Elevation Church Did Fake Baptisms And I Can Prove It!

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Hey guys Colin here Welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking me to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter and please Don't forget to Like comment share and most importantly subscribe and hit the notification bell to join the fight for truth
Thank you so much for your continued prayers viewership and support. Let's get into the video
No, the title of this video is not an exaggeration All sources will be linked in the description and I am
NOT the first person to make a video about this In fact, the story is pretty old news But many people don't know what the actual evidence of the case is and many people have not heard the entire story
So I've decided to make a video and give you the entire story and all the evidence that comes with it
And with that, let's get into the fake baptisms of Elevation Church Now for starters
Elevation Church is a mega church Which is currently in the Southern Baptist Convention and based in Charlotte, North Carolina It has over 20 locations and a reported weekly attendance of over 25 ,000 people
Steve Furtick is probably the most famous pastor in the United States If not in the top three and most people aren't even aware that there's anything sketchy about him
There are several issues with his ministry though And many of them are listed in the original video
I made about him which will be linked in the description of this one But I can assure you that there is nothing more obviously unbiblical about Elevation Church than the evidence that you are about to see now
Elevation Church likes to do altar calls and baptisms very regularly and there's no problem with that And I'm sure many people in the church are probably doing it for the right reasons
But it's very clear that the leadership of Elevation Church has an entirely different goal in mind.
You see in 2011 Elevation Church published a public guide to other churches called quote
Spontaneous baptisms a how -to guide in this guide. They wrote this quote
Recently we prayed and asked God to lead thousands of people to take a public stand in their faith in Christ through baptism
God blew our minds and in two weeks. We saw 2 ,158 people respond and be baptized
So first we start off on this great note and we read them Boasting about the fact that they've baptized thousands of people in a few weeks.
Awesome Apparently Elevation Church is not familiar with the phrase quality over quantity, but that's fine
We'll get into that later but this is just the tip of the iceberg because this how -to guide described in detail how
Elevation Church was able to facilitate such a massive number of baptisms in such a short amount of time and A lot of the document is just dedicated to logistics and statistics of the events nothing interesting
Like how many people got baptized how many t -shirts they had to provide as dry clothes? How many people built the tank to hold the water and how long it took on average to baptize each person, etc boring stuff but hidden amongst all of this useless information is a
Statement about how they convince people to step out in faith and get baptized in the first place You see the document says that quote 15 people will sit in the worship experience.
That's code for the audience Apparently they don't know how to use normal words in these documents
And then they will be the first ones to move when the pastor gives the call end quote in case you're not sure what you
Just heard that was Elevation Church admitting that they have fully fledged Elevation Church members
Most likely who have already been baptized sitting in the audience waiting for pastor
Stephen Furtick's cue when he invites people to get baptized Spontaneously the church members planted in the audience pretend to be new converts and walk up to the front of the church to get baptized
It gets even worse though The document goes on saying this quote move intentionally through the areas of highest visibility and with the longest walk
So let's establish what this is. It's lying to manipulate other people's emotions.
There's nothing else you could call this Elevation Church knows that people are scared to walk in front of a bunch of other individuals to get baptized.
There's the emotions So then you have them deceive the audience and pretend to get baptized as new believers, there's the manipulation
There's the deception. So by definition Elevation Church baptizes people by deceitfully manipulating their emotions.
That's a fact Contrast this with Colossians 3 9 which says quote do not lie to one another seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices
Do not lie to one another do not deceive one another now the next question You're probably thinking is is this document accurate and really made by Elevation Church?
The answer to that is undoubtedly Yes, I have taken the liberty of digging up Elevation Church's official response to these accusations
Which will be linked in the description as well It was written in plain English that Stephen Furtick himself had a 45 -minute phone call with the journalist who first reported on these events
Then he spoke to that journalist for two hours in the church offices at some point
If the document was not accurate, this would have been the perfect time to come out and say it He could have easily told the actual reporter who reported on these events that these were not
Sanctioned by Elevation Church or by Steve Furtick or that they had never taken place that they weren't true
But no such comment was ever made In fact in their official response Elevation Church still did not say that the document was anything other than an official
Elevation Church project there is no evidence that the employee who wrote the guide was fired and for all we know they still work at Elevation Church to this day
Since Furtick has not said that he was unaware of this method of getting people baptized Common sense actually tells us that he knew about it beforehand
But it's definitely the case that Steve knew about it after it happened after it was reported on and at the very least he did
Not disapprove of the practice. There's a good chance. They're still using it to this day In fact, he's never disapproved of it at least to my knowledge
So here are the conclusions we can come to Steve Furtick knows that Elevation Church was conducting fake
Baptisms to manipulatively increase their baptism count and he does not care Biblically this absolutely disqualifies him from ministry
Let's focus on two major lists of qualifications for pastors first Timothy 3 and Titus 1
First Timothy 3 says that a pastor must be quote respectable and this action is anything but respectable
It also says that they must be above reproach But this action by Stephen has provided a big opportunity for reproach
Titus 1 says a pastor must be quote upright and this situation demonstrates that he is not
It also says that he must be disciplined this action by Steve Furtick does not indicate discipline or maturity
But rather a consistent desire to cut corners and conduct his business I mean church in a deceptive and subversive way
Let's establish something pastors do not have to be perfect In fact, none of them are but a pastor's character must consistently reflect the traits listed in these major passages
There's really no debate about it. Steve Furtick is biblically Unqualified for ministry.
Let me make myself even more clear. I Don't mean that Steve Furtick is not a real
Christian. I'm not saying that I'm saying that he's not a real pastor and there's a difference between those two and this whole situation
Funny enough actually reminds me of a song by Elevation Church called evidence It was very popular a few years ago, and it's ironic considering all the evidence is stacked against them here
But In this song Steve Furtick's band sings quote a miracle can happen now for the
Spirit of the Lord is here The evidence is all around that the Spirit of the Lord is here
So first of all, you want to talk about evidence the songs called evidence? For all my you know, true crime buffs out there people who like to watch shows about that when evidence is planted
It doesn't count as evidence You don't get to say oh the evidence is all around when you planted the evidence all around namely 15 people pretending to get baptized as a fake move of the
Spirit It's not actually happening the way other people are meant to see it happening
It's you being deceptive It doesn't count when you plant evidence and then they say a miracle can happen now for the
Spirit of the Lord is here But do you really believe that at Elevation? I'm just concerned Genuinely asking the question because if you really believe that the
Spirit is convicting people and drawing them in Then you shouldn't have to actively deceive them in order to solicit their response
Or are you not confident that a miracle can happen now Elevation Church? You see
Elevation like many mega churches always brags about how they they have great faith that the
Lord will do great things but here's the truth action speak louder than words and Your actions make it clear that you trust yourselves to get people saved
You see it would be much better to baptize one person who? Genuinely wants to be baptized because the
Spirit is drawing them in then to baptize a thousand people who got baptized just because they saw someone else do it
If you trusted God to do it You wouldn't need to use unbiblical methods to make it happen
And that line is just as much an indictment on Elevation Church as it is on all of us including myself
If we trust God to do something in our lives, we don't have to use unbiblical methods to make it happen
We don't have to make counterfeits of those things. We can just trust God to bring them about Another line in their song evidence is actually spoken by Steve Furtick himself where he says quote
We're not waiting on a move of God. We are a move of God In retrospect considering the situation the phrase takes on a completely new meaning
Of course, it was unbiblical from the first time he uttered it Yes, we are waiting on a move of God.
We're not going to manufacture a move of God without him actually being there We will wait if that's necessary, but Steve Furtick doesn't actually care about having sound biblical teaching
He cares about clever wordplay Elevation Church doesn't quote wait on a move of God because it's much faster and more efficient to fake a move of God So if you like wordplay
Furtick, you can use that in your next sermon free of charge You're welcome. And let me say something directly to Elevation Church and the leadership of it
When you say we've baptized this many people this week. My response in the future is going to be this
I don't care. I Don't care how many people you've baptized. I care about how and why you baptize them
Don't tell me how many points you scored in the game when you cheated to score them Cool story bro, but you still cheated so it doesn't count in almost any sporting event
When an athlete cheats they get their accolades taken away from them They get their awards and their championships and their titles taken away from them
So don't tell me Elevation Church how many people you've baptized using unbiblical methods to baptize them
And here's another thing you need to know Elevation Church the size of your church doesn't matter at all
I hear this all the time from people in the comment section of my videos from people who are at Elevation Church They talk about the
Lord's really blessing them. They must be doing something, right? It doesn't work like that The size of your church does not indicate that at one point the whole of Christianity was composed of a couple dozen people
The early church in its entirety was significantly smaller than Elevation Church So I'm not sure what kind of point they're trying to prove when they say these things
Acts 115 indicates that there were only a hundred and twenty members of the Jerusalem Church before Pentecost To put that in perspective that's over 200 times smaller than Elevation Church But which church was more biblical?
That's my question. That should be your question Here's another thing how big your congregation is is not evidence of God blessing you like at all
Joel Osteen has a huge following a massive church, and he's a total heretic and a false teacher Recognized by pretty much every sound pastor in the nation as somebody who does not have sound doctrine
There are millions of Mormons in the world who would completely disagree with many of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity There are millions of Buddhists in the world who do not believe in the
Christian God at all Does that mean that God approves of their beliefs? No, the size of your church or your religious group means nothing
The principles of your church or your religious group are what means something But Steve Furtick Mike Todd Joel Osteen TD Jake's and all the rest of them are
Absolutely certain that their churches are large because God is blessing them And I hope they figure out soon that that's not the case.
Your churches are large because you water down the Bible That's why I'm not saying every large church does
I'm saying those ones do Your churches aren't big because God is blessing you your churches are big because you aren't blessing
God. That's the difference and Here's what this means to you the average viewer watching this when you watch
Steve Furtick sermons and you listen to the music of Elevation Church, you are unknowingly Inadvertently, you're not purposely doing this but you are supporting a system of lies and deceit that has existed for years
You are supporting a system that tells unbelievers that their eternal security in Christ Can be attained by merely making a fleeting decision to believe in Jesus followed by absolutely no
Sanctification or repentance or sound biblical action whatsoever But hey, would it make you feel any better if I told you they baptized over 2 ,000 people if you listen to Steve Furtick?
I'm not against you. My heart goes out to you Because I used to be in those kinds of traps, too He's a clever speaker and a charismatic person and if you don't know that he has bad doctrine
Then you can't be held responsible for that Proverbs 24 12 says quote if you say behold we did not know this does not he who weighs the heart perceive it
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it and will he not repay man according to his deeds?
And yes, you know what? There might have been some negligence on your part But getting disappointed and depressed about it isn't gonna help anything
Find a biblical church to follow and follow it You can either act on this information or ignore it
But don't worry about what you were like before you knew it pray for Furtick and all his deceived Congregation that they would reject this unbiblical nonsense and get on the right path
Thank you so much for watching that video If you want to see more just hit the suggested videos that appear at the end of this one or visit my channel subscribe and hit
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