Surprise! We're in Washington D.C.!
We are in Washington D.C. to report on everything from a distinctly Christian perspective! Be ready to join the stream and share!
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- And we wanted to come to you all and report to you live from on the ground So I want to encourage you guys all to check back here tomorrow
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- Barring any technical difficulties with all the many many people that are going to be here using data and everything else
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- We're going to be live streaming from the ground doing interviews talking to people most importantly Engaging this issue from a distinctly
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- Christian perspective gospel centered We're also wanting to promote and encourage everybody to come to our rally
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- Arizona State Capitol January 22nd at 11 a .m. And abortion now is going to have a rally
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- We're working on criminalizing abortion in the state of Arizona Representative Walt Blackman is putting in a bill to criminalize and abolish to end abortion in Arizona And so we are here to offer everybody commentary and to let you all see what's happening here in Washington DC We're at the
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- Capitol right now. So encourage you all to be checking back tomorrow all day We're going to be live streaming from on the ground to let you know everything that's going on again doing interviews
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- Engaging with people and again trying to actually give you the news of what's happening here from a distinctly
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- Christian perspective so check back and if you guys Have the ability in any way join us
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- January 22nd 11 a .m Arizona State Capitol for the rally for life and abortion now is putting on a
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- Rally to talk about the bill to criminalize abortion in the state of Arizona, but we're going to be here all day tomorrow
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- Pray for us. It could get kind of crazy here at the Capitol. So we're here surprise.
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- We're here with the team excited to give You guys some important Commentary on the events and things that are happening here,