F4F | Deconstructing How Benny Hinn Scams People Out of Their Money


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that God wants to bless you but you've got to, well, show him that you're obedient by sending a seed offering into a televangelist like Benny Hinn or others, go ahead and hit the subscribe button.
You've been taught false doctrine. In fact, a kind that scripture actually explicitly warns about.
Those who teach for shameful gain, things that they ought not to teach. So today's installment, we're going to be heading over to Benny Hinn's YouTube channel, and we're going to be watching a portion of a video titled,
Bible Secrets to Abundance, and we're going to deconstruct this for you. And think of it this way, is that magicians have a particular way in which they are able to perform magic tricks, okay, or illusions.
And there are people who are on YouTube who explain how the illusions actually work.
And so what we're gonna do is we're going to show you the sleight of hand and debunk the
Bible twisting that he uses so that you can see how he creates this false doctrine that, oh, you, you, you've got to send in a seed offering to Benny Hinn in order to show
God that you're obedient so that he can bless you, because he wants to, but apparently he can't.
He can't do it until you send in your money. So we'll kind of, like I said, we'll deconstruct it along the way, show you how the
Bible twisting takes place, and once you see this, you can't unsee it. And so we strongly recommend, share this video with other people so that they can be set free from a charlatan like Benny Hinn.
And Benny Hinn's like the mastermind of greedy charlatans when it comes to twisting God's Word in order to make a buck for himself.
So without any further ado, here's Benny Hinn and the Bible Secrets to Abundance. Thank you for joining me today.
You are going to love this. I am going to share with you biblical secrets that will bring the blessings of God to your life, to your home, and...
Okay, gotta note this. When you hear somebody start like this and say we're gonna bring biblical secrets so that you can have abundance, you're already being conned.
There are no secrets in the Bible. The Bible is an open book, if you would, and there's no secrets that you need to apply in order to attain wealth.
Hmm, nope, not at all. To your business, where you will never have to fear lack ever again.
Wow, that's quite the sales pitch. Now, he's really good at that. Now, I want you to hear it in context again. Back it up 15 seconds.
Biblical secrets that will bring the blessings of God to your life, to your home, and to your business, where you will never have to fear lack ever again.
The Bible... Now, this is the bait. This is the bait. This has a hook, by the way. That's the bait.
So, there you are. You're flipping channels, and you come across Benny Hinn, and you're sitting there going, oh, it's one of these televangelists.
So, you're going, yeah, I'll listen for a few minutes. I mean, these guys are stupid. And then, you know, of course, you're struggling financially, and this guy's all of a sudden,
I'm gonna teach you the Bible secrets so that you can have abundance and never have lack again. You're going, all right, you got my attention there.
Yeah, see, that's the bait. That's the bait. Says in Acts 4, none lacked among them.
All right, now, did you catch that? I want you to hear it again. I want you to hear it in context, and he says in Acts chapter 4, none had lack among them.
There's a reason why none had lack among them, but he omits that data.
Listen again. Where you will never have to fear lack ever again. The Bible says in Acts 4, none lacked among them.
Now, that's the promise of God. No, actually, it's not. None lacked among them.
Now, let's take a look at our Bible program. By the way, a lot of you ask, what Bible program are you using?
This is called Accordance. A -C -C -O -R -D -A -N -C -E. Accordance Bible.
You can look them up on Google, and you can find it. It's like AccordanceBible .com.
That's the name of the program. I say that just because people are asking all the time. But let's go to Acts chapter 4,
Acts chapter 4, and we'll note the passage that he was talking about, and they had no lack among them.
And so, this is the description of what it was like among the Apostles and the new converts to Christianity, and we'll note what's going on here.
Acts 4, 32. Now, the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.
And with great power the Apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.
There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold, laid at the
Apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. So, here's the reason why.
Now, the people in the book of Acts at this time in the history of the church didn't have any needs because they were selling their properties, donating it to the church.
The church was taking those proceeds and redistributing those proceeds as any had need.
They were engaging in charitable giving specific to the purpose of meeting other people's needs.
Now, if they had 501c3s at the time, and they didn't, these would be noted as not just donations, but donations for a specific purpose, for the purpose of meeting the needs of the poor.
That's the idea. So, why did nobody have lack among them? Because of generosity and sacrificial giving to those who were in need.
Not to, you know, a televangelist as a seed offering.
No, no, no, no, no, no. And so you're gonna note that it doesn't say that the poor sowed a seed offering to the
Apostles in order to show that they were being obedient to God, so that God would bless them and they would have no lack.
That's the formula that you're gonna hear from Benny Hinn. Instead, the rich, the wealthiest among the
Christians, sold pieces of property, gave the proceeds to the church as a specified donation for the purpose of meeting the needs of the poor.
The exact opposite of what we're gonna hear. So, there you can see, and so Benny Hinn's saying, the
Acts 4 says there was no lack among them. And see, this is the promise of God. No, no, no, no.
You're making it sound like some mystical thing that God's going to do. No, God works through people, so he desires for Christians to be generous and to take care of the needs of those who financially are in distress.
Uh -huh. That's not what he's teaching, though. Let's come back to his video, and so we'll note he's already twisted one passage of Scripture.
When God begins to bless us, no lack in our home, no lack in our work, no lack in our future.
I will show you from the Bible. You see? No lack in our future. You're gonna show me from the
Bible. You already twisted Acts 4. This is the highest authority to have right here. Yeah, it is. You can stake your life on what the
Bible says. Indeed, this is true. But that would require you also to rightly handle the biblical texts so as not to make promises for God that he didn't make.
We cannot trust what business people say. We cannot trust what the world says.
We can only trust what God says, and God gives us secrets that really work.
No, nothing in the Bible is a secret. The Bible is an open book.
It's been around for a long time. People have been quoting it for millennia, literally.
Yeah, there are no secrets in the Bible. By the way, the idea of a secret, when it comes to Christian theology, that's not
Christianity. That's called Gnosticism, something very different than Christianity. Now, the
Word of God says, this is Acts chapter 4, verse 33 and 34, where God...
We've already taken a look at that and noted that you've, well, mangled those texts. ...blessed the church.
And then we see this amazing declaration. None, not one, none lacked among them.
Right. In order for you to be teaching this correctly, then, Benny, since your net worth is like in the hundreds of millions of dollars, it would be for you to sell your private jet, sell your mansion overlooking the
Pacific Ocean out there in Laguna Niguel, and, you know, give the proceeds to the poorest people in the church today.
You know, you see what I'm saying here? You remember in the Old Covenant, when
God brought Israel out of Egypt? Sure. It says not one was sick among them.
Now, that's a magnificent state of health, that when God took his people, Israel, out of Egypt, not one person was sick.
Not one feeble among all their tribes. We're talking about 3 million people, and not one even with a toothache or a headache.
Now, just like God declared in the Word that none were sick, in the
New Testament he also added none lacked. So... Now, did you see what he did there?
Just like he said in the Old Testament, none were sick. By the way, let's just assume that you're handling that text from the book of Exodus or the
Torah correctly, and we'll say, okay, so that was something that historically occurred, past tense, in the history of Israel during their wilderness wanderings between Egypt and the
Promised Land, which took 40 years because of their sin and unbelief. So, okay, sure, no problem, right?
But here's the issue. Moving forward into the book of Judges, moving forward into the book of Joshua, from there into 1st and 2nd
Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, was that the state of Israel for centuries upon centuries?
When King David was king of Israel, were there nobody with toothaches or lack or anything like that?
Nope. And so, you note what he did there, he didn't even really tell you the text, he didn't even tell you where it was, he just made vague reference to it, said, it says this in the
Old Covenant, and then said, and then now God added to it in the New Testament, there in our text in Acts 4, and no one had lack among them.
So, perfect health, perfect, well, this is what God wills for you. Both texts taken out of context, and that's the idea.
False teachers like him are the masters of manipulating the Bible by taking phrases out of context and sticking them together when they don't go together.
This would be like me saying, you know what, God wills for you to take your own life. You don't believe me?
It says in the Bible that Judas went and hung himself, and in another passage it says, go thou and do likewise.
So there, you know, it doesn't work that way. He just did the equivalent of that there.
No sickness, no poverty. Now, that's the promise of God. No, it's not, not in this earth.
That is the promise of God when Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead, new heavens and a new earth, and we then experience the visible reign of Christ here on earth, that's an absolute promise in the coming visible kingdom of God after the return of Christ.
That's not a promise for Christians here and now. Nope. This is what
God says. It's too good to be true. You bet it is, and it is true.
You just admitted it's too good to be true, and that is too good to be true, because it's not true. You've twisted God's Word to make it appear like God's Word teaches this when it doesn't.
No sickness, no poverty. Now, notice something here.
Benny Hinn, what color is his hair? Pretty gray, yeah.
You'll note that he's looking a little long in the tooth there. I mean, Benny has seen better days.
I mean, he's kind of looking old, and you know, I'm sorry, but old age, that's all part of the fall and the result of the curse and sin, and if he was having perfect health, his hair would have the same glory that it had back in the day, and he wouldn't be having the wrinkles that he has now, so it's fascinating.
You know, don't trust a faith healer who's talking about having perfect health when it's clear that he doesn't.
Look for eyeglasses or old age. Sure signs that he's conning you.
Now, what does the world fear most? If you ask anybody out there, what do you fear most?
They say, what? I do not want to die. Nobody wants to die. Number one fear, the fear of death.
What do they fear second? What is it people fear after death? Speaking in public?
What is it they don't want? Sickness. Nobody wants to be sick. Nobody wants to die with cancer.
Nobody wants to die with heart disease. Nobody wants to die with any problem.
No. That's why we have hospitals, doctors, medicine, and they work very hard at keeping all of us alive, because, you see, that's in our human nature.
Nobody wants to be sick. We fight it. We do everything we can to be free from disease.
Well, what is the third fear of humanity? Nobody wants to be poor.
The fear of poverty is the third fear on earth. So, if you ask the average person out there, what do you fear most?
I don't want to die. Two, I do not want to die with cancer. I don't want to be sick.
I don't want any sickness in my body. And number three, nobody wants to be poor.
That's why people go get jobs. Says the man who's clearly getting older quicker. Jobs that work so hard to pay their bills.
Well, that's the promise of God, that He will give you life. He will give you health, total health, not just health.
Abundant health. Total health. Wouldn't that mean the health where you don't get old?
You know, I think of Joshua, you know, in the book of, you know, in the book of Joshua, you know, he noted the fact that, you know, he was one of the twelve spies who went to spy on Canaan, and he was one of two that actually believed the
Lord and gave a good report. The other ten spies gave a bad report. Joshua, out of all of those twelve spies, he's the, you know, he and Caleb were the only two who were allowed to live and go into the promised land.
And when he entered the promised land, after the conquest of Canaan, you know, he noted the fact that he was just as healthy, just as young, just as fit as he was 40 years earlier.
And yet, Benny Hinn, I mean, this is a fellow we've been keeping tabs on for, you know, since I've been doing
Fighting for the Faith, and before that, I mean, you know, he was on my radar as a false teacher, you know, for what, now, 30 years?
He ain't looking so good, no. No, he's just looking a lot older.
And yet, he's talking about perfect health and not dying. It's clear to me he's a lot closer to the grave than he was ten years ago.
Prosperity. So prosperity is not just something that, you know, we preachers talk about, and people want to believe because it makes them feel bad.
I don't know. It's God's promise. It's God's promise. Prosperity is in the
Bible. You cannot erase it from the Word of God. God never promised poverty.
He promised prosperity. Yeah, could you show me those prosperity promises in context?
As part of the New Covenant, please? I was taught as a little boy when
I went to Catholic school that God only accepts the poor, that the rich will never make heaven, that only the poor people will go to heaven, and the rich will go to hell.
And so we... Alright, so that's what you were taught as a Roman Catholic. I would agree. That doesn't sound like sound biblical doctrine to me.
But then again, Rome isn't exactly known for that, is it? Kids, that's all we heard and believed it.
And so as I grew up, I did not want to be rich because I thought, well, that means I'll go to hell till I read the
Bible. And then I... Maybe it's a straw man. Yes. Oh, I was afraid to be rich until I read the
Bible. And so, you know, you don't have to be afraid to be rich, too. Uh -huh. And so note the technique here.
These are all manipulative techniques to draw you in. You know, say, yeah, you know, why should
I be afraid to be rich? You know, of course I could be rich and not go to hell.
Yeah, notice he's not talking about repentance and the forgiveness of sins and faith in Jesus Christ as being the antidote to the false doctrine of the
Roman Catholic teaching that he received when he was a young lad, that only the poor go to heaven, which
I don't even think Rome teaches that. That may be a straw man, but okay. I saw for myself that God blessed
Abraham. He was rich. Look, even when God created Adam, he introduced him to wealth.
It says there was gold in the Garden of Eden, and the best gold. That is also a strange reading of the book of Genesis.
Genesis chapter 2. We'll take a look at that real quick. And wow, that was bad.
So talking about the different rivers, okay?
Genesis 2 .10, a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.
The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah where there is gold, and the gold of that land is good.
Bedelium and onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush.
And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the
Euphrates. Now, he's pulling a fast one in this sense. Now, it's describing that in the land of Havilah there was gold, and notice it doesn't say that God introduced
Adam to gold. It doesn't say that, okay?
So you'll note that the creation of Adam, you know, it doesn't say anything about the
Lord then, you know, saying, hey, here's some gold. Oh, I'm gonna make you wealthy.
No, not at all. In fact, wealth and poverty are two extremes, if you would, and these two extremes are created in part by the
Fall. So Adam's been created, and God gave them everything.
Adam and Eve, everything. Here's what it says, 215, Yahweh Elohim took the man, put him in the
Garden of Eden to work it and to keep it, and the Lord God, Yahweh Elohim, commanded the man, saying, you may surely eat of every tree of the
Garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in that day you eat of it you shall surely die.
So, up to that point, you know, up to the point of the Fall, Adam and Eve had the ability to eat whatever they want.
Literally, are you hungry? Reach up and grab something and eat. There was no lack, and it's not a matter of wealth.
This is how God initially created things. Poverty, then, is the result of the Fall, and our fall into sin, and the need, then, for us to, you know, work by the sweat of our brows and to toil.
That's all part of the curse, and so in Genesis 3 14, and, you know,
God begins giving out the, you know, the curses to Adam, to the serpent, to Eve, and then to Adam, and ending with Adam, he says to Adam, he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which
I commanded you, you shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground because of you, and pain shall you eat of it all the days of your life.
Thorns and thistles it shall bring forth, and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken, for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
So the idea here is that poverty, as we know it, is a result of the Fall, and we do not live in a creation anymore where if you're hungry you just reach up and grab something to eat.
No, you toil and toil and toil and sweat and toil and toil and toil and sweat in order to meet your needs.
So you'll note, again, he's not quoting God's Word correctly at all, making stuff up and saying, you know, hey,
God's all about you being rich. He wants you to be rich. You got to have enough courage to be rich, but always with Benny Hinn there is a catch.
And so we'll fast forward a little bit in the video towards the end where you can start to see where the catch comes into play.
You want to be wealthy? God wants you to be wealthy, too. Yeah, I mean, because there was no lack among them, and God, you know, introduced
Adam to gold and stuff. And so what do I need to do, Benny, in order to be rich?
So what did Isaac do to prosper? Ah, that's the key. He obeyed God. In Genesis 26, verse 1 and verse 4, there was famine in the land.
But no famine will ever affect you. All right, so let's take a look at the passage in question. We're going to apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
And he says, he asks the question, what did Isaac do in order to be wealthy, you know, to succeed, to be prosperous?
And so that's the setup question, and so he's going to take this text, a descriptive text, and turn it into a prescription, but a weird one at that.
He's not even properly prescribing it, and so are you experiencing famine or lack in your life? Here's what you've got to do in order to experience abundance.
And so here's the text, Genesis 26, 1. Now there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine that was in the days of Abraham, and Isaac went to Gerar to Abimelech, the king of the
Philistines. And Yahweh appeared to him and said, do not go down to Egypt. Dwell in the land of which
I shall tell you. Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and bless you. For to you and to your offspring
I will give all these lands, and I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father. I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven, and will give to your offspring all these lands.
And in your offspring, singular, Zerah, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, and my statutes.
So note, similar to Abraham, when Abraham got to Canaan, there was a famine there, and he ended up going down to Egypt.
Now a with his son Isaac and his family, and God has intervened and said, do not go down to Egypt.
I'll take care of you up here. So Isaac settled in Gerar, and when the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, she's my sister.
So you kind of get the idea here. That was a similar thing that he had a similar practice that his father did with his wife
Sarah. And then we get to verse 12 after that incident, it says, Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold.
The Lord blessed him. Now remember in the earlier part of the chapter, God told him not to go down to Egypt, and that, you know, basically promised to meet his needs there.
He stays in Canaan, and here it says he sowed in the land, even during a famine.
That means he actually put physical seeds in the ground. That's not an offering, by the way, and they grew into plants, and he was able to reap a harvest.
That's called farming, okay? But watch what Benny Hinn is gonna do, because in his mind, sowing is code talk for sending him money, and that's really what he's trying to get these people to do.
You obey God if you live for Him. No financial famine will ever affect you. He sowed seed.
No, he farmed. He actually sowed real seed. He didn't send money to a televangelist.
Verse 12, it says that Isaac sowed seed in famine. That's Genesis 26, 12.
He sowed seed. Yes, sowed seed, as in, like, actually planted, like wheat seeds, or corn seeds.
I don't think they had corn there. Maybe barley, or maize, or something like that.
You know, I'm sorry, but yeah, it was actually, this was called farming. So he gave.
He looked around him. Did you see what he just did there? So he gave. No, he didn't.
Farming isn't giving. Farming isn't a form of charitable giving. When a farmer buys wheat seed and plants it in the ground, he's not giving.
He's planting. It would happen really quick.
Let me back this up so you can see what he's doing here. He's now, he's now changing the subject into somehow making it, oh, see,
Isaac, he gave. No, he didn't. He farmed. He planted.
It says that Isaac sowed seed in famine. That's Genesis 26, 12.
He sowed seed. So he gave. He looked around him. No, he did not give. Him and, and, and saw death, saw famine.
All the farms, all the land was dead out there. So how did he bring his own land back to life?
He sowed seed. That's the first. No, he didn't bring his own land back to life by, quote, sowing seed, and which it means giving.
No. He planted as the Lord commanded him, because the Lord intercepted him on his way down to Egypt.
He said, don't go there. Stay here. And the Lord blessed him in the midst of the famine, and he did nothing to earn it, and putting wheat in the ground is not a form of generous giving.
God wants you to do is start giving. Sowing seed will change the land all around.
Okay, I'm gonna back this up so you can hear it in context. This is literally one of the greediest things
I've ever heard in my life. He bring his own land back to life. He sowed seed. That's the first thing God wants you to do is start giving.
Sowing seed will change the land all around you, because three things...
Yeah, you see what I'm saying? Isaac literally farmed. He wants you to sow seed.
That's code talk for send Benny Hinn money. This guy is wicked.
...change for him when he sowed seed. Number one, the land became green. That land came back to life.
Two, he produced a harvest. The harvest came.
And three, a hundredfold harvest came in one year. So three things... It says the Lord blessed him with that, and putting seeds in the ground is not giving.
...when he sowed. One, the land came back to life. Two, a harvest came.
But the harvest came all the same year, and a hundredfold of it came, not just a little bit of it came.
Because he understood the principle. You have to sow seed.
It's not... No, in farming, if you don't plant your field, sow seed like wheat or barley or whatever, you won't actually get a wheat harvest.
It's not generous giving. It's, again, called farming, and you're twisting
God's Word, because you're trying to tell these people that if they're in the middle of a financial famine, they gotta sow a seed, you know, money, and put it in your ministry pocket, aka soil, so that God can relieve them of their financial famine.
This guy has no conscience. This guy is literally... his conscience is seared.
His God is money, and the only thing he does is use the name of God so that he can line his pockets with more and more and more money.
He is a con man, and why anybody who calls himself a Christian would listen to him is beyond me, because it is so patently obvious this man is a charlatan and a huckster, and is only teaching for shameful gain the things he ought not to teach, because he wants more and more and more and more money.
Hmm, sad indeed. If you found this helpful, please share this video, and all the information on how to share is below.
If you don't already subscribe to our podcast, head over to FightingForTheFaith .com, and you can subscribe to our podcast so that you can get two hours a day of this type of discernment work, which you can take with you in your car, by the way.
Don't watch our YouTube videos while you're in the car, that's a bad thing. So you could end up dead.
Anyway, but if you found this helpful, and share this, warn people so they can see
Benny Hinn is not a man of God, he is a man of money, he's a man of this world, he is truly the exact thing, a wolf in sheep's clothing, and it's really tattered sheep's clothing, he's barely got any sheep fleece on him left.
The only thing he cares about is taking your money out of your wallet and putting it into his wallet, all using
God's name, blaspheming God's name in the process. No Christian. He's not
Spirit -filled. This man will have to give an accounting to Jesus for every penny he stole from every human being on this earth, and that will not turn out well for him.
Pray for his repentance. And by the way, in the archives of our YouTube channel, back at the beginning of the year,
I interviewed Kosti Hinn, the nephew of Benny Hinn, and worth the watch, and at the end of this video, we'll have it up as one of the linked videos that you can watch next, so that you can find out more about what it is, how these people operate, and how to protect yourself from their false doctrines and teachings.
Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.