were drawing the fish in the sand to like identify, I'm a
Christian, look what I'm drawing in the sands. Reformed folks have our own, we're like, what's on your shelf right there?
We go like Spurgeon, Whitfield, Edwards, we go, okay, right on, like we're good. Their children named
Calvin. Yeah, yeah. Oh, kids named Spurgeon. Oh, that's good. Right on. All right, good. I know how you be. I got a daughter named the five points.
Tulip. So anyway, so it's encouraging stuff at the beginning that every person
Reformed was like, oh, that's encouraging. I know why he's talking like this now, but here's a section that I think one of the sections that got everyone excited.
All people are condemned, it says, by the law. It says in the Psalms, in Proverbs, it says the law converts the soul.
The soul is converted from the law. That doesn't mean that we preach it as legalists. That just means that if people don't know that they're sinners, they won't see their need for a savior.
This is hard for people, huh? It's hard for me. It's hard for me because I feel like I haven't preached the whole gospel and I repent.
I repent. You have no idea. I will not be responsible.
I believe that when I preach that the blood of people is on my hands. I believe that when I walk by a person and don't share a witness,
I believe that their soul is at my, at my, in my, in my power, not my power.
I can't save them, but it's my power with my words that I can say something that can. I'm convicted.
I'm convicted. It says to he who knows to do good and doesn't, it is. So what's your definition of doing good?
I'm allowing my definition of doing good to extend the fact of me reaching more people with the truth.
I need to, and it's so important for me. All right. So I want to say that's encouraging.
Pastor James on the dividing line said, look, you know, I think he said, like, we don't know what's going on with this guy, but let's be hopeful. And he said, when's the last time you cried about the gospel?
So that's encouraging. And I want to just address this. You know, I know that he gave another message.
We don't have time to play through that now. Another message this past Sunday. I listened to that. It was very troubling in some aspects.
And a lot of people said, see, see, I told you he didn't repent. Can I just say something? I want to just say in terms of like balance as Christians, you know, look, we have a show called
Cultish. You know that we stand outside of Mormon temples. You know that we go on the street with Jehovah's Witnesses.
We're not afraid to go into hard context and say, that's a false gospel. That'll send you to hell. That's an abomination.
We'll confront things like that all the time. But then there's balance in the Christian life. And I'll do it by way of two examples.
One is Kanye and one is Todd White. Okay. Here's the deal. I don't know the state of these men's souls. I don't know their hearts.
And so when we heard about Kanye, we had the pastor on who was actually speaking to Kanye to say like, what have you been saying to him?
What's it been like? You know, this whole situation, what have you been saying? How have you been preaching to him? And the situation with Todd White, hearing what he says here,
I think balance in the Christian life and consistency is to say, well, praise God for that.
I'm going to be praying for that person. I'm going to be hopeful. But the answer is time will tell.
Time's going to tell whether this repentance is genuine, whether he really means what he's saying. Is it manipulative?
Like we have an example in the past where Benny Hinn goes on TBN or wherever he was, and he starts saying things that seem really, you know, solid and, you know, and everyone's like, oh, this is good news.
Is Benny Hinn repenting? And the answer is, well, I hope so. But I don't really know.
Ultimately, I don't know the man's heart or soul. But I think we should at least as Christians say with a balanced perspective, you know,
I'm doubtful, but man, I'm hoping, I'm hopeful, and I'm praying for this man's soul. And man, wouldn't that be a great thing to have
Todd White truly repent and really preach the full gospel and the word of God clearly and influence all the people that have been deceived through false doctrine?
Wouldn't it be a redemptive thing to see that take place? And so what I want to say is what I said a couple times to brothers and sisters this week as this came up, when
I saw this initially, my response was, man, I hope so. Yeah. And that sounds good, man.
Praise God for that. And I hope that's true. Let's pray for him. And I started seeing people just immediately before anything else was said, no, he's fake, he's wrong, blah, blah.
No, he's making it up. He's just tricking people. It's not real repentance. And I thought to myself, you know,
I didn't say it ultimately publicly, but I thought to myself, man, it seems like Christians don't want redemption. Right.
You know, like, well, why is that? That as Christians, we're the ones that are supposed to believe the most in redemption because we experienced it.
How come we can't extend that to others, at least in a balanced perspective, to be hopeful? Now, I know there have been people who have been balanced and saying, well,
I'm doubtful, but hopeful. That's good. But I'm talking about the people who were just lopsided the other way, saying to hell with Todd White and that's not real repentance.
And I'm saying, well, based upon that message, you can be hopeful and pray for him.
Right. But just immediately responding to vilify the guy and to have no hope for redemption.
I think that's, I think that's damaging. Oh, yeah. No. And I'll be quick, but there's a few things
I wanted to say because when searching for this message that you just played, I actually came across the message he he gave this this last
Sunday. And, you know, he does some things in there that were concerning.
He mentions, of course, the documentary American Gospel, which he says is about him.
He does say something in there that I thought was, I mean, I agreed with him, but he says, you know, if you think
I'm deceived and you're not praying for me, then what you love is your opinion and not me. And that's true.
There's there's an element of truth to that kind of what you're saying as far as if you know that this man is deceived. As a
Christian, for him to say what he said, there should be some element of hope and prayer for this man that he continue reading
Spurgeon or Whitefield or whatever it may be that he's moving towards the biblical gospel. But the other thing
I wanted to also bring up, because for those who maybe kind of jumped on board a little bit too soon, if you believe that this man was preaching a false gospel for who knows how many years this guy has been ahead of a church or a pastor, if you believe he's been teaching a false gospel for many years,
I think repentance would require that he step down. And that kind of concerns me, that if somebody understands the weight of what's going on, which it sounded as though he did, but if he understood the weight that I'm repenting because prior to this,
I wasn't preaching a fool or a true gospel, I think evidence of him recognizing that would cause him to then say,
I'm going to step away for a few years and get something straight. But he didn't do that. And so I think that's also reflective of maybe where he's at.
But in the sermon he preached this last Sunday, he does kind of qualify where repentance is, because I think he knows that people said he repented and he was like,
I don't know if I like that word or that they're thinking I truly repented or I'm turning from what
I taught before. Because I think he recognizes that if he's taking a 180, then that means anything
I've said before can be discredited, whether it's books, audio, whatever he's selling, this university that he has.
And so he then started to kind of qualify what repentance was and try to kind of say, well, we're all repenting.
We live a life of repentance kind of thing. But he did say some things in the sermon this last
Sunday that were true, but there was definitely some concerns I had.
He emphasized, of course, healing and some of the verses he used were, I thought, out of context. After the service or towards the end of the service, they had like a healing time where people came up to the front and he was given like a word of knowledge as far as people that they were going through this circumstance, or there's someone out there who's experiencing this.
So those things, of course, are troubling. But there was some elements to it that I thought were good.
But in the end, like he said, I agree with you. I think we continue to pray for him and hopeful for the stuff that is good.