Mormon Says All Religions Lead to God

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Wade Orsini and the Apologia LDS outreach team witness to a Mormon in Mesa, AZ. He is lovingly given the Gospel and called to repentance. Apologia Church is planting a church in the state of Utah. Would you consider partnering with us to bring Christ's Gospel to the lost there? Let's see His Kingdom grow, brothers and sisters. If you'd like to support what we are doing, please go to to see more of what God is doing or to donate. You can also check out our Facebook page:


How long have you been part of it? My whole life. Really? Okay. We're from a church called
Apologia. This is our gospel tract, if you're able to take it. I got one.
Oh, you did? Oh, yeah. Okay, cool. From my man over there. So, do you not believe everything that's going on here?
What do you mean by that? No. Oh, your attention? I'm a sarcastic person. Oh, okay. No, I mean,
I think just like most individuals, you know, like I have my own struggles on maintaining to what my ideals are.
Gotcha. Just like anybody. And I agree with what you're saying as far as like, you know, but there's lots of different interpretations of faith and we can lead our own paths of faith, even within certain religions.
I mean, even within my own family, all of us are going to be having our own specific path and our own relationship with our
God. You know what I mean? So, I appreciate what you guys are doing. Yeah. Does that concern you, though?
So, if you were to put, you know, a Muslim, a Jehovah's Witness, a Mormon, a
Christian, you know, a Jew all in one room, and they would all say, someone said,
Hey, tell us who Jesus is. And, you know, the Muslim would say, you know, he was a great prophet.
Jews would say he's a great rabbi, a great man. You know, Jehovah's Witness would say he was created, he was the archangel, and now became
God. Mormon would say this. Christian would say that. Like, does that, what do you think about that?
Do we have to have the right Jesus? I think context is key. Okay. Context is where we come from is what's important.
I think our God, though we might have different names and different interpretations of what that God is,
I think that's important that God also would understand that as well. That we, if I was raised in a
Chinese, you know, if I was raised in China, my accessibility to Christian values might be different, but human values or values can still be spoken to those individuals from God, whether they've accepted
Christ or whether that's even been exposed to them. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, I see what you're saying.
Their God is our God. If God is the true God of the world, he's the God of them, he's the
God of us. Now, what our accessibility is to what information or how we are defining or interpreting that as individuals is really specific to us, our own context, you know what
I mean? Being raised in our specific families, specific cultures, specific nationalities.
So I think God is ultimately, I think he's sensitive to that. So would you say then, kind of this pantheistic idea that maybe all roads lead to God, like even seeking
Allah, you know, would lead you to the one true God? Yeah. Okay, so Jesus says in John 14, 6, he says,
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me. He brings an exclusivity to the gospel that not any other faith has in this world, that he is the way, he is the gatekeeper, and he, you know, opens it to the narrow way.
And that is true, but that scripture was passed through a person and an individual with a context.
You know, I haven't spoken personally to God. I haven't seen God face to face, alright? But these individuals have their own context and their own cultural...
People of other religions, you mean? No, even within Christianity. Oh, okay. So the scripture you're quoting. But Jesus said that.
Right, okay. So Jesus, I didn't get that... I am the way and the truth.
Correct, but we have that quote from Jesus through a scripture, do we not?
Yeah, it's God's word. Jesus did not write those scriptures. Those scriptures were written by the apostles and the people who had witnessed
Jesus Christ himself. So... Well, to be fair, 2 Timothy 3 .16
says that all scripture is breathed out by God. And so it is inspired, it is self -authenticating.
God used men inspired by the Holy Spirit. It's self -authenticated by our own testimony of that scripture.
No, it's actually self -attesting. Scripture... If scripture... If we were to appeal to the men who wrote it, then the men who wrote it would be higher than the scripture.
So the scriptures are beyond that. The scriptures are higher than even the men who wrote it. It's self -attesting.
It's the highest thing we can appeal to. I understand what you're saying, but by what authority are we as individuals?
Okay. Corroborating that attestment, you know what I mean? Well, it's revelation, right?
So I can't... Or through the Holy Ghost, right? You would... As an individual, okay?
A scripture attesting for itself is just a scripture, okay? Unless it lands on an individual or a spirit.
Us as individuals, it's just a book with writing, okay? When it plays out in an individual's life, through manifestation, through the
Holy Ghost, or whatever you guys would describe that as. We call it a testimony in our religion here.
Right, like a... I assume you guys are pretty familiar with... A testimony, yeah. Latter -day Saint. The burning in the bosom sort of thing.
So ultimately what we're trying to say is that God's word is the highest authority.
It dictates on how we come to God, on how we can be reconciled with God. And the reality is there's one true and living
God. He was never a man who progressed to deity. We will never become gods. And that one true
God who created everything is perfectly holy and just and righteous. The Bible says in Romans 3 that we are not, that we've fallen, that we are in sin, that no one seeks after God, no one is good, not even one.
So that puts us at a predicament with God, right? If He is holy and just by His very own nature,
He must punish sinners and send them to hell. But the good news is that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, the
God -man. He stepped into history, condescended, came into history in Jesus' own creation, the creation
He made as God. He took the wrath of the Father that we deserve. He was buried,
He rose again, proving that He has authority over death and the grave. And now we can have eternal life if we believe by faith and repentance in this one true
God, the Lord Jesus Christ. So that's our offer to you today, not to follow a Jesus who was once created, not to follow a
God who was once a man. Joseph Smith said, you imagine, suppose that God has been God from all eternity?
I will refute that idea and take away the veil that you may see. He says eventually you've got to learn to become gods.
That is, that is foreign to the scriptures. Yeah, I would agree that's foreign to the scriptures, yeah. So, so how do we reconcile these things?
A different Jesus, a different God? I've got my own ways that I reconcile it. That's been established throughout a lifetime.
You know what I mean? Nothing I'm going to be able to kind of break down. I can barely break down and simmer it down to myself.
Well, we appreciate you taking the time. If you take that track and find us, we would be here for you.
We'd be here for your family. I know it costs you a lot. I know it costs a lot for you to leave this organization.
We would walk with you every step of the way. We care for you. We wouldn't stand here on Mother's Day if we didn't.
So we appreciate you. My name is Wade, by the way. You guys' intentions are pure, you know. Good luck to you guys, alright?