Okay, This Spooked Me a Bit

AD Robles iconAD Robles


A tweet woke me up today regarding the scale of the battle we are facing. Principalities and powers and all that. But nothing to see here, right. There is no movement. It's just that they are wrong about everything.


All right. Well, I've never been in the military. My father was a Navy Seabee, which is like an engineering
You know fighter kind of guys kind of like that when when when they were rebuilding the the wall in Jerusalem They had to have a sword in one hand and they were building with the other.
That's what the Seabees did That's what my dad did He was never deployed, but he was in the military
So I don't really know what wars like I don't know what it's like to be a soldier none of that stuff But I can imagine that in a war
It can be very difficult for an individual soldier to know how things are going because you know when you're kind of you know
When you're an individual you kind of know your own little universe, you know your own foxhole your own group your own platoon, whatever it is and You only have a very small window into how the war is going
In fact, you only really know how it's going for you for the most part Generals and the people in charge, you know that you see them in the movies they have those charts of you know, and they know they know how far the enemy lines are and Enemies taking this much land and we have this and we're there and they're there and they have a much bigger window into how things
Are going so even if for you the war is not going so well It might be going well in general
And so they and the reason that they know that the generals and the people that are in charge know it
Because they see the big picture. They're not just in the foxhole, you know, you know what I mean? This is true of like video games, too
You know Like when you when I play video games and I used to play a lot of video games not anymore But and not because I think they're wrong or anything.
I just have lost the taste it for it for the most part But I used to play these these video games and like there were big epic battles that involved a lot of people
It'd be like 20 on 20 20 online players versus 20 online players and a lot of times to be perfectly honest like I had no idea how it was going for my team like The game would be over and we won or lost and I was like I had no idea like I just I'm just trying to shoot
These aliens here, you know Because all I have is my one screen, you know, and maybe I'm with one person and I see one only one part of the battle
I don't see the big picture and what's going on. Are we winning or losing now? I don't know I'm sure there's a way to know in a video game, but I just I'm not that talented at them.
So I didn't know But when I play I also play tabletop war games when you're playing a tabletop war game you see everything
So, you know how the game is going Even if it's not going very well over here on this front You might still be winning the game ultimately because you can see these whole board state if that makes sense
Why am I talking about this? Well, um look All of us who are engaged in the social justice controversy and a lot of the controversies with our heroes in the faith
You know Tim Keller gospel coalition the Southern Baptist Convention JD Greer Matt Chandler all the we see the the stuff
That's put out by gospel coalition. We see it in bits and pieces. We see fits and starts of it we see small chunks of it and You know, we we might miss the big
Picture we might miss the big You know plays that are being run on us and and I don't want you to because it can be too easy to say
Well, this is just an isolated thing or or this isn't really that big of a deal. Look guys like this is a war a war of worldviews and Right now the major players the movers and shakers the well -funded people the gospel coalition the
ERL see I'm gonna look When you when you see it all laid out for you, you can see that they're on the wrong side of almost every major issue
And this is not a I mean, this is not something I take lightly You know, you don't I mean these are people that I've found like I've got so much from I've benefited from so much and yet I See what they're pushing now and it's just like night and day like what's going on here
Where are they getting this from and talk to you I saw this tweet This is what actually really kind of shook me today.
This is from a Twitter friend and he calls himself the agent of the
Protestants Protestant agent at Protestant agent If you want to look him up on Twitter, he tweets a lot of really interesting things.
I like this guy So an agent of the Protestants, here's what he says. He says he's retweeting Jonathan Merritt, right?
And he says homosexuality the Bible whispers about it critical race theory. It's a useful analytical tool
Egalitarianism we should listen and learn more from them beef root for multiplying That's idolatry
You see them say look like this is a very helpful tweet. It puts everything all in one place I'm gonna add to it a little bit.
Look what do you hear from gospel coalition? What do you hear from a lot of these movers and shakers and evangelicalism about homosexuality what you hear as well?
The Bible whispers about it. It's just the same as every other sin. I mean, it's just it's like drinking It's like drinking a beer homosexuality
The church has been so wrong about homosexuality for forever We we need to reconsider we need to we need to revoice this by the way,
Jesus Jesus grappled with gender and sexuality. I Hear what you're getting from your evangelical leaders about homosexuality is any of that true does any of that match up with how the
Bible? Talks about these things the content and the tone of how the Bible talks about homosexuality Does any of it match up?
Is any of that true? What about critical race theory? Oh, it's a useful in useful analytical tool
This is really just about racial justice It can give us tremendous insight into the power dynamics of the church
The church has been wrong about this has been wrong about justice for years critical race theory can tell us what to do
Sad man egalitarianism we need to put we need to empower women. That's what you're being told by your evangelical
You need to empower women so they can teach they have so much to teach us. They have so much to teach the church
They're a gift to the church. She should preach she can teach all of that we need to empower women and break down the strongholds and and and and and All of that stuff the power structures the authority structures women have so much to offer to the church
And what we mean by that is they can teach you they can preach to you By the way, you know the convention doesn't have room for Rebecca Moore doesn't have room for a lot of us
About what about the family? I mean, this is the one that makes me the most sad Where they talk about how the family being fruitful and multiplying how marriage it's really
Idolatry that's our big problem. It's this it's the idolatry of the family being fruitful and multiply. That's not the pinnacle of human existence
No, no, no, no, no. No, that's idolatry people hold their families and to high esteem.
That's there That's our big problem right now. There's too much esteem for marriage
The church has been wrong about this the church has been wrong about this. Oh, well except for you know,
God got it You know how God hates divorce. Yeah, so that's why like like homosexuals that are married to each other if they came to Christ They shouldn't divorce.
They shouldn't divorce and God hates divorce, right? So when it comes to regular heterosexual marriage, that's just have idolatry there
But when it comes to homosexual marriage what we might need to reconsider the church has been so wrong about this You see like this is the thrust of what we're being told by Big Eva right now evangelical leaders gospel coalition
This is what we're being told We're Man, it's just it's very hard for me to put into words what
I want to say here But I want you to look at this tweet and you could add so much more to this
Why is it that gospel coalition ERLC? Why is it that your?
Leaders and and and our leaders in evangelicalism the movers and shakers the people that we've gotten so much
Clarity from in the past. Why are they pushing this kind of stuff? Why are they running these plays when you put them all together?
What does this look like to you? To me it looks like the spirit of the age is infecting their minds
Because if you look at this list all you have to do to predict What's next is look at what the priests of sociology are teaching right now in universities around the country?
Because this list right here is what they were preaching decades ago The priests of sociology and social sciences they were teaching and preaching this message
Years ago and now the church is and so if you want to look to what the church is going to be pushing in 1020 years
Evangelical leadership and and this and that I gotta look at what are the priests of sociology teaching today?
And it's really just it's just really kind of depressing, isn't it? But this is the war that we're fighting this is the battle that we're fighting the
Bible speaks to all of these things The Bible will not be wed to critical theory. It cannot be reconciled with critical theory
The Bible does not whisper about sexuality. It does not Christ commands that we be fruitful and multiply let marriage be held in high esteem
Why did God bring man and woman together because he wanted godly offspring the Bible says so that's not idolatry to say that That's not idolatry to desire that And While women are made in the image of God and women have lots to offer
The church they shall not preach they should not preach in the church of God They should rather be silent
That's what it says in the scripture. That's not my words Anyway, so I just wanted to just you know, maybe wake you up a little bit but but this is this is
But these are the different fronts, but this is the whole battle It is undermining the authority of God.
The church has always been wrong and we need to we need to re reimagine some of this stuff According to the priests of sociology don't fall for it
Don't fall for it Don't bow the knee to bail It's a different religion.
It's a different gospel. The gospel of social sciences and sociology is a different gospel
See the Bible people like to act like the Bible isn't enough for this stuff Look, the Bible has a full -orbed theology of sexuality
The Bible has a full -orbed theology of gender. The Bible has a full -orbed
Theology of how to you know, how to how to deal with justice I mean, there's a big book of law in the
Bible follow it follow it I Mean, why is that not enough?
The Bible tells you what a family is and what a family is for and there is so much content in the
Bible about this Don't listen to Jonathan Merritt for goodness sake, you know And allow me to allow me to you just wake you up a little bit further and use one of Of our evangelical leaders, you know favorite words flourishing human flourishing
You hear people talking about that all the time do yourself a favor go to a gospel coalition right now and search the term human flourishing and you will find
So many hits you'll find so many hits Search the term sodomy you will probably find nothing
Right, because let me let's wake you up a little bit If you will really want humans to flourish because I do too This is a term that that many people find annoying but but but at this at the end of the day
I want humans to flourish too, but I'll tell you what if you start listening to the thrust of big evangelicalism now
Humans will not flourish like if you if you follow to the logical conclusion J .D.
Greer saying well, you know, the Bible just whispers about about homosexuality. I mean, it's just like it's just like being a drunkard
If you listen to that that is poison human beings will not flourish because the reality of homosexuality is very very ugly very very ugly
Just ask an ex -homosexual the kinds of things and the kinds of activities that they used to do and a kind of soul -damaging
Activities that they were involved in just ask one go find one and ask one You if you follow critical race theory to its logical conclusion human beings will not flourish
That's a that's a recipe for never -ending strife never -ending conflict never -ending upheaval
That is the goal of critical race theory And so if you try to wed that into the church and say oh, it's a useful analytical tool
That is poison to the church. That's poison humans will not flourish If you start to if you start to over Overturn God's order and God look
I look I didn't don't get mad at me God set up the church in such a way where he said look You know women should not preach women should not be in leadership.
Do you not actually they don't exercise authority over a man That's not my words. That's God's Word You start to say well and God created the world to work well in that way
So if you start to say well, yeah, you know But yeah, Beth Moore has a good word for us to Beth Moore can get on the stage and teach men
Beth Moore has a great word for us. You don't you know, don't you know she can preach in our church Human beings will not flourish in a situation like that when you start to think that being fruitful and multiplying like that is our big problem
That's the idolatry of the church. That's the big issue of the church right now. Oh, yeah Yeah, it's we just care about the family too much where we're too focused on the family that overturns
God's plan for the gut for the Church of Jesus Christ because what does the Bible say the
Bible says that that that that he brought men and Women together so they can have holy offspring.
This is the plan to take over the world So when you start to teach, oh, yeah, that's just idolatry human beings will not flourish human beings will not flourish
So you want to talk about getting woke? How's that for getting woke? Look at that tweet? Look at that tweet on Every key area in our in our society when it comes to the culture every key area.
They are wrong They're on the wrong side of it. They're trending in the wrong To the wrong side if they're going the wrong way
You know what I mean, like like like like I'm not saying that they're all the way and complete apostasy and all that kind of stuff
No, that's not what I'm saying, but they're all trending in the wrong way JD Greer's trending in the wrong way
Russell Moore's trending in the wrong way Gospel Coalition is trending in the wrong way on all of those key cultural issues
And so you want to get woke get woke on that this is a battle This is a battle and we are not going to lose this battle, but it's time to get engaged in it
It's time to get engaged in it and treat it like a war because it is Anyway, I hope this is helpful.