Hilarious! Racism is Such a Scam (And Some Real Advice From Ole AD)

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Alright, well, I came across this article and this is just too funny, man. The amount,
I wonder how many examples of this exact thing you could come up with and how many go under the radar and you never find out that they were fake, but this is just so classic.
I mean, there's such, there's so little racism in the United States that you have to make up racism in order to get popular, to get, you know, to get your name to go up on the
Google searches and stuff like that. There's a, there's an industry, there's a currency of racism that, that people use to get notoriety, to get, to get,
I don't know, clicks or something. I have no idea, but, but check this out. So this, this is an article that was written today.
Oregon candidate admits he wrote a racist letter to himself. Our biggest problem is white supremacy, definitely.
It's such a problem that you have to invent examples of it to get any attention.
This guy, okay, a formal, a former Umatilla County, Oregon commissioner candidate who claimed a racist letter was left anonymously in his mailbox actually wrote the letter himself, according to police.
In a Monday email, police chief Jason Edmondson said the candidate Jonathan Lopez had confessed to writing the hate filled letter.
Quote, from the onset, this alleged incident has been thoroughly investigated, Edmondson told the La Grande based newspaper.
Our investigation has shown that Mr. Lopez wrote that letter himself and made false statements to the police and on social media.
The end result is a verbal and written admission by Mr. Lopez that the letter was fabricated.
Oh, this is too classic.
You know, I wonder, because, because here's the thing, like, I know that racism is real. I've experienced racism, but what
I definitely didn't do when I experienced racism is made up, make a whole big deal about it.
Because to me, if someone's going to be ignorant and write something racist towards me or say something racist at me,
I'm going to handle it like a man handled it. I'm not going to go to the papers. I'm going to get on Twitter. Oh my goodness. Look at this person.
So racist towards me, because who cares? I mean, they're stupid. That's like reporting someone for calling you a poopy head.
Like, who cares? They're ignorant. They're stupid. And I've got something to tell you. This is actually some real advice at the end of this.
But anyway, let's just continue this article because this is the problem with this stuff. Ready? Edmondson quote continues.
He says, quote, the time spent on this fictitious claim means time lost on other matters. Not to mention, it needlessly adds to the incredible tension that exists in our nation today.
As a lifelong resident of this diverse community, I'm disgusted that someone would try to carelessly advance their personal ambitions at the risk of others, local police chief said.
Lopez had allegedly received the letter on June 23rd and posted a copy of it on his Facebook page, which has since been deleted.
I wish I could get a copy of this letter easily. I'll look for it after this. I can't wait to see what this letter says. Quote, I have lived in a life full of obstacles and challenges, he wrote in the caption, including racism.
There's no room or tolerance of that. I hold no resentment for whoever wrote this.
I'm just simply heartbroken for the lack of knowledge, education, and respect missing.
I pray for you and I wish you prosperity in your life. God bless us all. The letter was full of derogatory and racist terms addressed at Mr.
Lopez quote, don't waste your time trying to become anything in this country. We will make sure you never win and your family suffers along with all those effing
Mexicans in the area. Letter signed by America, read. Oh man,
Lopez told the
East Oregonian that it was just a big misunderstanding and he never meant to mislead the public.
What are you talking about you never meant to mislead the public? I love that. I don't have any ill will or any resentment towards whoever wrote this letter.
That was actually true. There was one true statement there. He didn't have any resentment for whoever wrote the letter because he wrote the letter.
I never meant to mislead the public. What do you call it? What do you call it? I never meant to mislead the public. I just wrote a fake letter, signed it
America, filled it with racism towards myself, and then I posted a screenshot of it and said,
I don't have any resentment towards whoever wrote this letter. He said his original goal was to speak with Edmondson about racism in Umatilla County and use the letter as evidence.
You see, there's so much racism in the county that what you have to do in order to have a conversation about it is invent racism and you're not really trying to mislead the public, you're just trying to have a conversation you see.
You're just trying to start the conversation because it's a very important issue you see. Racism is so rampant in this county and I'm going to prove it to you by writing a fake letter, sending it to myself, and then posting about it on social media.
You know, it's actually not funny because this guy, in this guy's world view, in his brain, this makes sense and he doesn't think he was trying to mislead anybody.
He thinks he was doing the right thing. This is putting in work, man. This is putting in the work. I never meant to file a report, it just kind of spiraled out,
Lopez said. What's the difference whether you meant to file a report or not? You lied! Lopez placed fourth in the
May 2020 primary for a seat on the Umatilla County Board. That must be the racism he was talking about because if Americans weren't racist, he would have won that seat.
But because his last name is Lopez, he didn't win. Unreal. The police are also forwarding the information to the district attorney's office regarding possible fraudulent statements in Lopez's entry in the
May 2020 voter's guide about his background and education. So, obviously, what they're saying is he's just a liar.
So he lies all the time. It's not just this letter. He was lying about his education or something or that, something or other, all that kind of stuff.
And the law of God says whatever would have happened to the guy if they caught him for sending this racist letter, it probably would have been a hate crime or something like that.
Whatever would have happened to that guy should happen to this Lopez guy. So you get the penalty because you're the one who tried to frame somebody.
Now, talk to you about something real. Because I just said in the beginning of this, you know,
I've experienced racism and I didn't do anything. I just, you know, I experienced it. I said, that's stupid.
And that's, I went about my merry way. And I think that this is something that, you know, you know, maybe it'll help you.
Maybe it won't. I'm not sure. But let's, let's, let's, let's dive into how you should respond to any kind of disrespect.
It doesn't have to be racist disrespect. It could be any kind of disrespect. If you're constantly one of these people that's feeling disrespected and you know, you respond to the disrespect, like how, how dare you disrespect me?
Or you respond with anger or you respond with violence, but you just constantly have this chip on your shoulder.
Like everyone's trying to disrespect me all the time. I have a suggestion for you. You might want to take a good look in the mirror.
You might want to look at yourself because what I've noticed in my own life, maybe you can use this. This has been helpful to me is that people say disrespectful stuff to me all the time, all day long.
In fact, someone on YouTube today in the comments, I mentioned my kids and how I'm raising them in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. And he said that what I, you know, I, that's tantamount to child abuse, right?
Like, so I'm abusing my children for raising them Christian. He said, he said he feels bad for my children. My three, my three sons, it's a very disrespectful thing to say, but I didn't feel disrespected by that because why would
I? I mean, it's what God says in his scripture, it makes perfect sense. And I don't have any, I don't feel any guilt about the way
I deal with my children. I don't think I've ever disrespected my, uh, myself by degrading myself in such a way that I've treated my kids unfairly or something like that.
Like that's not a problem for me. And so I didn't feel disrespected. He meant to disrespect me that the words were intentionally disrespectful, but I didn't,
I didn't feel disrespected. What I've noticed in my life is when I feel disrespected, the most often what's really going on is that I've disrespected myself first.
And so because I'm disrespected myself, all of a sudden other people's words have a lot more impact on me and it doesn't have to be disrespectful words.
Usually when I, when I've, when I've sinned or if I've indulged in something I shouldn't have, or maybe I've been lazy that day or something like that, or maybe
I, I've neglected to do something I should have done and I'm feeling kind of like, just like I didn't respect myself.
I didn't keep my were, I, I, I just sat around watching YouTube videos when I was supposed to be working.
Like I disrespected myself that day. I find that when that's something like that is going on in my life,
I often feel disrespected a lot more and it could be the same comment that somebody makes to me or my wife makes to me.
And in one instance I won't feel disrespected and the other instance I will, and I think it has a lot to do with my own behavior and what
I've been doing. What I've noticed is when I'm having victory over my sin and when things are clicking on all cylinders, chugging along and things are going really good, people could say outlandish stuff to me.
I had one lady that said that I was supporting sexual trafficking, sex trafficking, even though I believe that sex traffickers should be given the death penalty.
She said in public that I, I support sex traffickers and stuff like that. Just the other day, a guy who actually used to like me, he used to support what
I do. Just the other day he told me that I, I support spousal abuse or something like that.
It made no sense in his point. But so those are two disrespectful things, but I didn't feel disrespected either in either case because I, I was,
I respected myself during those times. I wasn't doing anything that I shouldn't have been doing. I wasn't,
I wasn't, I wasn't being lazy. I wasn't doing things that were disrespectful to my own self, my own status as one of God's children.
Like, so, so that's what I'm saying. Like if you're one of these people that's always out there feeling disrespected, oh, we can't believe how much he disrespected me and stuff like that.
I would start with yourself. Take a good look in a mirror, make sure you have a clean conscience.
And I'm not saying it definitely is you, but I'm just saying in my own life, I've found that when
I feel disrespected all the time, um, it's because I don't have a clean conscience.
I I've, I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing or I'm not doing something I should be doing or I'm being lazy or whatever it is.
You know what, you know what I'm saying? So that's just a piece of advice for me, but there's a very big difference between someone disrespecting you and you feeling disrespect, feeling disrespect that you see people can insult you all day long, but you don't have to take the insult.
You see an insult can't be given, it can only be taken. And so people will say all kinds of insulting stuff to me all day long.
I've noticed that when I actually feel insulted, when I feel bad about it, it's because I don't have a clean conscience.
And so maybe you could take that advice. I don't know. Maybe, maybe it'll help you. Maybe it won't. Anyway, I thought that this article was hilarious.