Tim Challies on Gay Christianity Review Part 3 - Why Make Things Harder on Your Kids?

AD Robles iconAD Robles


A bit of a rant on the danger of public schooling your kids in regards to LGBT stuff. If you have no choice...i get it....but so many of us do have a choice. Cancel Public School! Get the shirt: https://www.confessionalwear.com/collections/ad-robles?fbclid=IwAR3r2MmVdIjHZL2EsUAB6WTHbRzoaIhAzLDM8BWhTTJIlc9XDy5X3QoaTtw Support this work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AD_Robles


Dr. Eric Mason Wants Your Money (Part 4)

Dr. Eric Mason Wants Your Money (Part 4)

Well, greetings from an undisclosed location in my bunker. Well, the move was successful over the weekend.
Thank you if you were praying for me over this weekend. We took a huge U -Haul, packed it up, unloaded it, and I am super sore right now, which kind of stinks because I can't tell if I'm like achy and sore because I'm becoming sick, because that's one of the signs of COVID, or if I'm just, you know, exhausted from all the moving.
I think I'm just kind of exhausted from all the moving, but we'll see. Anyway, I am in my bunker. I don't know if this is going to be my permanent home.
I don't think so, because there's a boiler over there that makes a lot of noise, so it's going to interrupt me.
But anyway, I'm here eating my emergency rations, Vienna sausage. This is actually pretty good.
This isn't actually part of my emergency rations, but I eat this anyway, so that's good. I also have my elixir here.
This is a mixture of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, water, and a little splash of cranberry juice.
It's actually quite good, and it's supposed to be immune boosting, which I'm hoping that will stave off the coronavirus.
In any case, I pulled up this map. I know I'm not supposed to. There's no despair. But anyway,
I pulled up this map, and it looked a lot scarier than it used to. It looked like the coronavirus was spreading all across the country.
Look at all this red. But then what I noticed is that they actually changed the map to make it super scary,
I'm sure. And instead of doing big circles in each state, now they've done little circles so you can see what counties it's in and all that kind of stuff.
So it makes it, when you're like in this view, it makes it look super scary. But when you're in this view, it's actually quite good, because you can see like in New York, for example, yeah, there's a hot spot in New York City, as you might expect.
But then across the countryside, you know, we don't have that many cases and all that, which is exactly what you'd expect.
Good news for me, I moved from here, Rutland, which has three confirmed cases. I didn't know that when
I lived there. But I moved to Cheshire County, which has one confirmed case. So hey, the odds are looking up for me.
In any case. Seriously, though, if you live in a city or one of these hot spots, I do hope that you stay safe.
I hope you take proper precautions and all that kind of thing. And my prayers are with you in all of that.
But I don't want to talk about Coronavirus today. I want to talk about Tim Chalies. Now, I think this is where we left off.
Tim Chalies is answering questions about same sex attraction. If you remember, the questioner asked him about what repentance looks like for same sex attracted folks, and he kind of hemmed and hawed, he doesn't really want to answer and all that kind of stuff.
So let's continue with this answer from Tim Chalies on what repentance looks like for the same sex attracted.
There's a lot of people now who are I'd say leaning that way just because it's a category that's been created.
And children from a young age are being taught you might be that way or this is important because what he's trying to say is you need more information.
If you remember, I need a lot more information before I can tell you what repentance looks like. And my response to that is no, you actually don't.
It's actually quite easy to know what repentance looks like in every other case. So what are the chances are that you just don't want to say in this case, but you know what repentance looks like.
You see, the example that everybody's using is if the same question is asked except it's a pedophile, what does repentance looks like?
And nobody in their right mind would say, well, I need more information before I can tell you what repentance looks like. But Tim Chalies is quite right here.
If you look at the numbers of LGBT folks in Western countries, they're going up and it's not because there's natural processes in place here that are making those numbers go up.
No, he's right. It's because this is a new category that's been created and people are starting to lean that way for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with their actual desires.
Let's listen in. Or if you have a really good friend who's a boy and you're a boy, maybe it's because you're gay, those sorts of things.
My daughter goes to public school and she's got a girl that she's very close with. They're very close friends as you'd hope any girl to have, but they'll be accused of being lesbians just because they're girls who love one another.
So this is when I first watched this video, I think I audibly just kind of smacked my head and went, ah, because this is just, it just boggles my mind what he just said here, because he's exactly right by the way, because the way that the world is right now, if you have a friend that you're really close to and he's of the same sex, or if you're a girl and you have a friend and she's of the same sex, you will be accused of being gay.
That happens. There's no question about it. And this is something that the world wants.
And it's not just that they'll be accused of being gay. Their teachers will teach them that they might be gay and that they should consider that they might be a homosexual and stuff like that.
This is part of the lesson plan. This is part of the curriculum. And so when I first saw this,
I smacked my head like, yes, that's why they shouldn't be in public school, because this is exactly what's being taught.
This is why the numbers are going up because they've got Planned Parenthood coming in. They've got GLSEN coming in and they're saying, well, you know, maybe, maybe, maybe you're a homosexual and they'll, they'll teach them the glories of anal sex and lesbian sex and all of this stuff.
And not only that, but, but, but, but your, but students will see people that do come out and they get glorified on TV and stuff like that.
And they, you know, they want attention. They want some of that glory. And so they might come out and stuff like that.
But, but, but again, let's just look a step back here for a second. What does this have to do with what repentance looks like?
Because, because my thing is whether or not those feelings are in a, and they've had them since, you know, you were a teenager, or if you're just developing them, or if you're just convinced into it and your teacher, you're being taught it.
So you're like, oh, maybe I'll check it out. Like, regardless of the why, repentance is the same.
Like, like, like, like seriously, like, like, let's say somebody comes to you. Should I have sex with this man? And you say, well, first, let me ask you a question.
Have you always had these feelings? And usually they say no. And then it's okay. Well, well, then repentance looks somehow different.
If you, then if you've always had the feelings, and if you haven't, or if you were taught in school, or if you weren't, or if you were just accused of it, or if it's just because a category, no, repentance doesn't look different.
Now the conversation might be different. I think that's what Tim Chalies is hoping to answer here. He's pulling that old politician trick where you don't want to answer the question that's asked.
So you answer a different question. People do this all the time in politics. But, but, but so yeah, maybe the conversation might be slightly different if someone's always had these feelings, or if they just developed them after they took the
Planned Parenthood GLSEN class in school. But repentance, that's the question that was asked.
Repentance looks the same. Whether or not these feelings are innate, or if you were just taught from an external stimuli, or if GLSEN came in and convinced you that you were gay, regardless of the why, repentance is the same.
You don't do it. You pray to God to remove this from you. You, you do whatever you can to stop those feelings in their tracks.
Anytime they bubble up, you stop them. You come up with strategies. You come up with people that can help you, hold you accountable.
All this stuff, like, like repentance is going to look the same regardless of the why that Tim Chalies is talking about here.
So, so I just, yes, this is true. This is a category that's been created. And so more people are flooding into that category, not because of natural causes, but because of other reasons.
But, but, but again, that doesn't change what repentance looks like. This is just a bizarre way to answer.
It's, it's the old politician trick. Now, one more thing, one more thing. Hold on a second here.
Okay. Let me make sure my, my microphone is on. Public school. He talks about how his daughters are in public school.
And he knows what happens in public school. Not only will people accuse his daughters of being lesbians for having girlfriends, but it will be taught from their authoritative teacher who you're sending, because this is what you were, you send them to learn about what the world is like.
You send your kids to school to learn about God's world. And then when they're there, they learn from the authoritative figures.
And, and, and, and also they outsource some of this. They bring in authoritative Gleason folks and Planned Parenthood and stuff like that, that they might be gay and the glories of gay sex and how it's totally normal and maybe even preferable for the environment.
Even you know what happens there and you send them there anyway. I just don't understand this mindset.
This is the mindset of, of sort of the careless. I'll just trust God kind of thing. That's not the kind of trusting
God that we're talking about. When we talk about trusting God, this is actually kind of related to this coronavirus thing. I saw
Michael Foster. He tweeted how a few weeks ago he was telling people to prepare for a, for a coronavirus, you know, buying food and stuff like that.
And a lot of the responses he got was now I'm just going to trust God. And then now he's telling people to prepare for the economic turmoil and stuff like that.
And he's getting the same response. I'm just going to trust God. Yes. Trusting God is good, but trusting God involves obeying
God and walking with wisdom and doing smart things and seeing trouble coming and planning for it.
Don't be a fool and just walk headlong into trouble. No, you, you can trust God in the valley of the shadow of death, but you should also plan for being in that valley.
You should also prepare. You should be stocking up on some non -perishable items in case you don't want to go to the grocery store because they're closed for two weeks or three weeks or a month or two months.
Like, are you ready for the grocery stores to be closed for a certain amount of time or for there to be shortages? Are you prepared for that?
Because I would say trusting God involves becoming prepared for that kind of stuff. Not walking to the left, not walking to the right, but walking in the way and in wisdom.
That's what trusting God is. And so trusting God is not send your kids to public school where for six hours a day, they're going to learn all kinds of antichrist stuff, including how they might be homosexual.
You know, they're going to do this. Why put yourself in this position? Why put your kids in danger like that?
Public school has a pretty good track record of undermining parental authority. They've got a pretty good track record of making you think your parents and your grandparents are backwards, are
Neanderthals, are living in the past, are on the wrong side of history. They've got a pretty good track record of teaching kids that.
And so yes, while God might be able to keep them safe in those, I shouldn't say it. God is able to keep them safe while they're in harm's way.
Why put them in harm's way? Trusting God requires that you don't. Trusting God says, don't put them in harm's way like that.
So I just, I just don't understand this. It's like, yeah, you know, my, my kids are in public school where they're going to learn about how they might be lesbians all day, every day in every class, even in math class, but I'm going to still send them there.
It's totally legitimate to do that. And, and, and the reality is no, God has said, you are responsible for your own kids education.
You're responsible for what they get put into their brains and you're responsible for the results as well.
Because if they start learning about how they might become homo, how they might be homosexual and they start to think, well, it's a pretty good idea.
Maybe I'll try it out. That's on you, man. That's on you because you didn't do everything that you were supposed to be doing.
You didn't teach your kids. You didn't take the responsibility to teach your kids God's way,
God's world, the way God sees his world. And instead you outsourced it where now all of a sudden you're competing.
You're teaching them God's way. You're teaching them God's world at home, but you're also competing with the people that you're sending them to and saying, learn from these people.
They are authoritative in their areas. And all of a sudden in math class, they're talking about homosexuality. All of a sudden in history class, we're talking about homosexuality.
All of a sudden in PE, they're talking about homosexuality. This is by design.
This is by design. They know what's at stake. That's why they teach kids at school systematically about their morality, their priorities, the way they say the world is, not
God. So they understand what's going on there. But for some reason you think it's cool to send them there.
I don't know. I just, I just don't get it. I just don't get it. The Bible says, teach your kids the way they should go.
And even when they're older, they, they won't depart from it. Well, the thing is part of what you teach your kids is what they learn wherever you send them to learn, because you are still responsible for sending them there and what, what goes on there.
And so if you want to put yourself behind the eight ball and have to fight that every single day, what, what they're learning at the place that you sent them and said was authoritative, that's really weird way to trust
God. Why not instead do the smart thing and not, not worry about that competition and their formative years.
Of course, every kid's going to have to make their decision for themselves, but why put them in harm's way like this?
I just don't understand. I just don't understand. This is, it seems like a very careless way to trust God instead of a smart, wise way to trust him.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Seriously, though, this drink is pretty good.
It takes a little while to get used to the vinegary taste, but once you do, it's good. And Hey, they say it's good for your immune system.