F4F | Is Todd White Pulling a Peter Popoff?

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. Now, if you've ever seen
Todd White in action when he calls out different ailments and declares them miraculously healed and stuff, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video. Ring the bell. Todd White is a false teacher.
He does not hear from God, and he's a guy who knows a few things about magic tricks. And so what we're going to ask today in this installment of Fighting for the
Faith is this question. Is Todd White resurrecting, pun intended, the parlor tricks of Peter Popoff?
Or if you were to shorten that, is rather than pulling our legs, is
Todd White pulling our legs by pulling a Peter Popoff? You know, I'm wordsmithing here out loud, so you kind of get the idea.
So what we're going to do is we are going to whirl up the old desktop, and there's my web browser.
And back in August of 2019, Todd White made an appearance at Andrew Womack's Keres Bible College or whatever kind of thingy, made an appearance.
And in this appearance, he did some cold reading kind of stuff where he was calling out people's ailments and specific details regarding accidents that they may have been in or things that they are suffering from.
And some of the stuff he got right. So what are we to make of that? But well, some of the stuff he didn't get right.
What are we to make of that? We're going to look at this two ways. We're going to look at this number one, biblically.
What is Todd White? So we already know that he has a penchant for parlor tricks.
I say I'm working on my alliteration. You see, as I'm wordsmithing, I'm trying to get the p -p -p -p -p -p -p's out.
So he's got a penchant for pulling legs and a penchant for parlor tricks and things like that.
But as we work our way through this, we're going to start at the end and, you know, kind of biblically rule some things out, remind you of his history, and then work our way through this segment where he was doing these things.
And I'm going to invoke the the expose of Peter Popoff in his charlatan, charlatan tree.
Yeah. Yeah, you get the idea. So so let's we'll start at the end.
Let's take a look at the last part of this video that we're going to be reviewing here and see if we can make heads or tails of this thing and see if we can rule out that Todd White is hearing from God.
Here we go. I keep hearing the name Jeff. I don't know if that has anything to do with you or that accident.
Does that name mean anything to you? Does the word Jeff mean anything to you? I know a few
Jeffs. It's a common name. Weird. So, you know, this is kind of one of those mentalist types of tricks.
He's fishing for information and feedback. I keep hearing
Jeff. Can't see because you're in the shade. Does that name mean anything to you?
Now, if he were hearing the voice of God, he wouldn't need this kind of feedback. None whatsoever.
And here's the reason why. God is capable of communicating. Yeah, he is.
And it's not up to us to hear his voice. When God speaks, he will be heard.
So keep that in mind. No. OK. All right. All right.
So no, they don't know anything about Jeff. So I'm going to back this up and then let's watch the reaction in context. I can't see because you're in the shade.
Does that name mean anything to you? No. OK. All right.
I'll take a risk, buddy. So he took a risk, man, took a risk. I will. You never know if you're hearing
God tell you ask. And if they say no, where she could be is wrong. You never know if you're hearing
God. Unless you ask. What?
Really? Really? Where do you get that in scripture? That's weird. So you just got to take a risk.
I feel like I might be hearing God. So I got to take a risk. I'm not sure if I am or not.
And if you pray, the worst that could happen is nothing. What do we got to lose?
Except pride. So apparently he's just being humble, you know, being humble by taking a risk.
And speaking for God when God hasn't spoken to him. Is that humility?
To die. All right. So let's back this up so we can hear the the applause line here.
And if you pray, the worst that could happen is nothing. What do we got to lose?
Except pride. Nothing needs to die. So there at the end, he got it wrong.
He got it wrong. And he he holds this up as an exemplary example of humility on his part.
But is this humility? Now, we've recently reviewed again, in fact,
I'm kind of beat this horse to death and we're still beating that dead horse when it comes to Michael Brown's inability refusal to call people who've made false prophecies false prophets and how it runs afoul of Deuteronomy chapter 18, you know.
And so there are other passages that come to bear in this regard as well.
And let's review a few of them, shall we? Ezekiel chapter 13.
I want you to consider this text in this context. So the word of Yahweh came to me.
Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are prophesying and saying to those who prophesy from their own hearts, hear the word of the
Lord. So you'll note here that Ezekiel 13 goes after people who prophesy out of their own hearts.
So where did Todd White hear the word Jeff and well and missed it?
Well, he heard that in his own heart. That wasn't the voice of God. But the whole purpose of that segment, you'll see when we go and put it back in context, is to make him appear like the holy man who can hear from God and call out healings and things.
So they prophesy from their own heart. So hear the word of Yahweh. This is Yahweh Elohim. Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have not have seen nothing.
They've seen nothing. Your prophets have been like jackals among ruins. Oh, Israel, you have not gone up into the breaches or built up a wall for the house of Israel that it might stand in battle in the day of Yahweh.
They have seen false visions and lying divinations.
They say declares Yahweh when Yahweh has not sent them. And yet they expect him to fulfill their word.
Have you not seen a false vision and uttered a lying divination? Whenever you have said declares the
Lord, although I have not spoken. So you'll note that scripture is consistent from Deuteronomy 18, somebody who prophesies something in the name of the
Lord and it doesn't come to pass. That is a false prophet to Jesus saying that a good tree does not bear bad fruit to Ezekiel now prophesying directly the word of the
Lord, that these are lying divinations whenever somebody says declares the Lord, although I have not spoken.
In fact, the best way I can put it is Ezekiel 13 definitively makes it clear that God himself labels as a false prophet, somebody who gets it wrong.
And here we have an example of, well, Todd White getting it wrong. He got it wrong.
What could possibly be the explanation for that? I know he's a false prophet.
He's speaking lying divinations. He's not hearing from God. So therefore, thus says
Yahweh Elohim, because you have uttered falsehood and seeing lying visions, therefore behold,
I am against you declares Yahweh Elohim. My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and who give lying divinations.
They shall not be in the council of my people, nor be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter the land of Israel.
And you shall know that I am Yahweh Elohim. So yeah, God is threatening them with eternal damnation.
Now, another example here from the Bible of somebody who was a false prophet,
Jeremiah 28 gives us a wonderful account, something of a juxtaposition, if you would, and that is
Jeremiah. None of his words fell to the ground. Everything he said would happen, happened. Happened in exactly the same time frame.
He said it would happen as well. And so the Lord had told him that, well, rebellious, idolatrous
Israel would be sacked by Nebuchadnezzar, and they were, and that only 10 % of them would survive.
And they only 10 % did. And of that, the vast majority of those who survived the, um, the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar would be driven off, marched into exile and forced to live in Babylon for how long?
70 years. This was what God spoke through the real prophet Jeremiah. But in the time of Jeremiah, there were also false prophets who spoke lying divinations, who also prophesied in the name of Yahweh.
One particular fellow is mentioned here in Jeremiah 28, worth considering the details in this context.
So in that same year, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah, in the fifth month of the fourth year,
Hananiah, the son of Azur, the prophet from Gibeon, spoke to me, spoke to Jeremiah in the house of Yahweh.
So there's your context. He claims to be a prophet. We know he's from Gibeon. We know who he is. And he's speaking to the real prophet,
Jeremiah. And he said, and he did this in the house of the Lord, in the presence of the priests and all the people saying, thus says
Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of armies, the God of hosts, the God of Israel. I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.
Within two years, I will bring back to this place all the vessels of Yahweh's house, which
Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, took away from this place and carried to Babylon. I will also bring back to this place
Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and all the exiles from Judah who went to Babylon, declares
Yahweh, for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon. Well, how'd that work out for this fellow?
How did this work out for him? Hananiah gave a false prophecy.
That's not how this went down. And he was directly contradicting the real prophet of God, Jeremiah.
And so he was doing this in the presence of the priests, the people, and spoke this to Jeremiah in the house of the
Lord for maximum effect. But who was speaking the truth? Jeremiah was.
God was speaking through Jeremiah. So no, God is against people like Hananiah.
So then the prophet Jeremiah spoke to Hananiah, the prophet, in the presence of the priests and all the people who were standing in the house of Yahweh.
And the prophet Jeremiah said, amen, amen. May Yahweh do so.
May Yahweh make the words that you have prophesied come true and bring back to this place from Babylon, the vessels of the house of Yahweh and all the exiles.
Yet hear now this word that I speak in your hearing and in the hearing of all the people, the prophets who preceded you and me from ancient times prophesied war, famine, pestilence against many countries and great kingdoms.
As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that Yahweh has truly sent the prophet.
So note Jeremiah 28 here makes it clear. How do you know if the Lord has sent somebody?
Well, if their word comes to pass. So here was Todd White there with Andrew Womack's people at his
Keres Bible, whatever, and he got it wrong.
Interesting. I think we can assume that God didn't send Todd White and God wasn't speaking through him because of the same reason.
So when the words of that prophet come to pass, then it will be known that Yahweh has truly sent the prophet.
Otherwise, no. So then the prophet Hananiah took the yoke bars from the neck of Jeremiah, because Jeremiah was using a prop in his prophecy, from the neck of Jeremiah and he broke them.
And Hananiah spoke in the presence of all the people saying, thus says Yahweh, even so I will break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon from the neck of all the nations within two years.
But Jeremiah, the prophet went his way. Sometime after the prophet Hananiah had broken the yoke bars from off the neck of Jeremiah, the prophet, the word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah.
You go tell Hananiah, thus says Yahweh, you have broken wooden bars, but you have made, but you have made in their place bars of iron for thus says
Yahweh Savooth, the God of Israel. I have put upon the neck of all the nations and iron yoke to serve
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. And they shall serve him for I have given to him even the beasts of the field.
And Jeremiah, the prophet said to the prophet Hananiah, listen, Hananiah, Yahweh has not sent you and you have made this people trust in a lie.
And there you go. How do you know you're dealing with a false prophet? Because they are making you trust in a lie.
Therefore, thus says Yahweh, behold, I will remove you from the face of the earth. This year you shall die because you have uttered rebellion against Yahweh.
This is apostasy to speak lies, to get people in the name of God, in the name of Jesus, to trust lies that God has not uttered is rebellion against God himself.
More proof, Jeremiah 28, Ezekiel 13, more proof from the Bible that to give a false prophecy makes you a false prophet.
There's no way around it. There's no way around it. The, the, all of the scriptures make this explicitly clear.
I don't care if Doc Obbs agrees or not. The Bible is clear on this. This is how the
Bible speaks. Anybody who says contrary is speaking rebellion against God. So we just saw, um,
Todd White, Biffet. I'm seeing the word
Jeff. Does that mean anything to you? No. Well, I'm not afraid to get it wrong. That was fun.
Yay. He just proved that he's a false prophet. He's not sent from God. He's getting people to trust in lies.
Now, let me remind you, let me remind you, uh, from a little snippet from the American gospel movie, the original one,
Christ Alone, and, uh, Stephen Kozar, a good friend of mine, uh, was tasked with the job of, uh, analyzing, um, and, uh, recording a bit for the documentary for, uh, you know, for, uh, uh,
Brandon Kimber, uh, regarding Todd White's miraculous ability to lengthen legs.
Let's watch this and note something here. Because we've already ruled out, God ain't talking to Todd White.
There's no way God's talking to Todd White. He fails every test biblically. So what is he engaging in as we move forward?
Let's take a look again. Now we're going to see Todd White's clip sped up quite a bit and looped back and forth.
Now this is where we can see what's really going on here. Yeah. This is Todd White's famous leg lengthening trick.
Yeah. I mean, Todd White's not a miracle worker. He's just pulling your leg. The leg on our right is supposed to be the short leg.
And this is the leg, which should be miraculously growing, but it's not. Look at the leg on our left.
That's where all the action is. That's what's actually being manipulated. You can see that Todd is actually pivoting or shifting the foot of the so -called long leg so that the heels match.
Now he's doing this very slowly over time, but it's painfully obvious when you speed up the clip. All right.
So we know this about Todd White. He's not sent from God. He's speaking lies about God. He's a true false prophet.
He's in rebellion to the real God, and he's been busted while engaging in magic tricks and trying to pawn them off as miracles.
So all that being said, let's go back and review now the longer version of this in context.
See, at the end, he gets it false. He gets it wrong. So we know he's not hearing from God. So we've already ruled that out.
Let's look again in context, then, as he works the crowd, trying to make it appear as if he is hearing directly from God and he's calling out miracles in the name of God.
Father, I'm asking you right now, in Jesus' name, I thank you that every devil would be silent.
Jesus, I thank you that thoughts of suicide would be completely annihilated right now.
Jesus. Channeling Kay Nash there. OK, so thoughts of suicide are being annihilated.
We already know he's a false prophet. He's not hearing from God. He engages in parlor tricks. So what's going on here?
This is his attempt to make it look like he's hearing from God and he's truly the man of God at the moment there and that his words have authority to get rid of particular ailments.
Jesus, Jesus, I thank you that bitterness would be completely, completely rooted out of hearts.
Jesus' name. Every root of bitterness. But I thank you that unforgiveness would be completely annihilated in Jesus' name.
I thank you that gossip would be completely annihilated in Jesus' name. Yeah, how's that working out?
No, a lot of liars and gossipers. I bet there's still a bunch of liars and gossipers among that group.
Father, you're good. God, I thank you that every person that has blamed you for what you didn't do, for what they believe you allowed, that it will be taken out because the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Jesus. Yeah, that's interesting. Quoting John 10 out of context, John 10 is
Jesus speaking against the false teachers, not the devil. Came to give us life. So any place death, loss and destruction is, it's the devil.
It's not God. Yeah, you just twisted John 10. It's not about the devil. It's about false teachers.
Father, I thank you that depression right now would have no place in Jesus' name.
Now, this is a dangerous thing. If somebody is in that audience and they've just heard
Todd White claim that depression, he just called it out as healed and has no place, and they for real are suffering from clinical depression and they're on meds to help them manage their depression, if they get rid of their meds, they could spiral out of control to the point of self -destruction.
That's how dangerous this is. I command it to leave now.
Notice he's not praying anything. He commands. Who's given him the authority to command depression to leave?
Get out. Jesus name.
He doesn't look healthy to me. Something just doesn't look right about him in his demeanor.
There's even kind of a vacuousness in his eyes if you if you're watching him. This is weird.
I command bipolar to leave your life in Jesus name. All right. So he's commanding bipolar.
Same problem. He has no authority to do this. And if somebody believes that because he's the man of God who's done this and well, that means bipolar is gone and they stop taking their meds to control their bipolar disorder.
They could end up dead now or hurting somebody else severely.
I command them voices to shut their mouth in Jesus name. Now, I command clinical depression to leave in Jesus name.
You just dealt with depression already. So you're being redundant now. Now, I bind you devil.
Clinical depression is not a devil. It's a mental medical issue.
Issue by the authority of Jesus Christ. I command you to lose your people right now.
The is clinical depression a thing that has ears that will listen to your commands to obey it.
This is just a show. This is part of his magic trick. Now, what he's doing is trying to make it appear like he is a glow in the dark
Christian. You are a mere mortal. He's figured out the secret of operating in signs and wonders.
And you want to know what the secret is? Flim flam magic tricks. But we already know biblically he doesn't pass the test of somebody who's really hearing from God.
We already know that. So actually hearing from God is already ruled out. Because they're no longer your people.
They're God's people. Depression, you have no voice right now. I command it to go.
Depression never had a voice. Depression isn't a person. I command that voice that just said this isn't real to leave.
See, I think when he does stuff like this, his conscience is getting the better of him. He knows he's engaging in flim flam.
He knows this is a show. He knows that this is a farce. None of this is real. And so now he's addressing the critic who's sitting there going, this guy isn't really hearing from God.
And Todd White knows he's not really hearing from God. You know who else did this kind of stuff? It was William Branham.
He pulled these kinds of stunts too. Let me back this up. Listen again. I command it to go.
I command that voice that just said this isn't real to leave in Jesus name. I'm still here.
That didn't work either. I command every spirit of fear that's up in here to go now.
Right now, go in Jesus name.
So merely prancing around, you know, stalking back and forth on the stage like you're some kind of a lion king or something like that, dressed up in really cool colors and things, this man has no authority to do the things he's doing.
My question is who can provide me with the physical medical documentation that any of the people with clinical depression or otherwise were healed, you know, as Todd White was calling these things out.
By the way, I see Andrew Womack there in the front row. Yeah, he's right there in the front row. Blue shirt, kind of center of the screen there.
So Andrew Womack is giving his blessing to Todd White in this nonsense.
Come Holy Spirit, I command every digestive disorder because of bitterness and unforgiveness.
Digestive order because of bitterness and unforgiveness. Now immediately here, we've steered into the more specific.
And I just have to ask this question. Were the people there when they came in encouraged to fill out prayer request cards?
Common tactic, common tactic. So the reason I say that is because if you go to a place that does healing services or somebody, the man of God or a woman of God calls out healings like this, oftentimes there's some pre -work done and it may involve prayer request cards or giving them your email address and then people scouring your social media, you know what
I'm saying? To be removed now, in Jesus name. Diaparticulitis, Crohn's disease, ulcers, get out in Jesus name.
Get out. So see, he's the man of God. But again, we've already ruled that out. He's not.
He's a liar. He's an apostate. He's a rebel against God. Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus, God.
Now, you notice the long pauses there, like he's listening for something.
I noticed that I've watched this probably about four or five times and note the long pauses and then he speaks and then he pauses and he cocks his head to one side as if he's listening to something.
I'll point that out as we keep going here. Just say this, more
Holy Spirit. So notice, he's listening.
Question is, what is he listening to? Father, I thank you for joy in Jesus name.
Real joy. God, I thank you in Jesus name.
Father, I thank you that right now metal. All right, so here comes something specific.
Bodies would disappear in Jesus name right now. Metal. Okay. So people who've been in, you know, fallen or been in car crashes and had broken bones that had to be mended back together using pins and plates and screws and things.
Okay. Specifically from a motorcycle accident,
Jesus. All right. So specifically from a motorcycle accident. Now I'm going to point this out, but I did some research and my initial thoughts were not correct.
So, but this got me thinking, all right. So I'm going to zoom in for a second here and we're going to zoom in and you're going to note that Todd White has something hooked to his ear.
Now we did some research and we found out that it's merely the microphone that is on his ear.
So it hooks onto both ears, both sides, and then goes back behind his head.
But when I first saw it, I thought for a second, you know, I wonder if he is using an in -ear monitor.
Now here's the thing. If he were using an in -ear monitor, you would not be able to see it.
You would not be able to see it. The technology is so small today. So let me kind of walk you through my thinking.
This got me thinking, how is he, you know, hearing these specific things? Because it appears like he's getting specific words.
And so this is, by the way, the type of microphone that he's wearing. So it hooks on both ears, kind of, you get the tension in the back and you get the idea.
So, I mean, this is really what he's wearing. And so he's not, he doesn't have an in -ear monitor that we're able to detect.
That doesn't mean that he doesn't have an in -ear monitor. It's just, that's not what's hooked to his ear.
So, you know, I'll give you an example. This is another one, Sweetwater, you know, same concept. So it looks like he's using this kind of microphone while he's on stage.
So we've noted that. And this is not the kind of microphone that has a monitor. So, and if you were to look into his previous videos and things that he's done, that seems to be his favorite kind of headphone.
It seems to be a consistent theme with him, you know, where it looks like something is going into his ear.
But again, we've got to be careful here because that really just looks like the kind of microphone that he's wearing.
But this got me thinking, this got me thinking. And so I did some poking around, asked some questions on social media and was very thankful for the responses
I was getting from people who are kind of in the know. And what they basically told me is that invisible in -ear monitors, the technology is so amazing today.
And these are so small, you'd never see it, especially from that distance with a camera, specifically the
Roger earpiece. This is the one that is so tiny. You pop that thing in your ear, ain't nobody going to see it if you're on camera.
It's just literally impossible. And you can kind of get an idea here of how small it is, you know, right here on the on the on my on my right, which might be your left.
I forget how this all works when everything gets flipped around. You can see there's two with the one that's closest to his hand.
That shows you how tiny that is if you use his fingernails as as a reference point.
And that goes all the way into the ear. And there's a receiver system, an ascending system set up with this thing.
So if he were using an in -ear monitor, you'd never see it. You'd never see it.
But the fact that he was using kind of the double hook microphone got me thinking, got me thinking. And caused me to remember a particular fellow who was busted for this exact kind of parlor trick,
Peter Popoff. Let's let's go back in time just a little bit and listen to the fellow who exposed him for the fraud that he is.
And that was a magician by the name of the Amazing Randy. Now, I don't promote the Amazing Randy.
I mean, he lives a very immoral lifestyle. All of that being said, he's done a favor for humanity in exposing
Peter Popoff to be the charlatan that he is. But watch this. Hey, man.
To his followers, Popoff seemed to have divine powers. As is it
Gould, Alice Gould. He knew their names. Stand up, Alice, as well as the afflictions they'd come to cure.
God is touching that thyroid condition right now. God is touching your nerves right now.
God is touching your eyes. Just lift up your hands. Get ready. Here it comes. Same shtick.
Popoff was a little more brazen than Todd White's being Todd. Todd White seems to be a little more guarded and a little less specific in the information that he's giving, at least at the moment.
But the same stick calling out he healed healing for particular illnesses.
He also knew the personal details of their lives. You're good news from Charles before everything is over.
I'll tell you, he's going to be completely delivered because of your prayers, because of your faith. Here it comes.
Complete healing in Jesus mighty name. Right now. Right now.
Right now. Amen. It's all right to praise the Lord. Isis. Yeah, except for he wasn't hearing from God.
The Popoff's revelations were other than divine. The radio scanner we brought to the hall picked up a decidedly worldly source.
Hello, Petey. Can you hear me? If you can't, you're in trouble. Popoff was being prompted by his wife through a wireless earpiece.
John, she'd gotten her information from prayer cards filled out by the faithful before the show began.
She's about to get rid of the walker. You want to get rid of this walker, sister? Oh, glory.
How long have you been walking on that walker? About three years. Three years?
She lives at 1627 10th Street. 1627 10th Street?
Is that right? That's right. All right. So you get the idea how this works.
You fill up prayer request cards, or maybe there was something as part of the registration, gives them information.
And as we go back and we watch Todd White pay attention to his behavior, because he's clearly, in my opinion, listening to something.
Now, we know he's not hearing from God because the Bible rules that out. We already know that he pulls people's legs and engages in magic tricks that are designed to make him look like he's working miracles when he's not.
So we already know the guy is an immoral liar. We know this about him. So my question is, as we go forward here, is two particular call -outs that are going to be very specific that, you know, my question is, where is he getting the information from?
Because we know for a fact it's not from God. So let's keep going. I command it to go now.
Metal disappear, go, in Jesus' name. So can we get the medical records of the people who were there who had metal attached to their bones and how it left them?
We'd like to see the before and after x -rays, please. Father, I thank you for a creative miracle.
Thank you for a brand new. Did you catch how long he was listening there? I'm going to back that up.
Watch his facial expressions. He's completely vacant. It's as if he's listening to something.
He's listening. He's getting information. Father, I thank you for a creative miracle.
Thank you for a brand new right lung right now. Jesus' name. Now, I thank you for a brand new right lung that a lung would grow right now in Jesus' name.
Now he's listening again. Thank you, Lord. He's still listening.
Jesus' name. Yeah, just sitting there like he is receiving information.
Jesus' name. He's stalling. Thank you,
Lord. It's a really long stall. Jesus' name.
All right. Seems like he's just about received all the info. Cox's head over to the right.
Weird. Thank you, Lord. Still listening.
Thank you for kidney stones disappearing right now. So somebody's suffering from kidney stones.
Okay. Jesus' name right now. All stones disappear. Now he's listening again.
In Jesus' name right now. Father, I thank you. Long, awkward pause.
Listening, listening, listening. And notice even the focal length, his eyes are pointed up at the ceiling like he's listening.
I thank you for neck injury from being hit behind in a black truck seven years, seven years ago.
Now, specific information. Now, this is the one where the details that he's given will be confirmed by somebody in the audience.
But again, note the long pause like he was listening for information. This is just the reality of the situation.
It's just weird. It's fishy. So we've already ruled out he's not hearing from God. But my question is, is he at this point doing more than pulling legs and now pulling a
Peter Popoff? If that's you, let me see your hand. Where?
In the name of Jesus, be healed right now. It just kind of weighs him off.
In the name of Jesus. No big deal. Just be healed right now. Weird. Really weird.
So everyone claps. Yay. He got one right. Jesus name.
Cocked his ear over to the right. He's listening again. Thank you,
Lord. I do want to teach. I don't want to just operate in gifts.
I want. But I do want this stuff to go away because Jesus is king. And why not mention it because it needs to.
Still listening. See, when you follow the scriptures, you know, he ain't hearing from God.
We already know he does parlor tricks. I think this is another one of them. Seventeen years.
Seventeen years old. There was a hunting accident. Now, this one is a specific one.
He's teaching in Colorado. So that there would be a hunting accident seems consistent with a group of people from Colorado.
And I believe there's still a I believe there's still a bullet in your body or a piece of a shrapnel.
Notice. How uncommitted he is to the information.
Piece of that. You were a kid. I believe I saw 17 years old if that's you. And it doesn't matter how what you're now, by the way, real quick, the person who he's referring to isn't responding.
They are in the audience and they will eventually respond. His theology will come flying out here, which shows, again, that he's a false prophet.
Just now, is there someone in the room that's had that happen?
I know we're online, too, but I like it when God does it in the room. OK, so he's saying, well, maybe it's somebody who's on the
Internet. That's his excuse at this point. Maybe it's somebody watching the live stream on the Internet.
Is there somebody that has some kind of shrapnel from a hunting accident when they were 17 years old or maybe or 17 years ago?
I just keep long, awkward pause. I mean, the 17th again, specific information.
And there was a long pause while he was cocked to the side listening before he finally spoke this.
Is there anybody that that fits? I'm good with missing it.
You shouldn't be. Scripture is consistently clear. If you're missing it, you're not hearing
God, you're lying. Ezekiel 13, Deuteronomy 18,
Matthew 7, Jeremiah 28. I am.
I'll take risks all day long, buddy. Oh, he's going to take risks, man. Take risks. See, he's he's just a holy risk taker.
No fear of God or an understanding that this makes him a false prophet if he gets it wrong.
God's OK with foolishness. No, he's not. He's not OK with blasphemy. This is not foolishness.
This is a particular kind, a specific type of foolishness, if you're going to put it in that category. Blaspheming his holy name, lying in his name.
Comes like that. All right.
So now the person comes and says, OK, yeah, the guy you're looking for, the 17, the shrapnel, the hunting ax.
And he's here. He's here. You did? OK. Is there shrapnel still in your body?
Right now? Well, just put your hand on it, bro. Just put your hand on it, bro.
Can you put your hand where it is? In the mighty name of Jesus, we command it to go.
Right. Now, I would like to see the medical records, the before and after. Did the shrapnel from the hunting accident, the bullet casing or whatever bits are still inside of his body, were they miraculously removed?
I'd like to see the before and after. How come Andrew Womack hasn't pursued this guy to look at his medical records and then say, look, this is what
Todd White said and this is what happened. How come they haven't done that? In Jesus name, right now.
I feel like somebody else got hurt in this accident. See, he's getting more information now.
Somebody else got hurt in this accident. And I feel like sometimes it's a blame -myself thing.
OK, now, if somebody else got hurt in the hunting accident, if the person he's talking to, if the reason why the other person got hurt is because of his irresponsibility or his sin or his inattentiveness, then he needs to hear that he's forgiven by the shed blood of Christ.
The gospel needs to be brought to bear here. I just want you to be free from that, in Jesus name. Just be free from that.
Be free from that. There's no— If somebody's suffering from guilt because somebody else was hurt during a hunting accident and it was their responsibility, they need to hear that Christ has bled and died for that sin and that there is mercy and forgiveness through Christ.
There's no way to go back and fix that. There's no way to go back and change that. Let that go. Let it go is not the gospel.
There's nothing to go back and fix. You can't change it. It's over. That's not going to bring hope.
In Jesus name. Okay, cocking his head over to the right again, listening again.
Believe God's also healing your knee and your back too at the same time. Do you have a knee and a back issue at the same time?
I can't see you. Yes? Yes. Is there two discs in your back, your knee, also an organ on your right side right here?
Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus right now. We command it to go. Jesus name.
Yeah, he's pulling a Peter Popoff here, man. God, thank you in Jesus name. I keep hearing the name
Jeff. I don't know if that has... And now we've come full circle. I keep hearing the name Jeff and then he gets it wrong.
I don't know what happened. Maybe the transmitter wasn't transmitting properly. Maybe when he stands on that side of the stage, he's too far away from the transmitter.
But he fails at this point, proving he's a false prophet. So I throw that out there for your consideration.
And so again, just following what Scripture says, following Deuteronomy 18, Ezekiel 13, following Deuteronomy 28 and Matthew 7, we can rule out that Todd White is hearing from God.
And because he's already been proven to be somebody who engages in magic tricks and tries to make them look like miracles, you know, the leg lengthening thing.
You know, I would say that we can identify what type of person this is. This is a man who is a liar.
This is a man who is immoral and makes merchandise of people. And oh yeah, he makes a lot of money, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of money.
So, but the one thing we can rule out that he's a sincere Christian brother. He's not, he's a liar.
He's engaging in tricks. So most likely explanation for who he's hearing?
Well, probably a member of his team or his wife or somebody who's in the know, who's broadcasting the information.
And we noted that there were really long pauses there while he was cocking his head to the right and listening for specific details.
But he wasn't hearing God. That we know for a fact. So now if you're sitting there going,
Rose, bro, that's mean of you, man. Yeah, because I get the emails. I know what you guys say.
Let me just kind of put it this way. If Todd White would like to prove that he can operate in these miracles, then
I'm all for it. What I would like to do is offer him the opportunity to vindicate his miracle working ability and his ability to hear the voice of God.
But to do so in a controlled environment. So Justin Peters has already offered to meet him at a children's hospital.
I'd be happy to join Justin Peters and meet Todd White at a children's hospital.
And we will get the approval of the parents ahead of time. And we will walk Todd White through the children's hospital.
And since he will have no access to their medical records, which he should not legally have any access to, then we will check to make sure there are no transmitting devices in his ears and that he is unable to receive any kind of transmissions.
And then he can prove to us that he can, number one, identify their ailment and then via the power of God call out their miracle and have it confirmed on the spot.
And he can start by healing Justin Peters. So that's my challenge to Todd White.
If he would like to demonstrate and prove once and for all that he is the miracle working man of God that he claims that he is in his action and his deeds and his words, then he can put his money where his mouth is.
We'll come down to Texas. I'll do this on my own dime. He doesn't even have to travel anywhere. We'll travel to his hometown and visit one of the local children's hospitals.
And again, I'll fly Justin Peters down for the event. And he can demonstrate to us in a controlled environment that, number one, he hears
God and number two, he has the power to call out healings like this that occur and then we'll get real medical documentation of those facts.
So if he would like to do that, then I'm all for it. And until he does it, I'm saying he's a false prophet, a liar, a con man who's engaging in magic tricks, and a man who has no conscience, and one who needs to be rebuked, marked, and avoided as a wolf, because that's exactly what the
Bible says that he is. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
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And let me thank you for your support. We truly cannot do what we're doing here without it. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.