#BigEva - Constantly Thinking Like a Child - Also Neil Shenvi's Bad Idea

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Fight Laugh Feast!


Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network. Alright, well, let's jump right into it today.
I didn't do a video yesterday, but that's okay, you know. Man, I've been doing every day for a long time now, just about.
And, man, it can be challenging to keep that up. But, I've been pretty busy. I've been fishing a little bit, too.
So, busy with work, but also fishing a little bit. This morning I went with my son, first thing in the morning. He wasn't fishing, he just wanted to hang out.
And we got two, you know, roughly pound and a half bass. And the biggest pickerel
I've ever caught. It's about 20 inches, and also about a pound and a half, I'd say. Actually, no, this one was close.
No, no, I'm mistaken. This one was close to two pounds. Biggest pickerel I've ever caught. And I caught it on the first cast.
It was crazy. My son was losing his mind. But we decided to, we'd never eaten pickerel before, so we decided to take it home and clean it.
And it turned out it had a bunch of eggs in it, too, so it was like a hen. I think they call fish that have eggs in them hens.
I'm not sure about that. But, yeah, you know, there's a lot of good stuff on YouTube. There's a channel
I really recommend called Realistic Fishing. And it doesn't make it seem like it's just so easy, but it's really taught me a lot.
And I'm actually to the point now where when I go out and I don't get something, I'm surprised, which is a big change for me because I'm used to getting skunked all the time.
But anyway, being skunked, by the way, in fishing lingo means you don't catch anything. So kids and I are having a great time, a great, great time.
Now, I wanted to just make a few comments here. And I wanted to be a little more helpful than the last video.
The last video, I mean, I blasted Dan Darling, and he deserved it. I mean, this schlub, unbelievable what he did on MSNBC.
And we didn't even go into the whole thing. Like, there were six more minutes of him watching Joe Scarborough just rip
Christians and rip how stupid Christians are. And Dan's like, yeah, you're right, Joe, you know, like that kind of thing.
Just pathetic. But in this episode, I just wanted to make a comment about so much of evangelical leaders.
And it—let's do this. Let's do this.
So one of the things I noticed back in the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic is just a very, very childish way of thinking.
And what I mean by that, I don't mean that—I know it's insulting, but I don't mean that as like just a pejorative.
What I mean is children have this thing about them, because they don't have any life experience, where they only see the benefits.
They never see the costs. And so when you go to the store with a child, right, you have to train them to not do this.
But they want to buy everything. They see a toy, they want to get it. We should get it. We should do this. We should do that.
They see some snacks, we should get that. And you have to actually discipline them to not do that.
Because if you don't, they're just going to complain in the store, they're going to whine and yell about why weren't we getting this, and we should get this.
Because the thing is, in the child mind, all they see is the benefit, right?
They see this awesome toy that they want to get. They see this awesome snack that they want to get.
And they're not really—it doesn't come naturally to them to count the costs, right?
So that toy, I agree, it's awesome, but it costs $100. And, you know, it takes
Daddy a certain amount of time to make $100. And, you know, I spend a certain amount of money on the house that we have and the food that we eat and the things that we need.
And so we can't just buy every toy we see. We also have to save for the future because, you know, one day
Daddy's not going to be able to work anymore too. So he needs to set up a situation where he's making the right kind of investment so that when he can't work anymore, when he's old and he can't work anymore, he still has enough to survive.
But that's what the child doesn't understand because one of the things that you have to train in a child is how to think ahead, right?
How to think forward. And so they have to weigh out the costs with the benefits. The costs with the benefits.
It's a very difficult concept. And I'm not trying to say kids are stupid.
Kids are not stupid, but they need the life experience to know that everything is not just benefits.
There's always costs associated with it. And so I noticed this last year during the economic shutdowns, right?
We're going to shut down the economy to save lives. And at the time I said this is not going to save lives.
What this is going to do instead is change who dies, right? Because when people aren't making goods and services, they're not working, so they're not adding any value to society at all.
They're not making food. What you're going to have is you're going to have shortages and you're going to have supply chain issues.
And what that's going to do is it's going to raise the price of everything. So when you don't have as many goods and services to go around, the ones that you do have, people are going to pay a very high price for.
And in the end, it's going to hurt poor people the most. And so the most vulnerable among us, the ones that live on the margins, the ones in Africa, the ones in the poor people even amongst us in the
United States, they're the ones that are going to suffer the most from this, we're going to go save lives.
And why were big EVA people saying that, right? Because Russell Moore did a stupid article about that.
I'm sure Dan Darling did ridiculous articles about that too. I don't follow Dan Darling because who cares. But the point is like why were they saying that?
And liberals were saying this stuff too, right? Well, the reason they were doing that is because they were only looking at the benefits.
They're like my kid when we go through the toy section. The benefits are people aren't going to get coronavirus.
Now, let's just assume for a moment that coronavirus is the most serious disease ever.
The benefits are no one gets coronavirus or fewer people. At least that's the theory of the benefits because it really didn't work when you look at the numbers.
But they act as if there's no costs. What Russell Moore did is he said, well, the costs are going to be bored by the rich.
So who cares? Their stock portfolio is going to go down. But we're talking about lives here.
But the thing is that that's actually not the case. If he would have thought that one through a few more steps, he would realize that it's not just stock portfolios that go down.
It's actually everyone's wealth and cost of living goes up, right? Their wealth goes down.
Their cost of living goes up. Their standard of living goes down. That's how it works when you have supply chain shortages and goods and services shortages and stuff like that.
And so that's what is going on, I think, with so many of these big evil leaders.
And it's a shame because Christians ought not to think this way. Christians are told by God when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, if you're going to follow
Christ, right, you need to count the cost. And Jesus says that what kind of an idiot— basically what
Jesus says is what kind of an idiot starts to build a house but doesn't really count to see if he has enough money to finish it and then he halfway builds a house, but he runs out of money.
That's a stupid person. That's a fool. And it's like, yeah, that's true because he wasn't counting the cost.
You know, the law of God with the Sabbath and how you're not supposed to work on the Sabbath and there's a
Sabbath year and all. It forces you to sort of think ahead, right? It forces you to plan ahead.
You've got to plan for the Sabbath. You can't do any work on the Sabbath, so you've got to plan ahead for that so that you can eat and you can have a good life and stuff like that.
Same thing with the Sabbath year and all that. God at every step is telling us to think ahead.
We need to stop thinking like children and start thinking like responsible, wise adults.
And I think that that's what's at play with a lot of this love your neighbor means get the shot kind of thing because what
Dan Darling is acting as if and other people like this that are pushing this vaccine on everybody and saying that if you don't get the vaccine, then you're actually in sin.
What they're forgetting is that it's not just benefits. There's also costs, right?
There's also costs. And so you have to do the analysis. Okay, what are the benefits?
How much do I have to pay for it? What's the cost to get these benefits? And when it comes to this vaccine, you know, it's so new and it's so experimental and the data is so inconsistent that it's very difficult to do that cost -benefit analysis.
And it's very difficult to do that with any degree of certainty. And what they try to get you to do is say, well, just trust the science.
Well, the problem is that the science is mixed except for the fact that you are silencing those who oppose your science.
And to me, that's very suspicious. And I want to encourage other people that if they don't want to get this, that they're not in sin.
You can't just make stuff up because you want to look good to the pagans. And the reality is that you're thinking like a child.
You're not counting the costs. And the reality is here with Dan Darling as well, you know, he's getting his heart's desire.
He's getting the spot on MSNBC. They're going to talk to him more. They're going to love him. You know, they're going to give him the attaboys.
But he's not counting the cost because the cost here is that he's allowing
Christians in the name of Christ to be drug through the mud by this little weasel over here.
This disgusting man. Listen to this man. There were four of other evangelicals that have come on this show and what I don't understand about many of my friends and family are the conspiracy theories that they seem to be more prone to on Facebook.
You know, as I say, we as evangelicals believe we have the greatest story ever told as the foundation of our lives.
We really don't need some Christian Chinese, some Chinese religious cult sending conspiracy theories across the world to influence us.
We don't need... I love that he's talking about conspiracy theories and then he puts forward a conspiracy theory.
It's just crazy. But the point is, like, he spends many minutes in this just trashing Christians. How could they be so stupid?
I mean, they believe in Christ. So how could they be so dum -dums? They're just dum -dums. And the thing is, like, you know, if Dan Darling was counting the cost, he'd say something like, let me stop you right there,
Joe, because I don't accept that. I don't expect that Christians are just ignorant or they're stupid or they're just prone to Facebook lies.
I don't accept that at all. What I do, and then go into, you know, something, the problem is that Dan Darling is on the same team.
He thinks Christians are idiots, Dan Darling, in general. He's ashamed of Christians.
And so many of our leaders are ashamed of Christians. They rip regular Joe Christians all day long and then they pat, break their arms, patting each other on the back.
It's the opposite of what Christ does. If you look at the pattern of Christ, he rips the leadership that should know better and he has so much compassion on the people that are being led astray.
He does not let pagans just rip them apart and just sit there like, totally, man, totally.
I just, I, anyway. So there's that. So there's that. Let's, I figured what we could do as well is talk about South Side Rabbi a little bit more.
A lot of people really want to see more of this. And so that's great. If you find this helpful, I do the channel for you guys, you know what
I mean? I do the channel for you guys. So absolutely, I'll do some more. We'll see how this goes. But if you remember, they're talking to Neil Shenvey about critical theory and, you know, sob stories, all that kind of stuff.
But you remember, you can go watch the last episode and that I did on this and we'll go from there. Expressed in your worship.
Facts. And more than that, have you ever asked people in your church who are, say, not majority culture, do they like the worship style?
Right? And be aware of that. I'm not saying you have to change your music and you have to have, you know, all these different.
I'm just asking, be reflective. Facts. And say, what message are we sending by the music we play?
So my church, a few, about a year ago or two years ago. And we love your church, by the way. Shout out to J .D.
Grisham. J .D. Grisham, yeah. They love it because it's totally woke. It's totally woke. But yeah, you know, just ask them if they like the music.
Yeah, that's how you select the music for your church. You ask everybody, you take a poll and decide what, do they want some hip hop in there?
What do they want? Do they want country? That's how you select the music. You just decide what everybody. Guys, like, let me just say something to you guys right now.
I'm not psalmody only. But I got to say, there's a good case to be made for that, biblically, and also,
I would say, pragmatically. And anyway. That's my guy. Shout out
J .D. Greer. I don't know if all of the campuses did this, but I know my campus, and they didn't make an announcement.
But I think it was sort of subtle. So I don't want to step on any toes, I hope. But I began to notice that they began to play
Christian hip hop in the lobby before service. And actually, our campus is actually pretty racially diverse.
We're the most diverse campus. So there were people in the congregation,
I'm sure, who appreciated that. Who said, oh, I like Christian hip hop, frankly. Yeah, I don't, and I wouldn't appreciate that.
Because church is not a freaking party. Right? There's some music that, frankly, it shouldn't be at church.
It's just that simple. Now, can I make a case for that, biblically? I think, actually, I can. Like, there shouldn't be,
I'm just going to say this. I'm just going to say this, and I'm going to piss some people off, but that's okay. I'm not so sure we should have pianos at church.
It should be voices. It shouldn't be a rock concert. It shouldn't be a hip hop concert. It should be the congregation singing together, and if you want to do that to a certain kind of style of music, then go ahead and write it.
I'm not going to stop you from writing that. This is the thing, though. Like, the idea is that we have to change everything we do to make everybody happy.
What if somebody likes some heavy metal? Right? Are we discriminating against those who like some heavy metal?
No, because heavy metal doesn't lend itself to the worship service. Look, you can have
Christian heavy metal. Right? There's nothing wrong with that. I happen to like heavy metal.
You know what I mean? Well, I mean, allegedly heavy metal. You know, I don't really even know the differences between harder rock songs.
Let's just say that. Harder rock songs, distortion pedals, stuff like that. Nothing against it.
I love that kind of music. I listen to ACDC. You know what I mean? But it doesn't belong in the worship service.
It's not conducive to the congregation singing with each other.
That's not the way it should be. And if you had a church, right? And it was a diverse church.
You know, old people, young people, the whole thing, blacks, whites, you know, Hispanics. And in the lobby, you're hearing, We've been misinformed!
We've been misinformed! Like, that's a stupid idea. Stupid. Not every style of music lends itself to the worship service.
It's simple facts. And it has nothing to do with discrimination. It has nothing to do with racism.
None of that nonsense. It's just... Things just ain't the same for gangsters.
Times is changing, young... I can't say that word. So, I'm not like... Pat's a big fan, by the way.
My friend, Pat, swears. No, he... You gotta talk to him. Shout out, Pat. We will. Back in the day, he brought
Lecrae into, I think, the... He helped get Lecrae to come play in the RDU area for a concert.
Oh, wow. Anyway, but the point is... Man, you know, Neil Shenvey, who knew?
He's keeping it 100. They did that just subtly. It was a subtle thing. They want to make sure that people feel comfortable from any background.
And then, lately, they have been noticing that in the worship songs, I can't tell, but it seems like it's more black gospel music.
And they're not trying... It's not like pandering. It is pandering, though. It is pandering. It's 100 % pandering.
We want to make sure everybody's comfortable, so we're just going to play black music at the church. Like, what? What is that supposed to mean?
I like Christian hip -hop, so it's cool for me. I'm pretending to be Neil. But what about people who don't like it?
What about people who... Let's just continue.
Notice some of the songs, I'm like, that sounds like a black gospel song. Right, right. They're great songs.
They're not watering down the quality of the songs. I think they're just... I don't know. I didn't ask my pastor, but I think they're trying to make people aware of there's more diversity in the church than you might realize.
Yeah, they're pandering is what they're doing. They're pandering. And the thing is, I actually happen to like black gospel music, at least the style of it.
There's that one Carmen song where he has the black pastor with him, and what's that song?
I got the joy, joy, joy. That's a good song. I love that kind of stuff, right? I love that kind of stuff.
But you definitively are pandering when you're becoming a woke church and you start to play hip -hop in the lobby.
You know what I mean? Or before the worship service starts. That's clearly pandering. Obviously it is.
What's the point of all this? This is nonsense. Just a digression, but my point is when Christians ask me, why should we even bother with this garbage?
And I say, well, there's some ideas that are actually just common sense, and they flow out of 1 Corinthians, right? That we should lay down our rights for the sake of edifying the body.
Right. But this is the point, though. Right. But the thing is, that applies both ways. Right?
That applies both ways. And so if you insist that every church needs to play some hip -hop, and I'm not saying
Neil's saying this, by the way, but if you start saying, well, you gotta love your neighbor, and so there's a piece of black music, and it's like, okay, right.
But the problem is, though, that if you're gonna say the scripture demands it, then it demands it both ways.
And so if you're black, or if you're Latino like myself, or if you have a different preference of music, even if it has nothing to do with race, a different preference of music, like, for example,
I do. I have a different preference of music than my church currently plays. What do I do? Instead of accusing everybody and their mother of racism or insensitivity,
I listen to the scripture, and I consider others more important than myself. It goes both ways.
But for some reason, when you're imbibing critical theory, and frankly, Neil Shenvey seems to be applying a little bit of that critical theory here, all of a sudden, that scripture applies to whites, but not so much to blacks.
It applies to whites, but not so much to Puerto Ricans. If it was so important to me to find the style of music that I wanted in a church, then
I would be going and searching out that style of music at a church, right? But the thing is, that's not that important to me.
What's important to me is having fellow Christians, fellow believers that believe the gospel, that I know are hardcore in the sense that if I was in sin, if I was committing some kind of evil, that they would call me out, that we would be discipled together.
That's what's important to me. So you know what? I can set aside the fact that I roll my eyes when
I hear the kinds of songs sometimes that are sung at my church, right? I can set aside that, and I can avoid getting bitter about that.
I can recognize that that's my problem. That's my issue. If I want to hear hip -hop at church, and that's going to cause me to have a problem with people and start calling everybody racist or insensitive or whatever, that's my issue.
That's not their issue. See, that's the point. And quite frankly, Neil says this is a good idea from critical theory.
This is actually not a good idea from critical theory. To give minorities this ability to sort of, you know what?
Maybe others aren't quite as important. Because after all, this is an issue of racism, right?
It's just sad. It's my right to listen to this kind of music. Well, that's not really your right.
But even if it were, don't you want to give up your rights for the sake of bringing people into the kingdom and loving on your brother
Jesus Christ? Right. Everyone needs to do that, including blacks, including
Latinos. I hold blacks and Latinos to the same standard that I hold white people. They should set aside their preference and have unity in the body of Christ.
Instead, what's happening is they're insisting on their preference and then dividing the body of Christ, claiming that people are racist if their music is too white.
That's what's happening instead. And the problem is with Neil's approach here is he's trying to,
I think he's trying to find things about critical theory to agree with so that he can be palatable, that he can be a little more winsome.
And the thing is, the things he picks are ridiculous. They're absolutely ridiculous.
Because J .D. Greer's church might be ultimately multi -ethnic. Who knows? I kind of doubt that, to be honest.
But the thing is, what's happening though is that they're teaching that even if your church is all white, maybe you should start incorporating some hip -hop music so that way you can be more diverse and you can attract the blacks because the blacks love the hip -hop and then you can attract the blacks by the hip -hop music and all that.
That's what's being taught and that's what's being received by other pastors. So maybe that J .D. Greer's not doing that but basically every other woke church is doing that.
Matt Chandler's church is doing that. All that kind of stuff. I highly doubt that J .D.'s campuses are as diverse as he's claiming here and they're playing the hip -hop music and gospel music to attract the blacks.
It's pandering. Of course it's pandering. It's insulting. If you were making a stated goal to bring in more
Latinos in your church and then I walk into your church and it's a bunch of white people and in the lobby they're playing
I'd be insulted. I'd be absolutely insulted. But you know what? That's probably as far
I'm going to go today. I hope you found this video helpful. This podcast rather helpful. God bless.
Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
I'll see you then.