Book of 1 John - Ch. 3, Vs. 14-23 (12/12/1999)


Pastor David Mitchell


Evening we are in 1st John chapter 3 and verse 14 and oh you're right we need to take a youth offering do we have our plates brother
Jesse would you and Jonathan look you're tearing your head down I thought it was
Jason for a minute Jason's slimming up and you're filling out would you two young men come and help us with this offering for our youth department let's start with 1st
John chapter 3 and verse 14's where we left off last time so follow along with me
I'm going to read a little bit of this passage we know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren he that loveth not his brother abideth in death who so hateth his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren but who so hath this world good and sees his brother have need and shut at his bowels of compassion from him how do
I love the love of God in him my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but indeed and in truth and hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him for if our heart condemn us
God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things that entire passage from verse 14 through verse 20
I would like to call this message this afternoon symptoms of salvation and it's kind of appropriate because I have the sniffles today
I think maybe I have a cold and you'd probably tend to believe me if I told you that wouldn't you why would you believe me because I sound different and probably look a little bit stopped up and tired wore out needing a nap this afternoon and now other than that I have some cold symptoms too and so people tell us they're saved all the time don't they oh yes
I'm a Christian I go to church down here at so -and -so oh yes I'm a Christian my grandfather was a preacher
I like that one and people all around us here in the Bible Belt every single one of them are
Christians they say and so we have some symptoms in the Bible that God has given us that are true a person who really is a
Christian and it's important to always look at these and it's good to examine ourselves against these
I've often felt that the book of first John was a great book for a new Christian to read or anyone who's questioning their salvation because when they get through with first John they'll know they'll know whether they're saved or not if they
I can't imagine somebody that saved not knowing but that's my experience so I don't know that that holds true for everyone but I I think that it would have to I mean how could you how could you possibly be an open sepulcher like we talked about in Sunday school walking around and then all of a sudden you are the temple of the
Living God and not know the difference so however there are some verses that indicate that there can be people
I mean we should never judge by our own experience I don't think that I mean that's dangerous what do you think about the verse where Paul said know ye not that your body is the temple of living
God now why do you ask the question apparently they didn't know yet so we do we do know that feelings are not involved so I guess there could be some people that are not sure but I tell you what if they read this book they would come away knowing one way or the other now let's just take a look at just a few of the verses and I may steal a couple of your verses brother
Otis from next time because I want to look at a couple of symptoms of salvation first of all in verse 14 this is so beautifully this is just beautiful language we know that we've passed from death and the life how could there be a better beginning for a verse that's going to show you how to know if you're saved or not we know that we've passed from a dead person to a living person because we love the breath we love the brethren have you ever had a time in your life when you did not like going to church you did not
I mean you would not nobody could drag you there and if they did you hated every moment of it and we're just waiting till you go home and then you got saved and all of a sudden you you want to be with God's people that was one of the most remarkable changes in my life because I truly used to hate church
I just truly did I did not like one thing about it my sweet little grandmother would take me and drag me to church and tried it she invited me every week of my life if I remember properly and got me there a few times and I would always try to sneak away somehow but then something changed when
I got saved so we know we've passed from death into life number one because we love the brethren he that loveth not his brother still dwells in death he's not a saved person and it doesn't stop well we say that the first symptom of salvation is then is this this unusual love for the brethren that you didn't used to have a person who is not like that the
Bible says is a murderer and God says you it's just logic that you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him no one who is a person who has a nature that is a killer a murderer he's not he doesn't have eternal life and so why is it that we think that people who don't have love for the brethren why do we think they're say
Jesus says if you've hated them in your heart you've murdered him and God's just using that logic on us so this first point then is that we there's a an agape love that God places in the heart of a believer that he could not have naturally and therefore it proves that he's saved look at chapter 4 in verse 8 there's another verse that deals with this he that loveth not knoweth not
God puts it in the negative they couldn't be plainer he that does not have agape love does not know
God and it says for God is love and all of the passage over here where we started out starting with verse 14 as you read down through 15 and on towards number 20 it just it just emphasizes verse 14 verse 16 hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us we ought to lay down our lives for our brethren he's just defining love now what is agape love for one another we ought to be willing to die for each other so that certainly means we ought to be able to live for each other and whoso hath this world's good and he sees a brother that has need and you just say well
God bless you and you don't try to help the person that's a bad symptom that's a that would be a real bad symptom
I mean a person may be saying oh I'm a Christian I've been baptized I prayed my little prayer dear
Jesus come my heart and save me amen so I'm all fixed up I'm on my way peace be happy I see you have a need over there and you don't have a yearning or an urge or something inside of you to hurt to help to hurt to help the person then you you need to examine your salvation at that point and then verse 18 my little children let us not love in word neither in tongue but indeed and in truth so agape love will work itself out into action just like faith does because it's almost the same thing and hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him how do we know we're of the truth how do we know we're saved how can we have assurance of our salvation by everything we just read from verse 14 do
I have a real genuine love in my heart for other Christian brothers and sisters to the point where it works itself out into deeds and and so forth okay now let's go to another one let's look at chapter 3 in verse 24 and he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him and he in him and hereby we know as you see we have the word no again so we're talking about how do we know that we're saved so what are some of the symptoms of salvation hereby we know that he abideth in us by the spirit which he hath given us so he has given us the
Holy Spirit and it ties in with a lot of other verses in this book look at chapter 4 verse 13 hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us because he hath given us his spirit and look at chapter 5 verses 2 & 3 by this we know that we love the children of God when we love
God keep his commandments have you ever had a person claim oh I just love people I just love
God's children but they're not obeying the Lord maybe they don't come to church ever you know and you see areas in their life where they're not obeying the
Lord then by definition they do not love these other people because the Bible says that we know we love
God's children if we're obeying God didn't have a strange verse why would it say that because you cannot agape someone unless you're saved and it's going to go on here in the logical procession of thought and it's going to tell us well if you're not obeying his commandments you don't have his love well listen if you don't have agape in you you're not safe and it goes on and it says by this we know that we love the children of God when we love
God and keep his commandments for this is the love of God that would keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous and look at chapter 2 verses 3 through 5 and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments and look at this one he that saith
I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him so their life is being lived for the devil and they never go to church they never read the
Bible they don't care about the Bible they don't like the Bible they don't like God's people don't want to be around them but I'm a
Christian Bible calls him a liar he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him the
Bible says so I believe the main point number two then is the second symptom of salvation is he has given us the
Holy Spirit along with the fruits of the Spirit which would be fruits of well one aspect of it would be obedience there's no way we can obey in the flesh would you agree with that we cannot obey the law otherwise the law would save us and so only by the
Holy Spirit can we see any obedience and obedience to us in the is is faith showing it's love showing it's remember what
James said that the obedience are the works which would be coming from true obedience those works are the life of the faith which seems backwards to me but that's what
God said so it's the works that makes faith it animates the faith it makes it a living faith so there's another symptom then of salvation is that he's given us the
Spirit the Holy Spirit which moves us to bear fruits of the Spirit which appear to be obedience and so and it is obedience it's our it's the new man obeying the
Lord and let's go to the third one now 1st
John chapter 4 verse 17 herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in the world so the third point or the third symptom of salvation is we are like him with respect to the world however he is whatever his relationship is to this world a saved persons will be the same you following what
I'm saying as he is we're like that in this world that's pretty frightening when we look at modern theology modern
Christianity isn't it because what we really see today in modern Christianity is as he is we are more like the world we're not like him we don't want to be like him because we want to identify with the world because that way we can go and talk them into praying this prayer and joining this church if I'm more like him and they pervert what
Paul said when he said I'll be like all men they pervert that to mean I'll be a drunk so I can win drunkards and the
Bible never teaches that what it does teach is if we are saved we are like Jesus is with respect to this world turn with me to John chapter 17 big
John not first John but regular John chapter 17 and verse 9 in this passage there are several things that fit under this category of the fact that if we are saved we will be like Jesus is to this world four things as a matter of fact the first one is will be sanctified like he was second one is we will be sent we have the same mission third one is we will be single -minded we'll have unity with our brothers and sisters and the fourth one is will be salt and light like he is and you see these in this passage
John chapter 17 starting with verse 9 I pray for them
I pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are thine you notice how he contrasts his people from the rest of the world they're not the same it's not the same group in Jesus I and in his mind he just sees his people and the rest of them are the world and he says they're not the same group they're not they're not the same they don't think the same they're not the same at all on the inside or on the outside there's no way in the world they're the same all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and I and now
I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I came to thee Holy Father keep through that own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are and then look at verse 14
I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as I am
NOT of the world in verse 16 they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world in verse 17 sanctify them through that truth thy word is truth so what we see is if you look at verse 17 his people are like he is with respect to the world in the sense that they are sanctified
Jesus was different he was he was set apart the world knew it even the religious world knew it everybody knew it everyone that saw him everyone that was around it knew that he was separated unto
God and his children will be the same way in verse 18 it says as thou has sent me into the world even so have
I also sent them into the world so if you're born again one of the things it's a symptom of that as you've been sent you have a sense of mission about you you you know that God has given you life and placed you in this world for his own purposes and you have a sense of mission just like Jesus and Jesus says just like I was sent so send out you into the world and then we see in verses 21 and 22 that we're supposed to be single -minded that they all may be one as thou father art in me and I envy that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou has sent them that's the greatest witnessing you can do is to love the brethren and be in unity right here at church and if you do that then the world can believe that the father sent the son into the world so single -mindedness is another symptom of salvation if you have people that are always trying to cause dissension in the church and just always wanting to create trouble and no matter which way the church direction is and that's wrong it's got to go this other way that person's not giving the right symptoms he's not giving forth symptoms of salvation he's acting awfully much like he's part of the world rather than being separated from it and then the fourth thing is salt and light so let's turn back to 1st
John chapter 1 verse 5 this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light and have fellowship one with another so what is fellowship walking in the light together who's the light
Jesus Christ so walking and in Christ and talking about him together is what true fellowship is and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin so we're supposed to be light and salt to the world just like he is light salt to the world in chapter 2 of 1st
John in verse 29 adds one more concept here to this idea of being like he is to the world chapter 2 verse 29 says if you know that he is righteous you know that everyone that doeth righteousness is born of him and now so we see then one symptom of salvation is love for the brethren agape love a second symptom is the dwelling
Holy Spirit who creates fruit that just hangs off of us and people can see that fruit and then the third symptom is that however you look at his life and see how he was with respect to the world that's the way his people are and then the fourth thing is look at John chapter 8 verse 31 the more you read through these the more you seem to narrow down the group of people in the world that you can fellowship with let me just put it that way
John chapter 8 verse 31 and then said
Jesus to those Jews which believe on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free now look at verse 47 he that is of God now we're looking for a symptom of someone who's of God and the
Bible gives us one right here he that is of God heareth God's words either for hear them not because you are not of God and so a person who is truly saved one of the symptoms is is he loves the
Word of God he has ears that hear it he can learn truths as the
Holy Spirit teaches him and that's a great symptom and I love the way brother Otis put it
I've never heard it put this way he says if you've learned one single spiritual truth in your life you're proven you're saved you're a because the world cannot discern spiritual things it's impossible so that's a wonderful thought a great symptom of salvation is what do you do with the
Word of God ask yourselves that question everybody in the room you know there can be people who thought they were saved for long periods of time and then they end up and they're saved and they look back and say that you know
I I realized I was never really saved well if you're in the room and you examine yourself and you ask the question what do
I do with the Bible every day it's a great thing to examine do I love it does it speak to my heart
I don't understand everything I read in it but does God give me something when I study it great symptom of salvation and then another one in 1st
John 5 1 1st John 5 1 whosoever believeth that Jesus is the
Christ is born of God do you believe that he's the Christ you remember there was a time when
Jesus looked at the religious leaders of his day and he said you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am you shall die in your sins one of my favorite verses you shall die in your sins for you if you believe not that I am he you shall die in your sins and the word he was added in English it really says if you believe not that I am well they knew exactly what that meant the
Jewish mind you that's why they picked up those stones and and tried to kill because they knew he was claiming to be not only the
Messiah but God and so do you believe that he is the
Christ whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten in that beautiful these
Pharisees and Jews were saying well we love God but we hate Jesus that's impossible how can you love the father and hate his son it's impossible okay so the fifth point is we believe he is
Christ sixth one is that you have life look at 1st John 5 12 he that hath the son am
I saved do I have the son well it says he that has the son has life now most people that use that verse would use it the other way around and say that if you have the son you have life but you can think of it this way if you have life you have to have the son because you wouldn't have life without him he's the one who brought abundant life so I would just say this a great symptom of salvation is you're alive and you know it can you look back at pictures of yourself before you got saved and see the death in your eyes
I can I can look at my wedding pictures and scares me to death to look at my eyes in those pictures as I was a lost man and but I'm alive now hallelujah and so there's another great symptom and the last one is this and you find it in 1st
John 5 and verse 4 for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the
Son of God now look at chapter 2 verse 24 let that therefore abide in you which you have heard from the beginning if that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you ye also shall continue in the
Son and in the Father and this is the promise that he has promised us even eternal life let that which you have remain in you overcome you'll be an overcomer if you're saved it's one of the greatest traits that the
Father is working into our lives in this boot camp that he has us in down here is we're learning to be overcomers we have battle after battle we have temptation after temptation skirmish after skirmish and we're tempted every time as Job is to curse
God and die sometimes and they're all battles and God takes us through those battles and as we do each time we come more we become more and more of an overcomer so a true born -again person overcomes all the way to the end and I know there's some heresy that's taught the
Methodist circles and other circles that say you know you you can lose your salvation unless you overcome and remain to the end you're not saved there's a seed of truth in what they're saying of course because it is a fact that a born -again child of God will overcome and remain all the way to the end and only the world the worldly person that we talked about Sunday school this morning that that apostate fallen profane and I'm gonna keep naming him till I come up with actual word we were using depraved person can still put on religious garb but you know what he he he is going to not overcome all the way through life because when the