EAN Conference: Panel Q&A
This was the panel Q&A following the EAN Conference in Louisiana hosted by First Baptist Church of Pollock. The panel talks about their experience at the mill, proper ways to approach abolition legislatively and the myth of neutrality!
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- 00:00
- All right, man. Well, it is a privilege to be here with you tonight I'm sitting on the stage tonight with some heavy hitters and I have watched the pastors from Apologia Church from afar for some years now and Really, it's just an honor to be here with them tonight
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- And to share in this ministry to end abortion in the state of Louisiana by bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear
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- Upon this state and its people and so we are just excited about what the
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- Lord is going to do We are going to fight tonight. It's not the end of this
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- It is but the beginning because together we are going to work
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- To finally end abortion in our state and seated next to me. Here is mr.
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- Danny McCormick He is the state representative from district 1 in the Louisiana House of Representatives and Danny We've only known each other for a short time now because we want to work together to end abortion in our state
- 01:00
- So Danny tell us a little bit about why did you run for office? Why did you become a state representative?
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- And What is your conviction about abortion? Well, I guess
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- I'd like to say I drew the short straw when that's why I run for office now But but that's not really the truth
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- The truth is I've been a small business owner my whole life I mean my wife
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- Susan we've been married 38 years. I have two children six grandchildren never had any
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- Concern about getting into politics and had no political ambition pretty much couldn't stand politicians really
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- But as life goes the things change in 2014
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- The price of oil fell I mean I'm a small oil and gas producer have five employees in the state of Louisiana Increase the taxes on the expenses of my business about thirty five thousand dollars a year
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- Let's see when the pride when you lose money, they don't want to lose money So they just come take some more of yours.
- 02:02
- So I thought what I do so I started a small grassroots organization Called cattle parish Alliance.
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- We just fought taxes and regulations and cattle parish and in in Baton Rouge And life was going pretty good.
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- We had some federal legislation come to our area and We actually come together as a community and fought this federal legislation and won
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- Kind of my story behind that was I mean for a small group of us to beat federal legislation
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- It was a huge deal always feel like I told Jenny. I met Jenny Standing back there in the back.
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- I met Jenny through that grassroots organizing and I tell her about that, you know
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- I said, you know I think God kind of used that like like a father wrestles with his son, you know And he lets the son win to take so the son to get confidence, you know and he'll and I think
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- God let us win that fight to give us confidence and Most of us that were in that fight were
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- Christians. So we got together after is over with Decided we need to pray for Christian men and women to run for office and that's my testimony the more
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- I prayed The more I become convicted I should run so be careful what you pray for you may get it but But that's kind of the kind of the short story about The Lord called you to public office
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- We need Christian men and women serving in public office, and I'm so thankful that you're serving us in the state
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- House of Representatives But tell me a little bit about your conviction about the issue of abortion
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- I shared earlier that on average 20 babies are being aborted every day in the state of,
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- Louisiana By permission of the state and federal government. How do you feel about that?
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- And what do you plan to do about it? Well, and you know that kind of that testimony goes
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- Me and Jeannie been talking about the abortion issue for quite a while I had somebody approached me about some legislation did a lot of praying about it
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- And I'm pretty much the guy that y 'all were talking about today I've been pro -life my whole life and never been never even seen an abortion clinic for as far as I know
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- But so, you know change that I figure you're going to But you know
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- So I've been praying about it praying about it in this group was from out of town and and I'm me and Jeannie talked about It we're not
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- I'm not gonna run any legislation. I don't have a local support and I just kept telling God I said you got to bring somebody to me locally that's that's passionate about this subject and know something about it and nothing ever materialized so one day out of the blue after I decided
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- I didn't need to run to any legislation Brian called me and Make a long story short.
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- I talked to Gabe but talked to Brian I come down here and we talked one day and and now here we are and and My goal is to be obedient to God and I will tell you this
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- This is going to be a cross to bear for me because I Carried a constitutional carry bill last year.
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- I know everything about it and I love the issue, but it's not emotional to me this is going to be emotional issue and You know
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- God's I've worked in the oil field my whole life where I didn't realize it, but we're pretty thick -skinned I think just by nature, but It So I believe
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- God brought me to this point and when Brian called me in to talk to him I said, okay God, this is it.
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- I'm in so That's where we're at today and like I said, it's it's going to be humbling to me because It's going to be a cross to bear
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- Carrying this legislation not from the not from the people that are gonna be attacking me in the world
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- That actually won't bother me at all It's gonna be from the spiritual side because this is a struggle between good and evil and I honestly believe this is
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- Satan's whole card When you come after his whole card He's going to slash out and you got to be hopes your church is gonna need to be prayed up your family's gonna be need to pray it up because you're coming after his crown jewel and It's gonna be it's gonna be a fight and amen and be ready to be attacked by people that you thought were your friends
- 06:09
- So what I'd like to do at this point is You know the guys here from in abortion now they have been making the case and and I'm in full agreement and this has kind of been a
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- An evolution for me and my I even hate to use that word But it has been it has been a change for me and how
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- I approach this issue Because the pro -life industry in America has been telling us for the past 49 years that we need to wait on the federal government's permission to Establish justice for the unborn equal protection under the law for children in the womb and so guys
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- I'd like to ask you How should Christians respond to the argument that what we can't end abortion in Louisiana and other states until we get the permission of those nine federal
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- Justices on the US Supreme Court. I think we could just start by There's a wonderful talk about this by Bradley Pierce just talks about the history of the court during the tenure of Roe v.
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- Wade and how the Republican justices were responsible not only for Giving it to us largely but for maintaining the status quo for as long as they have
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- Dennis alluded to the You know courts in recent years and the seats that we had and still nothing ever came of it
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- And so I think Secondarily, we need to understand our original system of government and the way that our nation was set up the
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- Supreme Court Doesn't make law that's not their assigned duty
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- That's reserved for our legislative branches of government. So Courts don't make law and as citizens of free states.
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- We need to Not go along and aid and abet that fiction. We need to actually establish justice at the state level and ignore
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- Roe largely we need to Say no, we're not going to do that in our state.
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- We're not going to kill babies in our state There is no right to abortion. There's no constitutional right to abortion and You can't force us to voice that upon our populace.
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- And so I think it's a an issue of understanding that it's the jurisdiction and responsibility
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- Of the citizens of each state to do it at the state level simply because this is how our system of government is set up and we need to operate in that and feel incredibly comfortable doing it because it's it's it's standing against the federal tyrant and and the federal beast that has been unleashed and empowered by that line of thinking
- 09:09
- It's time to take a stand and plant a flag in the sand and say we're not gonna Do that anymore.
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- It doesn't matter what the courts say We don't need to wait on them in order to establish justice for our citizens
- 09:22
- So you guys didn't start working on this yesterday. You have been working in other states around America, so Luke tell us a little bit about What states have you been working in and what has been the response?
- 09:34
- Were you welcome with open arms? Yeah, so I'm looking back to where's launch logger.
- 09:40
- Let's see. We got, Indiana Oklahoma Arizona, Missouri, we're gonna be having
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- Colorado this year, Louisiana this year, Pennsylvania South Carolina Alaska Idaho, yeah, so Those are the states were currently
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- Will have bills in have had bills in and or will have bills in this year And to answer your question we have we've been welcome with open arms no
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- That's the simple answer Honestly, the pro -life industry has squashed the bills in every state
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- I'm glad you asked that Brian so we would say we're coming from the perspective that we as Christians are truly pro -life we have a
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- Objective standard to justify what pro -life means we're standing on God's Word and on his biblical principles and As Christians we should fight for the life the lives of our pre -born neighbors when
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- I say the pro -life industry. I'm talking about the pro -life movement essentially since Roe v.
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- Wade that all they've really done is Pass silly laws that essentially legalized abortion that happened that happened this year in Arizona, we actually had a
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- Equal Protection Act in Arizona we had And they got it didn't get out of committee and the pro -life industry in Arizona then legalized a bill that Or passed a bill excuse me that essentially legalized abortion and so That's that's what we're up against it's been the pro -life industry.
- 11:34
- It's been the major pro -life players in every state that has squashed the the equal protection bills to end and criminalize abortion immediately and that's not to say
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- That there aren't good men and women right that are pro -life and that even are involved in the pro -life Movement as a whole, but I think just to fill it out a little bit when he says the industry
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- The idea that the way that we combat abortion is from a neutral perspective It's not
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- Theological in the way that we come at it. We don't use the Bible. We don't use the gospel You know this is purely about whatever
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- Small piecemeal gains that we can get we want to kind of eat around the edges of abortion make it harder to obtain
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- You know women have to drive further Make the regulations on the clinic have the hallways be wider those kinds of piecemeal legislations
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- That don't make a whole lot of difference rather than just coming out and saying no this is murder It needs to be treated as such and we need to get rid of it
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- I think that's what we would mean when we say the pro -life establishment of the pro -life industry has a
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- Vested interest if you will and just kind of maintaining the status quo When it comes to this instead of just doing away with it all together
- 12:55
- So is that Morgan you guys use a phrase often equal justice? What does it mean to establish?
- 13:03
- Equal justice for the unborn and and how is that different from the paradigm that has existed in the past?
- 13:10
- What exactly? Does it mean to establish equal justice? Yeah, so I Think that you kind of explained it in your sermon.
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- I don't think it's very conceptually difficult to understand You said it loud and proud.
- 13:25
- You're a good preacher. Yeah, appreciate it But you said those in outside of the womb should be given the same
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- Constitutional rights and protection as those outside of the womb. So you're gonna be penalized for murder and Abortion is murder then we should penalize you if you kill your baby in the womb
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- Now it doesn't mean people get the misconception that we're talking about. Hey, you know when this thing is is done and Hopefully it will become criminalized
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- That we're sending everybody to the electric chair or something like that.
- 14:03
- Yeah retroactively or something Just it's just nonsense and it's what our enemies like to You know throw out there as a smokescreen to try to discredit us from what we're doing but what we're saying is that yeah you according to the state's
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- Legal code it this should be tried and prosecuted as murder So we're just it's it's very simple.
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- We're just saying abortion is murder. Let's act like it Let's give these human beings in the womb actual human rights from the moment of fertilization
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- So that's about as simple as I can I can put it You know if we get this thing passed which is gonna get passed that's just it seems to me like that's just point
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- A And and we need to get to point Z because then we're talking about enforceability
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- We're talking about actually going and shutting these places down. So we have a lot to pray for it's gonna happen but it's gonna take the the movement of the church and just the miraculous power of the
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- Spirit of God Amen Danny, you're a lawmaker in the state of Louisiana and here we are talking about how
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- If if mother or father kill their child one month after that child's birth say they
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- Strangle their child. They're gonna be charged with murder but if that child is one month gestation and They go to an abortion clinic or take a pill
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- Then that's their protected right So there is no equal protection for children
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- Before they are born as there is for children after they are born so what do you think about that as a lawmaker in the state of Louisiana that the state in which
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- God has placed you in a position to Establish justice do what is right?
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- What do you think about the fact that some children's lives are protected in this state? While other children's lives are taken by permission of our government.
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- What do you think about that? State sponsored genocide. That's basically what it is
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- You know and and you and I am a lawmaker I'd actually take pride in being an unlawmaker most of the time
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- I'm taking the power away from the government giving it back to the people but Government does have some purposes in prep for protecting life
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- Liberty in the pursuit of happiness is really their own only purpose not telling you
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- How to run your life in other manners, so that is that is what that's the only
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- Responsibility government has you know, really what we're debating here. We're debating when does life begin you nobody can justify taking a child's life
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- So that's what our debate is You know, I think we talked earlier about you know, the
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- Bible's always taught us that life began in the womb you know, David left left in the womb and And now technology has come along to prove the
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- Bible, right and The matter of the fact that we're still doing this this many years is is willful
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- You know, I think about we talked about the concentration camps in Germany and how the German citizens right beside him said
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- They didn't even know it was happening. You know, that's willful blindness. So at this point with the technology we have that's willful blindness
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- What I'm what it's going to be Important to this group to understand as we move forward as legislatures.
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- We're going to be attacked We're going to be there. There's something they call in politics a whisper campaign
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- They'll start rumors about you and just feed it now They can't if they come out public with it, you can dispute it, but it's whisper campaign
- 17:44
- They're gonna say that they same things about Brian Well, I mentioned earlier that I run a constitutional carry bill last year to do with the
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- Second Amendment my biggest opponents Were some of the people in the industry that are supposed to defend your
- 18:00
- Second Amendment rights You got to realize they make their money Fighting this not winning the fighting the war not winning the war and what we're talking about here is winning the war and You know and I mentioned earlier too that I would had you know prayed about bringing a pro -life bill and I'd went to all the named people
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- I'm not going to call their names of their groups and They didn't give me any encouragement whatsoever.
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- So it's going to be a real a real Struggle, it's important that we make our representatives vote and it's important that you hold them responsible
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- You know if you gave district you good But if you're outside this out of his district you got we've got we got to bring them to the table and make them vote
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- That's what they hate to do and what's so good If we doesn't don't get this bill passed this year next year is election year we really like to make them vote on election year and they will hate me for bringing a pro -life bill on election year and So that's that's something that That's kind of about what your sermon was about tonight,
- 19:06
- I guess right it was it was So Danny, let's just talk practical What do you need the people here tonight and around our state to do if they hear what we're saying and they're saying?
- 19:18
- Yeah, this is crazy. I mean we we don't allow Infants after they're born to be killed. Why should we allow them to be killed before they're born?
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- We need to stop this if they agree with us and they want to establish equal Justice for the unborn now with or without the federal courts permission.
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- What do you need them to do? To support you in this effort Main thing
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- I need you to do is join Operation Golden Arrow, which is my statewide grassroots
- 19:48
- Organization Jenny has did you pass out the cars much it? Okay, we're gonna pass out. How can they find it?
- 19:54
- They can find us McCormick the number for LA But go to go go to McCormick the number for the number for LA you can sign up for my grassroots organization
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- We have about About 60 ,000 people signed up now. And so what we'll do is when we get in Baton Rouge We're not going to have the support of any of the local people that have this technology
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- We're gonna have to bring it to the table ourselves and me and Brian to get together Jenny will get we'll all get together and Gabe and decide what these emails need to say and we're gonna send them out to you and your friends and your relatives and Y 'all have to send an email and you have to call your representatives and know
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- I'm watching you. I'm looking at you Because if they don't think they're you're watching they're not going to respond
- 20:40
- And so that that that is how we're going to win this. It's the people's war to win. I mean
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- I'm just a messenger Brian is just a messenger if the people aren't involved I mean if you're your friends and your family everybody close to you needs to be involved and it's as simple as signing up for That email address we
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- Jenny sends out an email about once a week for me on different issues all across the state
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- But that's how we engage people absolutely, and but when we do get to the point of a stab of Introducing these bills which seek to establish justice for the unborn
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- It's so important that the people go down to the legislature not only send them emails and call them
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- Not only talk to them in the district But to be in the room when they take the vote and I want to tell you if you've never done this before Go to the state capitol when these bills are being heard in committee and when they're being heard on the
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- House and Senate floor and We're gonna get this bill and House committee when we're ready and when we sit in front of those representatives
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- I'm gonna look them in the eye and you need to be there with us And we're gonna look them in the eye, and I'm gonna say to them
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- You ran as pro -life You ran and told the people in your district that you're pro -life and you want to end abortion in this state
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- Here is a bill that will end abortion in this state if you do not vote for this bill
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- We're gonna go back to your district we're gonna find a candidate that will pass it in the next election coming up in the fall of 2023 and If you don't vote to pass this bill, we're gonna find that candidate that will we're gonna raise money for them
- 22:23
- I'm gonna personally call every pro -life pastor That's the only kind of pastor there is but I'm gonna call every pro -life pastor in your district
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- And I'm gonna tell them your state representative your state senator is not pro -life
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- They lied to you They voted not to end abortion But this person will and we're gonna have someone else sitting in that seat next time and we're gonna pass this bill
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- And we're gonna get it put into law. We've got to have boldness in the pulpit We have got to have that and that's our first prayer is boldness in the pulpit
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- I mean that that's so important. I mean, we've got to have those prayers. We've got to have that boldness
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- We need when our pastors to stand up and take this. I mean We just really need pastors that to be bold in the pulpit and take this to their people and explain it to them and let
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- Them know how they need to get involved. I mean that I mean we've got to have that to win this so the message for now is stay tuned because more is coming and we intend to do what we say and By God's grace, we're gonna do it
- 23:26
- Danny and we're gonna do it together with all the people of this state who want to put it Into abortion. I'd like to talk with the pastors now a little bit more about Ministry outside of abortion clinics.
- 23:37
- This is something that Man when I first did it it just changed my world.
- 23:43
- It rocked my world and I'd like to maybe ask you what has been your experience outside of abortion clinics
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- Maybe either the first time you went to the abortion clinic or the first time you brought someone to the abortion clinic
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- How did they respond? Because we want to talk we're talking to people who've never done this. They might be thinking about going they're terrified of going
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- So share with us what it's like The first time a Christian goes to the abortion clinic with the gospel of Christ to speak to these mothers and fathers
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- I Saw a street preacher named Tony Miano. He started going out about 2011 and just a bold guy.
- 24:23
- I think somebody said courage is contagious and that's exactly right. He's just a courageous small guy but Extremely bold so I saw him go out and I said well
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- I gotta start going out and trying to save these babies and I didn't really have anybody around me So I picked a
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- Planned Parenthood I'm from San Diego originally and I probably drove around that place like six times
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- Just over and over trying to get the gumption trying to get the courage just drive it around this place
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- And then I finally go out there and hold a sign for a half hour
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- Thinking I'm not accomplishing in anything and then I I go home the second time
- 25:01
- I go out I I stand right up there. So I just want to encourage you I think as we obey the commands of Christ He he responds by giving us greater and greater boldness because we all
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- I mean It's it is a fearful thing to do it You're gonna look like a weirdo and foolish to so many people but we have to get out there and cross the line
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- Pastors is where it's at the pulpits determine everything So if you have pastors that are willing to be, you know
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- We'd like to call them bullet -catching pastors those guys in the front lines Leading from the front leading from the leading the charge that is hugely important because the sheep always follow the
- 25:39
- Shepherd so I would just say hey, you know talk to your pastor if you're from a different church and humility and Wisdom and say hey, we got to be saving babies
- 25:50
- Yeah, if you can't then you hook up with another church that's doing the same thing Well, you just got to make that initial step and God is going to bless it
- 26:01
- Yeah All of that I would say, you know if you haven't been before to a mill
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- Just don't be discouraged in terms of what you feel. It's nerve -wracking. I remember a similar situation
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- I was terrified just absolutely terrified the first time I went and but I knew that I had to be there
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- And even if you go the first time and you're just there and you're present You'd be amazed at what
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- God can do just by your presence there just by standing there He saves lives and and things happen
- 26:33
- And so I've seen people that you you know Show up there for the first time and like you said and you alluded to in your message
- 26:40
- They haven't they know but until you're there you don't know and they just break down in tears when they see you know what really goes on the opposition and all of that too, so Yeah, and even now like still when we go like you you feel nervous just because you don't know quite what you're gonna encounter
- 27:01
- It's not like it goes away But every every time you do I mean God gives you the the strength and the courage to step out onto the sidewalk and and herald his word.
- 27:12
- So Just don't think that anybody up here is a superhero in terms of courage or Ability or just the right thing said at the right time
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- It's all God's work that brought us to the sidewalk and it was never anyone that that twisted our arm to go
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- It was just what we saw. We saw it being done we saw faithfulness modeled before us and we knew that something had to be done and That it could be done as a
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- Christian You could stand against this as a Christian and once you saw that being done then you could follow that example
- 27:50
- No matter the fear that you feel you know the baby's lives are obviously worth more than your sensitivity and your level of comfort, but Yeah, just seeing it done seeing it modeled before you and then following that example like you said that I I wouldn't do it unless I had seen
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- Jeff and You know other people going and so it was just it was seeing it seeing that it could be done and Seeing that it could be done as a
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- Christian Yeah for me, I would say one word sobering
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- Similar to what you were talking about Brian when you the first time you see a woman come out after killing her child and and Just you seeing the grief really that they carry out is it's it's crushing and heartbreaking and very sobering definitely
- 28:43
- And I just wanted to kind of echo something that Zach was saying There's been a number of times where clinics have been shut down for the day because there's 40 people standing out front, you know, you know that too like you've spent time with rusty like so like people you
- 29:03
- Just going in you're just holding a sign or praying like you don't have to be on the mic preaching I think Pastor Zach was saying earlier like we only want one person preaching at a time
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- Anyway, so just being that they're having a presence does something We have no idea really how many babies have actually been saved just from people being there
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- We we do every once in a while. We'll have someone come up and Drive by or whatever and they'll say hey,
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- I I was with a baby and they'll say I was here a year ago I was coming in and you guys are out here and I changed my mind that happens all the time we have no idea how many how many times that happens, so Just be in there.
- 29:41
- Just having a presence is huge and tremendous And I'm just saying that just as an encouragement to those out there that are maybe nervous about going or scared
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- You don't have to be an eloquent preacher of the gospel. You just need to be there
- 29:57
- I think the Center for bioethical reform did a study And I think the way that they did this was they
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- They got the information from mills on the particular days that Christians or whoever it was
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- Were out in front trying to say babies with signs and they came back and said if there's somebody in front of a mill
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- With just a sign. They're not saying anything They're seeing like a 70 to 85 percent decrease in their clientele that they thought would show up So that means if you go out and according to the study if you go out and hold a sign 70 80 percent of the woman.
- 30:32
- They're supposed to show up for the the Appointments turn away. So it's it's powerful
- 30:37
- You know one thing we did this week is we've been hanging out together is Took you guys to sin law pregnancy center in Alexandria, Louisiana It's a pregnancy center that actually started originally out of our church first Baptist Church of Pollock As Gabe shared earlier who's a deacon in our church and our state representative here
- 30:58
- Gabe shared earlier That you know, I was originally gonna start it in the back of the church reason why
- 31:04
- I didn't think anybody was gonna help But it's incredible To this day we have over 200 churches that give
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- Regularly to support the work of sin law pregnancy center of all's pregnancy center
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- And we're soon gonna open our third pregnancy center in Vidalia, Louisiana So these pregnancy centers are free medical clinics.
- 31:27
- We help women Who are pregnant and they may not plan to have an abortion, but they're not ready to have a baby
- 31:35
- I mean we see girls as young as 13 14 15 years old pregnant. Don't have a good home.
- 31:40
- Don't have parents Who can help them and support them? or we see about a third of the women that come to us are planning to have an abortion and We've seen at our pregnancy centers that of that one -third of women who've come to us planning to have an abortion about 90 % of them change their mind and choose life and Cancel their plans to have an abortion after coming to the pregnancy center
- 32:06
- Getting biblical counseling hearing the gospel seeing the child on the ultrasound Screen and seeing the help that we're providing them the resources the support
- 32:15
- Ongoing support that will give them so any of you guys want to share? I mean, what was your impression?
- 32:22
- Because I think for some of you is your first time to be at a pregnancy center. What was your impression from seeing that?
- 32:28
- We're gonna start one No, I think it's amazing
- 32:36
- I think that facility that God gifted you with is just perfect for it Zack and I were saying man
- 32:41
- It's like everything that you need there's a room for I think the staff is excellent and professional
- 32:47
- I think it's you know, it's a medical facility I think it looks like that. It just has a really good feel to it
- 32:52
- And I mean, there's no denying the numbers that you've just given us. So why should we not do it? So in our kind of situation, there's so many clinics and there's just subpar pregnancy centers
- 33:03
- They're not really theologically like -minded A lot of them just again want to pull people into the
- 33:09
- RCC, you know, the Roman Catholic Church And so we want to have one or we're proclaiming the Word of God and we feel good about sending the woman and they don't get
- 33:18
- Into the RCC through the back door. So but I we were More than impressed. Yeah All right, well what we want to do now is give people in the audience an opportunity to ask questions
- 33:32
- So trade you got to have a microphone Yes. All right. Trey is going to be in charge of audience questions.
- 33:39
- So ice with Pastor Morgan Zack We do this while all y 'all been doing it a while But if anybody has a
- 33:48
- Tommy Topper story tell it but what is the craziest Experience you've had at a meal
- 33:57
- The crazy is unpleasant or there's there's a lot of them We had a guy
- 34:03
- Planned Parenthood Tempe on a motorcycle and he was just making the rounds around the clinic and every time he'd come by He was just giving us one -finger salutes and he was cussing us.
- 34:14
- He was making up cuss words I mean throwing the book at us when it comes to profanity and so he's doing it over and over and over and We're just sitting there
- 34:23
- You know enduring it and then he turns his head and he hits a trailer right in front of him
- 34:28
- And he flies off his bike goes head over heels tumbles He's laying down on the ground
- 34:35
- And the people that he was cussing out are the first ones to go and to help him out just bleeding from his head
- 34:41
- So it was like divine justice like heaping coals on his head Yeah but the coolest thing about that was the people that he hated so much and he had so much vitriol for Were the ones to bandage his wounds and be there for him
- 34:53
- Just a couple months ago. We had somebody pull in or a couple was about to pull in they looked at the signs and they stupidly stopped and got t -boned hit hard and so the paramedics came and they were checking out the mom and They heard the baby's heartbeat.
- 35:12
- So she's like, what was that? And it was they said, oh, this is your baby's heartbeat She said, you know, she gave life to her baby right there so a lot of a lot of crazy things happen a lot of kind of horrible things, but Yeah, it's it's definitely not a dull moment down there
- 35:30
- All right other questions Just out of curiosity
- 35:40
- When you're when you're protesting outside the abortion meals I Know you you talked earlier about how we need a sis, you know systematic approach and not everybody hollering and shouting and Carrying on at the same time, but I'm assuming you you've got different denominations present and you know different groups
- 36:00
- It'll show up. Is there any coordination among? Different groups when you show up or how do you handle that?
- 36:09
- Mostly I mean at the clinics that we go to now I haven't seen any are there presence anywhere yeah, so typically you'll have a huge constituency of Roman Catholics there and You know, we do our best to befriend them
- 36:23
- We do our best to show kindness to them when we preach the gospel Of course, we're preaching grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
- 36:31
- We don't of course We we do our best not to necessarily spiritually yoke ourselves with them
- 36:37
- So we're not going to be of course saying the Hail Mary or praying with them And so we do divide but they typically do not like our methodology they think that the bringing of the gospel and Opening up your mouth is just it's it's just counterproductive and so they kind of stay in their lane
- 36:55
- When it comes to other Protestant groups out there. Yeah, we'll do our best We just we won't let people jump on the mic because we need to vet them as far as the content of their message
- 37:04
- But yeah, we do try to coordinate because there's not a lot of people so you're really excited when people come out but we're not going to compromise as far as the message being proclaimed and you know, we're not going to yoke ourselves which with you know cult members
- 37:18
- I Seen one video in particular a few months ago where pastor
- 37:29
- Jeff got an off not altercation, but the police came out and there was a
- 37:35
- You probably know the video. I'm referencing. Was there any follow -up with that? Did the police? Do anything against apology at church or yeah
- 37:43
- If I think another one you're referring to is pretty widely widely viewed. Yeah, I think it was 2018
- 37:51
- Yeah, there had been an ongoing Issue with Tempe Police Department they had been called several times every time we were out there it felt like they were getting called out because of our amplification and You know, we were being threatened with disorderly conduct citations and things like that and so I think one day it was you know, we just had the idea to go out there with the camera and record the outreach and Just see what happened and then they showed up again and the sergeant the the woman who had showed up was
- 38:25
- Just being really nasty In terms of the warnings and just the way they were speaking to us and so what happened is what happened on the video, but in terms of You know follow -up
- 38:37
- That video was so shared and viewed that it created no small stir in terms of people calling the police department and complaining
- 38:46
- Against them for their conduct, but it was really having that recorded that interaction and then posted that really
- 38:54
- Benefited us and it seems like after that they really backed off In terms of trying to hinder our witness out there because they had a lot of people calling in and complaining against them
- 39:05
- That's that's the power of media. That's the power of social media It's the power of the camera is to hold them accountable and the public eye and we had a similar
- 39:15
- Well, not a similar situation, but just with one of our guys at the clinic. He had a gun pulled on him by the abortionist and They wouldn't do anything about it.
- 39:23
- The police were called to come and investigate. They said don't seem that we had it on camera It was on the GoPro. You could see the gun and the car window wouldn't do anything about it and we put a video out about it and they
- 39:35
- Arrested him within How long did it take four hours? he was arrested after that but a week had gone by in between the time of the incident and the time that had happened and Then when the the video got put up it was it was pretty quick.
- 39:48
- I was to say the follow -up I believe that sergeant was either fired or resigned
- 39:54
- Sometime after that, but like Zach said it's been pretty they've been pretty quiet since then and the abortionist actually just recently the one that pulled the gun just recently was convicted of a felony and We are in the process of Trying to take him down best we can so yeah, he had a class 2 felony and he's on supervised
- 40:18
- What's it called? Supervised probation. Yeah, and his clinic shut down, which is great, but he's not allowed to because he was
- 40:26
- OBGYN He was actually delivering a live baby in the morning and then killing one in the afternoon
- 40:32
- So he's not allowed to deliver any live babies, which is good so now we've kind of got him holed up in his own
- 40:38
- OBGYN and we're gonna do our best to Shut that down, too
- 40:45
- And we got another question, but Can y 'all plug your the documentary that that's on for people to watch that they haven't seen it
- 40:52
- Y 'all want to do that? Oh, it's that that's not a documentary. Those are those videos are on YouTube on our
- 40:57
- YouTube channel There's all Gia Studios, you know Babies are murdered.
- 41:03
- Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's like we have two documentaries Both of those so babies are murdered here.
- 41:11
- That was really instrumental in getting Apologia Involved in the fight to begin with obviously
- 41:17
- Rusty Thomas's sermon in that on blood guiltiness Was huge Marcus Pittman who directed that and put it together
- 41:26
- It's just instrumental and getting end abortion now going and then babies are still murdered here, which is the sequel
- 41:33
- Focus more on you know, the pro -life issues and legislative realm and things like that So those are both available for free on YouTube you go watch them
- 41:46
- I'll just make a brief comment Shreveport if you do go out there the police are grateful that you're on the sidewalk
- 41:54
- They if you get called they won't arrest you. They'll actually say thank you continue doing what you're doing.
- 42:00
- You remember that Brian? Yep so my question is In the pulpit you mentioned getting pastors to proclaim to the flock
- 42:12
- This issue, how do you change the minds of those who hold two kingdom theology in which they say no
- 42:18
- No, we separate the sacred from the secular there's two kingdoms Christ's kingdom and then the secular kingdom and we only take the law in order to convict sinners of Sin to point them to Christ.
- 42:31
- How do you change the minds of those folks to get into this fight? Just don't be a bull in a china shop
- 42:41
- Yeah Yeah, that's a hard that's a hard one to answer just because There's a lot you have to change
- 42:50
- I think before that So those here don't know what two kingdom theology essentially this says there's there's a spiritual kingdom the higher spiritual kingdom and there's an earthly kingdom here and they would say that As Pastors we can speak authority into the higher spiritual kingdom but we have no authority to speak into the the earthly kingdom the culture essentially, so I Mean I would
- 43:18
- I would want to convince a pastor that they have that authority from Christ to speak into the culture before I Could convince them to go out to the abortion mill, you know because they are literally preaching that we don't have that authority and so there's obviously some significant theological and Methodological differences there that would need to be overcome prior to that You can say anything else
- 43:44
- No, I think I was just gonna say is that kind of theology? I think we'll really find it more difficult to survive as our nation
- 43:52
- Descends further into the madness and the trajectory that it's currently on You know if there's some kind of idea of You know a natural law or a common kingdom or something like a set of Morals that we can all agree on that are common to all of us
- 44:09
- We can't even get our neighbors to agree that there's two genders, you know as as things descend further into The realm and the way that they're going
- 44:21
- I think that kind of theology is going to be it's just gonna be harder to survive because God is
- 44:27
- Forcing forcing the issue forcing us to take a stand on this and a stand for righteousness in every area of life and so If we can help, you know, our brothers cultivate a robust view of Christ's Lordship over all things then that's what we should try to do is winsomely and graciously as possible is
- 44:49
- You know help them see that there aren't really exemptions in terms of Christ's authority
- 44:55
- There isn't a realm over here over which he doesn't say That you have to obey me here.
- 45:02
- I think that is where the rubber meets the road in that discussion You know I would just say a lot of people just get overzealous and like Danny was saying we have to get the pulpits involved
- 45:12
- I mean it is so important, but we could do it the wrong way You're not gonna win your pastor over by beating him over the head with the scriptures
- 45:20
- You know storming in his office and say why aren't you doing this? Of course, there's some truth to that But I think when you do that and I've know plenty of people who've done that I think
- 45:28
- I had may have done that with a couple pastors like an idiot But it hardens them against anything abortion, right?
- 45:36
- It just immediately hardens them and they walk away from that discussion. So we need to have these discussions with them
- 45:41
- We need to talk to them about you know, aberrant theological systems that work against that but it needs to be spoken in love with humility
- 45:49
- They need to be one. Yeah, then yeah, you got to win them. I If you don't mind
- 45:56
- I think in my opinion these pastors most of them know the truth and they're paralyzed by fear and they lose scriptures to hide behind I Kind of give you a little testimony when
- 46:06
- I decided to run for office Sent out a Went to my pastor and I said hey
- 46:14
- Pastor I said, I'm I'm a Christian I'm gonna run for office and I think I'm gonna let all the pastors know that I'm a
- 46:20
- Christian I'm gonna run for office and he looked at me very humbly and said well, you know Everybody that runs for office or is it as a
- 46:26
- Christian, you know, basically saying that doesn't mean anything And because everybody says they're a
- 46:32
- Christian I said well Thought for a minute. I said you mind if I give them your cell phone number Then they can call you and you can
- 46:38
- I sent out a hundred letters. We researched every church in my district We sent out a hundred letters to a hundred churches saying hey, this is my testimony.
- 46:48
- This is my pastor cell phone number Not one pastor even call my pastor on that's on the on his sales phone.
- 46:56
- Hey, I expect him to I didn't want their pulpit I don't expect him to give me their pulpit, but just I would check them to check the references, you know
- 47:03
- This guy's running for office. I'm gonna call his pastor and see if he really even goes to church. That's a good point That's the first thing they should do right?
- 47:09
- That's right So it it starts in the pulpit and just one other thing about that too.
- 47:14
- I mean The community is looking for leadership. I mean I was looking for leadership
- 47:19
- I found Brian I'm here because of him because of boldness out the pulpit I was looking for leadership
- 47:25
- If you're a leader in your community people are dying for you to step up for it And they're dying to follow you by the thousands.
- 47:33
- They're ready to follow you. It just takes that first step. So I Think it was
- 47:39
- Doug Wilson says that authority flows to those who take responsibility so just take responsibility and It'll flow to you like a stream other questions
- 47:52
- Earlier one of you mentioned I don't know which one it was but it caught my attention that there were satanic altars in some of the abortion clinics and so my question is how you came upon that information or if you could expound on it just a little bit because I think it's important a
- 48:08
- Lot of people say we're bringing a spiritual aspect to abortion. There is already a spiritual aspect there and I think it's important I don't think some people
- 48:15
- Understand that I don't fully understand it, but I think awareness is very important. Yeah. No, I appreciate that Actually rusty's wife
- 48:24
- Kendra Kendra Thomas, she's written about it. She's done the research And it's obviously not something that you know,
- 48:32
- CNN's gonna tell you or even Fox News for that point but yeah, there's if if you go back into a lot of these
- 48:41
- Planned Parenthood's and abortion no abortion clinics They actually have state satanic altars in them
- 48:48
- They're requiring blood sacrifice So I can't remember the name of the book off the menu
- 48:56
- Yeah Kendra Thomas wrote. Yeah, she did all the research on it She's got plenty of evidence to support that and I mean we we for a while at the abortion mill in Tempe We're we're having
- 49:10
- Satanists out there like Very bold and and proud that they were
- 49:15
- Satanists and and just saying and doing awful things So it's it's definitely
- 49:22
- Definitely something rusty. I know I'm sure Brian's probably heard all kinds of stories from rusty about Satanic encounters and stuff at the abortion mill.
- 49:30
- I was there for some of them. I'm sure I'm sure you were Say Satanism is
- 49:36
- I mean, it's essentially humanistic autonomy, which is exactly what we're talking about here But the connection to the occult and the paganism
- 49:45
- There's definitely a connection there So one of the things that she talks about in her book if I remember correctly
- 49:51
- You know They bring women in and they'll have literally a shrine or an altar that allows them to say goodbye to their child or something like there to have some sort of ritual that allows them to Disconnect or to mourn it or to grieve it if you will to grieve the baby just things like that So we'll have to find the name of that book, though All right, any other questions and specifically
- 50:21
- Want to thank Danny for the way that he has decided to step up and take the fire
- 50:29
- Because the reality is guys for a man in elected office
- 50:35
- To be willing to say I'm gonna be that lawmaker That introduces the bill that would poke
- 50:44
- Satan in the eye and dare him to fight back to be that lawmaker this man is gonna come under a lot of attacks and We need to be praying for him and the other lawmakers who are gonna stand with him
- 50:59
- For pastors who are gonna stand with us and for leaders around our state
- 51:06
- This fight will be intense But you know, we talked about the division between the sacred and the secular and I just want to say
- 51:14
- Jesus is Lord at the Planned Parenthood and he's Lord at the state capitol the
- 51:21
- King is Jesus and We serve him he rules and he reigns and he will not fail
- 51:28
- So Danny, I just want to thank you so much for the stand that you're taking And what I'd like to do is
- 51:33
- I'd like to just close in prayer for you Pastor Zach Morgan, if you would could you pray over Danny and let's end with prayer for him
- 51:49
- Father I thank you again for your goodness and grace. I thank you that you use the meek things and We don't deserve any of your movement in our lives we don't deserve usage, but we're so thankful as your scriptures say that you
- 52:03
- You include us in the master's business and we are so thankful that we can Defeat these things we can be the vehicle by which you put your wicked
- 52:12
- Foes to death and we believe you're gonna do it again as you always have you will put this scourge to the side
- 52:19
- You will trample this under your feet. You will slay this dragon Well, we pray for our brother
- 52:25
- And thank you for the sensitivity the discernment the wisdom pouring out of his mouth I thank you for really speaking to his heart and through your word
- 52:35
- Kind of preparing him for the storm that he's gonna go through but we know that you're gonna be with him through that storm
- 52:41
- We pray for protection that you protect him and his family. We pray that he would
- 52:47
- Stay in the fight regardless of what is thrown at him. But Lord you would just give him your favor or that you would
- 52:54
- Positionally put him in the places that he needs to be so that these bills could go forward and ultimately
- 53:00
- Lord He would just glorify you with his life Well, we're praying your blessing over him. We're praying for his strength.