Mark of the Beast is HERE claims Matt Chandler / Billy Graham Statue Goes Up in Washington DC


In this video I respond to an article where Matt Chandler makes some troubling claims about the mark of the beast and the book of Revelation. Also a graven image of Billy Graham was erected at the Nation's capitol; Franklin Graham & Democrat politicians praise the move!


Hello, in this video we're going to be covering a story from the Christian Post. Pastor Matt Chandler says that the
Mark of the Beast is already here. The article says Village Church Pastor Matt Chandler has said he believes that the
Mark of the Beast is quote, active even now in this moment of history.
In an Instagram video posted over the weekend, the article says the 49 -year -old
Texas -based pastor said that many people are familiar with this idea that the
Mark of the Beast could be an advanced technology like a microchip or something like that.
And by the way, nobody knows what the Mark of the Beast is because it hasn't happened yet. It's in the future.
This takes place during the Tribulation Period. So nobody knows what the
Mark of the Beast is, but Matt Chandler says not only does he know it's already here.
He says that basically people have hijacked the
Book of Revelation and these literal interpretations totally miss the true meaning of the book.
According to Matt Chandler, the key to understanding the Mark of the Beast lies in the symbolic use of numbers within Scripture.
He says, I think it is to miss the point and it has made people miss the
Book of Revelation, miss the point of the whole book. He says the perfect number is seven and that's true.
The number seven does represent completion or perfection.
And then Matt Chandler says the number six represents incomplete.
So far so good. I don't have a problem with that. And then he says, we also know the number three also means completion.
Well, not fully convinced of that, but here's his argument. Therefore, six, six, six, or the number six, three times, it basically means complete incompleteness.
Now, are you confused? You're like, I don't think that's what it means. Well, right. That's not what it means. The Mark of the
Beast, according to the Book of Revelation, is an actual mark that is put in people's foreheads or their right hand.
But Matt Chandler says that it's, it's all symbolic, just means complete incompleteness.
And by the way, in the article, there's a picture of Matt Chandler there in a short sleeve shirt showing off his new tattoo that he got last year.
And listen, if you have tattoos, I'm not against you. Okay. I don't like tattoos.
But the reason why I bring it up is just the irony. Matt Chandler has a tattoo of a dragon along with a rider on what appears to be a white horse.
Now that's, that's ironic because in the Book of Revelation chapter six, the Antichrist comes riding on a white horse and he's under the control of the dragon who is
Satan. So, and then Matt Chandler, and I'm sure, I'm sure Matt Chandler would say that's not what his tattoo is.
It represents, it represents something else or whatever. But there's also another language, an inscription there on his tattoo that I guess translated means remember that you will die.
So Matt Chandler has this rider on a horse with a dragon and it says, remember you will die.
You know, for a pastor to be shown off that tattoo, I don't know, it just seems strange to me.
But back to the article, Matt Chandler stressed that the mark of the beast is not Elon Musk putting something in our brains or something like that.
Of course, we don't know what it is again, but he says the number 666 here, here's what it means.
According to Matt Chandler. Are you ready? The number 666 on people's forehead is meant to symbolize, so it's all symbolic, it is meant to symbolize ideological beliefs and the number on people's hands depicts the practice of that ideological belief.
In other words, the mark of the beast is simply symbolic for what you think and what you do.
According to Matt Chandler. In today's world, he, you know, and it goes on and he's promoting his new book, the overcomers,
God's vision for you to thrive in an age of anxiety and outrage, and it says in which he draws on the book of revelation or his view of revelation to impress upon Christians that no matter how daunting the world might seem, you, you are uniquely wired and uniquely gifted and uniquely placed, uh, in this moment for all of God's purposes.
And he's like, God is happy with the current situation. God has the right team on the field.
You know, this kind of sounds like a self -help motivational message to me, but it says in a recent interview with the
Christian post, uh, Matt Chandler explained that over the past 150 years, the book of revelation has been hijacked that people think it it's about end times.
Bible prophecy says that especially got hijacked in the 1970s and he's probably referring to how
Lindsay and the movie, what is it called a thief in the night? And listen,
I don't agree with everything. There's some sensationalism, right? That that type of eschatology where people say the, the
Bible is being fulfilled on the pages of the newspaper and every little thing, you know, the book of revelation stands for, you know, the, the locusts are
Cobra helicopters and all of that. I think some of that people do get carried away, but here's the bigger point.
Matt Chandler, what he's talking about, how over the past 150 years, the book of revelation has been hijacked.
He's he's talking about dispensationalism and I don't agree with everything that is called dispensationalism, but this really isn't accurate.
Okay. The pre millennial view, the pre millennial interpretation of the Bible and the book of revelation has been around since day one.
Okay. Pre millennialism was the viewpoint of the early church. Matt Chandler, I think as an all millennialists, the amillennial view didn't, you know, take hold until after the, you know, the rise of the
Catholic church. So that started in around about the fourth century onward. But people have believed in a literal antichrist, a literal mark of the beast, the tribulation, a pre millennial view.
People have believed that since the days of the apostle Paul. And I would argue that Paul and John and the apostles all believed and taught that.
But Matt Chandler says, no, no, no, that's, that's just all symbolic. I guess Chad says
Chandler is not the first pastor to warn against misinterpreting the book of revelation and the mark of the beast in 2021 evangelist,
Franklin Graham cautioned against believing that the quote vaccine passport chip implanted the implant developed by a
Swedish company was the mark of the beast. So now they're quoting Franklin Graham as a source of authority.
And here's another irony. First of all, Franklin Graham and Matt Chandler, they towed the line. When the government said, shut down your churches, they're like, okay.
And they were, well, at least Franklin Graham, I remember he was very much supportive of the vaccine.
If memory serves correctly, didn't Franklin Graham tell Christians that they should get the vax because, well, the
Bible says love your neighbor. And then Franklin Graham got the vax himself. And then shortly after that, he started having health problems and then he had that surgery.
So did I imagine all that? I don't think so. But yeah, what the government was doing, apparently it was totally fine.
You know, there's no possibility that any of this could be leading up to the end times, I guess.
Just move along folks. Nothing to see here. Yeah. Some people do get carried away and they say, this is it.
And that's, you don't want to do that. But you know, Franklin Graham, here's another irony.
Franklin Graham is also in the news on the Christian post right now because a graven image was erected at the
U .S. Capitol building in honor of his father. So a statue of Billy Graham was just erected at the
U .S. Capitol. And why does that matter here? Because I thought Christians are supposed to be against religious statues.
But in Revelation 13, where it talks about the mark of the beast, where Matt Chandler is like, oh no, no, no, there's no real mark.
It also talks about a religious image, a graven image or an image of the beast being set up or people are told they must worship the beast and his image.
So I just find it ironic that Franklin Graham is quoted here when he just was praising this new graven image put up to his father at the
U .S. Capitol. And since when does the government set up idols? And you say, well, no one's bowing down to it.
Okay. Not yet. But, you know, since when does the government set up, you know, monuments to Bible believing preachers?
It's just, I don't know. There's something off about a lot of this. But long story short,
Matt Chandler says the mark of the beast, it's not real. There's not really going to be a mark.
Don't worry about it. It's just what you think and what you do. Well wait a minute. I thought that the book of Revelation taught that if you took the mark of the beast, you couldn't be saved.
So if the mark of the beast is thinking and doing the wrong thing, or people like that, they can't be saved.
Of course they can. You know, heathens are saved every day. I mean, it just doesn't make sense.
And before I end the video, a lot of people like to complain about John MacArthur's statements about the mark of the beast, where in a
Q &A several decades ago, MacArthur made an off -the -cuff statement that hypothetically in the tribulation, if someone took the mark of the beast, you know, in ignorance, could they repent of that and still be saved?
And he said, you know, hypothetically, yes. And listen, I think MacArthur was wrong.
I think what he said was, yeah, I totally disagree with MacArthur's statements. But my point is,
I think what Matt Chandler is saying here is far more dangerous. MacArthur has never taught that, yeah, go ahead and take the mark because you can just repent later.
He has never taught that. But Matt Chandler is teaching that the mark of the beast is not real. It's not a real thing.
It's just what you think and what you do. And here's why it's really dangerous, because if you really buy into that, and if Christians going forward believe that, then you're setting them up for failure in the future, because when the mark of the beast is actually implemented, they're going to think, well, that's not it because we're taught that the mark of the beast is just what you think and what you do.
And by the way, during the tribulation, there will be a strong delusion where people believe the lie and they're going to think that they're worshiping
God when in fact they're worshiping the devil. And I think this is all this allegorical approach to scripture where the
Bible says this, but actually means the exact opposite. And again,
I don't want to make a big deal about tattoos, but I mean, the book of Deuteronomy does say, you know, not to get a tattoo.
So if you interpret that, you know, don't get a tattoo actually means you should get one. I mean, okay.
Again, not looking to make a big thing about that. But when the Bible says that the mark of the beast will be a mark in your right hand or your forehead.
Oh, no, no, no. It's just symbolic of what you think. This is dangerous. Here's the biggest issue.
Not only could it set people up to take the mark in the future if this is what they believe, if the book of Revelation is really just all symbolic, that's what
Matt Chandler is saying. If it's all symbolic up until chapter 20 and the millennium is symbolic and it's all symbol, then how do we know the new heaven and the new earth aren't symbolic?
Maybe eternal life with God is just symbolic. I mean, remember his, his tattoo says, remember you will die.
Maybe salvation and eternal life, the afterlife is symbolic too. I mean, where, where does it end, right?
If revelation is symbolic, then how do we know the ending isn't symbolic?
Well, that, that's the issue. So in conclusion, this new generation of rock and roll churches where the, you know, the hipster pastor, you know, comes on, you know, they have a rock concert and then the hipster pastor comes on with his skinny jeans showing off his tattoo telling people that the
Bible, you know, doesn't actually mean what it says. I mean, if, if my advice means anything to you, uh, stay away from this stuff.
This stuff should be rejected. The book of Revelation literally is telling us the future.
There is going to be a mark of the beast and anyone who takes it will be damned forever.
So to say that, oh, it's just, it's just what you think and what you do. Uh, well, it's nonsense.