This Week in Witchcraft - S1:E2


You are surrounded by witchcraft every day, but in a much more subtle form than in previous centuries. Find out how you can learn to "spot it in the wild." Our hosts will also provide media recommendations for those searching for thought-provoking content.


Welcome to this week in witchcraft The elements have been conquered with intense heat and witchcraft has become more cosmopolitan can you spot it out in the wild I'm, dylan hamilton and with me are michael dirham david casson and andrew hudson before we dig into our topic today
We humbly ask for you to rate review and share the podcast. Thank you, and I believe David Has a bit of witchcraft for us this time odd how you said that david has some witchcraft.
Yeah We'll see what you got Enchantment with a side of sorcery this qualifies as witchcraft i'm going to present it to you gentlemen, and then you can help me
Analyze it, please Watching a news report of the devastating tornadoes that ripped through kentucky a newscaster
Was walking through some of the devastation pointing out pieces of straw or Sticks that had gone to the side of a building and then not 10 feet away
Another house is completely flattened and her explanation. She just in An amazement just kind of looks at the camera and says mother nature does
Whatever she wants and then keeps describing this devastation and I watched the other three newscasters
Kind of nod their head like oh, yeah, that's the right way to explain that so this is pagan despair
It says this is the uncontrollable. We are at The mercy of the elements.
We are at the mercy of capricious, you know Mother nature who doesn't really care about us.
It helps us understand somewhat the popularity of the fertility cults of bale or mollick
I must do something to appease These more powerful entities than me who might be able to give me some protection from from the heat or storms or tornadoes it was
It wasn't just that. I haven't heard, you know, somebody used the term mother nature before it's that she was talking about something horrible that happened and showing pictures and then
Watching the three newscasters back in the studio. Oh, yeah, and then moving on so quick So mother nature does whatever she wants
In what respect is that witchcrafters just rank paganism and and pagan despair?
Well, remember that witchcraft is the praxis of paganism Okay, so the way that paganism gets expressed and worked out in real life is is through witchcraft
So you're right to identify despair at work here because despair is is the essence of paganism
I mean, what are you gonna do about mother nature? I mean, what are you gonna do? You can't stop her She's just gonna do whatever she wants to do which when you pair that with this intense desire to placate mother nature and to worship gaia and to Do everything you're supposed to do in not breeding and creating more parasitic humans that destroy
Planet earth and to and to rape mother gaia of her resources When you refuse to live in a single family dwelling okay, because that that is
Irresponsible and bringing on the further wrath of gaia and the apocalypse which is always pending
Notice how well the pagan culture apes the christian cult in constantly
Doomsday saying here is the end here is the end here are all the signs
The apocalypse is almost here that they don't have a rapture they have you know, they have a total disaster mindset
But it's still it's the end and and every every month or so. There's a new theory every decade
There's a whole new paradigm, but the end is nigh and so they have their own sidewalk prophets of doom but they're still
Advocating at all costs that you change the way you live and what you do to offer your sacrifices to gaia
To keep her from doing these things, but then Of course No one can control her.
She's capricious. She does whatever she wants, but isn't she justified in doing so after all we're the problem
And again, there's despair because there's no salvation no matter how much you do. There's always this this problem that you cannot solve
And so you're caught into this You're caught into this whole system and the paganism just rises more and more to to everything you're doing is basically just superstition
You know, i'm all for better ways of handling landfills and recycles and all of that But when you actually see how it works out you realize well
This was a this was a useless bit of superstition that I went through when I see the actual results of how this occurred
We could go on and on with the details. But so how is this manifest as witchcraft? What actually happened?
What actually happened with the with the tornadoes in kentucky god rules
As r .c. Sproul is famous for saying there is not a rogue molecule in the universe God is in charge of it all
God sent those tornadoes god did this damage when you read the prayer of hannah
God kills and he makes alive he raises up and he casts down The earth is the lord's and he has set it upon its pillars.
He owns it all and controls it all and then when somebody looks at what What god and his sovereignty has brought to pass and then they name a different god.
Oh They name a different god Well, this is this is in one sense magic in that I have invented another word to cover what the real word that should be there
Which is god almighty not gaia not mother nature It's even more than that. It's necromancy.
It's an alternative sourcing is like no this didn't come from god this came from What and you know environmental irresponsibility?
Or this came from you know, if you really believe in them, I don't think she really believes in mother nature But what is she what is she saying?
the dangers of the environment Right because there's that that fear that fear mongering.
Is it also soothsaying and this is this is nonsense This is nonsense You just looked at this horrible situation and you looked at everything that to happen
And you just spouted something that has no meaning at all That doesn't did that clarify anything?
He's got a nod in their heads like that. It didn't clarify anything that completely obscures everything that just happened and You know, what's the number one question that I would say the vast majority of the kentucky folks are asking
Why did god let this happen where is god didn't he hear our prayers why would he do this?
And then the answers need to be given by the pastors and the christians in the area they learned you know the fear of the lord the
Sovereignty of god and working through the pain and suffering that has occurred some real serious genuine needs and concerns it's god's people come together and try to Serve one another and help each other and see to the needs of the poor and so on.
We certainly don't need placations to mother guy to the mother earth or to goddess gaia in this this is
Yes, I would say those are my takes on it as far as witchcraft And I I was just gonna say
Apparently people have not read the book of joe It's pretty clear who controls the weather if you want to put it like that like michael was mentioning
The the audacity to say that a fictitious creation of man has any effect over god's sovereign rule over including the weather is blasphemy blasphemy and We have a clear
A very clear representation of wrath in this storm and with susane
What we're trying to do is immediately cover up with nonsense one the the need for wrath and the effects of wrath and we're kind of satiating or or scratching a itch that we have because we know
At this very clear view now that what has just happened is a manifestation of god's wrath and his sovereignty and his ability to control the weather and Send the whirlwind and through the susane.
We're going to avoid that That understanding all together and we're going to take that clarity and make it as opaque as we possibly can
That way we're separating ourselves from the reality that we know. We just witnessed as well
It's also very anti Human and that attacks the image of god people lost their lives their livelihoods
They they we have been made in the image of god to be fruitful multiply fill the earth and subdue it How much was undone and lost in the storm look at all the devastation and so on and basically we got told
Some meaningless random act occurred And all this stuff happened, but there's no meaning behind it, you know, and the act is meaningless
The people that were involved have no value. It's just something that happened
Right, and this is also inconsistently applied right because When they look at the storm and they and they see the crazy
Damage that occurred they say oh mother nature Okay But if they were to apply their fake belief system consistently
Wouldn't they also then look at the the current population of the world and say hey look mother nature?
Right Aren't humans part of The problem well, but I thought humans were part of nature
Right. How is it? How is it that they live in this materialistic worldview in which we're all
Part of the cosmic big bang. We're all stardust etc Etc. We're all part of nature and nature just does what nature wants to do and they keep on saying this all the time
You know nature just does what nature does and there you can't say anything about it. You can't stop it
Look mother nature. Nobody can tell mother nature what to do Well, then why are you so upset about the population of the world?
Why are you so upset about? Uh people starving to death mother nature's just gonna do what she does why are you upset about the inequitable distribution of resources
Mother nature's gonna do mother nature's gonna do I mean even the statement about you know, mother nature completely eviscerates their entire ethical crowing and lamenting
You had mentioned hannah and kind of kills and makes alive and job the story there and I am reminded of How god revealed himself to moses when he said who made man's mouth?
Who made the seeing and the blind? Was it not I? Don't go
And that's who who god is jesus himself. It was I know. Well, they have the god of the old testament
It's more wrathful and and jesus in the new testament is is much more warm and fuzzy and he tells the story about the people who
Died in the collapse or says well who sinned there this this this man or his parents for him to be to be born this way as well that the glory of god may be shown
I mean, that's that is the That is the lens through which we have to look through these disasters
And if I I can only only pray that this same newscaster was encountered people who in kentucky who were looking at what happened through that lens and says this is the result of sin in the world and We are god's people and we are going to band together and we're going to serve each other and we're going to serve
Serve the local community because that's what we do and that is what god has called us to do in this
Horrible circumstance, but that doesn't mean god is not god. We are we are limited. We're children.
We're finite We look at these horrible circumstances and these disasters which occur What makes us think that we can come away with a really nifty explanation for it all that solves everything?
What kind of audacity is that? But if we come away from it without growing in the fear of the lord
We have definitely missed the lesson It's almost like we're trying to be the author of our own story
Where it starts with man and ends with man exactly and one thing I was going to say you had mentioned that They don't have a rapture.
I might suggest that escaping planet earth through space travel is their answer for a rapture
Uh, leaving so what does that make elon musk? You're caught up with him Okay Now the whole like resurrection of the the dead yeah, you know, they're they're trying to well god god made us in his image and there is this always latent need for the um for the mediator because of the way that he has made us and because of the
World we live in this is why all the uh tech giants are treated as saviors as mediators because they
They will bring us out of the wilderness and they will help us cross the jordan and bring us into the promised land of technology
And that's why all these tech giants are treated as gods and high priests and so on and so forth genius
Just because he brought up the whole messianic aspects of these people the term genius finds its root in a greek term
For where we also get the word genie. It is a familial spirit that imbues knowledge into the person a little bit of witchcraft
Yeah, the i've struggled with the term genius for quite some time as well just importing that much um undeserved glory to Exactly someone and especially like those who take the genius moniker to themselves.
I've struggled with being a genius. Oh, yeah Or if you take the moniker for yourself talk about like writing being the author of your own story like that is
That is the nth degree to that type of hubris I would say because I mean you got even you know somebody who has professed that they're a christian like Kanye west but calls himself a genius like you're walking into some troubled waters there, but the idea of Them being the tech giants being these priests or saviors.
I think you're nailing it on the head with that one yep, well now that we have uh encountered the witchcraft and The media we're gonna recommend good media better media maybe or media that we have um benefited greatly from in recent times or in in the past and we hope that You can pick up some of these books these videos these podcasts
And enjoy them as well as we have or at least be as refined by them and edified by them
And we'll start with michael. What's what's your media recommendation for this week? So i'm gonna be really nerdy but One thing that was really a blessing to me years ago.
I bought a a holman bible atlas And um, it's like an oversized book obviously, you know, it's not gonna
Fit on every bookshelf. It'll fit on some but reading this atlas helped me not only put some actual
Physical locations to all these geographical names in the bible So that when I see a name of a town,
I kind of know where it's at. I have a feel for it And the major rivers the major pathways
I could really begin to envision the stories better Not only does it help you geographically?
but then It's really fun to look at what your favorite bible stories how those actually worked out over Physical space it really kind of makes it come to life.
So that's wonderful You have some of this bible knowledge and you actually kind of get to see how it works
Then you kind of understand some of the more more of the details But then additionally if people struggle with the geography of the bible when they read it,
I understand I did too That's why I bought these that's why I bought the atlas and read it I just read through it like you would read a book and it was a great story because it's also the history of Abraham the history of israel the history of the new testament church
And the surrounding history that went on with the other with nations that they were involved with And so you get to see the timeline of scripture of born out in spatial reference
And then all of a sudden You've got a real facility for the word of god that you never had before as you read through so I just I really
Highly recommend getting an atlas. The one I think is very well done is the one put out by holman. So that's my recommendation
Good, dude, finishing up the third book lord of the ring series return of the king and I was struck at that how
I kind of missed it the first time of We all know that the temptation for the ring and the ring is calling everyone and people
You know kill each other over over this, you know throughout the entire story and the back story Um, I had forgotten about the the plant here the orbs that corrupted
Saruman and then I just finished the section where that's why lord denethor went nuts
And why he was able to use this Knowledge this secret knowledge, even though it was helpful in some respects.
It just corrupted And he should never have touched it in the first place. Did he did he touch the ring?
No, he didn't He was nowhere near the ring But there was another source of corruption for him and it was the the orb and the other one that Saruman had and it was just saruman had corrupted gondor from the inside So it was a it was a warning to us all but that's the section that I have
I finished and i'm thoroughly enjoying going back over it. Cool. Andrew I'm gonna go even though in my household it we're doing a february fiction
I would like to talk about The intelligent investor by ben graham and how it's been influential with understanding the world of finance and at the base level trying to understand where does value come from and how he
I suppose It is often mentioned as one of the best finance books of all time
Just basically because he's able to simplify the ideas behind what Successful businesses should look like whenever you look at their figures and the idea that I want to put my accumulated wealth towards means that are productive
And that has ramifications outside of finance Obviously work in the kingdom knowing that when you put your money to work it will have a return and knowing that you're contributing to Ministries who are having the light of the gospel sent into all the world
And even in the united states in specific areas, whether it be places That are seeking to abolish abortion.
Those will have a return more wealth I can put into the kingdom the better And so it's kind of a cross -domain type situation
Ben graham wasn't writing In the sense of putting your money into the kingdom, but the idea is what is the most productive asset well
Kingdom work. That's the most productive asset. Amen well, I was going to go with a
First principles economics book for this recommendation, but you stole it from me andrew, so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to pivot
Uh, and i'm going to suggest a podcast called stories are soul food. It is hosted by brian cole
And nate wilson indy wilson fiction writer from moscow. Idaho brian cole.
He's a part of the canon press and i'm wanting to say he's be either ceo or he's got one of the higher up positions there, but they
Bounce back and forth between either analyzing or reviewing stories that have
Either fed or not fed the soul and they also talk about all kinds of other subjects on there
But they usually relate it back to story some of the best Back and forth that they usually have is
When they analyze biblical stories, it's really interesting how indy wilson uses his understanding of biblical story to inform how he writes and how it
Also is what he subjugates his writing underneath Which is very important for a writer to have the anchor of the word otherwise
They're going to end up writing their own story But that stories are so full soul food is great for all ages
But I actually think it's best for parents who are looking to introduce good story to children
That is not necessarily just biblical story all the time. But if they're looking to get into fiction they talk about movies and other types of media that they've consumed and analyzed and You're able to get some good recommendations, but also have some pretty in -depth analysis on how stories should be
Written consumed and understood And that wraps it up for today We are always very thankful for our listeners tuning in every week and for supporting us by rating reviewing and sharing the show