SBC Seminary Teaches Nonsense About Immigrants and Women

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Is that a song? That's a song, I think. I'm not really sure. I don't know what song.
It's an R &B song or something like that. I don't know. But anyway, let's get back into this video montage, if you will, from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Professors, you know, they're totally woke, and they're just woken it all day long. I was talking to a brother, a local brother, here in New Hampshire, about Walter Strickland.
He's a smooth version of James Cone. James Cone just hits you over the head with his heresy.
Walter Strickland kind of smooth talks you into it. But anyway, that's not all about Walter Strickland here.
There's a lot of woke professors at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Let's dive right in.
Along the line. Yeah. T 'Challa's on top of a car fighting, and so is Okoye.
And they're just doing the same thing. And they're not like, neither one has to demean the other in order to show they're capable, they're strong.
That just resonates with me. I know that in America, the history, I mean, historically in the world, since Adam and Eve, minimum relationships have been broken from the jump.
And in America, it's been seen in a patriarchal setup. And with the women's rights movement, all that haven't happened, so we can have a voice.
It's just really good to see what it can look like. If a man and a woman, both equally powerful, equally skilled, really respect that in each other.
I mean, I don't really have too much to say about that. I mean, women and men, of course, are equally valuable, and they're both made in the image of God.
We get that. It certainly seems like she's a bit of an egalitarian. You know, women are just as powerful as men.
Well, in what way? I mean, you have in the scripture, and let me give you some real Bible here. We have in the scripture that God says as a curse that your armies are going to be as women, like your soldiers are going to be as women.
Well, why is that? Why is that a curse? Well, because we understand that the female gender is physically weaker.
They have less massive bodies than men. And so if your soldiers are all like women, that would be a bad thing, because presumably your opponent's soldiers are going to be men.
And so if a bunch of men are fighting a bunch of women, that's not going to go well for you. So we understand, of course, that both men and women are made in the image of God.
They're equally valuable because they both bear the same image, the image of God. We understand that, but we're not stupid either.
So we do understand that there are obvious differences between men and women, both physically but also emotionally, mentally.
We also understand that God gives men and women different roles. We understand that very clearly.
It comes from the scripture. Like the fact that any egalitarian type person is pretending to believe the scripture.
It's just really preposterous to even think about that. But then again, I took that clip out of context.
I don't know what that clip was really about. It seemed to be showing some movie or something like that with a woman soldier.
I don't really know. I don't watch movies like that anymore. It looked like it maybe had been from Black Panther because it said something about Wakanda.
That's all fantasy. Yeah, sure, the fantasy world, women soldiers often beat male soldiers, but that's a fantasy.
That's not real. My kid pretends that he's Dr. Robotnik sometimes, but he's not really
Dr. Robotnik. A lot of Christians, I think, suffer from hermeneutical solipsism.
They assume that their interpretation is the only one that exists or the only valid one. But when you realize there are insights you can get from different cultures and even just from people in general that their own life experience will bring something to the table, you do need to be prepared to accept that our way, the
Anglican way, the Presbyterian way, the male way, the white male way, the
Northern Hemisphere way, or whatever the way is you've been ingrained is not the only way, and you can learn a lot and at least appreciate the people who are other, who are different to you.
And that's in the global Church of Christ. That is what we should be doing. So this is an interesting one as well, because there is an element of truth in what he's saying.
He's saying that we might be able to get different insights from different people. Now, I'm going to quibble with a lot of that because there is no black perspective, or there's no
Anglican perspective. There's not one perspective. Obviously, different people can see different things, and obviously, there's some cultural elements to that and stuff like that, but we can't just reduce that to females or black people or people that have brown skin.
That's really stupid. That's like a Neanderthal -level way to think about it. But anyway, did you notice what he said in the beginning?
There's not just one interpretation. There's not just one correct interpretation. Actually, that's not true.
So yes, a black person might have a certain insight. A Hispanic person might have a different insight.
A woman might have a different insight into what the text means and how to interpret it.
But there is actually only one valid interpretation. Just because a black person says, oh, well,
I see the text say this, it doesn't mean that that's actually the case. We have to determine, we have to decipher, we have to discover what the actual interpretation is and what the meaning is of the text.
There's only one meaning to the text, right? And so if two people look like—I'll give you a perfect example.
There was this brother in my church. It's the third to last church
I went to, not that that matters. But when I lived in Vermont, there was a brother who used to always come to me, and he would ask the same question over and over again.
Every other week, he'd ask me the same question. It was about the parable about the mustard seed, and it creates a plant, and it's the smallest of all the seeds, and then it creates a big tree that the birds come in it and can make their nest in it.
And his whole thing was that the tree itself was—or the birds were
Satan or something like that, and the tree itself was the kingdom of God, but the birds were like Satan or something like that.
And then he would also say—and it's the same thing with the leaven, right? The kingdom of God is like leaven, but the leaven usually means sin.
So he was giving me these weird interpretations that I did not agree with, right? So the point is that either we're both wrong about what these parables mean, or one of us is right.
We can't both be right if we think that the parable means something totally different. Yes, those are different insights, right?
But there's one interpretation. God intended to communicate one specific thing, and it might apply in different ways, but it means one thing.
And our duty is to discover what that meaning is. Now, we can argue about some of these passages and stuff like that, and I might see it from a certain perspective, but my skin color or my ethnicity or my gender doesn't actually give my interpretation any less or more weight.
We actually have to determine what it actually means. There is a right answer we got to get to that right answer.
So there's no—it's not automatically—this is the whole point. A presentation like you just heard, it's trying to say that there's automatically value in a diversity of opinions.
I disagree with that completely. There's not automatically value in that. You might get some more correct insight from a different person or someone from a different ethnicity.
That might happen, but it doesn't automatically happen. You know what
I mean? Just because someone has a different ethnicity doesn't mean they're going to help you find the truth better. In fact, they might actually lead you away from the truth more.
So we don't really know until we discover the actual meaning. That's why we do the grammatical historical method, because that's attempting, at least attempting, to be as objective as possible.
And now, you might be able to bring other things to the table, whatever. Fine, but that doesn't mean that your interpretation is equally valid than the correct one.
That's the whole point. And so there's this tendency to sort of just assume, well, yeah, if you have diversity, then you're going to be closer to the truth.
I don't think there's any reason to assume that. In fact, if you look at the scripture, it often calls for us to believe the same thing, to have unity around doctrine, to have unity, not diversity.
Unity. We have to set aside our cultural preferences in order to find the truth of what the scripture actually says.
So it's just one of those things that sounds really good on the surface, but what does it actually mean?
It's very interesting. I think still hovers over our culture.
There is an uncanny exact correlation between the rate of capital punishment in North Carolina and the rate of lynching in North Carolina.
We've got a president who cannot rule this country without vilifying brown people at the border.
I think a lot of white men, especially seminarians, have to die to the idea of being the pastor of a multi -ethnic church.
And I once told a white friend of mine that that's the one thing in the United States of America that it probably was a good idea for him not to do.
He began to weep and cry because he had never been told that there was something that he can't do in America.
And the explanation for the weeping was because he's never been told he couldn't do anything in his entire life because white people never, ever, have ever been told that they can't do anything in their entire life.
That's never, ever happened in the history of whiteness. That's all a lie. I mean, let's just face it.
I don't believe it. I don't believe preposterous stories. You know, people will often say, well,
Bluff believes all things. Yes, that's true. That's Bible verse. I know it too. I've memorized it. It does not mean that you believe preposterous things.
That's not what it means. That's an abuse of the text. But what I want to point out here is notice how this works, guys.
If you're white, there's literally nothing you can do to please the woke church.
And that's by design, by the way. The system is set up to screw you over.
It's set up for you to fail literally no matter what you do. So think about this with me for a second.
Let's do a thought experiment. Let's say you're a white pastor, and you're planting a church, right?
And you take this guy's advice. This black guy just told you, you should not be the pastor of a multi -ethnic church.
That's the one thing in America that you cannot do. Okay, let's just say you take his advice, and I'm not going to be a pastor of an ethnic church.
What do you think they're going to say to you? You bigot. Your church is all white.
How could you be such a bigot? You don't have any white and any minorities in your church. You are an evil, racist, white supremacist bigot.
You're everything that's wrong with evangelicalism. You're everything that's wrong with society. You're everything that's wrong with the church.
Now, let's continue this thought experiment. So you just got screwed. You just failed because your church is all white.
Now, let's say you don't take his advice, and you say, I'm going to still be the pastor of a multi -ethnic church because white people can do anything.
Now, what do you think they're going to say? Oh, you bigot. How dare you think you have the skill set to rule a multi -ethnic church?
How could you not listen to me? You're supposed to be sitting at my feet. I'm the black guy who's telling you what to do in order to have multi -ethnic diversity.
How dare you do what I told you not to do? You see, no matter what you do, if you take his advice, you fail.
If you don't take his advice, you fail. This is how the system works. It's a false religion.
You see, if you notice, if you've ever talked to other religions, it doesn't matter what it is.
It doesn't matter what religion it is. The system is flawed by design. There's no way to be successful in the system.
So whether it's Islam or whether it's the Mother God cult or whether it's Hinduism or Shintoism or Taoism, whatever it is, it's never actually a coherent set of rules.
And so you can never actually accomplish it. And it's the same with the woke church. No matter what you do, if you're white, you have failed and you are an evil, racist, white supremacist bigot, and they've got you in this system where you're hopping on one leg and then they say, no, no, the other leg.
And you're just hopping back and forth, back and forth, and you don't ever know what to do. And all you're going to be doing is, you know what
I mean? That's the whole point. That's the whole point. There's nothing you can do to please them.
And there's memes about this, right? You move out of the neighborhood. Well, that's white flight. You move into the neighborhood. Well, that's gentrification.
You dress up like a Native American. Well, that's a cultural appropriation. You don't dress up like a
Native American. Well, why do you hate our culture? It's the same exact mentality as all of that brought into the church context.
And I'm here to tell you that the Bible says nothing about this. This guy, you shouldn't be the one thing.
He's telling a lie. First of all, he's lying about this story. Nobody weeped when he told them that. And if they did weep, they didn't weep because of that.
But none of this comes from the Bible. This is all from his twisted imagination. This is all from his twisted imagination where he's the
God who gets to tell you what kind of church you can and cannot be a pastor of. So God's never spoken on this.
But this black dude is like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I'm telling you because in my system, in my fake religion, I'm the one who makes the rules.
It's all fake. You don't give this even one inch. If somebody comes to your church and tries to tell you that you can and can't do these things, and the
Bible doesn't say you can and cannot do, kick him out of that church. Get out of here. Be gone.
Get behind me, Satan. And don't come back until you're going to repent and do as the Bible says. Until your little plan, until your little lessons are derived directly from the scripture, you have nothing to say here.
Go home. Go home. Just like Bethmore, until you're going to bring Bible, go home.
Let's continue. Here's some biblical stories. And let me just give it to you through an immigration lens.
Have you read Daniel? I've read Daniel, yeah. Latinamente. This resonates.
Because the life of How dare this man put on a fake Latino accent.
Only I can use a real Latino accent. I am the brown one in this moment.
How dare you, Danny Cowan? How dare you? Immigrant is the constant negotiation of loss.
Loss of your language. Loss of your food. Loss of your friends.
Loss of your family. Listen to how emotional he's getting. This is weird. I feel dirty watching this one.
He's like, when you're an immigrant, you're constantly losing. I lost my food.
I lost my family. Like, what is wrong with this dude? Somebody's got to get this guy's health checked out.
So this is a little emotional here. This is preposterous. Let's let him finish. But let's think about this for a second.
Loss of your dignity. You lost your dignity. The loss of the nonverbal language.
And we also lose the dance. I don't know if that's going to be in the final cut, but that's a little weird.
The warmth, the abrazos, the kisses. The abrazos. You must. Oh no.
The abrazos. Through an immigration lens.
You must lose the abrazos. Let's listen to it again. Daniel. Why does he breathe so heavy?
Maybe he is Latino. This resonates. I mean, it's possible he's Latino, or Latinx, you know, because his last name's
Carroll. That's not a Latino last name, but maybe his father was white and his mother was Latino. Who knows?
Who knows? Because the life of an immigrant is the constant negotiation of loss.
Loss of your language. Loss of your food. Loss of your friends.
Loss of your family. Loss of your dignity. The loss of the nonverbal language.
The warmth, the abrazos, the kisses on the cheek. Now you get sued for that in this country. Which you begin to realize.
The abrazos. You lose your abrazos and the besos. You lose the besos, the abrazos, the abrazos, all of it.
You lose it. You cannot abrazo anybody anymore. I don't know. As you can tell, I'm not fluent in Spanish.
I understand the words, but I can't grammatically do it. So, you lose the hugs.
You lose the kisses. Why? Why do you lose the hugs and kisses? I don't know. He's just saying you do.
You lose your dignity. Did you know when you immigrate, you lose your dignity? You don't get it.
You don't have it anymore. Why? Nobody knows. He's just saying it. It's that we need those other voices.
I think many Christians who are well... Let's stop there for a second. My goodness gracious.
So, he's just making stuff up. Obviously, most people can see that he's making stuff up. When you immigrate, you don't lose your dignity.
You don't lose the ability to hug and to kiss. Obviously, if you hug and kiss someone that you don't know and you're not comfortable with, yeah, that's going to be a problem.
But the thing is, when you immigrate somewhere, you have to assimilate. You can't take this nonsense to another country.
I've visited multiple countries before. I've been to El Salvador. I've been to Egypt. I've been to Ethiopia and that kind of thing.
So, when I go to Ethiopia, could you imagine bringing this there? You can't do what you normally do in Ethiopia.
They do this thing. I always mess it up. But when you're talking to someone, you should be looking at them because a lot of times they'll respond in this nonverbal way.
There's a way that... You know how when you're talking to someone and they go, uh -huh, uh -huh, uh -huh, just so that you know they're following?
In Ethiopia, they'll go, or something like that. It's like, and it's like, imagine if I said, when you do that,
I'm an immigrant here and I need dignity too. And you can't go, because you have to just do it the way
I do it. Everything's the way I do it. Otherwise, I lost my dignity. You can't take this nonsense anywhere else.
This is only for the liberal sort of rich people kind of thing. They've got nothing real to worry about, so they just worry about nonsense all day.
This is all insane. None of it comes from the scripture. If you immigrate somewhere, yeah, of course, you're going to be expected to assimilate.
Why wouldn't you? It's part of being an immigrant. And by the way, nobody's got a gun to your head. So, if you don't want to lose your food, which you don't have to, but let's just say you did.
If you don't want to lose your language, which again, you don't have to, but let's just say you did. You don't want to lose your dignity, whatever. All this stuff is made up, but let's just say you did lose it all.
If you don't want to, then stay where you're at. I mean, you have that option too. I'm not saying you can't come here.
I like immigrants. I think it's cool to have, when I used to live in Brooklyn, there were, you can go to a Yemeni restaurant.
There's all kinds of immigrant neighborhoods, and I loved it. I thought it was great. But the thing is, you don't have to do it.
It's just super posh. And he's just like so emotional. You lose your brazos.
You lose your besos. You lose your comidas. And your dignity.
It's like, calm down, dude. Maybe I need to calm down. Take my own advice. I'm going to calm down.