Have YOU Committed the UNFORGIVABLE Sin?

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While we should be quick to hear and slow to speak, we should not be held hostage by such teaching as the one discussed in the video, which renders many too fearful to speak up against spiritual abuses and false teaching. While we shouldn’t go about ignorantly rebuking everything we might not 100% agree with, having zeal without knowledge, we must recognize that Scripture tells us to be ready to refute those who contradict sound teaching (Titus 1:9).


Have you committed the unforgivable sin? A few days ago, I noped this video in which this pastor warns against others critiquing him, questioning him, and or dissecting his sermons because he's an anointed man.
And if you challenge someone who has the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you might just be committing the unforgivable sin, the blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit. Do you know that there's only one sin that cannot be forgiven? Just one, and that is blaspheming of the
Holy Ghost. In my years, God's reached down and touched this old lump of clay and anointed it. And when you begin to blaspheme that, and you begin to mock that, you walk that dangerous line of blaspheming the
Holy Ghost. On the Holy Nope, even when I share the most ridiculous of clips, almost without fail,
I will have persons commenting that I, and therefore those who like the video, are blaspheming the
Holy Spirit and therefore committing a sin that cannot be forgiven. What a terrible thing to believe.
Let's get into it. Let's look at Matthew 12 31. In this passage,
Jesus has just healed a man with a withered hand by the power of the Holy Spirit in the presence of the
Pharisees. He then casts a demon out of a blind and mute man and heals him by the power of the
Holy Spirit in the presence of the Pharisees, who then attribute the work of the Holy Spirit through Jesus to Satan, even though they know he is who he says he is.
They accuse Jesus in person on earth of being demon -possessed. And it is then that Jesus rebukes the
Pharisees, and then he says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven.
The Pharisees' hearts were so willfully hardened and their eyes so willfully blinded that Jesus declares their blasphemy shall not be forgiven.
So, to be clear, the unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit by accusing
Jesus in person on the earth of being demon -possessed. This means that you cannot commit the unforgivable sin.
It is an unrepeatable event. It is impossible for you to commit a sin that Jesus cannot or will not forgive.
But as we see in this video and too many others, these verses are twisted to manipulate and control people.
Listen to me, if you believe that, you have been manipulated into believing that speaking against that which appears spiritual is potentially unforgivable, making nonsense like this not only permissible but protected.
And think about the implications of this belief. Someone's believed in Jesus, they're a new creation, they're following him, and then one day they see something online that's suspect, something happening in a church that seems strange to them.
They say, that is not of God, or that's a spirit but it ain't holy. A lot of people like to comment that. Let's say that what they saw actually was of God.
Well, according to this thinking, they have committed a sin that Jesus either cannot or will not cover with his blood, and now they're going to hell.
Like, it's ludicrous. And think about what fear it puts into the hearts of Christians that have been taught this, that if they don't accept every form of nonsense that's done in the name of the
Holy Spirit, they might forfeit their salvation. It is a doctrine of demons. Let's see what else this guy has to say.
Hey, guess what? Sermons are meant to be dissected. It's food for sheep.
Dissection is digestion. I recently said to the congregation that I help pastor that if I or another one of preachers started teaching something heretical or false, even if it was subtle,
I would quickly find out that these sheep have teeth. They're hungry for the truth and so we intentionally craft and structure our sermons to make them more easily to dissect and digest.
No, you don't. It's impossible to blaspheme the
Holy Spirit in that manner today because Jesus is not on earth, you are not on thin ice, and you do not need to walk on eggshells when you see spiritual abuse happening.
You don't need to be afraid to rebuke wild and outrageous practices or false teachings. Biblical illiteracy is the great malady of the
Church of America, so read your Bible, study it deeply, and find a church that preaches it faithfully.