One Verse to Destroy Cultural Marxism In Neo-Calvinism

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This verse destroy's the applications of critical theory/cultural marxism that have infected neo-calvinism and the "reformed" conference speaker's circuit.


Well, all right, I just wanted to comment quickly on a verse that I came across this morning It's a verse that I've a lot of people know and I've heard it before as well
But it struck me in a new way And I just wanted to share this with you because I think this verse actually completely demolishes the social justice
Movement that's currently going on in neo -calvinism this verse is
Contra to basically the entire principle and it's Proverbs 22 2 and I'm using the
Christian Standard Bible because that is the new hotness in neo -calvinism It says this it says the rich and the poor have this in common
The Lord makes them all and you might know this verse from other translations The King James says that the rich and the poor meet together, but the
Lord is the creator of them all This verse is the end of all the critical theory that you see popping up with popular concern
Calvinist Christians the cultural Marxism stuff the racial reconciliation stuff This is the end of it because this verse is telling us and when we read this verse it tells us, you know
The Lord makes everybody the poor and the rich and a lot of times people will focus on the poor
They'll say the poor have just as much dignity as everybody else and that's very true That that is the case
This verse is telling us that there is a foundation of our dignity in our humanity And that's because we're made in the image of God the
Lord made us all But also I read this verse and I it strikes me that also the rich have the same dignity
And so we need to make sure that when we're applying justice This is why we can't as Exodus 23 says you must not follow a crowd in wrongdoing
Do not testify in a lawsuit and go along with the crowd to pervert justice Do not show favoritism to a poor person in his lawsuit this is why justice is the same whether you're poor or rich whether you have no power or a lot of power the
Justice and the standard of justice is the same and so what we see, you know
You've heard you hear this a lot with social justice wars, you know You need to really lean in and listen to your black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ You need to lean in and listen to the oppressed and marginalized the poor and that is true
You should do that But you don't do it with an uncritical eye You do it by applying the same standard of justice that you would apply to white folks
That you would apply to rich people that you would apply to people with lots of power It's the same standard and so a lot of this cultural
Marxist stuff. It sets up, you know, the people with power They're the oppressors the people with no power they're the oppressed the whites are the oppressors the blacks of the oppressed the rich of the oppressors the poor of the oppressed the heterosexuals are the oppressors the homosexuals are the oppressed.
And it gives you sort of this, the oppressed have sort of this ethical and moral sort of superiority.
You should really side with them on these issues. I side with the marginalized. I'm an ally with the marginalized.
You hear that all the time. And the reality is that's not biblical because the Lord does make the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized.
He makes black people. He makes Latinos. He makes every person in the world.
But he also makes the rich. He also makes the powerful. He also makes the whites.
And so the justice is the same. We need to read this verse, Proverbs 22 too, and realize that this is why we need to use the same standards, whether you're black or white.
This is why when a white person says something, we demand evidence. When a black person says something, we demand evidence because that's what the scripture requires.
That's the kind of justice the scripture requires. It's not just listen and believe. You don't just listen to the marginalized and believe them and action on that.
You listen to them, but you apply the same standard of justice that you would apply to anybody because the rich and the poor have this in common.
Well, I'll say the black and the white have this in common. The powerful and the powerless have this in common.
The marginalized and the privileged have this in common. The Lord makes them all, all.