Pro Life Rally Presentation

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Pro Life Rally, Abolition Education. Abolitionism.


I'm Robert Kanai. Thank you for letting me be here tonight. I really appreciate it. Just want to say this.
Our brother just a few seconds ago reminded us that God is the God of life. And so I want you to hold on to that in just a few minutes when
I say something controversial, okay? So I want you to weigh it, what he said, and weigh what I say together.
So I know there's one person out here, right, that believes that God's word never changes. There's at least one person, right?
God's word never changes. So when God said, let us create man in our own image, let us create man in our own image, and we're created in the image of God, when is that ever going to change?
When is that ever going to change? Never, right? When God said, thou shalt not murder, when is that ever going to change?
It's never going to change. When God says he hates the shedding of innocent blood, when is that ever going to change?
It's never going to change. When God said, before I knit you in your mother's womb,
I knew you, when is that ever going to change? It's never going to change. But we've got the world trying to get us to change, trying to get us to compromise.
But that's why we're all out here tonight, because we want to stand on the truth, stand on the word of God, because it never changes.
And we don't want to compromise anymore. We've compromised for too long. And there's a holocaust been going on for 50 years.
We're on the 50th anniversary of Roe versus Wade. And this holocaust has been going on for too long.
Now I want to tell you a little bit about who I am. I consider myself an abolitionist.
You're probably most familiar with that term associated with slavery. Praise the
Lord, there were men and women back then that loved him and loved people. And slavery has been abolished.
Slavery in all forms is illegal. And now with this holocaust, we want to abolish abortion.
We want to make it in all its forms illegal because we love the Lord, and we love people.
But I want to share with you why that term is now resurfacing and why it's being born again.
Not too long ago, we voted in our primaries. And if you were like me, you got a lot of cards in the mail about these candidates.
And if you saw, I'm not going to name any names, but if you saw one of these cards, you'll see who supports these candidates, right?
And one of them said the NRA supports this candidate. And the
National Right to Life supports this candidate. And we say, yes, they're pro -life, so we're going to vote for this candidate.
But I want to share some information with you that you may not know. Probably about a month ago in Louisiana, the first abolition bill was on the floor in Louisiana.
But National Right to Life called and sent emails to Louisiana and said, squash this bill.
This holocaust has been going on for too long, 50 years. Something's got to change.
We want to keep—our brother just a few minutes ago gave us the numbers. Let that register with you.
3 ,000 a day. 3 ,000 a day. Now, here's the controversial part.
Vote pro -life, 3 ,000 more a day. Vote pro -life, 3 ,000 more a day. Sounds controversial, right?
But that's what it's gotten us, 3 ,000 more a day. So what do we need to vote?
We need to vote abolition. We need to vote abolition. Abolish abortion now.
No compromise. No regulation. Abolish abortion now. There's two things going on in North Carolina.
It's going on in other states, but it's going on in North Carolina right now that you need to know about. The first one is
Personhood Alliance, and you can get the information at my table. Personhood Alliance.
Personhood Alliance is us working on the local level. Gaston County does not have a representative.
Personhood Alliance needs a representative from Gaston County. And what you do is you go to your city council, you go to your county commissioners, and you say, we want ordinance passed against abortion.
We can do this, and we can do this locally. Now on the state level, there's another program going on called
Abolish Abortion NC. We ask ourselves, why are there not bills written?
Why are there not bills passed? Let me tell you a secret. There is a bill written in North Carolina, just like there was in Louisiana, just like there are in other states.
There is a bill written right now in North Carolina, HB 158.
HB 158. We need to talk to our legislators in Raleigh, and they're going to tell you it won't get enough support.
Jesus is our king, not our constituents, not who can give us the most money, not because it'll get much support.
Jesus is our king. So we want you to support this abolitionist bill,
HB 158, because Jesus is king, and we're tired of compromising. So I encourage you to work locally with Personhood Alliance.
Go to your city council, your county commissioners, and pass ordinances. Go to Abolish Abortion NC.
Sign up for the newsletters. Call your legislators and tell them to support HB 158.