Respectful: Christians vs. Mormons

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Daniel Constantino leads a beautiful conversation with a Mormon man. You can see how the Mormon man actively listens and is quite receptive. Our Mission is simple, we want to see the state of Utah come to know the true and living God. Will you help us get there? We are so grateful for this opportunity and we would love to have you join us if you are in the area! You can donate and partner with us by going to​. #ApologiaUtah We've seen so many Mormons come to Christ through the outreach ministry given to us. Now we hope to see Utah won to Christ. Join us! Follow us on social media here: Facebook:


And we're a Christian neighborhood, we love you guys. We're not here to be hostile or just argue because that's not really profitable.
But I'll tell him, one of the concerns we have is when we ask our LDS neighbors questions about how you reconcile some things.
For example, the LDS teaching of there's many gods, each in a progression. One day you can become a god.
And then the teaching of Isaiah 43 .10 where God says, I'm the first, I'm the last, before me there is no god form, neither shall there be after me."
And then you have Isaiah 44, 46, it's a constant testimony of God saying, He's the only God.
And so how would you guys reconcile that with... Yeah, I think we believe in God the
Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Ghost, you know, that's one of the... that's the first article of faith.
Okay, yeah. So, you know, I think we share that belief, right, that there's one
God, the Father, and then there's His Son, Jesus Christ, and there's the Holy Ghost. I think one of the things
I... you probably heard this right from President Gordon B. Hinckley, this is going back, you know, 15, 20 years now, but, you know, one of the things he says is like, yeah, you know, there's a lot of truth out there.
A lot of the churches, you know, the churches that you guys attend, there's a lot of truth in there, right, the truth about God.
And what we believe is, of course, that through the Prophet Joseph Smith, there's been many more truths that have been revealed to us in these days, these latter days, truths restored that have been lost from the
Bible during the apostasy, and I know that...
I know there's many things that we still don't know, and we still don't understand about God, right? I mean, it's not somebody that you can understand very quickly.
Nobody completely understands God. Yeah, and so I think that for me, the blessing of being a member of the church is to know that, like, truths are being revealed, right, and that God has a prophet today on the earth, and man,
I'm glad, like, because I need that sort of direction, and you know... Real quick, where are you from?
Your accent's amazing. Oh yeah, I'm from England. I love it, dude. I love it, okay, so that was just a side note. So would you say, though, but would you say you hold to the beliefs of the
Bible, what the Bible teaches? If the Bible says something, would you say you agree with it? I think for me, like, we believe the
Bible to be the word of God as far as it's translated correctly. Okay. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. Because you mentioned
Joseph Smith, and I've done not extensive research, I'm not gonna lie to you, but some research on him, and when you go to Deuteronomy 18 in the
Old Testament, it gives us the test of a prophet, right, and it says that if a prophet says something that doesn't come true, that doesn't come to pass, that you shouldn't fear him, don't follow after him.
Then in Deuteronomy 13, it tells you that if a prophet leads you after other gods that you haven't known, say, don't follow him, don't fear him, and with Joseph Smith, our concern is is he made tons of prophecies that are recorded, and he said were gonna happen specifically in his time that didn't happen, and so it's almost like building your beliefs on sinking sand, because you have
Joseph Smith who said something, and then Jesus says, if a prophet says something that doesn't come true, don't believe him.
So if you take Joseph's word, and you build your belief, your faith, your worldview on it, it's building it on sinking sand, and Jesus tells us in Matthew, he says, whoever hears my words, believes them, and obeys them is a smart person.
They're the person who builds their house on rock, right, and Joseph Smith's more building your house on sinking sand, because from the beginning, it falls apart, because Joseph said things, he said that Jesus would come back in his lifetime.
Jesus didn't come back. That's a good one, because you're right, I mean, that sort of thing, it makes you think.
It does. You know in the New Testament, right, what does Christ say, right? He says that like in this generation, that's very important, and I'll come back in this generation, and Christ says that.
He did. And so for me, it's like, I don't know if we fully understand exactly what he means by this generation, right, maybe a generation comes a little bit different, but I like that you know that too.
That's pretty good, because that's important. I mean, I think there's gonna be so much.
A lot of my brothers and sisters don't refer to that passage, so that's good. I would say Jesus, when he was talking about him coming back in that generation, he was talking about, if you read it in all its context, about his judgment on Israel.
So he indicts the Pharisees. He tells them, hey, your house is left to you desolate. He talked about the temple.
He said this temple is going to be destroyed. He gives them all these woes. He tells them, woe is you for this. Woe is you.
He's talking about his judgment on Israel, which Israel got judged in 70 AD. They got destroyed, and everything
Jesus said in that generation happened exactly. I think, again, our heart is if there's two fundamental contradictions.
For example, is Jesus created? Do you think Jesus was created? I think he's the only begotten of the
Father. I don't know.
I think in terms of spirit, it's eternal.
Matter is not created. Everything's eternal, I think. I love your accent, by the way.
Thanks very much. Where are you from? Just a quick question. A town called
Hartlepool in the northeast of England, originally. One thing that I think we could agree with you on is you said you love that we do get to know
God, right? Because God reveals himself. God gives us revelation, and we get insight to who God is. We get to be intimate with our creator, and what we want for you guys is we want you guys to know the true living
God. We want you guys to be in saving relationship when the Bible says that God takes us, and he adopts us, and now we can call him
Father. He changes our legal standing where once we were guilty of our sin. The wages of sin is death.
He now sets us free in Christ, and he presents us as holy and blameless, which if we're going to be honest, we know that we're not blameless.
We have a record of debt. We know our sins. We know we deserve God's wrath, but he saves us anyways, but the important thing is that only happens through the true
Christ, the true God, and the Christ that the LDS church teaches is one who's created, and in John 1, it says that Christ created all things that came into being.
If anything was made, if it falls into a made category, Jesus made it. You have that repeated in Colossians 1.
It says he gets very specific. He says visible, invisible. Thrones are dominions. Rulers are authorities. If it's in heaven, if it's on earth, it was made through Christ and for him, and then in Hebrews 1, it tells us these are all my friends.
We have a ministry to our LDS neighbors. In Hebrews 1, you have Jesus who creates the world, sustains the universe by the word of his power, and that's a different Jesus who created everything versus the
Jesus who was created and it was the creative. I don't know. I can't see the difference because all those scriptures that you cite and the fact that you're saying
Jesus created everything, I don't know about you. That sounds like a very familiar doctrine to me. I mean, that sounds something that I would sign up to that straight away.
I think that's what I would teach in the church, and I think that's what I would have been taught. What if Joseph disagreed with you? Who would you agree with then?
If Joseph Smith disagreed with me about whether Christ created everything, I'd be very surprised, but I would think
I would say, well, no, Christ is the creator. I mean, we have it, and that's what
I think I've been taught, and that's entirely different from that. Yeah, and it sounds right because that's the clear teaching of scripture.
It's undeniable. We just gave you a couple scriptures, and it sounds right because it makes sense, right? But Jesus being the eternal
God, being the only true God, He's the reason why we can have atonement for our sins. He's the reason why we can have peace with God.
In Romans 5 .1, it says, therefore being justified by faith in Christ, we have peace with God, right?
And the thing is, is if you have the Jesus that LDS Church teaches, who's a created being, who didn't create all things...
Talk to me a little bit about that creative being business because, again, I'm not disagreeing. I don't find that our doctrines disagree with anything you've said up to now about Jesus Christ being the creator, being with the
Father in the beginning, right? Through Him, all things were made that were made. Yeah, yeah.
I don't remember being taught differently from that, but you're finding a difference there, and you're saying, look, there's something about Him being a creative being, and well,
I don't know where that's coming from. Okay, so let's start that. Do you think
Jesus is the one true God? Yeah, I think so, I mean... Would you say you believe in one
God, or would you say you believe in... Okay, I see what you're getting. So maybe we're getting at the difference between a Trinitarian and a non -Trinitarian or something like that, right?
To say that we believe in maybe three distinct personages, whereas you would say... Oh, we agree with that.
Oh, okay. Three persons, but one being of God. So there's one being of God, like there's one
God, and He's shared by three persons, co -equal, co -eternal. The Holy Spirit is called
God, Jesus is called God, and the Father is called God. Right. So I think, well, there's only one
God. Right. And there's no God after Him. Okay, so you're saying like the apotheosis thing, right?
You're saying, okay, listen, we're not going to become like God. Yeah. Okay. Could I make a small interjection, just to like clarify?
Yeah. I used to be LDS. I recently came with this ministry about two years ago, and this is probably the most confusing thing to me.
And it took a while to get through this, but one of the things that helped me out a lot was the idea, uh,
Matthew 19, if you remember the story of the young rich ruler, you know, he comes to Jesus and he says, uh, good master, good
Lord, what should I do to enter heaven? Right. And Jesus kind of comes back to him, and he's like, it's interesting you call me that, because there's only one that's good.
Right. It's you believe that Jesus was good?
Do you believe He was perfect? Right. Yes. So now we have Jesus's testament of who is He? God, yeah.
He's God. For sure. Right. And so the, the Trinitarian idea is you have to understand that you and I would both agree that God is omnipotent.
He's fully all -powerful. So there's nothing stopping Him, one being, from personifying
Himself in three different persons. Okay. Okay. Now when we're thinking about Christ, okay, we believe that God is a spirit.
Christ comes down, descends to us, and takes on the body of flesh. And there are certain aspects of His godhood,
His omnipotence, and His omniscience, that He strips of Himself, so that He can experience this world as we do.
Okay. So this is God saving us from God, in a sense. That sounds a little weird, but it's just like you and I remember that God has to be just, and He has to be merciful.
Right. Only, the only person that can imbue to us righteousness to get to heaven is somebody who's perfect.
Right. Jesus just said there's only one that's perfect. Right. Right. And so, basically what
I'm trying to get at is that, um, if you guys are familiar with Baptisms for the Dead, for example, that is something you would say is a, a vicarious work.
Right? You're doing a work for somebody else. Right. Right. Okay. That's what imputation means.
Jesus Christ is vicariously taking upon your punishment to Himself, and He's vicariously giving you
His righteousness. And He's perfect. Right. Right. So in Romans 3, which is so important to realize when, when
Paul's talking about the imputation of righteousness, uh, and this pairs really well with Ephesians 2, 9, which you may have heard of, and then
James 2, if you think that works instead, and we can clarify that if you'd like to, but basically where this all gets to is that if you, which, which is what we're worried about, we're concerned about, right, is that, you know, he's talking about there are different Jesuses, there are different Gospels, you know,
Paul writes to Galatia in the very first chapter, and he says, I'm astonished that you would leave the Gospel and you would leave the
Christ that you already knew about. Right. Right. And that if any man comes to you with a different Gospel or a different Christ, they are accursed.
Right. So that puts you and I in a, in a respectful predicament, right?
Because right after that, he says, if we're respecter of persons and not respecter of God, we should not be servants of God.
Okay. So what that tells you and I is that you and I cannot say, well, you believe your stuff about Christ, and I believe my stuff about Christ, and hey, we're all
Christians. I'm still waiting, I'm still waiting to hear, like, the difference. Let me quote from Joseph Smith, and you tell me if you agree with this.
Okay. He says, I'm going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was
God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see. Okay. So do you agree with him there?
Yeah. So I see what you're taking. So you're taking issue with the, like, as man is,
God once was, as God is, man may become. Okay. Yeah. So I understand that might be a doctrinal difference between you and I.
So you would agree with Joseph there? Yeah. And I think what I would want to do, and what
I probably do do, right, is I probably try to see how both of those things can be reality, right?
Both of those things can be true. Yes, there's one God, and I think the way that I've done that, the way that I understand that, right, is that there's one
God. God the Father, the Son of the Holy Ghost, we're all on the same page, it seems, on that, and about Christ's role in our redemption.
And I guess I just, you believe that we're children of God, right? We're sons of God. Well, we wouldn't say that, no.
I wouldn't say all of humanity. We'd say only those adopted into his family, which is why Paul talks about adoption so much.
And John 1, the one who he's given right to become children of God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So not all human beings are sons of God.
We're creation. We're creation, and God creates us out of dust. But we created his image, right? Yeah, and we would affirm that.
Originally, though, we are children of wrath. This is our whole team, by the way. Okay. And when we accept
Christ, when we accept that faith, we then become children of God with that new rebirth.
Well, that's good to start to see the sort of differences of where we go. So when God was a man, did he have a
God on top of him? Right, I mean, that's a great question, right? And I mean, you have to sort of assume that that was the case, right?
If you're going to accept that doctrine. Don't you think, though, Daniel, don't you think that that's in contradiction with Isaiah 43, 10, where he says, before me, there was no
God formed? Right? I mean, you know, what's the, what's the, what's the context of that?
What's Isaiah trying to do? My guess, right, is, well, I guess, oh, maybe an educated guess, right?
But I imagine, right, that what Isaiah is trying to do in that situation is he's trying to get the Israelites not to be worshiping any of the gods, which, of course, is the exact right thing to do, right?
We shouldn't be worshiping any of the gods, but God, right? But the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And so what
I imagine that Isaiah is doing there is he's got a mission from God to prevent the children of Israel going astray, going after false and other gods.
And so he's saying, hey, listen, this is what we, this is the God that we worship. This is the God that we need to worry about, that we need to focus on, never mind going after strange gods.
And so, yeah, I mean, absolutely, Isaiah was doing God's work when he was saying that. So the guy he's pointing into, though, the
Yahweh, when he's constantly pointing to his God, his God constantly reveals himself as the, and he makes it clear.
He says he's the only God. None before him, none after him. He says he's beginning and then he asks a rhetorical question.
He says, is there any other gods? He says, no, I don't know of any other gods. And the other thing, right, it might be like a milk before the meat kind of thing as well, right?
You know, we know the ancient Israelites. I mean, you know what we teach about that, right? That they were not righteous to the point where they had the full gospel, right?
Remember Moses went up the mountain and he came back and they're all worshipping this false idol, right?
I mean, he had enough on his hands just to get them to stop worshipping false idols. And so for, to expect
Isaiah to have then taught the ancient Israelites, okay, right, but we have this other part that, you know, you're not quite living the very basics, but we're going to give you something a little bit more.
That might've been a lot for Isaiah to have done, right? That might've been way too much beyond the scope of what, what, what the
Lord was asking him to do at the time. And so I think like, you know, it's, it's,
I think it's, it's sort of rational and logical to see a contradiction there, right? And what you're doing and saying, look, you know, Isaiah says
X, Joseph Smith says Y. So, and they seem to be in contradiction and I'll give it to you. They do seem to be in contradiction, but I think there's probably a context probably in both, in both cases where we can understand why
Isaiah was saying what he said when, when he said it and why Joseph Smith was saying what he said when he said it. Some clarification to give you is that I know that you're, you're hitting the target pretty accurate that Isaiah was reacting to the idols.
That is correct. But we can't dismiss the extra information that he gave us, okay?
So he said there's no gods before me or after me, right? So if we were to assume exactly what you just said, this is, let's just say that you had said to us, uh, that's, that's only regarding false idols, all right?
Could you imagine that since Isaiah said that, has there been more idols that have came into existence since that point?
Right. So I would imagine what God is saying is that he's giving a better answer than just responding to the idols.
He's saying there is literally nobody else. I am the highest. I am the only, and he's encompassing everything with that.
And you know, I honestly feel like, so, and I think both doctrines are necessary.
I think this is why I think I honestly live my life as my heavenly father is, is God, right?
And is the only God that I need to, well, we have Jesus Christ, we have the Holy Ghost, and of course we need to be concerned with them all.
But he's the only God that I pray to. He's the only God that I worship. He's the only God that I know anything about. He's the, he's the
God that I want to emulate, which is a big word, right? And a big ask, right? And of course
I don't come close. As nobody does, right? Nobody does. But we want to try and try and think, right? That's what we want to do.
And strive to become as much like him as we possibly can, even though we're going to sin and fall short and we're going to have to repent every single day and sin every day.
So, so I mean, I live my life, I think, and I live my religion as though there's no good before him because I don't know anything about it.
Well, I know something about it, right? I know that, that it seems likely that maybe that, that's, there's some part of an eternal, an eternal pattern, right?
Where, where, you know, and I believe that I'm a child of God and I believe that we're all children of God and we're all, everybody in the world's a child of God.
And I think God, our heavenly father, because he's our father, we have the potential to become like him.
And I think that, I mean, that's what, that's what Christ is doing on the earth, right? He's giving us the pattern. He's showing us the way.
And he's telling us actually, like, if you're not, you know, if you're not in, you know, if I'm not in you, if you're not in me, then, or if you're not one, right?
You're not mine, but that you can inherit, right? The disciples can inherit all that I have, right?
Which is all that the father had. So we, so I believe that Christ taught us that, I believe he taught us we can become like God. And while I admit, right, that it's, it can get pretty complicated if we start to go back, right?
And say, well, okay, who was God before God then? And who was God before that? Yeah, for sure. But I think that, that, that doctrine is important to me because it says, hey, look, you know,
I can, I can, okay, in the eternities, right? Not, probably not tomorrow. Probably not tomorrow.
But I can become like, like my, like God. I can become like my Savior Jesus Christ. I can become like God. So I think we would, we would agree that the person of Christ is significantly important.
He's, he's all throughout scripture. He's, he's supreme. Um, and you answered this earlier, but I don't remember how you said it.
I asked you if you believe he was created. You said he was the begotten of. Yeah. The only one of the father. Yeah. Cause I didn't fully understand the creative part.
But so, but so do you think Jesus, well, he, you would say he didn't always exist because God was once a man and then
God exalted and then, and then he begot Jesus is what you would say. Right, right. Uh huh.
So, and you remember those verses we quoted earlier about Colossians, about how Paul gets specific.
He says visible, invisible thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities. If it's in heaven, if it's on earth, it was created through Christ and for Christ.
And then John one, right? We said that if it falls into a maid category, all things were made through him.
And, and John kind of repeats himself. He's showing an emphasis. He's saying, if it's made the flaws here, it was made through Jesus.
And so that's, I think our concern is if the Messiah is significant person in scripture, if Jesus is massively important, if he's the redeemer, we have to get him right.
Or else what happens is, is all of us will stand before God and all of us will have our sins. We admit that.
Um, and we're going to need to be clothed in a righteousness that is not our own. We're going to need to be saved.
We're going to need someone to come in and, and present to God us in a way that scripture says holy and blameless.
And so if we have two different Jesuses, if you have a Jesus who didn't create everything, who was only the begotten of the father, and then
God used him to create everything we see now, that's a completely different Jesus. And the one who I would say sustains all of this and created all of this.
I think completely different might be too much, right? Uh, it is, it is a detail. It is a difference. I'm sure it's a difference.
Would you say it's a big difference? I mean, I'm not sure exactly what, what it does.
So if you're saying, so what I'm hearing you say is you're saying, okay, no, no, the Jesus that we worship, right.
The Jesus that we know, the Jesus that's our savior. He was not like a, like,
I think we would say, right. That he's a spirit child of the father. So I'm saying the difference, right.
So I'm saying that yeah, before the earth was before everything was like at the beginning of time, as far as we understand anything about what time it's right beyond the foundation of the earth and beyond that.
When I say at that moment, yeah, that Christ was a, a, a choice spirit, yeah.
Begotten of the father, right. Spiritually begotten of the father. And then of course, actually begotten, like physically in the flesh when he came to the earth.
So, but, but, so the difference is that if we look back before the foundation of the earth, before Christ created everything and before his, the light of Christ that sustains everything here.
So you said before that, and before probably eons before that, that Christ was the, and I'm saying he was a spirit child of Elohim, right.
He wasn't, no, no, no. He was always there. Okay. That's a difference, right. That is a difference. And that probably does have some significance, but I'm not sure how much.
If I get a 4310, like, excuse my ignorance. I'm sorry, man. I'm jumping over the lake, but I just want to understand your position.
I don't want to misrepresent you. Right there. It's saying I am Jehovah before me was no
God form. Right. Like from your view, would that be speaking of Christ? Yeah, I think so.
So would he, would that Jehovah know of a God before him? Would he know of his father before him?
I think I would say back again, like you said, like, I think Isaiah, right. He has an idea that, uh, that he's going to teach the
Israelites as an omission from God, right. That, Hey, listen, uh, worship Jehovah. There's no other
God that you need to be worshiping. There's no God before me. Uh, and I guess I read that as I know God's ahead, like no
God's in front of me. There's nobody that you should be worshiping. It's, it's better than me. Right. The significant, the significant, the big difference though, is
Daniel, that both of us, we need, we need God to die for us. And it's not, not a spirit child, not, not, not someone who was created, not someone who came after we need the eternal
God. Psalm 90 verse two from eternity into eternity. You are God. We need that one to pay for our sins, not, not a spirit child.
So you would say you have a spirit child of Elohim coming to die for your sins. And I would say that's insufficient. It can't cover it.
It won't save you. And what we would say is, is you need the true God. And this, this one makes the gospel so beautiful.
It's, it's almost ridiculous to think that the eternal God, the God who always existed, who knows everything that he would actually like, he would come to his creation.
He would descend, he would wrap himself in flesh. And then we're talking about God hanging on a tree. So the same wood that God created, he's hanging on it.
He's looking down at Roman guards, whose breath is in his hands. This is, this is God on a tree we're talking about. It's beautiful.
And, and, and it, which is why it saves perfectly because this is why, um, we can have verses like God takes our sin.
He puts as far as the East is from the West. Although we are stained, he washes us white as snow because it's God himself who's, who's sacrificing his own life.
So to have a spirit child, it isn't enough. Yeah. And I guess, okay.
And I see your point. I see that I see where you're making the difference. And I still though I would not make a difference there.
Okay. Let me, because I would say like the one that has inherited all that God is and all that God has, he is
God, right? For sure. Like I, I don't want to diminish the Godhood of Christ in any, in any bit.
I would not do that at all. And I don't think our church would teach me to do that either. I don't think you want to, but I think,
I think if you're consistent with what they teach, I think you have to, I don't think you want to, I think your heart is good. I believe that you don't want to, but I think that if you, if you take what
Joseph says, I think you have to. I mean, imagine like that. It says on the church of Jesus Christ, right? Yeah.
I mean, everything we do, we do in his name. So I guess what
I'm saying is in terms of diminishing the role and the importance and the holiness of Jesus, all the
Godhood of Jesus. I just think if everything we do is in his name, you guys can teach
Christ. What is it? What's that? You can probably quote it better than me, but there's that scripture.
Teach Christ, speak in Christ. The one where he says, not able to say to me, Lord, Lord, we get into heaven. They say, they say, they tell
Jesus, we prophesied in your name. We did this in your name. We did that. And they give everything you just said. They say, we did this in your name.
But he says, I never knew you. And he says, depart from me, you worker of iniquity. Can I ask one question to you?
When you said, you know, when Jesus atones for our sins, are you trying to clarify then that in his state of theosis and in his completed progression, then he became
God to take our sins? Because we're saying again, a spirit child can't take the wrath of God, but God can take the wrath of God.
I think for sure he was God before he came to earth. I think for sure. Like, I don't think he yet inherited everything the father had, but I think he does, right?
While he's on the earth. I think John 17, right? There's that intercessionary prayer, right? He talks about how he's inheriting everything that the father has.
Well, he talks about it a few times when he's ministering, right? Doesn't he? He says, look, you know, well, what does he say?
He even says he's God, doesn't he? He says, before Moses, I am or something like that, right?
I mean, he's, so yeah. You got it, bro. Yeah, that's good. The question is always though, who is the
I am? And I think you asked a good question earlier. You said, well, I don't understand how it's that big of a difference. If it's
Jesus different in this aspect, I can tell you, I can tell you how, because if you change Jesus by what scripture defines him as by any means, you'll end up with a different gospel, right?
And that's something we need to be worried about because in Galatians one, six, it says, if anyone comes preaching a different gospel, even an angel from heaven, let them be accursed.
So for example, if we have Joseph Smith's Jesus, right? The spirit brother of Lucifer, right?
The not eternal God, but a created being who's the spiritual offspring of Elohim in one of his goddess wives, right?
Or we have the Jesus of scripture who is the eternal God Philippians two, though he existed eternally in the form is
God came and took on flesh and was obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross, right?
The thing, the difference, the main difference is this, that the Christian believes that we're justified by grace through faith alone, apart from our works,
James and everything. We'll just, just listen real quick. So when Jesus died on the cross, when
Jesus died on the cross, the veil to the temple was torn, right? It was torn.
The temple was done away with, right? So just, just listen. So in LDS doctrine, since you have a different Jesus, you're going to have to try to make up some of the righteous works on your own because Christ, right?
Obedience to the gospel ordinances and principles, right? Obedience to the word of wisdom being sealed in the temple. All of these things are righteousness of your own that you want to present before God one day, but the
Jesus of scripture states, otherwise, I don't know. I don't know if it's different. So do you need to be baptized?
He said we did, right? So here we go. So in terms of the righteousness of Christ, I am justified by my faith alone, not necessarily my work.
I believe that baptism is very important, but I don't believe that it gets me into heaven. Oh, it doesn't get you in heaven.
It's just the beginning of the path. Okay. So can you clarify for me then, then why are people baptized in proxy for the baptism of the dead?
If it's not that important, what do you mean? It's not that important. No, if it's not that important, if it's not something that's salvific in a sense.
Oh, it's essential. So it is essential. So it's a work that's essential to save. Yes. Okay. There we go. That's what I'm saying. But the
Jesus Christ of scripture, I rely solely on his sacrifice for my sins. I don't rely on my work.
That's the only way we're saved is through his atonement. Yes. Not through the gospel ordinances and principles.
But Christ said to me, he said, like, nobody can enter into the, except through baptism. Like, what does he say? Unless you're reborn, right?
Unless you're born of the water and spirit.
You know, you're going to get 15 minutes. You want to join us? The point is though, is that the difference is that you guys, a different Jesus scripture.
For example, if you were to talk to a Jehovah's witness for a little bit, and they said that Jesus was the first creation of Jehovah God.
He was now once Michael, the archangel, right? Well, I'm saying if a
Jehovah's witness were to and they were to say that Jesus Christ is the first creation of Jehovah God, that he was once Michael, the archangel, that when he didn't die on a cross, he died on a stake.
Then he resurrected as a spirit creature. Right. And then we have someone who's a follower of Muhammad and they say,
Jesus Christ was just a mere prophet. Right. And then we have someone who's a LDS who says that, well, no,
Jesus Christ is the first begotten, the first son of Elohim and one of his goddess wives.
And then we have a Christian who says, no, Jesus was not a created being. Instead, he created everything on heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Are those different Jesuses? Well, the last two, I feel like there's a very little difference, but not no difference, right?
It's an extreme difference. I think it's more extreme for you guys. I mean, and that's okay.
But I would say like, hey, I'm comfortable with there being differences, right? Between churches. Cause I think that's, that's, that should be right.
Cause otherwise what's the point of me going here and not going somewhere else, right? No, I agree. I think you shouldn't go here. Joseph Smith doesn't agree with you.
In the beginning of the book of Mormon, he says that all of the professors in the creeds are corrupt.
They're an abomination. So he would look at me and he would say I'm wrong. He wouldn't agree with the position that you have. No, my position is right.
There are differences, right? And those differences, while I honestly don't think that they're as big as maybe you think they are and that's fine.
We have a difference of opinion, but like, yeah, I believe that this, I believe that this is the true church of Jesus Christ restored in these latter days.
I, I believe that. And so I get, and I get that you don't, right? And that, that makes sense, right?
Cause that's what you're doing. But I think, yeah. And so there are differences. So I think there has to be a way, right?
This is what this has to be a way to tell between the different creeds, right? Because one says one and one says the other.
So for sure that has to be. So what's the way then? What's the way to pray and to ask him to be received revelation through the spirit.
Perfect. Perfect. Have you, there's two tests of a prophet in scripture. I'm going to quote them to you. All right. This is how scripture says we can define whether someone's a true or false prophet.
Deuteronomy 13 says if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, if they produce miracles, signs and wonders, but if they lead you after other gods, gods, which you have not known, do not believe them.
Right. Deuteronomy 13. Then we also have Deuteronomy. Right. And then Deuteronomy 18
States, if someone comes and speaks in the name of Yahweh, but they speak presumptuously, if they were to make a prophecy, but that thing does not come to pass one false prophecy, they're a false prophet.
You must reject them. So in terms of Deuteronomy 13 and the nature of God, we have, like we've been quoting before,
Colossians one, Jesus Christ created all things on heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, including, no, no, including
Lucifer. You don't agree with that, including Lucifer. He created all things, all angels, principalities, powers, authorities, dominions, everywhere.
He made them all. And then we have Joseph Smith who says, otherwise on top of that, we have the deity of God. And then
Psalm 90 verse two says he's been God from everlasting into everlasting. And then
Joseph Smith and the King fall at discourse that says, you have imagined and supposed that God has been
God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see that you have got to become
God's right. According to scripture, he fails the first test of a prophet and Deuteronomy 13 second test. Wait, why?
Why does he fail that? Because he disagrees with what scripture shows about God. So I'll show you in a second.
Just listen. So well, I want to go to Isaiah 43, 10 real quick, because I'm going to have to pop in in a minute.
I just, I want to say that if I, yeah, I don't want to be rude, but I also do want to go. Yeah. We understand. Yeah. Isaiah 43, 10.
Cause I know you're saying, well, what about the context? What about the context? What if we weren't hearing everything in its fullness because they haven't had the time?
It was before me. Well, I'll say this, I'll say, I think what you're doing is you're interjecting another standard in another book into the
Bible. Right? So I think what you're doing is you're trying to justify the book of Mormon, the doctrine of covenants and the
Pearl of Great Price. And you're trying to put it into the Bible. What I'm saying, I'm not exactly trying to do that. I wouldn't say, but I am saying that, look, you know, the book of Mormon is, is the standard and the
Bible, as far as it's translated correctly. Right. That's right. So you interpret the Bible over it's under the book of Mormon.
The book of Mormon is used to interpret the Bible. So you have one standard held over the other. So what I'm telling you also in Deuteronomy 18, the false prophecy, we have
Joseph Smith who said that within his generation, yay, 56 years may end up on the scene that Christ would return.
It didn't happen. Deuteronomy 18, I must reject him as a false prophet. What do you think of that I said to Daniel earlier on?
We're talking about Matthew 24. Okay. Yeah. So the one Matthew 24 was. Oh, about, about him returning? Yeah.
Oh yeah. I believe he returned in judgment on the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed. So we would say that did happen.
That was the fulfilled prophecy of Jesus Christ. Yes. Okay. Well, we'll see. We'll see then. What happened to Daniel?
No, no. Yeah. It's Daniel. I mean, we'll see about Joseph Smith's prophecies, right? No, it didn't happen. He said 56 years may wind up on the scene.
No, it didn't happen. His time expired already. 70 years, a generation, I don't know.
Can I ask you a weird question real quick? Did you ever teach a class at GCC, a political science class? Oh, I was in your political science class.
I was like, I hear his voice and he sounds so familiar. I'm sitting here looking. Sorry about my voice. Yeah. It was like 2010,
I think. I'd like to do it next time, but I have to, let me say thank you for talking to us.
We appreciate it, Daniel. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you.