NEW INFO! Steve Lawson Update 1/24/2025


Galatians 6:1 "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted." Article link from Protestia: Tags Trinity Bible Church Scandal John MacArthur Grace Community Church Ligonier Ministries One Passion Ministries Masters Seminary


Hello, today is Friday, January 24th, 2025, and I want to report on this update about Steve Lawson because I did cover the story when it broke.
So hopefully this will serve as a final resolution. This sounds like good news. Protestia is reporting that Steve Lawson is attending a new church where he is receiving counseling and working towards reconciliation.
So before I read from the article, let me just read this verse from Galatians 6. This is verse 1.
Brethren, Paul writes, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.
So obviously when something like this happens, restoration and reconciliation is the goal.
Not restoration to ministry, but restoration to fellowship and reconciliation between the offended parties.
So let's read from the article. Protestia writes, while rumors have swirled of where Steve Lawson has been and what he's been up to in light of silence from his former church,
Trinity Bible Church, or any of his associated ministries, Protestia can report that he has quietly been attending a small
Reformed church in Nashville for the last several months following his scandalous departure from ministry.
They say that they're not giving the name of the church in order to give Lawson privacy and not bring needless attention to the church.
But Protestia can confirm that Lawson has been out of state for several months at the request of his wife, who they say has been justifiably, you know, been devastated by his actions.
But despite everything they say, the marriage has not been lost.
So they are working through the issue. So again, this seems to be good news.
In Tennessee, Protestia writes, Lawson has been receiving professional counseling and also meeting with several men, presumably pastors for fellowship and prayer.
And this is the key point. He's been doing this from almost the very beginning of when he was discovered to have been having this long -term sexual affair with a woman nearly 45 years his junior.
So that's new information. They say at present, while Lawson has men caring for his soul and has made efforts to reconcile with his wife, we are not in a position to know the depths or the degree of his repentance.
Only God knows that. But if you take this at face value, it looks like he's doing the right thing.
So they say, furthermore, Lawson has kept silent and a long story short, he plans on giving a public personal update in the near future.
So keep Lawson, his family and the men ministering to him in your prayers. So that's the article from Protestia.
So if all of that is accurate, this is very good news. Yes, you could argue he should have made a public statement by now, but generally speaking, this is what should happen when a well -known pastor has a fall.
They should just quietly fade into the background. And when this happens in the
Reformed world, typically this is what you see. The pastor does not get back into ministry.
They quietly get counseling, seek reconciliation, whether it's at their church or they join a new church.
But this is, yeah, this I think overall is very good news. Because remember,
Christianity is about forgiveness and grace. Christianity is all about reconciliation.
Now I can already hear someone saying, well, yeah, but what about when, you know,
Carl Lentz from Hillsong or the other guy from Hillsong, or when a charismatic pastor has a fall, you know, the
Reformed crowd doesn't show grace and forgiveness to them. Well, if that's what someone is thinking, which almost certainly
Reformed people are going to be happy about this, I think most conservative Bible believers will be happy about this.
And someone's going to point out the difference of tone and attitude towards the charismatic pastors who fall.
So let me just try to explain the difference before somebody leaves a comment asking about that.
But I think the difference, it's apples to oranges. Because this is biblical.
This is an example where we can take, okay, a situation that happened, everyone knows about in these other instances, and we can show, okay, this is the biblical thing to do.
But here's the difference. It's apples to oranges because when someone like Carl Lentz, or remember
Benny Hinn and Paula White were caught together in Rome when one of them was married to someone else at the time, they just kept going in ministry.
That's the difference. The charismatic pastor, when they have a fall, they either continue in ministry or in the case of Carl Lentz, he was hired at another church shortly after that and started doing ministry work for Mike Todd.
So usually when this happens in the charismatic world, they just ignore the scandal, keep on going.
Maybe they have to step away for a brief time, but they almost always come back into pastoral ministry.
I mean, just look at Jim Baker, Jimmy Swagger, it's just a list too long to cover. So that's the difference along with the fact that these people,
Carl Lentz and Jim Baker and others, I mean, they are false teachers. So they're disqualified for other reasons, even if there never was a sex scandal.
So let me just say this. If someone like Carl Lentz actually repented and turned from his heretical beliefs and stayed away from ministry and joined a good
Bible believing church, I mean, wow, all of a sudden the reformed crowd and conservative
Bible believers would be overjoyed. But yeah, that's the big difference.
So long story short, Steve Lawson, this does seem to be very good news.
So in conclusion, continue to pray for Lawson, his family and his church.