Alistair Begg Joins David Platt & Other Woke Speakers for TGC Conference (Greear, Piper, Allberry)
Check out the full article on Protestia:
2025 TGC conference
Jen Wilkin
John Piper
JD Greear
Sam Allberry
Gavin Ortlund
Ligon Duncan
The Gospel Coalition
Doctrinal Watchdog
Tim Keller
John MacArthur
Romans 1
- 00:00
- Hello, and thank you for watching this video. We're going to be covering a story I saw from Protestia. So the
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- Gospel Coalition, TGC, they're holding a conference in 2025 in the spring, and they are platforming
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- Alistair Begg, John Piper, David Platt, J .D. Greer, Sam Alberry, who is, you know,
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- I mean, these guys are basically Side B, that's the headline, Side B Pride Parade, Begg, Piper, and Platt headlining
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- TGC25. With a who's who of gay adjacent Christianity. If you don't know what
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- Side B theology is, it's also called gay Christianity, as if such a thing even exists, but watch my video on Side B theology.
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- But the fact that they are platforming David Platt, you know, like this is,
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- David Platt should be under church discipline after, we did a video on this last week, but after the documentary dropped, parts one and two,
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- David Platt, the fact that they are promoting David Platt at this point, it's, it's pretty outrageous.
- 01:04
- But let's just read the article. It says the Gospel Coalition, and I'm going to show you a clip from David Platt to prove that he is also compromised on so -called
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- LGBT issues. But the article says the Gospel Coalition recently announced its 2025 conference lineup, a historic dumpster fire of woke and worldly compromise that perfectly embodies the dangerous false doctrine cesspool of Evangelicalism Incorporated, or Big Eva, as some people call it.
- 01:34
- Keynote speakers include Alistair Begg, fresh off being, you know, removed from all sorts of Christian radio stations, being disinvited from Shepard's conference after he told the
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- Christian grandmother she should attend a so -called trans wedding and buy the couple a gift.
- 01:51
- So Alistair Begg is speaking. So this proves it's not just a one -off.
- 01:57
- Alistair Begg is compromised. It's not just that one thing. He's working with TGC.
- 02:03
- TGC is definitely a left -leaning organization. Several of their top people have said, hey, we're voting for Hillary, and we're excited about it.
- 02:14
- We're voting for Kamala. Like, this is who they are. And they're trying to smuggle in, again, side
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- B theology, aka gay Christianity. So it's a progressive agenda being, you know, kind of pushed with this veneer of evangelical
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- Christianity. And a lot of simple -minded people, quite frankly, are falling for it.
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- So they're having Alistair Begg speak. Also, John Piper, who is a
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- Never Trumper. This is according to the article. He's a Vax Shamer. So if you're not getting the
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- Vax, shame on you. John Piper is anti -Second Amendment, anti -self -defense.
- 02:52
- Oh, you own a gun? Shame on you. Again, Never Trumper, who taught at Shepard's conference.
- 02:58
- Unfortunately, I don't know why John MacArthur invited John Piper to the Shepard's conference, because when he did, did we do a video on this?
- 03:06
- I forgot. But at Shepard's conference, John Piper taught that our love for Jesus should be, quote, erotic to the core.
- 03:15
- So that's cringe at best, blasphemous at worst, but it's all kind of in line with this gay
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- Christianity narrative. Like, it just sounds like that. You know, it's just very, very uncomfortable to hear him say such a thing.
- 03:33
- But you've got Alistair Begg with the grandmother. John Piper, your love for Jesus should be erotic to the core.
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- Saying that to a group of men at Shepard's conference. And then rounding out the keynote speakers is church pirate
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- David Platt. So this is what the article says. David Platt, who has been telling his congregation,
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- McLean Bible Church, that they are not part of the Southern Baptist Convention. So he is lying to them while funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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- I've heard millions, but this article says he's been funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the
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- SBC behind the church's back. Breakout speakers include side
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- B LGBTQ apologists, J .D. Greer, who said this in a sermon from Romans 1.
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- Listen. Stand up and be among the fiercest advocates for the preservation of the dignity and the rights of LGBT people.
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- Jesus representing churches will be known as the friends of the
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- LGBTQ community. So get that J .D. Greer from that clip. He was preaching a sermon from Romans 1.
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- Romans 1. And he concludes from Romans chapter 1 that Christians should be the fiercest supporters of gay rights.
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- So along with J .D. Greer, who else is teaching? Sam Alberry, who identifies as a homosexual.
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- Now, he says he's not involved in the lifestyle, but he is a pastor who identifies as gay.
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- Rachel Jilson, Rebecca McLaughlin, all side B theologists and ankle -biting
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- YouTuber, whiner Gavin Orland. Now, I'm not I'm not calling Gavin Orland a whiner,
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- OK? But he is pushing climate change and, you know, believes in a local flood. He's a theological liberal, is the point.
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- So joining them are also Matt Chandler, Jen Wilken. Or actually, no,
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- Matt Chandler isn't going to be speaking. His acolyte, Jen Wilken. And Jen Wilken is perhaps most well known for comparing the blood of Jesus to a woman's menstrual cycle.
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- And again, just like with John Piper's comments, it's just, it's difficult for me to even repeat this stuff.
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- But those are the types of people that Gospel Coalition is platforming, along with Ligon Duncan, who is about as woke as you can get.
- 06:03
- OK, so back to David Platt. I think that's what really caught people's attention.
- 06:09
- So when Protestia and other outlets found out that TGC is promoting David Platt, when he should be under church discipline.
- 06:17
- Like after the after the documentary came out, the idea that anyone would promote David Platt is just unreal.
- 06:24
- But David Platt is actually, you say, well, is he side B? You know, is David Platt compromised on so -called
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- LGBT issues? Well, let's listen to what David Platt had to say about it. One prominent gay psychiatrist said sexual orientation simply can't be changed.
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- There may be severe emotional and social consequences in the attempt to change from homosexuality to heterosexuality.
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- It's fixed. Others believe that the core of homosexuality is loving. What's wrong with it? My partner and I love each other, an exclusive relationship.
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- How can that be wrong? Why stop that or be afraid of that? Others say, well, homosexuality is
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- Christian. Many people say Jesus didn't say anything against homosexuality. Troy Perry, one prominent gay
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- Christian leader said, as for the question, what did you just say about homosexuality? The answer is simple. You just said nothing, not one thing, nothing.
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- Jesus was more interested in love. Okay. So the first problem, why, David Platt, are you spreading this propaganda?
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- You should be teaching people the Bible, not telling them, hey, what do these, you know, pro
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- LGBT false teacher, what do they say about it? No. Why are you repeating this stuff? Tell them what the
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- Bible says. Okay. Let's continue. Others say, well, I'm Christian and I'm gay. How can that be if homosexuality is wrong?
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- Mel White, go back to him and said, now, thank God. After 30 years of struggle, I can say at last who I really am. I am gay.
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- I am proud. And God loves me without reservation. Others have said, I attend a great church where the presence of God is evident. How can that be if homosexuality is wrong?
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- The next logical step from there is the idea among many that homosexuality is biblical passages in scripture, which deal with homosexuality have obviously been misinterpreted or the
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- Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality. So let us see what homosexuality says about the word.
- 08:05
- And the reality is Romans 1 deals with homosexuality, but it's even a bigger picture just of the sinfulness of all of our hearts and how that plays out in all of our sexuality, whether it's heterosexual sin or homosexual sin.
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- And so the picture here is what does sin do in our lives? First, see the anatomy of sin here in Romans 1.
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- This will be huge for all of us, regardless of whether we have any struggles with homosexuality. Okay, so what
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- David Platt is doing, he's trying to make Romans 1 out to be, well, Romans 1 isn't just talking about homosexuality.
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- It's talking about all of us, you know, you're guilty. So it's not just homosexuality and you can make that argument.
- 08:44
- But Paul does say in chapter 1, for even their women. Right. And that statement for even their women shows you that things have got so extreme that even their women are, you know, giving up the natural use of the man.
- 08:59
- Paul is saying like things got so bad, even the women are doing this. So, yes, in Romans 1,
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- Paul does single out homosexuality. Now, he preaches against all sorts of other sins and different passages.
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- And Paul talks about idolatry and he rebukes adultery and everything else.
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- But Romans 1 does highlight homosexuality. I mean, that's just the fact. But David Platt wants to make it out to be, no, no, no, that's not true.
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- It's just, it's talking about all of us. Let's continue this next statement I found especially troubling.
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- The Bible says we are all bent towards sexual deviation. And this is big, very clear for two reasons.
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- One, because clearly homosexual thought, desire and practice, it is an adjustment of the pattern of God in Genesis chapter 1 and 2, which is reiterated by Jesus and Paul in the
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- New Testament. So, homosexual behavior is an adjustment. Is that what the
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- Bible calls it? Now, we know the word the Bible uses, but David Platt, he just, well, it's just like an adjustment.
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- I have never heard anyone call that type of disordered affection an adjustment.
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- I mean, that really makes it sound like it's no big deal. Let's continue. Clearly, homosexual thought, desire and practice, it is an adjustment of the pattern of God in Genesis chapter 1 and 2, which is reiterated by Jesus and Paul in the
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- New Testament. The second reason is huge. It's not just homosexual sin that skews that pattern.
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- It's heterosexual sin as well. The reality is I represent the vast, the class of people that is responsible for the vast majority of sexual wrongdoing in the world today, male heterosexuals.
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- And I, and every other heterosexual person, would be wise to stop looking at the speck in others' eyes on this one.
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- There is a log in our own eye. Okay, so what's he doing? He's saying that straight people are worse.
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- So, gay people have a speck. It's just a speck. But straight people, you have a log in your eye.
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- So, that's what Platt is doing. He's saying that straight people are actually worse.
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- And he goes on, and by the way, I will say this. There are people who want to blame, I don't know anyone, but I'm just going to give him the benefit of the doubt that these people exist, where someone might want to put all the blame on homosexuals.
- 11:25
- And that's not fair because, yes, straight people did screw up this country long before the whole
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- LGBT agenda came along. So, that's fine if you find someone who wants to put all the blame on them.
- 11:37
- But the fact that he's making it out to be, well, straight people are actually worse because being gay, that's just a speck in your eye, but straight people have a log.
- 11:46
- I mean, that's what I'm objecting to. So, this next statement is even more outrageous.
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- Listen. It would be wise to stop looking at the speck in others' eyes on this one. There is a log in our own eye.
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- If we shake our heads at conversations about same -sex marriage, but then we turn the channel to stare uncritically at a drama showing us adultery on TV, watch the trivialization of sex in a sitcom, seductive images on reality
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- TV shows, or virtual prostitution in advertisements, then we have missed the point.
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- Are our sins acceptable because they are the sins of the majority? Obviously not. So, that's the part that really stood out.
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- He is equating homosexual behavior or even those who push and promote gay marriage and then he equates, well, you know,
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- I bet you just sit there and watch sitcoms, you know, and adultery is made out to be okay on sitcoms.
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- Or you watch commercials and there's probably a woman in a bikini in that commercial. Now, I'm not defending that. I'm just saying for David Platt to sort of equate this like, okay, yes, homosexuality, gay marriage, okay,
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- I don't agree with that, but I bet you watch TV. I bet you watch a sitcom. These are not the same.
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- And this is my issue with David Platt. He is clearly compromised on this subject.
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- So, again, he called homosexuality an adjustment. So, only an adjustment, right?
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- After he spent all that time repeating this pro -LGBT propaganda, quoting well -known gay
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- Christian leaders, and then he says that they have a speck in their eye, but you straight people have a log in your eye.
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- And then he comes out and says, well, you know, if you're upset about gay marriage, you know, you're just as bad because you watch sitcoms.
- 13:45
- Come on. So, anyways, going back to the main article from TGC, from Protestia talking about TGC, this is
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- Side B Pride Parade, Begg, Piper, and Platt headlining TGC25 with the who's who of gay adjacent
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- Christianity. David Platt, you're still promoting David Platt at this point?
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- And Alistair Begg's going to share a platform with David Platt and J .D. Greer? Really? Yeah. So, I would definitely avoid
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- TGC, the Gospel Coalition. Thanks for watching. Till next time, may the Lord be with you. Have a great day.