Philippians 2:1-3 "Humility of Mind"


This message was given by Pastor Braden at Valley Baptist Church in Hagerman Idaho.


Philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 for today Before we read over this text, let us pray again, and I will be just up front and honest with you
I did do some work last night. I got home at 2 o 'clock in the morning, and so I will be misquoting
I will be misspeaking and I apologize up front about those things because my brain is a little bit of a mushroom right now
So I do apologize in advance for those things, but let us go ahead and pray Lord God I would ask today
Lord that you would be glorified in the reading of this text that we would be encouraged as Christians to go and proclaim you as Lord God God I ask today that My tongue would be tempered that it would proclaim you
That the hearts of the individuals in this room would be prepared That the soil would be there and that any sort of seedling that needs to be
Seen and having effect today would take place Lord God let us let us stand firm upon the gospel as we have read in our previous messages and our previous days here in the book of Philippians and Lord God let us have the consolations that are spoken of in here in this text
God Lord we say these things in Our mighty Savior's name
Jesus Christ Amen So let us read Philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 3 therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ If there is any consolation of love if there is any fellowship of the
Spirit if any affection and compassion Fulfill my joy
That you think the same way by maintaining the same love being united in spirit thinking on one purpose
Doing nothing from selfish ambition or vain glory
But with humility of mind Regarding one another as more
Important than yourselves. Let us pray God We would ask today
Lord that we would not look at each other and exalt ourselves in our sin
Lord God let us look at each other and regard our fellow believers is more important than ourselves or that we've put their needs above our own
God let us do these things not out of a attempt to have praise
Vain Glory as it is said here God But that we would do these things to glorify you and that this would be our takeaway in the midst of persecution that this
Would be what encourages us and guides us as a local body of Christ Lord let us do these things to your glory
Let us honor you in the midst of them Lord. Let us be sanctified in your word today Say this in your name.
Amen So as a reminder of what the context is for anybody here that hasn't been with us
I Would like to let us remind ourselves what what's going on in this text
So this book of Philippians is written by Paul while in prison his second time in prison in Rome And he's writing this to the
Church of Philippi Philippi Philippi There's different ways of wanting people debating about how to pronounce it, but he's writing it to this local individual church
That's really near and dear to his heart he's writing this in the midst of severe persecution and this persecution isn't just out of randomness or Him being a lazy
Christian. It's persecution because he's actually been a very bold and strong Christian and sharing the gospel
He wasn't a lazy Christian in these ways he was persecuted for the right means because he was doing the right methods that the
Gospel the New Testament has commanded him to do that Jesus himself has commanded him to do in this Great Commission And so last week our text that we were in was in Philippians chapter 1 verses 28 through 30 the weeks prior
We had spent two Sundays in verse 27 and in these verses It drove us to examine if we have had a life that is similar in appearance to Paul How our faith has been granted to us and even our hardship and our suffering should be seen as God giving it to us a granting from God to us and All these things is ultimately as we looked at verses 28 through 30 last week all these things are ultimately for the sake of Christ that he might be glorified and in the midst of him being glorified that we as his creation
Would enjoy him for how long? For forever and So that forever starts today for us if we haven't had our faith in Jesus Christ And so that would be my encouragement today is is that we we place our faith in the only object that is worthy of faith
And that is in Jesus Christ, and we will enjoy him forever. We will glorify him and what he has done for us so One thing that I thought was very interesting was after last week's message
We talked about how the the Christian life ought to look very similar to Paul's life 2 ,000 years ago even though the systems that we were in might be a little bit different We don't necessarily have in the
United States today People being killed for their faith that doesn't happen that often here in the
United States It happens in other parts of the world today absolutely we ought to be praying for those individuals And but in in Paul's day it was very much
So in that area that Christians were being put to death very Much by the handful at a time
I was it was quite the proclamation of your faith to say Jesus Christ is Lord that he is the
Son of God that he Is the Messiah it was quite the thing to say that it was a very bold statement in that day
We almost throw it out left and right today with no meaning about it with no persecution on it But however today in our
United States something I would remind us of is that the persecution within the church today in the United States It's still there.
It's something. I hope that we don't look over it might be The thought of a governor or a elected official saying that you have to close your doors down because of an illness outside well
That's not what we ought to do The government the secular world the the people around us don't dictate what
God has told us to do They don't they don't get to dictate the commands of God to not forsake the assembly
They don't get to dictate those things even even to the smallest degree And it was a great reminder this individual told me is that that even even the threat of let's say
Let's say we wanted to go out as a church and do evangelism in the community But our insurance or something like that said well
We don't cover you if you go out and you knock on somebody's door you so you can't do that as a church We don't need insurance
Church That's persecution here in the local body that is trying to control what the church ought to do and we ought not to act
Like they have power over us to control us in what God has commanded us to do so so don't think for a moment that Persecution doesn't exist and even our local body
Even in the in the small churches in the United States that have this appearance of freedom
There's still attacks on it, and this is where I would encourage you that like Paul He doesn't let those people have a control over him
He goes, and he preaches the gospel in the public square, and he goes to jail for those things
This is this is how we ought to act as a church And so now thinking about this right and in chapter 1 of this whole of this whole letter this whole book
That we have here in the book of Philippians We have seen a picture of a
Christian as we talked about last week This picture of a Christian is one that is not something that is
Glorious to look at in the sense of physical appearance. It's one that has beaten bruised Suffering it's a suffering
Saint one that has had a cost of discipleship of Jesus Christ Paul is not writing this letter in Tahiti where he's drinking my ties right where is he writing this letter from he's writing it in Prison and what has been
Paul's whole encouragement the whole time throughout chapter 1 For me to live as Christ and die as gain that we have something so much better as Christians because we have placed our faith in the perfect life of Jesus in his atoning death that he paid the price for me
There he was buried he rose again on the third day and that my life is secure with him at the right hand of the
Father right now where he sat down an accomplishment of his work That that's a hope that goes beyond anything that this world can offer to us
But if you were if you were a Christian and you were reading this and you see Paul saying Look, this is ought to be our joy is joy
That's outside of what this world can offer to us, which is absolutely true our foundation of faith ought to be the gospel
Which is absolutely true, but then but then you might you might want to cower back at the thought of persecution
You might not like that idea, right? It's not something that is Appealing for us to hear about persecution to us
And so now Paul is saying look There is there is also a great consolation in being in the faith
There's a great joy about being in the faith and that's what we come to here in Philippians chapter 2
Verses 1 and on and I love this text very much. So so look at Philippians chapter 2 verses 1 through 3
It says therefore if there's any encouragement in Christ There's Any encouragement of Christ we're gonna look through each one of these statements here and we're gonna ask a question
I hope to pose an answer at the end of this verse, but is there any any encouragement in Christ?
You've come to Christ. Is there anything that is encouraging there being in this world? Is there anything that that we can take joy in in this world physically as a
Christian? Is there any Encouragement in Christ that's the question that's being posed in here. Is there any encouragement of Christ think again?
What is Paul painted for us as a faithful ministry? It's a it's a life of persecution Affliction and difficulty and if you were to read this you would think what what kind of what kind of what kind of consolation?
what kind of goodness would come out of this for me and Paul has already expressed again the great joy it is for a believer to have faith in Jesus Christ But that's the first question.
We have to ask ourselves. What? Consolation for the believer of Christ is there in this day or in that day?
What consolation is there for him? Let's look at the next statement in here if there is any consolation of love
Brothers and sisters is there any love in our local body of Christ?
Is there any love in their local body of Christ in the day that Paul wrote this is there? Love from the benefactors of being a new covenant member is there is there a love towards your fellow believer?
Is there love there Paul saying is do you have love towards you know one of your closest neighbors?
Which is your local church? Do you have love there? Do you see love? Do you feel love is there love?
present there And then he asked the next question Is there any fellowship of the
Spirit is there any fellowship of the Spirit? What does this statement mean? Well first of all fellowship is the communion partnership
Participation an association of those that are in the same household So if we say we're in the church of God We're in the household of God through what he has done for us in the cross.
Is there any fellowship in there? that's that's the question that Paul saying is there any fellowship within this household and Now notice in here that it's not just fellowship in this this meaningful thing
It's a fellowship in the Spirit if you confess that you've been born again That you have had your previously stone -dead heart
Removed by God and that you've had a fleshly heart placed therein that has the law of God written therein and that by having this heart placed there that you have faith a faith that is totally relying on what
Christ has done for us and that you see him as Lord and Institute or the mediator of the new covenant that you're a member of if that's the faith that you have that you have been born
Again, that's what it means to have fellowship in the Spirit that each one of the members of that Covenant has had the same reality that you yourself have had
That you guys have had the same experience born again that you have been born from above born of the
Holy Spirit And this is the this is the question that is asked here. Is there fellowship in and with your fellow believers?
That's what Paul's asking. Is there fellowship there? Is there fellowship there? Because if there isn't it's lacking not the spirit is not lacking
It's that our old sinful nature is causing us to do so first John chapter 2 verse 16 it says for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of Life is not from the father, but it's from the world
When we look at the opposite of what these things that are being asked to us in this text
Is there any consolation of love is there any fellowship of the spirit the opposite of these things is pride hate
Lustful of the flesh. It's worldly. It's not from the father. It's not from the spirit It's totally from our depravity in our own old
Nature and we must put those things off, but that's the question that's next posing here Is there any fellowship in and with your fellow believer?
Then the next question is asked if any Affection and a passion just does any affection or compassion exist in your church.
Is there any affection and compassion? Brothers and sisters what's been painted here for us?
Is that our? Consolation that the joy that we should have in this life
Ought to be the love The compassion the fellowship the association with your fellow believers
Not because love is what unites us, but it's the gospel that has united us And that's a consolation of being in the gospel is that you have fellowship with these fellow individuals therein
This is so important because look at what Paul then says in here it says fulfill my joy
Fulfill my joy The joy that Paul is saying that you ought to have as the church
Which is that you have affection and compassion towards each other not hate discontent disunity
But love and compassion for each other in the local body So that when persecution and hardship comes you have joy because you're in the local body.
You're in the church Paul says that right now where I'm at where the
Situation the prison that I'm in right now. My joy is in that you have these things
My joy is in that you have love for one another that you're united together
That's where my joy comes from is what Paul is saying does Paul sit and say I Have joy because I'm watching golf while in my prison cell.
I don't think golf existed back then. I highly doubt it anyway Was Paul saying
That that my joy comes from me playing the guitar in my cell that I purchased here
Is that word Paul is getting his joy from? Is Paul asking maybe maybe it's because I'm hanging out with my with my prison
Coney's my prison friends That's where I'm finding my joy out in this text. Is that where Paul finds joy out in prison? No Paul finds joy in believers doing what believers ought to be doing and that's having humility
United with one another because you're in the gospel That's how
Paul is finding joy in this text That's what's carrying Paul along is that he knows there's a body of Christ somewhere glorifying
God How If we think about that today
Our our expression our unity as a church ought to be that much more important Did we not just talk about how there's
Christians today that are suffering in another part of the world very much more physically than you and I are They are to find joy in the unity that you and I express in this church
That's remarkable to think about That their joy doesn't come from the physical pleasures that they have because they don't have any
Their joy comes from what you and I are expressing towards one another today that we have affection that we have compassion
That we have love towards one another fellowship in the spirit This is remarkable to think about Paul's happiness and joy comes about his fellow believer doing what believers ought to be doing
Fulfill my joy that you think the same way So the way that Paul is thinking is he exalting himself above his fellow
Christian, or is he regarding them better than himself? He's regarding them better than himself And so he's saying do exactly what
I'm doing right now that my joy isn't in watching golf My joy is in that you are sharing love with one another in my persecution because I regard you
Christian Church of Philippi better as myself Thinking the same way by maintaining the same love
Being united in spirit thinking on one purpose What verse does that remind you of we talked about this a few weeks ago?
This is almost verbatim what we have here in verse 27 of the previous chapter only live your lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come and see you or remain absent
I Will hear about your circumstances that you are standing firm in one spirit With one mind contending together for the faith of the gospel
I Was greatly reminded as Emily was coming to me and talking about women's ministry in this this
Bible study here yesterday that we have The beauty of Subjecting ourselves to God's created order and what the appearance of that has towards the world around us
So in marriage with Adam and Eve there in the garden What is it that they are told to do? Forsake your mother and your father and cleave unto each other and you will be one flesh be one flesh
If you were to look at Adam and Eve if they have had a godly marriage where they were exalting Christ not breaking the
Commandment of them the outside world the lookers into the relationship of Adam and Eve should have seen one flesh
That's what we are to have in our marriages today Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church and wives are supposed to subject themselves to the husband because they are the head of that Relationship, which is a picture of the gospel
Christ being the head of the church church being that which subjects himself to Christ And in by doing this when the world sees the husband and the wife
They are to see the gospel They are to see this looks like one flesh
Here in any church Especially in this church because this is the church that's near and dear to us
The outside world ought to look at us and see wow They have the appearance of one mind and one spirit that is what we have in here are our
Gathering together are uniting and with one another is that we've been born again that we're in the gospel our
Consolations the things that we experience in this life the thing that we should be experiencing in this life is love towards us and love towards each other
Encouragement towards us encouragement towards each other That's the consolation that we have in here that the world doesn't offer us anything
But that we are sustained as the bride of Christ by Christ himself and So when we see this in here that we're being the united in spirit thinking on one purpose
What does it say how does this get done? How is this taking place in every local body including ours including the
Church of Philippi? I'm gonna pronounce it differently every single time doing nothing
Think about that excluding statement right there Doing nothing from selfish ambition or vainglory
Doing nothing from selfish ambition or vainglory brothers and sisters if we have this type of mindset about ourselves in Trying to kill that sin which often pokes its head out in our lives
Which is that we ought to think that we are better than our fellow man that we ought to exalt ourself in pride
We will have problems Everything that we've read in this text will be destroyed because we have sought sin
Selfish ambition and we have sought our own glory rather than the glory of God How do we have these things
It's by putting off the attempt to do things with selfish ambition or seeking our own glory but with humility of mind
Regarding one another as more important than yourself Do nothing from selfish ambition or vainglory
But with humility of mind regarding one another as more important than yourself
Think about this. This is this is remarkable I'm actually currently and have been for the last Three years now writing a book actually on this chapter of this text
It's mostly dealing with verses seven and eight, but it also is including this in the context Christ Jesus gives us the perfect example of humility
Was Christ Jesus worthy of all riches and praises that we could ever offer to him?
Absolutely, he was but what did he receive instead? He received the whip. He received the piercing
He received the thorn and crown he received you are my sin That is the perfect example of humility that we ought to regard each other more than what we are
Because that's what Christ did for us. Well, but pastor, I don't like the way this person dresses
But pastor, I don't like the thing that this person does on his Monday through Saturday stuff
I don't like the way that he says this or I don't like this or this or this about somebody I don't know if I can love them brothers and sisters if that's the mentality that Christ had towards you you would never be saved
You are to love them regardless of your differences Because Christ loved you when you were sinful and dead in your sins
That is what a united body looks like is one that says no
I am NOT better than this individual I hate his shoe wear or maybe that I hate the pastor's mustache or whatever example that you want to say
And I despise it Are you kidding me? God Who is to despise
You has placed your sin upon the son of his about his soul of his son's shoulders there for you
Don't be silly in regarding to these things If your brother sins against you love them
If there's disunity in the body love them have humility
That's what we were called to do now. You might be thinking to yourself well pastor Why'd you pick this text on the day that we're doing our business meeting trust me?
It was not planned We just ended up landing on this text for today But in the midst of any sort of dealing within ministry whether it's a business meeting whether it's whether it's us going out and doing
Evangelism together whether it's whatever example of Church activities that we do as a local body
We are to do it in this manner so that when persecution comes when hardship comes around the corner to us our
Consolation the thing that that we are able to rest our heads at the end of the day is first of all absolutely that we are
Saved in the gospel because that's the spiritual truth But we're to have the physical truth that my brother loves me
That my sister is praying for me that they regard me better as themselves That's what's to encourage us in our days
Is not what the world can offer to us, but what happens here in this household of God?
Let the world do whatever they want to us. I want Zach to love on me I do let the let the world come and persecute you
I want Evelyn to have joy and happiness That's where my consolation of love comes from This this is this is amazing because a sister in Christ a
Wonderful sister in Christ this week said to me that when when a Christian is offended or something happens to them
There's two ways that we can respond towards Christian to Christian, and that's either in hate or in humility either in hate or humility
One is from selfish ambition vainglory and pride the other ones from love care and affection
It's a place of humility to say it's okay. I regard them better than myselves
Remember this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 he who knew no sin
Became sin on your behalf so that you might be made the righteousness of God in him
If you have not yet placed your faith in the God that saves I would encourage you today to place your faith your assurance
Your convictions all that you can you place it there upon Christ who paid the price for you and That you too will be united in his body, which we are united in so let us pray united as a body here today
Lord God, I thank you Lord for this text I thank you for these constellations the things
Lord God that that we are to have in our lives Lord let us
Let us not forget that we are united in the gospel not because we are righteous not because we are good
But because we are all dirty sinners that have been saved by you yourself God And let us remember this let us remind ourselves of this so that we might not be boastful or prideful or having a haughty spirit
About ourselves, but that we would come to a true humility and we would have a joy
And seeing the betterment of my one another Lord God I Asked these things
Lord that we would go about the rest of our lives and happiness and peace living a quiet and peaceful life
That is contending eagerly and earnestly for the gospel Lord God I would ask again that all the children that are a part of our little local body here
Lord that they would know you that the parents would be Planted firm upon your word to raise them up God that they would know you that they'd have faith in you and Lord may they
See humility in their household Lord may humility be seen between siblings may humility be seen between grandparents and Grandchildren may humility be seen in our local church here
Lord from everyone and Lord I ask these things Lord in your name
Jesus Christ the one who knew no sin who became Sin on our behalf
Lord and it is in him That we say this
Brothers and sisters I would ask that we would stand for our last song