A Biblical Response to Pastor Quiboloy and His Teachings


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Ryan Turner of http://carm.org gives a biblical response to Apollo Quiboloy's teachings. For More Information on Apollo Quiboloy please visit http://carm.org/kingdom-of-jesus-christ-apollo-quiboloy.


The following is a Biblical response to some of the teachings of Apolosie Quiboloi in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
First of all, Quiboloi makes a number of errors. His first major error is his denial of the Trinity. The Bible teaches that God is triune, that there is one
God in all existence, yet God exists eternally and simultaneously as three distinct, co -equal, co -eternal persons, the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For a list of references which support that, you can look on the screen.
The Bible does teach that God the Father is God, which that's not debated. It also teaches that God the
Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God. And for further references and clarification,
I encourage you to check out www .carm .org slash trinity. Also, Quiboloi teaches that Jesus was the
Savior for the Jews and Quiboloi himself is the Savior for the Gentiles. However, the
Bible teaches that Jesus is the Savior for all people in the world. You can look at John 3 .16
and 1 John 2 .2, which is why Jesus sent apostles into the entire world to preach the gospel.
Look at Matthew 28 .18 -20 and Luke 24 .47 and Acts 1 .8.
Jesus is the Savior for all people. He's not limited. And this is one error that cults make. They limit the power and scope and person of Jesus.
And this is what Quiboloi is doing. Secondly, Quiboloi makes himself equal to Jesus by calling himself a begotten
Son and the Son of God. Also, Quiboloi claimed to be ushered into Sonship in 2003 in the same sense that Jesus has eternal
Sonship. However, the Bible teaches that Jesus is the unique Son of God in John 5 .18
and Hebrews 1 .1 -3 talk about that. While the term Son of God was used in the
Bible to refer to individuals other than Jesus, it is Jesus alone who is the Son of God in the sense that He is uniquely, equally
God rather than a Son of God through adoption, which is the position of believers to God.
So, believers become adopted as sons in Romans 8 talks about. However, Jesus is the unique Son of God in the sense that He is eternally
God. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever as Hebrews 13 .8 says.
And the fact that Jesus is called God in John 20 .28, John 8 .58, John 8 .24,
and numerous other references in the New Testament also look at the fact that Jesus creates all things in John 1 .1
-3 and Colossians 1 .16 -17. So, Jesus is the unique Son of God, He is the unique eternal
God. A third error that Quibble makes regarding Jesus is Quibble argues that He is in a state of perfection similar to that of which
Adam experienced before the fall. However, the Bible teaches that all humans are unrighteous. Romans 3 .10
-11 says that there is none righteous, no not one. There is none who understands, there is none who seeks after God.
And the Bible also teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. As Romans 3 .23 says.
Though we are all positionally righteous before God, as Romans 4 .5 says,
God even justifies the ungodly, we still sin while on this earth. As 1 John 1 .8
-9 says, it says if we say we have not sinned, we make God a liar and the truth is not in us.
So Quibble is deceiving himself to say that he is in a perfect state of sinlessness like Adam and Eve had before the fall.
That's utterly unbiblical and it's false. Now, there's a number of other areas that Quibble teaches, again you can look at the video on Karm.
I also want to look at his teaching on salvation. He says that we can only have salvation by acknowledging him,
Pastor Quibble as the son of God. Now, that's utterly blasphemous, that is not what Jesus taught in scripture.
Jesus taught that salvation was available only through him. Acts 4 .12
teaches that and Jesus explicitly states it in John 14 .6. He says, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the
Father except by me. Jesus has not changed as Hebrews 13 .8
says, therefore Jesus still is the only way to salvation and not through Pastor Quibble.
Now Quibble also teaches another thing regarding Jesus and salvation that is very sad.
He teaches that God's work of salvation was not finished at the cross. However, Jesus said in his own words that his work of salvation was finished at the cross.
In John 19 .30, Jesus said the amazing Greek word, he said tetelestai, which is, it is finished.
Therefore, Jesus' work on the cross is finished. On the cross, Jesus bore our sins, as 1
Peter 2 .24 says, and his work on the cross accomplished salvation for all who would believe in him, as John 3 .16
says. So, I encourage you, if you're following the teachings of Quibble, I encourage you to leave this movement and do not follow him.
He's teaching false doctrines regarding God, false doctrines regarding Jesus, and false doctrines regarding salvation.
And those are the three key errors that Quibble is making. I'm also going to look at some of his other errors and other teachings that he has.
Another major error that Quibble makes, in addition to the three I just mentioned, is teachings regarding the
Bible. First of all, he teaches that the Bible is authoritative insofar as it is interpreted by him.
But the Bible is an authoritative book regardless of one's interpretations. Problems arise when one person feels that their interpretation has precedence over everyone's else's, especially when they have no historical basis for their claims.
The Bible is a book that anyone can understand. It's written for children to understand. In fact, in Acts 17, the
Bereans were encouraged to search the scriptures. Also in John 5 .39, Jesus told the
Jews, he said, search the scriptures. So anyone can search the scriptures, anyone can study the scriptures and learn about God, and they can know who
God is. In fact, God wants us to use sound principles of biblical interpretation.
You can see a reference on the screen to an article in Karim which talks about how you can interpret scripture and understand what scripture says.
So many cults have to use isolated verses or have this idea that you can only understand the scripture through them in order to defend their position rather than looking at the larger context of the
Bible. This is specifically a problem that Qiblai is responsible for. A plain reading of the
Bible by the believer wouldn't actually lead to Qiblai's heretical teachings.
We simply are not meant to be expecting new written revelation or a new savior for the
Gentile setting. So we don't need Qiblai to teach us what the Bible actually says. A second error that Qiblai makes regarding the
Bible is that he is seeking to add a new written revelation to the Bible in his book of fulfillment. However, the
Bible teaches that it is sufficient. It says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for proof, for correction, for instruction, and righteousness.
That's 2 Timothy 3, 16 -17. We don't need another written revelation. As such, scripture endures forever.
The Bible does not change. It endures forever. Isaiah 40, 8 and 1
Peter 1, 25. Therefore there is no need for a new revelation of Qiblai's to be on par with the
Bible. And Jesus also said, He said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.
Do you believe, as a follower of Qiblai, that Jesus' words have passed away? Secondly, since Qiblai's teaching directly contradicts scripture in a number of instances, his potential new revelation of his is not from God.
Third, Jesus warned about false Christs who would rise. In Matthew 24, 24 and Mark 13, 22,
He said that many false Christs would arise and they would deceive many people. Since Qiblai claims to be equal with God, and the only way to God, he is definitely a false
Christ. Another error that Qiblai makes is that he constantly twists scripture to support his erroneous doctrines.
This is a key characteristic of cults and false teachers. Jesus rightfully rebuked the
Pharisees for their constant twisting of scriptures. In Matthew 15, verses 3 and 6, though Qiblai's teaching is vastly different from the
Pharisees, Jesus' same warnings apply to him also. Some other major errors that Qiblai makes are the following.
First, he teaches a prosperity theology view, the idea that God wants Christians to be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous, if they have enough faith or are righteous enough.
However, the Bible teaches that even the righteous can and will endure persecution, suffering, and even times of financial hardship.
For example, 1 Corinthians 4 .11, Matthew 8 .20, and Luke 9 .58
talk about this. True faith does not necessarily lead to financial prosperity, as Matthew 19 .21
and Romans 15 .26 talk about. Even the righteous endure persecutions.
While God certainly wants us to be wise stewards of our finances, these finances are not the measure of our spirituality or faith.
Another error that Qiblai makes is his radical exclusivism. He claims that the
Bible basically can only be understood as he reads it or as he interprets it. However, the
Bible is available for all to read and interpret. It is not the exclusive treasure of some church or organization to dictate infallibly what it teaches.
2 Peter 1 .21 says that there are no scriptures of private interpretation. Also in Acts 17 .11,
the Bereans were encouraged to search the scriptures, and that they did. Also in John 5 .39,
Jesus tells the Jews to search the scriptures. So we don't have to have someone else interpret the scriptures for us, we can search and study the scriptures and God reveals truth to us.
It is the job of Christians, by carefully using sound interpretive principles, to rightly divide the word of truth.
As 2 Timothy 2 .15 and Acts 17 .11 indicate. A third error of Qiblai is the idea of a serpent seed doctrine.
He teaches that Eve had sex with a serpent in the garden to cause the fall. However, this interpretation requires a reading of the text that doesn't fit the context of the book of Genesis.
It is clearly not a historical interpretation of scripture and has never been accepted as part of Christian orthodoxy and as far as I know even
Jewish orthodoxy. The doctrine assumes the fall was sexual, however, the whole of scripture speaks of sin as disobedience and rebellion against God, as Romans 3 .9