Act 2:29-37 "The Coronation of a King"



of God's word for this morning. Acts 2 29 through 37 for this morning.
Men, brothers, I may confidently say to you regarding the patriarch
David that he both died and was buried and his tomb is with us to this day and so because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to set one of the fruit of his body on his throne he looked ahead and he spoke of the resurrection of the
Christ that he was neither forsaken to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption this
Jesus God raised up again to which we are all witnesses therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the
Father the promise of the Holy Spirit he has poured out this which you both see and hear for David did not ascend into the heavens but he himself says the
Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both
Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified now when they had heard this they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the
Apostles men brothers what should we do let's pray again as we stand
Lord I thank you for this word Lord I thank you for you rising from the grave
Lord God may we if we are in dread if we too may have been sheep that have strayed the
Lord from you God may we be comforted in the fact that you have the feet of death and that you'd have risen that the same body that died for us is living for us now as a mediator at the right hand of God sitting upon the throne
Lord for you have been crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords and in his name we ask this amen brothers and sisters please go ahead and be seated for this morning the title that I've given the message today for our attention is the coronation of a
King you might ask the question why a message of Jesus being
King on a day like today when we're focusing on the resurrection beginning this week
I was thinking about giving a very similar message to that of our Christmas service where we spoke of the paralytic man and when he rose everybody knew that Jesus had truly forgiven him of his sins and that's truly what a comfort that we can take when we look to Jesus Christ in that empty tomb that we know with a surety that everything that Jesus Christ ever claimed was indeed true but as this week went on I saw it fit to focus on one of the aspects of the resurrection and that is him being crowned as King because he rose from the grave and the reason that this was the case the reason
I wanted to focus on this today is actually for two reasons many of us might not know this and this is blasphemous but Joe Biden in the
White House announced yesterday that today Easter Sunday was to be known as transgender day of visibility brothers and sisters on this being said on Easter Sunday let me remind you
Jesus is King number two swirling about and across the news and social media platforms there has been this idea that when a
Christian or an individual uses the word Jesus is King it automatically makes you anti -semitic that you are a hater of Jews when you say such things brothers and sisters
Jesus is King these are the two reasons I've wanted to focus on this aspect of the crowning of our
King at the resurrection of Jesus the Christ is because the world around us seems to have forgotten this truth and they seem to not only have forgotten it but not only just denying it but are on the attack of that principle
Jesus is King all of humanity all of culture today cannot deny the fact that that tomb is empty and so let us look here at the text as context goes before we look here at verses 29 through 37 in a little bit more detail the context of today's message is that Peter is giving one of the very first sermons about the gospel of Jesus Christ to a multitude of Jewish men from all nations is what the text would tell us and Peter here in this text gives a very powerful statement that is very culturally important to notice that it is the
Jewish listener that is hearing these things and it has implications for us today let's look here at verse 29 this is coming off of when
Peter has quoted from the Prophet and King David he is quoted a text from him and then he references him again he says brothers men
I may confidently say and we're gonna see what he confidently says here in a moment but today is the day for you to confidently say the very same truths that Peter himself has stated he says to you regarding the patriarch
David that he both died and was buried this tomb is with us to this day
David to the Jewish culture was a mighty man a man that had done many great things for their nation and then that was to be herald as a keeper or a heralder of Yahweh a man that was after God and here
Peter is quick to say and remind us that that King David he died and he never rose from the grave death defeated
David I would ask you today think about the the the graveyard that is here in Hagar Ben how many people have died and are in the tomb today all but one all but one if Jesus had not rose from the grave guess who would be
King in life death death would be King that day when
Jesus was in the grave all people that hated God would have looked and said you see death one that is not the case though brothers and sisters immediately we can even think that this text when
Peter is talking about David and this seed idea this sitting the the fruit of his body upon the throne you can think back in the garden immediately with Eve and the promise that was given to her that one of your seed will crush the head of the serpent and here she has
Cain and Abel and she's maybe thinking to herself oh there's a seed one of these seed might crush the head of the serpent there's
Abel this righteous man and immediately he dies seed gone and then time comes and goes and you would even see
Moses and Abraham and all these individuals in this promise of a seed that would bless the nations and every year there would be more and more death and maybe a less of a glimmer of hope of what was to come because the seed that was to come through the nation of Israel it didn't seem to ever happen
Abraham died Moses died David died but you and I brothers and sisters can confidently say that there was a seed that has defeated death let us keep on reading about this and so because he was a prophet speaking of David and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to set one of the fruit of his body on his throne he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the
Christ that he was neither forsaken to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption pay attention here though it would have been easy in those days before the cross to have lost hope and what
God had promised the true believers in Yahweh knew that he had promised it and it knew that they knew that it was for certain that these things would take place
David spoke and looked ahead for something he looked ahead and he spoke of Jesus the
Christ and the resurrection of him brothers and sisters when we think of the resurrection I want you to think of Jesus Christ as that was the day that the crown was placed upon him that was the coronation of our
King that was him fulfilling all things defeating all things there at the resurrection there at the empty tomb
Jesus is crowned King the only one who has defeated death is
Jesus our Lord and David looked ahead and spoke of that day that you and I now look back to and proclaim unto the world
Jesus is King verse 32 he says this
Jesus God raised up again to which we are all witnesses
Peter who denied
Jesus three times is now adamantly proclaiming the gospel to these individuals
I would ask you today can you look back like this and have the same confidence that Peter himself proclaiming amongst men are you quick are you firm are you strong when the world around us wants to say no today is a day that we recognize transgenders instead of that that which we recognize the crowning of our
King are you quick to stand up against that kind of thinking are you quick when the world says well when you say that that actually makes you a hater of Jews are you quick to respond with saying
Jesus is King I don't care what you say about my
Bible I don't care what you say about what God has told me God has opened my eyes and I know that he is
King culture does not dictate how you and I should act the
Word has commanded us Jesus is King proclaim that today therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the
Father the promise of the Holy Spirit he has poured out this which you both see and hear
Jesus when we were looking through the book of Hebrews through our Bible study it was a great reminder that Jesus when he sat down at the right hand of God means his work was accomplished it means that he had fulfilled it it means that he he he had done it there was no more priestly work for Jesus to do he ascended to the right hand of the
Father and all been done if you wouldn't mind just looking with me and we will turn with me to 1st
Corinthians 15 here real quickly 1st Corinthians 15 1st
Corinthians 15 22 and on it says for as an
Adam all die so also in Christ all will be made alive but each in his own order
Christ the firstfruits when did this resurrection when was the rising up of Jesus done two thousand years ago the firstfruits and after those those who are at his coming brothers and sisters you might look around today and say ninety nine point nine nine nine nine percent of death has or ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of all humanity has suffered death but it took the
King of Kings who defeated death you and I have a great hope that when he returns death itself will be conquered completely we won't suffer that anymore we're gonna see that here in this text it says then comes the end when he hands over the kingdom to God and father when he has abolished all rule and authority and power for he must reign
Jesus who is exalted to the right hand of the Father he is reigning now you might not think that that is the case when you look outside but our
God has defeated death itself he is reigning now and he reigns until he has put all enemies under his feet the last enemy to be abolished is the very enemy that he is defeated and not his death free he has put all things in subjection under his feet but when he says all things are put in subjection it is evident that he is expected who has put all things in subjection to him later on in the same chapter it says that when he comes again the saying will come about Oh death where's your victory
Oh death where is your steam this is the hope that we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ if Jesus had not been raised from the grave our preaching our faith our hope is all in vain it would not matter turn back now to Acts chapter 2 in verse 34 it says for David did not ascend into the heavens but he himself says the
Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet we just saw that again here in 1st
Corinthians 15 I want to I want to turn with you to Psalm 110 this is where this is quoting from this continual quote this the quote of the
New Testament that is most used is Psalm 110 let's look here at Psalm 110 then Psalm 110 you'll read verses 1 through 2 it says this
Yahweh says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet
Yahweh will stretch forth your strong scepter from Zion saying have dominion in the midst of your enemies brothers and sisters
I promise you this all people all powers all principalities are going to be put under the feet of Jesus Christ today if you have been born again and you have faith in the death burial and resurrection today your knee bows to him as Jesus as your
King but for those that reject Jesus it says that he rules in the midst of the enemies just because someone denies
Jesus as King does not mean that he is not their King the reality of this is either you bow your knee in faith in humble prostrate position between before the king that died for you the one that has risen from the grave either you bow your knee or there is a day coming when your knee will be broken and judgment will be given to you
Jesus is King come back now to Acts chapter 2 so so why would
Peter quote from this text here are the men who have crucified
Jesus and he's saying Jesus is King therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made him both
Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you have crucified Peter's announcing to these people men of Israel if you don't have faith in this
Jesus your knee will bow and you won't like it he's going to rule amongst you whether you like it whether you accept it or not but look at what this message does this
Jesus whom you crucified in verse 37 now when they had heard this they were pierced to the heart and said
Peter and the rest of the Apostles men brothers what should we do this message 2 ,000 years ago pierced the heart they were convicted and I would argue in this text that we start to see that stony heart being changed with the heart of flesh in those men of Israel who said crucify crucify who looked and saw
Jesus himself hanging upon the tree these people were born again today is the day to ask yourself is this message does this message of Jesus is
King he rose from the grave does this pierce you in your own heart are you going to go out into the world and proclaim him as such or are you going to bow to need a culture are you going to be okay with a phrase like saying
Easter Sunday is actually a day for remembering transitioning transgenders this is blasphemous on high
I want to read with us the final for our final portion of today I want to go to John chapter 18 please turn with me there
John chapter 18 notice to whom says to our
Lord said at my right hand it is God himself it is the father who has coronated our king it is the father who has put the crown upon Jesus brothers and sisters it is not you and I that give
Jesus the crown it is not you and I that crown him for look at the way that you and I have crowned
Jesus John 18 verse 35 and on Pilate answered and said am
I a Jew your own nation and the chief priests deliver you to me what did you do and Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world that my servants would be fighting so that I would not be delivered over to the
Jews but as it is my kingdom is not from here therefore Pilate said to him so you are a king
Jesus answered you say yourself I am a king for this
I have been born and for this I've come into the world to bear witness to the truth everyone who is of the truth hears my voice you hear his voice today
Pilate said to him what is truth and when he had said this he went out again to the
Jews and said to them I find no guilt in follow your eyes down to chapter 19 if you would
Pilate then took Jesus and flogged him and when the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns they put it on his head and a purple robe on him and they were coming to him and saying hail king of the
Jews and we're giving him slaps in the face how do you and I crown
Jesus with our sin with thorns with a scarlet robe that covered his scorned back that's how you and I crown
Jesus look at verse 19
Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross it was written
Jesus the Nazarene the king of the
Jews this this king who suffered for us this king who took that thorny crown for you and I this king rose from the grave death did not defeat him death did not win death was conquered about by our conquering
King whom God the Father has placed the true crown upon Jesus is king of kings and Lord of Lords to behave brothers and sisters this should tell us this should give us hope today brothers and sisters in John chapter 3
Jesus tells Nicodemus you can't even see the kingdom of God unless you've been born again you cannot enter into it unless you have been born again
Nicodemus today if you have been born again you see and you have entered into the kingdom that Jesus says is not of this world and he is making all things his footstool bow the knee today in faith or bow than he when it is broken in judgment come to Jesus Christ our
King let us pray Lord I thank you for rising again from the grave and what that has pronounced you as Lord you are
King you are hope you are a prophet you are a priest you are our
Lord Jesus God I thank you for what you have done on our behalf
Lord the best works that we could ever offer to you is nothing but a filthy rag is nothing but a crowning thorn in the ground
Lord God we have rejected you but you have given to us a
God I thank you for your mercy and your grace today Lord I would ask that you would remind us of this today as we are with our friends and our family
Lord that you have rose again from the grave that you are our King Lord God and I ask this in your holy name our
King's name Jesus who was risen from the grave amen brothers and sisters