What Determines Truth?

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Andrew Soncrant shares the Gospel with two young Mormon Missionaries during a Temple Evangelism night in Mesa, AZ. This beautiful interaction shows that Mormons struggle with the question, what determines truth? Apologia Church is planting a church in the state of Utah. Would you consider partnering with us to bring Christ's Gospel to the lost there? Let's see His Kingdom grow, brothers and sisters. If you'd like to support what we are doing, please go to www.apologiautah.com to see more of what God is doing or to donate. You can also check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaUT


Let me care about you guys, but we are orthodox Christians, you know, we're just passing out tracks and it on, you know, public property just Wanting to let people know, you know this this is a spiritually dangerous place to be but it's with love and a burden with my heart
That I say that so how long you guys been LDS? Yeah, you're alive yeah, yeah, where you guys from California, Utah.
Oh, are you from Salt Lake? Okay. What part of Utah? Are you guys doing?
Yeah, so so tell me about it guys like what what makes you want to be
LDS Okay Okay, so that spirit that I felt
I'm a lot closer to Christ Yeah, something I can't deny for myself. Gotcha. It was pretty much the same thing for you
Yeah, no, I you too awesome you as well Awesome.
Yeah, so the question is is like I don't doubt your guys's experience. I definitely believe that you have an experience
Yeah, but the question is is how do you know that the spirit that you've accepted into your lives is the Spirit of God, right?
What was that Oh You're talking about like Joseph Smith, oh the
Holy Ghost. Okay. Well, how do you know that it's the Holy Ghost? You can feel it in your heart
Gotcha I think I think for me personally I like Previously, we all make mistakes right guys.
We all make mistakes, right? Yeah, personally for me like high school definitely make didn't make the best choices I Remember at a point in my life.
I was reading a passage in the book someone actually is quoting Isaiah and then he expounds on a little bit talks about Jesus Christ for me that Really touched my heart and made me realize that I needed to turn closer to God and I think it goes back to like Galatians 5 22 23 right talks about the fruits of the spirit, right?
Yeah, of course like peace goodness gentleness self -control, of course Yeah, yeah, so for me that that's something that helped me a lot
It's just like I really felt I felt like I felt those things Is Gotcha Same thing for you pretty much
So in in 1st John 4 it commands us as people who believe in the Bible to test the spirits, right?
In 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 4, you can look it up It says that there's people who will come and they will preach about a different Jesus a different gospel
Who have accepted a different spirit? So the question is as well, how do we know if the spirit that we accept in our lives?
The spirit of God the Bible states in Jeremiah 17 9 at the heart is deceitful above all things desperately wicked who could know it
Right. So let's say we have Joseph Smith that comes along He says he has a revelation the church was in apostasy and he comes and he brings the new the restored gospel, right?
So someone comes that's important. Someone's claiming to be a prophet. We want to challenge what what they're saying by Scripture, right?
We want to be like the Bereans in Acts 17 11 Those are the ones who cross -checked Paul when he came and talked to them
He said that they were more noble than those in Thessalonica and that they searched the scriptures To see whether what
Paul was saying was so so if we're commanded in 1st John 4 to test the spirits I want to test the prophet of Joseph Smith to Scripture, right?
So in Scripture, there's two tests of a prophet There's more but in Scripture, we'll go through these two
Deuteronomy 13 is one in Deuteronomy 18 is another this is from the law of God Deuteronomy 13 says if a prophet or a
If you can you can read in your King James version it's right in there Yeah, if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and produces miracles signs and wonders
So even if it looks legit, it's what it says, but if they lead you after other gods gods, which you have not known
Don't believe in them. So they have Okay, so we we can get we can get into that but I want to stay on the topic first of all well who
Talked about Yeah, so we have we have claims of Joseph Smith, but I want to test what he says to Scripture So I'm gonna give you some examples.
Okay, I Understand I want to test I wanted I want to test the spirit through which made he may have translated from okay
So it says if anyone leads you after other gods gods, which you have not known. Do you not believe in them?
All right The Bible says in Psalm 90 verse 3 that God has been God from everlasting into everlasting about Jesus.
It says he was the same Yesterday today and forever Isaiah 43 10 says before me there was no
God formed neither shall there be after me. I even I'm the Lord beside me There is no Savior Joseph Smith in the
King Follett discourse. I'll quote it to you He says you have imagined and supposed that God has been God from all eternity I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see you have got to learn to become
God's That's the words of Joseph Smith. Even one of your prophets Lorenzo Snow he says as man is
God once was and as God is man may become But if the Bible tells me that there is no other
God But the one true God that he has existed eternally for all time never changed
He wasn't once a man on another planet who was obedient to the you know
Gospel ordinances principles during mortal probation that who entered into Godhood if it says no he has always been
God But Joseph Smith presents to me another God according to prior revelation 1 ,800 years prior to Joseph Smith and even times before that I must reject
Joseph Smith because he's teaching an entirely different God and Jesus and I think Joseph would agree with me because in the beginning of the
Book of Mormon It states that my church are the ones that are corrupt that were apart were worthy apostates, right?
I mean, so we have to be honest. It's not the same Jesus the Jesus of the LDS Church if I'm wrong
You can correct me as the spirit brother of Lucifer the heavenly offspring of Elohim and one of his goddess wives
But in Scripture, this is what it says about Jesus It says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the
Word was God All things were created through him There was nothing that came into being that was not created through him and for him and in Colossians chapter 1
It says he is the image of the invisible God The firstborn of all creation and that word in the
Greek firstborn is prototokos, right? It calls the David the firstborn but he was not the first son of Jesse What it means is the heir of all things the firstborn of creation
Through by him all things in heaven and on earth were created, right? But the
LDS doctrine presents a totally different Jesus I must reject him according to the test of prophet in Deuteronomy 13
So that's why I'm here if you don't have the right Jesus if you're putting your faith in a Jesus of fiction
And it burdens my heart to say that that you don't have an atonement for your sins. You're still dead in your sins
And if you're dead in your sins and you try to present your righteousness to God It says in Isaiah that your righteousness is nothing but filthy rags
But if you're trying to present your righteousness to him and then tell him hey I want to be God too. I want to be a God With my own planet that I'll inhabit one day
It's not gonna end well for you because he's gonna say do you know who I am? Jesus himself guys
He says many people will come to me saying Lord Lord Look at all the works I've done in your name like look at the good things we're doing
We're setting up chairs. We want to do a choir. We want to do a festival. Look at these things I've done for you and Jesus says to them.
He says depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew So that's why I'm here.
I don't want that for you guys And we totally understand perfect. We honestly
I sincerely from the bottom of my heart Believe I believe that what you're doing is what you feel is right, and I honestly do
I believe that And I believe that you have a strong relationship with Jesus Christ that you you want to bring us closer to him
But this is something that for me spiritually. I've had a witness of it I can't explain every question, but I really feel like I have
So we're we have to go we have to help. Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. No, no, you're fine Yeah, we'll definitely take that Take this one as well.
You know what? Yeah, like first for reals like we appreciate that you're trying to bring people closer Oh, yeah,
I guess I'm sorry. Yeah Stefan stepping stepping step in time. I almost think like Steppenwolf.
He's like a like a superhero guy Stay and listen if you like, you don't have to but I mean we'll be passing out tracks and stuff like that I'm glad that you can hear our burden for you guys, but test your prophets to scripture.
Yeah, Deuteronomy 18 Deuteronomy 18 is another one. It says if there's one false prophecy reject them
Joseph Smith had many and you can look them up in your own churches history. All right Yes, pray to the
Lord test the prophets to scripture because God has revealed to us in his word Right that we can rely on the
Word of God that it's not missing many plain and precious parts Okay, I know you guys got to go but thank you. I hate it. Thank you