A Requiem for a Republic, Be Faithful Unto Death


Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/ I had intended to read through the entirety of John Adams’ statement from 1798 regarding the Constitution yesterday, but events made it wiser to wait till today. We read through Adams and basically, for an hour, discussed the true foundational issues driving the cultural revolution that is destroying the West and leading us into a global socialist disaster. We expose these things so that we can pass on “to those with ears to hear and eyes to see” the truth that man is the creation of God, and will never function properly, experience peace, or flourish as intended, as long as the lie of secularism predominates in the minds of the people. Closed with a few words from Revelation chapter 2, including the line, “be faithful unto death.”

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Well, greetings, welcome to the dividing line. We may be here. Maybe not. I don't know.
We'll find out soon enough we've got new stuff happening today and No theme song and I'm not sure if I can perform without a theme song
I mean, I did not realize until today just how very important Actually is no, it's
I actually normally don't hear it anyway, so it doesn't really matter too much. Hey, you know yesterday I left the house in the morning
Had appointment in East Valley Mike my expectation was to Come back by the office here after my appointment and we were going to do
The dividing line while I was there I began receiving Reports concerning what was going on in in Washington.
I was going to be commenting first and foremost primarily on The subject of the
Georgia Senate races and Then maybe
I really didn't expect anything to be going on in regards to the Certification of the electrical electoral college votes, but as we all know everything
Changed and so we decided it would be best not to do a program yesterday but instead we would do the program today and Obviously a tremendous amount has happened more is happening.
Even now as we as we speak there is a lot of discussion about the invocation of the 25th amendment and removing
President Trump from office Less than two weeks before that would happen. Anyways, and so on and so forth
Without Getting into all that right now because that's all everyone's thinking about My intention yesterday was to Go over a it's simply a paragraph of a letter that was written 222 years ago and 222 years, you know you travel in Europe doesn't mean a whole lot
But It does have a lot of meaning for us here in United States Because this was a letter written the 11th of October 1798
By John Adams and of course the Adams John Sam very important in the early formation of this nation the writing of the founding documents and He wrote a letter to the officers of the 1st
Brigade of the 3rd division of the militia of Massachusetts This can be found in revolutionary services and civil life of General William Hull, New York 1848 pages 265 and 266 but this is
The full context of a couple of lines that I have utilized Repeatedly While our country remains
Untainted with the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world
That would probably be in regards to the French Revolution while she continues sincere and incapable of insidious and impious policy
We shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence But should the people of America Once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another and towards foreign nations which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor frankness and sincerity while It is rioting in Rapine and insolence this country
Will be the most miserable habitation in the world Because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions
Unbridled by morality and religion avarice ambition revenge and licentiousness
Would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net our
Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other
Oaths in this country are as yet universally considered as sacred obligations that which you have taken and so solemnly repeated on that venerable ground is an ample pledge of your sincerity and devotion to your country and its
Government end quote I Have seen a tremendous amount of Frustration anger
Emotion many true and right things have been said
Much speculation has been taken as fact Very few of us were in Washington yesterday
Even those who are there Might not have really any idea of what was actually going on I don't think any of us have any idea what's going on I I have to admit
I saw for the first time the video the unedited video this morning of the shooting of the woman who Died and I don't understand any of it
You you see the person inside shoot her right behind her are two fully geared up law officers
With semi -automatic weapons aimed the other direction. I mean,
I Don't know what happened It did not seem to be an organized thing at all,
I Mean the people who got in What they get to do take selfies.
Yeah, that's that's a that's a real insurrection. That's a real revolution for you I got into somebody's office and took a selfie.
I got a congress pan Um, yeah, okay,
I I don't I Don't know but I I do remember one thing
In in the year 410 does anyone remember Pastor Luke thinks one of my fellow pastors at Apology Church thinks that I was around In 410, which is why
I know church history. So well is it's a first -hand thing. It's not studying it. It's just living it and Anybody remember what happened in 410?
It's actually it's actually a a date that should be on most church history tests
Because it is really important not as important as 325 But very important in 410
Alaric the Visigoth sacked Rome now when we think of the sacking of Rome we think of columns of smoke and and Crumbling buildings and bodies lying in the street.
It's not what happened when Alaric Sacked Rome he basically waltzed in Looked around said well
Rome Cool and left didn't really damage much in the process but it was the fact that Barbarians the
Barbaroi the uneducated people from the fringes of the
Empire had waltzed into the
Eternal City a City that had been Unbreached by external forces
For far longer than it had been since the British burned the capital in the
White House many many many more centuries had passed
There was a huge impact upon the thinking of everyone in the
Roman Empire part and parcel of that Was the uncertainty of the future we human beings are creatures of habit and I Especially like things to be the way they were
Don't move my cheese Don't hide my stuff
Don't change how things are done. If it ain't broke don't fix it, but human beings in general are that way and When Rome fell to the barbarians
There was a tremendous amount of soul -searching the pagans wanted to blame the Christians for that, of course
This is what prompted Augustine's tremendous work the City of God and really prompted the
Publication and explication of a
Christian understanding of time rather than Thucydides type of time of a constant repetition
Augustine promoted a linear view of time with the beginning and an end and any purpose
This was a Christian understanding of God's creative purpose City of God is
One of the chief foundation stones of Western culture Though the vast majority of people haven't read it
That doesn't mean anything the vast majority people's thinking has been determined By what was communicated by that book to our forefathers and for generations and generations before them and The book was prompted by the
Visigoths sacking Rome as I listened to commentators last night.
It seemed to be having the same kind of impact on them, of course
We watched this stuff in real time the word About the sacking of Rome would have taken weeks to travel to the remotest portions of the
Roman Empire So things happen much more quickly and what that means is
Decisions and actions are taken with significantly less thought
Time for thinking we are not you know, I'm a I'm a
Trekkie and I I love one of I love one of the the memes that runs around I see it every couple months
I guess at some point on the next generation Someone Whether it was data or somebody else mentioned how many?
teraflops Data was capable of performing his his computer mind and At the time it was far more than any
Computers that existed, but we have now gone far beyond That just in our day the capacity of modern computers.
And so That kind of anachronism that kind of oh well
We couldn't have seen what was coming type thing is seen whenever we try to look toward look toward the future as we
Consider what's going on now and the speed at which
Computers can make decisions. For example, just a few weeks ago. Well couple months ago our best f -16 fighter pilot took on an
AI Program in a dogfight and lost five out of five times because of how quickly
The machines can make decisions God did not make us to be commander datas.
He did not make us to Think at that speed
Instead we are to meditate and Contemplate and be patient and Think things through and talk with other people
Do things in community? We aren't meant to be competitions to the
Machines that we have made and we don't do well when we try to be perfectly honest with you.
And so What we're watching last night Listening to people is just it's just pure emotion and even when truthful things were said
I I caught Tucker Carlson last night and Tucker Carlson says a lot of really
Truthful and insightful things, but there's always something missing The worldview foundation
Just isn't there You stumble into stuff, but it can't be consistent without the proper worldview foundation.
And so as I considered What has happened? However, you interpret
What has taken place? I've been very clear There's very strong evidence in my
Limited understanding of tremendous chicanery I saw a graph of the voting from Georgia in November you compare it with the graph from two nights ago and look at that At the same point in time all of a sudden they're down there down show
Their way up head and they never get caught again And I told a friend we were watching it as it's going on and he was going we got it, man
We got it, and I'm like, no, we don't Look, we're ahead. It's there's only you know, this amount of laughter.
I said no just watch and this I told him I was gonna happen and exactly what
I said what happened did happen and So I don't have confidence whatsoever in The electoral system
United States right now as long as this system maintains its existence I don't believe there will be another free election in the
United States. I don't believe that's my position you can you can say ah, you're just crazy, but I called this stuff in May of last year, so I Just simply trying to apply
Romans chapter 1 to History to how socialists act. Okay, that's that's what
I've been trying to do. But that issue aside As I think about The Equality Act which will be passed in the law within a matter of weeks and how
Utterly destructive of the Entire fabric of what's left the tattered fabric of what's left of our society that will be
End of religious liberty end of free speech the The massive attack upon young girls that this worldview represents and where it's coming from I Feel the anger
That is appropriate. I think Toward naive people who have been fooled into actions and votes that Will be so destructive to them their children their grandchildren and they will not
Recognize this until it's too late They've been warned we've tried We're gonna get sick and tired of saying
I told you so but it's just gonna be 40 years of it and I'm being hopeful on the 40 -year part
But in all of the discussion What is missing is? sober calm
Reflective Recognition of the foundational worldview
Issues that are taking place right in front of us. That's That's what's been so frustrating in watching social media and watching mainstream media
No one addresses Anything presuppositionally No one addresses the foundational stuff
And if you don't address it that way then the emotions of today will not be the emotions of next week and So what you say this week won't really have any meaning or any lasting value next week
Because you're only addressing passing feelings rather than Addressing things that will be just as important Next month and next year as they are now
Now that's not what gets you the biggest audience that's not what gets you the biggest splash That's not what gets you the the the ratings or the book sales or whatever else
I get that But that's the only way to actually build something that's long -lasting.
That's the only way to To pass on to the next generation Something that is meaningful and valuable to them
Very very important That's why I started off with John Adams Because as we listen to what
Adams is saying to these officers in regards to the subject of oaths
If we are actually trying to understand what he was saying we find ourselves
Almost in a different world than we live in today, and that's the point We have been living in years of transition from the world that understood
What gave rise to our liberties and freedoms and the world that detests what gave rise to our liberties and freedoms
And we are now past the tipping point We are now into that place where it is a minority of people and Becoming a much smaller minority of people who have any understanding whatsoever of What has taken place?
What's the biblical description? Men who understood the times Small minority today.
John Adams Listen what he says. I read it.
Did you hear the context? Let's look at it more closely While our country remains untainted the principles and manners which are now producing desolation in so many parts of the world
I think he was talking especially about the French Revolution Which a lot of people how many people in the
United States know almost anything about the French Revolution it was
Ahead of its time, which is why it burned itself out and resulted in You know eventually
Napoleon and everything else, but it was ahead of its time But in many ways so similar in its motivations to what we're seeing today
Blood was flowing the streets not from two armies fighting each other but from Totalitarian styles of thinking
Very much like what we're hearing today Very much like the voices we hear today. So he says while she continues sincere and incapable of insidious and impious policy
We shall have the strongest reason to rejoice in the local destination assigned us by Providence now just who today
Would speak About our Place in this world as being our local destination assigned us by Providence This is the natural language of John Adams speaking to military people
To the officers of the militia assigned us by Providence, but should the people of America Once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another the language is even such that to be honest a lot of Americans today struggle to understand what's being said and towards foreign nations which assumes the language of Justice and moderation.
That's almost prophetic. So deep simulation towards one another dishonesty hypocrisy acting one way
But thinking another and this kind of deep simulation
Which assumes the language of justice and moderation, that's always the language
All about justice all about doing the right thing While it is practicing
Iniquity and extravagance who even uses the word iniquity today. It isn't extravagance a good thing so this simulation that he speaks of uses certain words of itself, but it lives differently and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor frankness and sincerity
While it is rioting in rapine and insolence This country will be the most miserable habitation in the world.
Is there anyone left in this nation that does not? just assume
At the start that if you're talking to a politician and their lips are moving they're lying.
We we just Automatically politician all the politician lied the politician twisted the truth the politicians making millions of dollars
By selling access to their influence, huh? Well, that's what being a politician is isn't it and he says once that happens this country be the most miserable habitation in The world and then the words that we've quoted many times before Because we have no government armed with power
Capable of contending with human passions Unbridled by morality and religion
What Adams is saying is There is no government
No matter how powerful that can contend with human passions that are unbridled by morality and religion avarice
Ambition Revenge and licentiousness Would break the strongest cords of our
Constitution as A whale goes through a net so that the net there is the
Constitution and it cannot You cannot design one that does not have the bridling power of morality and religion
To control the passions of men and then he says what
I've quoted over and over again Which I think should be placed upon a tombstone someplace as We lay to rest the corpse of the
Constitution United States Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is holy and adequate to the government of any other well, this is one of the framers of our of our nation a person with a finger upon the pulse of What gave us a constitutional form of government that lasted more than two centuries and Think of the centuries that it lasted over think of the advancements think of the changes in the world there was a tremendous amount of wisdom and that wisdom included the recognition of the necessity of religion of morality a recognition of Providence necessity of all these things
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. I simply have to ask is
This a moral and religious nation any longer No So of necessity
If John Adams was right, what must be the result some new form of government
Constitution cannot survive when a sufficient number of people living within its sphere of influence want its destruction and that Is what we saw in Georgia the men who were elected?
who will Swear the oath and that's what this is about oaths.
That's sort of funny They will swear an oath to defend the Constitution United States and yet it is there actually their intention to destroy it
To utterly destroy if you embrace the idea That we no longer have to worry about the intentions of the words
If you will apply postmodern forms of linguistic exegesis
Which means it means whatever you feel like it means Then you are not supporting the
Constitution United States. You are destroying the Constitution. That's it you are a traitor and all three branches well the presidency two houses legislative
Are now under the control or will be under the control in two weeks a radical leftists
Who have already said that one of their first? priorities Is to pass something called the
Equality Act The Equality Act is a moral evil
Worthy of The Reichstag under Hitler it is it's that immoral it is that perverse absolutely perverse in its worldview and the two men who were elected one of whom claims to be a
Christian who is a formal heretic and And yet was supported by well -known people simply because the color of his skin
That's what that was that was Joseph Smith's problem. If he'd just been the right color we Mormonism be ten times the size
It is right now, right? No, of course not color The skin does not change the evil of the worldview and so when you see
Jackie Hill Perry and Lecrae out there promoting this kind of desperately evil worldview, you know
Great deception is in the land great deception is in the land the
Equality Act How long have I been telling people how long have
I been thankful That there's no way it could get passed with a
Republican president a Republican Senate well Joe Biden Who himself said in 2019 that the greatest human rights issue of our day is transgender rights had said
Assuming that he would not have the Senate That he would implement as much of the Equality Act by executive orders
He could now he's got not have to do that. He will be able to put into law a Level of immorality and Insanity that the world has only seen in some smaller
European nations, and of course that will then be
Pushed on to other nations through the use of foreign aid as a stick
To require them to get on board we unfortunately use our
Wealth which we don't have any longer and won't have even pretense to for very long
To promulgate evil across the face of the earth, that's what we're doing but the two new senators from Georgia Have made it very very clear
That they will support this and So it will become law at which point the reality of what we have said
For years and years Will become tested we will be testing where we draw the line when it comes to What the government says and the immorality of law?
Because the Equality Act the Equality Act is something that we can only call people to repent of in Fact I would say
To Anyone listening to my voice If you voted for someone
Who would vote for approve sign? Whatever terminology want to use the
Equality Act and you claim to be a Christian you need to repent You have engaged in sin.
Oh You're so political this has nothing to do see we used to live in a day
Remember back when I was when I was young What you were told was if you
Go to somebody's home or something like that. What are the things never talked about? Religion and politics don't talk about it.
You talk about sports and talk about the weather you can talk about your kids religion and politics got to be kept completely separate, right and Many of us were raised in a context where we pretended
That religion and politics were two completely different things One never had any impact upon the other and when you have a
Government that is purposefully small and Liberty producing you don't have to get involved in too much of that.
But the reality is That when someone
Wants to make it possible For your 12 year old daughter to be injected secretly at school
With testosterone while at school She is called
Jeff But they don't tell you and without your permission they begin
Altering her body, maybe even giving her puberty blockers, which by the way also stopped brain development massively increased
Probabilities of later in life cancers and and every kind of functional breakdown the human body massive life decreasers life expectancy decreases then all of a sudden
You have to ask yourself question, did you have a religious duty to protect your daughter or is that just politics?
You can't maintain that artificial distinction that doesn't actually exist
Because the worldview of secularism the psychological autonomy of postmodern man
Where you can claim That what's happening in your brain is
Actually determinative as to your actual gender and that you can demand that people around you
Change the very language they speak so as to affirm you in In Today's decisions because it may be different next week of the month after a year after whatever it might be, but your personal affirmation is the most important thing and Everyone is to bow down to you
This atomization of our culture this destruction of everything that once bound us together
That made us a nation That made that that allowed for law that would be that could be applied equally is
Destroyed it's gone. The glue that held everything together has been rotted out chipped away purposefully
Without a lot of people noticing and it all has to do with worldview
There's all sorts of different words that are used normally they're stolen from German philosophical works and eventually make their way over in some way, but We're talking about your worldview and Yes Christians talk about worldview more than almost anybody else does
But that doesn't mean that we act on worldview More than almost anybody else does it is possible to simply imbibe a worldview without ever really thinking about consistency first principles
Presuppositional concepts nothing you just imbibe it That's why the government wants your children
So they can cause them to imbibe a worldview that will make them impervious. It's like a massive vaccination that actually works
Against Christian truth That's their intention and do not think
That now that they have been given unbridled Unstoppable ultimate authority
That they will not move To end homeschooling to end
Christian schooling I've got an article on my list One of the groups that has the closest attachment to an ear of the incoming
Biden regime Regime is what we used to call governments in third world countries we used to use administration because administration would be the administration of The continuing body of law of the
United States. I would call this a regime Because it is their intention not to be bound By what wants to find this nation it is a revolution a revolution has taken place, but it took place on the inside Revolution could be fought with weapons if there was an army invading from outside which will happen slowly.
I think UN I would not at all be surprised to see Chinese troops on our streets at some point in the future
I can guarantee you the folks in San Francisco would invite them in But we've had a revolution
That was internal is a revolution that John Adams unknowingly seemed to predict
The nature of a long time ago and that revolution has produced
Has been produced by and continues to produce a worldview that requires
The it's inculcation at an early age That's why they want your children
That's why they've been success successful is because we gave them our Children, and so we look at the next generation and we don't understand why?
How can you just simply buy into socialism? How can you think this is going to work?
How can you not know history? because they took over the educational systems a long time ago and We just enjoyed the freedom that gave us and so they will come after the homeschoolers
They will come after the Christian schools as like I said, I have an article in here Where One of these groups posted by administration is
Saying that all forms of accreditation remember this remember when I was on with was on wretched
And I said five years and I was a little pessimistic Yeah all accreditation
Should be based upon acceptance of real science in all areas and Just be prepared once the
Equality Act passed real science is That a six foot two 17 year old male
Who weighs 220 pounds can play on The girls rugby team even if that means he will kill every other girl on the other team doesn't matter science
That's what's coming. And so if you don't accept that then you can't be accredited and I mean, this has been coming for a long long time
If you didn't see this you're just not even looking but Who could have seen it was it was it was easy to see it would be the sexual issues because rebellion against the natural order and against God's law
What's the what's the one example? that Paul gives that shows the deepest level of twisting of The creator -creation relationship in Romans chapter 1 that's what people miss.
This wasn't as JD Greer said a whispering about sexual sin
It was an example of how idolatry can twist the most definitional aspects of Man's existence.
That's what Romans 1 is about when it talks about both male homosexuality and female lesbianism
That's why it's where it is. It's not in the lists. It's an example of the depth and That's why homosexuality the gay mirage
Transgenderism All of these things are at the central core of what now is being demanded and will be demanded by law
Thanks to every one of you who voted for these people It's on you.
You will be held accountable for this. You need to understand You will be held accountable for this
Will be in law that makes it an immoral law and therefore one that must be resisted it is
Once you place pure rebellion to God's most basic revelation of man and woman
Into law you make that law Stand in direct opposition to God and Direct opposition to his truth, but you put that in law and you are shouting to the world we are
Autonomous we have gotten rid of every last vestige of What embarrasses us so much and that is our
Judeo -christian past we are sorry to the world that we ever affirmed these things and once you no longer have that God who has revealed his will and has given us a
Revelation of his truth in his word You have to ground human value and law somewhere else
And all you have left is either the utter Chaos of billions of autonomous humans making it up as they go
That collapses almost instantly Not into a soft totalitarianism but a full hard totalitarianism very very quickly
There's no place. There's no place else to go You've got to get your rights to someplace and they come from the state And so the state tells you who you are what to do where to go
Because you gave it all up You you did not realize where it came from you relied to about your own nature
You get what you bought you get what you pay for. That is what is
Heading our direction and I'm talking within a few weeks
Now will there be immediate Lawsuits, of course there will be of course there will be
But someone just stop and tell me something What's the worldview of the vast majority of Judges and people involved in the judiciary in the
United States today Even those that call themselves Conservative what's their worldview?
Is it robust and sufficient in the acknowledgement of God To withstand the kind of pressure that we placed upon them.
No, in fact the vast majority Come do you think do you think it's just coincidence that It's the big law schools that have been so focused upon By the progressive leftists and the promotion of critical theory and intersectionality and all the other insanity that comes along with it
Of course not. So there will be lawsuits for a while But they won't last long and you might say but we've got the court.
No, we don't at best at best It's 5 -4 right now and That won't last long.
I know some of you are going just I hope they overplay their hand because next election will kick their teeth in I'm sorry.
I I know I know I know I know I know I hear you mmm stevia fruit punch
For those you're going when do it's in the bottle. It's water with something called stir in it as fruit punch there you go, just Just to keep certain people at certain websites from going too crazy.
I hear you I just have one word for you that should strike fear in the heart of any person
California California What is
California today? Is there a single Republican holding statewide office in California?
The answer is no Where did Ronald Reagan come from California What state was he governor of California What state did he carry when he ran for the presidency
California is It possible to even think of a anybody but a
Democrat Carrying the state of California today. No Why because you have a one -party system
When one party Wants to maintain absolute and total control
They put their people in The positions to make sure that only their side can possibly have any shot at winning any election they've done in California and Who is the new vice president former senator from California and former
Attorney General of the state of California the very same person that Went after the people who exposed
Planned Parenthood Kamala Harris and so before November Over and over I was saying not as a matter of politics as a matter of worldview
This is a an election about whether there will ever be an election again
Oh, there will be election election in 2022. Of course, there will be just like there was an election in Georgia and I said to my friends unless that system has been scrapped.
I know what's gonna happen on January 5th and It happened exactly as predicted
And it'll happen in 2022. It doesn't matter what you do one party rule
Make sure and of course, you know, some of the you know, some of the processes you haven't
Back to court new states new senators all on the same side So that even if something should happen with voting you can't get voting machines in all the right places and stuff like that You still you still maintain control, you know how to do it.
They know how to do it. They've done in California That's a big state. It's bigger than a lot of nations in the world so they've got all the experience in the world and And As far as I can see that's it
I Honestly personally and look I I do theology primarily.
I'm just talking worldview stuff here So I'm just standing back going as far as I can tell
That's it So, what do we do now? well Jeff Durbin was in Washington It's interesting.
I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet But I saw a Facebook live thing he was doing
And he was saying that and I saw some number of people if you weren't actually over at the
Capitol You didn't know what was going on there were they were Talking to lots of people interviewing lots of people seeing that the same thing that I Was talking about a lot of the people that were there and are angry and frustrated at the stealing of the election
Still have a completely secular worldview to go along with that. So they don't really have any meaningful solutions and one of the things that Jeff said
In reporting on all of that was we have to focus upon our local context
Instead of all this energy toward the national level and overarching stuff and things like that You've got to be talking to your local magistrates you've got to be well, obviously the most local you have is your own family your own church your own community your own city then your own
County and Then you start getting pretty big when you get to your own state but Obviously the thought in the back of everybody's mind is okay, but the feds are coming after us
Yeah, and What's that gonna look like? I don't know there are only so many feds and Trying you can't imprison half the population that's not gonna work for you
They realize that that's just not a possibility So How are they gonna do this?
Will they overplay their hand? I'm sure that they will Will that change anything?
No, we have to look at Taking stands locally and all of that involves prayerfully engaging those around us and Not with the old style for spiritual laws
All this stuff doesn't have anything to do with how we live life style evangelism with a powerful proclamation
Christ or chaos It's Christ or chaos that's really our choice and Then when the chaos comes and everybody cries out for order if the only thing you if the only choice that is given to you is
Emperor Palpatine then you better recognize that Christ is the one that will give you the proper freedom not
Emperor Palpatine But they're gonna only want to give you one choice this is
I Remember I don't know Two months ago
Maybe only six weeks ago. I talked about you know living in a state of Daily schizophrenia for those of you younger
You don't quite feel it the way those of us In my age bracket and above do but you wake up in the morning and Literally in my experience is you wake up in the morning?
And there is a point at time in time where all of a sudden as you are becoming more conscience
Conscious all of a sudden you realize oh, yeah It's 2021 and oh
My nation just became a socialist nation and oh I I can't even plan for the future anymore because I don't know what types of controls are gonna be placed upon us and You know,
I don't know when my freedom of expression is gonna disappear. I I am
Absolutely certain That here at this ministry we will be having to use other means
Teaching and proclamation than we're using right now very quickly because the social media giants
I Can guarantee you as soon as Asaf who by the way is the most
If you want to see what it means For judgment to be placed upon the
United States when you think of the Senate 100 most powerful people in in the nation
You look at one of our senators here from Arizona and then look at Asaf and The term worthless as It was used historically of someone with no accomplishments
Nothing is the only way to describe What's going on? It's it's shocking just stunning
But as soon as he was elected I can guarantee you Twitter Google Facebook, we're all like, yes, not gonna have to worry about Any more investigations or anything we are on the same side and we're going to man we've got the list ready to go and Let's just start bouncing people out right and left.
Let's just start silencing them everywhere they go everywhere they go and That's what's coming
That's what's coming. So that local world
Your church your family your local community They can't really stop you there
Well, they can make it harder communicate. I mean our church is spread out all over this Valley where we've got to find
You know, I'm not sure smoke signals really work here in in Arizona, but We'll find some way of figuring it out eventually
Hidden messages and rice cakes or whatever But that's where the focus has to be is that local that local place and We have to remain faithful in the midst of it.
This is not the first time things like this have happened from a church history perspective I'm really glad I have a church history perspective.
I really really do because if I didn't have that I would man
I look at a lot of these Trump supporters and without the
Christian worldview the fear and panic would be absolutely
Overwhelming just overwhelming. I mean, this is not a time to be living with the television on It's a time to be living with your
Bible open on your lap That's that's what needs to be being done right now
And I can tell you I've been doing I've been doing Revelation, I think
I mentioned to you last time That instead of like a Bible reading thing.
I'm doing a translation thing in the New Testament And on Twitter for as long as I can then it'll be parlay
I've been Doing short little and I guess on parlay I could that's what
I call it I mean, that's the French. That's the French, you know parlor. It's parlay But I suppose
I should do it on that and then link to it on Twitter because I mean I'm gonna be gone on Twitter before long
Because you can do a thousand characters and I've gotten pretty good at 280.
Remember 140 140 really stunk. I mean 140 pretty much defied any kind of meaningful
Expression of almost any truth at all. It was bad But I've been going through I'm in Revelation chapter 2
Has popped up on the screen here. Let me take a moment or two. I want to finish with something Encouraging but real not falsely encouraging but real
Not sure what that is there You trying to get you trying to get accordance up There's a cordons.
Okay. All right. There you go. Now I can I can help you out there and to the angel of the
Church of Smyrna, right? Thus says the first and the last the one who became dead and And has come to life
I love that description. I Know your flips us. It's actually slips in but flips.
This is the Vocabulary form you learn tribulation Trials these are the bad things of life and Your poverty
Your poverty, but you are rich so you have to put those two together
Some of the richest people I know Are poor people and some of the poorest people in our rich people if you know what
I mean and The blasphemy on the blasphemy from those calling themselves
Jews But they are not but are the Sunago gay to Satan ah the synagogue of Satan do not fear
What you are about to suffer Behold the devil is about to cast some of you into prison
In order that you might be tested and have tribulation. Hey Mara Decca ten days
Hey, Maron Decca ten days Now obviously you realize it's not
I'm not meant to be taken literally in the sense of okay. All right. This is day one So we're getting ready for day two then day three, you know, no, it's a specific limited period of time and God's in control of when that is
Be faithful pistachio Acree Thanatou be faithful unto death and I will give to you the
Stephan on taste is a waste crown of life Crown of life
Here to one of the early churches You're gonna have tribulation Some of you could be imprisoned you're gonna be tested be faithful unto death.
I was Mentioning to John Cooper he has a song skillet has a song you ain't ready you ain't ready for me and We were talking about what's going on in the world and I said
We ain't ready. We ain't ready for this But God is
He can sustain He who overcomes the the victor hot
Nikon Who may I decay they
I decay they? Will not be hurt that strong form of denial or a strong to subjunctive strong now
The one who overcomes will not same Form Jesus uses in John chapter 10
Will not be harmed by the second death To Thanatou to do
Teru will not be harmed by the second death Then just really quickly down here verse 13,
I wonder why there are not I think it's because of Herod Antipas I think that's where the problem is.
Why are there not more? Christian children named Antipas You ever wondered about that Because right here in Revelation 2 13,
I know where you are dwelling where the throne of Satan is and You cut ice
You hold fast my name and you have not denied my faith
Even the use of Chi is a not a connective but even even in the days of Antipas Ha martus mu my martyr ha pistas my faithful Martyr ha martas mu ha pistas mu my faithful martyr
Who was killed in your midst? Where Satan dwells? So here he's writing to a church and Was Antipas one of the elders probably
I mean, it's not just elders that die But killed in your midst
Yeah, probably And we don't know for certain But I've I wonder in the midst.
Okay, you held fast my name did not deny my faith even when members of your fellowship that you knew by name
Were murdered in your midst You remain faithful But isn't it interesting?
Because this is important But I have a few things against you because you have there are some who hold the teaching of Balaam who kept teaching
Balak To put a stumbling block for the sons of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols to commit acts of more immorality
So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching the Nicolaitans remember earlier Jesus said
I hate the teaching of the Nicolaitans ever thought about Jesus hating False doctrine.
Well, he does There were therefore repent or else I'm coming to you quickly and I'll make war against them with the sword of my mouth
The sharp two -edged sword coming forth in his mouth even in the midst of persecution the church is called to be pure in her teaching there is a
Devastatingly dangerous mindset amongst many people That as long as you're being persecuted
We don't have to worry about that doctrine stuff anymore. That's worry about that doctrine stuff anymore
And I don't know how many times I've told you But as we are forced into a smaller and smaller cultural space we're going to be pushed together with more and more people who call themselves
Christians and that means we must be crystal clear on what defines the faith and That includes the gospel there will be tremendous pressure and how many people have already collapsed
We can start naming names how many people have already collapsed on?
the indispensable definitional nature of the gospel itself And there's going to be more
There is going to be more well already then
So what I want to leave you with We if we are to honor
God's truth Must be thinking we must be
We cannot any longer Have the idea that all this
Christian worldview formation stuff is Over here someplace and the rest of our life is over here.
We just we we will not We will not stand firm and we will be called radicals
Because once you put those two things together, you will be a radical, but that's where the strength is.
That's where the power lies and God cleanse us of our love of stuff
If we are cleansed of our love of stuff, there is nothing that can touch us. I've preached that message for years
And we're gonna have to keep preaching it because it's getting real it's getting real real practical thing said this a million times
Download an archive Download and archive when we do especially we do teaching stuff.
I've been doing a lot of teaching this hour But I'm gonna be doing some teaching on basic issues about Mormonism I was gonna do the
Pope thing today, but that would require Pushing the boundaries
We'll get to it on the next one the Pope put out a tweet a video tweet that once again demonstrates just where Francis really is in his thinking
We need to talk about that. It's really important. I think Roman Catholics need to be thinking about what?
When What Pope Francis did is very much in line with Vatican 2.
There's no question about that, but with the most Left -hand side of Vatican 2 so when we do teaching and stuff like that archive and save Because right now you can just go ah just just look up on YouTube later
That may not be That may not be a possibility. That may not be a possibility. So do that.
I think you will be wise Okay kids Thank you very much for watching the program today.
I'm not sure what the schedule in the future is, but we will be as Faithful as we can to be here for you addressing issues
Getting back to a couple things. We haven't covered for a little while Appreciate your watching appreciate your support appreciate your prayers