130. Climate Hysteria (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #10)



In this video, Pastor Kendall Lankford confronts the modern idols of our time, comparing them to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue, and reveals why Christians cannot bow to the false gods of climate hysteria and political manipulation. Pastor Kendall explores how today’s cultural pressures mirror the ancient demands of Babylon and explains why voting for the Democratic Party is not just a political choice but a sin against God’s commands. Through biblical teaching, he unpacks the real dangers of the climate agenda and calls Christians to stand firm in faith, rejecting fear and embracing the truth of God’s sovereignty. Discover why supporting the Democratic Party's climate policies is not morally neutral but a betrayal of Biblical principles. If you're ready for bold, unfiltered Biblical teaching that challenges the status quo, this video is for you. 🔔 Subscribe for more teachings on Biblical truth and culture! 🔔 📢 Like, share, and comment to spread the Gospel further! 📢 Follow us on Social Media: 🌐 Website - https://www.theshepherds.church 📘 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Kendall.W.Lankford 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/KendallLankford 📸 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theshepherdschurch/ 🎵 TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@reformed_pastor Join us in worship at The Shepherd's Church: 📍 Location: 10 Jean Ave, Chelmsford, MA 01824 📅 Service Time: Sunday School @ 8:30am Lord’s Day Worship @ 10am Contact us: 📧 [email protected] --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support]


131. Critical Race Theory (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #9)

The fact that climate swindlers are the same maniacs that are promoting eugenics and population control further solidifies the fact that they are against God.
God said in the very beginning that we are to populate the world. So what do they say? We need to depopulate the world.
God says that we're to take dominion over the world and subdue the world and make the world a habitable place. So what do they say?
The world is gonna collapse into catastrophe. They are fueled by their father, the devil, and they are lying to you.
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 130, reason 10 not to vote
Democrat, climate hysteria. We will not bow down.
On the plains of Dura stood a tremendous golden statue set against the backdrop of Nebuchadnezzar's growing might and burgeoning empire.
Like most governors, presidents, and senators who've had a few good years in the spotlight,
Nebuchadnezzar had drifted into the conviction that he was God and that the populace would do well to obey and even worship him.
Thus at the appointed time each day, the population would come out and they would take a knee with all of the exuberance and vigor of Colin Kaepernick, pledging undying fealty to the postulate that the state of course is
God. Now, according to old Nebby, anyone who would not join this throng of useful idiots bowing down like golden retrievers after a new bone, well, they would become the enemy of the state.
And that outcome would entail being transported to the execution chamber faster than the
QAnon shaman became the face of the J6 agitators. But instead of a holding cell that was retrofitted for grandmothers storming the
Capitol, if you defied President Nezzar's orders, then you would be chunked into a fiery furnace where you would be flame broiled until you're dead.
The point of this whole ritual was to ratchet up the pressure, high enough in fact to get the average person to trade in their freedoms for securities, which had been the consistent game of big daddy government for thousands of years and it continues even to this day.
Yet among the horde of sycophants who were groveling like Bill Clinton to the feet of Jeffrey Epstein, there were three men in the crowd who had honor, integrity, and valor,
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They dared to defy this unholy mandate and they would not bow down.
Their defiance wasn't just an act of rebellion, it was an act of worship. It was a declaration that their allegiance belonged to God alone and that they were willing to take a stand for him, even if that meant certain death.
And if you know the story, you will know that those three men were not heralded for their virtue, but they were viciously thrown into the fire in order to meet their doom.
Except that God had already decided to deliver them and deliver them he did to the bewilderment of everyone who was standing there on the plains of Dura.
Now, without pressing this scene too far, I do believe that it's actually a helpful metaphor for today's context.
I believe that today's tiny statues or shiny statues look a little bit different than they did back then, but the government -sponsored pressure campaign remains the same.
You see, in very recent days, you'd be thrown out of polite society if you refuse to wear a face diaper and get an experimental jab.
The great Orwellian prophet of the statue called the science, he said so.
And all of the government lackeys doodly followed right in tow. This, of course, is just one example, but we could conjure up many examples without a whole lot of thought.
For instance, perhaps the best example of this government -sponsored pressure campaign is climate change, where a
Nebuchadnezzarite party, known today as the Democrats, have erected a nice and shiny new statue.
Instead of it being gold, now it's a green new statue, and it likes to shove it down our throats every single chance that it gets.
From that annoying Swedish girl who has more failed catastrophe predictions than Hal Lindsey, to electric cars, impossible whoppers, and bad
Leonardo DiCaprio movies, the pressure campaign has surely begun, and you would become a terrible person if you don't comply with the messaging.
For instance, go buy a diesel F -150 Super Duty truck, support energy independence and fracking, and refuse to eat
Bill Gates' homegrown crickets as a source of climate -approved protein, well, you'll be considered a
Neanderthal, and you'll be excluded from progressive civilization. Or, as Hitler's Hillary once uttered, you should be thrown into a basket of deplorables.
But as we approach a very consequential election, we need to understand where this climate hysteria has come from.
Is the world really on the brink of an Algorian -style catastrophe or not?
And why does the particular party of the left, especially the far -left AOC types, why are they shoving this agenda down our necks with the subtlety of a serial rapist?
And most importantly, what does the Bible say about these things? Should you vote for a party that so flagrantly denies scripture and manipulates people for personal gain at every single turn?
These are things that we're gonna be looking at today, but before we do, I would like to remind you to take this opportunity to subscribe to the channel and to turn on notifications.
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So thank you very much for that. Now let's get back to the show. Some history of the climate hysteria.
Now in this section, I just wanna show how the climate crisis has always been a tool of the far left.
And by tool, I mean they've used it like a hammer to whack you and I over the head, to promote pessimism and to rake in bundles of cash on various farcical climate change saving projects.
And how this Green New Deal variety of grifters are just the latest round of charlatans and climate agitators to come along.
Kind of like Chicken Little claiming that the sky is falling. This is just the new group of that ilk.
Now, the climate crisis has been a long favorite tool of the left and it's been that way for a long time.
It's been a lever, a fear that they've used to drive political agendas, to consolidate power and to funnel billions of dollars into various climate related schemes.
From its inception, the narrative has been carefully crafted to create a sense of impending doom.
Convincing the masses that if drastic measures aren't taken, then we're going to fall off the proverbial cliff.
For instance, in the 1970s, the fear of global cooling, yes, you heard that right, the fear of global cooling took center stage.
The media driven by the same apocalyptic panic rhetoric that we're seeing today was warning us of a new ice age that was coming.
The earth is going to be plunged into colder and colder temperatures and we're all going to die. Newsweek even ran an infamous cover story proclaiming the cooling world, which painted a bleak picture of widespread famines and geopolitical instability and death.
These predictions were of course wildly off the mark, totally inaccurate, but the groundwork had been laid for weaponizing climate as a financial tool for gain.
Now, as the cooling narrative failed to materialize and no one really seemed to get up in arms about it, the focus then shifted to global warming in the 1980s and 1990s.
The same voices that were warning about an ice age are now saying about the earth is going to be on the brink of overheating, which just tells you they're stupid.
Scientists like James Hansen testified before Congress, sparking widespread fear and laying the foundation for this new agency called the
Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, the IPCC. The far left seized upon these warnings from James Hansen and they pushed for sweeping regulatory changes, new taxes under the guise of saving the planet.
Al Gore came out with his inconvenient truth, which became a rallying cry for generations of climate activists while he himself raked in millions of dollars on carbon credits and other climate related ventures.
It's almost like if you go down this path and you ring the bell loud enough, then you will get a handsome payday.
That's exactly what's happening. I want you to consider another example, the example of those who've cashed in on the climate hysteria.
For instance, after leaving the vice presidency, Al Gore amassed a fortune worth now nearly hundreds of millions of dollars by just promoting this climate panic.
Much of it's tied to his activism. He co -founded Generation Investment Management Company, which takes that money and invest it in companies that the government is pushing their climate policies on.
So the government is making climate policies. And then Al Gore is investing in the companies that are benefiting from those policies, therefore making him a multi -millionaire in a similar way.
John Kerry, who's been deeply involved in climate advocacy has padded his pockets and his wealth has ballooned while he has been pushing this climate agenda.
And at the same time, he's riding around all over the world on a private jet because he really doesn't believe the climate hysteria.
What he believes is the green new dollar. Now, it's not just through direct investments.
Politicians and their families often benefit from lucrative speaking fees where they get paid lots of money to come and talk about how the world is going to end.
They get book deals, they get board memberships in green new energy companies, all while promoting policies that ensure their financial windfall.
Here's how it works. The government says that we need to have this green new initiative.
X company rises up, politician gets put on the board of that company, they make millions of dollars.
It is a financial racket to say the least. But it's not just high profile names.
Many politicians come to Washington willing to sell their soul to the Washingtonian devils, and they get a $200 ,000 a year paycheck as a senator.
And yet somehow, they managed to take that $200 ,000 a year, and over the course of a decade, turn it into $200 million, often through dubious means, renewable energy credits, and government grants from green initiatives that they sold their soul to promote.
All of this is a sort of government sponsored money laundering that flows into the pockets of corrupt politicians who are lying to the
American people about how bad the climate change really is. This money, again, doesn't appear out of thin air.
It comes from taxpayers, and it comes from the working class families who are often the hardest hit by these policies that these crooked politicians are promoting.
The track record of these climate predictions is riddled with failures. In the 1970s, when they talked about a new ice age that was coming, it didn't happen.
Of course it didn't happen. The UN's 1989 prediction that entire nations were going to be wiped off the map by rising sea levels, you know, because it's so hot, the icebergs are going to melt, and now
Denmark's going to be underwater. Okay, well, they said that this was going to happen by the year 2000, which turned out to be nothing more than a lie.
Instead of greenhouse gases rising in temperature, and instead of the earth rising in temperature, all their predictions equated to was nothing more than a warm, wet fart.
It caused a bit of a stink. It did rise to temperature temporarily, but after just a few years, the truthfulness of their claims utterly dissipated.
In 2006, Al Gore famously predicted that the Arctic ice caps were going to be gone by 2013, and yet it's 2024, and the ice caps are still here, which points to the fact that these climate agitators are more flawed than a group of drunk dispensationalists trying to play pin the tail on the
Antichrist at their annual doomsday festivities. Yet, like premillennialism, the false climate prophecies just keep coming, and all of us are commanded to just keep trusting the science and keep funding its professional class of idiots.
Why is this happening? Why is this such a successful grift? Well, fear is a powerful motivator, and that's why
I say that there's a connection between the climate change and the dispensational stuff, because fear is the motivator that's pushing people towards this doomsday prophecy, and it causes people to want to do more, to give money, and all this stuff.
Fear is a powerful motivator, and when fear is combined with the promise of moral superiority and the allure of saving the planet, well, it becomes almost irresistible.
The climate movement taps into a deep -seated desire that each of us have to want to do good, but it channels that desire to do good into supporting policies that don't benefit us.
They actually benefit a very select few of the 1%. The complexity, also, of the climate change movement makes it easy to manipulate the data.
You can make a statistic say whatever you want. I've even heard 30 % of all statistics are false.
That's a made -up statistic. You can make statistics say whatever you want, and for the average person, it becomes increasingly difficult to verify the veracity of these claims, so they support them because the authority is telling them that they have to.
The mainstream media plays a crucial role, which is why Donald Trump calls the mainstream media fake news, because they just continue to amplify the voices of climate alarmists while ignoring or discrediting anyone who dissents.
The history of this climate hysteria has always been less about helping the planet and more about control and power and profit.
The far left has learned that by perpetuating this narrative of a looming disaster, that they can actually advance their political agenda, that they can silent dissidents, and that they can rake in money, hand over fist from taxpayers, extracting more money from the middle class.
The more things that change in this world, the more things actually stay the same. Thus, if you're a
Christian, and you're tempted to vote for the Democratic Party on the basis that you don't like Orange Man bad, and you think that Trump's immorality is inexcusable, and I agree that his immorality is inexcusable, and I wish that we had a moral candidate for president, and I agree with that, but if you're running away from Donald Trump, because you're wanting to be a good steward of the earth, and you want to vote for the party that's talking about climate change, and you want to support the world that God has given us, well, you've bought the lie, hook, line, and sinker, brother and sister.
All you're going to be doing is voting for a party that believes in the redistribution of middle class wealth into the hands of the 1 % who have sold you a bill of false goods and have promised you that they're going to save the planet all the while they're whistling on their way to their
Cayman Island bank account. There is no God but climate crisis, and Greta Thunberg is her prophet.
Now, as we dive into the mythology of modern day climate panic, we must acknowledge the figure who has become its most iconic prophet,
Greta Thunberg, this sassy little Swede who masquerades around like she's a climate aficionado.
She demands the attention and the stammering respect of world leaders and fake news media alike, and ironically, they give it to her.
Instead of seeing her for who she really is, which is an unhinged teenager who needed a few more spankings when she was a child,
Greta is often portrayed as a harbinger of an impending environmental catastrophe that's just upon the horizon.
Like a carrot in front of a donkey, it's always just a few inches away. Yet, for the discerning, her proclamations bear that all too familiar resemblance and stench of Babylon, that they look like the decrees of Nebuchadnezzar because they are, demanding that we all bow down to this green new statue of climate hysteria or else.
But unlike Nebuchadnezzar, Greta and her entire ilk are too cowardly and too pathetic to actually throw any of us into the fiery furnace.
In fact, they are just a paper tiger, which exposes the fact that they're not really serious people.
They're using the threat of fear and the threat of panic in order to extract money from us, but there is no actual punishment coming, except maybe that they say some really bad things about you.
Now, the fact that they're not serious people can be demonstrated by the ludicrous murmurings that they've said.
For instance, High Priestess Thunberg herself has made several radical statements that drip with the sort of panic -induced fervor that we're talking about.
For instance, speaking at the World Economic Forum, which is a bunch of serious people, let us be honest here.
When speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January, 2019, she declared this, I don't want you to be hopeful.
I want you to panic, which is ridiculous. It's a clear call from a uninformed teenager that all of us are supposed to abandon reason like she has, and to succumb to irrational fear.
This is not only patently absurd on the surface, but it clearly runs afoul of the hope and the trust in God and his sovereignty that we find permeating the scriptures.
In 2 Timothy 1 .7, Paul tells us the exact opposite of Sweden's little she -devil and what she's saying.
He says, for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a soundness of mind.
The Bible does not endorse irrational fear and panic. The Bible calls us to be the sanest, wisest, and most rational people on earth, able to see through the lies of these people instead of being caught up in every wind of doctrine,
Ephesians 4 .14. Greta Thunberg's call to panic is not just misguided, it's a direct challenge to the peace and the assurance that comes from faith in God.
Now, later the same year, old grumpy Greta escalated her rhetoric again, ratcheting up the pressure with statements like this.
She said, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction event, which she made during her speech at the
United Nations Climate Action Summit, again, serious people, in September 2019.
The hyperbolic language coming out of these people talking about world -ending events is not only unsubstantiated by observable data and natural science and real scientists who are contradicting this movement, but it also contradicts the clear promises of scripture about the stability and the endurance of the earth until the very end.
The Bible doesn't talk about the world coming into a catastrophe, the Bible talks about the world continuing on until the very end.
For instance, Genesis 8 .22 tells us this, while the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease, which is a promise from Almighty God.
The alarmism narrative of a global catastrophe is more akin to the failed prophecies of doomsday cults and independent fundamentalist
Baptist churches than it is to any sound environmental sciences available. In the same way that Fauci, who is not a serious scientist, was promoted as an expert, is the same way that these climate alarmists are promoted as experts today.
And just like Fauci raked in millions and millions of dollars over his years of ignorance, these climate alarmists are doing the same thing.
It's a money racket. As Christians, we reject the notion that the world is teetering on the brink of destruction because we know that God is in complete control.
Also, as post -millennialists, which we are on this show, maybe you are as well, we recognize that Christ's kingdom is about advancing and it will ultimately, it's gonna restore all things before the end has come.
Said plainly, we are not expecting the climate to get worse. We're actually believing that God is going to use
His church, use His people to subdue the climate and the earth and make it a more habitable and more life -giving world.
In fact, the very first job of human beings that they were given was to populate the earth,
Genesis 128, and to subdue it for His glory. The fact that climate swindlers are the same maniacs that are promoting eugenics and population control further solidifies the fact that they are against God.
God said in the very beginning that we are to populate the world. So what do they say? We need to depopulate the world.
God says that we're to take dominion over the world and subdue the world and make the world a habitable place. So what do they say?
The world is gonna collapse into catastrophe. They are fueled by their father, the devil, and they are lying to you.
They go against the most explicit passages in Scripture and they deny the truth that God is in control.
Remember, God told us to fill the world with people, to be fruitful and multiply, to subdue the world for His glory.
That's the truth, not the hysteria that's being promoted by Thunberg and her cadre of rabble -rousers.
Now, at that same conference later, or at that same conference that same year, the
Jeremiad prophetess lamented to all of us. She said this, "'You have stolen my dreams "'and you have stolen my childhood.'"
Blaming everyone on earth for her fantastic delusions. She doesn't at all come across as an entitled millennial or as an entitled spoiled bratty child.
No, she doesn't come across like that at all. And along with that, WPG promotes a worldview of discontentment, of false accusations, a dishonoring of elders, and a nihilistic schema where everything in the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
So how could we possibly have hope? This is not only foolish, but patently unbiblical as Philippians 4, 11 through 13 reminds us.
Instead of hysteria, we are to be content in all circumstances, which is not a virtue of the climate change movement.
We're to recognize that our ultimate hope is in God, not in mother earth. And also we're not to continue to follow the ever shifting sands of human failed predictions, but we are to trust in the constancy of the message of God.
Were this the days of Moses, our little Joan of Arc would have been stoned to death as a liar, as a national instigator, and as a false prophet.
And yet today she's platformed to make such as outlandish claims as when she said that our house is on fire.
Imagining Syria where the world would be burned up to a crisp in our lifetime by some sort of fire.
Yet while scripture consistently calls you and I to be wise stewards of the earth, of course it does, which undoubtedly is incredibly important.
But this kind of rhetoric that she's talking about our house being on fire is nothing more than fear mongering meant to manipulate you into giving more money.
As second Peter three, five through 10 states, the world will not be destroyed by fire, but it's gonna be purified by it.
Just as God purified the world of evil with water in the Old Testament, when he flooded the world, that was not a destruction of the world, the world existed after the flood, it was a purification of the world.
He purified the world of its sin and evil. So he washed it with water. Do you know in the Old Testament there's three purification agents that are used, water, blood, and fire?
So what? The world was purified by water the first time. The world eventually is gonna be purified by fire a second time.
And what about the blood? You and I, our souls are purified by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
So fire is a purification agent, not a destruction agent. So if you're a Christian, you look at the world and you look at the
Bible and you see that the world being wrapped in flames, as 2 Peter says, in apocalyptic language, nonetheless, what you realize is that that's a purification of the world, that all the evil in the world is gonna be put away and destroyed before Jesus returns.
And when Jesus returns, he returns to a purified world, a world where sin and misery have been burned up.
This is not the climate alarmist view that forests are gonna be burned up and the ice caps are gonna melt and all of us are gonna become extinct.
Do you realize what they've done? They've painted a picture of hell on earth when the Bible actually tells us that they are the ones that are gonna be burned up.
Their lies and their greed and their money laundering evil schemes is gonna be what's burned up and the church and the
Christians and all that is holy are going to remain. They've sold you a lie.
Again, the Bible does not envision a climate disaster derailing the plans of Almighty God, which means that if you follow that kind of insanity, that you're placing more power and authority in the weather charlatans like Greedy Greta than you are in Almighty God, which seems a little antithetical to Christianity, wouldn't you say?
I want you to notice something, brothers and sisters, when climate gangsta, Ms. T, looks at the politicians and whinely exclaims that you are failing us, she's placing the burden of saving the planet squarely on the shoulders of an incompetent and buffoonish leadership class who often cannot navigate their way out of a paper mache maze.
She looks at people like Biden, who can't even find his way to the teleprompter and she places the impetus of saving the planet on the shoulders of a man who has the
IQ and intelligence of a house plant. She looks to the ones who hate God and who reject a biblical worldview and who do not care about the climate at all, she looks to them to fix a catastrophe that they invented.
The whole charade is a tremendous and elaborate con that has been working for decades and I'm doing this to try to help expose it to you so that you won't fall for the same trickery.
This is precisely, I think, why the Democratic Party has hitched its wagons to such a sensationalistic message.
The great con of the Democratic Party is that they're not for the common people. They say that they are. They say that Republicans are for big business and that Democrats are for the common people.
The Democrats and the Republicans are for themselves. They are both parties that are fueled by selfishness and greed and they're fat cats that make more and more money off of our vote.
But for the Democratic Party, at least, that's, I think, why they've attached themselves to this climate hysteria because they've got to get while the getting is good and over the last 30 years, the getting has been really, really good.
For instance, the Democratic Party led by Scamala Harris is already taking the tried and true playbook of Obama and Biden and they're using fear to drive policies that are going to enrich themselves instead of our country.
For instance, the 2024 Democratic Party platform just came out. Last week,
I was complaining that it hadn't came out yet and it has and it's even worse than the 2020 platform was before it.
It is saying grandiose plans that are going to involve massive government spending on clean energy initiatives that are promising to lower energy costs and to create clean energy jobs which are going to eliminate millions of better paying jobs in other energy sectors.
It's going to bankrupt profitable energy industries and it's going to funnel money back into their own pockets as they inflate the currency from overspending which is going to make you and I poorer.
They're doing the same thing their predecessors have done before and if you doubt it and if you vote for that, then or if you're at least planning to vote for that,
I would ask you to go on that fancy little tool called the internet which Al Gore claimed to create and look it up.
These policy positions sound noble until you realize that what is being created is far less than what is being destroyed.
As people, we have to stop falling for the same old tricks and lies before there's no more wealth in our bank accounts for them to steal.
The Democrats' climate agenda is described as the most aggressive climate agenda in history which just means that it's the most aggressive pickpocketing scheme in history.
One that seeks to eliminate what they say, all carbon emissions from our transportation by 2050.
One that envisions a future where 50%, 50 % of all new passenger cars sold in America are electric by 2030 which will again pass along higher prices to the consumer because electric cars are more expensive.
It's going to fill the world full of cars once those cars die with toxic batteries that are 10 times worse for the environment than fossil fuels and the same massive financial windfalls for the political and corporate elites as every other scam that came before it.
When the Democrats talk about a green new deal, they are not talking about improving the climate but they're talking about all of the new greenbacks that are going to be put into their designer wallets from unsuspecting people who voted for them.
And I think it is very important that you and I realize the grift that's happening.
I think it's important to note that as the Democratic Party becomes increasingly more publicly socialistic that we should not be surprised that lies like climate change are going to be foisted upon the
American people to extract more money from the masses. That is pure communism.
That's communism in a nutshell which bankrupts everyone but the richest people in every country that has ever been tried and employed.
By using the lie of equity appealing to our own inherent greed, a few people take everything and leave the rest of us with nothing.
That is the collapse that's coming to our country, not climate change. That is the mass financial extraction that's going to further widen the gap between the 1 % and the populace who are already suffering under the weight of government -induced inflation in a weaponized
IRS system that steals money from us through legislated theft. As H .L.
Manchin once said, democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and they deserve to get it good and hard.
Sadly, if you vote Democrat in 2024, this is precisely what you are going to receive.
You are going to receive policies that rape your bank account good and hard.
Now, there must be a different way, which is why I'd like to now turn to what scripture says about climate change before we conclude our episode today.
I want us to look at what does the Bible say so that we can be equipped on how to vote in this consequential election.
The biblical world versus earth worship. In the grand narrative of scripture, the world that we inhabit is a divine creation.
It's a gift from God, and humanity is appointed to be its steward. Now, this stewardship is foundational to the biblical worldview, and I don't want to make it sound like that the
Bible has nothing to say about our way that we take care of the world. It does, but our view of taking care of the world is rooted in Genesis 128, not the climate crazy agenda.
In Genesis 128, God commands Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to multiply and to fill the earth full of people and to subdue the earth for the glory of God.
We are called to have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on earth.
This dominion is not a license for exploitation, but it's a call for responsible care, for management, for cultivation of the earth's resources, for reflecting
God's own care and stewardship and love for his creation. Now, from a post -millennial perspective, the future is not one of doom and gloom.
The future is one of hope and restoration and renewal. And I don't wanna just say that that's what we think without quoting the
Bible. So what does the Bible say? The Bible does not depict a world that is spiraling into catastrophic climate disaster as the prophets of the crisis have led us to believe.
Instead, it paints a picture of a world gradually being transformed into a brand new
Garden of Eden, a paradise where deserts bloom, where famines end, and where poverty is eradicated and the knowledge of the
Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea, Isaiah 11, 9, Habakkuk 2, 14.
This vision is far removed from the fear -driven apocalyptic scenarios that are championed by today's alarmist.
I want you to consider the promise found in the Psalms, the prophets, or the Psalms and the prophets. Psalm 72, 16 envisions a time when there will be an abundance of grain in the earth on top of the mountains.
Its fruit will wave like the cedars of Lebanon. Isaiah 35, 1 through 2 speaks of a time when the wilderness and the deserts will be glad and the
Arabah will rejoice and blossom like the croccus. It will blossom profusely and rejoice with rejoicing and shouts of joy.
These are not visions of a world in decline, but of a world being restored and renewed under the reign of Christ and being made to produce more fruit.
The promises of the Messiah include the transformation of the natural world. Isaiah 11, 6 through 9 describes a harmonious creation where the wolf is gonna dwell with the lamb and where the leopard is gonna lie down with the young goat and they will not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the
Lord. This vision culminates in a world where the curse is being reversed, where creation is being liberated from its bondage to decay,
Romans 8, 21, and it's a vision of healing, not of doom, but of life, not of death, but of the curse being removed.
The Bible, as I've quoted in these verses already, talks about deserts blooming and fruit being gathered on the tops of mountains.
It's talking about the world being turned into a place of great fruit.
Now, in stark contrast to that biblical vision, the climate crisis movement, as espoused by figures like Greta Thunberg and the
Democratic Party under Scamala Harris's reign, they promote a form of earth worship, an idolatry of guy out worship.
This idolatry elevates the creation above the creator, which Romans 1 tells us not to do.
It fosters a culture of fear when the Bible says 365 times for us to fear not.
It tells us of a hopelessness and a panic and an anxiety when the Bible tells us to cast our anxieties on him because he cares for us.
The climate alarmists, like Chick and Little, are convinced that the sky is always falling, and in doing so, they're painting a picture of human sovereignty over the climate instead of portraying
God as the only one who is sovereign. They portray God, however, as impotent or indifferent to the fate of his creation.
They talk about God in such anti -biblical ways, and it's not just bad theology, it's outright heresy.
The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all things, including the climate.
Job 37, five through 13 describes how God directs the weather according to his will. He says,
God thunders with his voice wondrously, doing great things which we cannot comprehend. For to the snow, he says, fall on the earth, and to the downpour of the rain, be strong.
Jesus himself looks at the storm and commands the storm to stop. Jesus himself is the one who turns water into wine.
How do we get to the place where we look at these climate alarmists and give them any credence or credibility whatsoever?
To act as though humanity can control or catastrophically destroy the climate without God's permission is to elevate human power to the level of divine omnipotence, which is a clear act of idolatry.
Now, this doesn't mean that Christians should be indifferent to the environment. I've said that already once before. On the contrary, biblical stewardship calls us to care for the earth as God's appointed managers.
He's placed us in charge of the earth, which means we must care for the earth. Christians should be at the forefront of faithful environmental studies, grounded in good science and biblical principles.
In fact, we should be the ones who are actually solving real world problems. Christians who believe in God, who believe that it's our job as believers to make this world a better place, we should be the ones who are solving problems like the scarcity of clean water in desert regions of Africa, or the challenges of agriculture in arid
Asian countries. Or imagine if Christians were the ones who were leading the effort to bring rainwater to the deserts or to cultivate apple orchards in the
Sahara or to develop sustainable irrigation systems in Siberia. That is the kind of positive, proactive, and hopeful engagement with creation that honors
God and fulfills our mandate to subdue the earth, rather than succumbing to these doomsday narratives and the alarmism of the climate activists.
Christians are called to bring life, to bring healing, to bring flourishing to the world. The panic and death that's promoted by the
Democratic Party and by all of their ilk and the climate alarmist allies and all this antithetical to the life -giving vital work that God has called you and I to do.
Their policies lead to greater poverty, more suffering, less hope in the world, especially for the most vulnerable people among us.
In contrast, the Christian vision is one of abundance, peace, and prosperity for all of God's people as the kingdom of God advances on earth.
In light of this, it's crucial for Christians to reject this false gospel of climate hysteria.
Running from Donald Trump to the climate alarmist party is not an act of biblical fidelity.
It is a betrayal of the truth that is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. It would be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego saying, well, we probably should bow down to this statue because Nebuchadnezzar's not that bad.
The Democratic Party's embrace of climate panic is a cynical ploy to gain power and wealth and resources from the populace in the same way of Nebuchadnezzar, all while cloaking themselves in a veneer of moral superiority and authority.
Supporting this agenda is not just foolish. It's a rejection of what the Bible says, and it is a sin, which is what we're gonna talk about now in our final section.
Why voting for the Democratic Party is a sin. As the 2024 election approaches,
Christians face a moral decision with eternal consequences. The Democratic Party's platform, especially in its stance on climate change, is rooted in idolatry, misinformation, fear -mongering, a denial of the power of God, and economic exploitation of the middle class, all of which stand in direct opposition to common sense and the teachings of Scripture.
Romans 14, 23 states, "'Whatever is not in faith is a sin.'" Voting for a party that defies God's laws and promotes contrary policies to the biblical principles cannot be done in good faith.
This is not just a political choice. It's a clear act of disobedience to the commands of Almighty God. By endorsing the
Democratic Party, you align yourself with a party that elevates creation over the Creator, and manipulates science for political gain.
Romans 1, 32 warns us that endorsing sin is as serious as committing it ourself.
Isaiah 50, 20 condemns those who call evil good and good evil, which is what the
Democratic Party is doing. Their climate agenda undermines biblical stewardship and God's sovereignty, and it demands that you celebrate their policies as good while condemning those who critique them as evil.
It is opposite and upside down as it could possibly be. Voting for such a party is a direct affront to God, and it is not something that a
Christian can do. We can't equate darkness with light. Christians cannot and must not bow down to the idol of climate hysteria just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden demonic idol all those years ago.
We must reject the fear, reject the panic, reject the misinformation that is driving the
Democratic Party's climate agenda, and we must vote in a way that is consistent with truth.
Voting for the Democratic Party is not an option for those who are serious about following Christ, and there are many reasons.
Today, we've only covered reason 10. If you vote for them, it is a vote for pro -idolatry, for the promotion of sin, and for the betrayal of biblical values.
Your vote is not just a political action, but it's a declaration of your allegiance to the king, to the king of kings.
Brothers and sisters, let us be a generation of people that choose courage over fear, and that don't bow the knee to the idols of our time, and who stand with courage like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as we make decisions in this election that are gonna affect the trajectory of this country and the trajectory of the world.
God bless you. Thank you so much for joining us on another episode of the podcast. Thank you so much for joining us once again as we've been talking about the 10 reasons why voting for Democrats is a sin.
Today, we talked about reason number 10, the climate hysteria. Next week, we're gonna talk about another reason why voting for the
Democrats is a sin. But until next time, thank you so much for coming and watching. Also, as I said earlier in this episode, when you subscribe, when you like, and when you comment, you help us get this episode out to more people.
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So do that. Help us get it out to more people. Thank you so much for all that you do. We'll see you next time on the podcast.