Donald Trump NFTs To the Moooooon! - Christmas Charity!

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00:00 Introduction 00:25 Mytho America 05:25 Donald Trump: Legend!


La la la, la la la la, it is the season in Dali, la la la la la.
Hey, we need more charity. More Christmas charity. The world needs more charity, just in general.
More charity, I think. That would be good. Maybe not, I don't know. I'm just some guy on the internet. Two things today that I want to cover as far as Christmas charity.
One is a Twitter account called MythoAmerica. I'm not entirely sure what the point of this account is, because there's a video here.
It kind of looks like a horror movie, MythoMedia. I'm not really sure. But I've got to say, what it normally does, it just posts pictures.
And these pictures are just, they're like, it's weird. They're eerie, but they're also nice at the same time.
And it's just simple stuff. Here's a picture. It's just a sign that says, Jesus, do you know him? And it's got a certain aesthetic to it.
It's almost like it's stuck in time. This picture could have been taken in the 70s, but it could have also been taken yesterday.
And I think it probably was, kind of given what some of the cars look like. But it's just, I don't know.
I love this stuff. If I was here, I would be in a happy place. And I know this is the kind of place that people in the movies, they're always desperate to get out.
I've got to leave my town. I've got to go to the big city and stuff like that. And nothing against big cities.
Let me think about that one for a second. Yeah, I don't have anything against big cities. I have some things against big cities.
Let's just say I have certain things against big cities. We'll say that. But this is my jam, man.
I don't know. Maybe it's simple nostalgia. Maybe it's just, I don't know why. But let me just take you through a few of these pictures.
Look at this one. This one's wonderful. It's just a Waffle House. And again, Waffle House is interesting because it has this aesthetic on its own.
It's like all Waffle Houses look like this. They haven't really modernized too much, at least I don't think they have.
I don't really have Waffle Houses around where I live. But this picture could have been taken from the 70s. It also could have been taken yesterday.
I love this kind of stuff. Let's look at a few more. Oh, man, this is just, I don't know why
I find this so appealing. It's like Middle America. It's like outdated.
I don't want to say it's timeless, but it's like, oh, this is a weird one here. Oh, man, this picture's creepy as all get out.
It's like there's a buffalo in the road, and it's like, you don't know if it's charging at you or maybe it's just sitting there.
But even the way the picture's taken and the way it's lit, it's obviously just like the car's headlights are lighting it.
It's not any special lighting, but it has this, I don't know, it's like an appealing feeling to it, but also kind of an eerie feeling to it.
Oh, this one's great. I love when you go outside in the snow. And you can even hear this, right?
And what you hear is like a deafening silence. It's not anything, and if it's windy, it's like you can hear the wind sort of, but it's all kind of muted around you.
I love that you hear someone walking, crunching in the snow. You can hear these pictures. That's what
I love about this. Here's another one, just kind of, again, eerie lighting. Oh, this one's wonderful. It's like a close -up of these traditional
Christmas lights, and then the rest of the town. Look, there's no lights on any of the other houses.
I wonder if it's just like these are the people that keep up their lights, you know, long into the season kind of thing.
Oh, man, this one's good, too. It's like they're like liminal spaces sort of, but not really.
It's sort of a little bit of both. This one is like a hotel, and this is the vending area.
You've been in this vending area before, and you can hear the sound of the ice machine. I think I saw somebody comment that in the comments section, and you can smell sort of the musty smell, and if it's one of those really cheap hotels, you can smell kind of the smoke in the walls and stuff like that, like a day's in or something like that.
These pictures are just—I could look at these pictures all day. This is kind of what it looks like where I live, you know what
I mean? That's why I find that appealing. And then some of them have people in them. That's what I mean. They're not always liminal spaces, because liminal spaces don't have people in them, typically.
But this is just like an old school—I love this aesthetic. I don't know why. We've got this gruff guy down here.
He's probably a laborer or a carpenter or something, putting up his Christmas tree. This is a huge Christmas tree.
And the whole aesthetic of this place with the wallpaper and the decorations and stuff,
I don't know why. I think this is a great Twitter follow. Oh, man. Does anything look more inviting than this house does right here?
I could do this all day. I mean, honestly, there's just so many. Glory be to God. Look at all this stuff.
This is a new picture, but again, if you didn't know about this Vax Killed My Mom graffiti here, you could be like, oh, that was taken in the 70s.
I don't know. I could do this all day. I'm not going to do it anymore. It's called MythoAmerica, a new
American mythos. And again, I don't know any—I have no idea why they post these pictures.
They probably just like them like I do. It might be a movie coming out. I don't know. I don't know. But this is just a wonderful account to follow.
Every picture that they post I find interesting. Here's their headline picture. I'm not really entirely sure what this is, but I like it.
I don't know why I like it, but I do. I just like it. That's all I'm going to say. Now, you might notice
I have my headphones on, and there's another account that I recommend. I don't follow this account because I don't have a truth—a truther account, a truth account, whatever it's called.
I don't even know what it's called, but I don't have a truth. But obviously this was shared by tons of people on Twitter.
And I have to say, I cannot believe how hilarious this was. All right. So Donald Trump, he announced he had a major announcement coming out.
And, you know, of course, as per usual, anything Donald Trump teases or announces, people lose their minds.
What's it going to be? Is he coming back to Twitter? I can't believe that Elon Musk is going to allow the
January 6th insurrectionists back to Twitter. And it's going to cause problems, problematic. It's going to cause me to have bad mental health.
My mental health is going to—people were freaking out, right? And a lot of people had a lot of different ideas of what this meant.
He said that America needs a superhero. And so he was kind of saying, I have a big announcement, and people lost their minds and were very interested in what he had to do, what he was going to say, what he was going to do, whatever.
Was he coming back to Twitter? Was he going to announce a running mate? Who knew? Nobody knew. But the next day happened, and he released this commercial.
And I have to say, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my entire life.
Let's watch it together. Hello, everyone.
This is Donald Trump, hopefully your favorite president of all time, better than Lincoln, better than Washington.
All right, all right. Hopefully your favorite president, better than Lincoln, better than Washington.
His timing is just too good. Better than Lincoln, better than Washington.
And he's got a very important announcement. Honestly, he is my favorite president of all time. That's not true, but maybe my second favorite president of all time.
I'll let you decide who my favorite is. Or you can debate that in the comments section.
But I got to say, Trump, everything he does makes me like him even more. I like him more today than I did yesterday.
And everyone's losing their mind and getting all hot under their collar. Mr. President, this is unbecoming of a president.
How dare you sell an NFT? And I got to be honest, I think NFTs are stupid. Let me just come out and say that.
I think NFTs are stupid. But that's just one man's opinion. I mean, a lot of people like NFTs. I don't know.
I don't get it. I don't get NFTs. But we're going to talk about this because that's what he's selling. He's selling
NFTs. This is, let's just do it. I have an important announcement to make. I'm doing my first official
Donald J. Trump NFT collection right here and right now. They're called Trump Digital Trading Cards.
These cards feature some of the really incredible artwork pertaining to my life. This is very incredible artwork, and it all pertains to his life.
As you can see, all this incredible artwork. Trump Digital Trading Cards.
It pertains to his life. These cards feature some of the— Does this not? Are you going to sit here and tell me that that doesn't pertain to his life?
What about the one before? What about this one? I mean, you can't look me in the face and tell me that this card right here, this
NFT, it's a digital trading card. It's just like a trading card like you remember from when you were a kid, but it's digital.
You can't tell me this doesn't pertain to it. Look, there he is right there next to Lincoln, next to Washington. There he is.
He's the best, and he said it in the beginning. Hopefully, he's your favorite president. He is mine.
Maybe, maybe, maybe second, maybe second, but certainly better than these four. That's for sure. And so this clearly pertains to his real life, obviously, and he's got an
NFT collection. Now, I don't know if you caught this, but I caught it because I live for this stuff.
He said this is his first official NFT collection, first official
Trump NFT collection, which means that there will be a follow up. We're going to have a second.
So guys, get your cards right now, because if you don't get your Trump digital NFT trading card, if you don't get that, you're going to miss out on the first edition.
And I got to say, if you miss out, it's going to be like having Batman number one, you know,
Detective Comics number one, Batman number one. You know how much that's worth right now? This is a steal.
$99 for a digital trading. You're going to wish. Listen, I know you think I'm joking, but you're going to wish you had this.
I don't do digital stuff. I don't do NFTs. I don't do crypto, right? So I'm not going to do it, but you should do it.
You should definitely do it. No, don't actually do that. I'm not giving you financial advice. That was actually just a joke right there.
But you do what you got to do, because I think this is going to be worth a lot of money one day. That's what I think. Oh, wow.
The whole thing here, the whole aesthetic here is perfect. I got to say, if it was an actual trading card, like, you know, one that you had in your hand, like an actual card, and maybe it was like a collection of cards, like a 60 -card deck, and it all had different Trump art on it that looked just like this.
This high -quality art right here. NFT collection right here and right now. What does it say? 645.
Oh, I see. I see. I see. I see. Anyway, if it was an actual trading card, I might buy it.
I don't know. 99 bucks seems like a steal, but I don't do digital stuff. They're called Trump digital trading cards.
These cards feature some of the really incredible art pertaining to my life and my career.
It's been very exciting. You can collect your Trump. His career's been very exciting, like that time he got the laser eyes. Like the time they carved him up in Mount Rushmore.
Very exciting career. Digital cards, just like a baseball card or other collectibles.
Here's one of the best parts. Each card comes with an automatic chance to win amazing prizes, like dinner with me.
I don't know if that's an amazing prize, but it's what we have. Each one comes with a chance to win an amazing prize, like dinner with him.
Now, that part was interesting to me because it was like, at the same time, it was my brother said this.
And as soon as he said it, I knew he was right. At the same time, it was in character and out of character.
He's like, it's an amazing prize, like dinner with me. And then he's like, then he hesitates for a second.
And he goes, I don't know how amazing that is, but it's what we got. He's a humble man.
Donald Trump is a humble man. I saw some people, I was shocked. I saw some people, they were getting their holy robes on, you know, very serious.
And they were saying, Mr. President, this is narcissistic. This is textbook narcissism. And I don't understand why you're getting that.
This is humility. Did you hear what he just said? He said, we've got amazing prizes, like dinner with me.
I don't know how amazing that is, but it's what we got. Donald Trump is just out, he's a humble guy.
He's just out here doing the best he can. Look, he doesn't have amazing prizes. I mean, some people might think that's amazing.
You know, if I had the chance to do dinner with Trump, I would. Because I knew it wouldn't be a stuffy dinner. I'd probably get a
Big Mac, and I'd be cool with that. Having a Big Mac with the big guy, you know, I'd do it. I'd do it. Oh, man.
I don't know how amazing it is, but it's what we got. And that's humility right there. If you ever wonder, you know, sometimes people wonder, you know, as a
Christian, what's my example of humility? And, you know, of course, there's examples in the
Bible. But sometimes people need a little extra help, you know. They need something a little bit more understandable.
Well, there it is right there. I don't know how amazing it is, but it's what we got. I wish
I did digital stuff, because I would love to get one of these cards. This one's actually pretty realistic. I like the artwork here.
This is great. This is good stuff here. But some of the other stuff, I don't know. He said it was part of his life.
Golf with you and a group of your friends at one of my beautiful golf courses. And they are beautiful.
I'm also doing Zoom calls, a one -on -one meeting, autographing. A Zoom call with President Donald J.
Trump. That would be something. That would be something for the ages. You know, maybe if someone wants to gift me one of these
NFTs, maybe I'll figure out how to do NFTs. Because I want a chance to win a Zoom call with President Donald J.
Trump. That would be something. That would be real something. Although, I don't know. I mean, after the Nick Fuente situation, his people would do their research about me.
They probably wouldn't want him to come on with me. I'm one of those crazy people. Oh, man, this is just too good.
And so much more. We're doing a lot. Did you see that? He's going to give you autographed memorabilia.
Look at this picture. This is all about his real life. This is all inspired by his real life.
I would love to have this picture hanging up on my wall. Who wouldn't? This is a humble man. He's doing what?
Listen, he doesn't have fancy stuff like, I don't know, like Joe Biden. But he's giving you what he has.
And this is what he has. Look at this, though. He said he's going to sign something, but then he just signed it digitally. One -on -one meeting.
Autographing memorabilia. He's going to autograph memorabilia, but he's just doing it digitally. This is why
I don't do digital. I want a real autograph, Donald J. Trump. Is this his real signature?
Is that really his signature? Let me know. This is just scribbles. Well, I guess
I wouldn't be that surprised if it was just scribbles. And so much more. We're doing a lot. My official Trump digital trading cards are $99, which doesn't sound like very much for what you're getting.
Buy one and you will join a - It certainly doesn't. It doesn't sound like very much.
It's a steal. It's a steal. $99 for what you're getting. And what you're getting is a digital -
Not even a real trading card. A digital trading card. It's not real. It's just digits. It's just a photo.
It's a picture. It's a picture that I could copy right now. In fact, I could screenshot the ones that I like there.
And now I have the NFT. I know. I know. I don't understand blockchain. I know
I don't really have the NFT. But if I really like the picture that much, I could have it if I wanted it. Oh, man.
Wow. What a thing. There's really not much else to say about it.
But I get a ton of value out of watching Trump do pretty much anything. This is one of the funniest things
I've ever seen. He basically said he's got this major announcement, and then he gives us an infomercial for NFTs where you have a chance to win dinner with the big guy.
Very exclusive community. It's my community. It's very - And I think it's something - It's a very exclusive community.
If you pay $99 for this digital token, you can be in it. And it's very exclusive.
It's not a lot of money. But you could be part of this digital community. A lot. They also make perfect gifts.
So you can buy them with your credit card or crypto. All you need is an email address.
Go to collecttrumpcards .com. It's a very exclusive club. All you need is an email address and $99.
I'll tell you what. If anything could get me to get into crypto and NFTs, this is it. If anything in the world could do it, this would be it.
I would get involved in cryptos and NFTs for this purpose, just to buy a
Donald Trump one. This one is the best one. This is the best one. Hold on. There's one right here.
I mean, this one's got to be worth at least three times what he's charging for.
Can you pick the one you want? Or do you just get a random Trump card? All you need is - It's like a
Trump booster pack. You buy a Magic the Gathering booster pack, and you get whatever card you get.
Maybe you get a rare or a few commons. Are there rarities to these? An email address. It's like a
Trump booster pack. I love buying boosters. When I was younger,
I used to play Star Wars customizable card game, and I would just - I love the feeling of opening up a booster.
You see what you get. Trump cards could be something. Buy your Trump digital trading cards right now before they are all gone, and they will be gone.
They will be gone. This is my first official Trump trading card NFT collection, and you get a chance to meet me.
Go to collect Trump cards. Did you see that one? He's on a spaceship.
The only thing that would be better, if there were real cards, and it was a real booster pack, and you opened it up,
I would be so excited. I'd pay at least 20 bucks for a booster pack of Trump cards. At least.
.com right now, and remember, Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming.
Look at the Christmas one. And this makes a great Christmas gift.
No purchase necessary. Voidware prohibited. Imagine if he didn't put that disclaimer at the end.
Voidware prohibited, and then, like, somebody sued him because of the way the contest was run to meet Trump and to get his - to go to his golf course because of these stupid
NFTs. This is just too much. This is too much.
I don't know what else to say. I hope you have a good weekend. God bless you. I hope you found this video entertaining, helpful, whatever you found it.